1973-03-26_Agenda i\ /' 1,: !J D A C\,iJ.\;" l,\...J"..v.l1J - d.~ '-1l.,. ,_)l~ !......1.~:_" ~'/ '..J. 1. ') .... tk~.tinG cnllcd to order,J,.UO :l.r1., I:~rch 26 - prayer. CO'l'lfirrnation of rainutes ((larch 12). Hayor's remarks. 3. 4. _ 111'. Carol L~s, spokesr.lnn, presentinG brief re garbage collection system for r~sidents ofCathline Dri vc, Hi1lcrcst Road, Baxter Hoad, }'!abee Road and a portion of Qdden Grove Road. i.30 p.r.l. _ Iir. Ralph Tlompson, President, The Red Hcnd-Hispec Ci tizens Protective Assoc., presenting ~ief on changes in different~nl tax ratcs and t~~ zones in city. 2.15 p.m. 5. -' 17. CITY H!\NAGER Acceptance of bids for &:iJplying expendable pln~r equipment for 1973. Acceptance of tender re~lilford-Randolph~ireendale Collector sewer; pre-tender of four sewage pumping station &. Paj"mLnt of equipment rertal ~nvo~ce (Co~be~t). pavment of equipnent rert;cll lnVOlce (Cll1ttlcks). Request to undertake re~irs in excess of ~l,OOC.(~ on tractor and asphalt ,spreader. Henuest to purchase trmk chains for tractor at cost in excess of $l,OOO.OC. . Report re athletic grartis approved by Recreation and Parks hdvisory Board (Salnt John Swim Club and Saint John Alpnes). Eebruary reports: B'J.ilting Inspection De}')t.; Fire Dept.; v/ater and Sewerage Dept.; Polim Dept. Re ne'{/ contract re horm? rental concession at Roch'VJOod Park. Re ir.1'Jrovements to Cedar Point Hobile Home Park. Re ap~ointrnent of Mr. ~. C. Tonner to be Conciliation Officer in disp'J.te re 1973-74 contract with Saint Johr Civic Enployees' ,C.D.P.l':. Local 18. Copies of Hajority a~_ 1inorit~r Reports on tehalf of p,ricv,:nces filed b;' Saint John ?olicemen's Protective'issoc., Local 61, re Constables R. Epton ~r.d Gerard Shannont- arbitration award. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. COHt10N ClERK 18. ~hird reading of Traff~ By-La\J amendment (re traffic regulations for Lorneville Road). CITY SOLICITOR \ \ 19. Heport of Taxi B~r-Law ClarnLuttee. 20. DrC'.ft of new Tro:i B~'-lLw:. 201\ . Payment of legal fees re St. ,John Anbu1ance RPpeal. LAND CmfMIT1'I.J: 21. ;)ayzoont to Willimn Love for easeJ!l6nt, Marsh Creek ~Jcw()rage 0chene. 22. Pciyment to Arthur Loye 1'01' e:~Bement, K:lrsh Cl'f:'ek Sewerage Scheme. 23. P.d~rment to Thorvald Brodersen for easement, Mct.rsh Creek Sewerage Scheme. 24. P.d~nt to Dept. Veterans Affairs (Harvey McLeod) for easement, Spruce Lakt; \:a 1~er Line. 24A.Rescinding saleor Lot 2,Block 15,"lrJard 3 to Hr. Ralph J. Stephen. COlOOT'l'EES 25. Committee of \Jhole report. 26. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning for propofled development by M:i.llidf>eville Estates in aJ'8Ci of University Avenue (aee hem 31). GliNffiAL 27. Mr. Robert G. Snith letter to Councillor Murphy re heroism of John Maxvrell re air crash rescue ope~a ti<.>ns, February 22nd, 19'TJ. JS;Jint. John. FJ vi nrr C1uh _ 28. Mr. James S. W1.1oon, Instructor l"lanager,FrtlrtiDull.--Yl.cm;-"1"e \JOfifl MaX\-lell heroism in above named air craBh reseue. 29. Re has pi tal site ( CouncillorDa vis ) . 30. Letter from Mr. James P. :)treeter withdrawing offer to operate golf course, RocblOOd Park. 31. ~chool Board, District 20, re Milli.dgeville Estates sch<>ol sitt! (see item 26). 32. Misses E.A.H. Balm and Alma D. Hamilton re Ashburn Lake Rd.. property survey and ta:x rate. 33. Application of 111'. William Roberts for re-zoning, Quinn Su~ivision. -:u... Aptllication of H.C.McNamara Constru,.tion Co.Lt.d. for re-zoning,Silver Falls Park Sub-divisicn 35. Application of Mr. Angus Mt;lanson for re-zoning 16 acres :t~ Greenhead Road. ,36. Application of Rocca Leaseholds Ltd.for re-zoning land, corner McAllister Drive and Ylestmorland Rd. 37. Application or P'd.rkside DeveloJJllent Ltd. for re-zoning of propert~. on Mac~:~~r Hiltlway. 38. Ap}Jli.cation ot Mr. R. L. Oldfield re mobile home. 39. Application or Mr. \iilli.am h:l.ward Carlisle re mobile home for Mr. Carl Balfour. 40. Application of Mr. Brian Hayward 1'8 mobile home. 41. Application of !t'rna h. Henry' for mobile home permit renewal. 42. Application of Mr. Malcolm Tobias re mobile home. 43. Copy of letter from Hr. Roncud Lynch to Cit~r Manager re speeding, etc. on City Line ani n~e~f,hbouring streets \-Jest Saint John. 44. sa::-nt ~lohn "District 'tabour Council re progress in negotiat ions betv!een City and civic unlons.re new collective agreements. I ! \ \ I J '~t_""............"',~ . .. ',' ......~~......:..;...~~\1';J~.",~~,.L....:.~.: ~<~_..::... . <it........"'"