1973-02-05_Agenda , ...., "\.J..-~~V" <~<,!.1.1 . , ' ,<.,if' .....,.. .;.t..," . ~'I . ~ --:-, ~---- ........... .--........ ._...;.:;".,:,;... J.-" I ._ ~'~J:'''_,_'''7' " """.. ......~..I'.--;-..:.... ......""""":'>>-l""......- ''';'''-'1,.. ....;.. n . . ,:-.....,....~; ',(',+-;:-..-- ..- I' A C; I; :.; J) :\ REGULA!{ ;.:[E11XC; OF C::':.~.;O:1 C(;t~:';C1L of Fcbr,l<iry ~th, 1973 '1 :00 p .r::. 1. Call to order by ~uyor & Convocation Prayer. , . .. .;.. !>!J.ror I 5 RCI!'..:lrks Hearings -'4:00 p.m. A. Proposed j~~endment Zoning Bylaw (Setback Distance from Street Line) B. Proposed Amendment Zoning Bylaw 3. To rezone tract to be knmm as ~,kAllister Industrial Park from "Heavy Industry" to, "Heavy Industrial Park" classification. 4. Letter of objection to ~roposecl Rezoning from L. F. Connolly cm.!MGX CLEl~:: Q CC,~.rrSSIO::E? OF FIN!'.~;CE , f .... G ~ , 1 D ".. - " .. , \+.(: . 5, Correspor..(l~nce ror.1 c. . :\....~er., eputy ,'jlnlstcr 01: ,'Junlc:.~a... ,_...alrs reC!~est:.n: E):c:cut:.O:1. of D~~c::tl.::r~ fere fOT ~eder2.1-Pro'/ir:ci~1 E::1ploy~:;ent Loans Pr061'a.~r:!<:' (1971) in exch<..n.:~ =c~ P::(.rr.is:;I)~:Y ~:ol.';':s ir, 'the S'J:n of $106,463.04; a::u ~~co::T,cr:2.2-~ion :::rcn R.. Pc:.::k that R~solu".:icn <:..1;:~hori::inz Execution of same by :'~ayor c:.:nd Ccr..;;-.on Clerk be adopted. CO:'.;\lITT:r.;S n cc:.::,jlS:3IG~,:S 6. CO::1':1ittee-or-thc 1'.'1101e Re:por-:s A. From Monday, Dec. 11th & 18th, 1972 _,B. January 31st. 1973 C. M & C - 73 - 26 outlining cor.si~e::,'.::.tions to <:..cqu~s~ t::.on of Realsearch. lease for Rockwood Park Golf Course Planning Acvisory COIr'.lT1.ittee re Paul 'G'::':1OnJ request re ~.!obile Home Planning Advisory COr:';ni ttee re :-.1rs. Geor~e Joimston re(J!1/'~ s 1: r? ~rnhilp, HCl;.JP' Planning Advisory Com.iili tt ee ~c i.Irs . Joan Godfrey request re ~10bi1e HOj~e Planning Advisory CO!:l.r;}i t-cee 1'e n2-~es for st.reets -.,.., :<cAllister In::lustr:.al Par~ -.. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Planning Advisory Committee re ~!anford Tnom?son request to close portion of :largaret Street. 12. Planning Advisory Co:mlittee 1'13 proposed re-::onin~ of Ashburn Road Site for A. C. F air\\'ea.:::her & Sons L td . , GENERAL 13. Corres?ondence fro:n Arthur L. Irving, Irving Refining Limited concerning 1958 Tax Ag=eement ~i~h ITving Refi~ing Ltd. A. Reply M & C -73-27 to ~bove recor.~ended by Mayor and City Staff 14. Simonds Disposal Co. Ltd. re garbage removal in eas~ern portion of city ... - ;.~ --....................., ~---_.~._~...._._---.--.._._- .........~- ~. ---...... --..- ,. -,,'~ .-..~~. ~-_..__._~......"..-~~- ~_.......~, ^, ,l"V>'_~""",,~:-__ ~._'...'--.-.. ---......~.----- -~~