1973-10-09_Agenda ~NDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at 5th October, 1973. 1. Meeting called to order, 4.00 P.o.. October 9. (Tuesday) - prayer. 2. Confirmation of minutes. .3.. Mayor's remarks. 4. Consolidating resolution re payment ot projects listed, by me~ns of a bond issue. ACTIN} CITY MANAGER S. Report re tenders on gasoline, oil, lubrioants and anti-freeze:. and tire chain stock. 6~ Financial statements - August. 7. Payment of invoioes for equipoont rental: Hatfield; Ste}ilen. r a.. Payment of invoice for asphalt: Stephen. 9. Report re bids for two wing ploughs (...linter snow cloaring operations ),. 10. Report re bids for one 6-inch trash pump (Water ani Sewerage D6pt.). ll. Four resolutions, authorizing signing officers for City banking purposes (J.d. on table, Sept. 24, 1973). 12.. Report re tenders re demolition of 423 Ba.yaide Drive. 13. Progress payments re 1973 Capital Bu1get contracts. 14~ Progress ~ents re projects undertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expansion programme. 15. Authorization for Mayor am Common Clerk to sign agreement re City t B share in services , ,costs re, Hanford Thompson sub-division, St. Anne St. 16. Report re tenders re: oonstruction of 48-inch storm sewer, Greendale.area; 42-inch com- bined sewer, Visart St. area (opened p.o. October 5 - material available Tuesday). 17. Report. on equipment rentals versus the buying ofequipaent b~r City. COMMON CIEB.K 19. Payment of first interim invoice, Kates, Peat, MarwiCt~ & Co. 20. Resolution .authorizing Mayor and Common Clerk to execute agreement between Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation and City re serrage treatment project, Lakewood Heights Collector Sewer. 21. Resolution authorizing Mayor and. Common Clerk to execute agreement betv;een Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation am City re sewage treatment project, Western or Lorne- ville Collector Sewer. 22. Third reading of proposed amendment to Subdivision By-Law (1st reading given Sept. 10; 2nd reading glven Sept. 24, 1973). 23. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment (to re-zone lot 231, southwesterly oorner 01' Guil- ford and Lanoaster Sts. for Leo J. and P'd.trick J. Hiokey); 1st and 2nd readings given Sept. 24, 1973. ' 24. Third reading of Zoning By-Law amendment (to re-zone 82-102 Chkrlotte St., West.,inclusive, including property of Mrs. Marjorie Campall at 94 Gharlotte St. h 1st and 2nd readings given Sept. 24, 1973. 25. Third reading of Zoning By-Ls;w waendment' (to re-zonepursuant to suotion 39 of Community Planning Act 66-76 Lansdowne Ave. inclusive I tor J. B., Elliot) 1st and 2nd readings given Sept. 24, 1973. . 26. Third reading ot amendment to by-law to ol.ose portions .of Harding St. and Fairville Blvd. am any other portion 01' any hightlay ,included. within bound.aries of description provided (1st and 2nd readings given Sept. 24, 1973). 27. Third reading of amendment to by-law to clo88 part cf Lancaster St., Saint JOM vlest (lot nnd 2nd readings given Sept. 24, 1973). (see ltems 28 and 29). 28. Second. reading of Zoning Jtr-Law amendment (to re-~ont! certain lEl.lld in area of, and including, part of, King Square Hest - re Carleton-Kirk United Church proposed building complex); 1st reauing given Sept. 24, 1973, (see item 29) CITY SOLICITOR 29. Letter re Clty's authority to oonvey a portion of above named King Square West. 29A.Re question of persons being photographed by the Police Force. LAND COMMIm::E 30. Re sale of Lot 3, Magee Place, Dunhill Sub-division, to Caldo Ltd. 31. Re~..Jlal:e:-:of 1l.3 acres, more or less, Sherwood Road, to Mr. John Carter. 32. Re r8sctinding of September 5, 1972 resolution re purchase of easement from Dominion Stores Ltd.; re purchase of sa:id. easement from Manufacturers Life Insurance COLlpany, for Marsh Creek Sewerage Scheme. 33. Re purcbE.se of land, Looh Lomond Rd. from Mrs. Margaret Whalen. ....34 ~ He purchase of land, Sand3~ Point Hel. from William r~. Lowell, Mildred J. Mahoney, JOM J. Lowell and Marion White. 35. Re purchase of land, Old Black River Rd. from Mr. Robert Sudsbear. 36. He purchase of easement from Mr. Robert Amos for Marsh Creek Sewerage Scheme. 37. Expropriation of land, Old Black River Rd., owned by Arthur McNeil Estate, for expansion of Hazen Cretik Sewerage Lagoon. 38. Re 'aclvertislngnotice of Council's intention to pass a resolution acquiring title to rights to fire lane between Park A"e. and Mount Pleasant Ave., Saint John Eas\, of Roman Catholic Bishop, Jean F. Gibb Rnd James Gordon McAllister; and deeding half of said fire lane to abut tlng propert~r owners, following said advertising and conveyanoe to City. 39. Re advertising notice of Council's intention to JESB a resolution acquiring title to rights to fire lane off Harding Street, West, of Byron Webster; and deedinglftt6le of said fire lane to Mr. Webster. f , I \ ~ ;1 I " t .... ~ '4" ' ~~ - 2 - COMMITl'EES. COMMISSIONS 40. Committee of \-!ho1e report (September 24). 41. Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee requesting subject. of condition of railwa~r embankments and grounds of railway properties be referred to next meeting of Cities of N. B. with representatives of two railway companies to attend. 42. Civic Daprovement and Beautification Committee requesting funds be placed in ~get of' Recreation & Parks DeI~. for maintenance of green areas for which City becomes responsible. .1.3. Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee re regulations pertaining to requirin8 "'" owners of parking and storage areas, vaoant lots, etc. to screen same to City's satis- faction, as outlined in Comprehensive Community Plan. M... Civic Improvement and Beautification Committee re allocation of funds in 1974 budget to improve City's Catherwood Street garage property. 45. Planning AdvisoI"j! Comni. ttee re payments in lieu of setting land aside for public purposes by: (a) K, R. Nelson; (b) Annie Bagnell. 46. Planning Advisory Committee re application of' Superior Precast Concrete Products for extension to building on site on Golden Grove Rd. 47. Saint John Port & Industrial l>evelOJDent Commission re administration of H:cA11ister and Spruce Lake Industrial Parks by Commission and Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. .....i.i--. .~", GENERAL 48. Re request for replacement of weathervane on former Beaconsfield fire station (Councillor Murphy) . 49. Re replacement of present post office, King Street \iest, .;i,th a sub post office (Councillor Murphy). 50. Veterans Remembrance Day Committee request that City underwrite any possible deficit re c-- Remembrance Day parade and service costs, not to exceed $100.00. -- 51. Mr. Robert M. Waters requesting payment re damages to property. 52. Bank! of Montreal reI proposed renovation to 370 Haymarket Sq. propert~r am related questions; lease of area from City for parking area, or sale of said area by City to Bank. 53. Letter from \'/est Side Citizens Association re need of' an arena in West Saint John. 54. David B. Huestis application for re-zoning of" Lot 0, Lloyd St. 55. Shelter Resources Ltd. application for re-zoping of land, Woodlawn Park ,Sub-divisi. on, Red Head. 56. Application of Evelyn B. Armstrong to make improvements to house at 1416 Loch Lomond Rd. 57. Application of A. R. Hovey to place a mobile home on his property at 13l~ Manners Sutton Rd. for 6~onth period. 58. Application from The Hocca Group that City assent to proposed street and lani for public purposes as per letter, and authorize the sub-division agreement &s per letter, re sub-division on southerly side of Westmorland Road opposite the, Jewish Cemetery, condltional or pursuant to necessary input from Planning Advisory Committee and Works Dept. l'/ithout having to come back to another meeting of Council. ;SA.Mr.. E. 1>.. Trites, Chairman, Summer Games ColIlldttee - report. -------------' , '