1973-07-30_Agenda ~G END "A COMMON COUNCIL - as at 27th July, 1973. 1. Meeting called tg ord. :.1', 4.00 p.m., July 30 - prayer. 2. Confirma ti on of mnutes ( July 16). 3. Mayor' 8 remarks. 4. 2.00 p.m. - Proposed Zoning D~'-Law amendment to re-zone \0;. C. Randles property, Old Redhead Rd. (first reading given July 3, 1973). 5. - Planning Advisory Committee recommending against said proposed. re-zoning. - Proposed Zoning B;\T-La:~J amendment to re-zone Caldo Ltd. property on Hickey Rd. - Planning Advisory Committee recommending for said proposed re-zoning, subject to ,Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. 8. -........ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 5.15 - Proposed Zoning B;y-Law amendment to re-zone for Mr. and Mrs. W. Roberts, under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, \.mdeveloped land on St. Anne St. - Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re pits and excavations (first reading given July 3, 1973). - Planning AdvisorJ' Committee letter re proposed amendment umer Item 9 of agenda. - Thlrd amendment to Zoning By-Law, to re-zone 294 Simms St., West (first and secondreadings given July 16, 1973). - Third amendment to by-la.... to close Victoria St. (first am second readings given July 16, 1973). Propesed closing of 34-foot wide strip of &lco Lane (first reading given July 16, 1973). - Letter from Real Estate Supervisor advising objection of Faco Supply is withdrawn. p.m.- River Hoad Ratepayers Assoc., per Mrs. G. H. Crawford, re subject matters contained in brief submitted at JulJ' 16th, 1973 Council meeting. ACTING C ITI MANAGER 15. Analysis of 1973 Clean-Up Campaign, and canpa.rison sheet of 1972 figures. 16. Progess payments re projects UIXiertaken under Dept.Regional Economic Expanslon programme. 17. Acceptance of quotations re landscaping \lork; purchase of sot. 18. Payment of involces, equiIEent rental: Hatfield; Francis; St~en. 19. Payment of invoice, crushed gravel: Dexter. 20. Payment of invoice, asphalt: Stej:i1en. 21. Re engaging archltect for uesign and supervision re construction of an indoor arena for Mi.llid geville, Ctnd preparation of documents for tender call. 22. Report re tenders for salt. 22A. Report re tenders for a street sweeper. 23. Re leasing agreement re racing shell. 24. Re acceptance of consultants proposal re soil investigations re Millicigeville arena. 25. Flnancial Statements - June. 25A.Recreation and Parks Dept. report (Apr.l-Juae 30, 1973); Water & Se~lerage Dept. report-June. 25B.Reoommendation to establish speed zone under Traffic By-Law (Chesley Drive). 25C.Re planning study, Central ~/ork6 Depot.- 26. Re geographically referenced data storage and retrieval system (letter supplied to Council at July 16, 197.3 Council meeting and was laid on table until July 30). 27. Commissioner of Flnance submitting resolution required. to be adopted re North End Urban Renewal Project debenture. ~ 7 r9., ,.(l, ,4>d-1f MU' COMMI'J.'T1!ES 28. Lan::i Committee re purchase of land, Treadwell Drive, from Mra. James F" Russell. 29. Land Colllnittee re purchase of lam, ~lestmorl.and Haid, from Mr. Ray L. Thomas. 29A.City Hall Building Committee recommending purchase of five paint~ from "loyalist Days Art Purchase Exhibition". 30. Planning AdviaoIj" Committee recamnending re-enactment of deferred widening b:-'-law6 for Union, rlaterloo and Water Streets. 31. Planning Advisory Committee reCOllllll8ndations re land for public purposes in follo~ling sub-d.ivielons:- (a) Russell Sub-division; (b) Mrs. Annie Owens BCtgnell two lots; (c) Colonial Acres sub-division; (d) Melanson sub-division. " ,'"" Planning Advisory CoIlll1ittee recommendations re Council assenting to streets in the follO\'Jing , '8ub-<iivisions:- (a) Rusoell Sub-divislonj (b) Melanson Sub-cilvision. 33. Planning Advisory Coumittee recoJIDD.ending new sections of Zoning By-Law re swimming pools. 34. Planning Advisory Committee, re Imperial Oil self-service gasoline outlet, recommending ~endment to Zoning By-La\/ re self-service gasoline facilities, and permission to Imperial Oil re its application, am recommending adoption of National Fire Code when submitted by Fire Chief. 35. 36. 37. 38. GENmAL Re implementing programme of installing a storm sewer in ~loodward Avenue area, as outlined .r:i in memorandum to Council on July 13, 197.3 by Acting Clt~' Manager (Councillor Vincent). Report of Chief of Police re Prince Edl-,ard Square Mall liquor outlet. District 20 Board of School Trustees re Prince Edward Square Mall liquor outlet. Atlantic National ~llbition Association requeoting moratorium during August re permits to travelling shows.