1974-04-22_Agenda ==='" D AGEN A - COliMON COUNC:o;. - a8 at 19th April.. 1974. ~. Meeting called to order.. A])ril 22. 4.00 p.m. - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minv.tes ( AprU 1 and 8). .3. Mayor' 8 remarks. 7. - Propesed amendments to text of Zoning By-Law. _ Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone land on north side at Loch 1.011000 Rd. tor KennebeC8ais Invustments Ltd. _ Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning for Starlight Construction Ltd., and re proposed amendment to Municipal Plan re same. _ Third reading et Zoning By-Law nmendment to re-zone approxiaa tely 245 acres of land on north side of Ocean Westway for Starlight Construction Ltd. (let am 2nd readings given March 18, 1974). _ Third reading of ~cipa:L Plan D;)'-Law amendment re said item 7 (~8t and 2nd readings given March 18, 1974). 4. 5.00 p.m. 5. 5.00 p.m. 6. 5.00 p.m. '8... 9. 5.30 p.m. - Presentation ef brief from membero of Red Head Property Protective Assoc., per either Mr. Ralph Thompson or Mr. Robert Barbour, r. propoeed Harbour. View Sub-division of. Shelter ReBo~ces Limited. COMMON CLmK 10. Third reading of amendment to Fire Department By-Law.(lst a.nd. 2nd r8a.d1ng.. given'Apr.8,1974). li. Third reading of by-law amendment to clese portions of (a) Wins~ow St.. . . (b) RQdn~y St Ii. (1st 'kod .2nd readings given in each 'Caso Apr. 8, 1974). 12. Letter from RedevelofJl1ent Officer re proposed closing of portion of Chesley"-5tr..t. 1.3. Third reading 'of by-law amendment to close portion of Chesley St. (1st and 2nd readings given Apr. 8, 1974). '~ . 1.4. Letter from Redevelo}D8nt Orticer~re".p~p.sed,clo8ing ot 1.118 Wharf. ~ 1'5. Tnird reading of by-law amendment to Cles8 Long Whart (1st and 2nd readings given Apr.8,l974) ,f, . _.. '. " ~ - . ACTIlli CI'l'Y MANAGER I 16. Re asphalt supply contract rene.wal. '. I 17. Payment of progrees eertifieates recapital budget proje.ts. ' ,,' 18. Progress pRymeRts re projects UDiertaken uder Dept.Regional Economic KxplU'1sion progranme. . '~9. R~/Bon1ta Avenue. '. >~'r." ~.-' .; ~.. ~. ~ I .....~ : }2o. pa,aent of inwioe tor asphalt (Stephen Construc!-ion'~~~Ltd~). ;,\21. R'8~rt re tenders for uniform clothing.." .- :..' 1', r ',(,," . / 22. PIplent' of invoice tor tapping saddles and _ valves ~:~(CAnro~ tWit).. ..> /;'i 23. Pa,.-nt of 1nvotc. for equipmerlt renW-.(p"" Hatfield, Lt4.J. . , I 24. Pa)1llent of invoice for gravel (Dexter conStruction Co., Ltd.). 12.5. Re fFranc1s and Allis\on Streets basementfioodings.. . . ( ee 26. R,'proposed Traff~c By-Law amendment to provide parking en Douglas Ave~. for N.B.Museum.!'If) 27. MQnthly reports: tor March - Building ani Technical InspClction Services; Water & Seweraif'.... IIJ f'. Dept.; Police Dept. If::. 28.Jl~ "urchase ot reserve supply of liquid foam. 29. Jl~ East End traftic rotary (se. item 57). .30~i'a;vment of invoioe from Scott Bros. Ltd., water and Bewer materials. 31./ Report re water drainage problem of Mr. end Mrs. Lloyd McKay, .33 Forest. City St. .31~ Report. re objections to propesed closure or Short st. (a180 called Third St. or Snow St.) I re DeW poot office site off Rothesay Ave.; second &Ild th1rd readiags or by-law &1Dendmeni ! re .aid street closure (1st reading briven June 11, 197.3). ~3. Re complaint 01' Mrs. WinrUtred L. Jerm1ngs, 691 Cha pt:l St., West, re bUllse. using said A .treet. (see item 46) i/o, I ' I {. It CITY SOLICl'l'OR 4"....ie proposed by-law respecting standards for maintenance and occupancy of buildings and 't premiaes. ~9. Re attendance at seminar in Toronto. 139}.Propesed amendment to Traftic By-ltfmA~Rl<~ltB Ave. parking (see item 26). ;' 40. Acquisition or 2.3-.35 Dock St. from. A. E. MaInerney Estate. 41. Acquisition ot 39 Dock St. from Cash & Carry Cleaners Ltd. 42. Acquisition ef 16 North Market Whart trom G. E. Darbou Co. Ltd. / C~ " COMMISSIONS 43. Committee of Whole repon (April 8). 41.... Saint John Parking CoDll1isaion requesting members be paid relll1lllltlration for meetings attended. 4? City Market Committe. re new lease to James B. Howarcl (Howard'S Tobacco, 45 Char~otte St.), l City Market. 46. Transportation COIDI1:itte. re COllp1aint or Mrs. Winnif'red L. Jem1ngs, 691 Chapel St., Saint John West, re effect or passing b.saes en hRses on said street. (see it_ .33) 47. Bingo CoDlllittee re nllllber of Giant Binges to be held per year at 14rd BeaverbroQk Rink. 48. Panning AdviBOry Committee re acceptance of payment in lieu ot land l'~r public purposes, ~ Mrs. Charles Hcnveen sub-di vision. 49.. ~n1~ Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning for Sunrise Park Sub-di vilSion (Mr. Dante Fprier. ) , north side of IAch Lomend Rd.. ---, /' - 2 - " 50. Planning Advisory Committee, in reply to letter from Miss Leola Ward, 410 Douglas Ave., rtI future use and zoning ot F..astern Bakeries property, Douglas Ave. 51. Planning Advisory Committe. re proposed. re-zoning ot land at end of Jack St. tor Mills Construction Ltd. 52. Planning Advisory Committee re proposal to amend Community Planning Act to permit Advisory Comnd tt8e chairmen appointments by municipal councils. 53. Planning Adv1eory Committee withdra"'ling recommended Zoning By-Law BmElndment re re-zoning am ZoDing By-Law re-applicationsj submitting three possible alternatives. 54._PJ.anning Advieory Committee re proposed amendment to Subdivision By-Lal'1 (new Section , 16(4)). 55. Planning Advisory Committee re Mr. l!alter Beckett's new application for re-zoning of 400 acree, more or less, of land on both sides of Martinon By-pass. ~. GJt;NERAL 56. Propesed motion re formal application to Dept . National Defence for lands on Barrack Green 81te'(Councillor Partitt). 57. Report re ltrotary" tratti., Rothesay Avenue, Russell Street and Thorne AVtJ. (CoWlcillers Kipping and H. Vincent). (se. it.. 29) . 58. Letter from Hew Brunswick Housing Corporation re Saint John East Dt:velopment Scheme ~ (Phase One-8tage One). 59. C..tral Mertgage am Housing Corperation re provision of public transportation to s ervie. Kicker Road housing area. 60. biatrict No. 2O,School Board requ.estillg grant to help t1nallc. visit for concert purposes to Old Town, Main. by Saint John C1 ty Schools Junior Band. 6l. 'D1.atrict Ho~ 20,School Board re proJ>>88d cORlltruction ot an arena on the Simonds High School ..~ ,aite, Hiokei~Rd.. 62. Ell_tern Bakerie. Li.aited Marketing Manager, Mr. D. A. Noel, requesting repeal .t preaeRt City by-law requiremeat tor sal. ot 24-ouo. bread cloaves in City of Saint John. , '_.,,6.3. R.Q\l8st of The Rocoa Group L1m1ted for re-zoning ot'the N.B.Protestant Orphanage property, ... j, corner otManawagonish Rd. ane!.. Manchester Ave,. ""':, . 1:6;~' ,~equest from A. J. Calla~han &: Associates on behalf of Nova Mobile Homes Ltd. that area / ''-G,ac1jacent to ~x1sting approv,d Latimer LakCl Mobile Hom6 Park be de8~nated for a mobile , (,{ 110.. .park .' ... .. . /~ '<(j5~ Brief fro; Hr:' ~orge Little" 64 Gibbon Road, E&st Riversicle, N. B., r. practice of I -, fe' Traffic Bra.nof(of' ~?1iC8 Dept. of ticketing _torists for lane violations at Kane's Corner i Slid. of ThsrM Ave. during evening rotary traffic period. . /66. Mrs., Harold. Mze&u', 1Ud.ersley Avenue, 1'8 problem of dogs roaming at large. .)/67,. Saint JohJl W.8t~~tizens Ms~c. indicating their preference for the Lowell St. or Beacons- ~ / field rink sits &s. the 8i te for a new arena tor Saint John West (rather than having a I satellite to the Lancaster Centennial Arena). j '\.~ i 1''1'" . ...... .".., , ,