1973-05-22_Agenda .... AGE N D.A COHHON COUNCIL - as at 18th Mar. 1973 1. Meeting called to cruel', 4.01..) p.D.. 118.:/22 - prayer. 2. ConfiI'Wi. tion of uinutes O~:r 14). 3. 1~yor'5 remarks. hCTIIJG CITY 11J\IJllGIJl 4. Dasmcnt of invoice for asphalt (Stephen). 5. Payment of invoices for equipncnt rental (Hatfield; Francis; Chitticl:). 6. ProgresS payments re projects undertal:en under Dept.Hegional LcomJmc Lxpansion programme. 7. April reports: Police Dept.; Technical & Inspection Services (Building ~ Plup.bing). 8. Report re \'!estern garage. Report re .~!oi~r Recreation Ikp~. truck, !1otorized Equipment II. Report re 1'or playground equlpnent. Report re tenders for '\-later materials. Report re quotations for nobile radios. "', 10. 11. 12. COHHON CLE.P.K 13. First reading, re-zoning amendment re Centre St. land of 360 Developul:nt Co. Ltd. 14. First reading, by-law amen~ent to close bottom end of said Centre ~t. (pletcce refer to corrcs pondence fror:l Jia:r 14 Council correspondence, regarding items 13 and 14). COMl.fITI'EES 15. Report of Nominating Cornr.rl.ttee. 16. Planning Advisory Comrdttee re \[alter A. Beckett nub-division deve1opr.1ent and COL1prehensive Community Plan. 17.. Planning Advisory Gornr.1ttee re co-operative housing and proposed developl:lcnt by Coastal Co-Operative Housing Limited. 18. Acting CitJr Hanc.ger re proposed developnent (COGt of services) b~r Coastal Co-Operative Housing Limited. 19. Planning Advisory Cor:JLlittee re East land assembly. 20. Acting CitJr Manager re Saint John East Hesidential Land Development, cost-sharing. 21. New Brunswick Housing Corporation re cost-sharing re Saint John :E.ast HcdJcntial Land Davelo plnen t . GE:NF.:RAL 22. Re site for new proposed regional hospital 01a.~ror l..ockhart). 23. Saint JohA Board of Trade re site for new proposed regional hospitaL 24. Ite store hours - City and Province (Councillor Kipping). 25. Re meetings 'I-!ith gravel pit o'l-mers ani operator representatives by Pits and Excayations Committee (Councillor r~pping). 26. Comprehensive Community Plan. 27. Adverti8e~nt for Ci t~r Manager. 28. Request from Oland's Breweries (1971) Limited that 294 Simms St., Saint John Hest, be re-zoned to i.n:iu"ltria1 classification. . 29. 14rs. Lino Pascon of 38 Catherwood St., Saint John West, re water problen in back yard. 30. Sl1eet Metal \'lorkers' International Assoc. ,Local No. 437, re effect on employmtmt situation by dela~r of Omega Investments Limited project at Millidgeville, and re need for housing. 31. Imperial Oil Limited requesting amendment to Service Stations By-La\'; to pernri.t construction of self-serve gasoline outlet on City Road property. 32. Canadawide Parl:ing Services Ltd. requesting permission to install autom;;.tic parking equip- ment and attendants' booths at access roads to General Hospital, including Hospital St. 33. Loyalist Days, Inc. re request of Richeliuu Club to hold enterta1nmcnt at Cit:r Hull podium during Loyalist Dars (wine ani cheese party, "lith live entertainment). 3.3A.Ratification of S.J .City Hall Union,llo.486 contract (material available Tuesda;r).