1973-01-15_Agenda AGENDA --- COMMON COUNCIL - 88 at 12th January, 1973. 1. J.{eeting called to order, 4.00 p.~l.. January 15 - prayer. 2. Confirma tion of minutes (Jan. 8). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. CITY MANAGER Payment of invoices, equipment rental (Hatfield; Francis). Payment of invoice, equipment rental (RJ~n). Payment of invoice, asphalt (htephen). Payment of invoice - trees, shrubs, plants (Sheridan Nu!'series). Progress payments, projects undertaken under Dept . Regional }.jconor:ll.c Expansion programme. Report re tenders for Hotorized :Equipm~mt V. Financial Statements - November. Report re letter t'rom Councillor Davis to Jan. 8 Council r:J.t,eting re tax base. Payment of invoice re crtwhing gravel (Dexter). COl"ll-lON CLERK 1.3. Third reading, amendment to Parking Meter By-Lal-T (installing parking meters, Main st .WI 14. Third reading, proposed by-law to establish a Planning Adv5.sory Commi. ttee.. 15. Third reading, 20ning BJr-Law amendment (re-zone land, Hillside Sub-div.Phase III fer Blair Construction Ltd.). 16. Letter from COIlT.lon Clerk re letter from A. F. King re above proposed re-zoning. 17. Third reading, Zoning By-Law amendment (re-zone land, Ashburn Hd. for A.C.Fain;eather Sons Ltd.). LAND CO}ill-UTTEL 18. Conveyance of land off Thornbrough ~t. to ~aint John Centre. URBAN HENb'WAL 19. Resolutions to transfer title of 68 F~ St. in name of Harold Joseph Deep rather the Edward C. Deep. COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES 20. }~rket Conmrl.ttee recommendation re leRse t.o Diana Restaurant. 21. Abattoir Commission re payment to Canada Packers Ltd. re City's share of cost of repa/ to ab&ttoir. 22. Planning Commission re proposed. re-zoning of Lot 131, Bellevu€ Ave. ?nd Lot 136, Virginia Ave. for Fourth Lendor!f (Canada) Ltd.. GF.NF.RAL 2.3. Re garbage removal servioe, eastern seotion of city (Councillor Merrithew). 24. Re City-owned building, southwest corner Ludlow and Prince Sts. (Councillor Mur~ 25. Restrike at Can~da Wire & Cable Co. (Councillor Green). . 26. CP Rail re blocking of raUl-ray crossings. - 27. Saint John Junior Civio Councili submitting nominee for appointment to Planning AdVll Committee. 28. Lancaster Improvement Asaoc. submitting nominee for appointment to Planning Advisory Conmittee. 29. Pat.ition from residents and homeowners of Maguire Drive, (formerly Lorneville) to 17 /Ci ty snowplough and sand said Drive. 3.0..' A~unl Report of Toronto operation of Saint John Port & Industrial Developuent C~' ----. ------- - ------~-- --~_.-...... .... 3! 1 /3 " .! i ; :' . / I " , 1,,\ , I t \ I "--