1974-09-09_Agenda 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ,.11. "'" AGENDA IN COI<11.:0N COULICIL as at 6th Septerrmer, 1974. l. 2. 3. Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m., September 9 - prayer, Confirmation of minutes (August 26 and September 3). Mayor's remarks. -' ACTING CITY MANAGER Payment of equipment rental invoices (D. Hatfield, Ltd. and Chitticks (1962) Ltd.) Payment of asphalt invoice (Stephen Construction Co., Ltd.) Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept. Regional Economic Expansion pro~ran@e, Payment of progress certificates re capital budget projects, Report on bids for fire hose. Report on bids for liquor foam. Re gasoline tank installation application 'from Petrofina Canada Ltd., Manawagonish Road. Re gasoline tank installation applications from Irving Oil Co., Ltd., Fairville Boulevard and Garden Street. Re rental of I.B,M. Memory Typewriter for Planning Department. Re appointment of Standards Offic~r, Re use of King Square during Loyalist Days. Re Police training. Re membership by City to Atlantic Provinces Economic Council. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. Notices of Motion re debenture issue. CITY SOLICITOR 19. Re application of Mr. Franklin 0, Leger, Barrister, on behalf of Miss Daphne Guernsey, for closing of two "reserved" streets at junction of Rothesay Rd: and Drury Cove Rd., and conveyance of same, ,when closed, by quit claim deed to Miss Guernsey. COMMITTEES 20. Committee of Whole report (September 3). 21. Land Committee re sale of property, Sandy Point Road to Mr. Moshe Granik. 22. ~and Committee re purchase of sewer easement from Robert Lodge. 23. Planning Advisory Committee re acceptance of payments in lieu of provision of land for public purposes in sub-divisions from: (1) Allison Shillington; (2) Bowen R. Smith. 24. Planning Advisory Committee re offstreet parking spaces, Brunswick Square Ltd. 25, Planning Advisory Committee re request of Petrofina Canada Limited to reopen service station, 527 Rothesay Avenue. 26, Planning Advisory Committee re City's assent to Dante Foriere Subdivision plan. 27. Planning Advisory Committee re City's assent to T. E. Secord Subdivision plan and acceptance of payment in lieu of provision of land for public purposes. 28. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Mr. Stephen Mosher for placement of mobile home. 29. Saint John Housing Commission re land at Annex Farm building, Sand Cove Road. URBAN RENEWAL 30. Re lease of land, Main and Metcalf Streets intersection, to Mainbrace Naval Veterans' Club. 31. 32. 33. GENERAL Re proposed Bicycle By-Law (Councillor pye). Re recall procedure (Councillor Kipping), App+ication of Mr. George F. O'Connell on behalf of Mr. Walter A. Beckett for re-zoning 'of proposed Beckett Subdivision, Acamac Backland Rd, and Martinon By-pass. Resignation of Mr. David E. Morehouse from Planning Advisory Committee. 34.