1974-07-22_Agenda AGE N D t. COl'll-lON COUNCIL as at 19th .July, 1974. 1- 2. 3. lketing called to order, 7.00 >).[1.) .Tuly CoraraiUee of \.'hole report (July 22 . Hayor's reuarks. 22 - prayer. J+. 7.00 p.m. _ Proposed closing of 66-ft. wide unnamed street, O:l..d Black River Rd.intersection. 7 00 nroposed closing of portion of Hilyard St. . p.r.l. - r 6. 7 00 - Proposed closinG of portion of McLeod St. . p.r.l. (a) _ Letter frvr:1 Hr. A.J. Debly, solicitor for Rev. J. R. togan and. Hr. Joseph A. Logan, objecting to said proposed clo~;ing of portion of I1cLeod St. 7. 7.00 p.m. _ Proposed amendment to Zoning By-L1.w to re-zone for A. C. Fairweather &. Sons Ltd. an area of land on north side of Ashburn Lake Rd. 8. 7.30 D.m. _ Estate of John Quilty and I~state of John Ross to appear to ShOH cause Hhy building at 1+26 CHy Line, Saint John vJest, should not. be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. Letter from Build~ng InspE-ctor re this matter. 10. 7.50 p.r,l. _ I1r. J. Ernest Prosser and F. Ylabel Prosser to appear to shO\"l cause why building at 216 Sydney Street should not be rerJoved or destvoyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. . Letter fror,l Building Inspector re this Datter. _ Rothesay Floor Ltd. and Hr. Ivan Jackson to appear to shOll cause why building at Barket Place corner of \!inslo\', Street, Saint .101m \!est, ~;hould not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated builcling. Letter fror.1 Building Inspector re this matter. 9. 7.40 p.m. 8.00 p.m. - CEIillHO!JIAL HI: LOYALIST DAYS IlJ COSTUlm. 11. 8.00 p.!l1. - Presentation of petition, per Hr. Robert Herzet,ti of 678 Hichcwl Cresrlent" requesting re-zoning for one- and t;-m-family classification of area of 11ichael Crescent, Silver Falls Park (situate on western side of said Park and exttmding frou southern border of Saint J 08e ph's Cer.lCtery southerly to Loch Lomond Road). Individual letters in support of petition from: Gordon. Graham; Stan Veinot; l'-ks. Anna H.L.O,wns; V.J. and Barbara Breau and Hrll. Breau; Hr. c.c I.irs. Arthur HcLaughlin; C. 1:. Drennan; Thon2.s H. and Grace l...ee; Bernard L. Peters; Nr. f.:l. 111'8. Glen J. Gibbons; John :\r1. Cl Ha.rgaret~Jl.nne HacDon,.ld; Gerald Hutfield & family. 12~ 8.15 p.m. - Hr. David H. Russell, solicitor for T. H. Titus Bake Shop of 15 Prince Edward Street, re flooding problem. 13. Petition from residents of Victoria Lane (off Kenr~edy Street) re disposition of City-o',-,ned plot of land; Victoria Lane, and re need for turning area for vehicles on said land. , .-