1974-09-23_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - 8S at 20th Septtsmber, 1974. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.0CJ 2. Confirmation of z.unutes 3. Mayor's remarks. - prayer. C lIT W~NAGER 4. Pa~Tment of equipment rental invoices (Chittick; Hatfield). 5. Payment of atlphaltic mixeti irnoice (~tephen). 6. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme. 7. Payment of equipoent rental invoice (::>cephen). 8. Re establishment of Joint Civic-University Committee re Artist-in-li.esidence proeramme. 9. Report re equipment rental versus ownership. 10. Re increase in contract price for Ci t~r Hall building cleaniug by Modern Building Cleaning. ll. Progress payments 1'8 Ca.pital Budget projects, and other payments. '2. Re replacenent of clubhouse at Shamrock Park. 13. Proposed re-scheduling of Air Canada r'light 657 between Saint John and Montreal. 14. Re re-tendering for Milford-Randolph-Greendale sewer system project. 15. Payment of invoice for power lines relocation (Power Comnission of Saint John). 16. Mont.hly reports: Technical & Inspection Services and. Plumbing Division - August; Works Dept. Street Division - July. 17. Two resolutions required re bond issue (containing same projects material as in two Notices of Motion given on SepteLilier 9), consolidating the items wner said resolutions. 18. Resolution required re debentlU'e issue re North End Urban Renewal Project. 19. Rapor'\. on ten:l.ers for demolition of: Citjr-owned property (former Hhalen property) on Loch Lomond Rd.; 34 St. John Street, Saint Jolm \'lest. COML'1I7T"EIi;S AND COli'JlISSIONS 19A .Comr::d.ttee of 'Wbole report. 20. Nominating Committee report. 21. Civic ImprOV8o.ent and Bt~autification CoLllliittt:e re lack of Ct.dvance notice to Cit:V depart- ment b;>r Provincial lligh,;ays Dept. when roadwa~T or service conGtructiol1 involves Cit~T parks and. green areas; 1'8 inclusign of costs of relocating Cit;>r pc:.rks, g:::'een areas and play areas in budgets of City \Jorks Dept. c:.nd High"mys Dept. of Province and charged to the cost of the road\<{uJr construction. 22. Market Committee re trc-:.nsfer of lease to Mr. !'erry F. Janes of certain Market stalls and counters held by Oscar's Meats. 23. Saint John Parking CoLLlission re proposed ~velopment of escarpment area as a parking site 0 24. Planning Department memorandum re proposed closing of two reservtii streets for }.fiss Daphne Guernsey on land on thE: HotbesaJT Road and Drury Cove Roc.d. 25. Planning Advisory Committee re aceeptance of sums of IJ.on~7 in lieu of land for public purposes, payments from.: (1) Reginald. E. Olsen; (2) Colby Fair; (3) V. Desmond; (4) Carle Smith. 26. Planning Ad.visor~, CoLllllittee re re-zoning application of Mr. George O. Kelly re 75 Golden Grove Rd.; re re-zoning additional property in said area (inclulling Hr. Douglas Hatfield property) . Gu..rnl.AL 27. Saint John Board. of Trade letter in support of a proposed second rescue unit for City. 28. Mr. ani Mrs. Gordon MacVicar, 61 Mt. Pleasant Ave.~ objecting to proposed location of Jervis Bay Branch of RoJral Canadian Legion on saidi stretlt. 29. Joanna M. Downe~r, 108 Mt. Pleasant Ave., opposing propoued location of Jervis Day Branch of Royal Canadian Legion on said street. 30. Petition from residents of Glen and Morgan Roads requesting th~t Soldier Road be clesed in part. 31. Petition from ~sidents of Josselyn Sub-division, per l-ir. "lilliam H. Dupuis, requesting that the 1975 capital budget include improvements listed in petition. 32. Application from Mr. Gilbert Kenny for re-zoning of prop€rt~~ .:i.t corner of King vlilliam Rd. and Ocean 'tves twa v . 33. Mr. Donald L. C~n, Barrister, submitting application on behalf of Carr Construction Ltd. for re-zoni.ng of property on Dufi'erin Rm-j, ~)CJ.int John West. 340. Applications for grants from: Canadian National InEltitute for the Blind; Vollmteer Bureau; Social Services Council of Grea tur Saint John; I .M.C.A.; N.R. Competi ti ve Festival of Music Inc.; New Brunswick Museum.