1974-03-04_Agenda ,-- . AGENDA COMMon COUNCIL - as at 1st March, 1974. 1. 'Meeting called to order, 4.00 p.m.~ March 4. 1974 - prayer. 2. Confinnation ot minutes (February lB). .3 . Mayor I 5 remarks. 4. Presentation of certificate to Siwonds Air Cadet Squadron, No. 527. 5. 5.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law text re proposttd offico tor a doctor or dentist. 6. 5.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law text to define the word "storeJ,II. :. 5.00 p.m. - Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone corner lot, westem side of Vallej' Street and on southern side of Ellerdale Avenue, Quinn Sub-divi.sion, for tlxtenf-ion to Loch Lomonct Villa (see item 8). 8. - Letter from Planning Advisory Comr:d.ttee re proposed re-zoning in item 7. 9. 5..30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John negional Library Board, per Dr. Norman S. Skinner, Chairman" re need for a ntni City library. ACTIHG CITY MANAGER 10. PaJT.lent of invoice for liquid foam, Safet~! Supply Company. 11. Acc~ptance of quotation for overhaul of Barber Greene a6phalt spreader. 12. paJrment of invoice for purchase of joint gate valves, Creme Supply. 1.3. Payment of invoice for purchase of water vaults, Saint John Iron Works, Ltd. 14. Payment of invoice, cold water meters, Ueptune Meters Ltd. 15. Payment of invoice for surveying a property, Dobbin Surveys, Ltd. 16. Payment of capital budget contracts progress certificates. 17. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept . Regional Economic Expansion progranme. lB. Acoeptance of quotations for purchase of an inflatable boat and an outboard motor for Fire Dept. rescue work. 19. Fire Dept. report - Januat'j'. 20. Acceptance of tender tor Bayside Drive Reconstruction and Widening, Phase II, Bayside Drive Railway Overpass (~:ide~~n&J,t.i t 21. Acceptance of quotation for/a W~fid!5~nggnerating station for Forest Hills water pumping station (five itelJS listed).. 2lA .Re continuation of Mr. C.J. Farrell for a period of six months on consulting services. COMMON CU:RK 22. PaJ~nt of first invoice, Kates, Peat, Marwick & Co., re professional search assignment to 1'in:i a Chief of Police for Cit;r of Saint John. CI'l'Y SOLICITOR 2.3. Proposed Bill for Legislature re King's Square West and Carleton Burial Ground. 24. Letter from Mr. George T. Clark, Senior Legal Counsel, re proposed Bill for Legislature re amendments to City of Saint John Pension Act. COMMITTEES 25. Market Conmittee re transfer of remaimer of lease of Coffee Comer (Mrs. Joyce Hayes) to new owner, Mr. Lloyd Pierce am Mr. Daryl Pierce. 26. Land Committee re sale of vacant lam off Fairville Boulevard to Canada Wire & Cable Co.Ltd. 27. Land Conmittee re purchase of property at Lot 12, Leinster Street, from M.R.A.Holdings Ltd. 28. Planning Advisory CoIIl1littee re Frank B. and Joan E. Short application for re-zoning ot 130 Bridge Street property, and re re-zoning of surrounding properties. 29. Planning Advisory Committee re acceptance of JB yments by City in lieu of setting aside lam for public purposes, from: (1) J. D. Griggs; (2) Arthur W. Maguire; (3) Jessie Pedersen Nagle; (4) Frank E. Bustin, Jr. 30. Planning Advisory Committee reconmending amendments to text of Zoning By-Law: A, B and C. URBAN RENEWAL 3l. Payment of . profes81~ fees re negotiations and appraisals, re property acquisitions. .32. Request to advertioe closing ot lDng Whart, as per submitted plan. .3.3. Reqllest to advertise closing of Chesley Street, as per submitted plan. 34. Re neigh">ollrhood improvement programmes; request for Province of N~ Brunswick to designate Saint John as a city to receive a portion of the Feder~l-Provinc~l funds available for this purpose. GENERAL .35. Brief concerning the flooding of Rotheoay Avenue (Councillor Davis). 36. Re need to maintain Fairville Bouevard road surface (Councillor Green). 37. Re need for directioool traffic signs on f'airville Boulevard and its intersection with Lancaster Avenue and Main Street West; re need for traffic lane sign at comer ot Union and Dock Streets (Councillor Green). :.~ ,,- v .38. ..39. 41. ~42. I ""'_., ~ c . , ( - - 2 - 40. Reply from Hinis tel' of J.ndi.an ani Northem Affairs re proposed development of Partridge Island existing fortifications as a I'Iuseum (on site) of Hilitary History. Saint John Policemen's Protectiye Association in support of any application from any present member of the Saint John Police Dept. for position of Chief of Police or Deputy Chief of Police. Senior Citizens Centre re r:loIlthl~' rental paid to City for Cit;}T Harket space for Centre; request for a grant. Junior Civic Cotmcil requeot for 1974 budget aQount. Petition from Crescent 1Jalley Tenants Association on behalf of resiuents of Portland Place who support the proposed recreation centre on SOlilerset Dtreet. Petition from residents of loch Lomond VillH, 185 Loch LOIJ.ond Road, requesting a self-operated pedestrian traffic f;top light at the crosswalk between the Villcl and the Woolco Shopping Mall" or a blinking red light. Saint John Ci.ty Hall r~ployees I Local 48(), C.U. P.E. requesting that negotiations be opened for revising and adding to clauses of present working agreement, am to negotiate a new sal&ry scale. 4.3 . 44.