1974-11-12_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 8th November, 1974. 1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m.. November 12 - pra~rer. 2. Mayor's remarks. .3. Third reading of Zoning !i:r-I.<M amendment to re-zonc 14 areas recommended by Planning Advisory Comnittee re Park Zones (laid on table Nov. 4) (1st &. 2nd reaclings given Oct.28). Third reading of Municipal Development Plan amendment to reconcile y,ith said re-zonings (laid on table Nov. 4) (1st & 2nd readings given Oct. 28). -Letter of explanation fron Cor~~on Clerk re Havelock School re-zoning (Sketch 74-10). 4. Proposed Zoning B:r-Lal-l amendm~mt to re-zone for Hr. Halter A. Bt~ckett approximately 400 acres of land on both sides of Martinon By-pass at Acam.ac Backland Rd. - laid on table Oct. 15, 1974 (see iten 12) (Hr. Gt;orge F. O'Connell, Q.C. wishes to com.plete his presentation on behalf of M:r. B{lCkett re this matter). 5. Payment of invoices for equipment rental (Cldtticks; Hatfield). 6. Payment of invoice for crushing and supplying grav.el (Dexter). 7. City Mana.ger report re solid wastes management. 8. City Solicitor re closing a portion of former Main Street, and a portion of former Crown Street, in North End. 9.R4~enders to demolish 21-35 Dock Street and 37-39 Dock Street, in urban renewal area. 10. Committee of 'Whole report (November 4, 1974). 11. Planning Advisory Committee report re Brunswick Squaz'e Ltd. (Trizec Corporation) applica- tion for a variance in off-street parking to be provided for said project. 120 Saint John Housing aonimission re proposed development of housing by Mr. Halter A. Beckett on land at Martinon By-pass and Acamac Backland Rd. (see item 4). 13. Saint John Housing Commission re policy re re-zoning for large scale housing development. 14. Letter from Councillor A. Vincent re amount to be paid by developers in lieu of provision of on-site parking. 15. Santa ClauB Parade CoIilIlittee r8 parking reg1il.ations along route of Santa Claus parade. 16. Wesleyan Burial Gr::)Und Board of Trustees requesting a restoration grant re Wesleyan Burial Ground.