1972-10-23_Report_Public RoadsTo Mayor A. R. W. Lockhart and Common Council Re:. City Acceptance of Private Roads in Outlying Areas BACKGROUND: A great many homes in the outlying portions of the City are on private roads. Common Council has had a number of requests for the City to maintain such roads. The City •has not been maintaining them because it cannot legally enter and spend monies on such private property and, in addition many of the roads are of inadequate width or structural condition to accommodate City or road maintenance equipment. Council has asked staff to recommend a course of action through an ad hoc committee on roads under the Chairmanship of COuncillor-T-ave. Your City Manager met with the Commissioner of Works, the Assistant Directors of Engineering and Operations (Works), the Director of PlanniFg and Councillor Cave to discuss this matter. The group adopted the position that Council should be prepared to undertake new and added responsibilities for continuing road maintenance o services where tax-payers•n now private roads, with the qualification that all roadways ought to meet given minimum standards and should be vested in the Corporation. Appended is a list of such roadways. The following recommended course of action is the result. The City should accept and maintain existing private roads as public streets where the following conditions have been met. 1) The owners of property along a private road must petition Common Council to "take over" the road and show their willingness to meet the conditions set out below. 2) The right of way for the road is to be 66 feet wherever th width is or can be made available. Where it is not the minim acceptable width shall be 30 feet so as to provide two ten foo travel lanes and appropriate ditching and shoulders. I -3/ 2. 3) No compensation is to be paid by the City for the private roads and for any lands required for related widening. 4) The roadway itself (the travel surface, ditching and shoulders) is to be brought to City standards as determined by the Commissioner of Works. 5) The cost of bringing private roads to City standards is to be borne as follows: - (a) The City to request the Province for additional sums to bring the 8.5± miles of private roads shown on the attached list to the City's minimum design standards. In this connection, it should be noted that the City is now spending over $7,000 a mile in high budget priorities for the improvement of public roads. (b) If the request in (a) is not acceded to or the road not included in the attached list, the cost is to be met by local improvements to be levied against the abutting properties. 6) The petitioners are to be responsible for obtaining and verifying a proper conveyance of title for the right of way to the City. 7) The City will file the "adjusted -width" plans for a roadway under section 62 of the Community Planning Act so as to avoid subdivision complications by the severing of the widening from the abutting lots. 8) The Planning Commission is to be assigned the responsibility for the naming of accepted roadways. 9) Where a petition is filed for the acceptance of a private road, the City is not to grade or improve the road during the "take- over" period but will snowplow where road and other conditions permit®. 10) Except as may be permitted by the Planning Commission to service a subdivision which creates one lot in the interior of a property, no new private roads or extensions of them shall be permitted in outlying areas. 0 Where the owners along an existing private road do not petition for its acceptance as a public street, or cannot satisfy the specified conditions, the roads will continue to be ''private" and no City road services can be provided thereon. Supplementary Comment Once the Council adopts the foregoing policy for accepting existing private roads in outlying areas, it will need to consider a parallel policy for private roads in group housing or apartment areas in the more central parts of the City such as in portions of Leighside Park. A separate report on such private roads will be submitted to Council in, the near future. Respectfully submitted, S/Councillor F. Cave - SIJ. Perkins, City Manager. for the ad hoc committee on private roadways ;xO Fd LeiBA_ RFOOT, 8 E., M.E.J.c, p, mg. CO.MMISSIONER OF WORKS CITY HALL MAP KET SQUARE 1" 0, BOX 1 971 SAINT JOHN, NS. TZLEPHOp4a C17ry C�F SAINT JOHN, N. a. DEPARTMLI-JT OF WORKS September 25, 1972 Mr. J. C. MacKinnon.' P. Eng. Assistant Director of Works Operations City Hall Saint John, N. The following roadways withing the City of Saint John, outside the -former City and1lighway Board boundaries were never accepted by the Province as Streets, but were given winter maintenance by the Province. WESTERN DIVISION 1. Ketepec -5 By -roads with no names - consists of .5 miles 2. Belmont - 2 By -roads with no names - consists of + .2 miles 7 3. Belmont - Westmount Dr. & Birchcraft Dr. - consists of 4. Morna Heights - I By -road with no name .2 Files + 5- Morna - consists of .1 Files - Clarkville Rd. 1 and Clarkville Rd. 2 -.cons 6. Morna - 2 By -roads with no names - consist ists Of .3'miles + s of .4 miles + 7. Martinon 3 By -roads off Marti Mr. J. C. MacKinnon, P. Eng. Assistant Director of Works Operations September 25, 1972 1. Goldsworth Road - consists of .3 miles + 2. Spring Garden Rd® - consists of .2 miles + 3. Greenhill Drive - consists of .2 miles + 4. Asied Street - consists of .2 miles + S. Owens Road - consists of .3 miles + 6. Lakeside Drive - consists of .2 miles + 7. Greenwood Lane - consists of .1 mile + 8. Fraser Avenue - consists of .05 miles 9. Whalen Road - consists of .3 miles + 10. Vey Road - consists of .1 miles + 11. McLaughlin Road - consists of .3 miles + 12. Nicolle Road consists of .1 miles + 13. McLeod Road consists of .3 miles + 14. Colony Road consists of .05 miles + 15. Old Orchard Lane consists of .2 miles + 16. Mount Loyal Road consists of .05 miles Yours truly, K. D. Henderson, Supt Streets May 12th, 1972. Itis Worship Mayor A. R. W. Lockhart - and Members of the Cormon Council, City of Saint John, N. B. Your Worship and Councillors. Re. Item 31 Condition of roads Many residents of various parts of the City have contacted me corrplaining about the condition of the roads taken over by the City from the Province on April lst. I think the public should be told why certain of the roads have been closed and maintenance of others has not been satJ.s- factory. I wish to propose that a long-range planning programme be commenced imediately and would recomend that a comnittee of Council be set up to ensure the immediate implementation of same. Yours truly, Fred Cave, Councillor. /m MAY 8 IQ'7? C ra 1�7 4% City of Saint John, N, B., Canada Donald J. French, Personnel Officer R 0. Box 1971, City Hall /658-2800 Mr. James K. Perkins City Manager Eighth Floor City Hall Dear Sir: Pursuant to your request for information on the number of seasonal and casual employees hired in the various civic departments from January 1, 1971 to May 15, 1971 as compared to the period from January 1, 1972 to May 15, 1972, we hereby submit the following report: Civic _R2p�artment 1971 Works: - Street Maintenance & Summer Street Cleaning 53 Works Construction 0 Asphalt Division 46 L.I.P. Capital Works (Thorne Avenue Cemetery) 0 L.I.P. Capital Works (Wilson Motors Demolition) 0 Traffic Engineering , 4 Traffic Counting .0 Works L.I.P. Capital Works 0 (West Side City Hall) Sanitation Division 23 UPWO 41 5 38 9 4 8 2 2 0 .2 Mr. J. Perkins May 15, 1972 1971 1.972 Works Engineering Dept. 11 5 Maintenance & Supply Mechanical Garage 1 "0 Water & Sewerage 52 53 Urban Renewal & Redevelopment 2 2 Recreation: Recreation Division 33 3 Parks Division 23 L.I.P. Tree Removal 0 4 L.I.P. Drop -In -Supervisors 0 6 Supervisors (Part time) 27 7 Fire Department 8 10 Police Department 2 1 City Hall Employees 13 —3 TOTAL 275 236 Respectfully submitted, Donald J. F ench PERSONNEL & TRAINING OFFICER City of Saint John, N. B., Canada Donald J. French, Personnel Officer P. 0. Box 1971, City Hail /658-2800 MAY 15,1972 MEMO: Re Workforce Strength Totals To: City Manager From: Personnel Office As of May 8, 1971 Fire 205 Police 204 Sanitation 75 Water & Sew. 97 Streets 219 Mech.Garage 32 ion Nisc.,�n Clug'Pgrks 42 ecce Official/Adm.207- Total 1,081 Fi re 206 Police 204 Sanitation 69 Water & Sew. 105 Streets 212 Mech,.Garage 33 Nisc. ecre&!nT8n1u9'P9rks 42 Official/Adm. 211 Total 1,083 Of the 1,083 figure,46 enployees were hired,primarily for Asphalt,Parks and Water & Sewerage,after May 8th. Respectfully submitted, Donald J. F nch PERSONNEL &' TRAINING OFFICER Swo 14"