1973-04-16_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL as at 13th April, 1973. 1. ') .... Heeting called to order, 7.00 D.n.. April 16 - pr".~rcr. Coni'ir:ru~tion of nirJut,H<; U' t)L1.l '1). r-1.ayor' ~ renark8. -,4Y" B.Or) D.8. - Proposed <.rllCHdT.1~nt to Zonin~ B:J"-Lc...1I; to r~-zolle~'" . Esta.tes c.!.evelopment, Univel':::.tl AvenL;.c9 both sides. d Y.illidgeville 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C I"'y ~1~ Nj.GI:.lt l".fJ.l'cI, reports: Dt..:..l<J.ir'6 InspGct::'on Dept.; Polic~~ !!e;;to Report rt~ O'Cl.nt~ approved HS c:thlvtic p'i:ntn (Sc.int .roh~ Svd.':l Club; Scint .John n1)ines). Pl'Og!'t::BS !x'lyn~mt8 re p]'ojt;ck; J.n~_f;r1.:~kLn un:i~r TJ;.)t.Rf':;icm: 1 :T'ccmm,:.ic Eym.'1si nTl :'....o~amme. Heport re bids on Cc:l. [.Uli ch.::(~::;is (R.()crl'c,t:.on !: P:-rkt ~k;:t.). IlerrJrt re t"llUCrS j'I,)J' l.C,-i:--,ch 0ar;i~,~.~'Y sm-er :_n~ti}llHt~_on, Gol::ien r~rove Rd. to McAllister Drive at flar).c\:ay r-~all. ?i\YILlt'nt. of inv?ice, Hughes ~urVt;ys Ltd., 1'e 5Ul'v~yini~ Eoal" s Hc.i.. ~id. h.nd -t,.; be ac_tuired fro!~ ;.)c.:O()} Board. C-"Y S,.) ""T1f"\D J- _ V .oJ-v J. UI:\. Re proposed Mil1idgeville Estates cieve1opnK:nt. f; . SA. SB. 9. COMMI0SIONEE. OF F !NANCE 1u. Re proposed }4,illidgevillEl bstutes duvc1opment. ~~ COl<lKITTK~, BOAJIDS, (,~l-]}IiIS5IOI~ li. Gomnttee of th~ Whole report (Apr.a 9). 12. Abattoir Co!Ill!li.ssion 1'a payi.armt of invoice rt rt;pairs t.o abattoir areas. 13. Report of Planning 1,civisolJ' Commit "Gee, with !"eoolllllJenciations on the Comprehensive ComIllunity Plan (Apr. 9- laid on tCi.ble one week lor fur1.her study. Plea.so refer to oopies sent '~.'ith C.:>'.mcil rne~ting corresporrlonce of April 9). LAlili C0HiUTT.i:JD ---- ---. 140 -:lte exohange of la.m vii th Mr. Arthur viheily; deeuir4g Cl.I1 aciuitior.aJ.. strip of .:i..aru.:. to Hr. hheJ.lJrj graTtting l{r. v;helljT ?ermiseion to wove garages. 15. Purchase of ttU't:Hi eaS6iuents uUU an area of larlLl froo. }.ir. LdV,1't::l1Ce Ge:.r'nf>tt. 'I URBA'fi HENE\r:AL 16. Payrr.oent of apprais!l.:" fees to Tri-Town Realty Ltd. and Appraisals Lr,d. 17. Acquisition of 15 Drury Lane from Robert M.Mabee. \ \. GFJ&lLAL 18. Re Hay 15th 81ttin~ in Saint John of Canadian Hadio Tt:levision COI:lI'.:d.s~ion 1'6 cf.ble television applications (Councillor t.a.cGowar.). 19. lie traffic flow (Councillor Kipping). 20. Minister of Health,letter re status of option rc hockv-rooJ Pelrk goli' course site; also, acknmdec1ging City' 6 letter rE: avail&bility of City ov.1'led loIlU t,ast of ljnivt.::l'sit~. Avenue and ..et>t of Sand~' POint Road. 21. baint Jbhn Kiwcmi.s CIno and Lance'ster Kh;anis Club ac.tvi~int: thq cannot operate the concession at the Hockwood Pe.rk golf course that City offered to theo.. 2;~. District 'v;at~ri'ront GmIDcil, .i..L.A., ooposing the ,.,25,uv().u() gra!".t rJi.lCil: t" Brw-..tcrm Ltd. by Git~T. 23. Kiwanis Club of Saint John Limited and Lanoaster ~li\olanis Club requesting provision of water and seHerage as a furthf;r City contributi5'P t~rds tht: Vocational 'iraining Centre for the Harxiicapped Young Adult5~ off ?hornbrough St. 24. Hr. Rob~rt 14. Waters, lh.40 Loch 101:1000 Rd.., requeutini payr:rent for/8~~ifuent, loss of 19"11 crops becaUHe of oxpropriation, louf; of top soil, dClI.l8.ge to fi~ldE and. f'arnila.nd, etc., etc. 5. Mrs. Paul O'Blenis, 8 hockv;(:Joo Ave., re condition 01' property at 9 I-.ochcod Avenue, Sc-.2..ut John Ec~st, 01..rIlkd by t.k. an::! HI's. Alden f.1acKnight. 1