1974-10-15_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at lith October, 1974. 1. MeetinG c.:...llt;;d to ur~er, f'ue;;d2.Y. October 15. 7.00 P.lli. - prayer. 2. !~yor' u rerua.rks. 7.00 P.llio: .3. PropoLled closing of tv.-o UIlIlar.:led rcst;rved tlt-reets OLl Ei~s i)ailm~ Guel'm\t;~' l<mtl, at interse ction of H.othc~;a;y r~o"d ar.d D;;~..lr:.- Cove Luau. 4'1)Propo3ed anending 01' Zoninb B;:"-I..:.li for 111'. Halter A. B(;ckett to re-7.one s.ppro:x:i.r118tely 400 acr~5 of land on hath sider; 01' }'brtinon Dy-p.:lSf) at Acar.w.c Backlantl f.oad. 4(a) - Letter from Planning Ji.U.viSO~T Coomittee re said proposed re-zoning. 4(2)Propoeed runendine of Municipal DeveloIDent Plan to reconcile it with propo:lcd re-zoning in item 4(1). 5. 7.40 p.m.: ~ri time Clecurity and Investigation Limited, ~eClmen' 5 Hisaion Society of the Port of Saint John, and Mortgage Services Limi ted -- to ap pear to sho"T cause, if arlJT, 'Why the buildings located at 150-152 Prince vTilliam Street and at 154-160 Prince Willi~un Street should not be removed as dangerous or dilapidated buildings. - Report from Building Inspector re said. buildings. 6. Re Bond Issue - t.he follo'ld.nr; resol.utions are r~quired to be adoptea:- (1) i~es()lution contc..ined in Notice of Motion from September 9, 1974 (Bee copy). (2) Resolution covering terms of issue (inc~udes quotir~ of ~pecimen of bond and of bond coupon) . (.3) i;esolution covering calling for tenders and bond printing. (4) I-~esolution receivinb ani filing data subm1ttecl. by Comrllssioner2,f }'inClnce. 6(a)... Letter from Cor.uni.ssioner of Finance re 1974 bond issue. 7. Third reading of proposed by-law to repeal Bread ~r-Lc1.W (lot and ?nd readings eiven October 7, 1974.). 6. Committee of the ~~ole report (October 7). 90 Report froI.:. Market CoIIlt.:ittee 0 10. Planning Advisory Co~ttee re payments acceptance by City in lieu of providing land for public p.u-poses in sub-c1i. visions, frcxn:- (1) Monte Cristo Park; (2) ~Jade Steeves; (.3) J. 1;;. Kirkpatrick; (I:) Jl. c. Fairweather; (5) Dominion Ketal. 11. PlanninG Advisory Committee re Jcmes A. &.xwell application for a mobile home locc.tion. 12. Planning JldviSOJ'jr COI:1rnittee re application of Gilbert Kenny re proposed re-zoning. 1.3. Saint John Arts Council Inc. letter re request for a Grant re production of "CarIacn't. 14. Report re tenders for sup~ying gasoline and oils. 15. Report. of Ta.y.i Committee.