HR-008 - Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Policy_2024 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Policy Subject: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Category: Policy Policy No.: HR-008 M&C Report No.: 2024-042 Effective Date: Next Review Date: April 8, 2026 Area(s) this policy applies to: All Staff Office Responsible for Review of this Policy: Human Resources Related Instruments: Policy Sponsor: Chief Administrative Officer Document Pages: 9 Revision History: City Clerk's Annotation for Official Record I certify that the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Policy Statement was adopted by resolution of Common Council on February 20, 2024. I certify that the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Policy was approved by the Chief Administrative Officer. April 8, 2024. City Clerk Contact: Human Resources Telephone: 506-658-2866 Email: humanresources@saintjohn.ca Table of Contents 1. Policy Statement ............................................................................................................................ 3 2. Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 3 3. Definitions ...................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Framework ..................................................................................................................................... 6 5. Legislation and Standards ............................................................................................................ 7 6. Roles And Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 7 7. Monitor And Review....................................................................................................................... 8 8. Authorization.................................................................................................................................. 9 9. Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 9 10. Inquiries .......................................................................................................................................... 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The land on which the City of Saint John is situated is the traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet). The Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) along with their Indigenous neighbours, the Mi'Kmaq (Mi'kmaw) and Peskotomuhkati (Passamoquoddy) signed Peace and Friendship Treaties with the British Crown in the 1700s that protected their rights to lands and resources. The City of Saint John recognizes all diverse communities and citizens, and their contribution to the evolution of the City and the Province of New Brunswick. The City is committed to eradicating systemic racism in Saint John in collaboration with internal and community stakeholders and to uplift the social, cultural, and economic position of all communities. 1. Policy Statement The City of Saint John, as an Employer, values diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. We strive to create a workplace where differences in background, experiences, and views are understood, respected, and accepted by all. We celebrate our differences and consider them to be organizational strengths. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policy; hereafter referred to as the “Policy” is developed for the purpose of providing all employees with a framework that identifies the primary goals and objectives and communicates the City’s commitment to providing a respectful and welcoming workplace for all. The Policy aligns with Council’s priorities of Belong and Perform. Through this Policy the City demonstrates our value of creating a welcoming community within the workplace and holds ourselves accountable for results by nurturing a workplace that supports all employees to perform at their best. 2. Scope The Policy applies to all City of Saint John employees and any volunteers serving on behalf of the City of Saint John. All City employees and volunteers are expected to demonstrate respect and inclusivity in accordance with this policy to create and sustain a respectful and welcoming work environment for all. At the core of this policy are three primary goals. These goals represent the ideal state of achieving a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace that we continue to strive for at the city: 1. To have a respectful and welcoming workplace free of any discrimination, biases, and barriers. 2. To attract and retain a talented and skilled workforce that is reflective of the diversity within our community. 3. To recognize and respect the needs of diversity of employees by having all programs and communications created with a diversity and inclusive lens. 3 3. Definitions Bias (noun) Prejudice in favour of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. Discrimination As defined by the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission Details (gnb.ca): Discrimination can be defined in everyday terms as a practice or standard that is not reasonably necessary, that has the effect, intended or not, of putting certain persons or groups at a disadvantage because of shared personal characteristics such as race, sex, or religion, and that is based on stereotypes about them or perpetuates the view that they are less capable or less worthy of recognition or value. Prohibited grounds of discrimination under the New Brunswick Human Rights Act are: race, colour, national origin, ancestry, place of origin, creed or religion, age, physical disability, mental disability, marital status, family status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identify or expression, social condition, and political belief or activity. Diversity From a broad perspective, diversity refers to any characteristic that distinguishes people from one another. This includes, but is not limited to social, race, cultural, economic, gender, age, and physical characteristics. differences in opinions, ideas, perspectives, and skills and abilities. Equity Equity involves fairness and justice for all. It includes a focus on societal disparities by taking into consideration an individual’s unique circumstance, and adjusting treatment accordingly, so that an outcome is fair for all. Harassment As stated in the City of Saint John’s Workplace Conduct Policy: Workplace Harassment/Bullying includes any offensive, insulting, intimidating, and hurtful behavior, including physical violence, discrimination, and verbal abuse that the employee knows or should know: 1. is unwelcome; 2. creates a hostile work environment; or 3. harms another person physically, emotionally, or mentally. 4 While harassment/bullying often encompasses repeated verbal and/or physical abuse, under some circumstances even one occurrence of this behavior may constitute workplace harassment. Workplace harassment includes but is not limited to: 1. behavior that is hostile in nature, and/or intends to degrade an individual based on personal attributes, including age, race, nationality, disability, family status, religion, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and/or any other Human Rights protected grounds; 2. action(s) that could reasonably be regarded as creating a hostile, intimidating or offensive workplace. This may include physical, verbal, written, graphic, or electronic means; 3. any threat of physical violence that endangers the health and safety of the employee; 4. knowingly filing a false charge or complaint against another for the purpose of causing damage to the reputation or employment status of that person. Workplace harassment does not include those actions taken by a supervisor while appropriately managing the performance of a subordinate. It is expected that those actions will be taken in a respectful manner. Inclusion At the City of Saint John, inclusion refers to a culture of belonging for everyone. Inclusion is demonstrated by everyone being respected, accepted, and valued for their opinions, ideas, perspectives, and skills and abilities. Racism . (noun) Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. Systemic Barrier Systemic Barriers- Fact Sheet.pdf (mentalhealthpeel.org) Consists of patterns of behaviour, policies or practices that are part of the social or administrative structures of an organization, and which create or perpetuate a position of relative disadvantage for racialized persons. Examples of systemic barriers: - Avoiding a topic (e.g., mental health) with a client - Not referring clients to appropriate mental health/addiction services - Complicated/industry-specific language on material, Voicemail, flyers 5 4. Framework Embracing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace is more than establishing employment targets and reviewing processes for biases; it is a journey that all City employees are dedicated to take to learn and grow as an organization. The destination continues to evolve with Canadian society, and it is important that the City, as an Employer, undertake deliberate and meaningful actions that continue to improve understanding and acceptance in the workplace for all. The primary objective of this policy is to promote and strive for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. This will be accomplished by:  bringing awareness and offer education to all employees on the importance and benefits of DEI in the workplace.  ensuring all employee policies, processes, and practices have scheduled reviews to watch for systemic biases and barriers. To achieve the objectives noted above the following framework for diversity and inclusion has been developed. The framework, as depicted in the graphic below, is divided into four components, Commitment; Awareness & Education; Recognizable Change; and Evolving Change (C.A.R.E.). Collectively, the components work together to represent the embodiment of diversity, equity, and inclusion valued by the City of Saint John. 6 Commitment by ensuring all employees hear and see the commitment the City is making to improve understanding and acceptance in the workplace for all Awareness and Education to promote and reinforce the commitment in our daily dealings with one another and continual formal and informal education Recognizable Change to demonstrate the commitment through tangible actions that are measurable and demonstratable Evolving Change to ensure that the City is aware of and attentive to the evolving nature of DEI matters 5. Legislation and Standards This policy aligns with and conforms to the following legislative and policy instruments: a) New Brunswick Human Rights Act: https://laws.gnb.ca/en/ShowPdf/cs/2011- c.171.pdf b) Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: https://canlii.ca/t/8q7l c) New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety Act d) New Brunswick Employment Standards e) Workplace Conduct Policy (City of Saint John) f) Health and Safety Policy (City of Saint John) 6. Roles And Responsibilities DEI in the workplace is the responsibility of all employees and volunteers of the City of Saint John. Having a respectful and accepting work environment where all feel welcome is a core value. Along with the collective responsibility we share in demonstrating this core value, certain roles within the organization assume responsibility for ensuring awareness, support, and compliance of this policy. The following is a list of key responsibilities by role: Senior Leadership  Champion DEI goals across their departments  Ensure managers and supervisors are aware of their responsibilities to support DEI as a core value within their work groups 7  Support a DEI workplace by addressing any issues of discrimination, bias, or racism in a respectful and prompt manner  Develop and implement departmental DEI objectives Managers of Staff and Supervisors  Champion DEI goals and departmental objectives within their work teams  Ensure all employees are aware of their responsibilities to support DEI as a core value within their team  Support a diverse and inclusive workplace by addressing any issues of discrimination, bias, or racism in a respectful and prompt manner  Make DEI part of the team’s daily business operations Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer  Promotes DEI across the organization as the lead support contact across the organization for inquiries on diversity and inclusion in the workplace  In collaboration with Corporate Services Communications team, develop and implement communication plans to increase employee awareness and responsibilities with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion  Implements DEI training and education  Supports departments in implementing DEI actions/plans  Consults with any internal resource groups on DEI initiatives (e.g., departmental, or operational committees)  Builds external partnerships with relevant partners to support the City’s DEI goals All Employees and Volunteers  Demonstrate respect and acceptance for DEI daily with your team members and others  Participate in DEI training as offered by the City  Support and contribute to the successful achievement of departmental DEI objectives 7. Monitor And Review This policy will be reviewed every two (2) years and as required due to changing internal or external considerations under the direction of Human Resources with the involvement of City departments. 8 8. Authorization This Policy is authorized by the Chief Administrative Officer pursuant to a resolution of Common Council approving the associated Policy Statement. 9. Resources Human Resources:  DEI Officer Corporate Communications:  Signature for staff (She/Her, Him/He, They/Them)  Diverse and inclusive-focused templates and emblem design Other Municipalities DEI Direction:  The City of Windsor, Ontario Canada – Diversity and Inclusion Initiative  Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada – Diversity & Inclusion Framework  Calgary, Alberta Canada – Gender Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy  City of Guelph, Ontario Canada – Employee Diversity and Inclusion: Future Ready  Edmonton, Alberta Canada – Diversity & Inclusion Framework & Implementation Plan 10. Inquiries All inquiries related to this Policy will be addressed by the Commissioner, Human Resources or designate. 9