1973-05-28_Agenda I, rj E j'; Ii j, r:' ,~,~~,~ ,1:J (~~t/j;:',: ~l, u,~_~ 0.t C':;th J.1ci.J, 1~/l3. 1. f1eetinc called tt' order, lL 00 p.m., r.h:1 28 - prayer. 2. ConfjrrrnUon of TrL' nute~ (TJB.y 22). 3. Mayor's rerlEI'Y.B. 4. 5. 6. .,.. ?~. b. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ACTUJG CITY f1^JJAGER Payment of' invoices for equipment rental (FraIlcis; Hatfield). Payment of invoice for equipment rental (Hatfield). Progress payments re projects undertaken under D.R.E.E. programme. Re engineering service3, Lorneville Western Industrial Water Supply. April report of Fire Department. Payment of 1973 Real Property Taxes. Re McAllister Drive Arterial and Oil Refinery expansion. Lorneville Western Industrial Water Supply, Contract 3 - pipe supply. Servicing Kiwanis Vocational Training Centre, Thornbrough Street. Report re 2-hOlT parking, Carmarthen Street. Re Rockwocxl Park food canteen. (golf course) Resolution of commendation to Miss E. J. O'Keefe. Report re quotations for liqucxl chlorine. Report re quotations for motorized equipment. Re purchase of equipment, Troop Street park playgroun:::l. '" (5.00 p.m. - Items 20 to 25) COMMON CLERK 19. Proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law amending Section 183(2). 20. Proposed arn'.=ndment to Zoning By-law to establish new class of zoning to be known as "I-R" Restricted Industrial district. (first reading given Apr. 30, 1973) 21. Proposed re-zoning of land on Boar's Head Road (first reading given Apr. 30, 1973) 22. Proposed re-zoning of land between Mark Drive and McAllister Drive (first reading given Apr. 30,1973). 23. Proposed re-zoning of land, Dominion Park Road. (first reading given Apr. 30, 1973). 24. Petition from residents of Dominion Park re sewerage facilities to sub-division to be permitted by re-zoning of land under Item 23. 25. Proposed Closing of portion of Kjng Street Extension, Saint John West. 25A.Request for re-zoning, North End Urban Renewal Scheme (N. B. Housing Corporation) COMVIITTEES 26. Planning Advisory Comnittee re Ccx~stal Co-Operative Housing Lirni ted. 27. Plaming Advisory Comnittee re Dur,hill Subdivision. 28. Plannjng Advisory Comnittee re requested rezoning of property, 181 Bayside Drive. GENERAL 29. Re street numbering (Councillor MacGowan) 30. Re former Nels0n property, Sirrms Corner (Councillor MacGowan). 31. JVJr. Robert G. Smith letter to Councillor Murphy re heroism of John lVlaxwell re air crash rescue operations, February 22m, 1973. 32. JVJr. James S. Wilson, Instructor Manager, Saint John Flying Club, re John Maxwell heroism in above named air crash rescue. (Items 31 & 32 were withdrawn from agenda of March 26th last pending inquest). 33. Shamrock Realty Ltd. request for re-zoning, land boun:::led by McAllister Drive, Loch Lomond Road and Silverstone Street. 34. M:>osehead Breweries llrnited re remodelling of main building, Saint John West.