Street Closing By-law Amendment Hazen Avel~ tit BY-LAW NUMBER 1VI-23 ARRFTE N° NI-23 A BY'-LAW TO A1VII+aND ARRETE MODI~ANT A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE L'AIiRETE SUR L'INTFRRUP'FXON STOPPING UP AIVD CLOSxNG OF DE LA CIRCULATION ET LA HIGHWAYS IN TRkJ CITY OE SAINT FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS JOAN TIIE CITY Ok"SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Lors dune reunion du canseil Council of The City of Saint Jahn as communal, The City of Saint Jahn a follows: decrete ce qui suit 1 A by-law of The City of Saint Jahn ] Par les presences, l'arrete de The entitled, "A I3y-law Respecting The City of Saint Jahn intitule, « L' arrete sur Stopping Up and Closing of hIighways In l'interruptian de 1a circulation et la The City of Saint Jahn", enacted an the fermeture des routes daps The City of Saint nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is Jahn decrete le 19 decembre 2005, est hereby amended by adding thereto Section madifie par 1'ajaut de Particle 204 204 immediately after Section 203 thereof, immediatement apres Particle 203, comme as follows: suit 204 The City of Saint Jahn does hereby 204 Par les presences, The City of Saint stop up and close permanently the Jahn bane et ferme de fa~an permanente la following portion of highway: portion dune route suivante : HAZEN AVENUE: AlI that portion of AVENUE HAZEN : Toute la partie de Hazen Avenue, an 18.29 metre wide public 1'avenue Hazen, etant une rue publique street in the City of Saint Jahn in the dune largeur de 18,29 metres situee Bans County of Saint John and Province of New The City of Saint Jahn, daps le camte de Brunswick, comprising 1,3$7 square Saint John et dons la province du Nouveau- metres and more particularly shown an a Brunswick, dune superficie de Plan of Survey, dated March h, 2009 13$7 metres carrel, plus particulierement attached hereto. delimitee sur le plan d'arpentage ci joint date du 6 mars 2409. IN WITNESS WHEREOF °I'he City of EN FOI DE QUOZ, The City of Saint Jahn Saint Jahn has caused the Corporate a fait opposer son sceau communal sur le Common Seal of the said City to be affixed present arrete le 1 mars 2010, aver les to this by-law the 1st day of March, A.D. signatures suivantes 2010 and signed by: . afire C~ n C erklGreffiere uncle arA~,~~tti~~/ ~ First Reading -April 14, 2009 Premiere lecture - le 14 avril 2004 Second Reading -April 14, 2009 Deuxieme lecture - le 14 avril 2044 Third Reading -March 1, 2O1D Troisieme lecture - le 1 mars 20I0