1974-11-04_Agenda ~" ----AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 1st November, 197". 1. Mueting called to order, November 4 2~ Confi~tion of minutes (October 21, 3. Ha~ror 's l'e:l1ll.rks. - prayer. ., crIT Ml.1JAGLR 4. fie Traffic &. Safetv CoLllllittee recoL'lmonctations. s. StatWlentsof reven~a appropriation an(l expenditure, Jan.l-Sept. .30, 1974. 6. September reports: Fire Dept.; Bui.lding and. P1UI:1bing Divisions of Technical and Inspection Services; Water and S~lerage Division of Works Dept. 7. fie "S1:: Cities" public trunsit studJ'. 8. Progress paymentn re projects und~taken under i)ept.Regional bconomic Expansion programme. 9. PaJrnent of invoices, equiJDEmt runtal (Steph.nj Hatfield). 10. Recreation nnd Parks ~ept. report, Jul~- 1-5(;l,t. 3u, 1974. '~R&;~~~~f1t~gH~R:l~:~~, & C~~ ~~lrig~:'~fa.f; ~tat~ment8. nsn.~a:vment of astf1~1t lllVO~C. \.;tephen ~ 10E" 'J.'endet; award.~rt! SDruct' Lake ,Industrial Park - . COMt1. r~ CLER~ .,pruce LaKe 1ntake -proJect; 10B.fie dates for Council meetings during November. 11. - Third reading of amendment to Zoning By-Law to ro-zone 14 areas recoruaended by Planning AdvisoI1' Cou:ittce after study of Park Zones in the City. (1st & 2nd. given Oct.2f - Third reading of amendment to Municipal Development Plan to reconcile with said proposed re-~onilli;s. (1st & 2nd readings given Oct. 28) 12. Third re~ding of maendLlent to Zoning By-Lm-: to re-;:.one for New Brunswick Housing Corporatia an area of land in band Cove Sub-diviGion (northern portion of Lot 59) on AJ~ingharn Cree. to One-Family Residential cll..3sil'ication. (1st &. 2nd readir1Gs given Oct. 28) 13. Third reading of rnendment to Zoning By-Lnw to re-zone for Mr. George o. Kelley an area of land. E~t 75 Golden Grove Hd. to "B-21t classification.(lst ({ 2nd readings given Oct. 28) 14. 'l'hird reading of amendment to Zoning By-La,,; to rc-zone for Mr. Douglas Hatfield an area of land on Golden Grove Rd. o);)lJ::;i~e intersection of said Roc.d and Parkhill Drive to "I_lit classification. (1st & 2nd readings giver. Oct. 2t;) 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. -21. 22. I 23. 24. C0l1HI'l'TEES COMHISSIONS Comn:.t tee ot v!hole report (October 28). Civic Iraprovement & Beautification Cor;:rut tee re unsight1JT condition ot automobile junk yard Civic Improvement & Beautification Committee re 1975 capital budget programme and grassed median on Main Street (Chesley Drive to Viaduct). Land Coronittee re pa~~ent to Roy de Stecher and Associates Limited re appraisal. Lam CoJllI:littee re purchase of land, Third loch Lamond, tram Dr. Harry Peters. Land Committee re sale of freehold ut 65 Collins St., Saint John \-Jest, to Dorine Martin, lessee. Planning Advisor:' Comittee re application of Mrs. L. A. Hichard re mobile hOLle. Planning Ad\~8ory Comnittoe re acceptance of money in lieu of public purl~ses land in sub-divisions, from:- (1) Marvin Shaw; (2) Raymon:i Thompson; (3) Paul R. Gordon. Planning Advisory Committee re application froo Gulf Oil Canada Ltd. to erect a new service station gas bar 011 property, corner City Road and Blair Street after demolition of present service station building. Saint John PDrking COnI.lis3ion rEI proposed development of escarIJl.1ent area as a parking site (re General Urban SysteLls Corporation report) and acquisition of' land for same. 1 . URBAH RLNE!."WAL 25. Payment of total compensa.tion settlement to Margaret Hansard }r~tate re Chesley dt.propertie 26. Payment. of compensation settlem.ent to C. &. T. Shaxmon r6 expropri".ted properties at 61 High St. and 45 Acadia St. 2'1. Payment of account to D. S. MacKay &. Associates Ltd. 28. P~ment of appraisal fees. GENERAL 29. Re problem of delays at railwa;r crossing at Church Avenue, Saint John West (Councillor MacGmran) . 30. Saint John District Labour Council re oil running frOM Woolco p&rking lot into residentia14 area in Saint John l::ast. 31. Senior Citizens Services Saint John Inc. re rental for premises in City 11arket building. .32. Application from J.1r. Gary K. Hughes, Oral History Researcher, Dept. of Canadian History, __I New Brun3W1.ck Museum, for interim funding re his work as said Researcher. -Letter from Mr. A. Gregg Finle~T, Curator, Dep<Lrtm.ent of Canadian History, New Brunswick MuseUll1, in support of above named application.