Business Improvement Area By-LawBY -LAW NUMBER BIA -1 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA BY -LAW Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: 1 The area bounded by the following streets is hereby designated as a Business Improvement Area under the Business Improvement Areas Act, namely, the northern side of Union Street from the Water to George Street, along the rear of those lots that are situated along the north side of Union to Sydney Streets, along the western side of Sydney Street to Princess Street, along the northern side of Princess Street to the water; the properties located on the south side of Princess Street, from Water Street to Sydney Street, having civic numbers 42, 46 -54, 76, 80, 86, 94, 100 -102, 108-112, 116, 136, 156 and 162 Princess Street and 139 Germain Street; and the north side of Union Street from George Street to Smythe Street, known as the Union /George Street Parking Lot and the Union/Smythe Street Parking Lot; and the following properties: Property Address NBGIC Number 154 Princess Street 148 Princess Street 142 Princess Street 138 Princess Street 134 Princess Street 130 Princess Street 80 Charlotte Street 143 Charlotte Street 87 Canterbury Street 93 Canterbury Street 162 Prince William Street 160 Prince William Street 154 Prince William Street 122 Prince William Street 120 Prince William Street 114 Prince Witham Street 130 Prince William Street 177 Prince William Street 167 Prince William Street 133 Prince William Street 127 Prince William Street 119 Prince William Street 113 Prince William Street 100 Water Street 106 Water Street 110 Water Street and the following properties located on both sides of Smythe Street between Union Street and Station Street: Property Owner NBGIC Number Saint John Port Corporation Saint John Port Corporation City of Saint John City of Saint John City of Saint John Power Commission of Saint John Power Commission of Saint John 01625340 01625332 01625324 01625316 01625293 01625285 01625277 01625269 01628225 01624360 01628233 01628241 01628259 01628275 01658898 01628283 01628267 01624394 01628534 01628500 01628495 01628487 01628479 01628550 01628542 01624409 55011902 00426197 40147 38976 38984 55008767 55031561 edicte ARRETE N BIA -1 ARRETE CONCERNANT LA ZONE D'AMELIORATION DES AFFAIRES Le conseil communal de The City of Saint John 1 La zone delimitee par les rues suivantes est par les presentes designee coinme zone d'amelioration des affaires en vertu de la Loi sur les zones d'amelioration (les affaires, a savoir le cote nord de la rue Union, de l'eau jusqu'a la rue George, le long du fond des lots situes le tong du cote nord de la rue Unionjusqu'a la rue Sydney, le long du cote ouest de la rue Sydney jusqu'a la rue Princess, le long du cote nord de la rue Princess Jusqu'a l'eau; les terrains situes du cote sud de la rue Princess, de la rue Water jusqu'a la rue Sydney, portant les numeros rnunicipaux 42, 46 -54, 76, 80, 86, 94, 100- 102, 108 -112, 116, 136, 156 et 162, rue Princess et 139, rue Germain; et le cote nord de la rue Union, de la rue George jusqu'a la rue Smythe, soit le terrain de stationnement des rues Union /George et le terrain de stationnement des rues Union/Smythe; ainsi que les terrains suivants Adresse de voirie 154, rue Princess 148, rue Princess 142, rue Princess 138, rue Princess 134, rue Princess 130, rue Princess 80, rue Charlotte 143, rue Charlotte 87, rue Canterbury 93, rue Canterbury 162, rue Prince William 160, rue Prince William 154, rue Prince William 122, rue Prince William 120, rue Prince William 114, rue Prince William 130, rue Prince William 177, rue Prince William 167, rue Prince William 133, rue Prince William 127, rue Prince William 119, rue Prince William 113, rue Prince William 100, rue Water 106, rue Water 110, rue Water Numero de la CIGNB 01625340 01625332 01625324 01625316 01625293 01625285 01625277 01625269 01628225 01624360 01628233 01628241 01628259 01628275 01658898 01628283 01628267 01624394 01628534 01628500 01628495 01628487 01628479 01628550 01628542 01624409 ainsi que les terrains suivants situes des deux cotes de la rue Smythe, entre la rue Union et la rue Station Pronrietaire Numero de la CIGNB Societe du Port de Saint John 55011902 Societe du Port de Saint John 00426197 City of Saint John 40147 City of Saint John 38976 City of Saint John 38984 Power Commission of Saint John 55008767 Power Commission of Saint John 55031561 all as shown on the plan attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by -law. 2 A by -law of The City of Saint John enacted on the seventeenth day of December, 1984 entitled "By -law Number B -102 Business Improvement Area By- Law and all amendments thereto is repealed on the coming into force of this by -law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the 5'' day of January, A.D. 2004 and signed by: First Reading Second Reading Third Reading December 8, 2003 January 5, 2004 January 5, 2004 Clerk/ Greffie le tout illustre sur le plan ci -joint en tant qu'annexe A, qui fait partie du present arrete. 2 L'arrete de The City of Saint John edicte le 17 decembre 1984 et intitule By -law Number B -102 Business Improvement Area By -Law, ensemble ses modifications, est abroge des I'entree en vigueur du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 5 janvier 2004, avec les signatures suivantes Premiere lecture Deuxiieme lecture Troisieme lecture 2 le 8 decembre 2003 le 5 janvier 2004 le 5 janvier 2004 Business Improvement Area Boundary Limites de la zone d`amelioration des affaires