1974-02-04_Agenda ,--- AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL as at 1st FebrudrJr, 1971~. 1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 p.m.. February 4 - prayer. 2. Confir~tion of minutes (January 21 & 22). 3 . Ma~ror '8 remarks. 4. 8.00 p.m. - Kstate 01' l~r Thompeon, Ed....ard J. C:"1', Phyllis M. Cyr, Btl1"L1a Propane Gas Co. Ltd. - to appear to Bho~l cause \ihy 11::; Britilin ~)t. ~hould not ;:;0 removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidatud bu~ldi~g. 5. 8.10 p.m. - r"y Mnl""J vlhite and ThorJ.<'.s Paul h'hite - to apnear to shaH cause \lhJ' Ilh-12? Hockland Road should not ce r-CJnovcd or destroyed ao a dangeroun or oilapio.ated building. i\CTnG CITY MA.i~GER 6. Month1y repGrts: Fire Dept. (Dec.); Recreation am Parks Dept. (Oct., Nov. and Dee.). 7. Monthly repart: Building und Technical InsptJction Services (Dec.). 8. Progress payments re projects undertaken ...mcler Dept.R(;gional Lconomic E::p<ln3ior:.. prOt;]'3.TJL1eo 9. Progress pa;ymonts re contracts for projects included in the Capital Budget. 10. PH~nt 01' invoice for liquid foam. 11. Payment of invoice Jor vJater pipe. 12. Pa.;yment of invoice for equipment rental. 13. Report 1'e tenders 1'01' tourist literm:.ure. 13A.Progress payment re project umertaken under Dept..Regional Economic Expansion programme. :J.3B.1974 Capital Programr.le; Preli.."Ilinar.r List for Wint~'r 'Fork. 14. COl-1I"1.( m c U~l ,K Third reading of Zoning &J-Law amendment re front yard setback~ (1st & 2n~ readings given Jan. 21, 1974). Third reading of ~~onhl&~ B~r-LH.W 8!'10nrir::J"mt to re-?one l<>nd, flo'.ttl, sid~ of !loCir's Hea.d Ret. for Sbn1ey Gardens L1~d. (1st &:..~QRd !"eadinSS5 given Jnn. ~l, 1971~). Third reading of lfunicipal Developr;1ent Plan HJr-lavr amendment (1st & snd reacti.ngR given Jan. 21, 1974). Third reading of h~r-law to c.lose port5.on of Rebecca St. (1st & 2nd. read.ings given Jan. 21, 1974) . Third readin.p. of by-law to close part of Loch Lomonl rH. (1st h 2nd reading~ ~i 'Fen Jan. 21, 19'14). 15. 16. 17.. 18. CITY 30LIGIT8R 19. Request to pro pare deed for parcel of land, Flirville Boulevard in m..rae 01' Vert,:" Batteries Ltd. (instl.;;et.d of in mune of Globt.lite Batt~ri€:E; Cc:m:.Jda L=-:e..ted). 20. n. Bill for Legislature re King ~)clUare and Carleton Buri~ Ground, re Cnr10ton-K:"1'L United. Church Pl'OPOdbd. project. 21. 22. 23. 24. URBAN HENE.'V-1AL Ac,:;uisition of Chwd~ St.reet i)ropE~rtie6 f:;:>oT;'! General hkeries Lt.d. Pa'Fment of annr:iisi11 fee t,o Pat Kinp'~,t.d.. t '.. J: n"en' d~~ e fS Proposed disposal of Site ItIn' Wtirn J.m3~ Dot e~f1s1c~r I)J':(ver, to 'R.o(~cM. Group,for developnent. Proposed disposal o!' Site "Kit lOHoehold intermJt, Main St.peet east. of ACcldiE1 StreQt, to Roce.! Group, 1'or develo~'mt. CO??HT'rLJ'0 J Bql~:~DS 25. Report for 1973 from tVater Armeals CoJ!lmittea. 26~ Land COI!lmittee re purchar;e of vnc~<nt. 1.U".d, iJorth Ocean n:.:,t.",~,:", from L.~on<'rd McCHrthy. 27. NominetL~f, Committee ~eport. 28. Report from Special Cornnittee to Rtudy requests for finf.~dd aesintcmce 1"ror'_ Git~r fo':." crine prevention pro'~~p.s (laid on table JRn. 2~, 1974). 29. I..etter from Mr. P. l'~. God30e, Co-Ordin~.tor, Crime Prp.ve'1T,ion G:roup re Youth 5ervice Bureau and Citizens Committee under Juvflnile Do1inqUf.mt',c~, (l'<,~,\ or t'1!)lfo Jn71.2;:, 19?1.J.). 30. Letter from Rev. D. F. Brae:1 on behal.: of :.h~ HOT'k"ln Gatr~(Jl~c G.:l,l:'ch .~,f :ia:tnt ,John, N.B. in support of iten 2G proposed motion ::ontninn~ therein. -31. Letter from Ministerial Assoc. of Grenter Saint John. in ,~l/! ;')ort :Jf ilk': '~9 propo~~e:t T")'ion contained ther~in. 32.. Rel),\lest. from Mr. D. (Jame'3 (}flrrirlh, f;olic:!+,o:r for D~. 1':. !J. P:>"',ter-non, ".rat Zord.n::; B"-Law be <unended to permit establishment of a doctor'~; office ~lt ~)Jr DOl.l.glas j1venue.(sEE' it<eh133). 33. Planning Aci"viflor~: COl'TF.littee rA amendins t.he Zoninr; n~,r-La.w., 303 per rWiueDt in i....Em '12. 34. Planning J\.cld.so~r Co!.1.1'l'l:'t.T.ee requesting GO'..lncil'8 ~lf)scnt to IrarbouI"'ri€:~; Suh-di'ridon plan& re streets and. location of 1fmds i'or ryublic purpones; re "8r;t~n:1 COlmcil rnsolut::.on of November 19, 1973 on re-~oning ot this area to incorporate tl'o modified 1Ciyout 9f 'y.m on s.lb-ciivlsion plall. 35. Planning Advisory Conmittee recoIllrll8nding Zoning By-Law amendment rfl definition of word lIStorey". GENElU,L 36. Re e::ercise. of option b:r Cit;r ..d.t;. ::'unt ';Ohn ~tOOOl.t lio\.wiilF, Corporr.t.i~ll Ltd. l'~ iknd off UniveI'sit~- lw\.:. for utudent hOu.sil~. (Councillor uavib). 37. Re calling tenders for sale nm~ rcL.lOvc.l ot buildin.:.~ on CiL~T pl"O]Jtn.ty at Sirur:J.5 C;)~ner ~ and p!"flparing site to be uned us c. lJu:J la,'-b".. (Cd"lIC:i.llol' HacGo:,;.:J). 38. Final invoice from Kates, Poat, Har~:ick 8c' Co'. re Ol'ganization and cJs.esificatioIl \Iork during 1973. Cit 39. Letter from Katea, Peat, Marwick Be CcIt. re terme ot reference for search for a new y Manager. '- ,. ... 44. . .n. 5 4 · -- - 2 - 40. Lists 01' newly elected officers of NOB. 1 and 2 Companies, SalvaGe Corps and !<'ire Police (confirmation required from Council). Loyalist Dnys Inc. request for Cit~Tt8 financial backing for plI'c~,f>e of tricorn h&ts. Petition to have un-named public road off HiQ'~M:l.;Y 102 at No. 3 SM'I' bus stop in Horna namt?d "High Vier! Hoa.d 11 . Letter from Mr. George F. O'Connell, Q.C. I'e proposed i:laltt::I' F. h:ckett s,1~1-.:":Lvi3ior" dVJ'E:lopzoont at Acam.ac Ba.cr::land l~oaG. and HCirtinon B;y.-pass (.i-lr. O'GoTlnell to be pr'<:sr3i1t at Council to speak rt:' this lllClt tel', if necessary). Letter from Valley Cons..utants Li1aited re proposal lor Loch Lemond si:'.\'iLlill. Application from Cedar Investmtmts LiIrd.teJ. fOl' l'e-zoning of lO()L~ l\.ct.J.es2.J" Hoc,.0. cc"Q tv,(.; adjoining parcels of property. Application from m.Llonue LiosJS Glut.. lur re-zonin{; of l<.:.nd ."t intersection of Ellel'uc\lE,; St. and. Va.lley St. and adjacent to existinG apart.ffiE.nt house, to f-ernlt. e;~tArlsiorl to Loch Lamond Villa. 41. 42. L~3 . . , 46.