1972-09-19_Agenda 4. 5. 7.00 p.m. a, 00 p.m.. _ Presentation of Certific tes of Commendation to I>Iessrs. Donald J. Ba.bineau, Barry Flemming and Lauri r Doiron and Mrs. Bertha Lewis. _ Proposed re--zoning of t 8, Block D, Hillside Sub-division, Phase 2 (First reading given A t 21st) and letter from Planning Commission re said re-zoning. N COUNCIL - as at 15th September, 1972. A GE N D A 1. Meeting called to order, 7.00 .m. 2. ConfinJ18.tion of minutes (September 3. Mayor's remarks. SeDtember 19th - prayer. 8. _ Proposed closing of port'on of Prince Edward Street. _ Mortgage Services Limite to appear to shaw cause why the building at 263-265 Main Street shou d not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 8.25 p.m. - Property Finance Limited to appear to show cause why the building at 66 Dorchester Street sho d not .be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 8.35 p.m. - Arby's Corp. Limited to ppear to show cause why the building at 75 Dorchester Street sho Id not be removed or destroyed as a dangerous or dilapidated building. 5A. 8.00 p.m. 6. 8.15 p.m. 7. 9. 8.45 p.m. - Mr's. L. :B3.rry and Mrs. L B. Reid re "Sesame Street". 10. 2.00 p.m. - Presentation of report f om consortium of consultants re Civic Centre and let ter from Civic Ce tre Comni ttee re same. OJVM)N CLERK 11. Third reading of amemment to Zoning By-Law to re-zone land from South Bay to Martinon (First reading, Aug. 21; se ond reading Sept. 5.) 12. Authority required for Mayor and C on Clerk to sign Siding Agreement, Canadian National Railways (ld. on table Sept er 5th) 13. Corrmittee of Whole report (September lith). l3A.Authority required for Mayor and Co on Clerk to sign agreement, C.P.R. for unierground ITY SOLICITOR pipe. 14. Amendment to Building By-Law re buil' permit fees. 14A. Authority for Mayor and Cornmon Cle to sign release of easement grant. CO S BOARDS COMMISSIONS 15. Planning Corrmission re proposed mob'le harre park at Acarmc. CITY MANAGER 16. Invoices: (a) crushing gravel, Dext r Construction Ltd. (b) equipment rental, Ste hen Construction Co. Ltd. (c) equipment rental, Chi ticks (1962) Ltd. & C. L. Francis & Co. Ltd. (d) equipment rental, D. tfield Ltd. & Chitticks (1962) Ltd. (e) equipment rental, Chi ticks (1962) Ltd. (f) asphalt, Stephen Cons ruction Co. Ltd. (g) equipment rental, D. tfield Ltd. re clean-up week. 17. Re purchase of sewerage lift statio , Manchester Avenue. 18. Payments re projects under Dept. of Regional Economic Expansion programme. 19. Report re Karen Street services. ?Q.. R~P9rt on emergency telephone ~y_st.e. .' GENERAL 26. Haley Lumber Co. Ltd. request for r zoning, McAllister Drive. 27. Simonds Medical Ltd. request for r zoning, Loch Lomond Road. 28. Mr. Everard Beaulieu request for 10 ation of mobile harre. 29. Petition requesting street name c e, residents of Number 2 Highway, Martinon. 30. Lancaster Improvement Association r throughway construction. "'-_fl. rrrr. A. Carle Smith re easement, Sp ce lake water line. 32. Adult skaters re ice schedule, Lanc ster Centennial Arena. 33. Mrs. Frances Leger re Building By- w. 34. Mr. Basil A. Prescott re east end otary. 35. Residents of Cabot Court re distur anc.e. 36. Requests for gants fran Atlantic ymphony Inc.; Y .M.C .A.; Family Services Saint John,J Consumer- iness Information Bureau; Canadian National In- stitute f r the Blin:i; New Brunswick Museum; N. B. Youth Orchestra Inc.; Visiting Homemaker SerVice; and Salvation Arl'T\'y 37.Notice of Motion re bond issue. -",..,-" -- ...... -.----- -~