1973-11-19_Agenda ~GENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 16th I~ovember, 1973 1. Meeting c.uled t.o order, 4.00 p.m.. November 19 - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes (November 5 and 14, 1973). 3 . Mayor' B remarks. 4. 5. 6. 7; 10. li. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ACTIll1 CITY MANAGER Financial Statoments - Septeml.er. Payment of equipment rental invoices: Hatfield; Chi ttickB; Ryan; Fra.ncis. Payment of invoice, Maritime Gurdens Ltd. re improvetlents to Shamroc}: Park pla.ying field. Paymfmt of invoice, Neptune Ueters Ltd. fa:.... viater Ll8ters. Progress payments re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme. Payment of prog1"ti58 certificate, Simpson Construction Ltd., re Sir..1onds Vocational School swimming pool. _ Payment of invoice, Beaver Foods, 1td., re meals supplied ~aint John Unity Committe. and guests dw.ing "ottawa. Days in baint John". October report, "Building Inspection Dept. (inclUding Plumbing Division). Re Bricklin Ca.nada Ltd. application to install a gasoline tank in Grandview Industrial Park. Report retenderafor Bayside Drive Reconstruction and Widening Phase I Little lli.ver Bridge lb. 1 \"Jidening. :, Report re quota.tions for electrical \-/ork re Forest Hills pumping sta. tion standy power supplJr. Report re bicl.s received for preliminary soils investigations, arena sites. Payment of invoice for crunhing gravel - Dexter. October reports: Police Dept.; Water and. i:.iewerage Dept. ,. COMMON CU:RK 18. Third reading of ZoniJ;lg By-Law amendmen10 to re-zone land. on Lloyd St. for Da.vid B. Huestis (1st and 2nd read.iDgs given Nov. 5). 19. Second and third readings of Zoning By-Law amendment re various re-zonings shown on 41 sketches submitted,by Plarming Advisory CollJCli.ttee to Council on August 13, 1973 (1st reading given Nov. 5). 20. Report from Plarming Advisory Committee re Committee's policy on disclosure of names of principals of companies. 21. Planning Mv.is,cry Committee recanmending re-zoning for Harbour View Sub-.division, Shelter ReSOurC8S ,.Limited, of land north of Ocean Drive and \'/8st of Eden ~t. , 22. Third reacling of Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone for Shelter Resources Limited lalXl. north of Ocean Drive ani west of Eden St. (1st and 2nd readings given Nov. 5). 23. ThiN reacling ot amendment to Market By-Law re Market hours o:t:sL:--an'tl~ ~~: 1"~~iten=-.::::~ ~'0) ~ ,J.f:;;t. ;..', ,:':.l.. a !~~~~, tOia. ...:kii,j.,;:::.1. - 24. 'th1rd re~lng .r proposed new Bw.""1ding By-Law (1st and ~nd readings -given Oct. 22; 3rd :reading laid .on ,table Nov. 5). 25. Land COIl1I1ittee re objeetion.Jl1ade by Mr. M."1urice S. Burns to J..oeation.ot a permanent. ,. builcling on portion of Lancast.er St. proposed to be closed. 26. ~cond and thi1'd readings ere propo86C1 closing ot portion ~f Lancaster St.. ,.(lst reading given JuneU, 1973). (aM item 40). ' 27. Second inter~ iJ,lvoice, Kat.8..:Pea.~.,Ma.rwick Ie Co. re oonsulting work. ., o-l'rt SOLICITOR 28. Report.;gftrorcemen'\ of' comitiens re Pr9posed extenaion to Superior Precast. Concrete Products building, Golden Grove Rd. < 29. Report on City's position re terms for payment for Selectric composer machine. 30. Re codification ot City by-laws. lAND COMMITTEE 31. Re PWOChaS8 of property, 143 Bays ide Drive, trom Mr. B. Scott King. 32. Re purchase of vacant land at Peters Wharf from Mr. William Wetmore. 33. Re purchase of land off FairrlUe Bolllevard from Cedar Hill-GreenwoCld. Ceme\ery Co. 34. Be purchase of easement from Mr. Lloyd Bullock for Marsh Creek Sewerage Scheme. 35. Re purchase of permanent ea.sement from Mr. William Kearns tor Milford-Ranciolph-Greendah sewer project. 36. Re sa.le of land nea.r Prince of Wales to Mr. Lloyd Galbraith. 37. Re sale of Lot 22, Fairville Boulevard, to Gill & Company Limited. l'! ~1. Re sale of laOO, Linton Road, to Building Space Invest.m.ents Limited. 39. Re sale of .freehold o.f Lot 15, St. James Street, Saint John ~lest, to Miss Sophia Lee. 40. Re sale of ~rt of Lancaster St. to Mr. Ray Murphy (see item 26). 41. Report re legal decision given by Mr. George T. Clark, Q.C., Senior Logal Counsel, re fire lanes. J..2. 43. URBAN RENEWAL Payment of accounts for professional services re North End Urban Ren~lal Scheme. Report of Minimum Standards Committee of Urba.n Renewal Commission rc oinimum standards for maintenance and occupanoy of existing residential property. COMKITTEm Committee ot Whole report (see item 45). Re payment 01' Progres8 Certi1'icate No. 15 to Gerald J. Ryan Co.Ltd.re Harsh Creek Sewerage scheme (see 1 tem 44). Planning Advisory Col'llD1ttee re applic:a.tion of Glen Park Ltd. re mobile home placement as otfioe quarters for night watchman. Planning Advilory Committee re permission for use of a mobile home or trailer ae a construction ottice or shed. Planning AciTisol."y Committee recommending that Council resolution of October 23, 1972 (which adopted Korth End Renewal Schell1l8 Area, ~ical Design Concepts Report) be variet' by allowing, an a-storey building on 8i te IIJn (Keddy Motor Inn site). '-, 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. ~70~ .I t 49. - 2 - ;0. 51. Planning Advi6o~' COlJ.d. t.tcv fl~Uidt pc.;.yment in lieu of setting land aside for public purposes by: Armie Bagnell; Sadie Fullerton; Russell Sub-divisicm. Planning Advisory Committee re propGsed mobile home park for New Brunswick Electric Power Commission. Planning Advise~r Comurl.ttee re proposed re-zoning for Grenville O. a.nd Robert. Ring. c GENEHAL 52. Report from Saint John Unity Comr..littee: ~;' COJ.ncillol' A~ A. Vincent, Co-Chairman _ . re "Ottawa Da~r6 in Saint Jolm" (financial report). ':' -t Report from Councillor Parfitt on consultation in Ottm..a 1'e uvailo.bility of Barrack Green ~ site for recreational use. 54. Letter from Dept. National Defence reCluesting information re area of Barrack Green desired as a site for recreational use. 55. Letter from South End Developroont Corporation re use of Barrack Green as a site for recreational u~e. 55A. Re garbage collection in Red Head area (Councillor M. Vincent). 56. Proposal re amendment to report of Kates, Peat, Harwick & Co. to Council re City Manager- Council form. of gO'lernment (Councillor M. Vincent). 57. Re City Solicitor's position in the City organization structure, and the Bel"vices of the Legal Department (Councillor lapping). . 58. Letter from 1hyttJ<lli.~:.t'~tJl, Barrister, submitting COJ!1li1ents on report from Kates, Peat, Marwick & Co. on City Hall adninistration . 59. Brief from Mr. Charles F. Whelly, Q. C., on the legal and equitable relationship of the City Solicitor's Departr.1cnt and the City of Saint John. 60. Le'tter from Mr. P.E. Godsoe, Co-Ordinator of Crime Prevention Group 1'0 mtJeting with three-man committee (laid on table Nov. 5, 19'0). , 61. Universit~r of New Brunswick letter to ltayor re City sharing in cost of tbe pre-installation dinner and reception at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John. 62. Saint John School of Marine Technology requesting a grant. 63. Request from Dignitaries and Invitations COxmn1ttee, Seagram Stone National Curling Championship, that Cit~T sponsor rectJption during said Championship matches in Saint John. 64. Applioation from Wm. P. Dowd &. Sons Ltd. :re-zoning of Lot 16, Block 8, Somerset Street F..xt. 65. Application frail Slattery l-tlnagement &. Realty Company Limitecil,re-zoning of property west of the N.B.F~ectric Pbwer Commission and N.B.Telephone Company Limited right-of-way to Champlain' Heights. 66. Spruce Lake Ratepayers Assoc. re tax rate and lack of municipal services; requesting certain municipal services and extension of bus service. 67. Petition from residents of Hayes Avenue, Saint John 1nest, for rem.oval of the dangerous turn on this street and for widening of the road at said point. 68. Mr.L. O'Neill, 285 Riverhill Drive, Saint John '.Jest, commenting on lack of recrea.tional f'acili tie s. 69. Mrs. A. M. L. Owens, 619 Bonita Avenue, Saint John East, requesting improvement to surface of this street. 70. Ministerial /\,asociation of Saint John re proposed Carleton-Kirk United Church project on Carleton Burial,. Ground and part of King Square \\est. 71. Historic Sites Committee re retention of King Square \'lest as lands public 'benefit and recreation; and re City's plans for development municipal mU8um on King Square West (the same area proposed to be 'the Car;ton-Kirk United Church project). 72. Hlstor~c Sites Corrmittee re preservation of existing fortifications on Partridge Island and ultimate developoont of same 8.S a Museum (on Site) of' Military History. \ in perpetuity for the of the open-air Uf:led partly for '\, \ \ J.'-- ... _.__._--~--