2010-03-08_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourY~ City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, March 08, 2010 Special Council Meeting 1. Call to Order - Prayer 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Council Chamber 1.0 2009-2010 General Fund Capital Budget City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 8 mars, 2010 Seance du conseil 1. Ouverture de la seance 16 h- 17:30 h Salle du conseil 1.0 Revision du budget d'immobilisations de 2009-2020/fonds d' admiiustration T . Ih March 2, 20 10 His Worship Mayor Ivan Court aald Members of Cammon Council of ~ai~~~ John Your Worship and Councillors, Re: 2009-2010 G+eneral Fund Capital Budget Background The purpose of the capital budget is to d'zrect munzcipal investanents in needed infrastructure, protect public safety, make strategic investments to improve tihe ecanomic well being of the community and to preserve and enharnce existing public assets. The City of Saint John adopteci an aggressive capital expenditure program as part of its 2009 budget pr4cess. The total approved budget (with a11 adjust-ments) aznounted to $78,922,400 with $25,192,000 iclenfified as caming frozn other sources, leaving a net capital budget to be financecl by long-term debt of $53,730,404. To date, $34.5M (City ancl other sources) has beean expended on these various proaects. This level of capital expendituze is not susfiainable on a recurring basis as it will iznpact our long-term borrowing capacity and/or cannproznzse our ability to address Council priorities. A camprehensive review was therefare undertaken af both the 2009 capital budget and the 2010 proposals. 2(}09 C"apital Budget Program A numlaer of the 2009 individual projects are at variaaas stages of cornpletian and must be finalized. Otiher projects havc yefi to begin or are delayed pending land acquisition, confirtnatian of funding fram other sources etc. Tn ara effort to reduce the overall scope ofi the 2009 capztal budget a praject by project review was completed. Projects were screened against the following criteria; ~ coinpletion of projects currently underway - Canada Games Stadaurn ~projects involving public safety- intersections, street lighting, fire equiprnenf o projects addresszng Council priorities - stnrm, transpcrrtation, z•ecreation 1 2 ~ prajects that are being cost slaared - gas fax funding ~ projects that are strategic in nature -econamic development, Trade Centre A total o£ 72 projects worth $1 S.6M memt continued support based on the establbshed criteria and arc; set out in the attached Schedule. This would reduce the total comYnitment kra $50.11VI (fram City and other sources) for 2009 projects. The remainder Qf the projects wiil hawe to be reccanszdered in future budget submzssioms. 2010 Capital Budgex Program An extensive list of projects amounting to $50,116,351 was submitted for consideration during the 2010 budget process. Bora°owings in any one year have to be considered in the cQnkext of mulfi-year expenditure programs and our ability to retire the associated debt. Again, this Ievel of recurring annual expenditure is beyond the long-terin capacity af the city. The same screening criteria were applied to the 2010 projects (publie safety, Cauncil priority, co-funding available, strategic inwestment). The tatal pragramm was further 1imited hy the ainount to be carried forward to complete the 2(}09 capital program. The City's share for the proposed 20I0 capitai program, including the 2009 projects brought forward (excluding Peel Plaza) is set at $31.5M. In addition ta the City contribution, funding from other sources totaling $1 l.9M is projected for 2010 bringing the total capIlta1 cornmitrnent to $27.88M for the current year. Ci Share Qther Saurces Total 2409 $ ] 5,624,SC►0 $15,624,500 2010 $15,911,100 $11,969,400 $27,880,100 T'otal $31,535,600 $11,969,000 $43,5041600 The reductions and arevisions in the 2049 and 2010 capital budgets will allow needed wark and Council priorities ta move farward without placing an undue straYn on the financial pasition of the City. The funding envelnpe available for general capital prajects is projected to be $15.4M in each of 2011 and 2012. The individual projects deemed eligible for funding will be deten-nzned durin;g the ensuing budget process. Highlights The proposed budget provides funding for 110 ind'zvidual projects af a net cast of $31.51V1. A deliberate effort has been macle to provide a balanced approach to funding the variaus initiatives wrthaut camprornising the Caty's Iong-term £inanczal positzon. It 2 3 was also necessary to rneefi the progran requiareznents of the ather funding partners (Gas Tax Fund, Stimulus etc). Storm "Watez- Mauagement -funding for 20 projects in various areas of the City iancluding Market I'Iace, Sea Street, Brentwoad, MiTford, Sherbroake/Honeysuckle, Marsh Creek, Beach Crescent and Kennebecasis Drive. Transpartation - includes fiunding for 29 projects. SmaI1 amounts are pravided ta complete sorne projects currently underway. Uther projects include Mountain View Drivc, Frincess St, Roxhesay Road, Be;averbrpQk Ave, and Bayside Dr. In addition $3.9M is provided for reeonstg-uction of a portion of the Westfieid Rd. Rea1 Estate -provrsion for 27 prQjects including improvemenfis to the Carieton Community Centre, Narth End Community Centre, City Market, and Carnegie Building Leisure Services - includes fmding to cornplete the Canada Games Stadium and Phase 2 of Rockwaod Park, new installations aan Rainbow Park and Fpernming Court, continuation of the Visit C'anada Vzsitez TaraiI, planning far the Niarket Place Park and fiznding for development of the BMX Park. Economic Develapment - emphasis is an improvements to t11e Industr-iaT Parks, additional work on the VTaterfront Development and funding for development incentives. +City Facilities - prajecxs include fiirading to complete the tender ready design for the Trade and Convantaon Gentre, xeplacernent of the roof at the Aquatic Centre, and minar irnprovements to Harboux StatiQn, the Rackwood Park Golf Course and Public Library- Transat - the cornbined comrnntm ent {carryover and 201 t}} to public transit is $1.87M for 2009-10. This will allow for payment of the unifis already ordered in 2009 and to be received in 20 1~0 and an additional $600,000 for new acquisitions in 2010. Peel Plaza -fundimg is not speci~'ically provided for this project as final eosting for the vario-us components is not yet available. Ainancial model has hawever been developed that can be used to assess the fiill impact of the project (operating and capital) once the specifzc detaals are available. The level of capitai expenditure set out in the attached budget vaall not itnpede this develapment prowideci certain assuriaptions {interest rates, tirning, assessment ,growth etc} are meti. Carry Farwards - nhe need to carry foaward funding for proJects was made necessary by the scope and magnitude of fihe 2049 prograzn. This practice shouId be avoided both for plazzaning z°easons and fnnancial managenient cansiderations. Capital funding approved in budget years prior to 20(}9 that has not been committed should no 1onger be considered available. Likewise the arnounts carried forward fram 2009 should onIy be available in the cuz7rent year. 3 4 In future years capital allocations shauld be cansidereci valid for na langer thann 24 months. This tirne frame wi1T allaw sufficient time for the necessary land acquisition, design and tendering to be undertaken and actual construcnion ta begin. Failing that, the project should be reccansidered or elizninated. R.ecommexcdation That Cammon Counczl approwe a carryover f,rorn 20(}9 of $15,624,500 and the list af capital prajects submitted in Schedule A amd the 2010 General Fund Capital Budget in the net arnount of $15,911,10(} and the Iist of capital projects as submitted in Schedule A. It is further recommendecl that any unused capital allocatiQns established prior to 2049 be deemed to have expired and that the 2009 cazry-forward amounts expire at December 31, 2010. 4 2009 BuaGET cARRY-OvER AND 2010 CAPIzAL BUDGET GENERaL FuNa cAPiTaL 2009 BUQGET ~ NO PFiidJECT CITY SHAFiE OTHER SHARE TOTAL 2008 CARRYpVER CI7Y SHARI S1`C1FtM 1 Alhert Street Victoeia to Main 125,000 125,000 10,004 2 Bleu Street Malson ko CanelJs G3rsve 300,000 300,000 256,000 3 Bnnner Plane 4720 to Woodville 30,000 30,000 30,000 4 Dou las Avenue #228 tq Bentle 130,000 190,040 - 5 Dau las Avenue Clarendon to #170 150,000 150,000 - 6 Kennebecasns Urive Broiher's Cove 350,000 350,000 323,000 7 Market Place 1,035.000 1,035,000 1>035,000 8 Marsh Creek Draina e S slern 95,000 96,000 74.040 9 PJ#arsh Creek Storm Water DVversion 400,000 400,000 23.4()0 90 NVilford [7raina e Basin 250,000 250,000 117,000 17 Rodne Teeminal 300.000 300,000 247,000 12 Sea Street Draina e Basin 250,000 250,000 215,000 13 Sherbroake SkreehlHone uckie Deive Draina e Basin 250,000 250,000 223,(}00 14 Storm 1Naler Mana ement Srentvnood (G.T.F) 500,040 500,000 966,040 15 Visarl Street 110,000 110,000 106>OffC3 16 Adelaide Street (w&s) 17 Breach CrescentlMeadowbank Draina e basin (Preapproved) 18 Beaverbrnok Avenue (Preapproved) 19 Hillcres# C3rGwe (w&s) 2(} Larneville Road {GTF) SUB-TaTAL 4T275,OQ0 ° 4}275,000 ~,625a000 "~yd"JI TRAIVSPfaRTATION 21 Albert Street 208,000 205,000 20,000 22 Allin ham Gresceni 95,000 95,440 9,000 23 Bur ee Avenue 400,000 400,000 360,000 24 'Consumers Drlue 40,000 25 DanelEs Drive 90,000 90,000 81000 as Eimpre crescent 80,000 1 80,000 7,000 6 Page 1 af 5 \JVI YL...V'6JIIdL.r~ i'11 2009 BUDGET iICARRYW4VER AND 2010 CAPI°"6"AL BUDGiET GENERAL FkJND CAPITAL 2009 BUDGE-r ~ NiQ PFCC},lECT CITY SHARE t]TFiER SHARE TOTAC. 2009 CARRYQVER CITY SHAR 27 Hicke Road 35.040 35,060 30.000 28 Latimore Lake Road 600,000 600,060 70,000 29 Lc+ch Lomond Road - Commerce Drive and Old ChampAain Drive 60„000 60,000 40,000 30 Loeh Lomond Road - 5t. Caiherine to Westmorland 25,000 25,000 ' 13,000 31 A!iounlain View Drive 110,000 110,000 96,000 ; 32 Old North End Public S uares 60,000 60,000 6,000 33 Paisle Slreet 150,000 150,604 40,000 34 Princess Street 900,000 9D0,000 396.000 35 Rothesa Avenue 500.000 500,000 206,000 36 Rokhesa Road (storrcn sewer, road construciion) I 500,000 885,040 1,385,000 570,000 37 Ra&hesa Rnad {as halk resurtacin 250,000 250,040 250„004 38 Samuel C}avis Drive 1E5,000 185,000 25,000 89 Sand Point Road 110,000 110,000 51,000 40 VJestfield Raad #2374 ta Hi hfield Ave 150,000 150,000 - 41 Westfield Fioad G7F 1,737,500 1,737,500 1,737.500 42 McKielACannors Slraei Reiatinin Wal1 100,000 100,000 97;400 49 Ba side l7rive-Old Black River Raaad GTF 44 Beaverbroak Avenue Pre a roued 45 Blue Streek 46 Holicrest Drive w&s 47 Market Place w&s 750,000 48 Rathesa Avenue zafffc Si nals 49 Visarl Street w&s suB-ToTAL 6,342,500 885,000 7,227,500 4,815,500 2,5 REAL ES"FA'"I E & FACILlfIE3 MANAGENlENT Sp Warks Central 140,000 140,000 65.000 51 East Works 300,040 300,000 345,000 52 Works Gara e- North 30,000 30,000 6,300 53 Roihesa Avenue Gara e 315,000 315,000 437,QClq 7 Page 2 nf 5 \tk.rl' IX__.VLl4L.W. I5 2009 BUC3GET" +CARRY-OVER AND 2014 CAP"ITA'L BUDGET GENERAL FUND +CAPITAL. 2009 auDGEr NO PFtOJECT CITY SG114RE 4THER SHARE Tt?TAL. 2009 CARRYOVER CITY SHARI 54 Fire Statiran #1 69,000 69,100 9,100 55 Fire Station #4 42,000 42,000 41,400 56 Fire Station #6 60,000 80,400 5,900 57 Fire Station #8 140,000 140,000 6,100 58 Gorman Arena 656,000 658,000 1,400 59 Stu Hurle Arena 85,400 85,000 99,000 1 60 Peter Murra Arena 200,000 200,000 55>D00 fit Hilton Bel ea Anrena 62 Lnrd Beaverbraok Arena 63 Leisure 5erwices Oifice 75.000 75,000 1,000 64 Carfeton Cammunik Centre 45,000 45,000 100.000 ~ 65 NarCh End Gramnnunit Centre 115,000 915,400 17,000 ' 66 Inter retakion Cenkre 140,400 140,000 22,400 67 Ci Market 520,000 524,400 82,000 688 Suslainakrle Ener Mana ement 225,000 225,004 164,000 69 Market S uare 60,000 80,000 5,440 70 Leisure Sen+ices Maintenance Buildin fi5appp 71 Carne ie E3~ildin 72 Pedwa 5 tems 73 StreeR Ai hts i 74 Green Thermai Utilii Pro'ect 75 Roekwoad Park A-Frame 76 Facilit Assessment and Ca iW I'lannin sus-to-rAL 3,219,000 - 3,219,000 1,477,200 2,0( LEISURE $ERVICES 77 Crescent vaqe -Flemm on court 110,000 110,000 82.000 78 SouSh End Pla round - Rainhow Park 500,000 500,000 250,000 79 Ganada Garries Stadaum IJNBSJ 1, 80 Recerea4ion - General 110,000 110,000 30,000 Page 3 of 5 8 2009 BUDGET CARRY-+C1VER AND 2010 +CAPIT'AL BUdtaET GENERAL F'llND CAPITAL 2009 BUDGE-r ~ M1YO PRCIJECT CiTY SHARE C?THER SHARE TOTl11. 2009 CARRYOVER CITY SHARE $1 Skate Park 24,000 24,000 66Q(JQO 82 Street Trees 55,000 55,000 83 Harbour Passa e 121,000 121,000 91,000 84 Visit Canacla Visltez 3 85 Market Place 5U8-70"TAL 920,000 920,(}00 519,000 1,80 PARKS 86 Rockwond Park 1,000,000 1,000,000 965.000 S 87 Queen S uare West 55,400 ' 65,000 2,040 88 Shamrock Par[c -BMX Park 25R,000 2b0,00D 235,Q4(? M Rcsbertson 5 uare 215,000 216,000 Victaria S~are 310,000 310,000 60,000 s~~-~a~aL 1,830.000 1,830,000 1,252,000 sE 91 'ResidenkiallCommercial Developmenk kncen€iuss 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,c 92 G18 93 industrial Paa°ks 615,040 815,000 179,000 ~ 94 t]n Siree4 Parkin 150,000 150,004 90,040 ' SUB-TGrTAL 2,765,000 _ 2,765,000 269,000 2,Df WATER FROT9T I]EVELOPMENT 95 Reversin Falls Wesl 300,000 300,000 6.400 96 Boardwalk - HwltonfYork Foini 600,000 600,000 280,000 97 1Naterfronl Ctevelo mani j,' 96 Boardwaik Refurbishrnent 99 tu1arket 5 uare Cam lex . .`9. UB^TQT1.L . . 900y00q " 900r000 286,000_ 1a3rM Page 4 oi 5 9 2009 BUDGE7" C,ARRY-OVER AN[} 2010 CfiP1TAL BUDtaET GENERAL FUND CAPITAL 2009 BtJDGET ~ NC? PRpJECS CITY SHARE f7THER SHARE Td7AL 2009 CARRYOVER CITY SHARI 100 IT 1,740,000 1,740,Opp 1,C a suB-TQTaL 1,740,000 - 1,740,000 . - 1,0 101 Trade & Convenkian RenQVatEOns 250,000 250,000 250,0LaO ~ 102 Trade & Convention 210,000 210,000 210.000 1 103 Harbaur Skation 192,000 182,000 17,804 k 104 Canada Caarnes A uaiyc Cenire 805,000 805,000 1,525,000 ' 105 Canada Games A uatic Centre - Rao( desi n 106 Saint John Pubfic Libra 54,900 54,900 107 Rc+ckwood Park Goxf Course 25,000 25,000 •7UB` 1 Al 1 f"lL. 1,536,900 1~536'900 L,Dill,Gad700 I J31 1416 Fire [7e artment E ui ment 340,000 340,004 109 PaliceCorrrmission 215,000 215,000 108,000 S l.l B-TUTAL. 5$5,000 555,000 10$,000 3; TRAN817 11o Transik Fleet 1,577,000 1,577,000 1,270,000 sUB-rOraL 1.577,000 1 1,577,000 1,270,000 . - 61 TOTAL 25,660,440 885,000 26,545,400 15,624,500 15,91 Page 5 of 5 10