1974-11-18_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 15th November, 1974. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.. November 18 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (November 4 and 12, 197JJ.). 3. Hayer' 5 remarks. CITY l1ANAGr:Jt 4. Monthly reports: vlater ani Sewerage Div. of \.orks Dept. (Oct.); ~treet Div. of \Jorks Dept. (Aug. and Sept.). 5. Report re solid \-rasteG management (18 id on table Nov. 12). 6. Monthly report: Duilding and 'l'echnical Inspection ~ervices, including Plumbing Div. (Oct 7. Re request fl'O~ Corc.mercieJ. Equipulent Ltd. management and ern;Jlo;yees for pedestriLn traffic light 011 CrO\.'n St. 8. Proposed ar:wndment 5 to Bllildint: D:r-LaiJ re deI.101ition procedures. SA. Progress Pi-'J"li1ents :1e projects undertal:en under Dept. Rer;iona.l LCOllooic I,xpansion programm '.FJ.,". ProGress pa~'nents re projects included in C<.:pi"'u~l L\udget. Be. Progr-.:ss I'eport 1'0 eust ur.d vJest app~..cl1es to C01.lrtena~r Ba;r cuusewa~r. 3D. Puyment of invoice fratl Canada ~f'ckers Limited. re abattoir work. COm'ION CII'.RK 9. Hesolution required to gU<.l.rantee 'cit:,~r's support of Fil"st L.D.H. Ltd. 108.L re roofs replac nent tit ~.iillictgeficla apartuent s. 10. Report re search of Council t1illut~a rl:l propert:r of Leesha H. Zed, 252 Princess ::it. -Letter froo City Solicitor (dated Oct. 25,197/...) re this rnatter - l~-id on Lable (see copy attacheu to letter from Common Clerk). CITY ~30LICIT~ lOA.Report. I'8 demolition tenders procedure. URBAN llliNEHAL 11. Itemized list of rnachil1f:ry ani equi~nt aoquired by City on behalf of Partnership from Cash & Carry Cleaners Ltd. at 39 Dock St. GOMMITTI:E.3 12. Comci ttee of iJhole report (November l=~, 1974). 13. Land CoIDl:1ittee re eJ:pr()priation of 1-3 Bayside Drive Clnd 2 Loch Lamond Rd. from John Paul Reult;)r Ltd. re \.riuening said roads. 14. Lind CorJlnit.tee 1'6 expropric.tioll of land west of Champlain Drive from Andave Ltd. re lo1cAllistcr Drive extension. 15. Land Cor:::mri. t tee re exchange of lani with Antll0rur Hache~r (Buccessor in title to Garfield Reynolds) re land required to straighten Sandy Point Road. 16. Planning Adviso~r COlmt tee re acceptc.nce of p"jrment in lieu of l<\rri for public purposes from Associutes Investors of Canada Ltd. Sub-division. 17. Planning Advisor:r Comittee re <.l.cCeptai.1Ce of pHyment in lieu of land for public purposes from Allison Sansom Sub-division (refund of part of pc'l~n:lent is required). 18. PlonnirJt; Adviso~' COJ:'mttee re acceptance of payments in lieu of land for public I)urposee frOO1: (a) Marvin Shaw; (1)) na~7'J;J.ond Thol:lpson; (c) Paul H. Gor-Jon (laid on table Hov8uber 4 1974) - and re method of a.l'riving at values. 19. Planning Adv:J.sor:r C01::lrJittee 1'e acccpt<:nce 01' pc.;;"tlcnt in lieu of land :;01' j)ublic purposes fr'oUl r.. llli.e D;:~;y :; llt.-ai vi sian. 20. Planning Adv:.soIj' Cor.ll.uttee re applic&tion from III'. l'illian l~rJ-: re r.lObile home. 21. Planning }\.dvisoF,i GOj:n:1ittee re varying of Council re~;()1ution to permit ~.iBnfOl'd 'i'llompson Construction Co. Ltd. to build townhousing units instead of apartment buildings on re-zon tour lots on undevelopld. section ot St. Anne St. HmmRAL 22. Letter from Historical Resoul'ces j,drrdni~trati()n, Province of tJe~; Brunsvrick, advisinG ot nppointees to Fort La Tour Devolo}Xllunt Allthorit~r. 23. Khmnis Club of L1l1caster Inc. letter in support of a second RE.~scue Squad vehicle for the City. 24. Letter f.rom J. Sherrill llalker re need to resobrc Saint .rohn R.egional Library lack of Bpa 25. Saint John Figure Skating Club requesting a grant. 26. Brief from Shelter Resources Ltd. re proposed applic~,tion for Loc?l Improvement funding for Ha.rbourview Phase I. 27~ Trizec Corporation Ltd. requesting a delay of OTl€ week in :Jresentin[; to Council the request for a variance in off-street parking 1'13 Bruns\'JicJ.:: 3qu~re. ~