1972-11-20_Agenda AGENDJ COMH N COUNCIL - as at 17th November, 1972. 1. Meeting ca1100 to order, 2. Hayor · 5 rEllIlar}.~ 5 . praJ'er. 3. 8.00 p.I:1.- Appearunce of rt;prt;oentative of Star Taxi. (see Item 22) 4. 8.00 p.m.- Proposed amandment to Zoning Dy-Law (to re-~one the lots on both siLies of the first 140 feet em Broad St. iwt 01' Sydney St. - residence :~os. 29, 31, 35 and 42 Broad St. and ;';29 Sydne~r 'to - for Alpha InvestHl::3nts & Agency Ltd.) Letter from Pla14'"ling Con:mi tt e re Item 4. . .1t~o~i.~ge Services Limited to appear to show case rlhy 263-265 Main St. should. not b~moved or destroyed as a dnngcrous or dilapidated building. .ID.- Mr. Clarence Buckley to appe r to show cause why 739-741 Brrmswick Drive should not be r€moved or de::ltroyed s a dangerous or dilapidated building. 8. 8.15 p.m.- A. O. Pope Lioited to appear to show cam-:e wh~r 22 Johnson Street should not be ~~ '1~it::vmoved or destro:red a8 a da erous or dilapidated building. ~:r CITY MAlJAG:61-~ 9.' 10. 11. 12. 13. 11... 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ~5. r~Jp. $.00 r~1r: ' lJ1f/'U"7. 8 .1 COHM N CLEUK 21. Rftsolution re execution of agreement 1'8 estern Residential Area Collector Sewer, re . underground pipe crossings of Canadian P cific Rail tracks. 2lA. Third reading, Traffic Bir-Law amendment ( rohibiting truck traffic on Douglas Avenue). . CI SOLICITOR 22. Re revocat.ion of Star Taxi permission a e Item 3 . 2U. Proposed amendment to Traffic B.r-I.a.w. COHl. Tl'EF..s COMM:JS S IONS 23. Committee of ilhole report. (copies ~Till e available at Honday's meeting) 24. Market Committee re rental of pr~w.ses t John HOlolard Society. 25. Civic Improvement ani Beautification Co uittee report re 1972 garden allotment project, .and re one-year extensiun to .1972 Clgreera nt ...1.th H.B.Protestant Orphans' Hom~ Inc. 26. Planning Commission rtl refusal re propos d Irving Oil products bar with gasoline pump island canopy, southwesterly corner HeA iater Drive and vlestmorland Rd. 27. Re traffic delays at various train cross l1i;S in city (Councillor HacGowan). 28. Information from Community Planning Br~n I, Dept. of Hunicipal Affairs, 1'0 new Community Planning Act and enactment by municipal! ies of a by-law to establish a planning adviSO~T committee. 29. MJ... Douglas McManus re proposed enforcem t of possible zoning by-law violations, Hillside Sub-division. 30. New Brunswick Youth Orchestra Inc. 1'0 fu -raising through a benefit concert. 31. South End Neighbours per Mrs. Joan Parfi t, re dispute between South End Tenants' Assoc. and their recreation director, Mr David Groen, resigned. _1 4rrt0 $U; I /11~ .,. \ REGULAR COU CIL MEETING - 20.11. 72 CITY * M & C - 72 - 282 M & C - 72 - 280 ~, 10 *lll M & C - 72 - 283 GER'S ITEMS Emergency authorization to expend in excess of $1,000 for emergency repairs to snow-removal equipment. Recommendation to authorize release of $25,000 to Galbraith Construction Ltd. for work done on Chesley Street. Tender summary - ice resurfacing machine. --= -----~-- ----~ -