1972-11-27_Agenda AGENDA 1. Meeting called to order, .00 2. Confirmation of minut.es (Nov. 3. Mayor's remarks. IN COHMON OUNCIL - as at 24th November, 1972 4. 8.00 p.m. 5. 8.00 p.m. 6. 8.15 p.m. 7. - Presentation of United Fund. c ....rd to Fire Dept. - Mr. Reginald Crossman for re idents of Acamac Beach Rd., presenting petition for repairs to said road. - Mr. Clarence Buckley to appe r to shml cause "lhy 739-741 Brunsvrick Drive should not be removed or des royed as a dangerous or dilapidated building (this hearing was deferred t Nov. 27 frOLl Council Nov. 20 meeting). - Letter from Hr. L~rnn J~. IJaso , Barrister, submitting Hr. Buckley's request for a building permit to eff ct repairs to 739-741 Brunswick Drive. CITY 14AUAG 8. Re tonders re motori zed equipnent III, rt 3. 9. Re two cash regiotcrs: cr,anges in const uction and overhauling. 10. Re installation of putlper and hOGe conne tions on hydrant body c~stings. li. P'c:l.yment of invcd.ce, Canron Lt.d., for p~_ for foreenain fron Mnnchester Ave.pumping statl.cn. 12. Payment of invoice, crushing gravel. 13. Payment of invoice, asphalt. 14. Payment of invoices, equipment rental: ( ) StctJhcn; Gi.l} ( ) Francis; Chit.tick; Hatfield; Stephen. 15. Purchase of fire hydrants. 16. Applications tor loens from Central Mort age and Housins Corp. for sewerage treatment projects. 17. ?rogress payments re projects und0rtaken under Dept.Regional Economic J~~ansion programme. 18. Financial Statements - Septomber. 19. Depa.rtmental monthl~r reports (~:ater & Se erage Dept. and Building and Plumbing Divisions of Buildtng Inspection Dept. - October); 1971 report, vlorks Dept. CITY SOLIC T<E 21. Re planning advisory committee. K cndI:1ent to l'c-zone 29,31,35 and 42 Broad nveutmcnts &: Agency Ltd.). (Seu memorandum morandum from Planning Comnri.s sion) . em-man C 20. Third reading of propo6ed Zoning By-Law St. and 229 Sydney St. (partly re Alpha. from Recreation & Parks Dept.)'Sea also URBAN REN 22. Rayment to settle acquis~tion of 47-51 St., from Estate of Sarah Hazen. 23. Pa~1I!l.ent of Land Compensatj.on Boal'd award re acquisition of 59 Simonds St. from Mutual Jobbing Company. _ 24. Payment to settle acquisition of 54 Simo ds St. from Raymond Johnson. 25. Payment of leg1l.1 coate to Edward C. Deep re 68 [.1m St. and deeding said property to him. 26. Re demolition of forrJ.er B.A. aorvice eta ion em ChenlflY St., and of 3-car r,arage on Bentley St. COlnITTTEES COMMISSIONS 27. Committee of Wholt' report. 28. Planning Commission re Municipal Plannin Director appointment, and re title for Redevelopment Officer. GENERAL 29. Cit~t of Fredericton offering support am. co-operation to Saint, John's bid to host the 1977 Canada Summer Games. 30. Ee removal of snow from sidewalks (Coune 1101' MacGOWM). 31. Re run-off of water from street in Raven cliffe Court on to Mr. E. J. Richardson property at 24-36 H.a.vel'lBcliffe Court. ...--, .---~.. ---...-.......- .al. ,ject ___..._w. _ ~