1974-10-28_Agenda ~ ,.,----- AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 25th October, 1974. 1. Meeting called to order, October 28. 7.00 p.m. - prayer. 2. MaJror 's rel'lliirkR. 1..00 p.m.: .3. Proposed llJnendment of Zoning B;,r-Law in'rolving re-zoning of 14 area.s recommended by Planning Aci"isory Commit tee after studr of Park Zones in the City. (a)- Lett.er from Planning Advisory Cornr..u.ttee re said Park Zones; re lands to be acquired by City for the furtht!r development of certain park sites. Proposed amend.ll1ent of Mun:l.cipal Developnent Plan to reconcile '11th proposed re-zoninge aboveIll~ntioned. J. Proposed amendJ'rJent of Zoning By-Law to re-zone for Nev Brunswick Housj.ng Corporation an area of larrl in Sand Cove Sub-division (nortllern portion of Lot 59) on Allingham Crescent to Ona-Family Residential classification.. (a)- Letter from Pl..s.nning Advisor".{ Committee recommending fiaid proposed re-zoning. 5. Proposed amendL1ent of Zoning By-Law to re-zone tor Hr. George o. Kelley an area of land at 75 Golden Grove to liB_2ft General Business clas:Jification. 6. Proposed amendL!~mt of Zoning By-Lem to re-zonc for Mr. Douglas Hatfield an area of J..p,Jld. on Guld~n Gro.H.odd opposite thv intersect.ion 01' Golden Grove Head and Parkhill Drive to "1-1" Light"Industrinl classification. 7. proposed amendment of Zoning By-La", to re-zone for Carr Construction Ltd. an area of land on oouth side of Dul'r'erin Row near intersection 'hi th City Line to permit erection of a 23-unit upurtJ:uant building. (a) - Letter frot! Planning Advi:iory Conmittee recommending said re-zoning, pursuant to a re8olution and an p.greement under Section 39 of the COl'!I!lunity Planning Act; and subject to the conditions Bct f.orth in th'J Coltl'littee'n letter. (b) - Letters in opposition to said proposed r~-zoniIig, i'rom:- AndrO't1 and Norma Forbes; F. D. McCarthy; l:d.....mrd J. NHve (2 letters); Fred J. \tJhelan; l1r. Barry Roderick, solicitor for J. Gregory Cherry; Cl~rlt)s J. viilcox. ~f>etition from residents of Charles Street, Saint John East, requesting oewerage services - petition presented by apokesmar" Hr. JOSE:;ph Perry. 9. Resolution required re bond issue (aee copy of resolution). 10. Council to set time to faeet to open tenders for debentw'cs which close at 2.00 :p~~:l., October 30, 1974. ll. Re Saint John Central Area Urban Design - letter from City Manager. 12. City llanager re Chri8w~s decorative lighting. 1.3. Cowittee of the vihole report (October 15 &. 21. meetings). 14. Letter from Mrs. Gludys Dougay on uehulf of self and reaidents of Sproule Road, requesting up-grading, chipsealing and street lights improvement for said Road. 15. Planning Advisory ComL1ittee re Dr. A. F. Goodfellow's application for Zoning By-Law amendment to permit an office for one doctor or one dentist in an "RS-2" ~one. 16. Plalming Jillvisory Committee re obj~otion5 raised to proposed location of the Jervis Bay Brunch of the Royal Canadian Legion on Mount Pleaoant Avenue, Saint John East. 17. (a.)-Letter from Mr. IJeil Franklin, solicitor for Mr. Jack Levine who objects to any variance in the parking by-1awo fa.vouring the business entity }mown as Club Eldiaz. (b)-Lett~r frOL1 Planning Director re variance in the off-street parking rE~quire1'Jent for the proposed beverage room, Club Eldiaz. ~. 17. (c)-City ~ger and Commissioner of Finance letter, recoumending a change in the leasing contract re the Burroughs data processing equipL18nt. 17. (d)-City Solicitor re propoeed removing ot restriction on property at 252 Princess Street, owned by Leesha H. Zed., and issuing by Cit~- or a Quit Claim Deed of rectifioation.