1973-04-09_Agenda AGENDA com10N COUNCIL - as at 6th April, 1973. ~ 1. Meeting calJbd to order, 4.00 p.Ll., April 9 - prayer. 2. ConfirLlCition" of llinutes (April 2). 3. l~yor's rewarks. ern d,1,ihG-h1. 4. Re Lornevillt; Environnlt:nta.l Lup:::.ct .stUdy l'~clJL:ll1J.endQ.tion re euto.blisiu.lent of Q. ~forking cOFJf:1ittee to draft detailc of €nv.ironmental l!lanagement sY13tem for Lorneville development. 5. Re invoice for asphalt (~tt.) ph.en Construction). 6. l~e invoice for equipr;lE:nt rt.:nt~l (D. Hatfield LLd.). 7. Report l'e bids for lease of station ..:agon. 8. Report re tem.ers for sand, gravel, loam anCl sod. 9. Report re tendero for Hotori~~cd eCluipu~nt I:::' 10. Report re tenders re Hale of 1930 fire pumper. li. Letter froD IJ. B. ArJl,ique Auto Club 1'e Bc~l(; of 1930 fire pUI:lpel'. 1lA . Hillidgeville Lstutes Ltd. l'econrueridcd,ions. J,p3.Re pitometer liater waste survey. C011I1I'M.'EBS 12. Committee of vlhole report. (l1arch 27 and April 2, 1973). 13. C:.tJT l1urket Coor.:u:Ltee recoJunendations: (a) transfer of J05eph H. \.all rer:.cdnder of lease (b) appoint of Hr. rrancis Balenla.ns to Committee to replace Mr. Perry F. Janes, resigned. 14. Planning Aciviuory COIJl'1ivtee re proposed adaition to Appleby's Photo-Service Ltd. building, r6ar 52 Dock ;jt. (laid on t&ble by C.G.O. April 2, 1973). 15. nanning Advisory Gom.J.t tee advising of appointJ::ient of chairL1an and vice-chairuan, and third ocuLcr of the executi v€ of t.he Comr:d l.t,t:;tJ. 16. Planning J.civh;ory COL1Luttee re application 01' Mrs. 'l'h0nM:18 Campbell for l.ir. and 1.!rs. Earl Parlee to locate a l.1obile hOllie. 17. Planning Advisory COlw;ittee re appliea'Lion of 1-11'. Carl Balfour (per Y.r. vfilliam Ld'vlard. Carlisle) to locate a nobile hot~. 18. Planning Advisory Committee re application of l~a A. Henry for renewal of permission to locate a mobile bone. 19. Planning Ac.lvisory CoL'UJittco re applicc. tion 01' l-1r. v!illiao Roberts for re-zoning of land on western side of Saint Anne St. 20. Plalming Advisory Conmitteu re a.pplication of Mr. Burton Purcell for recoIlsider[J.tion of CoIJOi.ttee '5 c.lccision not to recOlilmend re-zoning to a.IIo,;! a fifth dVielling unit at 17-19 ?'obinAon St. 21. 14es5r5. Clark, DrUDJI:.lie & Conpany, Barristers, on behalf of L. William Thompson of Loch 100000, re Conprehensive Coramunity Plan. 22. Report of Plaming Advisory Com':1i.ttee, with reconracndations on the Comprehensive COrJl.lunity Plan. 22A.Planning Advisory CoLltlittp.e re 360 Development Co. Ltd. re-zoning application. 22B.Planning Advisory CoI:lIlli.ttee re Parkside Developments Ltd. re-zoning application. GENEP..AL 23. Messrs. Nason & Collier, Barristers, re conveyance of 9-acre site for constru.ction of a student housing project b~r ~int John stu::1ent Housing Corporation Limited (Mr. G. Christopher Collier rlill be present, to speak to this 8ubject). 24. School Board, District No. 20, seeking Council's support for construction of the Millidgeville South High School. 25. Saint John Municipal Chapter, I.O.D.E. re inclusion of mare women as appointees to civic comcdtteca. 26. Saint John District Labour Council requesting a grant re convention of New Brunswick Feder[\. tion of Labour. L'i. Letter from Mrs. Elizabeth Blair, 20 Skyline Drive, advocating installation of 2-hour parking meters in the uptown area. 2g. Application of Mr. KenUf~th L. l1a.lloryam Mr. Earl W. Clark for re-zoning of 93 Loch 1omorn Rei. 29. Application ot 360 Development Conpany Limited for closing of Centre Street, Saint John West: at its present termnation point. '30~ A. J. Callaghan & Assooiates re 1Illprovements to Cedar Point Mobile Home Park. n