1972-11-06_Agenda - ~:.~'..."." tJ I) . .~ 1. : M8eting calloo to 2. Confirmation of minutes 3. Mayor '8 remarks. _ Canada Summer Games 1977 Co ttee. _ Proposed r~-zor~r~ of land in Phase 3 of Hillside Sub-division, Block G, for Blair Construction Ltd. _ Letter from Planning Commissi n re said proposed re-zoning. _ Consumer-Business Infonnation Bureau suhmitting proposal for establishment of a voluntary COI:lllunity Appeals evi~l Board. _ Letter from Saint John Kerch ta' Assoc. Ltd. endorsing brief in item 7. . _ Letter from Saint John Beard f Trade supporting brief in it(,'lIl 7. _ Mrs. Robert Stevenson on heha of residents of Victoria Ave. (off the Martinon Beach Rd.), requesti g improvements to said road. ~- 4. 'L.!dO p.m. 5. 8.00 p.m. 6. 7. 8.20 p.m. at 3rd November, 1972. 6 - prayer. 8. io: 8.40 p.m. CITY 11. Letter from Counoillor A. L. Gould re pos'tion of Deputy Mayor. . 12. Letter from G1 ty Solicitor re codifica tio of cit~r by-laws (laid on tel.ble Oct. 23, 1972). FINANC l'l'EMS 13. Invoices for equipment rental (Stephen, C ittick, Hatfield, Francis). 14. Invoice for asphalt (Stephen). 15. Progress payments re projects under Dept. Economic Expansion programme. ITEMS TO BE AVA- COMMON LERK 28. Third reading of Zoning By-Law aDlndmant, for re-zoning of Haley Lumber Co. property on ~cAl1ister Drive, near White MotGrs. 2fJ. Second. reading of Zoning By-Law amendment for re-zoning of 25 ~lildl<<)od St. for Mr. Douglas McManus. 30. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. A.F. King oppos g proposed re-zoning, item 29. "CITY 'SO CITOR 31. Re North End Rede~'\rUlopnent Scheme Area p n. . 32. Opinion re grants poli~,. LAND CO rrTTEE 33. PaYDlnt te Mr. George E. Robinson for BaS ment, Marsh Creek Se~'erage Project. 34. Payment re purchase of H. E. Josselyn pro ert~r, Firat Loch Lamond. 35. Payment to Mr. Murray Linton for easement, Spruce Lake water line. 36. Pa~'1Il6nt to Mrs. Florence Krumenacker for f.lsement. 37. Sale of lant( Greendale Sub-division, to Allied Building Construction Ltd. G' 45. Re progress re Housing Task Force report (Councillor Black). 46. Re telephone service, Kierstead. Mobile H me Park (Counciller Kipping). 47. Re building permit for design on City H 1 (Councillor Kipping, Chairman, City Hall Building ColIIIIi t tee) .. 48. Re Sobey lot liquor store (COlmcillor V cent) . 49. .:s~gnation of Judge B. R. Guss, Q. C. f m the Saint John Harbour Br1dg. Authority. 'O..;;nl.slloter of Highways in reply to Lancast ImProvements A880C. letter ".i th. roUfj1way. 51. 8. reen M. Arbo, 300 SalXly Point Rd.. requesting permaaion for Mr. Fr:ank Arbo, her 8P~teto &'DPH-r before Council re d reus corrwr at..._ ~OO Sand:\[. Poin~'.:Ad~ 52. pt., e rana AI"fa1rs, re sernoes agre n1i re UOJ!1e~HtiXtaDl]j";;w}llt.. BUb-;;o.ivision Ie r. Bever laterals. " \ 587-589 & 597-599 Main St. . .38. Coumi ttoe of Whole report. tnmlN'. 39. Re leasehold premises, 23 High Street, 40. Payment of compensation to Celia &. Gert #i. Payment to Joseph Saab re 15-21 Pa.radise 42. Acquisition of 15 Drury Lane from Frank 43. Payment to Samuel Gilbert re 16..20. and 44. Demolition of 4 and 11 Hillidge St. pro Y' ~ 53. ~ 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. hOe ol. 62. - 2 - Letter from Saint Jolm Policemen's Protective Association, Local 61 re City Pension Act. New Br'WlSwick Brancrl, United h.mpire Loyalists' Assoc. of Canada, re ceremonies to observe May 18, 1973 Loyalis t Da;r. Saint John District Labour Council re enforcement of Motor Vehicle and City by-laws to protect pedestrians. Peti tion to change Revertt Hoad from a pri va te roadway to a Ci t: -0 ned and maintained road. Heather Society and Ho;{a1 Canadian Legion Branch No. 14 Junior Pipes and Drums requesting a grant. Saint John South End Tenants I Assoc., Inc. requesting 1973 grant. Mrs. Gertrude M. Brown, Bast Riversi.de, N. B., suggesting a Htent city" (replica of cit;r' G founding) as a tourist ~Lttraction. Application of A. C. Fairweather & Sons Limited for re-zoning of land, Ashburn Lake Rd. Application of Mr. Ronald. Hargrove, per Messrs. McKelvey, Macaulay, Machurn & Fairweather, Barristers, for a one-year permit re trailer on Lorneville site. Application of Mrs. Anne Coggan to place mobile home on Churchlclrld Rd. property. ,'" ---. ;- dtfl// 6 / f 7;<. REGULAR Cm~10N CO NC I L ~IEETING - 6. 11. 72 ~ SUPPL~~ NTARY AGENDA 16 M & C - 72 - 248 17 M & C - 72 - 249 18 "I & C - 72 - 250 19 M & C - 72 - 251 20 M & C - 72 - 252 21 M & C - 72 - 253 . 22 "I & C - 72 - 254 23 M & C - 72 - 255 24 M & C - 72 -"256 25. M & C - 72 - 257 26 M & C - 72 - 258 --- J Recommendation to Re-establish Committee on Procedure. Payment to ~lacLaren Atlantic Ltd. ref: R.A. Corbett Contract for Musquash Water Supply in the sum of $9,983.50. Report on 263-265 ~Iain Street ref: Demolition as dangerous and dilapidated building. Report ref: Unsightly Premise Violations Alden MacKnight. Report ref: Cost estimates for improve- ments on Sandy Point Rd. Report ref: List of Highways included in October 23 request for Provincial cost-sharing participation. Report ref: Inclusion of Dominion Park in Milford-Randolph-Greendale Sewer System. Report ref: Surv~y Hillside Subdivision re: rezoning application by Douglas McManus. Report recommending procedural revision on applications for rezoning requiring ad- vertising. Report & Recommendation. ref.: Sewer lateral maintenance policy arising from request by D.V.A. on behalf of John Melanson, 181 Willie Avenue. Report. ref.: Policy on Boys & Girls Club /2..... Page 2. l'-..s " 27 28 28 a 28 b 28 c 28 d 28 e 28 f "28 g . M & C - 72 - 259 Petitions for Assumption of maintenance and responsibility by City of private roadways known as Whelan & Nicolle roads. M & C - 72 - 260 Report recommending approval of application for installation of tanks and pumps for gas and diesel fuel for North East Transport on Chesley Street and recommending revision in policy. * M & C - 72 - 261 Recommendation to increase authorization to a sum not to exceed $10,000 to Canadian - British Consultants Ltd. for evaluation of Gerald J. Ryan Co. Ltd. claim for extra work on ~larsh Creek Sewerage Proj ect . * M & C 72 - 262 Request to confirm City Manager's expenditure of the sum $1,849.39 for repairs to City fleet unit 1#18. * M & C - 72 - 263 Recommendations to divert traffic on to Chesley Street from Douglas Avenue. * M & C - 72 - 264 Recommendation to authorize payment for Harbor Boat Tours in the sum of $8,002.95 under 1972 contract with Rainbow Boat Ser- vices Ltd. M & C - 72 - 265 Amendment to City Traffic By Law affecting parking on the West Side of Prince William Street. (Laid. on Table August 21). M & C - 72 - 266 Recomm~ndation'to undertake work in Lakewood, Greenwood Subdivision and assess the developer costs. " M & C - 72 -.267 Recommendation for various payments approved by Urban Renewal Coordinating Committee. * M & CIS will be on table Monday. Backing materials are included in Council kit. ~ ""~