1973-01-22_Agenda AGENDA C0l1HOlJ OOUNCIL - as at 19th January, 1973. 1. 2. 3. Moeting called to order, 3.30 p.m. t January 22 - praJrer. Confirmation of mimates (Jan. 18). Mayor's remarks. 4. Third readine, Zoning Itr-La\l amenci.ment (Ashburn Rd. land ro-zonlng for A. C. Fainleather & Sons Ltd.) - laid on table one!!oek on Jan. 15. (Note: this matter is awaiting a report from Planning Advisory Committee m~eting of Jan. 24). 5. Proposed approval of location of mobile home park on Maritime Auto & Trailer Sales Ltd. site, corner Loch Lomond ltd. ani Eldersley Ave. - deferred two weeks on Jan. 8. Brief from residents of above named area re said proposed mobile home park - to be presented by Mr. LeRoy Vincent, spokeul'lan. 6. CITY MANAGER 7. Payment of invoice re preliminary architectural services re parking earage,proposed. 8. Payment of invoioe re relocating pole line on Sandy Point Rd. 9~ Payment of invoice re equipment rental (Chittick). 10. ~gres8 payments re projects \Ul~ertaken under Dept. Regional Economic }<~ansion programme. ll. Departmental reports for De oamber: Poli ce De pt.; Building and Plumbing Divisions; Water & Sewerage Dept. 12. eargrt ~e t~r~ tO~demo1ish 30 Johnston St., 66 Dorchester St., 75 Dorchester St_, 59 u ow t... . olin -st;. l2A. e ca J.Di at ve og~a.mme grant 8. Note:- Cit r Mana er will submit a su lementa list of items for a enda) .. ...~. -~-. .- - .~. ..... I .1 1 .... ... n,i .. .., T - 11 I "'- . - i r _ lC:m SOLICITOR ~ 13. Propos ed Municipal Plan (legal effect). LAND COMMITTKE 14. Payment of damage claim to Erwin J. Morneau - laid on table Oct. 23, 1972. 15. Purchase of land at Lower IDoh Lomond from \Jalter Pepper. 16. Sale of land at rElar of Int 1, Daniel Ave., to Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Cullinan. 17. Sale of land at rear of Lot 1, Barbour Place, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Baird. .~ ; ~. 18. Committee of Whole report. 19. Planning Commission re Mrs. Isabel Gibson request for permit extension re mobile home. 20. P1.a.nning Commission re Roy Hughes request for temporary location of mobile hoIOO. 21. Planning Commission re proposed. re-zoning, So_rset St. land, for Dunhill Investments Ltd. COMMITTEES t COMMISSIONS GEHrnAL 22. Acting Minister of Highways re property, 30 Johnston St. 23. Messrs. Nason & Collier, BarriBters, requesting re-zoning 01' land, University Ave., site of proposed. student housing'. 24. Mr. L. W. Travis, Safety Chairman, United Tranuport Union, Local 560, re traffic delays at railway crossings. 25. Saint John Council of Women re City Market building. 26. Messrs. Palmer, O'Connell, Leeer, Turnbull It Turnbull, Barrister, re Acadia Pipelines Ltd. 27. Saint J(thn Bo~rs' and Girls' Club re proposed crime prevention programmes group. 28. New Brunswick lR1t1tt~A8sO~.:l!6que8t.1ng grant towards cost of rifles for Canada Games Team. ' 1 ,:': ; .' ~ ", ." ~'-