2024-07-22_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour Ville de Saint John Séance du conseil communal Lundi le 22 juillet 2024 18 h e 2 étage de la Salle du conseil communal, Hôtel de Ville Nous utiliserons un moyen de communication électronique lors de cette réunion. Le public peut assister à la séance en personne dans la Salle du Conseil ou la regarder sur le site Internet de la ville (www.saintjohn.ca) ou sur TV Rogers Comité plénier 1. Ouverture de la séance Si vous souhaitez obtenir des services en français pour une séance du conseil communal, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. privé en vertu des dispositions prévues au paragraphe 68(1) de la \[ƚź ƭǒƩ ƌğ ŭƚǒǝĻƩƓğƓĭĻ ƌƚĭğƌĻ. Le conseil/comité prendra une ou des décisions à cet égard au cours de la séance publique : e 16 h Clôture du comité plénier Salle de conférence du 2 étage 1.1 Approbation du procès-verbal 68(1) 1.2 Question financière 68(1)(c) 1.3 Question financière 68(1)(c) 1.4 Question financière 68(1)(c) 1.5 Question foncière 68(1)(d) 1.6 Question foncière 68(1)(d) 1.7 Question financière 68(1)(c) 1.8 Question financière 68(1)(c) Séance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la séance 1.1 Reconnaissance territoriale 1.2 Hymne national 2. Approbation du procès-verbal 2.1 Procès-verbal du 8 juillet 2024 du jour 5.1 Demande de défilé aérien (recommandation : autoriser le défilé aérien 25 août 2024 à 10 h (heure 5.2 Demande de défilé aérien (recommandation : Autoriser le défilé aérien le 15 septembre 2024 à 11 5.3 Green Communities Canada Living Cities Canada Fund Entente sur les attentes des emplacements hôtes (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.4 Justin Belliveau (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.5 P.R.O. Jeunesse : mise à jour du programme pour les enfants et du processus de développement durable (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.6 terrain à des fins publiques, 205 chemin Norris (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.7 chemin Hickey et une partie du 1671, chemin Hickey (recommandation dans le rapport) 6. Commentaires présentés par les membres 7. Proclamation 8. Délégations et présentations 8.1 Transformer les soins de santé au Nouveau-Brunswick Fondation -Brunswick 8.2 Présentation sur la corporisation de Saint John Energy 8.2.1 Présentation sur la corporisation de Saint John Energy 8.2.2 Mise à jour de Saint John Energy au Conseil communal 9. Audiences publiques 10. Étude des arrêtés municipaux 10.1 ree et 2 lecture) 10.2 e 59 - 910 boulevard Fairville (3 lecture) 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1 Avis de motion de P. Radwan Lettre à la ministre Jill Green 11.2 Avis de motion de P. Radwan Unité des services de sécurité communautaire 11.3 Avis de motion du maire adjoint MacKenzie Examen des responsabilités du commissaire aux incendies dans les municipalités 12. Affaires municipales évoquées par les fonctionnaires municipaux 13. Rapports déposés par les comités 13.1 Comité de la sécurité publique : Stratégie Logement pour tous 15. Correspondance générale 15.1 B. McVicar : Sans-abri et sécurité publique (recommandation : renvoi au Comité de la sécurité publique) 15.2 N. Butler : Chemin McLeod (recommandation : Recevoir pour information 15.3 Lettre de Steepleview à la mairesse et au conseil (recommandation : transmettre la lettre au ministre Austin de la Sécurité publique, au ministre Green du Développement social et au chef de la police de SJ Bruce et considérer les ressources comme une action dans le cadre de la stratégie de logement pour tous les sans-abri). 15.4 Lettre de Fresh Start Services : Arrêté sur la prévention des incendies (recommandation : recevoir pour information dans le cadre de la création John) 16. Ordre du jour supplémentaire 17. Comité plénier 17.1 spéciale du conseil communal de Saint John 17.2 Accord de contribution IRCC Modification 4 PLISJ 2024 17.3 Contrat de bail révisé avec le Saint John Arts Centre pour le 20 Peel Plaza 17.4 Accord de permis de construction avec W.L. Holdings Inc. pour le 99, King Street 17.5 Réalignement de Retail Drive ClearView Homes 17.6 Accord de contribution financière 26, Retail Drive 17.7 17.8 Initiative pour la création rapide de logements Barracks Green Mise à jour 18. Levée de la séance COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN JULY 8, 2024 AT 6:00 PM ND 2 FLOOR COMMON COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL An Electronic means of communication will be used at this meeting. The public may attend the meeting in person in the Council Chamber or view the meeting on the Website (www.saintjohn.ca) or on Rogers TV͵ Present: Mayor Donna Noade Reardon Councillor-at-Large Gary Sullivan Councillor-at-Large Brent Harris Councillor Ward 1 Greg Norton Councillor Ward 1 Joanna Killen Councillor Ward 2 Barry Ogden Councillor Ward 3 Gerry Lowe Councillor Ward 3 David Hickey Councillor Ward 4 Greg Stewart Councillor Ward 4 Paula Radwan Absent: Deputy Mayor John MacKenzie Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer B. McGovern General Counsel M. Tompkins Chief Financial Officer K. Fudge Commissioner Utilities & Infrastructure Services I. Fogan Fire Chief R. Nichol Director Human Resources D. McQuade-Clark Commissioner Growth & Community Services A. Poffenroth Commissioner Public Works & Transportation M. Hugenholtz City Clerk J. Taylor Deputy City Clerk P. Anglin 1. Call to Order 1 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 1.1 Land Acknowledgement Councillor Radwan read aloud the Land Acknowledgement and called for a moment of reflection. traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet.The Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet along with their Indigenous Neighbours, and Friendship Treaties with the British Crown in the 1700s that protected their rights to lands 1.2 National Anthem The Saint John High School Choir performed O Canada by video. 2. Approval of Minutes Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Radwan: RESOLVED that the minutes of June 24, 2024, be approved. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Approval of Agenda Moved by Councillor Harris, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the agenda for July 8, 2024 be approved with the addition of 17.2 License Agreement: Commercial Properties Ltd. 12 Smythe Street PID 3 Amendment of License Agreement Update to Enforcement Language 20 Dorchester Street (PID 38000 and 38018); 17.4 Memorial Garden Agreement for South Central Peninsula School; 17.5 Hayes Litigation Costs.; and that Item 9.1 be moved forward as the first item for discussion. MOTION CARRIED. 9.1 Proposed Rescheduling of a Public Hearing Date 1750 Sandy Point Road Commissioner Poffenroth recommended that the application be rescheduled at the request of the applicant. The revised proposal will be submitted to the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) August 20th meeting and scheduled for the Common Council meeting date of September 3, 2024. Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Harris: RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-182: Proposed Rescheduling of a Public Hearing Date 1750 Sandy Point Road, Common Council reschedule the public hearing for the Zoning Bylaw rezoning application submitted by 667117 NB Inc. for 1750 Sandy Point Road (PID: 00050849) for Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Council Chamber, City Hall 2nd floor, 15 Market Square, Saint John, NB. MOTION CARRIED. 2 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest Councillors Harris and Killen declared a conflict of interest with item 12.2. 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report, M&C 2024-176: LPP Council Report Alloy Drive, Common Council approve the following: 1) That Common Council assent to the submitted subdivision plan, in general accordance with the submitted subdivision plan, including any required Local Government Services Easements and Municipal Drainage Easements; 2) That Common Council accept money-in-lieu of Land for Public Purposes in relation to the proposed subdivision; and, 3) That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure the provision of the required work and facilities, including any necessary temporary turnarounds. 5.2 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report, M&C 2024-178: Appointment of Municipal Planning Director, Common Council appoint Pankaj Nalavde, MCIP, RPP, Director of Community Planning and Housing, as the Municipal Planning Director in accordance with subsection 10(1)(b) of the Community Planning Act. 5.3 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report, M&C 2024-184: Proposed Public Hearing Dates for 88-126 St. James Street, 3600 Westfield Road, 1277 Old Black River Road, and 9 Austin Lane, Common Council schedule the public hearings for the following: Zoning By-law Rezoning submitted by Heather Copp (NBDTI) for 88-126 St. James Street (PIDs: 55025332, 00002402, 00002246, 00001834, 00001842, 00001859, 00001867, 00001875, 55242192, 00001909, 00001917, 00002238, 00001560, 00001552, 00001545, 00001537, 00001529, 00001511, 00001503, 00001495, 00002386, 00002220, 00001487, 55019731; Rezoning and Section 59 amendment Application submitted by Brunswick Engineering for 3600 Westfield Road (PIDs: 00295253 and 55063614); Rezoning application submitted by Don-More Surveys & Engineering Ltd. for 1277 Old Black River Road (PID: 55100135); and Rezoning Application submitted by George D. Cormier for 9 Austin Lane (part of PID: 00403972) for Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Council Chamber, City Hall 2nd floor, 15 Market Square, Saint John, NB. 5.4 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report, M&C 2024-187: Green Municipal Fund Opportunity, Common Council endorse a funding application to the Green Municipal Fund, through the Canadian Federation of Municipalities. Moved by Councillor Harris, seconded by Councillor Stewart: 3 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 RESOLVED that the recommendation set out in each consent agenda item respectively be adopted. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Members Comments Members commented on various local events. 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations / Presentations 9. Public Hearings 6:30 p.m. 9.2 Proposed Section 59 Amendment with Planning Advisory Committee report and Staff Presentation 72 Clint Drive Commissioner Poffenroth introduced the proposed Section 59 Amendment amending the Section 59 conditions imposed on the September 10, 2007, rezoning of the property located at 72 Clint Drive, also identified as PIDs 55243521 and 55243166, to permit a development including semi-detached dwellings. The Planning Advisory Committee and staff recommendation are aligned. Mayor Noade Reardon called the Public Hearing to Order. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed amendment with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed amendment with no one presenting. Mayor Noade Reardon closed the public hearing. Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Radwan: RESOLVED that Common Council rescind the Section 59 conditions imposed on the September 10, 2007, rezoning of the property located at 72 Clint Drive, also identified as PID Number 55243786. MOTION CARRIED. Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that: 1) Common Council assent to the submitted subdivision plan, in general accordance with the submitted subdivision plan, including any required Local Government Services Easements and Municipal Drainage Easements. 2) That Common Council accept money-in-lieu of Land for Public Purposes in relation to the proposed subdivision. 4 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 3) That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure the provision of the required work and facilities, including any necessary temporary turnarounds. MOTION CARRIED. 9.3 Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment with Planning Advisory Committee report and Staff Presentation 910 Fairville Boulevard Commissioner Poffenroth introduced the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment to rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12,242 square metres, located at 910 Fairville Boulevard, also identified as PID 00402446, from Regional Commercial (CR) to Regional Commercial Residential (CR-R) to permit a mixed-use development. The Planning Advisory Committee and staff recommendation are aligned. Mayor Noade Reardon called the Public Hearing to Order. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed amendment with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed amendment with no one presenting. Mayor Noade Reardon closed the public hearing. Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the by--Law of The City of amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12,242 square metres, located at 910 Fairville Boulevard, also identified as PID 00402446, from Regional Commercial (CR) to Regional Commercial Residential (CR-R), be read a first time. MOTION CARRIED. Read a first time by title, the by--Law of The Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Ogden: RESOLVED that the by-end the Zoning By-Law of The City of amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12,242 square metres, located at 910 Fairville Boulevard, also identified as PID 00402446, from Regional Commercial (CR) to Regional Commercial Residential (CR-R), be read a second time. MOTION CARRIED. Read a second time by title, the by--Law of 9.4 Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment with Planning Advisory Committee report stnd and Staff Presentation 1670 Hickey Road (1 and 2 Reading) 5 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 Commissioner Poffenroth introduced the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment to rezone a piece of property, previously a part of PID 55198410 and now amalgamated into PID 55221790, from Two-Unit Residential (R2) to Neighbourhood Community Facility (CFN) to allow for the construction of an extension of a special care home. The Planning Advisory Committee and staff recommendation are aligned. Mayor Noade Reardon called the Public Hearing to Order. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed amendment with no one presenting. The Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed amendment with no one presenting. Mayor Noade Reardon closed the public hearing. Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Lowe: RESOLVED that the by--Law of The City of amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a piece of land having an area of approximately 3,014 square metres, located at 1670 Hickey Road also identified as PID 55221790 from Two-Unit Residential (R2) to Neighbourhood Community Facility (CFN), be read a first time. MOTION CARRIED. Read a first time by title, the by--Law of The Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Radwan: RESOLVED that the by-d the Zoning By-Law of The City of amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a piece of land having an area of approximately 3,014 square metres, located at 1670 Hickey Road also identified as PID 55221790 from Two-Unit Residential (R2) to Neighbourhood Community Facility (CFN), be read a second time. MOTION CARRIED. Read a second time by title, the by--Law of 10. Consideration of By-Laws 10.1 Public Presentation Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment Nason Road / Martha Avenue Commissioner Poffenroff introduced the Public Presentation for a proposed amendment to the Municipal Plan which would redesignate on Schedule A of the Municipal Development Plan, land having an approximate area of 6.78 hectares, located on Nason Road, also identified as PID 55086227, from Park and Natural Area to Stable Area; and redesignate on Schedule B of the Municipal Development Plan, land having an 6 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 approximate area of 6.78 hectares, located on Nason Road, also identified as PID 55086227, from Park and Natural Area to Stable Residential, to permit a multi-unit residential development. Written objections will be accepted up to August 7, 2024. 10.2 Public Presentation Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment Saint John Industrial Park Expansion Commissioner Poffenroth introduced the Public Presentation for a proposed amendment to the Municipal Plan which would redesignate on Schedule A of the Municipal Development Plan land having an approximate area of 421 hectares identified as portions of PIDs 55243596, 55233456, 55243588, and 55237077, from Park and Natural Area, Rural Resource, Employment Area, and Stable Area (outside of the Primary Development Area) to Employment Area (within the Primary Development Area); and redesignate on Schedule B of the Municipal Development Plan land having an approximate area of 421 hectares identified as portions of PIDs 55243596, 55233456, 55243588, and 55237077, from Park and Natural Area, Rural Resource, Heavy Industrial, and Rural Residential (outside of the Primary Development Area) to Heavy Industrial (within the Primary Development Area),to include the site within the Primary Development Area and the Heavy Industrial designation to allow for the expansion of the Spruce Lake Industrial Park. Written objections will be accepted up to August 7, 2024. 10.3 Zoning By-Law Amendment and Recission of Previous Section 39/59 Conditions rd 2400 Westfield Road (3 Reading) Commissioner Poffenroth confirmed that all legislative requirements of the Community rd Planning Act required to proceed with 3 Reading have been met. Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Norton: RESOLVED that the by-By-Law Number CP 111-168 A Law to Amend the Zoning By- City of Saint John by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 5,261 square metres, located at 2400 Westfield Road, also identified as PID 00290585, from Rural General Commercial (CRG) to Rural Settlement Residential (RS), be read. MOTION CARRIED. The by-law entitled By-Law Number CP 111-168 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Harris: RESOLVED that Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of the Community Planning Act, rescind the conditions imposed on the May 3, 2016, rezoning of the property located at 2400 Westfield Road, also identified as PID 00290585. MOTION CARRIED. Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Harris: RESOLVED that the by-By-Law Number CP 111-168 A Law to Amend the Zoning By- City of Saint John by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 5,261 square metres, located at 2400 Westfield Road, also identified as PID 00290585, from 7 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 Rural General Commercial (CRG) to Rural Settlement Residential (RS) be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. MOTION CARRIED. Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled By-Law Number CP 111-168 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John 10.4 Zoning By-Law Amendment and Recission of Previous Section 39/59 Conditions rd Reading) Commissioner Poffenroth confirmed that all legislative requirements of the Community rd Planning Act required to proceed with 3 reading have been met. Moved by Councillor Radwan, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the by-By-Law Number CP 111-169 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3,118 square m General Commercial (CG) to Two-Unit Residential (R2), be read. MOTION CARRIED. The by-law entitled By-Law Number CP 111-169 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John Moved by Councillor Stewart, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, rescind the conditions imposed on the September 26, 2022, rezoning, for the parcel of land having an area of approximately 3,118 square metres, 00415711, stating: a. That the development of the site be limited to the proposal for a mixed-use development incorporating two buildings with uses limited to the following: i. The southern building, located adjacent to Wilson Street having a maximum of 50 dwelling units and 4 live-work units. ii. the northern building be limited to a maximum of 50 dwelling units. b. That notwithstanding subparagraph 11.7(3)(c)(i) of the Zoning By-Law, dwelling units may be located below the second storey of the proposed buildings. c. The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle and bicycle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features including front yard landscaping in conformance with the Zoning By-Law and side yard landscaping as illustrated on the site plan submitted with the application. d. The above plans referenced in (c) be attached to the permit application for the development of the parcel of land. e. That pedestrian access to and from the development is facilitated by connecting to the ien Street. f. If any municipal infrastructure improvements are required to service this proposal, it will be the owner/developer's full responsibility and cost to complete. Prior to determining this, 8 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 detailed engineering plans and a design brief must be submitted by the owner/developer's engineering consultant to the City for review and approval by the City. g. That the parcel of land be developed and maintained in accordance with an engineering storm water drainage plan and design report, prepared by a professional engineer on behalf of the proponent and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer, and that such approved plan and report be attached to any development and/or building permit for the proposed development. h. Should the location of the building sprinkler connections necessitate the installation of an additional fire hydrant, this hydrant installation will be at the expense of the developer. i. That concrete curb and sidewalk be extended by the developer along the Wilson Street frontage of the site. j. That prior to issuance of any building permits for the proposed development, a Traffic Impact Statement be completed by an engineering consultant engaged by the developer impacts on the existing roadway network and any required improvements to the existing road network including traffic calming measures. Any improvements identified by the Traffic Impact Statement be the MOTION CARRIED. Moved by Councillor Harris, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the by-By-Law Number CP 111-169 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3,118 square m General Commercial (CG) to Two-Unit Residential (R2), be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. MOTION CARRIED. Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled By-Law Number CP 111-169 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law of The City of Sai 11. Submissions by Council Members 12. Business Matters Municipal Officers 12.1 Chief Administrative Officer Update on select Catalytic Projects and Advocacy (Verbal) The CAO updated Council on the progress being made on the following advocacy and catalytic projects: Housing Accelerator Fund targets show good progress to reach the goal of creating 1124 units over 3 years and reaching the affordable housing targets. Central Peninsula School, including the surrounding Rainbow Park and the Turner Brewer Memorial Spruce Lake Industrial Park development land plans will have an Open House July 27 Fundy Quay and Harbour Passage. 9 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 Moved by Councillor Stewart, seconded by Councillor Lowe: RESOLVED that the Chief Administrative Officer verbal update on select Catalytic Projects and Advocacy be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. Having declared a conflict-of-interest Councillors Harris and Killen withdrew from the meeting. 12.2 Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Building at 230-232 Duke Street (PID 00006452) Referring to the submitted report M&C 2024-177: Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Building at 230-232 Duke Street (PID 00006452), Commissioner Poffenroth advised Council that a Notice to Comply was issued under Part 13 of the Local Governance Act for the building located at 230-232 Duke Street. The hazardous conditions outlined in the Notice have not been remedied by the owner within the required time frame and staff is looking for authorization from Council to arrange demolition of the building. The Mayor read the cautionary demolition statement as follows: report of the Building Inspector stating that the building located at 230-232 Duke Street (PID: 00006452) is a hazard to the safety of the public by virtue of its being amongst other things, dilapidated or structurally unsound. Is there present an owner, including anyone holding any encumbrance upon this property, who wishes to present evidence to the contrary, i.e., No one came forward to present evidence. Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Lowe: RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-177: Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Building at 230-232 Duke Street (PID 00006452), the building located at 230-232 Duke Street, PID# 00006452, is to be demolished as it has become a hazard to the safety of the public by reasons of dilapidation and unsoundness of structural strength; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one or more by-law enforcement officers appointed and designated under the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By-law are hereby authorized to arrange for the demolition, in accordance with the applicable City purchasing policies. MOTION CARRIED. Councillors Killen and Harris re-entered the meeting. 12.3 Affordable Housing Grant Program Amendment Moved by Councillor Harris, seconded by Councillor Hickey: RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-153: Affordable Housing Grant Program Amendment, Common Council approve the Affordable Housing 10 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 Grant Program as amended and attached to this M&C 2024-153 presented at the July 08, 2024, meeting. MOTION CARRIED. 13. Committee Reports ! 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 15.1 R. Johnson: Request to Rescind Motion declaring 1671 Sandy Point Road as surplus property (Recommendation: Refer to Growth Committee) Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the R. Johnson correspondence red to the Growth Committee. MOTION CARRIED. 15.2 Saint John Cycling: Harrigan Lake Trail (Recommendation: Refer to Growth Committee) Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the Saint John Cycling correspondence regarding the Harrigan Lake Trail be referred to the Growth Committee. MOTION CARRIED. 15.3 L. Brown: Rogers Communications Proposal (Recommendation: Receive for Information) Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Norton: RESOLVED that the L. Brown correspondence regarding a Rogers Communications Proposal, be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. 16. Supplemental Agenda 17. Committee of the Whole 17.1 Provincial Candidates Invited to Address Common Council Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Norton: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on June 24, 2024, Common Council invite each party leader participating in the upcoming Provincial General Election, along with their candidates from the Saint John ridings, to present their platform at a special open session meeting of Common Council on either August 26, 2024, or September 9, 2024, depending upon the availability of the party 11 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 leaders. Each party will be offered 30 minutes to present, with ten minutes provided for questions from Common Council; and Furthermore, the CEO of Saint John Energy and the Chief of Police for the Saint John Police Force be invited to attend to hear the presentations. MOTION CARRIED. 17.2 License Agreement: Commercial Properties Ltd. 12 Smythe Street PID 55125 Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Radwan: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on July 8, 2024, that the City of Saint John enter into a License Agreement with Commercial Properties Ltd. 12 Smythe Street (Red Rose Tea Lot), in the form as attached to M&C No. 2024-179; for the use of parking spaces on PID 55125199, and further that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said license agreement. MOTION CARRIED. 17.3 Amendment of License Agreement Update to Enforcement Language 20 Dorchester Street (PID 38000 and 38018) Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Hickey: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on July 8, 2024, that the City of Saint John enter into an amendment of the terms and conditions within the existing license agreement with Commercial Properties. as attached to M&C No. 2024-180 and further that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute said amendment to the license agreement. MOTION CARRIED. 17.4 Memorial Garden Agreement for South Central Peninsula School Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on July 8, 2024, the City enter into the Memorial Garden Agreement generally in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held July 8, 2024 for the handling of the Turner-Brewer Memorial Garden currently partly located on PID 55019731 with components of it being located on PIDs 00001560 and 00001552, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said Memorial Garden Agreement and any other documents ancillary thereto. MOTION CARRIED. 17.5 Hayes Litigation Costs Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Radwan: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on July 8, 2024, 12 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 8, 2024 / le 8 juillet 2024 a) The all-inclusive amount of $70,000 for the trial and the appeal; and b) The all-inclusive amount of $1,500 for the Supreme Court of Canada Leave to Appeal Application MOTION CARRIED. 18. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Killen: RESOLVED that the meeting of Common Council held on July 8, 2024, be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m. 13 (Insert letterhead) 15 July, 2024 Special Events 1 Canadian Air Division Headquarters P.O. Box 17000 Stn Forces Winnipeg, MB R3J 3Y5 Flyby Letter - Royal Canadian Legion 2024 Dominion Convention Commemoration Ceremony Sunday, 25 Aug 2024 - Saint John, NB ___________________________________________________________ The City of Saint John is supportive of a flyby by the Canadian Armed Forces aircraft as low as 500 feet, for the planned Royal Canadian Legion Commemoration Service, to be held at the foot of King Street in front of Saint John City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, NB on Sunday, August 25th, 2024, at 10:00 am AST. If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me at XXX-XXX- XXXX. Sincerely, (Insert electronic or physical signature) (Signature block of authorizing official) From the desk of Harold E. Wright Ʒŷ WǒƌǤ ЊЏͲ ЋЉЋЍ ağǤƚƩ ε /ƚǒƓĭźƌ /źƷǤ ƚŅ {ğźƓƷ WƚŷƓ 5ĻğƩ ağǤƚƩ ε /źƷǤ /ƚǒƓĭźƌ aĻƒĬĻƩƭʹ L ğƒ ǞƩźƷźƓŭ Ʒƚ ƩĻƨǒĻƭƷ ğ ĭĻƩĻƒƚƓźğƌ ŅƌǤΏĬǤ ğƭ ƌƚǞ ğƭ ЎЉЉ ŅĻĻƷ ŅƚƩ ƷŷĻ ǒƦĭƚƒźƓŭ Ʒŷ ğƓķ ƭŷƚǞƭ ƚƓ {ǒƓķğǤ {ĻƦƷĻƒĬĻƩ ЊЎ ğƷ ЊЊЉЉ ŷƚǒƩƭ͵ CǒƩƷŷĻƩƒƚƩĻͲ L źƓǝźƷĻ Ǥƚǒ Ʒƚ ƷŷĻ .ğƷƷƌĻ ƚŅ .ƩźƷğźƓ /ĻƩĻƒƚƓǤ ğƷ ƷŷĻ ƭğƒĻ ķğƷĻͲ ƷźƒĻ ğƓķ ƌƚĭğƷźƚƓ ğĬƚǝĻ͵ {źƓĭĻƩĻƌǤͲ IğƩƚƌķ 9͵ ‘ƩźŭŷƷ ƭğźƓƷƆƚŷƓŷĻƩźƷğŭĻθǤğŷƚƚ͵ĭğ ЎЉЏΏЏЌВΏЍЍЌЎ COMMON COUNCIL REPORT M&C No.2024-194 Report DateJuly 16, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaPublic Works and Transportation Services HerWorship Mayor Donna Noade ReardonandMembers of Common Council SUBJECT: Green Communities Canada-LivingCities Canada FundSite Host Expectations Agreement AUTHORIZATION Primary AuthorCommissioner/Dept. HeadChief Administrative Officer Barb CrawfordMichael Hugenholtz/ J. Brent McGovern Marc Dionne RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City enter into an Agreement with ACAP Saint John related to funding under the Green Communities Canada -Living Cities Canada Fund Demonstrate Stream 2024 for thetree planting project at Rayland Street in the form as presented to Council at its July 22, 2024meeting; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said Agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ACAP Saint John in partnership with the City put forward a successful application 2 for funds for a 100 mtree planting project in Glen Falls. The purpose of this report is to execute the Site Host Expectation agreement from Green Communities Canada. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION N/A REPORT The 2024 funding stream from Green Communities Canada (GCC) and the Living Cities Canada Foundation (LCCF) promotessustainable urban development and enhancesurban green spaces across the nation. This initiative is designed to support municipalities, non-profit organizations, and community groups in their efforts to create greener, healthier, and more resilient urban environments. With an emphasis on urban forestry, green infrastructure and climate adaptation, the funding stream aims to catalyze projects that can have a lasting impact on communities. - 2 - Partnering with the Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) on the tree planting project presents a valuable opportunity to leverage ACAP's extensive experience in environmental restoration and community engagement. ACAP's expertise in habitat restoration, environmental education, and community-based initiatives aligns seamlessly with our goals to enhance urban green spaces and promote ecological sustainability. By collaborating with ACAP, we can ensure that our tree planting efforts are guided by best practices in environmental stewardship and benefit from ACAP's established network of local stakeholders and volunteers. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT GREEN & BELONG. GREEN: We value the environment. The proposed projects will directly contribute to environmental sustainability and resilience. BELONG: We value a welcoming community. Access to green spaces enhances community well-being by providing opportunities for recreation, relaxation, and social interaction. These spaces contribute to mental health and quality of life for residents, aligning with the council's commitment to fostering vibrant and healthy communities. The tree planting project aligns with the City of Saint John's 10-year Strategic Plan, Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Corporate GHG & Energy Action Plan by implementing a tree planting initiative to enhance resilience against climate impacts. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES There is no financial impact associated with the proposal. ACAP has received 2 funds to plant the 100 mand will be doing so with their resources. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS The General Counsel Office has reviewed the attached agreement. ATTACHMENTS Site Host Expectations Living Cities Canada Fund, Demonstrate Stream 2024 Site Host Expectations Living Cities Canada Fund, Demonstrate Stream 2024 Expectations of Site Host (City of Saint John) and Project Implementer (ACAP Saint John) 1.This document and implementation of a green infrastructure project. Green Infrastructure projects are any project in which native plants and other natural or engineered features are installed with a goal to: a. Increase stormwater infiltration, reduce localized flooding, reduce stormwater pollutants; and/or b. Cool urban areas, provide shade, improve local air quality, increase canopy cover; and/or c. Increase access to green space, connections to nature, and create a sense of belonging; and/or d. sequester carbon, enhance biodiversity, support pollinators, create habitat for species at risk; and/or e. Address issues of food security, install fruit-bearing trees or bushes, re-establish cultural or medicine plants on the landscape. Green infrastructure projects will be developed and designed alongside community and site hosts to meet local priorities, but may include: depaving of under-utilized asphalt, and/or installation of rain gardens, pollinator gardens, mini forests, community garden plots, etc. 2 2. 100m area located at: Rayland St, Glen Falls, Saint John by November 30th, 2024. 3.Statement of Expectations for Site Hosts. The role of the site host is central to making this project a success. Site hosts are a critical link for bringing together the site, the local community, volunteers, and supporting all phases of planning and event preparation. 4.Site host expectations and responsibilities. To further the goals of the project, the site host understands that their assistance, support and cooperation are critical to the success of the event. The site host will: Meet with ACAP Saint John on a regular basis and communicate via email as many times as necessary to complete the project and then again within two weeks post event to confer on evaluation and maintenance plan. Assist in the development of a vision and a stewardship plan for the site post-planting that includes weeding, watering, and occasional tours/interviews with interested persons. Assist with planning the event as required. 5.ACAP Saint John expectations and responsibilities. ACAP Saint John will: Assist with or lead all the above as deemed necessary. Secure the safety of participants as outlined in the project safety plan. o Provide health and safety briefing, stretching. o Check that volunteers are wearing appropriate shoes. o Arrange for first aid trained volunteer and shade tent. o Ensure young children and other non-participants are kept out of the planting area. Order materials and other services required on the day as laid out in the project plan. Ensure adequate tools are provided (gloves, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows). Arrange for photo and video documentation of the event using the shot list provided. Conduct media interviews and social media engagement on the day as required. Create and install signage. Write and submit final report and site data. 6.Conditions and limitations. Both parties agree that they have set out their expectations of each other in this agreement to the best of their knowledge and to ensure that they are transparent, realistic and attainable. Any delays, difficulties or encumbrances should be communicated to each other without delay. Some factors may influence the timeliness of bringing a vision to reality, including: Funding and in-kind contributions Schedules Level of community support Site development permits / Physical Plant approval Unanticipated setbacks Lack of community buy-in and volunteer recruitment 7.Indemnity. Each party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party from and against any loss, cost, or damage of any kind arising out of its breach of this Agreement, and/or its negligence or willful misconduct. 8.Insurance & Coverage. The Site host is responsible for ensuring appropriate property and liability coverage for all activities taking place on the site and for the mini-forest site after installation. May 15, 2024 ______________________________________________________________________________ Roxanne MacKinnon, Executive DirectorDate ACAP Saint John ______________________________________________________________________________ Mayor Donna Noade ReardonDate City of Saint John ______________________________________________________________________________ Jonathan Taylor, City ClerkDate City of Saint John /h…b/L\[w9thw M&C No.2024-198 Report DateJuly 17, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaPublic Works and Transportation Services HerWorship Mayor Donna Noade ReardonandMembers of Common Council SUBJECT: 5ĻƭźŭƓğƷźƚƓ ƚŅ .ǤΏ\[ğǞ 9ƓŅƚƩĭĻƒĻƓƷ hŅŅźĭĻƩWǒƭƷźƓ .ĻƌƌźǝĻğǒ AUTHORIZATION Primary Author(s)Commissioner/Dept. HeadChief Administrative Officer Jill GoodMichael Hugenholtz/Marc DionneJ. Brent McGovern RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that CommonCounciladopt the attached resolution appointing Justin Belliveauas by-law enforcement officer for the {ğźƓƷ WƚŷƓ tğƩƉźƓŭ .ǤΏƌğǞ and {ğźƓƷ WƚŷƓ ƩğŅŅźĭ .ǤΏƌğǞ. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to designate Justin Belliveau, Badge No. 1007 CanadianCorps of Commissionaires,as a by-Law enforcement officer, for the {ğźƓƷ WƚŷƓ tğƩƉźƓŭ .ǤΏƌğǞ and {ğźƓƷ WƚŷƓ ƩğŅŅźĭ .ǤΏƌğǞ which are administered by the Parking department. In doing so, Mr.Belliveauwill be authorized to: Administer and enforce the {ğźƓƷ WƚŷƓ tğƩƉźƓŭ .ǤΏ\[ğǞ. Administer and enforce the {ğźƓƷ WƚŷƓ ƩğŅŅźĭ .ǤΏ\[ğǞ. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION Not applicable. REPORT It is necessary at this time to designate Justin Belliveau, a newly hired parking enforcement officer, as a by-Law enforcement officer, by adopting the attached resolution so that theymay carry out theirduties pertaining to enforcement of the {ğźƓƷ WƚŷƓ tğƩƉźƓŭ .ǤΏƌğǞ and {ğźƓƷ WƚŷƓ ƩğŅŅźĭ .ǤΏƌğǞ. - 2 - PREVIOUS RESOLUTION N/A STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT iorities. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES N/A INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS ion. ATTACHMENTS Resolution appointing Justin Belliveau as by-law enforcement officer. COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL July 22, 2024 / le 22 julliet 2024 RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Chief Administrative Officer, the following resolution be adopted: 1. WHEREAS the Common Council of The City of Saint John has enacted certain by- laws pursuant to the authority of the Local Governance Act, S.N.B. 2017 c.18, and Local Governance ActA By-law Respecting the Regulation of Parking in The City of Saint John, By-law Number LG-8 Saint John Parking By-Law, A By-law Respecting the Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John, By-law Number MV-10.1 Saint John Traffic By-Law and all amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS section 72 of the Local Governance Act provides that a council may appoint by-law enforcement officers for the local government and may determine their terms of office; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Justin Belliveau is hereby appointed as by-law enforcement officer with respect to the enforcement of the Saint John Parking By-Law and Saint John Traffic By-Law, effective immediately, and this appointment shall continue until they cease to be an employee of the Parking department of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first; 1 COMMON COUNCIL REPORT M&C No.2024-173 Report DateJuly 15, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaGrowth and Community Services HerWorship Mayor Donna Noade ReardonandMembers of Common Council SUBJECT: P.R.O. Kids Program and Sustainability ProcessUpdates AUTHORIZATION Primary AuthorCommissioner/Dept. HeadChief Administrative Officer Kay Kanyandula/ Cara Amy Poffenroth/ David J. Brent McGovern CoesDobbelsteyn RECOMMENDATION The P.R.O.Kids Advisory Committeerecommends that: Common Council approvetheamended programand sustainability process changes to the P.R.O. Kids Special Purpose Fundrelated to: Seasonal Application Window; Invoice Guidelines; and Eligibility Requirements. And that Common Council approvetheamended Terms of Referenceas attached to M&C 2024-173 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY P.R.O. Kids, a charitable program operated by the City of Saint John, provides financial assistance to children and youth in need to assist with fees and equipment costs related to organized recreation, sports, arts, and cultural activities of their choice. The Special Purpose Fund was established to receive, hold, and disperse monies specificallyrelated to the program, which is operated by the Department of Growth and Community Support Serviceswith the support ofthe P.R.O. Kids Advisory Committee. Since re-opening after COVID, the increasing need for P.R.O. Kids funding, alongside the increasing registration, equipment and transportation fees over the last two years demanded a pause for review of the processes supporting the Special Purpose Fund. A review of the program was performed by the City’s Internal Audit team with support and significant input from the Growth and - 2 - Community Support Services team. The review provided opportunities for amendments to the program as included in this report to ensure financial responsibility and focus on meetingthe mandate of P.R.O. Kids. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION rd August 3, 2004-RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager: 1. The 2003 Annual Report for the P.R.O Kids Program be received for information. 2. The proposed amendment to the P.R.O Kids Committee Terms of Reference, as indicated in the submitted Schedule ‘A” be adopted; and 3. The proposed changes to the Committee, as outlined in the submitted Schedule ‘B” be adopted. th December 8, 2003- RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager the PRO Kids 2022 Annual Report be received and filed; the terms of reference for the Special Purpose Fund be amended to reflect the proposed changes as outlined in the submitted Schedule “A”, the terms of reference for the Pro Kids Committee be amended to reflect the proposed changes as outlined in the submitted Schedule “B” and the proposed changes to the committee as prosed in the submitted Schedule “C”. November 24, 2014- RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2014-200: P.R.O Kids Committee-Terms of Reference -Amendment. Common Council approves the amended ‘P.R.O Kids Committee- Terms of Reference’ submitted as Schedule ‘A’. th September 10, 2023 -RESOLVED that asrecommendedinM&C2023-221 P.R.O. Kids Policy Updates Common Council: 1.Approve the amended Terms of Reference for the P.R.O. Kids Advisory Committee; and 2. Approve the amended P.R.O. Kids Special Purpose Fund. th September 18, 2023 – RESOLVED that the submitted report M&C 2023-205 P.R.O. Kids Policy Updates and supporting documents including the P.R.O. Kids Advisory Code of Conduct be referred to the CAO to revise the content to reflect it is the authority of Council and not staff to provide governance and determine disciplinary matters of Board Members. October 3, 2023 – RESOLVED that as recommended in M&C 2023-221 P.R.O. Kids Policy Updates Common Council: Approve the amended Terms of Reference for the P.R.O. Kids Advisory Committee; and Approve the amended P.R.O. Kids Special Purpose Fund. - 3 - REPORT In 2002, theSpecial Purpose Fund was established with the primary objective of guiding the distribution of funds for the P.R.O.Kids program in a fiscally responsible manner. The fund ensures that financial resources are allocated efficiently and effectively to support the activities and initiatives of P.R.O. Kids, promoting the well-being and development of allyouth involved.Over the first half of 2024,the Special Purpose Fund program and sustainability processes were examined in response to the growing community need for financial support offered by the P.R.O. Kids program for registration, equipment, and transportation costs. Changes implemented aim to improve program management and financial oversight. The review resulted in three key changes to be implemented to the Special Purpose Fund: 1. Seasonal Application Windows: Transitioning from an open, year-round application window to a seasonal approach. This change will enhance program oversight and better manage application volumes, enabling P.R.O. Kids to allocate appropriate funds for each season. Additionally, it will help us set spending limits and determine when to close applications. (Attachment A) 2. Invoicing Guidelines: P.R.O. Kids will implement stricter invoicing guidelines with set deadlines. This will provide a clearer reflection of the program budget. (Attachment B) 3. Eligibility Requirements: P.R.O Kids is revising applicant eligibility criteria. Instead of only requiring references, applicants will now need to provide proof of income, using a matrix for assessment that has been developed by the Human Development Council accurately reflecting our community. (Attachment C). This is a common requirement in similar programs such as the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program. Over the coming months the team will continue to implement program and sustainability process improvements, providing updates to our clients and partners along the way. These improvements will ensure sustainability and accountability of the P.R.O, Kids Program to continue to provide essential opportunities for youth to participate in recreational activities that promote their well-being and development. In addition to the three above mentioned process improvement updates, The P.R.O. Kids advisory Committee is also seeking approval revisions to its Terms of Reference Document (Attachment D). - 4 - STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT This report aligns with Council’s Priorities of BELONG by enhancing the quality of life and social well-being by offering recreation, arts, and cultural opportunities to align with PlaySJ. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES Implementing these changes will ensuremore efficient and sustainable program management. These improvements not only increase accountability of financial responsibility, but it also provides the ability to have dedicated time to the operations of, as well as for critical functions of the program such as organizing events and conducting fundraising activities. Implementation of process improvements will result in overall effectiveness and impact of the program, fostering a more dynamic and well-rounded experience for clients and partners. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Financial Services, The Clerk’s Office, and Growth and Community Support Services provided input into the report and program revisions. The P.R.O. Kids Advisory Committee endorses these updates. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A- Seasonal Guidelines Attachment B- Invoice Guidelines Attachment C- Eligibility Requirements Attachment D - Terms and References GuidelinestopreparinganinvoiceforremittanceofP.R.O.KidsPayments 1.ChooseaProfessionalTemplate: Select a clean and well-designed invoice template. 2.IncludeAccurateContactInformation: Your business name, mailing address, phone number, and email. Clientcontact details (name, company, address, etc.) 3.AddDueDateandInvoiceNumber: Include theunique invoice number to track payments. Specify the due date or termfor payment. 4.ListServicesandCosts: Include ALL goods and services details (full name of the P.R.O. Kids approved applicant, type of activity (Youth Soccer), and fee type (Registration Fee) Include individual costs for each item(Registration Fee). 5.HighlightTotalAmountDue: Calculate the total feeamount, including taxes and any discounts. Clearly display the final amount that P.R.O. Kidsaretopay. 6.ProvidePaymentTermsandInstructions: Specify how and when payment should be made (Ex. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), Credit Card, etc.) Include any additional notes or terms relevant to the transaction. *It is up to the organization to receive proper documentation in the form of an approved application or confirmation from P.R.O. Kids. There are no automatic approvals that reoccur even with approval in the previous year or season. P.R.O. Kids funds will not be released for applicants that were not formally approved. P.R.O. Kids Saint John has prepared an invoice templatethat may be used by organizations that may not have a standardized versionalready. This invoice template includes all required invoice fields when submitting for payment to P.R.O. Kids.For organizations that already have their own standardized invoice, you may continue to use that, so long as all the mandatory fields listed above are included. SubmitPROKidsInvoicesTo: P.R.O. Kids City of Saint John 47 Charlotte St, Saint John, NB, E2L2H8 prokidspayments@saintjohn.ca Pro Kids Income Thresholds Calculation Methodology Step 1. Median before-tax income for Census Families with children in the Saint John Census Metropolitan Area was collected from 2000 to 2021. The data was only available up to 2021, so, an estimation was made for 2024 using a projection. Step 2. The 2024 estimated median before-tax income was converted into after-tax (net) income. This was done by estimating how much Census Families tend to pay in income tax. Step 3. The calculated median net income was then multiplied by 75%. 75% of median income represents a low to moderate income threshold. Step 4. The average family size for Census Families with children (3.4) was applied to the 75% of median net income to create a reference family data point. Step 5. The reference family data point was adjusted for different family sizes. Income thresholds were created for families of sizes 2-10+. Step 6. The income thresholds were then formatted and rounded to the nearest multiples of $500. Income Thresholds Table Family Size Income Threshold 2 $53,500 3 $65,500 4 $76,000 5 $85,000 6 $93,000 7 $100,500 8 $107,000 9 $113,500 10+ $120,000 Please see the Excel Spreadsheet Income Thresholds Calculation Pro Kids.xlsx for the calculations. To be reviewed bi-annually Next Review Q3 2025 Adopted: Common Council, City of Saint John, September 5, 2001) Amended: Common Council, City of Saint John, (December 8, 2003) Amended: Common Council, City of Saint John. (August 3, 2004) Amended: Common Council. City of Saint John. (November 24, 2014) Amended: Common Council, City of Saint John ( October 3, 2023) Youth Parent Recreation, sport, culture, arts Fundraising Financial supporters Community leaders Marketing Common Council Social/Health services Citizen with lived experience 5.1 The P.R.O. Kids Advisory Committee shall have authority to appoint its own officers. 5.2 Officers that form an Executive are: (i) the Chair, (ii) the Vice-Chair, the (iii) the Past Chair, and the (iv) Secretary. 5.3 Officers may serve in a position for a 1-year term. The Secretary may serve for up to three years in that position. The Chair automatically becomes the Past Chair for a 1-year term once a new Chair is elected. The Vice-Chair does not automatically become the Chair after the office of Chair is vacant, but only does so if elected by committee resolution. 5.4 The Chair will officiate at meetings, and the Vice-Chair will officiate if the Chair is absent. 5.5 The executive members (officers) of the P.R.O. Kids Advisory Committee have the authority to sign letters, applications, and reports on behalf of, and at the request of the Committee. 6.1 Committee members shall be appointed for three years. 6.2 Members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Members may be re-appointed after a one-year absence. 6.3 The Council, by way of the City of Saint John Nominating Committee, shall stagger appointments so that no more than 50% of members' terms end at the same time. 6.4 A Committee member who fails to attend three (3) meetings shall be dismissed and cease to be a member unless absences are excused by Growth and Community Services staff. 6.5 A person shall cease to be a member of the Committee if that individual is found to be in breach of the Committee Code of Conduct (Appendix A). 6.6 The Committee may by resolution appoint such sub-committees as it may require for the purpose of carrying out or reporting on specific projects. 6.7 A person who is not a member of the Advisory Committee and wishes to serve on an ad hoc sub-committee shall be appointed by the Advisory Committee and staff as an ex- officio sub-committee member and must adhere to the Volunteer Code of Conduct (Appendix B) 6.8 Committee members shall serve without remuneration. st 6.9 All Committee members' terms will normally begin on January 1 and end on December st 31 in the third year of their appointment. If a member is appointed mid-term, their st term will end on December 31 in the third year of their appointment. If a Committee member is an elected official, their term ends on the date of the next municipal election of the municipality they represent. 6.10 Committee members who are appointed agree to serve their entire term but may for a just reason resign from the committee provided they provide proper notification to the Committee who will then notify the Office of the Common Clerk. 7.1 The committee shall meet a minimum of six times per year. 7.2 Growth and Community Services staff shall provide staff and resources for meeting requirements. 7.3 A quorum of 1/3 + 1 of voting members is required to pass motions. 7.4 The Committee shall make motions and recommendations pursuant to their role as advisors and ambassadors of the Service for staff consideration. 7.5 In-camera deliberations may occur within a regular meeting by motion of the Committee in which minutes are not recorded. No members shall be excluded. 7.6 Committee members must not deliberate about Committee work outside of committee and subcommittee meetings. 8.1 Annually a report shall be provided to the Common Council of each municipal partner. Appendix A P.R.O Kids Advisory Committee Code of Conduct /h…b/L\[ w9thw aε/ bƚ͵2024-195 Report DateJuly18, 2024 Meeting DateJuly22, 2024 Service AreaGrowth and Community Services Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT: Assent to Money-in-lieu of Land for Public Purposes, 205 NorrisRoad OPEN OR CLOSED SESSION This matter is to be discussed in open session of Common Council. AUTHORIZATION Primary AuthorCommissioner/Dept. HeadChief Administrative Officer Yeva MattsonAmy Poffenroth/Brent McGovern Pankaj Nalavde RECOMMENDATION That Common Council assent to money-in-lieu of Land for Public Purposes for the proposed Subdivision at 205 Norris Road. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proponent has applied to subdivide a lot located at205 Norris Roadto create Lot 24-1for residentialdevelopment. Assent toMoney-in-lieu of Land for Public Purposes by Common Councilis recommended by Staff. DECISION HISTORY There is no decision history on this site. REPORT The site is located on theCityEastside, southof Loch LomondRoad.The subdivision will create anadditionallot, Lot 24-1,with RuralResidential (RR) Zoning.With the exception of a Development Officer Variance to allow for a deceased lot frontage, the proposed lot meetsthe Zoning By-law Standards for the RR zone. The City of Saint John typically takes money-in-lieu of Land for Public Purposes, as opposed to land dedicationfor the creation ofnew lots,unless the land acquisition would support specific projects outlined in PlaySJ and the development of identifiedactive transportation corridors. In this case, Staff recommend the acceptance of money-in-lieu of Land for Public Purposes. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT yof Growand Belong. -2- SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES Money-in-Lieu requirements are calculated based on the assessed value of the land prior to its development. The funds collected are placed in a trust account in accordance with the Community Planning Act. These funds are dispersed through a grant program that supports the enhancement of existing parks and recreation services. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS and Building Inspection Service Areas. No concerns were raised related to the proposed subdivision. Areas concur with the acceptance of money-in-lieu. ATTACHMENTS Tentative Plan of Subdivision COMMON COUNCILREPORT M&C No.2024-200 Report DateJuly 18, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaGrowth and Community Services HerWorship Mayor Donna Noade ReardonandMembers of Common Council SUBJECT: Scheduling of a new Public Hearing Date for 1670 Hickey Road and part of 1676 Hickey Road AUTHORIZATION Primary AuthorCommissioner/ Dept. HeadChief Administrative Officer Jennifer KirchnerAmy Poffenroth/J. Brent McGovern Pankaj Nalavde RECOMMENDATION RESOLVED That Common Councilschedulea newpublic hearing for the Zoning By- law Rezoning and Section 59 Amendment Application submitted by Joyce E. Barrett for 1670 Hickey Road (PID: 55221790) and part of 1676 Hickey Road (part of PID 55198410),for Tuesday, September 3, 2024at 6:30 p.m. at the Council nd Chamber, City Hall 2floor, 15 Market Square, Saint John, NB. RESOLVED That Common Council authorize the refunding of the $2,650 application fee forthe Zoning By-law rezoning application. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to advise Common Council of thenecessity to restart the Zoning By-law Rezoningapplicationpreviouslyreceived for 1670 Hickey Road and part of 1676 Hickey Road due to an administrative error and to recommend an appropriate public hearing datefor thisapplication. The next available public hearing dateisTuesday,September 3, 2024. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION At its meeting of May 13, 2024, Common Council scheduled a Public Hearing date of July 8, 2024, for the Zoning By-lawrezoning application submitted by Joyce E. Barrett for 1670 Hickey Road (PID: 55221790and part of PID 55198410). At its meeting of August 3, 2004, Common Council resolved that: 1. the Commissioner of Planning and Development receive all applications for amendments to the Zoning By-law and Section 39 \[now referred as section 59\] resolutions/agreements and proceed to prepare the required advertisements; and - 2 - 2. when applications are received a report will be prepared recommending the appropriate resolution setting the time and place for public hearings and be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee as required by the Community Planning Act. REPORT In response to the motion above, this report indicates that an error was identified in referencing the civic address for the partial PID (1676 Hickey Road) in the Public Notice, which is a legislative requirement established in the Community Planning Act. Due to this error, the previously held components of the approval process, including the posting of the Public Notice, the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting and the Public Hearing, must reoccur. An updated timeline has been established for the application and the applicant has been informed of the situation. A new public hearing date must be scheduled, to enable the required public notification to be undertaken as per the Community Planning Act. Details of the application is available in documentation at the public hearing. The following application has been received for the Tuesday, September 3, 2024 Public Hearing date: Name of Location Existing Proposed Reason Applicant Zone Zone Joyce E. 1670 Hickey Two-Unit Neighbourhood To facilitate the Barrett Road (PID: Residential Community development of a 00049916) (R2) Facility (CFN) second special and part of care residence. 1676 Hickey Road (part of PID 55198410) Due to an administrative error causing the rescheduling of the public hearing, staff recommend refunding the application fee. Typically, fee refunds for withdrawn applications can be approved by City staff, but Zoning By-law amendment refunds require Common Council authorization. Staff recommend refunding the fees due to the error, as it impacts our ability to provide excellent customer service and adhere to the processing timelines outlined previously. In 2023, a similar refund was issued for a Rezoning application due to an advertising issue. Additionally, based on the Planning Advisory Committee's review and the Common Council's granting of 1st and 2nd readings, staff will issue a temporary use approval for the project. This will allow the applicant to begin their project while the planning process is completed. - 3 - Staff are conducting an After-Action Review to identify process improvements and eliminate the risk of similar errors related to legislative requirements for public notification. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT While the holding of public hearings for proposed Zoning By-law amendments and rezonings are a legislative requirement of the Community Planning Act, it is also a key component of a clear and consistent land development processes envisioned in the One Stop Development Shop Program. These processes provide transparency and predictability for the development community and City residents. On a broader note, the development approval process works towards fulfilling key Council priorities including: Facilitate a mix of affordable housing in all our neighbourhoods; Achieve 3% annual property tax base growth and ongoing work to increase the target. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES The scheduling of the public hearing and referral to the Planning Advisory Committee satisfies the legislative and service requirements as mandated by the Community Planning Act. The proposed refund of the application fee will result in any expenditures for the the cost recovery associated with the application fee. This includes the cost of the required mailout to properties located within 100 metres of the subject site. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS The General Counsel Office was involved in the assessment of the error and determining the requirement to restart the approval process. ATTACHMENTS None in our system and jo!ejtdvttjpot!xjui!uif! pg!Dbobejbo!fmfdusjdjuz! qspwjodjbm!boe!obujpobm!ibwf!cffo!nbkpsjuz COUNCILREPORT M&C No.2024-183 Report DateJuly 11, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaPublic Works and Transportation Services HerWorship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon andMembers of Council SUBJECT: Millidge AvenueBoat Ramp Rehabilitation ProjectTraffic By-law Amendment AUTHORIZATION Primary AuthorCommissioner/Dept. HeadChief Administrative Officer Mikel Lester/J. Brent McGovern Michael Hugenholtz RECOMMENDATION nd City Staffrecommend Council authorize 1st and 2Readingof the Amendments to the Saint John TrafficBy-law, By-law Number MV-10.1in the formasattached toM&C 2024-183. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is torecommend to Council that the Saint John Traffic By-law be amended to remove existingon-street parking on both sides of Millidge Avenue from the end of the road(North of the Manners Sutton intersection)to Civic 1041(PID 00048447). Thischange willallowfor easier use of the soon to-be installedBoat Ramp at the north end of Millidge Avenue,as part of theMillidge Avenue Boat Ramp Rehabilitation Project. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION October 17, 2022: M&C 2022-317 2023 and 2024 General and Utility Fund Capital Budget, approved. January 9, 2023: M&C 2023-005 -Community Investment Fund Agreement:City of Saint John Improvements (Design Services) Millidgeville Boat Ramp Renewal, approved. October 30, 2023:M&C 2023-238; Revised 2024 General and Utility Fund Capital Programs, approved. - 2 - January 8, 2024: M&C 2024-007 Community Investment Fund Agreement: City of Saint John Millidgeville Boat Ramp Rehabilitation (Phase 2), approved. February 20, 2024: M&C 2024-030 Community Development Fund Agreement: City of Saint John Millidgeville Boat Ramp Rehabilitation (Construction) , approved. REPORT The 2024 General Fund Capital Program includes funds for the rehabilitation of the Millidge Avenue boat ramp. The work involves the removal of the existing asphalt ramp and the installation of a fully textured concrete boat ramp, which includes a floating dock and aluminum pedestrian gangway. The work also includes the replacement of the sanitary sewer overflow of the Millidge Avenue Lift Station, roadway granular material, asphalt roadway, and signage. The Tender th for this project closed on April 9, 2024 and a recommendation for award was th made at the Council session on April 15 2024. Construction is expected to begin in early July 2024 and continue until mid-September 2024. Through the City's ongoing communication with public stakeholders and residents, it was determined that parking restrictions should be implemented adjacent to the newly installed boat ramp. The proposed "no-parking" zone will extend from the water to the lot at Civic 1041 (PID 00048447). This amendment will primarily affect those using the boat ramp, as this is a dead-end street. and held a public information session to facilitate community engagement regarding construction activities. Throughout these discussions, numerous residents and members of the boating community raised concerns about the obstruction caused by vehicles parking too close to the boat ramp. This hinders the maneuverability of vehicles loading and unloading boats. By restricting parking in this area, access for all users of the boat ramp infrastructure will be substantially improved. Should Council proceed with first and second readings of the proposed Amendments to the Saint John Parking By-laws, staff would plan to return for the signs directly adjacent to the newly installed boat ramp. - 3 - STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT upgrading accessibility to our oceans/rivers. In addition, through exploring funding opportunities such as the RDC funding, the City leverages viable opportunities to renew its infrastructure. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES Amending the Traffic By-law in support of this infrastructure renewal project is anticipated to be revenue neutral. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Utilities and Infrastructure Services, as well as Parking, have provided input. Input from the community through multiple stakeholder meetings in the design phase in addition to the Public Engagement session held with local residents as previously stated in the report. The General Counseldrafted the attached Amendments to the Saint John Traffic By-law. ATTACHMENTS Amendment to the Saint John Traffic By-law, By-law Number MV-10.1 A BY-LAW TO AMEND A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE TRAFFIC ON STREETS RELATIF À LA CIRCULATION DANS LES IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, BY-LAW RUES DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, NUMBER MV-10.1, AND AMENDMENTS ARRÊTÉ NUMÉRO MV-10.1, ET THERETO MODIFICATIONS AFFÉRENTES Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: The City of Saint John a décrété ce qui suit : A By-law of The City of Saint John entitled A By-law Respecting the Traffic on Streets in The Saint John intitulé « Arrêté relatif à la circulation City of Saint John, By-law Number MV-10.1 and dans les rues de The City of Saint John, Arrêté th amendments thereto, enacted on the 7 day of numéro MV-10.1 » et modifications afférentes, e October, A.D. 2019, is hereby amended as follows: décrété le 7 jour d 2019, est modifié comme suit : 1. B No Parking Anytime is 1. L'annexe « B » Interdiction de amended by adding the following words under the stationnement en tout temps est modifié par following headings: l'adjonction des mots suivants sous les titres suivants: Street Side Limits Rue Côté Limites o Millidge Both From Civic No. 1041 Avenue des Avenue to End (North end of Millidge deux 1041 à son extrémité Millidge Ave) côtés (Extrémité nord de l'avenue Millidge) IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said apposer son sceau municipal sur le présent arrêté le City to be affixed to this by-law the ____ day of ______________ 2023, avec les signatures _________, A.D., 2023 signed by: suivantes : ______________________________________ Mayor / maire ______________________________________ City Clerk / Greffier de la municipalité nd First Reading - July 22 , 2024 Première lecture - le 22 Juillet 2024 Second Reading - Deuxième lecture - Third Reading - Troisième lecture - Staff Recommendation for Council Resolution Property: 910 Fairville Boulevard stnd Public Hearing, 1 Reading and 2 Reading: July 8, 2024 rd 3 Reading: July 22, 2024 Item: Required: Recommendation (Y/N) Municipal Plan No Amendment rd Zoning By-Law Yes That Common Council give 3 reading to an Amendment to Amendment the Zoning By-law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12,242 square metres, located at 910 Fairville Boulevard, also identified PID 00402446, from Regional Commercial (CR) to Regional Commercial Residential (CR-R). Recission of No Previous s. 39/s. 59 Conditions Section 59 Yes a. The development must incorporate a sidewalk and Conditions appropriate pedestrian access between the adjacent sidewalk on Fairville Boulevard and the building entrances within the proposed development. This pedestrian access is to be detailed on the site plans submitted with the Building Permit application and is subject to the approval of the Development Officer. Section 59 No Agreement Section 131 No Agreement Other Yes That Common Council assent to the Tentative Plan of Subdivision for the proposed development with respect to any required Local Government Services Easements and Municipal Drainage Easements to be determined during detailed design for the proposed subdivision. Other Yes Council assent to money in lieu of Land for Public Purpose. BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111-171 ARRÊTÉ NO C.P. 111-171 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Lors d'une réunion du conseil Common Council convened, as follows: communal, The City of Saint John a décrété ce qui suit : L'arrêté sur le zonage de The The Zoning By-law of The City City of Saint John, décrété le quinze (15) of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of décembre 2014, est modifié par : December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a de zonage de la ville de Saint John, parcel of land having an area of permettant de modifier la désignation approximately 12,242 square metres, pour une parcelle de terrain located at 910 Fairville Boulevard, also 12,242 mètres, identified as PID 00402446, from situé au 910 boulevard Fairville, Regional Commercial (CR) to Regional Commercial Residential (CR-R) également identifié comme le NID pursuant to a resolution adopted by 00402446, de Zone commerciale Common Council under Section 59 of the régionale (CR) à Zone commerciale Community Planning Act. régionale résidentielle (CRR) conformément à une résolution adoptée par le conseil municipal en vertu de - all as shown on the plan attached hereto - toutes les modifications sont and forming part of this by-law. indiquées sur le plan ci-joint et font partie du présent arrêté. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a said City to be affixed to this by-law the **** day fait apposer son sceau communal sur le of ****, A.D. 2024 and signed by: présent arrêté le ******* 2024, avec les signatures suivantes: ____________________________________________ Mayor/Maire ___________________________________________ City Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - July 8, 2024 Première lecture - le 8 juillet 2024 Second Reading - July 8, 2024 Deuxième lecture - le 8 juillet 2024 Third Reading - Troisième lecture - COUNCIL NOTICE OF MOTION Received DateJuly 17, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Open or ClosedOpen Session Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT: Motion for letter to Minister Jill Green Primary AuthorInput from CouncilInput from Staff Paula Radwan PROPOSED MOTION: That the Mayor be directedto send a letter off to the Government of New Brunswick copying Minister Jill Green to request 24/7 supervision of the site at 124 Waterloo Street (otherwise known as the BACKGROUND INFORMATION: It is imperativefor there to be supervision/ security on site for areas where many people would be housed that require transitional or supportive housing. There havebeen many instances where police, ambulance and fire has had to attend onsite at 124 Waterloo Streetin the last 3 months. I feel that it is essential for the protection of the most vulnerable on the site and the most vulnerable in the community to have supports in place to help ensure the safety and security of the area. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: Belong, Grow, Green, Perform SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES: This would only require writing and sending a letter with potentially a follow-upemail. I would be happy to do up a draft letter with the guidance from council on the messaging that they would likeif they are supportive. There are no finances needed to spend on creating this item however the savings could be substantial for the city if resources of fire and police are decreased. If police and fire could report on how many calls are happening to the site from now on, we could then report accurately if there is security issued from the province in the future to see what that cost savings is alone as a KPI. I have not consulted with Council prior to drawing this up but have shared my concerns in the past on this. COUNCIL NOTICE OF MOTION Received DateJuly17,2024 Meeting DateJuly22,2024 Open or ClosedOpen Session Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT: Proposed Community Safety Services Unit Primary AuthorInput from CouncilInput from Staff Cara Coes, Marc Dionne, Paula Radwan David Dobbelstein, Chris McKiel, Brent McGovern PROPOSED MOTION: That the CAO be directedto have staff get a budget estimate together for a Community Safety Services Unit and proposed timeline on forming one and report back to councilinapproximately six weeks. That Council suspend the provision 16:27 of the Procedural By-law and allow the motion to be discussed and voted on during this meeting following the presentation from the Housing for all Strategy discussion. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: There is a plan being established to oversee the management of encampmentsand assisting our unhoused communityand community as a whole. The scope of the Community Safety Services Unit needs to fall within the bounds of bylaw officers and a program needs to be set up where bylaw officers know what is in their scope and whento call for police if things are out of their scope. To ensure the safety and security of all residents, proactive community intervention at encampments, sea cans and in public spaces, the Community Safety Services Unit would help not only assist with safety but also be anambassador for the City of Saint John. The scope that should be considered may include: overseeing green, yellow and red zones, site cleanup services, taking non-emergency callswhen they come into city hall, evaluation of sharps container placementand site visitation. These are just a few examples that staff may deem part of the scope and it is essential that police, fire and GNB be consulted on the scope of staff work and training needs/ uniform needs that should follow. Some of the co use, assaults, verbal abuse to public, aggression displayed to the public, unsightly premises complaints including garbage and build up of debris/ personal items,destructionof property, break and enters, defecation on public land openly, masturbation and sexual activity in public spaces. Some of the staff concerns heard includes; numerous complaints from the public, aggression and abuse to staff from residents including but not limited to verbal threats, threats to stab staff with used needles, breaking bottles and using them to threaten staff to use it as a weapon against them, sexual activity and open drug use. The safety of our staff is of the upmost importance. I feel that some of these complaints that come in can be mitigated with prevention through community engagement and enforcement when needed. I see this position assisting our current staff like Local 18 that are coming into contact with community members, like in parks and recreation areas, which are in contact with people in our public spaces and of course any and all staff that are working in public spaces. There are timelines laid out in the Housing for all Strategy but waiting for them, I fear may increase our cost and scale of urgency. I feel that we need to look at putting actions forward now and I think as a temporary position(s) which would come out of reserves. The situation is scaling up every single month, therefore organizing this now may help us save money in the future. Note: I would ask to discuss possibly putting this motion forward after the Housing for all Strategy is put forth ot, then it will only be read in the minutes of the meeting to be held in 1 . STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: Belong, Grow, Green, Preform SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES: It is my understanding that there was a balance of approximately 6,546,890 million dollars in operating reserves in 2023 (taken from November 29,2023 meeting) COUNCIL NOTICE OF MOTION Received DateJuly, 182024 nd Meeting DateJuly 222024 Open or ClosedOpen Session Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT: Responibilities in Municipalities Primary AuthorInput from CouncilInput from Staff Deputy Mayor Fire Chief and CAO MacKenzie PROPOSED MOTION: Whereas municipalities have expressed some concerns over lack of flexibility, inconsistent enforcement and the overruling of Local Assistants to the Fire Marshal. Be it resolved thatCommon Councilrecommendthe roles and responsibilities oftheFire Marshal Office within the context of fire code enforcement, appeals, plans review, public education and fire investigations be reviewed by the Unionof Municipalities of New Brunswick (UMNB). BACKGROUND INFORMATION: While fire safety regulations are essential for ensuring the safety of buildings and occupants, they can sometimes create barriers or challenges for municipalities or organizations. The Fire Prevention Act supersedes almost every other Act due to the potential lifesafety implications. Municipalities have expressed concerns over: 1.Lack of Flexibility: Fire marshal regulations are designed to ensure the highest level of safety, but they may not always account for unique circumstances or alternative fire safety measures. This lack of flexibility can be frustrating for individuals or organizations that have innovative approaches to fire safety but are unable to implement them due to rigid compliance requirements. 2. Inconsistent Enforcement: Different fire marshals or local assistants across multiple jurisdictions may interpret and enforce fire safety regulations differently. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and frustration for individuals or organizations operating in multiple locations or seeking clarity on specific compliance requirements. Under the current structure Fire Prevention Officers are designated Local Assistants to the Fire Marshal. They carry out their duties on behalf of the Provincial Fire Marshal, but ultimately work under the Provincial Fire Marshal. The intent of this motion is to explore whether a more collaborative approach can be realized through the UMNB. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: The motion aligns with the Council priorities of Grow and Perform. The intent is to increase efficiency and show that the City of Saint John is open for growth while ensuring the best use of our resources. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES: INPUT FROM OTHERS: Building Inspections Fire Prevention ATTACHMENTS Fire Prevention Act Chapter F-13 CHAPTER F-13CHAPITRE F-13 Fire Prevention ActLoi sur la prévention des incendies Chapter OutlineSommaire Definitions...................................1Définitions...................................1 building — bâtimentadjoint du prévôt des incendies — deputy fire marshall combustible liquid — combustible liquideagent de prévention des incendies — fire prevention officer deputy fire marshal — adjoint du prévôt des incendiesassistant local — local assistant fire extinguisher — extincteurbâtiment — building fire investigator — enquêteur d’incendiescombustible liquide — combustible liquid fire marshal — prévôt des incendiesenquêteur d’incendies — fire investigator fire prevention officer — agent de prévention des incendiesextincteur — fire extinguisher fireworks — pièces d’artificegouvernement local — local government flammable liquid — liquide inflammableinstallation de produits pétroliers — petroleum products facility ground floor — rez-de-chausséelieu de rassemblement — place of assembly local assistant — assistant localliquide inflammable — flammable liquid local government — gouvernement locallogement — sleeping accommodations Minister — MinistreMinistre — Minister petroleum products facility — installation de produits pétrolierspièces d’artifice — fireworks place of assembly — lieu de rassemblementprévôt des incendies — fire marshal sleeping accommodations — logementrez-de-chaussée — ground floor Application of Act.............................1.1Application de la Loi...........................1.1 PART IPARTIE I INVESTIGATION AND PREVENTION OF FIRESENQUÊTE ET PRÉVENTION DES INCENDIES APPOINTMENTS, DUTIES AND POWERSNOMINATIONS, FONCTIONS ET RESPONSABILITÉS Nomination du prévôt des incendies, de l’adjoint du prévôt des Appointment of fire marshal, deputy fire marshal, fire investigatorsincendies, des enquêteurs d’incendies et des agents de prévention and fire prevention officers.......................2des incendies...............................2 Repealed....................................3Abrogé.....................................3 Powers and duties of fire marshal.....................4Attributions du prévôt des incendies....................4 Annual report of fire marshal........................5Rapport annuel du prévôt des incendies..................5 Local assistants................................6Assistants locaux...............................6 Protection from liability..........................6.1Responsabilité civile............................6.1 Investigations.................................7Enquêtes....................................7 Power of entry...............................7.01Droit d’entrée...............................7.01 Duty to report................................7.1Obligation de faire état..........................7.1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIESCOMPAGNIES D’ASSURANCE-INCENDIE Report of insurer, person sustaining loss and adjuster..........8Rapport de l'assureur, d'une personne qui subit perte et de l'expert..8 1 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies INQUIRIESENQUÊTES Inquiry.....................................9Enquête....................................9 Rapport du prévôt en cas de crime d’incendie volontaire Report of fire marshal where arson suspected.............10soupçonné................................10 INSPECTION OF BUILDINGSINSPECTION DES BÂTIMENTS Powers of inspection............................11Pouvoirs d’inspection............................11 Ordre visant les mesures de sécurité, l’énergie électrique, les Order respecting safety measures, discontinuance of power orappareils, les dispositifs ou les lieux dangereux et devoirs du dangerous appliance, apparatus or place and duty of tenant...12locataire.................................12 Registration of order...........................12.1Enregistrement d’un ordre........................12.1 Ordre visant les normes de construction ou de prévention des Order respecting building or fire prevention standards........13incendies.................................13 Appeal to fire marshal within 48 hours.................14Appel au prévot des incendies dans les 48 heures...........14 Appeal to fire marshal within 10 days..................15Appel au prévôt des incendies dans les dix jours............15 Risque d’incendie, ordre visant l’interdiction de fumer, appel d’un Fire hazard, order respecting smoking, appeal from order......16ordre...................................16 Service of order made under section 12 or 16..............17Signification de l’ordre donné en vertu de l’article 12 ou 16.....17 Conversion of building...........................18Transformation de bâtiments.......................18 Necessity of plans respecting petroleum products...........19Nécessité des plans visant les produits pétroliers............19 Appeal from order of fire marshal to The Court of King’s Bench ofAppel d’un ordre du prévôt à la Cour du Banc du Roi du Nouveau- New Brunswick.............................20Brunswick................................20 Power to enforce order where owner absent..............21Exécution d’un ordre en l’absence du propriétaire...........21 Contribution aux frais d’entretien du bureau du prévôt des Contribution towards cost of maintenance of office of fire marshal.22incendies.................................22 OFFENCES AND PENALTIESINFRACTIONS ET PEINES Offences...................................23Infractions..................................23 Orders, offences, continuing offences..................24Ordres, ordonnances, infractions et infractions continues.......24 Exits of place of assembly.........................25Sorties d’un lieu de rassemblement....................25 Offences and penalties..........................25.1Infractions et peines...........................25.1 Payment of penalties to Minister of Finance and Treasury Board..26Amendes versées au ministre des Finances et du Conseil du Trésor.26 CONFLICT OF AUTHORITYCONFLIT D’AUTORITÉ Overriding authority of fire marshal in certain cases..........27Autorité du prévôt des incendies dans certains cas...........27 PART IIPARTIE II SALE OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALSVENTE DE MATÉRIEL ET DE MATIÈRES Approval of fire extinguishers and oil fire units............28Extincteurs et appareil de chauffage approuvés.............28 Licence respecting sale of fire extinguisher...............29Permis de vente d’extincteur.......................29 Fireworks – general............................29.1Pièces d’artifice – généralités......................29.1 Fireworks – public display.......................29.2Pièces d’artifice – spectacle public...................29.2 Fireworks – exceptions re public display...............29.3Pièces d’artifice – exceptions relatives à un spectacle public....29.3 Fireworks – other statute, other province or foreign country....29.4Pièces d’artifice – autre loi, autre province ou pays étranger....29.4 Fireworks – contravention........................29.5Pièces d’artifice – violation.......................29.5 Fireworks – burden of proof.......................29.6Pièces d’artifice – fardeau de la preuve................29.6 PART IIIPARTIE III REGULATIONSRÈGLEMENTS Regulations.................................30Règlements..................................30 SCHEDULE AANNEXE A 2 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 DefinitionsDéfinitions 1In this Act1Dans la présente loi “building” means a structure used or intended to be« adjoint du prévôt des incendies » désigne l’adjoint used for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy;du prévôt des incendies nommé en vertu du paragra (bâtiment)phe 2(2); (deputy fire marshall) “combustible liquid” means any liquid having a flash« agent de prévention des incendies » désigne un point at or above 37.8 degrees Celsius and belowagent de prévention des incendies nommé en vertu du 93.3 degrees Celsius; (combustible liquide)paragraphe 2(2); (fire prevention officer) “deputy fire marshal” means the deputy fire marshal« assistant local » désigne un assistant local nommé appointed under subsection 2(2);(adjoint du prévôt desen vertu du paragraphe 6(1) ou (2); (local assistant) incendies) « assistant local » Abrogé : 1986, ch. 37, art. 1 “fire extinguisher” means an appliance, container or apparatus containing any liquid, powder or gas, whether« bâtiment » désigne toute construction servant ou under pressure or not and designed, or purporting to bedestinée à accommoder ou à recevoir un usage ou une designed, for the purpose of extinguishing fire in its inoccupation quelconque; (building) cipient stage, or bearing the words fire extinguisher, ex tinguisher or words of like import on the container or« combustible liquide » désigne un liquide ayant un wrapper, and includes a recharge or refill for any suchpoint d’éclair de 37,8 degrés Celsius ou plus et moins de appliance, container or apparatus; (extincteur)93,3 degrés Celsius; (combustible liquid) “fire investigator” means a fire investigator appointed« enquêteur d’incendies » désigne un enquêteur d’in under subsection 2(2); (enquêteur d’incendies)cendies nommé en application du paragraphe 2(2);(fire investigator) “fire marshal” means the fire marshal appointed under subsection2(1) and includes any person authorized by« extincteur » désigne un appareil, récipient ou dispo the fire marshal under subsection 4(4.1)to act on the firesitif renfermant un liquide, une poudre ou un gaz, sous marshal’s behalf; (prévôt des incendies)pression ou non, conçu ou réputé être conçu pour étein dre les commencements d’incendie, ou portant le mot “fire prevention officer” means a fire prevention offiextincteur, sur lui-même ou sur son emballage, ou des cer appointed under subsection 2(2);(agent de prévenmots de même sens, et comprend la recharge ou le pro tion des incendies)duit de remplissage d’un tel appareil, récipient ou dispo sitif; (fire extinguisher) “fireworks” includes fire-crackers,cannon-crackers, fireballs, mines, roman candles, skyrockets, squibs, tor« gouvernement local » s’entend selon la définition pedoes and any other explosives designated by theque donne de ce terme le paragraphe 1(1) de la Loi sur la Lieutenant-Governor in Council; (pièces d’artifice)gouvernance locale; (local government) “flammable liquid” means any liquid having a flash« installation de produits pétroliers » désigne un bâti point below 37.8 degrees Celsius and having a vapourment ou une aire de stockage extérieure servant ou desti pressure not more than 275.8 kilopascals absolute atnée à servir au stockage, à la manutention ou à la 37.8 degrees Celsius; (liquide inflammable)distribution d’un liquide inflammable ou d’un combusti ble liquide; (petroleum products facility) “ground floor” means the lowest floor divided into self-contained units providing living accommodations;« lieu de rassemblement » comprend tout bâtiment ou (rez-de-chaussée)toute construction, ou partie de ceux-ci,et toute tente ou auvent avec murs, ou rideaux latéraux, servant ou devant “local assistant” means a local assistant appointed unservir à recevoir à la fois cinquante personnes au moins, der subsection 6(1) or (2); (assistant local)aux fins de réunion, de divertissement, d’enseignement, 3 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies “local assistant” Repealed: 1986, c.37, s.1de culte, de récréation, d’entraînement ou de l’examen ou de l’achat d’objets; (place of assembly) “local government” means a local government as de fined in subsection 1(1) of the Local Governance Act;« liquide inflammable » désigne un liquide ayant un (gouvernement local)point d’éclair de moins de 37,8 degrés Celsius et ayant une pression de vapeur d’au plus 275,8 kilopascals abso “Minister” means the Minister of Public Safety; (Minlus à 37,8 degrés Celsius; (flammable liquid) istre) « logement » comprend “municipality” Repealed: 2017, c.20, s.72 a)un hôtel ou tout autre bâtiment où des logements “petroleum products facility” means a building or outsont loués, side storage area used or intended to be used for the stor age, handling or dispensing of a flammable liquid or ab)tout bâtiment dans lequel des logements sont of combustible liquid; (installation de produits pétroliers)ferts au public gratuitement, “place of assembly” includes a building or structure,c)tout bâtiment où un établissement d’enseigne or a portion thereof, and a tent or awning with walls orment loge ses étudiants, side curtains designed, used or intended to be used to ac commodate fifty or more persons at the same time ford)tout bâtiment, autre qu’une résidence unifami the purpose of meetings, entertainment, instruction, worliale, dans lequel une organisation religieuse loge ses ship, recreation, drill, or the viewing or purchasing ofmembres, goods; (lieu de rassemblement) e)un établissement hospitalier, sanatorium, infirme “sleeping accommodations” includesrie, foyer de soins ou foyer pour personnes âgées, (a)a hotel or any other building in which lodgingsf)un orphelinat ou une crèche, are provided for rent or hire, g)une prison, maison de correction ou autre établis (b)any building in which lodgings are offered tosement pénitentiaire, ou members of the public on a gratuitous basis, h)une maison de rapport à trois pièces autonomes (c)any building in which an educational institutionou plus au-dessus du rez-de-chaussée;(sleeping ac lodges its students,commodations) (d)any building, other than a single family resi« Ministre » désigne le ministre de la Sécurité publi dence, in which a religious organization lodges itsque; (Minister) members, « municipalité » Abrogé : 2017, ch. 20, art. 72 (e)a hospital facility, sanatorium, infirmary, nurs ing home or home for the aged,« pièces d’artifice »comprend les pétards, pots d’arti fices, mines, chandelles romaines, fusées volantes, ser (f)an orphanage or children’s home,penteaux, torpilles et tout autre explosif désigné par le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil; (fireworks) (g)a jail, reformatory or other penal institution, or « prévôt des incendies » désigne le prévôt des incen dies nommé en vertu du paragraphe 2(1) et s’entend éga lement d’une personne qu’il autorise à le représenter en application du paragraphe 4(4.1); (fire marshal) 4 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 (h)an apartment house with three or more self-«rez-de-chaussée » désigne l’étage le plus bas divisé contained units above the ground floor. (logement)en unités autonomes servant au logement. (ground floor) R.S., c.86, s.1; 1959, c.46, s.1; 1967, c.41, s.1; 1973,S.R., ch. 86, art. 1; 1959, ch. 46, art. 1; 1967, ch. 41, c.35, s.1; 1975, c.78, s.1; 1979, c.24, s.1; 1983, c.30,art. 1; 1973, ch. 35, art. 1; 1975, ch. 78, art. 1; 1979, s.11; 1986, c.37, s.1; 1989, c.55, s.31; 1992, c.2, s.23;ch. 24, art. 1; 1983, ch. 30, art. 11; 1986, ch. 37, art. 1; 1992, c.52, s.12; 1995, c.45, s.1; 1998, c.41, s.56; 2000,1989, ch. 55, art. 31; 1992, ch. 2, art. 23; 1992, ch. 52, c.26, s.134; 2005, c.7, s.31; 2016, c.37, s.73; 2017, c.20,art. 12; 1995, ch. 45, art. 1; 1998, ch. 41, art. 56; 2000, s.72; 2019, c.2, s.60; 2020, c.25, s.53; 2022, c.28, s.23ch. 26, art. 134; 2005, ch. 7, art. 31; 2016, ch. 37, art. 73; 2017, ch. 20, art. 72; 2019, ch. 2, art. 60; 2020, ch. 25, art. 53; 2022, ch. 28, art. 23 Application of ActApplication de la Loi 1.1This Act applies to buildings used for sleeping ac1.1La présente loi s’applique aux bâtiments aménagés commodations owned or operated by the Crown in rightpour le logement, dont le propriétaire ou l’exploitant est of the Province.la Couronne du chef de la province. 1975, c.78, s.2; 1986, c.37, s.21975, ch. 78, art. 2; 1986, ch. 37, art. 2 PART IPARTIE I INVESTIGATION ANDENQUÊTE ET PRÉVENTION DES PREVENTION OF FIRESINCENDIES APPOINTMENTS, DUTIES AND POWERSNOMINATIONS, FONCTIONS ET RESPONSABILITÉS 1995, c.45, s.2 1995, ch. 45, art. 2 Appointment of fire marshal, deputy fire marshal,Nomination du prévôt des incendies, de l’adjoint du fire investigators and fire prevention officersprévôt des incendies, des enquêteurs d’incendies et des agents de prévention des incendies 2(1)TheLieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint2(1)Lelieutenant-gouverneur en conseil peut nommer a fire marshal for the proper carrying out of the proviun prévôt des incendies pour assurer la mise en applica sions of this Act and the regulations and such other dution des dispositions de la présente loi et des règlements ties as may be assigned to the fire marshal by the Minisd’application et pour exercer les fonctions qui lui sont ter.conférées par le Ministre à titre de prévôt des incendies. 2(2)Subject to subsection (3), with the approval of the2(2)Sous réserve du paragraphe (3), le prévôt des in Minister, the fire marshal may appoint a deputy fire marcendies peut, avec l’agrément du Ministre, nommer un shal and such fire investigators and fire prevention offiadjoint au prévôt des incendies et tous enquêteurs d’in cers as the fire marshal considers necessary to assist thecendies et agents de prévention des incendies qu’il juge fire marshal in the proper carrying out of the provisionsnécessaires pour l’aider dans l’exercice de ses fonctions of this Act and the regulations.en application des dispositions de la présente loi et des règlements d’application. 2(3)The fire marshal shall not appoint a person as a2(3)Le prévôt des incendies ne peut nommer une per fire investigator under subsection (2) unless that personsonne à titre d’enquêteur d’incendies en vertu du para graphe (2) que si ce dernier (a)meets the qualifications of a fire investigatora)possède les qualifications d’un enquêteur d’in adopted by the N.B. Association Fire & Arson Invescendies agréées par l’association appelée N.B. Asso tigators Inc., andciation Fire & Arson Investigators Inc., et (b)is employed as a fire investigator.b)est employé comme enquêteur d’incendies. 5 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies 2(4)Notwithstanding subsection (3), the fire marshal2(4)Nonobstant le paragraphe (3), le prévôt des incen may under subsection (2) appoint as a fire investigatordies peut, en vertu du paragraphe (2), nommer à titre any person with relevant expertise where, in the opiniond’enquêteur d’incendies, toute personne qui a de l’expé of the fire marshal, it is necessary to do so.rience pertinente, lorsqu’à son avis il en est nécessaire. R.S., c.86, s.2; 1975, c.78, s.3; 1979, c.24, s.2; 1984,S.R., ch. 86, art. 2; 1975, ch. 78, art. 3; 1979, ch. 24, c.35, s.3; 1995, c.45, s.3art. 2; 1984, ch. 35, art. 3; 1995, ch. 45, art. 3 RepealedAbrogé 3Repealed: 1995, c.45, s.43Abrogé : 1995, ch. 45, art. 4 R.S., c.86, s.3; 1979, c.24, s.3; 1995, c.45, s.4S.R., ch. 86, art. 3; 1979, ch. 24, art. 3; 1995, ch. 45, art. 4 Powers and duties of fire marshalAttributions du prévôt des incendies 4(1)The fire marshal shall have full power and author4(1)Le prévôt des incendies jouit sans réserve du pou ity to enforce all laws of the Province and all by-lawsvoir et de l’autorité d’assurer l’application de toutes les and regulations made thereunder relative to the suppreslois de la province, ainsi que l’intégralité des arrêtés mu sion and prevention of fires, the safeguarding of peoplenicipaux et des règlements pris sous leur régime ayant and property in the event of fire, and non-fire related restrait à l’extinction et à la prévention des incendies, à la cue by members of a fire department or a fire brigade.sauvegarde des personnes et des biens en cas d’incendie, de même qu’au sauvetage étranger à un incendie qu’opè re un service d’incendie ou une brigade de pompiers. 4(2)The fire marshal4(2)Le prévôt des incendies (a)shall keep a record of every fire reported to hima)doit conserver un dossier de tout incendie qui lui with such facts, statistics and circumstances as may bea été signalé, ainsi que des faits, statistiques et cir required by the regulations;constances exigés par les règlements; (b)shall investigate and hold inquiries respectingb)doit effectuer des recherches et mener des en the cause, origin and circumstances of such fires as hequêtes sur la cause, l’origine et les circonstances des may deem desirable;incendies s’il le juge souhaitable; (c)may from time to time inspect hotels, apartmentc)peut inspecter occasionnellement les hôtels, mai houses, hospital facilities, schools, churches, theatres,sons de rapport, établissements hospitaliers, écoles, halls, factories and other places, in which numbers oféglises, cinémas, théâtres, salles, usines et autres en persons work, live or congregate for any purpose,droits où de nombreuses personnes travaillent, vivent with a view of determining whether precautionsou se rassemblent pour quelque raison que ce soit, against fire and the spread of fire, and the means ofafin de déterminer si les précautions contre l’incendie exit in case of fire, are adequate and satisfactorilyou sa propagation sont suffisantes et les issues en cas maintained, and to directing such alterations to bed’incendie bien entretenues, et d’exiger que soient ap made and such precautions to be taken as he considersportés les changements et que soient prises les précau necessary for the safeguarding of persons and proptions qu’il juge nécessaires à la sauvegarde des erty;personnes et des biens; (d)shall perform such other duties as the Ministerd)s’acquitter des autres fonctions que le Ministre may from time to time prescribe.peut lui assigner occasionnellement. 4(3)The fire marshal may render advice and make4(3)Le prévôt des incendies peut donner des conseils recommendations respecting the suppression and preet faire des recommandations quant à l’extinction et à la vention of fires, and without limiting the generality ofprévention des incendies, et, sans restreindre la portée the foregoing, respectinggénérale de ce qui précède, quant 6 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 (a)technical requirements to be observed in respecta)aux exigences techniques que doivent suivre les of equipment and other matters by fire departmentscorps de pompiers et les services d’incendie concer and fire brigades;nant les équipements et autres questions; (b)the provision of adequate water supply for theb)à la disponibilité de réserves suffisantes d’eau suppression and prevention of fires;pour l’extinction et la prévention des incendies; (b.1)the installation and maintenance of electricalb.1)à l’installation et à l’entretien des réseaux et installations and equipment in a building;matériel électriques d’un bâtiment; (c)the installation and maintenance of automatic orc)à l’installation et à l’entretien de réseaux d’aver other fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing equiptisseurs et d’extincteurs d’incendies, automatiques ou ment;non; (d)the storage, use or sale of combustibles, explod)à l’entreposage, l’emploi et la vente des combus sives and other flammable matter;tibles, explosifs et autres matières inflammables; (e)the construction and maintenance of fire ese)à la construction et à l’entretien des escaliers de capes;secours; (f)the means and adequacy of alarms in and exitf)aux moyens d’alerte, à l’intérieur d’un bâtiment, from buildings in case of fire;et de sortie en cas d’incendie, et à leur suffisance; (g)Repealed: 1986, c.37, s.3g)Abrogé : 1986, ch. 37, art. 3 (h)the enactment and enforcement by local governh)à l’adoption et à l’exécution par les gouverne ments of by-laws or ordinances for the prevention ofments locaux des arrêtés et ordonnances sur la pré fire and the safeguarding of persons and property invention des incendies et la protection des personnes et the event of fire.des biens en cas d’incendie. 4(3.1)The fire marshal may render advice and make4(3.1)Le prévôt des incendies peut donner des con recommendations respecting non-fire related rescue acseils et formuler des recommandations concernant les ac tivities, and without limiting the generality of the foregotivités de sauvetage étrangères à un incendie, ing, respectingnotamment : (a)technical requirements to be observed in respecta)les exigences techniques que doivent respecter of non-fire related rescue equipment and other mattersles services d’incendies et les brigades de pompiers à by fire departments and fire brigades, andl’égard de l’équipement de sauvetage étranger à un in cendie et les autres questions reliées à ces sauvetages; (b)the enactment and enforcement by local governb)l’édiction et l’exécution par les gouvernements ments of by-laws or ordinances with respect to non-locaux des arrêtés et des ordonnances relatives aux fire related rescue activities.activités de sauvetage étrangères à un incendie. 4(4)The fire marshal shall determine the content of4(4)Le prévôt des incendies détermine le contenu des training programs for firefighters in firefighting, fire preprogrammes d’entraînement des pompiers en matière de vention and non-fire related rescue.lutte contre les incendies, la prévention des incendies et les opérations de sauvetage étrangères à un incendie. 4(4.1)The fire marshal may authorize persons to act4(4.1)Le prévôt des incendies peut autoriser des per on the fire marshal’s behalf throughout the Province orsonnes à le représenter, à travers la province ou dans un for any district in the Province in respect of any or all ofdistrict de la province, dans l’exercice des pouvoirs et des fonctions qui lui sont attribués en vertu de la pré 7 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies the fire marshal’s powers and duties under this Act andsente loi et des règlements, tel qu’indiqué dans l’autori the regulations as specified in the authorization.sation. 4(5)Nothing herein contained affects the obligation or4(5)Aucune disposition de la présente loi ne relève duty of any person to comply with, carry out or enforcequi que ce soit de l’obligation ou du devoir de se confor any law of the Province or any by-law, regulation or ormer aux lois de la province ou aux arrêtés municipaux, dinance made thereunder.règlements et ordonnances qui en découlent, ou de les appliquer et de les exécuter. R.S., c.86, s.4; 1966, c.57, s.1; 1969, c.32, s.1; 1986, c.37, s.3; 1992, c.52, s.12; 1995, c.45, s.5; 2011, c.22,S.R., ch. 86, art. 4; 1966, ch. 57, art. 1; 1969, ch. 32, s.1; 2017, c.20, s.72art. 1; 1986, ch. 37, art. 3; 1992, ch. 52, art. 12; 1995, ch. 45, art. 5; 2011, ch. 22, art. 1; 2017, ch. 20, art. 72 Annual report of fire marshalRapport annuel du prévôt des incendies 5The fire marshal shall in each year submit to the5Le prévôt des incendies doit soumettre chaque année Minister a detailed report, in such form as the Ministerau Ministre un rapport détaillé, établi conformément aux may direct, which shall include particulars of all fires reinstructions du Ministre et renfermant les renseigne ported during the calendar year next preceding.ments sur tous les incendies signalés durant l’année ci vile précédente. R.S., c.86, s.5; 1986, c.37, s.4 S.R., ch. 86, art. 5; 1986, ch. 37, art. 4 Local assistantsAssistants locaux 6(1)The fire marshal may appoint the chief of a fire6(1)Le prévôt des incendies peut nommer une per department or other member of a fire department as a losonne à titre de chef d’un service d’incendie ou un autre cal assistant to assist the fire marshal in carrying out themembre d’un service d’incendie à titre d’assistant local provisions of this Part within the territorial jurisdictionafin de lui venir en aide dans la mise en application des of the appointment.dispositions de la présente partie sur le territoire qui relè ve de sa compétence. 6(2)The fire marshal may appoint any person as a lo6(2)Le prévôt des incendies peut nommer une per cal assistant for any district in the Province.sonne assistant local pour tout district de la province. 6(3)Repealed: 1995, c.45, s.66(3)Abrogé : 1995, ch. 45, art. 6 6(4)Local assistants are, in the performance of their6(4)Les assistants locaux exercent les fonctions en functions under this Act and the regulations, subject tovertu de la présente loi et des règlements sous la direc the directions of the fire marshal.tion du prévôt des incendies. 6(5)Repealed: 1995, c.45, s.66(5)Abrogé : 1995, ch. 45, art. 6 R.S., c.86, s.6; 1966, c.57, s.2; 1986, c.37, s.5; 1995,S.R., ch. 86, art. 6; 1966, ch. 57, art. 2; 1986, ch. 37, c.45, s.6art. 5; 1995, ch. 45, art. 6 Protection from liabilityResponsabilité civile 6.1No action or other proceeding for damages shall be6.1Aucune action ou autre procédure en recouvrement instituted against the Province, the fire marshal, thene peut être entamée contre la province, le prévôt des in deputy fire marshal, a fire investigator, a fire preventioncendies, l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, l’enquêteur officer, a local assistant or a person authorized to act ond’incendies, l’agent de prévention des incendies, l’assis behalf of the fire marshal under subsection 4(4.1)withtant local ou une personne autorisée à représenter le pré respect to anything in good faith done or omitted to bevôt des incendies en application du paragraphe 4(4.1) done by the fire marshal, the deputy fire marshal, the firerelativement à une action qu’ils auraient accomplis de investigator, the fire prevention officer, the local assisbonne foi ou qu’ils auraient omis d’accomplir dans 8 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 tant or the person authorized to act on behalf of the firel’exercice de leurs fonctions ou dans le prétendu exer marshal under subsection 4(4.1) in the execution or incice de leurs fonctions en application de la Loi et des rè tended execution of his or her duties under this Act orglements. the regulations. 1995, ch. 45, art. 7 1995, c.45, s.7 InvestigationsEnquêtes 7(1)A local assistant referred to in subsection 6(1)7(1)L’assistant local visé au paragraphe 6(1)doit en shall investigate, or cause to be investigated under subquêter ou faire enquêter en application du paragra section(2), the cause, origin and circumstances of everyphe(2), sur la cause, l’origine et les circonstances dans fire or explosion occurring within the territorial jurisdiclesquelles est survenu un incendie ou une explosion dans tion of the local assistant and by which property hasle district pour lequel il est nommé, incendie ou explo been destroyed or damaged to ascertain in each casesion par lesquels des biens ont été détruits ou endomma whether the fire or explosion was the result of negligés, afin d’établir dans chaque cas si l’incendie ou gence, carelessness, accident or design.l’explosion résulte d’une négligence, d’une inattention, d’un accident ou d’un acte délibéré. 7(2)A local assistant referred to in subsection 6(2)7(2)L’assistant local visé au paragraphe 6(2)doit, shall, when directed to do so by the fire marshal or a lolorsqu’il reçoit des directives à cet effet du prévôt des in cal assistant referred to in subsection 6(1),investigatecendies ou d’un assistant local visé au paragraphe 6(1), the cause, origin and circumstances of a fire or explosionenquêter sur la cause, l’origine et les circonstances dans occurring within the district for which the local assistantlesquelles est survenu un incendie ou une explosion dans is appointed and by which property has been destroyedle district pour lequel il est nommé, incendie ou explo or damaged to ascertain whether the fire or explosionsion par lesquels des biens ont été détruits ou endomma was the result of negligence, carelessness, accident orgés, afin d’établir si l’incendie ou l’explosion résulte design.d’une négligence, d’une inattention, d’un accident ou d’un acte délibéré. 7(3)When a local assistant has carried out an investi7(3)Lorsqu’il a effectué l’enquête prévue au paragra gation under subsection (1) or (2), the local assistantphe(1) ou (2), l’assistant local doit, dans les six jours shall within six days after the occurrence of the fire orqui suivent l’incendie ou l’explosion, sauf indication explosion, unless otherwise directed by the fire marshal,contraire de la part du prévôt des incendies, présenter au submit a report to the fire marshal, on the form providedprévôt sur la formule fournie par ce dernier, un rapport by the fire marshal, as to the cause, origin and circumsur la cause, l’origine et les circonstances de l’incendie stances of the fire or explosion and such other informaou de l’explosion, y compris tous autres renseignements tion as may be required by the fire marshal.que le prévôt peut exiger. 7(4)The fire marshal, the deputy fire marshal, a fire7(4)Le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du prévôt des investigator or a local assistant may at all times, by dayincendies, un enquêteur d’incendies ou un assistant local or night, enter in and upon and examine a building orpeut en tout temps, de jour ou de nuit, entrer dans un bâ premises where a fire or explosion has occurred, andtiment ou sur les lieux d’un incendie ou d’une explosion other buildings or premises adjoining or in reasonableet dans tout autre bâtiment ou lieux contigus ou à proxi proximity to the same, for the purposes of an investigamité raisonnable du bâtiment ou des lieux de l’incendie tion under this Act or the regulations.ou de l’explosion, aux fins d’une enquête entreprise en application de la présente loi ou des règlements d’appli cation. 7(5)On the request of the owner or person in charge7(5)À la demande du propriétaire ou de la personne of a building or premises referred to in subsection (4),responsable d’un bâtiment ou des lieux visés au paragra the fire marshal, deputy fire marshal, fire investigator orphe(4), le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du prévôt des local assistant shall, before entering the building orincendies, l’enquêteur d’incendies ou l’assistant local doit, avant de pénétrer dans un bâtiment ou sur des lieux, 9 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies premises, present to that person a certificate or otherlui présenter un certificat ou autres pièces d’identifica means of identification issuedtion délivrés (a)in the case of the deputy fire marshal, fire invesa)par le prévôt des incendies, lorsque la présenta tigator or local assistant, by the fire marshal, ortion est faite par l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, l’enquêteur d’incendies ou l’assistant local, ou (b)in the case of the fire marshal, by the Minister.b)par le Ministre, lorsque la présentation est faite par le prévôt des incendies. 7(6)The fire marshal, deputy fire marshal, fire investi7(6)Le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du prévôt des gator or local assistant mayincendies, l’enquêteur d’incendies ou l’assistant local peut (a)take with him or her any person or thing that hea)amener avec lui, toute personne ou tout objet qui or she considers would be of assistance in making thepourrait l’aider au cours de l’enquête, investigation, (b)close the building or premises in which the fireb)fermer le bâtiment ou les lieux de l’incendie ou or explosion occurred and prohibit any person fromde l’explosion et en interdire l’accès jusqu’à la con entering or remaining in the building or premises untilclusion de l’enquête, et the investigation of the fire or explosion is completed, and (c)perform or cause to be performed any tests he orc)effectuer ou faire effectuer les analyses qu’il juge she considers necessary on the building or premises ornécessaires sur le bâtiment ou sur les lieux ou sur any thing in it in order to determine the cause, origintoute chose afin d’établir la cause, l’origine et les cir and circumstances of the fire or explosion, and mayconstances de l’incendie ou de l’explosion et il peut remove any thing for the purposes of the investigationenlever une chose qu’il trouve pour les fins de l’en or for the purpose of retaining it as evidence.quête ou pour fins de preuve. 7(7)The fire marshal, deputy fire marshal, fire investi7(7)Le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du prévôt, l’en gator or local assistant shall, on completion of the invesquêteur des incendies ou l’assistant local doit, lorsque tigation, return to the person entitled to it any thing rel’enquête est terminée, retourner à la personne qui y a moved from a building or premises under paragraphdroit toute chose qu’il a enlevée du bâtiment ou des lieux (6)(c) unlessen application de l’alinéa (6)c) sauf (a)it is required as evidence in a prosecution arisinga)lorsqu’elle est requise à titre de preuve lors d’une out of the fire or explosion, orpoursuite résultant de l’incendie ou de l’explosion, ou (b)for any other reason it is impossible or impractib)lorsqu’il est impossible ou peu pratique de la lui cal to return it.remettre pour toute autre raison. 7(8)No person shall tamper with or remove any item7(8)Nul ne peut manipuler ou enlever une chose du found at a location where a fire or explosion has occurlieu de l’incendie ou de l’explosion à moins d’en avoir red unless that person has been specifically authorized toété spécifiquement autorisé par le prévôt des incendies, do so by the fire marshal, the deputy fire marshal, a firel’adjoint du prévôt, l’enquêteur d’incendies ou l’assistant investigator or a local assistant.local. 7(9)If the fire marshal considers it appropriate, the7(9)Le prévôt des incendies peut, lorsqu’il le juge ap fire marshal may make an investigation under this secproprié, faire enquête en application du présent article en 10 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 tion in addition to or instead of the investigation madesus de l’enquête menée par l’assistant local ou à la place by a local assistant.de ce dernier. R.S., c.86, s.7; 1966, c.57, s.3; 1971, c.34, s.1, 2; 1986,S.R., ch. 86, art. 7; 1966, ch. 57, art. 3; 1971, ch. 34, c.37, s.6; 1989, c.10, s.1; 1995, c.45, s.8art. 1, 2; 1986, ch. 37, art. 6; 1989, ch. 10, art. 1; 1995, ch. 45, art. 8 Power of entryDroit d’entrée 7.01A local assistant or a member of a fire department7.01L’assistant local ou un membre du service d’in may at all times, by day or night, enter in and upon acendies peut, en tout temps, de jour ou de nuit, pénétrer building or premises where a fire or explosion has occurdans un bâtiment ou sur les lieux d’un incendie ou d’une red or is in progress, and other buildings or premises adexplosion, et dans tout autre bâtiment ou lieu contigu ou joining or in reasonable proximity to the same, with anyà proximité raisonnable du bâtiment ou du lieu de l’in equipment, machinery, apparatus or vehicle and maycendie ou de l’explosion, avec de l’équipement, du maté take any action considered necessary to extinguish theriel, des appareils ou un véhicule et prendre toute mesure fire, to prevent it from spreading or to prevent a furthernécessaire pour éteindre l’incendie ou empêcher qu’il ne explosion.se propage ou afin de prévenir d’autres explosions. 1995, c.45, s.91995, ch. 45, art. 9 Duty to reportObligation de faire état 7.1(1)The chief of a fire department shall report to the7.1(1)Le chef d’un service d’incendie doit faire état fire marshal on the form provided by the fire marshal evau prévôt des incendies, au moyen de la formule fournie ery call within his or her territorial jurisdiction to whichpar ce dernier, de chaque appel auquel a répondu le ser the fire department responded no later than fourteen daysvice d’incendie dans les limites du territoire sur lequel il after receiving the call.a compétence et ce dans les quatorze jours qui suivent l’appel. 7.1(2)Notwithstanding subsection (1), the chief of a7.1(2)Nonobstant le paragraphe (1), le chef d’un ser fire department shall inform the fire marshal of any firevice d’incendies doit informer le prévôt des incendies de or explosion within his or her territorial jurisdiction thattout incendie ou explosion survenu dans les limites de involves serious injury or death no later than twenty-fourson territoire qui résulte en des blessures corporelles gra hours after the fire or explosion.ves ou mortelles, dans les vingt-quatre heures qui suivent l’incendie ou l’explosion. 1986, c.37, s.7; 1995, c.45, s.10 1986, ch. 37, art. 7; 1995, ch. 45, art. 10 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIESCOMPAGNIES D’ASSURANCE-INCENDIE Report of insurer, person sustaining loss and adjusterRapport de l'assureur, d'une personne qui subit perte et de l'expert 8(1)Every insurer licensed to transact fire insurance in8(1)Tout assureur autorisé à pratiquer l’assurance- the Province shall furnish to the fire marshal, on formsincendiedans la province doit présenter au prévôt des in provided for the purpose, a statement respecting everycendies, sur des formules prévues à cette fin, un rapport fire that occurs in the Province in which it is interestedrelatif à chaque incendie survenu dans la province et au as an insurer, stating in each case the name and addressquel il est intéressé en tant qu’assureur, indiquant, pour of the owner and occupier of the premises in which thechaque sinistre, les nom et adresse du propriétaire et de fire occurred, the name and address of each person inl’occupant des locaux dans lesquels l’incendie s’est pro sured by such insurer in respect of any property deduit, les nom et adresse de chaque personne dont les stroyed or damaged, the location of the premises, the usebiens, détruits ou endommagés, étaient assurés par l’as and occupancy, the date of the fire, the value of thesureur, la situation des locaux, l’affectation et l’occupa building and contents, the amount of insurance carried,tion des locaux, la date de l’incendie, la valeur du the amount of loss sustained, the probable cause of thebâtiment et de son contenu, le montant de l’assurance fire, the name and address of the person adjusting theprise, le montant des pertes subies, la cause probable de 11 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies claim, and such other information as the fire marshall’incendie, les nom et adresse de la personne qui experti may require.se le sinistre et tout autre renseignement que peut exiger le prévôt des incendies. 8(2)Every person sustaining, or claiming to have sus8(2)Toute personne qui subit ou prétend avoir subi tained a loss by fire on property in the Province insureddes pertes imputables à un incendie qui a détruit ou en wholly or partially with an insurer not licensed under thedommagé des biens situés dans la province et assurés, en provisions of the Insurance Act, shall report to the firetout ou en partie, par un assureur non autorisé en appli marshal the date of the fire, the names and addresses ofcation des dispositions de la Loi sur les assurances, doit the owner and occupier of the premises in which the fireadresser au prévôt des incendies un rapport indiquant la occurred, the location and use and occupancy of thedate de l’incendie, les noms et adresses du propriétaire et premises, date of the fire, particulars of the insurancede l’occupant des locaux sinistrés, la situation, l’affecta and such other information as the fire marshal may retion et l’occupation des locaux, la date de l’incendie, les quire.clauses de l’assurance et tout autre renseignement que peut exiger le prévôt des incendies. 8(3)A report required to be made under the provisions8(3)Tout rapport devant être fait en application des of subsections (1) and (2) shall be mailed or delivered todispositions des paragraphes (1) et (2) doit être posté ou the fire marshal within ten days after the occurrence ofremis au prévôt des incendies dans un délai de dix jours the fire.après l’incendie. 8(4)A person sustaining a loss by fire on property in8(4)Toute personne qui subit une perte imputable à the Province shall upon the written or oral request of thel’incendie qui a détruit ou endommagé des biens situés fire marshal, furnish to him, within seven days after thedans la province doit, sur la demande verbale ou écrite receipt of such request, a report containing such informadu prévôt des incendies, présenter à ce dernier, dans les tion as he may require.sept jours de la réception de cette demande, un rapport contenant les renseignements qu’il peut exiger. 8(5)Every person adjusting a claim against an insurer8(5)Toute personne qui expertise un sinistre qui in respect of a loss by fire to property in the Province,donne lieu à une réclamation contre un assureur, pour whether the insurer is licensed under the provisions ofdes pertes, imputables à l’incendie, qu’ont subies des theInsurance Act or not and whether such person reprebiens situés dans la province, que l’assureur soit autorisé sents the insurer or the insured, shall within three daysen application des dispositions de la Loi sur les assu after the completion of the adjustment forward a reportrances ou non, ou que cette personne représente l’assu in writing to the fire marshal stating the date of the fire,reur ou l’assuré, doit, dans les trois jours de l’expertise, the names and addresses of the owner and occupier ofadresser au prévôt des incendies un rapport écrit indi the premises in which the fire occurred, the location ofquant la date de l’incendie, les noms et adresses du pro the premises, the name and address of the insured andpriétaire et de l’occupant des locaux sinistrés, la situation each insurer, the value of the property insured, thedes locaux, les noms et adresses de l’assuré et de chaque amount of insurance placed with each insurer, theassureur, la valeur des biens assurés, le montant de l’as amount of loss that each insurer is to bear and such othersurance contractée par chaque assureur, la part du sinis particulars as the fire marshal may require.tre que chaque assureur doit supporter et tout autre renseignement que le prévôt des incendies peut exiger. R.S., c.86, s.8 S.R., ch. 86, art. 8 INQUIRIESENQUÊTES InquiryEnquête 9(1)The fire marshal, or any person so directed by the9(1)Le prévôt des incendies ou toute personne qui en Minister, may hold an inquiry into the cause, origin andreçoit l’ordre du Ministre peut mener une enquête sur la circumstances of any fire.cause, l’origine et les circonstances de tout incendie. 12 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 9(2)A person so directed to hold an inquiry shall as9(2)Toute personne chargée de faire une enquête doit, soon as practicable after the completion of the inquirydès que possible à la fin de celle-ci, envoyer au prévôt send a report thereof to the fire marshal, stating in particdes incendies un rapport indiquant surtout son opinion ular his opinion as to the cause and origin of the fire andsur les causes et origines de l’incendie et sur la possibili whether it appears to have been of incendiary origin, andté d’un incendie volontaire, et y annexer les éléments de shall transmit therewith the evidence taken by him atpreuve qu’elle a rassemblés au cours de l’enquête. such inquiry. 9(3)For the purpose of an inquiry under this section9(3)Aux fins d’une enquête à faire en application du the fire marshal or person so directed to hold an inquiryprésent article, le prévôt des incendies ou la personne shall have all the powers and privileges conferred onchargée de mener une enquête doit avoir les pouvoirs et commissioners appointed under the Inquiries Act, and allles prérogatives dont jouissent les commissaires nommés provisions of that Act, when applicable to and not inconen vertu de la Loi sur les enquêtes, et toutes les disposi sistent with this Act, shall apply to an inquiry held undertions de cette loi, lorsqu’elles sont applicables et non this section.contraires à la présente loi, doivent s’appliquer à toute enquête menée en vertu du présent article. 9(4)Any inquiry held under this section may, in the9(4)À la discrétion du prévôt des incendies ou de discretion of the fire marshal or other person holding thetoute autre personne menant une enquête, toute enquête inquiry, be private and persons other than those requiredmenée en vertu du présent article peut avoir lieu à huis to be present under the provisions of this Part, may beclos, et toutes les personnes autres que celles dont la pré excluded from the place where the investigation is held.sence est requise en application de la présente partie peuvent être exclues du lieu de l’enquête. R.S., c.86, s.9 S.R., ch. 86, art. 9 Report of fire marshal where arson suspectedRapport du prévôt en cas de crime d’incendie volontaire soupçonné 10If, after an inquiry or investigation, the fire marshal10Si, à la suite d’une enquête ou d’un examen, le pré is of the opinion that there is evidence sufficient tovôt des incendies est d’avis qu’il y a suffisamment d’élé charge a person with arson, or an attempt to commit arments de preuve pour inculper une personne de crime son, he shall forthwith report to the Minister.d’incendie volontaire, ou de tentative de crime d’incen die volontaire, il doit en faire rapport sur-le-chample R.S., c.86, s.10; 1995, c.45, s.11; 2020, c.25, s.53 Ministre. S.R., ch. 86, art. 10; 1995, ch. 45, art. 11; 2020, ch. 25, art. 53 INSPECTION OF BUILDINGSINSPECTION DES BÂTIMENTS Powers of inspectionPouvoirs d’inspection 11The fire marshal, the deputy fire marshal, a fire pre11Le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du prévôt des in vention officer or a local assistant, upon complaint of acendies, l’agent de prévention des incendies ou l’assis person interested, or when he or they deem it necessarytant local peuvent, sur formulation d’une plainte par une without such complaint, may inspect any building orpersonne intéressée ou lorsqu’ils le jugent nécessaire premises within their jurisdiction, and for the purposesans cette plainte, inspecter tout bâtiment ou local rele may, at all reasonable hours, enter into and upon anyvant de leur juridiction et, à cette fin, peuvent, à toute building or premises.heure raisonnable, pénétrer dans tout bâtiment ou local. R.S., c.86, s.11; 1986, c.37, s.8; 1995, c.45, s.12S.R., ch. 86, art. 11; 1986, ch. 37, art. 8; 1995, ch. 45, art. 12 13 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies Order respecting safety measures, discontinuance ofOrdre visant les mesures de sécurité, l’énergie power or dangerous appliance, apparatus or placeélectrique, les appareils, les dispositifs ou les lieux and duty of tenantdangereux et devoirs du locataire 12(1)When the fire marshal, the deputy fire marshal, a12(1)Lorsque le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du fire prevention officer or a local assistant finds a buildprévôt des incendies, l’agent de prévention des incendies ing or other structure that, for want of proper repair or byou un assistant local constate qu’un bâtiment ou toute reason of age and dilapidated condition or for any cause,autre construction est, par manque de réparations ou du is especially liable to fire, or that is so situated as to enfait de sa vétusté et de son délabrement ou pour toute au danger other buildings or property, or so occupied thattre cause, particulièrement exposée aux incendies, fire would endanger persons or property therein or thatqu’elle est située de façon telle qu’elle met en danger exits from the building or buildings are inadequate ord’autres bâtiments ou biens, qu’elle est occupée d’une improperly used, or that there are in or upon any buildmanière telle qu’un incendie pourrait mettre en danger ing or premises, combustible or explosive material orles personnes et les biens qu’elle contient, que les sorties conditions dangerous to the safety of persons, buildingsdu ou des bâtiments sont insuffisantes ou mal utilisées or premises, he may order the owner or occupant toou qu’il existe dans le bâtiment ou dans les locaux des matières combustibles ou explosives ou d’autres condi tions dangereuses pour la sécurité des personnes, des bâ timents ou des locaux, il peut ordonner au propriétaire ou à l’occupant (a)remove or demolish such building or make sucha)d’enlever ou de démolir ce bâtiment ou d’y faire repairs or alterations as such officer deems necessary;les réparations ou modifications qu’il juge néces saires; (b)remove such combustible or explosive materialb)d’enlever les matières combustibles ou explosi or remove or repair anything that may constitute a fireves, ou d’enlever ou de réparer tout ce qui peut consti hazard;tuer un risque d’incendie; (c)install safeguards by way of fire extinguishers,c)de prendre des mesures de précaution en instal fire alarms and other devices and equipment and alsolant des extincteurs d’incendie, des avertisseurs d’in such fire escapes and exit doors as such officer deemscendie et d’autres dispositifs et appareils, ainsi que necessary to afford ample exit facilities in the event ofdes escaliers de secours et des portes de sortie qu’il fire or an alarm of fire;juge nécessaires afin de fournir des moyens de sortie multiples en cas d’incendie ou d’alerte; (d)carry out such drills and evacuation proceduresd)de procéder aux exercices d’évacuation que le as the fire marshal feels necessary where the majorprévôt des incendies juge nécessaires lorsque l’objec concern is to save lives by an orderly evacuation oftif principal est de sauver des vies par l’évacuation en persons at the time an emergency arises.bon ordre des personnes en cas d’urgence. 12(2)Where, in the opinion of the fire marshal, the12(2)Lorsque le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du deputy fire marshal, a fire prevention officer or a localprévôt des incendies, l’agent de prévention des incendies assistant, any electrical installation, apparatus or equipou un assistant local, est d’avis qu’une installation, un ment in or upon any building or premises is in a condiappareil ou un matériel électrique, dans un bâtiment ou tion to be especially likely to cause fire and to be dangerun local, est dans un état très susceptible de provoquer ous to the safety of persons or property, he may inun incendie et de mettre en danger des personnes et des writing order any person or organization supplying elecbiens, il peut ordonner par écrit à la personne ou à la so trical energy to discontinue supplying electrical energyciété fournissant l’énergie électrique de cesser d’alimen to such building or premises until the condition of theter en énergie électrique ce bâtiment ou ce local jusqu’à electrical installation, apparatus or equipment is remce qu’il ait été remédié à l’état de l’installation, de l’ap edied.pareil ou du matériel électrique. 14 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 12(3)Upon receipt of such order, the person or organi12(3)Dès réception de cet ordre, la personne ou la so zation supplying electrical energy to the building orciété qui fournit l’énergie électrique au bâtiment ou au premises named in the order shall forthwith discontinuelocal nommé dans l’ordre doit cesser immédiatement de supplying electrical energy to the building or premisesl’alimenter en énergie électrique jusqu’à ce que l’ordre until the order is rescinded by the fire prevention officersoit annulé par l’agent de prévention des incendies ou or the local assistant who made it, or by the fire marshall’assistant local qui l’a donné ou par le prévôt des incen or the deputy fire marshal.dies ou par l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies. 12(4)Where any appliance, apparatus or place in or12(4)Si un appareil, un dispositif ou un lieu situé dans upon any building or premises is used or intended to beun bâtiment ou dans un local sert ou doit servir à fournir used for supplying fire or heat and, in the opinion of thedu feu ou de la chaleur et si, de l’avis du prévôt des in fire marshal, the deputy fire marshal, a fire preventioncendies, de l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, de l’agent officer or a local assistant, the use of the appliance, apde prévention des incendies ou d’un assistant local, l’uti paratus or place for that purpose is likely to be dangerlisation dans ce but de l’appareil, du dispositif ou de ous to persons or property, he may order in writing thatl’endroit peut présenter un danger pour les personnes ou no fire be lighted or maintained in the appliance, apparales biens, il peut ordonner par écrit qu’aucun feu ne soit tus or place until the dangerous conditions have beenallumé ou entretenu dans l’appareil, le dispositif ou l’en remedied.droit jusqu’à ce qu’il ait été porté remède à ces condi tions dangereuses. 12(5)Upon receipt of such an order, the owner or oc12(5)Dès réception de cet ordre, et jusqu’à ce qu’il cupant of the building or premises in which the applisoit annulé par l’agent de prévention des incendies ou ance, apparatus or place is situated or contained, or thel’assistant local qui l’a donné ou par le prévôt des incen person in charge or control of the appliance or apparatusdies ou par l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, le proprié named in the order, shall not light or maintain a fire intaire ou l’occupant du bâtiment ou du local où se trouve the appliance, apparatus or place named in the order unl’appareil, le dispositif ou l’endroit, la personne chargée til the order is rescinded by the fire prevention officer orde la surveillance, ou responsable de l’appareil ou du the local assistant who made it, or by the fire marshal ordispositif, ne doit pas allumer un feu ni l’entretenir dans the deputy fire marshal.l’appareil, le dispositif ou endroit nommé dans l’ordre. 12(6)Every tenant of a building in respect of which an12(6)Tout locataire d’un bâtiment qui fait l’objet d’un order is made under this section shall at all reasonableordre en application du présent article doit, à toute heure times permit the owner of the building, by himself, hisraisonnable, permettre au propriétaire du bâtiment, à ses servants, agents, workmen and employees to enter andpréposés, représentants, ouvriers et employés d’entrer re-enter that part of the building and premises of whichune ou plusieurs fois dans la partie du bâtiment ou local he is tenant for the purpose of making the alterations anddont il est le locataire, dans le but d’y apporter les modi repairs therein and doing such other things as the ownerfications et les réparations et de s’y acquitter des tâches is required to do by the order.que l’ordre impose au propriétaire. R.S., c.86, s.12; 1975, c.78, s.4; 1986, c.37, s.9; 1995,S.R., ch. 86, art. 12; 1975, ch. 78, art. 4; 1986, ch. 37, c.45, s.13art. 9; 1995, ch. 45, art. 13 Registration of orderEnregistrement d’un ordre 12.1(1)Where an order is made under paragraph12.1(1)Tout ordre d’enlever ou de démolir un bâti 12(1)(a) to remove or demolish a building, such orderment donné en application de l’alinéa 12(1)a) peut être may be registered in the registry office for the county inenregistré au bureau de l’enregistrement du comté où which the lands affected by the order are situated, andsont situés les biens-fonds qu’il vise; de par cet enregis upon such registration the ordertrement, l’ordre (a)binds the lands, anda)grève les biens-fonds, et 15 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies (b)is deemed for the purposes of this Act to be anb)est réputé, pour l’application de la présente loi, order made to all subsequent owners or occupants.s’appliquer à tous les propriétaires ou occupants ulté rieurs. 12.1(2)Where an order is to be registered under sub12.1(2)Lorsqu’un ordre doit être enregistré conformé section (1), it shall contain a full description of the propment au paragraphe (1), il doit contenir une description erty affected by the order.complète du bien visé. 12.1(3)A copy of such order, certified by the registrar12.1(3)Une copie de cet ordre, certifiée conforme par of deeds, shall be given by the fire marshal or the deputyle conservateur des titres de propriété, doit être délivrée fire marshal, or the fire prevention officer or the local aspar le prévôt des incendies ou par l’adjoint du prévôt des sistant who made the order, to each person having a regincendies, ou par l’agent de prévention des incendies ou istered interest in the property.par l’assistant local qui a donné l’ordre, à chaque titu laire d’un droit enregistré sur le bien. 12.1(4)Where a copy of an order is required to be12.1(4)Toute copie d’un ordre qui doit être délivrée à given to any person under subsection (3), the copy mayune personne en vertu du paragraphe (3) peut l’être par be given (a)by leaving it with the person, ora)la remise à cette personne, ou (b)by sending the copy by registered or certifiedb)son envoi par courrier recommandé ou certifié à mail addressed to the latest address of the personla dernière adresse de cette personne connue par le known to the fire marshal, the deputy fire marshal, theprévôt des incendies, par l’adjoint du prévôt des in fire prevention officer or the local assistant throughcendies, par l’agent de prévention des incendies ou reasonable inquiry.par l’assistant local à la suite d’une enquête raisonna ble. 12.1(5)Where a copy is given by registered or certi12.1(5)Toute copie délivrée par courrier recommandé fied mail, it is deemed to have been received by the perou certifié est réputée avoir été reçue par l’intéressé dans son within ten days of the mailing thereof.les dix jours après la mise à la poste. 12.1(6)Notice under this Act is not irregular, incom12.1(6)Tout avis contenant un vice de forme ou plete or otherwise invalid by reason of any defect in then’étant pas reçu par une personne quelconque lorsqu’il form of such notice or by reason of the non-receipt of aest délivré en vertu du paragraphe (3), n’est pas irrégu notice under subsection (4) by any person.lier, incomplet ou autrement nul. 12.1(7)Where an order registered according to subsec12.1(7)Lorsqu’un ordre enregistré conformément au tion(1) has been complied with, in the opinion of theparagraphe(1) est, de l’avis du prévôt des incendies ou fire marshal or the deputy fire marshal, or the fire prede l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, ou de l’avis de vention officer or the local assistant who made the order,l’agent de prévention des incendies ou de l’assistant lo the order shall be discharged by the fire marshal or thecal qui l’a donné, exécuté, il doit être annulé par l’enre deputy fire marshal, or the fire prevention officer or thegistrement de l’ordre d’annulation par le prévôt des local assistant who made the order, by the registration ofincendies ou l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, ou par a discharge order in the Registry Office where the orderl’agent de prévention des incendies ou l’assistant local is registered.qui l’a donné, au bureau de l’enregistrement où l’ordre a d’abord été enregistré. 12.1(8)An order referred to in paragraph 12(1)(a) or a12.1(8)Tout ordre visé à l’alinéa 12(1)a)ou tout ordre discharge order under subsection (7) shall be receivedd’annulation donné en application du paragraphe (7) doit and registered by the Registrar without acknowledgeêtre reçu et enregistré par le registraire sans qu’il soit né 16 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 ment or proof of the signature or official position of thecessaire d’identifier la signature ou la position officielle person making the order.de la personne ayant émis cet ordre. 1979, c.24, s.4; 1986, c.37, s.10; 1995, c.45, s.141979, ch. 24, art. 4; 1986, ch. 37, art. 10; 1995, ch. 45, art. 14 Order respecting building or fire preventionOrdre visant les normes de construction ou de standardsprévention des incendies 13(1)An order made under subsection 12(1)may re13(1)Tout ordre donné en application du paragra quire that the building or structure be repaired or alteredphe12(1) peut exiger que le bâtiment ou la construction or that the installation be made in accordance with a regsoit réparé ou modifié de telle sorte que l’installation soit ulation respecting building standards or fire preventionfaite conformément à un règlement, spécifié dans l’or standards specified in the order.dre, relatif aux normes de construction ou de prévention des incendies. 13(2)A certificate, signed or purporting to be signed13(2)Toute attestation, signée ou présentée comme by the fire marshal, that a document attached thereto is aayant été signée par le prévôt des incendies, qui affirme regulation respecting building standards or fire prevenqu’un document qui y est annexé est un règlement de tion standards, is admissible in evidence, and, in the abnormes de construction ou de prévention des incendies sence of evidence to the contrary, is conclusive proof ofest admissible comme preuve et, jusqu’à preuve du con the content of such regulation, without evidence of thetraire, constitue une preuve péremptoire du contenu de appointment or signature of the fire marshal.ce règlement, sans qu’il soit nécessaire de prouver la qualité ou l’authenticité de la signature du prévôt des in cendies. 13(3)An order made under section 12 shall be served13(3)L’ordre donné en application de l’article 12 doit on the person named in the order by the fire marshal, theêtre signifié à la personne qu’y désigne le prévôt des in deputy fire marshal, a fire prevention officer or a localcendies, l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, l’agent de pré assistantvention des incendies ou l’assistant local par (a)by leaving a copy of the order with the person,a)remise d’une copie à cette personne, ou or (b)by sending a copy of the order by registered orb)son envoi par courrier recommandé ou certifié à certified mail addressed to the latest address of thela dernière adresse de cette personne connue par le person known to the fire marshal, the deputy fire marprévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du prévôt des incen shal, the fire prevention officer or the local assistantdies, l’agent de prévention des incendies ou l’assistant through reasonable inquiry.local par suite d’une enquête raisonnable. 13(4)Where an order is served on a person by regist13(4)Un ordre signifié à une personne par courrier re ered or certified mail under paragraph (3)(b), it iscommandé ou par courrier certifié en vertu de l’arti deemed to have been received by the person within tencle 3b) est réputé avoir été reçu par cette personne dans days of the mailing thereof.les dix jours qui suivent sa mise à la poste. R.S., c.86, s.13; 1956, c.36, s.1; 1968, c.29, s.1; 1973,S.R., ch. 86, art. 13; 1956, ch. 36, art. 1; 1968, ch. 29, c.35, s.2; 1975, c.78, s.5; 1986, c.37, s.11; 1995, c.45,art. 1; 1973, ch. 35, art. 2; 1975, ch. 78, art. 5; 1986, s.15ch. 37, art. 11; 1995, ch. 45, art. 15 Appeal to fire marshal within 48 hoursAppel au prévot des incendies dans les 48 heures 14(1)If the owner or occupant deems himself ag14(1)Si le propriétaire ou l’occupant se sent lésé par grieved by any order made by a person other than theun ordre émanant d’une personne autre que le prévôt des fire marshal, then, if the order is to remove combustibleincendies, il peut alors, s’il lui est enjoint de déplacer des or explosive material or to correct a flammable condimatières combustibles ou explosives ou de remédier à un 17 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies tion, he may within forty-eight hours appeal therefrom torisque d’incendie, en appeler dans les quarante-huit the fire marshal, who shall forthwith investigate or causeheures au prévôt des incendies, qui doit enquêter ou faire to be investigated the cause of complaint, and cause amener une enquête immédiatement sur les motifs de la copy of his decision to be served upon the party appealplainte, et faire communiquer une copie de sa décision à ing.la partie appelante. 14(2)If the order is not revoked by the fire marshal,14(2)Sous réserve de révocation par le prévôt des in such order, whether as originally given or as modified orcendies, l’ordre, qu’il soit sous sa forme originale ou altered by him, shall be final and shall be complied withqu’il ait été modifié ou changé par lui, est sans appel et by the owner or occupant forthwith.doit être exécuté sur-le-champ par le propriétaire ou l’occupant. R.S., c.86, s.14 S.R., ch. 86, art. 14 Appeal to fire marshal within 10 daysAppel au prévôt des incendies dans les dix jours 15If the order is to repair, alter, remove or demolish a15Si l’ordre enjoint de réparer, transformer, déplacer building or other structure, or to install fire extinguishou démolir un bâtiment ou une autre construction, d’ins ers, fire alarms, or other devices or equipment, or to intaller des extincteurs d’incendie, avertisseurs d’incendie stall fire escapes or exit doors, or to discontinue supplyou autres dispositifs ou matériel, et des escaliers de se ing electrical energy, or that no fire be lighted orcours ou des portes de sortie, de couper l’électricité, ou maintained in an appliance, apparatus, or place, a personde ne pas allumer ni entretenir du feu dans un appareil, feeling himself aggrieved may appeal within ten days toun dispositif ou un endroit, toute personne qui se sent lé the fire marshal who forthwith shall consider the order,sée peut, dans les dix jours, faire appel au prévôt des in and affirm, modify, alter or revoke the same, and cause acendies, qui doit immédiatement examiner l’ordre et le copy of his decision to be served upon the party appealconfirmer, modifier, transformer ou révoquer et faire ing.communiquer une copie de sa décision à la partie appe lante. R.S., c.86, s.15 S.R., ch. 86, art. 15 Fire hazard, order respecting smoking, appeal fromRisque d’incendie, ordre visant l’interdiction de orderfumer, appel d’un ordre 16(1)Where, in any place of assembly or in any build16(1)Lorsque le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du ing or premises used as sleeping accommodations or as aprévôt des incendies, l’agent de prévention des incendies restaurant, there is, in the opinion of the fire marshal, theou l’assistant local est d’avis qu’il existe, dans un lieu de deputy fire marshal, a fire prevention officer or a localrassemblement ou dans un bâtiment ou local qui sert de assistant, a fire hazard dangerous to the safety of perlogement ou de restaurant, un risque d’incendie qui me sons, he may order that the public be not admittednace la sécurité des personnes, il peut en interdire l’accès thereto until the fire hazard has been remedied to his satau public jusqu’à ce qu’il ait été remédié, à sa satisfac isfaction.tion, au risque d’incendie. 16(2)Where, in any place of assembly or in any build16(2)Lorsque le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du ing or premises used as sleeping accommodations or as aprévôt des incendies, l’agent de prévention des incendies restaurant, there is, in the opinion of the fire marshal, theou l’assistant local est d’avis qu’il existe, dans un lieu de deputy fire marshal, a fire prevention officer or a localrassemblement ou dans un bâtiment ou local qui sert de assistant, danger to the safety of the public by reason oflogement ou de restaurant, un danger pour la sécurité du the inadequacy of exits, or the presence of flammablepublic à cause de l’insuffisance des sorties, de la pré material or any other reason, he may order that the numsence de matières inflammables ou pour toute autre rai ber of persons to be permitted to be in or upon the placeson, il peut ordonner que le nombre de personnes of assembly, building or premises at any one time shallpouvant être admises au même moment dans ce lieu de not exceed a number stated in the order.rassemblement, bâtiment ou local ne dépasse pas un nombre fixé dans l’ordre. 18 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 16(3)When, in the opinion of the fire marshal, the16(3)Lorsque le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du deputy fire marshal, a fire prevention officer or a localprévôt des incendies, l’agent de prévention des incendies assistant, the smoking of pipes, cigars or cigarettes in aou l’assistant local est d’avis que le fait de fumer la pipe, place of assembly or in a building or structure containingle cigare ou la cigarette dans un lieu de rassemblement a place of assembly constitutes a fire hazard dangerousou dans un bâtiment ou une construction renfermant un to the safety of persons, he may order that smoking shalllieu de rassemblement présente un risque d’incendie qui not be permitted in the place of assembly or in the buildmenace la sécurité des personnes, il peut interdire de fu ing or structure containing it, or shall only be permittedmer dans ce lieu de rassemblement ou dans ce bâtiment in such rooms or portions of the place of assembly,ou la construction qui le renferme, ou ne permettre de fu building or structure as are designated in the order.mer que dans les salles et les parties du lieu de rassem blement, bâtiment ou construction qui sont indiquées dans l’ordre. 16(4)Upon an order being made under subsection (3)16(4)Dans la semaine où l’ordre a été donné en appli by the fire marshal, the deputy fire marshal, a fire precation du paragraphe (3) par le prévôt des incendies, vention officer or a local assistant, the proprietor or manl’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, l’agent de prévention ager of the place of assembly or building or structuredes incendies ou l’assistant local, il incombe au proprié containing the place of assembly shall within one weektaire ou au gérant du lieu de rassemblement ou du bâti post notices in conspicuous places in the place of assemment ou de la construction qui renferme le lieu de bly or building or structure containing the words “Norassemblement d’y placarder en évidence des affiches Smoking, By Order of the Fire Marshal” and thereafterportant les mots « Défense de fumer, par ordre du prévôt no person shall smoke in such place of assembly, ordes incendies », après quoi, il est interdit d’y fumer sauf building or structure containing it, except in such roomsdans les salles ou parties indiquées dans l’ordre. or portions as shall have been so designated in the order. 16(5)An order made under this section shall be in16(5)Tout ordre donné en application du présent arti writing and shall be served by delivering a copy thereofcle doit être écrit et signifié par remise d’une copie au to the proprietor or manager of the place of assembly orpropriétaire ou au gérant du lieu de rassemblement, du the building or premises used as sleeping accommodabâtiment ou des locaux qui servent de logement ou de tions or as a restaurant, referred to in the order, or, if therestaurant auxquels l’ordre s’applique ou, faute de pou proprietor or manager cannot be found, by posting avoir trouver le propriétaire ou le gérant, par l’affichage copy thereof in a conspicuous place thereupon or therein.d’une copie dans le lieu de rassemblement, le bâtiment ou les locaux, dans un endroit bien en évidence. 16(6)A proprietor of a place of assembly, sleeping ac16(6)Le propriétaire d’un lieu de rassemblement, d’un commodations or a restaurant or an owner of a buildinglogement, ou d’un restaurant ou le propriétaire d’un bâti or premises in which a place of assembly, sleeping acment ou local qui le renferme dans lequel est situé un commodations or a restaurant is situate who considerslieu de rassemblement, ou logement ou un restaurant, qui himself aggrieved by an order made under this sectionse sent lésé par un ordre donné en application des dispo may appeal,sitions du présent article peut en appeler, (a)where the order was made by the deputy firea)lorsque l’ordre émane de l’adjoint du prévôt des marshal, a fire prevention officer or a local assistant,incendies, de l’agent de prévention des incendies ou within five days after service upon him of a copy ofde l’assistant local, dans un délai de cinq jours après the order to the fire marshal who shall forthwith inqu’il a reçu signification de l’ordre, au prévôt des in vestigate or cause to be investigated the cause of thecendies, lequel doit immédiatement enquêter ou faire complaint and cause a copy of his decision to beenquêter sur le motif de la plainte et faire signifier une served upon the party appealing, orcopie de sa décision à la partie appelante, ou (b)where the order was made by the fire marshal,b)lorsque l’ordre émane du prévôt des incendies as provided in section 20;lui-même, de la façon prévue à l’article 20; 19 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies but, notwithstanding such appeal, the order shall be commais en attendant, l’appel n’est pas suspensif de l’exécu plied with pending the outcome of the appeal.tion de l’ordre. R.S., c.86, s.16; 1973, c.35, s.3; 1981, c.27, s.1; 1986,S.R., ch. 86, art. 16; 1973, ch. 35, art. 3; 1981, ch. 27, c.37, s.12; 1995, c.45, s.16art. 1; 1986, ch. 37, art. 12; 1995, ch. 45, art. 16 Service of order made under section 12 or 16Signification de l’ordre donné en vertu de l’article 12 ou 16 17Service of an order made under section 12 or sec17La signification d’un ordre donné en application de tion 16 may be proved by the oral evidence, given underl’article 12 ou de l’article 16 peut être prouvée par le té oath, of the person who served it or by his affidavit.moignage verbal, donné sous serment, de la personne qui l’a signifiée, ou par son affidavit. 1958, c.36, s.1 1958, ch. 36, art. 1 Conversion of buildingTransformation de bâtiments 18(1)No person shall construct any place of assembly18(1)Nul ne doit construire un lieu de rassemblement or sleeping accommodations, or convert any building orou des logements, ni transformer un bâtiment ou une part thereof into a place of assembly or sleeping accompartie d’un bâtiment en lieu de rassemblement ou en lo modations, or make structural alterations to any buildinggements, ou modifier la structure d’un bâtiment ou d’une or part thereof, to be used as a place of assembly orpartie d’un bâtiment pour l’utiliser comme lieu de ras sleeping accommodations, unless he has filed with thesemblement ou comme logements à moins d’avoir sou fire marshal before the commencement of the construcmis un plan en conformité des dispositions du tion, conversion or alteration a plan in accordance withparagraphe (2) au prévôt des incendies avant le commen subsection (2).cement de ces travaux. 18(2)The plan shall18(2)Le plan doit (a)be on a scale having a ratio of not less than onea)être à l’échelle minimum d’un centième, to one hundred, (b)contain a plot plan showing the location or prob)comprendre un plan du terrain indiquant l’endroit posed location of the building to be constructed, conou l’endroit proposé du bâtiment à être construit, verted or altered,transformé ou modifié, (c)contain a floor plan of each floor showing thec)comprendre un plan d’architecte pour chaque exits, balconies, proposed use or occupancy of theétage indiquant les issues, les balcons, l’usage ou floor area, fire alarm components, exit and emergencyl’utilisation proposés de l’aire de plancher, l’emplace lighting and the location of portable fire extinguishersment des avertisseurs d’incendie, de l’éclairage des or other fire safety features as required by the firesorties de secours et l’éclairage de secours ainsi que marshal,les endroits où se trouvent les extincteurs d’incendie portatifs et les autres dispositifs de sécurité tel qu’exi gé par le prévôt des incendies, (d)show a longitudinal section of the building, andd)comprendre un plan de la section longitudinale du bâtiment, et (e)be accompanied by specifications of construce)comprendre un devis. tion. 18(3)Where the fire marshal has reviewed plans or18(3)Lorsque le prévôt des incendies a examiné les specifications and has directed changes therein, suchplans et devis ou a ordonné d’y effectuer des change changes shall be effected, and no other changes shall bements, ces derniers doivent être effectués, et aucun autre 20 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 made in the plans or specifications without the prior conchangement ne doit être apporté aux plans ou au devis sent of the fire marshal.sans l’agrément préalable du prévôt des incendies. 18(4)This section does not apply in relation to an18(4)Le présent article ne s’applique pas à une mai apartment house having a capacity of ten or fewer person à logements pouvant loger dix personnes au plus. sons. S.R., ch. 86, art. 17; 1971, ch. 34, art. 3; 1973, ch. 35, R.S., c.86, s.17; 1971, c.34, s.3; 1973, c.35, s.4; 1986,art. 4; 1986, ch. 37, art. 13; 1995, ch. 45, art. 17 c.37, s.13; 1995, c.45, s.17 Necessity of plans respecting petroleum productsNécessité des plans visant les produits pétroliers 19(1)No person shall construct, establish, modify or19(1)Nul ne peut construire, établir, modifier ou enlarge a petroleum products facility or convert any exagrandir une installation de produits pétroliers ni trans isting building or premises into a petroleum products faformer un bâtiment ou des locaux existants en une instal cility if the amounts of flammable liquids proposed to belation de produits pétroliers lorsque les liquides stored in the petroleum products facility exceed threeinflammables qu’on se propose d’y entreposer excèdent thousand litres or if the amounts of combustible liquidstrois mille litres ou dont les combustibles liquides qu’on proposed to be stored in the petroleum products facilityse propose d’y entreposer excèdent dix mille litres exceed ten thousand litres until such person has filedjusqu’au dépôt, auprès du prévôt des incendies, de co with the fire marshal a copy of the plans and specificapies de plans et devis de l’installation de produits pétro tions of the petroleum products facility.liers. 19(2)Such plans and specifications shall show the19(2)Les plans et devis doivent indiquer le nombre de number of storage tanks, the capacity of each in litres,réservoirs de stockage, la capacité, en litres, de chaque the types and quantities of each petroleum product proréservoir, les types et quantités de chaque produit pétro posed to be stored, the location of the plant in relation tolier à stocker, l’emplacement de l’installation par rapport other buildings or properties, the diking, fencing, fireaux autres bâtiments ou propriétés, les digues, clôtures, and explosion safety features and other safety features asdispositifs de sécurité contre l’incendie ou l’explosion et required by the fire marshal.tout autre dispositif de sécurité exigé par le prévôt des incendies. 19(3)Where the fire marshal, the deputy fire marshal,19(3)Lorsque le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint du a fire prevention officer or a local assistant finds gasoprévôt des incendies, l’agent de prévention des incendies line, oil, liquified petroleum gas or other petroleumou l’assistant local constate qu’il y a de l’essence, de products stored at a petroleum products facility thatl’huile, du gaz de pétrole liquéfié ou tout autre produit pétrolier stocké dans une installation de produits pétro liers qui (a)has been constructed contrary to the requireda)n’a pas été construite conformément aux normes safety standards or not properly diked, orprescrites de sécurité ou n’a pas été munie de digues appropriées, ou qui, (b)for any other reason, in his opinion, creates ab)pour toute autre raison, présente, à son avis, un dangerous fire or explosion hazard,risque d’incendie ou d’explosion, he may order the owners or operators of such petroleumil peut ordonner aux propriétaires ou aux gérants de products facility to discontinue the storage or handlingl’installation d’y interrompre le stockage ou la manuten of petroleum products at that facility, within a time limittion de produits pétroliers durant un délai fixé dans l’or set out in such order, until the dangerous conditions aredre, jusqu’à ce que le danger soit écarté à sa satisfaction. rectified to his satisfaction. 19(4)Where the owner or operator of a petroleum19(4)Lorsque le propriétaire ou le gérant d’une instal products facility considers himself aggrieved by an orderlation de stockage de produits pétroliers se sent lésé par 21 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies made under subsection (3) by the deputy fire marshal, aun ordre donné par l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, fire prevention officer or a local assistant, he may appeall’agent de prévention des incendies ou l’assistant local within five days after service upon him of a copy of theen application du paragraphe (3), il peut, dans un délai order to the fire marshal who shall forthwith investigatede cinq jours après qu’il a reçu signification d’une copie or cause to be investigated the cause of the complaintde l’ordre, en appeler au prévôt des incendies, lequel doit and cause a copy of his decision to be served upon theimmédiatement enquêter ou faire enquêter sur le motif party appealing.de la plainte et faire signifier une copie de sa décision à la partie appelante. 1961-62, c.57, s.1; 1967, c.41, s.2; 1975, c.78, s.6; 1981, c.27, s.2; 1986, c.37, s.14; 1995, c.45, s.181961-62, ch. 57, art. 1; 1967, ch. 41, art. 2; 1975, ch. 78, art. 6; 1981, ch. 27, art. 2; 1986, ch. 37, art. 14; 1995, ch. 45, art. 18 Appeal from order of fire marshal to The Court ofAppel d’un ordre du prévôt à la Cour du Banc du King’s Bench of New BrunswickRoi du Nouveau-Brunswick 2023, c.17, s.952023, ch. 17, art. 95 20(1)If a person affected is dissatisfied with an order20(1)Lorsqu’une personne visée n’est pas satisfaite or decision of the fire marshal made under section 12,d’un ordre donné ou d’une décision prise par le prévôt 14,15, 16 or 19 he may, within five days after servicedes incendies en application de l’article 12, 14, 15, 16 ou upon him of a copy of the order or decision, apply by pe19,elle peut, dans un délai de cinq jours après qu’elle re tition to a judge of The Court of King’s Bench of Newçu signification d’une copie de l’ordre ou de la décision, Brunswick sitting in the judicial district within which theadresser une requête à un juge de la Cour du Banc du property lies to review the order or decision.Roi du Nouveau-Brunswick siégeant dans la circonscrip tion judiciaire où les bâtiments ou autres biens sont si tués afin d’examiner le bien-fondé de l’ordre ou de la décision. 20(2)The person appealing shall file the petition with20(2)L’appelant doit déposer la requête au bureau du the clerk of the Court and shall, within five days of thegreffier de la cour et, dans les cinq jours de ce dépôt ou filing, or within such extended time as the judge may aldans le délai supplémentaire accordé par le juge, déposer low, file with the clerk a bond in an amount to be fixedau bureau du greffier un cautionnement, d’un montant by the judge, in no case to be less than fifty dollars, withfixé par le juge, mais en aucun cas inférieur à cinquante at least two sufficient sureties, approved by the judge,dollars, avec au moins deux cautions agréées par le juge, conditioned to pay all of the costs on the appeal in casequi s’engagent à acquitter tous les frais de l’appel si he fails to sustain the same, and such costs as may becelui-ci est rejeté et les frais auxquels il peut être con awarded against him, or shall deposit with the said clerkdamné; ou déposer au bureau du greffier une somme an amount to be fixed by the judge, in no case to be lessfixée par le juge, en aucun cas inférieure à cinquante dol than fifty dollars, as the judge shall deem sufficient tolars, que le juge estime suffisante pour couvrir les frais cover the costs of the appeal.de l’appel. 20(3)An order made by a judge under this section20(3)Toute ordonnance rendue par un juge en applica may be enforced in the same manner as an order of Thetion du présent article peut être exécutée de la même ma Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick.nière qu’une ordonnance de la Cour du Banc du Roi du Nouveau-Brunswick. R.S., c.86, s.18; 1956, c.36, s.2; 1971, c.34, s.4; 1972, c.32, s.1; 1979, c.41, s.54; 2023, c.17, s.95S.R., ch. 86, art. 18; 1956, ch. 36, art. 2; 1971, ch. 34, art. 4; 1972, ch. 32, art. 1; 1979, ch. 41, art. 54; 2023, ch. 17, art. 95 22 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 Power to enforce order where owner absentExécution d’un ordre en l’absence du propriétaire 21(1)Where the owner of a building or premises in re21(1)Lorsque le propriétaire d’un bâtiment ou de lo spect of which an order is made is absent from the Provcaux faisant l’objet d’une ordonnance est absent de la ince or cannot be found within the Provinceprovince ou ne peut être trouvé dans la province (a)the fire marshal, or the deputy fire marshal, aa)le prévôt des incendies, ou l’adjoint du prévôt des fire prevention officer or a local assistant with the apincendies, l’agent de prévention des incendies ou l’as proval of the fire marshal, may carry out the order, ifsistant local sur agrément du prévôt des incendies, the order involves the expenditure of not more thanpeut faire exécuter l’ordonnance si elle entraîne des five thousand dollars, anddépenses de cinq mille dollars au plus, et (b)the fire marshal, with the approval of the Minisb)le prévôt des incendies, sur agrément du Minis ter, may carry out the order, if the order involves thetre, peut exécuter l’ordonnance si elle entraîne des dé expenditure of more than five thousand dollars.penses de plus de cinq mille dollars. 21(2)The fire marshal shall certify the expenses ac21(2)Le prévôt des incendies certifie les dépenses tually and necessarily incurred in carrying out the orderréelles et nécessaires encourues du fait de l’exécution de and deliver the certificate to the treasurer of the locall’ordonnance, et remet le certificat au trésorier du gou government in which the building or premises is situatevernement local sur le territoire duquel est situé le bâti and the treasurer shall pay the amount so certified to thement ou le local et le trésorier paie au prévôt des fire marshal from the general operating revenue of theincendies la somme ainsi certifiée sur les recettes géné local government.rales d’exploitation du gouvernement local. R.S., c.86, s.19; 1966, c.57, s.4; 1968, c.29, s.2; 1986,S.R., ch. 86, art. 19; 1966, ch. 57, art. 4; 1968, ch. 29, c.37, s.15; 1995, c.45, s.19; 2017, c.20, s.72art. 2; 1986, ch. 37, art. 15; 1995, ch. 45, art. 19; 2017, ch. 20, art. 72 Contribution towards cost of maintenance of office ofContribution aux frais d’entretien du bureau du fire marshalprévôt des incendies 22(1)For the purpose of contributing towards the cost22(1)Dans le but de contribuer aux frais d’entretien of the maintenance of the office of the fire marshal everydu bureau du prévôt des incendies, chaque assureur, insurer, whether upon the stock or mutual plan, transactqu’il s’agisse d’une société par actions ou d’une société ing the business of fire insurance within the Province,mutuelle, pratiquant l’assurance-incendie dans la pro shall pay to the Minister of Finance and Treasury Boardvince, doit payer chaque année au ministre des Finances annually in addition to other taxes and fees required byet du Conseil du Trésor, en plus des autres taxes et droits law to be paid by such insurer, such sum as shall fromqu’il doit légalement payer, une somme occasionnelle time to time be determined by the Lieutenant-Governorment déterminée par le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil, in Council not exceeding one per cent of its premiums,n’excédant pas un pour cent des primes, recettes et coti receipts and assessments, less return premiums and cansations, déduction faite des ristournes et des annulations cellations, computed on the business as reported to thecalculées d’après les affaires déclarées au ministre des Minister of Finance and Treasury Board during the preFinances et du Conseil du Trésor pour l’exercice précé ceding year, including premiums, or part premiums, covdent, y compris les primes, ou acomptes sur primes, cou ering fire risks on automobiles.vrant les risques d’incendie sur les automobiles. 22(2)In the case of a provincial mutual insurance22(2)Lorsqu’il s’agit d’une société mutuelle provin company, incorporated under the provisions of Part II ofciale d’assurance, constituée en application des disposi theCompanies Act, the assessment provided for by subtions de la Partie II de la Loi sur les compagnies, section(1) shall be computed on the cash payments andl’imposition prévue par le paragraphe (1) doit être calcu assessments received by the company for premiums, lesslée d’après les montants en espèces et les cotisations re return premiums and cancellations, and no such comçus comme primes par la société, moins les ristournes et pany shall be assessed under subsection (1) in respect ofles annulations, et une telle compagnie ne peut être im premiums or assessments received by the company durposée en application du paragraphe (1) sur les primes et 23 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies ing the first three years following the date on which thecotisations reçues par elle au cours des trois premières company was first licensed to transact the business of inannées suivant la date à laquelle la société a été autorisée surance in the Province.pour la première fois à passer des contrats d’assurance dans la province. 22(3)Every person effecting, entering into or renew22(3)Lorsqu’il s’agit de biens situés dans la province, ing a contract of fire insurance on or in respect of proptoute personne qui passe ou renouvelle un contrat erty in the Province with any insurer not licensed underd’assurance-incendie avec un assureur qui n’est pas titu theInsurance Act, shall pay a tax to the Minister of Filaire du permis prévu par la Loi sur les assurancesdoit nance and Treasury Board calculated on the amount ofpayer au ministre des Finances et du Conseil du Trésor the premiums or assessments, less the amount of any reune taxe calculée d’après le montant des primes ou coti turn premium or cancellation, which that person has paidsations, déduction faite des ristournes et des annulations, or is liable to pay in respect of the contract, includingque la personne a payé ou doit payer relativement au premiums, or part premiums, covering fire risks only oncontrat, y compris les primes, ou acomptes sur primes, automobiles, which tax shall be at the same rate as is imcouvrant les risques d’incendie sur les automobiles, et posed on licensed insurers by subsection (1).cette taxe doit être d’un taux égal à celui qui est imposé aux assureurs autorisés en vertu du paragraphe (1). 22(4)The money received under subsections (1)and22(4)Les sommes perçues en application des paragra (3) shall be deposited in the Consolidated Fund.phes (1) et (3) doivent être versées au Fonds consolidé. R.S., c.86, s.20; 1965, c.17, s.1; 1968, c.29, s.3; 1969,S.R., ch. 86, art. 20; 1965, ch. 17, art. 1; 1968, ch. 29, c.32, s.2; 2019, c.29, s.63art. 3; 1969, ch. 32, art. 2; 2019, ch. 29, art. 63 OFFENCES AND PENALTIESINFRACTIONS ET PEINES OffencesInfractions 23Every person who23Quiconque (a)hinders or obstructs the fire marshal, the deputya)gêne ou entrave le prévôt des incendies, l’adjoint fire marshal, a fire prevention officer, a fire investigadu prévôt des incendies, l’agent de prévention des in tor or a local assistant in the execution of his dutiescendies, l’enquêteur d’incendies ou l’assistant local, hereunder,dans l’exécution des fonctions que lui confère la pré sente loi, (a.1)without the written authorization of the firea.1)sans l’autorisation écrite du prévôt des incen marshal, the deputy fire marshal, a fire prevention ofdies, de l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, de l’agent ficer, a fire investigator or a local assistant, tampersde prévention des incendies, de l’enquêteur d’incen with exit doors, portable or fixed fire extinguishingdies ou de l’assistant local, et pour raisons autres que equipment, automatic sprinkler systems, automaticl’entretien et la réparation, entrave les issues de se fire or smoke detection systems or manual or autocours, le matériel d’extinction fixe ou portatif, les ins matic fire alarm systems, except for maintenance andtallations d’arrosage automatique, les détecteurs de repairs;fumée ou les avertisseurs d’incendie, automatiques ou portatifs; (a.2)without the written authorization of the firea.2)sans l’autorisation écrite du prévôt des incen marshal, the deputy fire marshal, a fire prevention ofdies, de l’adjoint du prévôt des incendies, de l’agent ficer, a fire investigator or a local assistant, blocks ande prévention des incendies, de l’enquêteur d’incen exit or an access to an exit or removes an exit stair ordies ou de l’assistant local, entrave une issue ou l’ac fire escape;cès à une issue ou enlève une escalier ou une échelle de secours; 24 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 (b)refuses or neglects to attend and to be sworn andb)refuse ou néglige de se présenter, de prêter ser give evidence before the fire marshal or other properment et de témoigner devant le prévôt des incendies officer when summoned to do so,ou tout autre agent qualifié, lorsqu’il est sommé de le faire, (c)violates or fails to comply with any provision ofc)contrevient ou omet de se conformer à une dispo the regulations, orsition des règlements, ou (d)contravenes section 29.1 or conducts a publicd)contrevient à l’article 29.1ou présente un specta display of fireworks in a manner that is contrary to acle public de feu d’artifice en violation d’une condi condition attached to the permission granted undertion dont est assortie l’autorisation accordée en section 29.2,application de l’article 29.2, commits an offence.commet une infraction. R.S., c.86, s.21; 1972, c.32, s.2; 1975, c.78, s.7; 1986,S.R., ch. 86, art. 21; 1972, ch. 32, art. 2; 1975, ch. 78, c.37, s.16; 1990, c.61, s.50; 1995, c.45, s.20art. 7; 1986, ch. 37, art. 16; 1990, ch. 61, art. 50; 1995, ch. 45, art. 20 Orders, offences, continuing offencesOrdres, ordonnances, infractions et infractions continues 24(1)An owner or occupant of buildings or premises24(1)Commet une infraction, tout propriétaire ou oc who fails to comply with an order of the fire marshal, thecupant d’un bâtiment ou d’un local qui omet de se con deputy fire marshal, a fire prevention officer or a localformer à un ordre du prévôt des incendies, de l’adjoint assistant, duly made under the authority of this Part,du prévôt des incendies, de l’agent de prévention des in commits an offence.cendies ou de l’assistant local, régulièrement donné en application de la présente partie. 24(2)Where a person is convicted of an offence under24(2)Lorsqu’une personne est déclarée coupable subsection(1), the court, in addition to any penalty imd’une infraction prévue au paragraphe (1), le tribunal, en posed under subsection (1), shall order that person toplus de toute peine imposée en application du paragra comply with the order.phe(1), doit enjoindre à cette personne de se conformer à l’ordre. 24(3)A person who fails to comply with an order of24(3)Quiconque omet de se conformer à une ordon the Court under subsection (2) commits an offence.nance du tribunal prévue au paragraphe (2) commet une infraction. 24(4)Where an offence under subsection (3) continues24(4)Lorsqu’une infraction au paragraphe (3) se pour for more than one day,suit pour plus d’une journée, (a)the minimum fine that may be imposed is thea)l’amende minimale qui peut être imposée est minimum fine set by the Provincial Offences Procel’amende minimale établie par la Loi sur la procédure dure Act multiplied by the number of days duringapplicable aux infractions provinciales multipliée par which the offence continues, andle nombre de jours pendant lesquels l’infraction se poursuit, et (b)the maximum fine that may be imposed is theb)l’amende maximale qui peut être imposée est maximum fine set by the Provincial Offences Procel’amende maximale établie par la Loi sur la procé dure applicable aux infractions provincialesmulti 25 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies dure Act multiplied by the number of days duringpliée par le nombre de jours pendant lesquels which the offence continues.l’infraction se poursuit. R.S., c.86, s.22; 1968, c.29, s.4; 1972, c.32, s.3, 4; 1975,S.R., ch. 86, art. 22; 1968, ch. 29, art. 4; 1972, ch. 32, c.78, s.8; 1982, c.26, s.1; 1986, c.37, s.17; 1990, c.61,art. 3, 4; 1975, ch. 78, art. 8; 1982, ch. 26, art. 1; 1986, s.50; 1995, c.45, s.21ch. 37, art. 17; 1990, ch. 61, art. 50; 1995, ch. 45, art. 21 Exits of place of assemblySorties d’un lieu de rassemblement 25(1)Whenever the public are in a place of assembly,25(1)Chaque fois que le public se trouve dans un lieu all exits therefrom apparently for the use of the public inde rassemblement, toutes les sorties apparemment réser case of fire shall be unlocked with respect to openingvées à l’usage du public en cas d’incendie ne doivent pas from the inside and unobstructed.être fermées à clef afin de permettre leur ouverture de l’intérieur, ni être encombrées. 25(2)Any person in charge or control of the place of25(2)Quiconque est responsable d’un lieu de rassem assembly, either in his own right or as servant or agentblement ou le dirige, soit de son propre chef, soit à titre of another, who fails to ensure that subsection (1)isd’employé ou de représentant d’une autre personne, et complied with, commits an offence.qui omet de se soumettre aux dispositions du paragra phe (1), commet une infraction. 1956, c.36, s.3; 1972, c.32, s.5; 1987, c.6, s.30; 1990, c.61, s.501956, ch. 36, art. 3; 1972, ch. 32, art. 5; 1987, ch. 6, art. 30; 1990, ch. 61, art. 50 Offences and penaltiesInfractions et peines 25.1(1)A person who violates or fails to comply with25.1(1)Quiconque contrevient ou omet de se confor a provision of this Act that is listed in Column I ofmer à une disposition de la présente loi qui figure dans la Schedule A commits an offence.colonne I de l’annexe A commet une infraction. 25.1(2)For the purposes of Part II of the Provincial25.1(2)Aux fins de la Partie II de la Loi sur la procé Offences Procedure Act, each offence listed in Column Idure applicable aux infractions provinciales chaque in of Schedule A is punishable as an offence of the catefraction qui figure dans la colonne I de l’annexe A est gory listed beside it in Column II of Schedule A.punissable à titre d’infraction de la classe qui figure vis- à-vis dans la colonne II de l’annexe A. 1990, c.61, s.50 1990, ch. 61, art. 50 Payment of penalties to Minister of Finance andAmendes versées au ministre des Finances et du Treasury BoardConseil du Trésor 2019, c.29, s.632019, ch. 29, art. 63 26(1)All penalties collected under the provisions of26(1)Toutes les amendes perçues en application des this Part shall be paid to the Minister of Finance anddispositions de la présente partie doivent être versées au Treasury Board.ministre des Finances et du Conseil du Trésor. 26(2)Any money penalty received by the Minister of26(2)Toute amende versée au ministre des Finances et Finance and Treasury Board under subsection (1) as a redu Conseil du Trésor en application du paragraphe (1)à sult of an information or complaint laid by an officer apla suite d’une dénonciation ou d’une plainte déposée par pointed by a local government for an offence committedun agent nommé par un gouvernement local, pour une in that local government is to be remitted to that localinfraction commise sur son territoire, est remise à ce government.gouvernement local. R.S., c.86, s.23; 1966, c.57, s.5; O.C.67-164; 2017, c.20,S.R., ch. 86, art. 23; 1966, ch. 57, art. 5; D.C.67-164; s.72; 2019, c.29, s.632017, ch. 20, art. 72; 2019, ch. 29, art. 63 26 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 CONFLICT OF AUTHORITYCONFLIT D’AUTORITÉ Overriding authority of fire marshal in certain casesAutorité du prévôt des incendies dans certains cas 27In the event of a conflict of authority between the27Lorsqu’il y a conflit d’autorité entre le prévôt des fire marshal and an official appointed under any otherincendies et un fonctionnaire nommé en vertu de toute Act of the Legislature or by a local government, the auautre loi de la Législature, ou un nommé par un gouver thority of the fire marshal prevails.nement local, c’est l’autorité du prévôt des incendies qui l’emporte. R.S., c.86, s.24; 1966, c.57, s.6; 2017, c.20, s.72 S.R., ch. 86, art. 24; 1966, ch. 57, art. 6; 2017, ch. 20, art. 72 PART IIPARTIE II SALE OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALSVENTE DE MATÉRIEL ET DE MATIÈRES Approval of fire extinguishers and oil fire unitsExtincteurs et appareil de chauffage approuvés 28No person shall sell or offer for sale any28Nul ne doit vendre ni offrir en vente (a)fire extinguisher, ora)un extincteur d’incendie, ou (b)oil fired unit designed for heating or cookingb)un appareil de chauffage ou de cuisson au ma zout unless it has been approved by the fire marshal in acs’il n’a pas été approuvé par le prévôt des incendies con cordance with the regulations.formément aux règlements. 1959, c.46, s.21959, ch. 46, art. 2 Licence respecting sale of fire extinguisherPermis de vente d’extincteur 29(1)No person shall sell or offer for sale any extin29(1)Nul ne doit vendre ou offrir en vente un extinc guisher at a place other than an established wholesale orteur ailleurs que dans un véritable magasin de gros ou de retail store unless he is the holder of a valid subsistingdétail à moins d’être titulaire d’un permis valable et en licence issued under authority of this section.vigueur, délivré en vertu du présent article. 29(2)The fire marshal may issue licences to persons29(2)Le prévôt des incendies peut délivrer des permis to sell fire extinguishers as provided by the regulations.de vendre des extincteurs d’incendie conformément aux dispositions des règlements. 29(3)All fees received under this section shall be paid29(3)Tous les droits perçus en vertu du présent article into and form part of the Consolidated Fund.doivent être versés au Fonds consolidé et en font partie. 1959, c.46, s.21959, ch. 46, art. 2 Fireworks – generalPièces d’artifice – généralités 29.1No person shall sell, keep for sale, give, buy or29.1Nul n’est autorisé à vendre, garder pour la vente, set off fireworks except as provided in this Act.donner, acheter ou tirer des pièces d’artifice sauf dans les conditions prévues par la présente loi. 1975, c.78, s.9 1975, ch. 78, art. 9 Fireworks – public displayPièces d’artifice – spectacle public 29.2Fireworks may be sold or given to or set off by a29.2Des pièces d’artifice peuvent être vendues ou person or organization conducting a public display, if thedonnées à un particulier ou à une organisation qui pré display is held with the written permission of the firesente un spectacle public de feu d’artifice, ou tirées par 27 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies marshal or the chief of the fire department of the localce particulier ou cette organisation, si le spectacle est government in which the display is proposed to be held,présenté avec l’autorisation écrite du prévôt des incen and in accordance with the conditions attached to suchdies ou du chef des pompiers du gouvernement local où permission.il doit avoir lieu et s’il satisfait aux conditions dont est assortie l’autorisation. 1975, c.78, s.9; 2017, c.20, s.72 1975, ch. 78, art. 9; 2017, ch. 20, art. 72 Fireworks – exceptions re public displayPièces d’artifice – exceptions relatives à un spectacle public 29.3Notwithstanding section 29.2, the fire marshal29.3Nonobstant l’article 29.2, le prévôt des incendies may designate certain fireworks unsuitable for beingpeut déclarer certaines pièces d’artifice impropres à être sold, given or set off for the purpose of public display.vendues, données ou tirées à l’occasion d’un spectacle public de feu d’artifice. 1975, c.78, s.9 1975, ch. 78, art. 9 Fireworks – other statute, other province or foreignPièces d’artifice – autre loi, autre province ou pays countryétranger 29.4Nothing in this Act prevents a person licensed29.4Aucune disposition de la présente loi n’interdit à and authorized under any statute of Canada to have orla personne qui détient, en vertu d’une loi du Canada, un keep for sale fireworks in a place and in a manner aupermis et une autorisation d’avoir ou de garder en vue de thorized by or under any such statute from having orla vente des pièces d’artifices dans un endroit et de la keeping fireworks for sale to a person in another provmanière que prévoit cette loi, d’avoir ou de garder des ince or in a foreign country, or from keeping for sale orpièces d’artifice pour les vendre à une personne d’une selling fireworks in accordance with section 29.2.autre province ou d’un pays étranger ou de garder pour la vente ou de vendre des pièces d’artifice conformément 1975, c.78, s.9 à l’article 29.2. 1975, ch. 78, art. 9 Fireworks – contraventionPièces d’artifice – violation 29.5The fire marshal and members of the Royal Cana29.5Le prévôt des incendies et les membres de la dian Mounted Police or any police force as defined inGendarmerie royale du Canada ou de tout corps de po thePolice Act may, without warrant, seize and confislice tel que défini dans la Loi sur la police peuvent, sans cate any fireworks that are sold, kept for sale, given,mandat, saisir et confisquer toute pièce d’artifice vendue, bought, or which have been set off in contravention ofgardée pour la vente, donnée, achetée ou tirée en viola this Act.tion de la présente loi. 1975, c.78, s.9; 1981, c.59, s.281975, ch. 78, art. 9; 1981, ch. 59, art. 28 Fireworks – burden of proofPièces d’artifice – fardeau de la preuve 29.6In any prosecution for a violation of sections29.6Dans toute poursuite pour une infraction aux arti 29.1 to 29.3, the burden of proving that a person has orcles 29.1 à 29.3, il incombe au défendeur de prouver is keeping fireworks for sale to a person in another provqu’il a ou qu’il garde des pièces d’artifice soit pour les ince or in a foreign country or pursuant to authorizationvendre à une personne d’une autre province ou d’un pays and licence under a statute of Canada shall be upon theétranger, soit conformément au permis et à l’autorisation defendant.prévus par une loi du Canada. 1975, c.78, s.91975, ch. 78, art. 9 28 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 PART IIIPARTIE III REGULATIONSRÈGLEMENTS RegulationsRèglements 30(1)TheLieutenant-Governor in Council may make30(1)Lelieutenant-gouverneur en conseil peut établir regulationsdes règlements (a)governing the transportation, handling, sale anda)régissant le transport, la manutention, la vente et storage of petroleum products,le stockage de produits pétroliers, (b)respecting the sale and installation of oil burningb)concernant la vente et l’installation d’appareils equipment,fonctionnant au mazout, (b.1)respecting the inspection of oil burning equipb.1)concernant l’inspection des appareils fonction ment and prescribing fees for the inspection;nant au mazout et prescrivant les droits y afférents; (b.2)respecting the inspection of an installation ofb.2)concernant l’inspection des installations des ap oil burning equipment and prescribing fees for the inpareils fonctionnant au mazout et prescrivant les spection;droits y afférents; (b.3)respecting the circumstances and manner inb.3)concernant les circonstances et la manière se which the fire marshal may connect or disconnect oillon lesquelles le prévôt des incendies peut brancher burning equipment from the source of oil;ou débrancher un appareil fonctionnant au mazout de la source du mazout; (b.4)respecting the issuance and cancellation ofb.4)concernant la délivrance et l’annulation d’une permits for the installation of oil burning equipment;licence d’installation d’appareils fonctionnant au ma zout; (b.5)prescribing fees for the issuance of permits forb.5)prescrivant les droits à payer pour la délivrance the installation of oil burning equipment;d’une licence d’installation d’appareils fonctionnant au mazout; (b.6)respecting the issuance, renewal, suspensionb.6)concernant la délivrance, le renouvellement, la and cancellation of oil burner mechanic licences;suspension et l’annulation d’un permis de mécanicien de brûleurs à mazout; (b.7)prescribing fees for the issuance and renewalb.7)prescrivant les droits à payer pour la délivrance of oil burner mechanic licences;et le renouvellement d’un permis de mécanicien de brûleurs à mazout; (b.8)respecting appeals of decisions to refuse to isb.8)concernant l’appel du refus de délivrance ou de sue or renew oil burner mechanic licences or to refuserenouvellement d’un permis de mécanicien de brû to issue permits for the installation of oil burningleurs à mazout ou du refus de délivrance d’une licence equipment;d’installation d’appareils fonctionnant au mazout; (b.9)respecting appeals of decisions to suspend orb.9)concernant l’appel d’une suspension ou d’une cancel oil burner mechanic licences or to cancel perannulation d’un permis de mécanicien de brûleurs à mits for the installation of oil burning equipment;mazout ou d’une annulation d’une licence d’installa tion d’appareils fonctionnant au mazout; 29 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies (c)respecting the conditions under which a fire exc)concernant les conditions dans lesquelles le pré tinguisher or oil fired unit shall be acceptable by thevôt des incendies peut agréer un extincteur d’incendie fire marshal,ou un appareil fonctionnant au mazout, (c.01)respecting the approval of fire extinguishers;c.01)concernant l’approbation des extincteurs; (c.1)respecting the conditions under which a firec.1)concernant les conditions de réparation et d’en extinguisher is to be serviced and maintained;tretien d’un extincteur; (c.2)respecting the issuance of licences to personsc.2)concernant la délivrance de permis aux répara servicing fire extinguishers;teurs d’extincteur; (c.3)prescribing fees payable for licences issued toc.3)prescrivant les droits à payer par les réparateurs persons servicing fire extinguishers;d’extincteurs pour la délivrance d’un permis; (c.4)respecting the issuance of fire extinguisherc.4)concernant la délivrance, le renouvellement et salesman licences and the renewal and expirationl’expiration des permis de vendeur d’extincteurs; thereof; (c.5)prescribing fees payable for licences issued toc.5)prescrivant les droits à payer par les vendeurs fire extinguisher salesmen;d’extincteurs pour la délivrance d’un permis; (d)prescribing building standards and fire prevend)fixant des normes de construction ou de préven tion standards,tion des incendies, (d.1)respecting fire suppression procedures, fired.1)concernant les procédures de contrôle des in suppression equipment and fire fighting training;cendies, l’équipement de lutte contre les incendies ainsi que la formation des pompiers; (d.11)respecting non-fire related rescue procedures,d.11)concernant la procédure de sauvetage étranger non-fire related rescue equipment and non-firerelatedà un incendie, l’équipement à utiliser à l’occasion rescue training;d’un sauvetage étranger à un incendie et la formation des pompiers au sauvetage étranger à un incendie; (d.2)prescribing fees for the review of plans underd.2)prescrivant les droits à payer pour l’examen de section 18 or 19;plans aux termes de l’article 18 ou 19; (e)designating other explosives as fireworks for thee)désignant, aux fins de la présente loi, d’autres ex purposes of this Act,plosifs comme pièces d’artifice, (f)respecting the use of fireworks,f)concernant l’utilisation des pièces d’artifice, (f.01)defining “low hazard fireworks”;f.01)définissant l’expression « pièces d’artifice à bas risque »; (f.02)respecting the conditions under which lowf.02)concernant les conditions relatives à la vente hazard fireworks may be sold;de pièces d’artifice à bas risque; (f.03)respecting the issuance, suspension, cancellaf.03)concernant la délivrance, la suspension, l’an tion and reinstatement of licences for wholesale andnulation et le rétablissement de permis de grossistes et retail vendors of low hazard fireworks and the termsde détaillants de pièces d’artifice à bas risque et les and conditions of such licences;modalités et conditions de ces permis; 30 Fire Prevention ActChap. F-13 (f.04)respecting fees for the application for, the isf.04)concernant les droits à prélever pour les de suance of and the reinstatement of licences referred tomandes, la délivrance et le rétablissement des permis in paragraph (f.03);visés à l’alinéa f.03); (f.1)respecting forms for use under this Act;f.1)concernant les formules à utiliser en vertu de la présente loi; (g)to carry out the purposes of this Act includingg)visant à l’application de la présente loi et portant matters in respect of which no provision has beennotamment sur des questions qui n’ont pas été réglées. made. 30(2)A regulation made under this section may differ30(2)L’application d’un règlement établi en vertu du in its application in different localities or with referenceprésent article peut varier selon les localités, les catégo to different classes of buildings or to different condiries de bâtiments ou les circonstances. tions. 30(3)Repealed: 1975, c.78, s.1030(3)Abrogé : 1975, ch. 78, art. 10 30(4)Repealed: 1975, c.78, s.1030(4)Abrogé : 1975, ch. 78, art. 10 R.S., c.86, s.44; 1959, c.46, s.3; 1967, c.41, s.7; 1975,S.R., ch. 86, art. 44; 1959, ch. 46, art. 3; 1967, ch. 41, c.78, s.10; 1979, c.24, s.5; 1981, c.27, s.3; 1984, c.6, s.1;art. 7; 1975, ch. 78, art. 10; 1979, ch. 24, art. 5; 1981, 1995, c.45, s.22; 2007, c.73, s.1; 2011, c.22, s.2ch. 27, art. 3; 1984, ch. 6, art. 1; 1995, ch. 45, art. 22; 2007, ch. 73, art. 1; 2011, ch. 22, art. 2 31 Ch. F-13Loi sur la prévention des incendies SCHEDULE AANNEXE A Column IColumn IIColonne IColonne II SectionCategory of OffenceArticleClasse de l’infraction 7(8)....................... 7(8)....................... FF 8(1)....................... 8(1)....................... CC 8(2)....................... 8(2)....................... CC 8(4)....................... 8(4)....................... CC 8(5)....................... 8(5)....................... CC 12(3).......................12(3)....................... II 12(5).......................12(5)....................... II 12(6).......................12(6)....................... CC 14(2).......................14(2)....................... HH 16(4).......................16(4)....................... FF 18(1).......................18(1)....................... EE 19(1).......................19(1)....................... HH 23(a).......................23a)....................... EE 23(a.1).....................23a.1)...................... FF 23(a.2).....................23a.2)...................... FF 23(b).......................23b)....................... EE 23(c).......................23c)....................... BB 23(d).......................23d)....................... FF 24(1).......................24(1)....................... FF 24(3).......................24(3)....................... FF 25(2).......................25(2)....................... II 28.........................28......................... DD 29(1).......................29(1)....................... DD 1990, c.61, s.50; 1995, c.45, s.231990, ch. 61, art. 50; 1995, ch. 45, art. 23 N.B.This Act is consolidated to June 16, 2023.N.B.La présente loi est refondue au 16 juin 2023. © KING’S PRINTER FOR NEW BRUNSWICK IMPRIMEUR DU ROI POUR LE NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK All rights reserved/Tous droits réservés 32 COMMON COUNCIL REPORT M&C No.2024-190 Report DateJuly 18, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaGrowth and Community Services HerWorship Mayor Donna Noade ReardonandMembers of Common Council SUBJECT: Housing for All Strategy AUTHORIZATION Primary AuthorCommissioner/Dept. HeadChief Administrative Officer Cara CoesAmy Poffenroth / David J. Brent McGovern Dobbelsteyn RECOMMENDATION The Public Safety Committee Recommends: That the Housing for All Homelessness Strategy be adoptedby Common Council and that Common Council direct the CAO todirect staff to: 1.begin implementation of the strategy; and 2.bring a resourcing plan to Common Council on an annual basis for the duration of the strategy for their consideration as part of annual budget deliberations and 3.more urgent timelines; and 4.a clear discernible ask. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Housing for All Homelessness Strategy identifies our coordinated response to address homelessness over the next three years (2024 to 2027). The delivery of the action plan will collectively result in transitioning more people experiencing homelessness into permanent housing, greater coordination of services, providing additional places to sleep, reducing unhoused sites scattered throughout the city, and pilot projects that could be used in other communities if successful in Saint John. - 2 - PREVIOUS RESOLUTION July 18, 2024 Public Safety Committee RESOLVED that as recommended by the Chief Administrative Officer in the submitted report entitled: Housing for All: A Homelessness Strategy. That the Public Safety Committee endorse the Housing for All Homelessness Strategy and recommend its adoption by Common Council and that Common Council direct the CAO to: 1. begin implementation of the strategy; and 2. bring a resourcing plan to Common Council on an annual basis for the duration of the strategy for their consideration as part of annual budget deliberations and 3. more urgent timelines; and 4. a clear discernible ask. April 2, 2024 Council received and filed a presentation from the CAO on the 2024 Corporate Work Plan, which included Housing For All: Develop recommendations sness using a policy approach, in partnership with other levels of government. December 11, 2023 - Council approved the following resolution Common Council adopt the Housing for All Vision as a steering statement during the creation of policy and guidelines, in collaboration with the Province of New Brun STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT Belong: Quality of Life, Social Well-being, Affordable Housing, Safe Community Spaces. housing, including the Affordable Housing Action Plan. REPORT Housing is a basic human right, a fundamental building block of a healthy, inclusive, sustainable community. Home is where we extend our roots to build our lives, nurture ourselves and our loved ones, and engage in our community. Background Late fall 2023, the Housing for All Vision Statement was presented to the Public Safety Committee for discussion and approval to bring forward to Council. Work completed in developing this vision statement involved extensive research, interviews and discussions with subject matter experts, community agencies and other partners. This work provided necessary direction in development of the - 3 - The Housing for All Vision Statement was adopted by Council in December 2023. sustainable home. In the spirit of the right to adequate housing articulated in the ity of Saint John wishes for its residents to live in security, peace, and dignity, regardless of community spaces for access by all its residents, while supporting individuals as they Overview Housing affects everyone, in turn affecting the health of our community, impacting healthcare resources, crime and safety, and yields profound physical, mental, and emotional strains. Despite these challenges, our community is working together to support people experiencing homelessness through prevention and diversion initiatives, collaborating on creative solutions, and . As stated in the 2022-2025 New Brunswick Action Plan; 2018-2028 CMHC New Brunswick Bilateral Agreement Under the National Housing Strategy: homelessness by operationalizing and implementing the New Brunswick Housing Strategy A Home for Everyone (2019-2029), the federal homelessness strategy sing, Health and Designating safe spaces for all community members, as well as creating space for individuals residing in unhoused sites is in accordance with the Human Rights Act. Ensuring services are accessible for our homeless supports this vulnerable population and strengthens the health and safety of our greater community. Recognizing that this will take time, and that traditional approaches may not fit he city, province, and community agencies are working together to help the homeless population. Process Through continued research, interviews, and stakeholder engagement, the team has gathered and evaluated inputs from external and internal discussions. It is clear through these conversations that a collaborative approach is imperative in developing and strengthening tools and resources to better support those living rough. - 4 - Regular input on the development of the Housing for All Homelessness Strategy was sought through an iterative process from all City Departments, Saint John Police, the Government of New Brunswick, Community agencies, and the Public Safety Committee. This feedback has provided valuable insight pertaining to how we can continue to work together to further increase coordination and ultimately help move Saint John closer to a state where homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring. Next Steps With Council approval of the Housing for All Homelessness Strategy, for actions where the City is identified as a Lead or a Partner, staff will begin to implement the actions of the four objectives identified: Coordination and Governance, Emergency Supports, Prevention, Education and Safety, Housing Supports. Staff will provide regular updates on the strategy to both the Public Safety Committee and Common Council. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES The actions in the strategy where the City is the lead will require individual project plans and will likely require additional staff or financial resources to be delivering the strategy have not yet been fully identified and they will be actively sought from senior levels of government and in partnership with our front-line agencies. The City of Saint John is actively working in collaboration with the Province of New Brunswick and Community Agencies. To date, staff time, cleanup of vacated shelters on city property, and garbage pickup from unhoused sites have been financially supported by the city. Costs incurred for cleanup of vacated shelters deemed to pose safety risks in 2023 were just under $100,000. The City continues to support site cleanup efforts costing approximately $54,000 (2024 YTD). In addition to this investment, internal in-kind resources are used for cleanups, collection of garbage, as well as administrative efforts. There have been over 200 calls for service YTD to the Saint John Fire Department related to smoke or fires, near or at encampment sites. 56% of respondents to the 2023 Point in Time Count interacted with Police in the past year. - 5 - The action plan is designed to be flexible, the time frames are high level estimates, but are subject to change based on overall project and community needs. Specific measurable outcomes and timelines will be developed as the various actions begin to be implemented. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS The development of the Housing for All Homelessness Strategy was developed with the support of all City departments and under the guidance of the Public Safety Committee. A list of contributors to the development of strategy is listed in the strategy appendix. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A - Housing for All Strategy Attachment B Housing for All Strategy Presentation Ipvtjoh!gps!Bmm/! 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Tztufn!)IJGJT* 26/ Tnbmm!Djuz-!Cjh!Ifbsu/ Qfujuf!Wjmmf-!Hsboe!Dvs/ TBJOUKPIO/DB CƩƚƒʹCity of Saint John, New Brunswick <webform-noreply@saintjohn.ca> {ĻƓƷʹ Thursday, July 11, 2024 10:53 AM ƚʹ Common Clerk <commonclerk@saintjohn.ca> {ǒĬƆĻĭƷʹ Webform submission from: Submission to Council Form \[ External Email Alert\] **Please note that this message is from an external sender. If it appears to be sent from a Saint John employee, please forward the email to spamsample@saintjohn.ca or contact the IT Service Desk.** Submitted on Thu, 07/11/2024 - 10:52 Submitted by: Anonymous Submitted values are: About Person/Group Submitting First name Bob Last name McVicar Name of organization/group (where applicable) Sutton Realty Mailing Address Telephone Email If you do not wish to have your personal information (address, phone number, email) become part of the public record, please check this box. No About your Submission Topic of submission Homelessness and Public Safety Purpose for submission (what is the ask of council): Councillors, straight over the top. Public nudity, random public masturbation, encampments randomly popping up everywhere. There appears to be no municipal response. The police just running from call to call, but no proactive presence of policing. True anarchy emergency and we need to apply human resources and we need to do it fast. is there any conversation around this thought? its quite apparent on the streets at the moment that the city is just keeping its head down. Nothing from the Mayor, nothing from the Police Chief, ....just nothing. I know you live it like we live it. What are we going to do ? Citizens are beginning to consider and discuss actions that will lead to vigilantism. We are on the edge. 46Waterloo Street Saint John,NB E2L 3P3 (P) 506-638-1409 July 17, 2024 Saint John City Council and Public Safety Committee; Subject: Request for Exemptions in Fire Bylaw for Homeless Individuals I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the proposedfire bylaw, which lacks provisions or exemptions for unhousedindividuals. While I understand the necessity of fire safety regulations to protect public health and safety, it is crucial to consider the unique and vulnerable situation of the unhousedpopulation in our community. Government responses to encampment safety often fail to employ a rights-based approach. In many cases, the issues associated with encampments fall within the responsibility of municipal authorities, through bylaws specific to policing, fire and safety, sanitation, and social services. This has led to a pattern whereby municipal governments deploy bylaws, local police, and zoning policies that displace people in encampments, even unintentionally. This displacement compromises the physical and psychological health of people who have no place to go and who rely on encampments to survive in the absence of accessible alternatives. The fire department should never beweaponizedagainst people in encampments, as they can be one of the last systems in place that people trust. The absence of exemptions or special considerations for unhousedindividuals places an undue burden on those who are already struggling to meet their basic needs. For many, encampment fires are a means of survival, providing warmth, the ability to cook food, and a sense of security. Enforcing strict fire bylaws withoutany exemptions for the unhousednot only criminalizes their existence but also exacerbates their hardships. Municipalities often cite health, safety, and fire concerns to enact bylaws, but these concerns are rarely informed by the lived experiences of encampment residents and the very real possibility of death they face. This approach undermines the safety of our unhoused population, further displacing them inincreasingly insecure and unsafe situations where their needs and presence are made invisible. We also need to be cognizant of the fact that other bylaws implemented in cities across Canada have been foundby the Supreme Court to violate the liberty and security of the person rights of unhoused people, as protected by Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It is imperative that our bylaws do not infringe upon these fundamental rights. Additionally, we must ensure that any bylaws are not grossly disproportionate to any benefit that the city might derive from furthering its objectives. I would also like to highlight the current shelter situation in Saint John. At present, there are only 67 shelter beds available, and with the addition of the Out of the Cold (OTC) shelter in the winter, this number will increase by only 45 beds, for a total of 112 beds. There are just under 700 individuals unhoused in our city and increasing every day. Accord adequate housing, whether formal or informal, "housing must provide its residents with safety, security, and dignity and must contain those services that are necessary for protecting human life, including water, sanitation, heating, and cooking facilities." I respectfully request that the fire bylaw be amended to include reasonable exemptions or alternatives for unhoused individuals. In addition to the current provision of fire safety education and resource collaboration by frontline agencies and the fire department examples of exemptions could include a complete exemption, designated safe areas where small, controlled fires are permitted, or a collaboration to create or obtain safe collapsable fire pits and use outreach teams to facilitate this to ensure that the fire safety needs of the homeless population are met without compromising their survival. It is essential for our community to address the needs of all its members, including the most vulnerable. By incorporating exemptions for homeless individuals into the fire bylaw, we can take a compassionate and practical approach that balances safety with humanity. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this matter further and to explore possible solutions that can benefit everyone in our community. Thank you for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to your response. Sincerely, Melanie Vautour Executive Director Fresh Start Services (506) 638-1409 | ed.freshstart@gmail.com M&C No.2024-201 Report DateJuly 18, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaStrategic Services SUBJECT: Invitation to Present Party Platform at Special Open Session Meeting of Saint John Common Council EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL As we approach the Provincial General Election, Saint John Common Council invites political parties to present their platforms at a special open session meeting of Common Council. We seek to engage with all parties to understand their plans, particularly those affecting our City, and to ensure candidates are aware of Saint John’s key priorities. Presentations are scheduled for either August 26 or September 9, with 30 minutes allotted per party and an additional ten minutes for questions. The CEO of Saint John Energy and the Chief of Police will also attend. Attached is a position paper outlining the City’s six priority asks of the Province, providing valuable context for the presentations.The City proposes several policy considerations for the upcoming provincial election. These include the development of a new comprehensive recreation facility, industrial park expansion, affordable housing initiatives, support for the corporatization of Saint John Energy, fiscal tax reform, and critical road improvements. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Resolve that the Mayor, on behalf of Common Council, send the attached invitation letter and Saint John position paper to each party leader participating in the upcoming Provincial General Election, along with their candidates from the Saint John ridings, to present their platform at a special open session meeting of Common Council. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT M&C No.2024-188 Report DateJuly 10, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaGrowth and Community Services SUBJECT: IRCC Contribution Agreement – Amendment 4 – LIP 2024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL The City of Saint John has secured additional funds through its Contribution Agreement as represented by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship to support Research initiatives on behalf of the Saint John Local Immigration Partnership. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ThatCommon Council approvethe City enter into the Contribution Agreement Amendment Number (4) in the form as attached to M&C 2024-188with His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Citizenshipand Immigration, for the purpose of increasing the contribution for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said Contribution Agreementand any documents ancillary thereto. M&C No.2024-189 Report DateJuly 16, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaGeneral Counsel SUBJECT: Revised Lease Agreement with Saint John Arts Centre for EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL The City of Saint John entered a new lease with the Saint John Arts Centre Inc. (“SJAC”) in 2019. The lease outlined financial terms, including operating costs and fair market rent. In 2021, the lease was revised to include utilities and property tax in an all-inclusive rent. Shortly thereafter, due to municipal reform, the Fundy Regional Service Commission (“FRSC”)was given an expanded mandate andis now responsible for both operating and capital costs associated for regional facilities. The FRSC requested that the City review the rental fees being charged and City staff undertook the review as requested and are recommending a revised lease agreement effective August 1, 2024. COUNCIL RESOLUTION That the City enter into a Lease Agreement with Saint John Arts Centre Inc. in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held July 22, 2024, for the lease of the premises known as the Carnegie Building, situated at 20 Peel Plaza, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said Lease Agreementand any other documents ancillary thereto. M&C No.2024-196 Report DateJuly 17, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaGeneral Counsel Office SUBJECT: Construction License Agreement with W.L. Holdings Inc for 99 King Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL 99 King Street development began in 2021 with the demolition of two buildings, including the former Woolworth’s building. Currently, existing foundation walls are being removed, and construction on the new foundation is expected to start in August 2024. Staff recommend a temporary license agreement with the developer for continued use of South Market Street during construction, with a proposed license fee of $1,000.00. The City also plans to petition the Province for private legislation to grant an easementover South Market Street by Spring 2025. COUNCIL RESOLUTION That the City enter into a License Agreement with W/L Holdings Inc. in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held July 22, 2024, over a portion of PID 39420, known as South Market Street, to permit the construction of the new building to be located at 99 King Street, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized the execute the said License Agreement and any other documents ancillary thereto. M&C No.2024-199 Report DateJuly 18, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaGeneral Counsel SUBJECT: Retail Drive Realignment –Second Amending Agreement with Clear View Homes EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL Aligning the intersections of Ashburn Lake Road and Retail Drive at Rothesay Avenue into a single intersections has been a long-standing priority for the City. In order to realign this intersection, the City mustacquire certain properties. Minor amendments to the existing Land Acquisition Agreement between the City and Clear View Homes Ltd. are required toadjust some timelinesthat will enable the constructionto proceed in 2024. COUNCIL RESOLUTION That the City enter into the Second Amending Agreement with ClearView Homes Ltd.and Orion M.C. Inc., in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held July 22, 2024,for the purpose of extending the City’s conditions precedent in the Amended and Restated Land Acquisition Agreement dated December 21, 2023, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said Amending Agreement andany documentsancillarythereto. M&C No.2024-202 Report DateJuly 19, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaGeneral Counsel SUBJECT: Financial Contribution Agreement –26 Retail Drive EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL The Cityhas been working to secure the necessary lands for the Retail Drive Realignment project. The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s approval to provide a financial contribution to a resident of one of the properties that the City needs to acquire for this Project. COUNCIL RESOLUTION That the City enter into the Financial Contribution Agreement with Barbara Ellemberg generally in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held July 22, 2024, for the purpose of securing vacant possession of lands required for the Retail Drive Realignment Project, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said Financial Contribution Agreement and any other documents ancillary thereto. M&C No.2024- Report DateJuly 17, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaGeneral Counsel SUBJECT:Sale of Portion of Somerset Acres to Housing NB EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL The City iscontinuing to take action to accelerate the development of affordable housing, includingsupporting individuals experiencing homelessness as they move through the housing spectrum into transitional housing. The purpose of this report is to seek authority for the City to enter into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Housing New Brunswick for thesaleofa portion ofPID 00046359to develop ‘Somerset Acres’, an 18-unittemporary transitional housing projectfor 25 people(including couples). Each unithas its own bed, bathroom and kitchenette. Details about this exciting opportunity will be released as the project progresses. COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1.That theCity enter into the Agreement of Purchase and Sale generally in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held July 22, 2024, with New Brunswick Housing Corporation for the sale of a portion of PID 00046359containing an approximate area of 11,364 square meters; 2.That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents necessary to effect this transaction. M&C No.2024-197 Report DateJuly 18, 2024 Meeting DateJuly 22, 2024 Service AreaGeneral Counsel SUBJECT: Rapid Housing Initiative –Barracks Green Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL At its meeting held July 24, 2023, Council resolved to enter a Contribution Agreement with Kaleidoscope Social Impact for a project located at 67 Broadview Street, known as the Barracks Green Residences. Since that time, there have been several changes required to the project to ensure the project remains viable. The Amended and Restated Contribution Agreement is more reflective of the circumstances of the project and the recommendations herein will allow the project to continue in a timely manner. COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1)That the City enter into an Amended and Restated Contribution Agreement in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held July 22, 2024, with Kaleidoscope Social Impact Inc. (the “Amendment”) for the purpose of reflecting a change of contractor and changes in the funding structure and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said Amendment and any document ancillary thereto. 2)That the City of Saint John discharge the Mortgage on the Rectory property, being PID # 55242242, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Discharge and any documents ancillary thereto or necessary to effect the transaction, and 3)That the City enter into a Contribution Agreement in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held July 22, 2024,, with Kaleidoscope Social Impact Inc. for the purpose of providing a one-time financial contribution of $257,790.00 to assist in closing the funding gap in the Barracks Green Residence project and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the saidContribution Agreement and any other documents ancillary thereto.