Zoning By-Law Amendment Medical Marijuana Production Facilities (CP 111-41)BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111-41
Be it enacted by The City of Saint
John in Common Council convened, as
The Zoning By-law of The City of
Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of
December, A.D. 2014, is hereby amended
as follows:
1. Section 3.1 is amended by deleting
the definitions for "agricultural use",
"forestry use", "garden centre", "light
industrial use", "research and
development facility", and "special
industrial use" and replacing them with
the following:
"agricultural use" means the
cultivation of the soil to produce a
crop, or the raising of a domestic
animal, including, but not limited to,
the growing of a crop, an agro-forestry
operation, garden, greenhouse, maple
syrup production; nursery, orchard, or
vineyard, or the keeping and raising of
bees, fish, fowl, livestock, or fur or
wool bearing animals. A Medical
Marijuana Production Facility is a
separate use.
"forestry use" means any use of land,
building, or structure, where timber
resources of any cumulative ground
area . are cultivated, managed, or
harvested, but does not include
manufacturing or processing of such
products. A Medical Marijuana
Production Facility is a separate use;
"garden centre" means any use of land,
building, or structure for the display
and sale of plants, gardening, or
landscaping, equipment or supplies. A
Medical Marijuana Production Facility
is a separate use.
"light industrial use" means any use of
land, building, or structure, involving
a manufacturing process whether or not
a finished article is produced, and may
include the repairing and or servicing
of a vehicle, machinery, or building
where the manufacturing process
occurs or the material is used or stored,
and the transportation of material,
ARRITE No C.P. 111-41
Lors dune reunion du conseil
communal, The City of Saint John a
decrete cc qui suit :
Uarretd de zonage de The City of
Saint John, decrete le quinze (15) decembre
2014, est modifie par:
1. L'article 3.1 est modifie par
suppression des definitions de << centre
jardinier », << installation de recherche et de
developpement », o usage agricole )>,
usage d'industrie legere », o usage forestier
et « usage industriel particulier » et leur
remplacement par cc qui suit :
centre jardinier » Vise ('usage d'un
terrain, d'un batiment ou d'une
construction pour 1'exposition et la vente
de plantes ou d'equipement et de
foumitures de jardinage ou d'amenagement
paysager. Les installations de production de
marihuana therapeutique constituent un
usage distinct. (garden centre)
installation de recherche et de
ddveloppement » Etablissement oii soot
effectues des recherches, des etudes, des
essais ou des experiences scientifiques a
l'interieur d'un batiment en vue du
ddveloppement de technologic de
Pinformation de pointe ou de prototypes ou
de fabrication de produits de technologie de
pointe et pouvant comporter de nombreux
usages secondaires lies a 1'etablissement,
tels que, notamment, des salles de
conference, des services de restauration, de
sante et de Bien -etre, des laboratoires, des
salles de reunion, des services
d'imprimerie, des services professionneis
ou juridiques, des services de consultation
technique, des installations de formation ou
d'autres installations similaires. Les
installations de production de marihuana
therapeutique constituent un usage distinct.
(research and development facility)
« usage agricole » S'entend du travail du
sol en vue de produire une recolte et de
1'e1evage d'animaux domestiques; sont
notamment visds la culture de produits
agricoles, les activites agroforestieres, les
jardins, les serres, les productions de sucre
d'erable, les pdpinieres, les vergers,, les
vignes, 1'apiculture, la pisciculture,
1'aviculture et 1'e1evage de betail et
goods, or commodities to and from the
premises that will not cause injury to or
prejudicially affect the amenity of the
locality by reason of the following
(a) Water usage being restricted to
employee washrooms, indirect cooling
and pressure testing of equipment,
cleaning of vehicles and or equipment,
and similar uses ancillary to the
manufacturing process;
(b) No effluent discharge or
contaminant which may contribute to
the biological, chemical, physical, or
aesthetic pollution of land, water, and
or air; and
(c) No manufacturing processes or
activities, other than outdoor storage,
parking, and loading, shall take place
outside of a building.
A Medical Marijuana Production
Facility is a separate use.
"research and development facility"
means an establishment, where
scientific research, investigation,
testing, or experimentation takes place
within a building for the development
of advanced information technology,
prototypes, or manufacturing of
advanced technology products, and
includes a wide variety of secondary
uses relating to the operation such as,
but not limited to, conference facility,
food service, health and wellness,
laboratory, meeting facility, printing
service, professional and or legal
service, technical consulting, training
facility, or other similar facilities. A
Medical Marijuana Production Facility
is a separate use.
"special industrial use" means an
industrial use, principally for one or
more of the following:
(a) The manufacture or assembly of
products using innovative or advanced
technology where substantial value is
created or added to the product through
the process of its manufacture or
d'animaux a fourrure ou a laine. Les
installations de production de marihuana
therapeutique constituent un usage distinct.
(agricultural use)
usage d'industrie legere » Usage de
terrains, de batiments ou de constructions
ayant recours a un procede de fabrication,
peu importe qu'un article fini soit produit
ou non, et pouvant comprendre la
reparation ou Pentretien de vdhicules, de
machines ou de batiments, ou ont lieu le
procedd de fabrication ou Putilisation ou
Fentreposage du materiel, ainsi que to
transport, jusqu'aux lieux et a partir de
ceux-ci, de materiaux, de biens ou de
produits, qui n'occasionne pas de
dommages et no porte pas prejudice A
1'agrement de la localitd, etant exerce dans
le respect des conditions suivantes :
a) 1'utilisation de Peau est limitee aux
usages accessoires au procdde de
fabrication, notamment 1'alimentation en
cau des toilettes des employes, le
refroidissement indirect, les essais de mise
en pression d'equipement et le nettoyage de
vehicules et d'equipement;
b) it n'y a pas de rejet d'effluents ou
de contaminants susceptibles de contribuer
A la pollution biologique, chimique,
physique ou esthetique du sol, de Peau ou
de fair;
C) aucun procedd de fabrication ni
aucune activite manufacturiere, sauf
Pentreposage en plein air, le stationnement
et le chargement, n'ont lieu a l'extdrieur
d'un batiment.
Les installations de production de
marihuana therapeutique constituent un
usage distinct. (light industrial use)
usage forestier » Vise Fusage d'un
terrain, d'un batiment ou d'une
construction a des fins de culture, de
gestion ou de recolte des ressources
ligneuses de tout agregat de terrains, mais
non la fabrication et la transformation de
ces ressources. Les installations de
production de marihuana therapeutique
constituent un usage distinct. (forestry use)
usage industriel particulicr » Usage
industriel servant principalement a une ou
plusieurs des fins suivantes :
a) la fabrication ou 1'assemblage de
produits ayant recours a des technologies
(b) Research and development uses
where innovative or advanced
technologies are employed; and
(c) Any indoor display office,
technical, administrative or employee
support area, or the storage, shipment,
or distribution of the product, shall be
considered accessory to any Special
Industrial Use, but does not include
industrial uses that process raw or
petrochemical materials.
A Medical Marijuana Production
Facility is a separate use.
znnovatrices ou a des technologies de
pointe entrainant la. creation d'une valeur
considerable ou Pajout d'unc valeur
considerable a ces produits;
b) les usages de recherche et de
ddveloppement avant recours a des
technologies innovatrices ou a des
technologies de pointe;
C) les bureaux d'exposition interieurs,
les aires de soutien technique ou
administratif ou de soutien a Pemploye, ou
l'entreposage, le transport ou la distribution
des produits sont reputes accessoires a tout
usage industriel particulier; sont exclus les
usages industriels visant la transformation
de matieres premieres ou de produits
Les installations de production de
marihuana thdrapeutique constituent un
usage distinct. (special industrial use)
2. Section 3.1 is amended by adding 2. L'article 3.1 est modifid par
the following definition: insertion de la definition suivante :
"medical marijuana production
facility" means an establishment where
marijuana used for medical purposes is
cultivated, processed, tested, destroyed,
stored, packaged or distributed.
« installation de production de marihuana
therapeutique » Etablissement oh a lieu la
culture, le traitement, les essais, la
destruction, le stockage, 1'emballage ou la
distribution du marihuana thdrapeutique.
(medical marijuana production facility)
3. Subsection 4.2(b) is amended by 3. Le paragraphe 4.2b) est modifie
adding the following: par adjonction de ce qui suit
Medical Marijuana Production Facility
Minimum Number of Parking Spaces
1 per 200 square metres for the first
2,000 square metres plus 1 per 500
square metres of additional floor area
Installation de production de marihuana
Nombre minimal d'emplacements de
stationnement obligatoires
un par 200 metres carres, plus un par 500
metres carres au -dela de 2 000 metres
4. The following section is added 4. L'article qui suit est insere
immediately following Section 9.19: immediatement apres Particle 9.19:
"9.20 Medical Marijuana o 9.20 Installations de production de
Production Facilities marihuana therapeutique
Where permitted by this by-law, a
medical marijuana production facility
is subject to the following
(a) all functions associated with a
medical marijuana production
facility shall be conducted within a
completely enclosed building;
La oA le present arret permet leur
amenagernent, les installations de
production de marihuana therapeutique
cont subordonnees aux conditions suivantes
a) toutes les activitds rattachees a
('installation de production de marihuana
therapeutique ont lieu a I'interieur d'un
batiment completement fenne;
(b) no lot containing a medical
marijuana production facility shall
be permitted within 15 m of any
residential zone or a lot containing
an existing public or private school
measured to the property line;
(c) no outdoor storage associated with
a medical marijuana production
facility is permitted.
5. Section 12 is amended by adding
to Table 12-1 a row immediately after
the row containing the words
"Marshalling Yard" in the column
labelled "Use" with the words
"Medical Marijuana Production
Facility" and indicating that the
permitted zones are IM and IH.
6. Subsection 12.2 (1) is amended by
adding the following words "Medical
Marijuana Production Facility, subject
to section 9.20;" immediately after the
words "Light Industrial Use."
7. Subsection 12.3 (1) is amended by
adding the following words "Medical
Marijuana Production Facility, subject
to section 9.20;" immediately after the
words "Marshalling Yards."
Saint John has caused the Corporate
Common Seal of the said City to be affixed
to this by-law the 15"' day of May, A.D.
2017 and signed by:
b) it est interdit d'amenager une
installation de production de marihuana
therapeutique a moins de 15 m d'une zone
residentielle ou d'un lot sur lequel se trouve
une ecole publique ou privee existante,
distance mesuree a partir de la limite de
C) Pentreposage a fair libre rattache a
une installation de production de marihuana
therapeutique est interdit.
S. L'article 12 est modifte par
insertion dans le tableau 12-1,
immediatement apres 1'entree « Installation
de distribution », d'une ligne comportant
les mots « Installation de production de
marihuana therapeutique >> dans la colonise
intitulee « Usage » et indiquant que 1'usage
est permis dans les zones IM et IH.
6. Le paragraphe 12.2 (1) est modifte
par insertion de o installation de production
de marihuana therapeutique, sous reserve
de Particle 9.20; » immediatement apres
installation de distribution; ».
7. Le paragraphe 12.3 (1) est modifie
par insertion de c installation de production
de marihuana therapeutique, sous reserve
de Particle 9.20; » immediatement apres
gare de triage; >>.
EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John
a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le
present arrete le 15 mai 2017,
avec les signatures suivantes :
First Reading - May 1, 2017
Second Reading - May 1, 2017
Third Reading -May 15, 2017
Premiere lecture - le 1 mai 2017
Deuxieme lecture - le 1 mai 2017
Troisieme lecture - le 15 mai 2017