1974-05-21_Agenda ~A \.. END A Building ani Technical Inspection Servictts (including Plumbing Divisio: Police Dept. 23. Amendment No.22 to August 20,1971 agre6roont between City and Province of U.D. 24. ReJlort re asphalt testingib and hiring Warnock Hersey Internution Ltd. for 1974 season. ~~aA.ll: t~d~~~~!lftg~k~um;e Bt~t s\!eepe;, ;-- ~B.R. Harbour View Sub-division lse. ~cfN' tURK 26. Re amendment of agreements re automatic signal protection and/or railway crossin~s at Gault Rd., AcCJ.1l1,&.c Back Land Rd. and Ke,.pec Rd. (CPR~ and at Kennebecasis Park Rd. (CNR) and re City to assume cost of maintenance pereenta~.. 27. Third invoice from Peat, Harwick and Partner.s 1"8 search assignment to tind a Chief of Poli 28.. Interim invoice from Peat, HaI"\-lick and Pf.rtners 1'8 search (to March .31, 1974) for a City Manager. / UHBAli REm'AL 1 29. Tenders 1'8 demolition of 46 ~h8 St. and 15 Drttr3' Lane. ~ COMMITTEES Committe. of Whole report (May 6, 1974). Market ColIDIitt.e repert 1'8 transferring Market sullleas. of Roy J. O'Keefe to J. Cal MAcKenney. Plaming Advisory Committee ~ temporary mobile home request by Froderictoa Hftusin[; & Construction Co. Ltd. ' . Planning Advisory CoJllJ1i.ttee re pro,.sed zoning change., Municipal. Plan amendment. and property aoquisi tions llsted in Suanary o~ Re.:>mmendationa. ~-, / COMMON COUNCIL - as at 17th May, 1974. 1. Meeting called to order, ~O p.m.. Tuesday. May 2~J 1974 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of ltLnutes (May 6, 1974). 2A. Ma;\Tor's remarks. 3. 5.00 p.m. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone land at end of Jack St. off ~;nndy Point Rei. for Mills Construction Ltd. (1st and 2nd rl:ladings given Apr.22,1974) (ti.) - Letter from Planning Advisor;r Corrrdttee re Gaid proposed re-7.oning. 4. ~.OO P.M. - Propllsed Zoni~ By-Latl anencb:lEmt to re-zone land east of Graham Brook on north side of Loch lomond Hel. for Sunrise Contractors Ltd. (Mr. Dante Foriere). 5. 5.00 p.m. ~-Propo8ed amendment to t1unicipal Plan By-Law for ~he Hocca Group Limited re land at north west corner of Manawagonish Road and Manchester Avenue (see item 6). p.m. '- Proptlsed Zoning By-Law amel'ldL16nt to re-zone lam at northwest corner ot , ".anawagonish Road and Manchester Avenue tor 'l'h€l Rocca Group'Limited proposal. (h) - Letter frOI:l Planning Advisory Committee. (b) - Letter from The Ho.ca Group Limited Hithdrm.r1np, its np;)lication to re-zone said property t~ permit construction of the proposed commeriial and reoiden- tial project. ' (c) - Briet from'Manawagonish Area ~86ociat1on objectine to proposed :re-zoning: to be presented by Dr. G. E. Lund, President. (d) - Opinion survey of residents e1' Manawagonish Road-Quinton Heights-Anders.n HeirJ1te-Dever Ro(~-Greendale Sub-division, etc. area, re proposed commercial and residential projElct ot The Roccs. Group Limited. (e) - Letters of object.ion to proposed re-zoning t~r proposed Rocca project at corner of Manawagonish Road and Manchester Avenue, i'rom:- ')&os.. Laura COlpitts, Mrs. Ethel Miller, Mr. Wm. Connor, Mrs. F. 1. Cochrane, Mr. Vernon R. Brien, Mrs. Sylvia Silver, J!r.. John C. lIoddin, Dr. D. F. ~..ayne8, l~. J. Levine, Mr. Jose}:il W. Kelter. 6. 5.00 7. 5.30 p.m. - Mr. Ralph G. Thompson, President of Red Head Propert~r Protection Association, re prop8sed Harbour Viel'~ Sub-eli,vision of Shelter Resources Limited.(see it.. 25B) ACTIN} CITY MANAGER Payment of ~)I"ogres!! estimate to Scott Bros., Ltd. re water and se"'..r rn.'9teriaJ.s. Monthly :reports: Fire Dept. - March; Recreation and Parka Dt;pt. activities repon _ January, February and March. Re Francis St. and Allison St. basement f1oodiP~. Payment of invoice for equi}lllflnt rental (D. Hartield, Ltd..). Payuwnt of invoice for parts purchased for No. 475 Elgin eductor(Atmu8 EquiJDent Ltc!.). Reaelution requirecl authoriZing execution by City .t agreement with Central Mortgage and ,... Housing Corp.ration re construction ot 10,120 lineal feet ot 24, 30 and 36-inch diameter Spruce Lake Industr1al Park External SerY1.cee - Western Collector Sewer, &l.nd a 1,600 lineal feet temporary overflow di teh, Phase 3. Accept-anc. ot bid tor 8UPplying and installing a tourist sien at Reversing Falls Tourist Bureau. Pay&lnt of invoice for purchase ot one "Aft frame for tractor (Tractors & Equipment Ltd.). Payment of invoice for crushing gravel (Doxter Construction C0., Ltd.). Payment of invoices for equipment rental (D. Hatfield Ltd.). Progress certificate ?B.yment re Capital Budget project. Progress ~eRt8 re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion proBramme. Payment of invoice for as P'ta1t (St.ephen Construction Co., Ltd.). R. proptased 5ub-divislon agreement with Kennebecasis Investments Limited re Bon Accord. Sub-division. Reports for AprU: 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1.3. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ~O. 21. 22. .30. .31. ,32. 33. ~~ - 2 - 34. Planning Advisory Corar.ri.ttee l~e proposed clo~ure 01' pctrt of l{:.cLtlod ~)t:rcet nnd disposition of same; re assent to the sub-uivision plan rc the proposed to'Vlnhousing development of ~oodside Park Ltd. 38. (j.urr::r:!'cL Letter from residents of Hanai'iagonish I.d. 1'e use of this streot by heavy trucks (Councillor MacGowan). :.7tequest by several I'osidents of Douelt',s J~ve. to Ilfc:rmit parki:1g on t,": ~"s street in munmer months (Councillor Cave). Nationnl Research Cowlcil of CanadCl. rti sprinklers fc.r hieh-ri:se buildings and the r~ational Building Code. Letter from Hr. John P. furry, Barrister, 0:1 behalf of Mru. !ienriette Jacobson re possible purchase by City of 185 Riverviel'... Drive propertJ', [}aint .Tolm v;est, or possible re-zoning of said property. Application from A. C. F'airweather & Sons LiJl4ted for re-zoning of 19.81 acres of land on western s ide of Ashburn Road. Letter 1'1'011 raa,nagement un emploYfJcs of Commercial Equipment Ltd.., 180 Crown St., requesting pedestrian traffic light. Letter from Saint Jonn Cowlcil of v;omen endorfJing reoonunenc.latiGllS for improved oafet;I" mea- sures in service station operation ~nd construction in New BruUS1Iick. Letter from MeSfi!'S. Clark, Drwamie t.(. COClp-':lny, 8olicitom for Carloton-Kir}: United Church, raquasting deed for the lund at Carleton Duri;u Ground; :t"esolution requested auth<)rizing .Mayo.r~ and Common Clerk to execute said deed to Church liS soon as Bill IJo. 29 has become law. 35. 36. .37. .-....... 39. 40. 41. 42. -.:ri ~" "" " .. :t,. n