2007-12-17_Minutes--Procès-verbal December 17, 2007 257-2007 Minutes of the Portion of the Committee of the Whole Meeting Open to the Public Monday, December 17, 2007, 4:30 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom, City Hall Present: Mayor McFarlane, Deputy Mayor Hooton and Councillors Chang, Chase, Court, Farren, and McGuire, Tait, Titus and White - and - T. Totten, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; P. Woods, Deputy City Manager and Common Clerk, and E. Gormley, Assistant Common Clerk. 1. Meeting Called To Order The Mayor called the Committee of the Whole meeting to order. Referring to submitted budget documents and a report dated December 17, 2007, the City Manager advised that he is seeking direction on the various questions on his report. Using a show of hands the Committee gave direction to the City Manager as follows: 1. Communications Budget: That the City Manager be directed to alter the proposal for a Communication Unit so that it will result in one additional position, plus some support from a third party if required. 2. Environmental Officer: That the City Manager be directed not to increase the Establishment by adding a full time Environmental Officer at an estimated additional cost for budget purposes of $60,000 for part year in 2008. 3. Pension Plan Alternatives Study: That the City Manager be directed to eliminate from the proposed budget an amount of $50,000, associated with taking an initial step of exploring longer term options related to the Pension Funding Issue. 4. Cherry Brook Zoo (An over the weekend request) That the City Manager be advised that Common Council is not prepared at this time to consider having the City reinstate itself as a core funding source ($150,000) for the Cherry Brook Zoo, and that they be asked to present a strategic plan to Council in the new year. December 17, 2007 258-2007 5 Management Pay Scale: That the City Manager be directed to decrease the proposed adjustment to the Management Pay Scale from 3% to 2% for an estimated reduction of $75,000. 6 Waste Collection –Vulnerable Communities: That the City Manager be directed to proceed with further consultation regarding the concept of a pilot project with respect to providing weekly waste collection to vulnerable neighbourhoods, currently planned to begin in July, 2008. The expenditure reduction would amount to approximately $250,000 (annual cost). 7 Neighbourhood Development: That the City Manager be directed to proceed with the Neighbourhood Development Initiative as currently envisaged. 8 Establishment Changes: That the City Manager be directed to bring forth the recommendation to increase the Establishment by three administrative positions, 1 in Finance, 2 in the Clerk’s Office (1 dedicated to the Committee system of governance, if it is initiated, and 1 to be funded by the Pension Board, if approved by the Board). This would be in addition to the one in Building Inspection and possibly one in Communications). Depending on Council’s direction on one, some, or all of these questions, it would be staff’s intention to adjust the “One Time Write off of Capital against Operating” by a corresponding amount so that the Municipal Tax Rate of $1.795 remains unchanged. : CAPITAL BUDGET ISSUES 1. Rockwood Park That the City Manager be directed to eliminate any funding from the City related specifically to the Rockwood Park Development Plan, and establish a new Capital Budget line entitled “Unspecified Capital Initiatives”, and that the Cherry Brook Zoo be invited to present to Council with a strategic plan. 2. Heritage Grants That the City Manager be directed to increase the funding for Heritage Grants to $200,000. On motion of Councillor Titus Seconded by Councillor Court RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to add the 2008 Operating and Capital Budgets and the Water and Sewerage Utility to the open session of Council as item 1.0. Question being taken, the motion was carried. December 17, 2007 259-2007 The Mayor adjourned the Budget Committee of the Whole meeting at 5:00 p.m. 2. Discussion of Confidential Matters On motion of Councillor Court Seconded by Councillor White RESOLVED that the public be excluded from the meeting 10.2(4)(f); for the duration of the discussion on the following matter(s): Legal Opinion 10.2(4)(f,g);10.2(4)(c); Breach of Confidentiality Governance Structure PSCC 10.2(4)(j); 10.2(4)(b). Personnel Matter and Nominating Committee Question being taken, the motion was carried, with Councillor Titus voting nay. Common Clerk Record Pursuant to Section 10.2(4) The meeting of the Committee of the Whole of Common Council held on December 17, 2007 was closed to the public pursuant to Section 10.2(4) of the Municipalities Act 10.2(4)(f); during the Committee's discussion of the following matter(s): Legal Opinion 10.2(4)(f,g);10.2(4)(c); Breach of Confidentiality Governance Structure PSCC 10.2(4)(j); 10.2(4)(b). Personnel Matter and Nominating Committee Common Clerk