Street Closing By-law Amendment Harding St Westo , /f '7y"4 o~t&v,"Vg. 6 '4'r,o too c'& - x5o h to s4rit MA F~.,Plry ,fic„ir „~.nww ~^:v~~n ~rui~tu'rru~ro~: V"uu'~~~ffvra~u~~a~UC ou a9m4=6 ails d"M1110grenenPdu b01ii16 da' W.~ti89fIt .VtSWU'Y, 146 13 NOv ti s zoo~ go dOe BX-LAW NUMBER M-23 A BY-LAW TO AMEND A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE STOPPING UP A.ND CLOSING OF AIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE N° M-23 ARRCTE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE SUR L'INTEItRUPTION DE LA CIRCULATION ET LA FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John as fol{ows: of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : 1 A by-law af The City of Saint John entitled, "A By-law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint John", enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 207 immediately after Section 206 thereof, as follows: 1 Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The City of Saint John intitule, «T.'arcete sur l'interruption de la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The City of Saint John decrete le 19 decembre 2005, est modifie par I'ajout de 1'article 207 immediatement apres 1'artic[e 206, comme suit : 207 The City of Saint John does hereby stop up 207 Par les presentes, The City of 5aint John and close permanently the foliowing portion af barre et ferme de faqon permanente la portion highway: d'une route suivante : PORTION OF A PUBLIC STREET BETWEEN HARDING STREET WEST AND FAIRVILLE BOUL.EVARD: That portion of a public street having a varying width in the City of Saint 3ohn, County of 5aint 3ohn and Province of New Brunswick called portion of a public street between Harding Street West and Fairville Boulevard, comprising 516 square metres (5,554 square feet) more or less and shown on a Plan of Survey CAD: 507018-611 surveyed September 22, 2009 certified correct by Terrain Group Inc. and aitached hereto. IN WJTNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 9'h day of November, A.D. 2009 and signed by: PARTIE D'UNE RUE PUBLIQUE ENTRE LA RUE HARDING OUEST ET LE BOUI.EVARD FAIRVILLE : La partie d'une nte publique a largeur variable situ6e dans The City of 5aint John, dans le comte de Saint John et dans la province du Nouveau-Brunswick, appelee partie d'une rue publique entre la rue Harding ouest et le boulevard Fairville, d'une superficie d'environ 516 metres carres (5 554 pieds cart6s), et delimitee sur un plan d`arpentage (conception assistee par ordinateur 507018-611) ci joint, dresse ]e 22 septembre 2009 par Terrain Group Inc. $N FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 09 novembre 2009, avec Ees signatures suivantes : r ~ ~ X,fr ~ --:....r. ~ Mayo.,.~ .M,r/Maire a ~ a / iAssistant Common Clerk/ reffiier commu al adjoint First Reading - October 26, 2009 Premiere lecture - le 26 octobre 2009 Second Reading - October 26, 2009 Deuxieme lecture - le 26 octobre 2009 Third Reading - November 9`h, 2009 Troisieme lecture - le 09 novembre 2009 RUE HAROINC 57REET MiEST/OUEST am~ v,umE oe u m+c PUBUQM a~ „nlaf iwaR rErti ~ d NMGMO W-~ SOIiEVAM FAIR1tlE s ~ A E711E fE1tl1EE Y l0T C urJ ~ POR110M OF ' ..M ~rL'L WeUC ~ ~ MAIIONS'111F1i Y M 10K UP ~ BlD AIO aiO a _~o ,~.w, . eax[~wo rr~uc ~ 6 b BWIEVARD FARVI~LLE BOULEVARD ~ 10 OI~C 10191Mf IF2 AIYUIi CAl1L lIIO.DINR m IV111{ 0'A!O«~ 9~ R-~ n fwrt wmprtf O.fdmE. ~ ~ 161RA1G10~~~OJh~W1I YCIq11.'[ ~RAII p11 m!R Of RRIN OTM4~114PT OP ~ctn W wYtC - t6 I~11lai1Q11! 9O /CP/Mti OTTP.C~ AI [R P~~ EQ O~i R f~. ~ 1W Itl lLt WfM:a 110110~ QI ~ Y~f1~ C[ Ali N RRII~R'.114 MYl[ ~q LO~IR WMR MI TTIC Gf 11~(A[1[. qM 11GM MN ~WCAT. M WMIi M1M REteV(tE R SW~oE ST oc w~ o. ~aa. eu xinart ow ~axr owd~aoarr. ~ -u mmre~aa rur .,u ownrt w~ wr< nr~ amn. e»s ~ccn ooawwn~ • w.+. ~ ~un~omu T ~ K fl1M[[! R/OJ C1EQ~K! 19m. 1OpWK1~A A ~enw .wa • tct .rr u a oio~e A~ :c ~ . ~ rno eaMvR~AT vw.cs Ke i[ ~c u ~r - s ~lYSIG~[ co0R00N W C,m1 Ya~ wM / R/l Cl~ena! PUBUC STREET/FtUE PUBUQl7E BE7WEEN/EN1fiE RUE HARDING 51REET WEST/OUfST AND/ET BOULEVARD FAERVILLE BOULEVAF rwn tA" ow u ws ~ .nm 4uaion a ~ 1S~ i4vllA~ 1~ 11of lll[ RL ~ M!CH[ ~~nP v.~D m ~mw1~ M MR~~~p~ W~~ ~P~ ~O P~ 11111 RM ll[ TO1C 6 iK C~~ IRmllrt P~12 MYRNI 0~91 MfPMFl10M uiMim /11?I M ~ wNC+ arowi ~ac ekann~w m omrkn. n,.ers a Reo.a,~non vs ,~e ewu+ ar . ~1p~ -~TOIN~ 1i~01 YM[ i1f ID mlO1Mf1! !ET QR I~ n' poo.~.o~q ) r,v ~ inrwnoX Q wrc umaeaaio ~y, IQ~,N2 A