2024-04-02_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Tuesday, April 2, 2024 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order Si vous avez besoin des services en français pour une réunion de Conseil communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant to the provisions of subsection 68(1) of the Local Governance Act and Council / Committee will make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session: nd 4:00 p.m., 2 Floor Boardroom, City Hall 1.1 Approval of Minutes 68(1) 1.2 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.3 Land Matter 68(1)(d) 1.4 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.5 Financial Matter 68(1)(c,d,f) 1.6 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.7 Financial Matter 68(1)(c,f) 1.8 Land Matter 68(1)(d,f) 1.9 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) Ville de Saint John Séance du conseil communal Mardi 2 avril 2024 18 h 30 e 2étage de la salle du conseil communal, Hôtel de ville Nous utiliserons un moyen de communication électronique lors de cette réunion. Le public peut assister à la séance en personne dans la Salle du Conseil ou la regarder sur le site Internet de la ville (www.saintjohn.ca) ou sur TV Rogers Comité plénier 1. Ouverture de la séance Si vous souhaitez obtenir des services en français pour une séance du conseil communal, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. Chacun des points suivants, en totalité ou en partie, peut faire lobjet dune discussion en privé en vertu des dispositions prévues au paragraphe 68(1) de la \[ƚź ƭǒƩ ƌğ ŭƚǒǝĻƩƓğƓĭĻ ƌƚĭğƌĻ. Le conseil/comité prendra une ou des décisions à cet égard au cours de la séance publique : e 16 h - Clôture du comité plénier - Salle de conférence du 2 étage 1.1 Approbation du procès-verbal 68(1) 1.2 Question financière 68(1)(c) 1.3 Question foncière 68(1)(d) 1.4 Question financière 68(1)(c) 1.5 Question financière 68(1)(c,d,f) 1.6 Question financière 68(1)(c) 1.7 Question financière 68(1)(c,f) Séance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la séance 1.1 Reconnaissance des terres 1.2 Hymne national 2. Approbation du procès-verbal 2.1 Procès-verbal du 18 mars 2024 3. Adoption de lordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits dintérêts 5. Questions soumises à lapprobation du conseil 5.1 1 Bayard Drive - Subventions dembellissement et incitatifs au développement urbain (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.2 Soumission 2024-481001T vannes de dérivation du bâtiment de lécran du lac Spruce (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.3 Lettre du président et rapport du CCU NIP 55162267 (Rowan Court) (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.4 Proposition de dévolution de rue - Rowan Court (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.5 Conseil dadministration des arts de la communauté de Saint John - Bénéficiaires du programme de financement (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.6 Contrat n° 2024-06 Resurfaçage dasphalte 2024 (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.7 Contrat 2023-12 : Rue Sydney (rue James Street à Queen Square North) - reconstruction de rue (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.8 Séance dinformation publique : Rues Charlotte et St. James - projet de reconstruction des rues (recommandation : réception dinformation) 5.9 Fonds pour une économie à faibles émissions de carbone (FEFEC) - quatrième entente modificative - projet de réseau énergétique de quartier (REQ) (recommandation dans le rapport) 5.10 2024 Renouvellement du processeur de paiement (recommandation dans le rapport) 6. Commentaires présentés par les membres 7. Proclamation 7.1 Semaine nationale des télécommunicateurs de la sécurité publique - du 14 au 20 avril 2024 8. Délégations et présentations 9. Audiences publiques 9.1 Projet de modification de larrêté de zonage avec rapport du comité consultatif de lurbanisme et présentation du personnel - 730-740, promenade Foster Thurston (première et deuxième lectures) 10. Étude des arrêtés municipaux 10.1 Projet de modification de larrêté relatif à la circulation - augmentation des frais de permis de stationnement pour zone résidentielle (troisième lecture) 10.2 Modification de larrêté relatif à la circulation - stationnement des véhicules commerciaux et des remorques dans la rue Topeka (troisième lecture) 10.3 Modification de larrêté relatif à la pratique de la planche à roulettes à Saint John (troisième lecture) 10.4 Modification de larrêté relatif à la construction (première et deuxième lectures) 10.5 Projet de modification du plan municipal - 901, promenade Foster Thurston 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 12. Affaires municipales évoquées par les fonctionnaires municipaux . 12.1 Mise à jour de ladministrateur en chef sur certains projets catalyseurs et la défense des intérêts (verbal) 12.2 Plan de travail 2024 13. Rapports déposés par les comités 14. Étude des sujets écartés des questions soumises à lapprobation du Bureau 15. Correspondance générale 15.1 J. Tracey : 1671 Sandy Point Road 1671, chemin Sandy Point 15.2 Recommandations du projet TOUTES LES FEMMES (recommandation : sadresser à ladministrateur en chef pour une discussion de suivi avec PRUDE Inc.) 16. Ordre du jour supplémentaire 17. Comité plénier 17.1 à la province du Nouveau-Brunswick 17.2 Location du marché de la ville avec du poulet par Felix 17.3 Constitution de Saint John Industrial Parks (2024) Ltd. 17.4 Libération de la servitude et des clauses restrictives contre le PID 55008932 18. Levée de la séance COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 18, 2024 / le 18 mars 2024 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MARCH 18, 2024 AT 6:00 PM ND 2 FLOOR COMMON COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL An Electronic means of communication will be used at this meeting. The public may attend the meeting in person in the Council Chamber or view the meeting on the Website (www.saintjohn.ca) or on Rogers TV͵ Present: Mayor Donna Noade Reardon Deputy Mayor John MacKenzie Councillor-at-Large Gary Sullivan Councillor-at-Large Brent Harris Councillor Ward 1 Joanna Killen Councillor Ward 2 Barry Ogden Councillor Ward 3 Gerry Lowe Councillor Ward 3 David Hickey Councillor Ward 4 Greg Stewart Councillor Ward 4 Paula Radwan Absent: Councillor Ward 1 Greg Norton Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) B. McGovern General Counsel M. Tompkins Financial Controller C. Lavigne Fire Chief R. Nichol Commissioner Utilities & Infrastructure Services I. Fogan Director of Parking, Parks & Recreational Facilities M. Dionne Commissioner Human Resources S. Hossack Acting Director Growth & Community Planning D. Dobbelsteyn City Clerk J. Taylor Administrative Assistant K. Tibbits 1 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 18, 2024 / le 18 mars 2024 1.Call to Order 1.1 Land Acknowledgement Deputy Mayor MacKenzie read aloud the Land Acknowledgement and called for a moment of reflection. Menaquesk is situated is the traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet.The Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet along with their Indigenous Neighbours, and Friendship Treaties with the British Crown in the 1700s that protected their rights to lands 1.2 National Anthem The Saint John Symphony Youth Orchestra performed O Canada by video. 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Minutes of March 4, 2024 Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Ogden: RESOLVED that the minutes of March 4, 2024, be approved. MOTION CARRIED. 2.2 Minutes of March 11, 2024 Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that the minutes of March 11, 2024, be approved. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Approval of Agenda Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the agenda for March 18, 2024, be approved with the addition of 17.1 Catalytic Multipurpose Recreational Facility; and 17.2 Termination of Lease City Market: Slocum & Ferris. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest Councillor Killen declared a conflict of interest with Item 17.2 Termination of Lease City Market: Slocum & Ferris. 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-088: Scheduling of a Public Hearing for a Heritage Conservation Areas By-Law Amendment 2 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 18, 2024 / le 18 mars 2024 Common Council set the public hearing date of May 13, 2024 to consider an amendment to the HC-1 Saint John Heritage Conservation Areas By-Law concerning the removal of 241 Douglas Avenue (PID: 00379230) from the Douglas Avenue Heritage Conservation Area. The amendment will also incorporate clarifying language around the encroachment of the New Brunswick Museum onto 281 Douglas Avenue (PID: 55222129). 5.2 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-086: Cancellation of a Public Hearing Date 1670 Hickey Road Common Council cancel the public hearing for the Section 59 Amendment application submitted by Joyce E. Barrett for 1670 Hickey Road (PID:55221790) that was scheduled for Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Council Chamber, City Hall 2nd floor, 15 Market Square, Saint John, NB. 5.3 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-092: Fleet Replacement Procurement March 2024 Common Council award the purchase of one (1) 2024 E-One Typhoon Pumper at a total cost of $1,378,831.33 plus HST to 1200 Degres Techno Feu Inc. 5.4 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-066: 2024 Engineering Inspection Services Council authorize staff to establish supply agreements with the five (5) consulting firms identified in the report, at the hourly rates provided in this report, for up to $700,000 plus HST in total, for the provision of engineering inspection services for the 2024 Capital Construction projects. 5.5 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-080: Community Development Fund Agreement: Market Place West Park Revitalization Project the City enter into an agreement with the Regional Development Corporation (RDC) for funding to complete the construction of the Market Place West Phase III Revitalization Project in the form and upon the terms and conditions as attached to M&C No. 2024-80; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said Agreement. 5.6 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-081: Community Development Fund Agreement: City of Saint John Forest Hills Playground Upgrades the City enter into an agreement with the Regional Development Corporation (RDC) for funding to complete the construction of the Forest Hills Playground Upgrades Project in the form and upon the terms and conditions as attached to M&C No. 2024-81; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said Agreement. 5.7 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-085: Community Development Fund Agreement: The City of Saint John Harbour Passage Stairs (Union Street) the City enter into an agreement with the Regional Development Corporation (RDC) for funding under the New Brunswick Community Development Fund for the Harbour Passage Stairs (Union Street) Project in the form and upon the terms and conditions as attached to M&C No. 2024-085; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said Agreement. 5.8 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-087: Community Development Fund Agreement: Rockwood Park Redevelopment Project Phase III the City enter into an agreement with the Regional Development Corporation (RDC) for funding to complete the construction of the Rockwood Park Redevelopment Project Phase III in the form and upon the terms and conditions as attached to M&C No. 2024-087; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said Agreement. 3 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 18, 2024 / le 18 mars 2024 5.9 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2024-090: Community Development Fund Agreement: City of Saint John Reversing Falls Trail Lookoff Access the City enter into an agreement with the Regional Development Corporation (RDC) for funding to complete the design and construction of the Reversing Falls Trail Lookoff Access project in the form and upon the terms and conditions as attached to M&C No. 2024-090; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said Agreement. 5.10 Refer to Item 14.1 Moved by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the recommendation set out in each consent agenda item respectively, with the exception of Item 5.10 which was identified for debate, be adopted. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Members Comments Members commented on various local events. 7. Proclamation 7.1 The Mayor declared March 26, 2024, as Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness in The City of Saint John. 8. Delegations / Presentations 9. Public Hearings 6:30 p.m. 10. Consideration of By-Laws 10.1 Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment 241-281 Douglas Avenue Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Killen: RESOLVED that the proposed Municipal Plan By-Law Amendment regarding 241-281 Douglas Avenue be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and the necessary advertising be authorized with a Public Hearing to be held on Monday, May 13, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber. MOTION CARRIED. (Councillor Sullivan withdrew from the meeting) rd 10.2 Zoning By-Law Amendment 1 Bayard Drive (3 Reading) Acting Director Dobbelsteyn noted that this application is seeking to rezone the property located at 1 Bayard Drive to enable conversion of a former office building to a multi-unit residential project. All legislative requirements under the Community Planning Act have been met. 4 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 18, 2024 / le 18 mars 2024 Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the by--Law Number C.P. 111-162 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-mending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2,737 square metres, located at 1 Bayard Drive, also identified as PID 00015610, from Major Community Facility (CFM) to Urban Centre Residential (RC), be read. MOTION CARRIED. The by--Law Number C.P. 111-162 A Law to Amend the Zoning By-Law , was read in its entirety. Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Ogden: RESOLVED that the by--Law Number C.P. 111-162 A Law to Amend the Zoning By- City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2,737 square metres, located at 1 Bayard Drive, also identified as PID 00015610, from Major Community Facility (CFM) to Urban Centre Residential (RC), be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. MOTION CARRIED. Read a third time by title, the by--Law Number C.P. 111-162 A Law to Amend the Zoning By- (Councillor Sullivan re-entered the meeting) 10.3 Traffic By-Law Amendment Topeka Street Commercial Vehicle and Trailer stnd Parking (1 and 2 Reading) Consideration was given to the submitted report M&C 2024-083: Topeka Street Commercial Vehicle and Trailer Parking. Director Dionne noted that the amendment would prohibit long term parking of commercial vehicles and trailers on the identified street blocks. Short term (30 minute) parking by commercial vehicles would still be permitted for offloading/loading for households. Non-commercial vehicle parking would be unaffected. Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that the by-By-Law Number MV-10.1 A By-Law to Amend a By- Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John adding subsection 5(8) and Schedule R 30 Minute Commercial Vehicle Parking related to a block of Topeka Street and a few connecting blocks, be read a first time. MOTION CARRIED. Read a first time by title, the by-law entitled " By-Law Number MV-10.1 A By-Law to Amend a By-Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John and amendments Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Stewart: 5 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 18, 2024 / le 18 mars 2024 RESOLVED that the by--Law Number MV-10.1 A By-Law to Amend a By- Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in the City of Sain adding subsection 5(8) and Schedule R 30 Minute Commercial Vehicle Parking related to a block of Topeka Street and a few connecting blocks, be read a second time. MOTION CARRIED. Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled " By-Law Number MV-10.1 A By-Law to Amend a By-Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John and stnd 10.4 Traffic By-Law Amendment Residential Parking Permit Fee Increase (1 and 2 Reading) Consideration was given to the submitted report M&C 2024-091: Traffic By-Law Amendment Residential Parking Permit Fee Increase. Director Dionne noted that the current cost of a residential parking permit is $60.00 (HST included) per year. It is recommended that the cost increase to $75 (HST included) annually. The increase would yield an additional $15K in revenue for 2024. Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that the by--Law Number MV-10.1 A By-Law to Amend a By- repealing and replacing subsection 24(6) which would increase the annual fee for a residential zone parking permit to $75 including applicable taxes, be read a first time. MOTION CARRIED. Read a first time by title, the by-law entitled " By-Law Number MV-10.1 A By-Law to Amend a By-Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John and amendments Moved by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor Lowe: RESOLVED that the by--Law Number MV-10.1 A By-Law to Amend a By- Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John and amendments the repealing and replacing subsection 24(6) which would increase the annual fee for a residential zone parking permit to $75 including applicable taxes, be read a second time. MOTION CARRIED. Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled " By-Law Number MV-10.1 A By-Law to Amend a By-Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in the City of Saint John and stnd 10.5 Saint John Skateboard By-Law Amendment (1 and 2 Reading) Consideration was given to the submitted report M&C 2024-082: Saint John Skateboard By-Law Amendment. Director Dionne noted that the proposal would rename Station 1 Skatepark to Station 1 All Wheels Park and would permit the use of scooters within the park. The change aligns with the City's commitment to fostering recreational spaces that 6 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 18, 2024 / le 18 mars 2024 accommodate varied interests and demographics, promoting community engagement and physical activity. Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Killen: RESOLVED that the by--Law Number M-27 A By-Law to Amend a By- Law respecting the Use of Skateboards and other Recreational Equipments within the amending subsection 5(3); and repealing and replacing Schedule A, be read a first time. MOTION CARRIED. Read a first time by title, the by--Law Number M-27 A By-Law to Amend a By-Law respecting the Use of Skateboards and other Recreational Equipments within Moved by Councillor Radwan, seconded by Councillor Harris: RESOLVED that the by--Law Number M-27 A By-Law to Amend a By- Law respecting the Use of Skateboards and other Recreational Equipments within the subsection 5(3); and repealing and replacing Schedule A, be read a second time. MOTION CARRIED. Read a second time by title, the by--Law Number M-27 A By-Law to Amend a By-Law respecting the Use of Skateboards and other Recreational Equipments within 11. Submissions by Council Members 12. Business Matters Municipal Officers 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Civic Commemoration Committee: Commemorative Designation Corner Councillor Hickey stated that this initiative would recognize Parker Cogswell both for his contribution to his neighbourhood as well as the community at large, at the intersection of Carmarthen and Mecklenburg Streets. This plan has been endorsed by PRIDE Saint John. Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Killen: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Civic Commemoration Committee in the submitted report M&C 2024-078: Commemorative Designation Civic Commemoration Committee recommends Common Council: ! 1. commemorative designation for the sidewalk space located at Carmarthen and Mecklenburg streets; and, 7 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 18, 2024 / le 18 mars 2024 2. Direct the CAO to facilitate the launch of this name through communications and interpretive signage in this area. ! MOTION CARRIED. ! 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 14.1 Response to a Proposed Motion from November 27, 2023, by Councillor Brent Harris Moved by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that the submitted report M&C 2024-089: Response to a Proposed Motion from November 27, 2023, by Councillor Brent Harris be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. 15. General Correspondence 15.1 Friends of Rockwood Park: Request to Present re 1671 Sandy Point Road (Recommendation: Refer to Growth Committee for presentation) Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Hickey: RESOLVED that the request to present from Friends of Rockwood Park regarding 1671 Sandy Point Road, be referred to the Growth Committee to schedule a presentation. MOTION CARRIED. 15.2 A. Nose: Request to rescind Council resolution re: Declaration of 1671 Sandy Point Road as surplus property (Recommendation: Receive for Information) Moved by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the request from A. Nose to rescind a Council resolution declaring 1671 Sandy Point Road as surplus property, be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. (Councillor Harris withdrew from the meeting) 15.3 C. Kilpatrick: 1671 Sandy Point Road (Recommendation: Receive for Information) Moved by Councillor Radwan, seconded by Councillor Hickey: RESOLVED that the C. Kilpatrick correspondence regarding 1671 Sandy Point Road, be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. 15.4 B. Elward: Rockwood Park (Recommendation: Receive for Information) Moved by Councillor Stewart, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that the B. Elward correspondence regarding Rockwood Park, be received for information. 8 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 18, 2024 / le 18 mars 2024 MOTION CARRIED. 15.5 D. Ainsworth: Rockwood Park (Recommendation: Receive for Information) Moved by Councillor Radwan, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that the D. Ainsworth correspondence regarding Rockwood Park, be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. (Councillor Harris re-entered the meeting) 16. Supplemental Agenda 17. Committee of the Whole 17.1 Catalytic Multipurpose Recreational Facility Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on March 18, 2024, Common Council approve the withdrawal of up to $200,000 from reserves to undertake a feasibility study for the development of the proposed multipurpose recreational facility. MOTION CARRIED. (Councillor Killen withdrew from the meeting) 17.2 Termination of Lease City Market: Slocum & Ferris Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on March 18, 2024, Common Council approve the following: 1. with 731360 N.B. Ltd., dba Slocum & Ferris in stalls 16, 17, and ancillary spaces effective March 19, 2024; and, 2. The Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the documents necessary to effect the Termination. MOTION CARRIED. 18. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that the meeting of Common Council held on March 18, 2024, be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED. 9 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 18, 2024 / le 18 mars 2024 The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. 10 /haahb /h…b/L\[ w9thw M&C No.2024-096 Report DateMarch 28, 2024 Meeting DateApril 02, 2024 Service AreaGrowth and Community Services HerWorship Mayor Donna Noade ReardonandMembers of Common Council SUBJECT: Њ .ğǤğƩķ 5ƩźǝĻ …ƩĬğƓ 5ĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷ LƓĭĻƓƷźǝĻ DƩğƓƷ AUTHORIZATION Primary AuthorCommissioner/Dept. HeadChief Administrative Officer Andrew ReidAmy Poffenroth/David J. Brent McGovern Dobbelsteyn RECOMMENDATION That Common Council authorize the Mayor and Common Clerk of Saint John to execute the grant agreement with 746050 NBLtd as presented for the redevelopment of former office space at 1 Bayard Drive. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY An application for a Vacant Building Redevelopment Grant has beenreceived by Jill Higgins Architectureon behalf of Michael Wowchuk (74605 NB Ltd)for the creation of33residential units through a two-phaseoffice conversionat1 Bayard Drive. Theproject meets the intent of the Urban Development Incentive policyfor Redevelopmentto assist developers facing construction challenges in the Central Peninsula in repurposingunderutilized space into residential use. Nevertheless,Common Council approval is required as theapplicationdoes not meet technical criteria that requiresthe building to have been vacant for a minimum of one year; the building has been vacant for eight months. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION On March 4, 2024 and March 18, 2024, Common Council gave first,second, and third reading to a rezoning of 1 Bayard Drive from Major Community Facility (CFM) to Urban Centre Residential (RC) On December 13, 2021Common Council amended the Urban Development Incentives Policy, first adopted on March 21, 2016, which supplies grants to assist with the redevelopment of vacant lots, vacant buildings, and vacant upper floor properties in the Central Peninsula. - 2 - REPORT The project, (Schedule A), consists of the conversion of former office space into 25 dwelling units in Phase 1. Phase 2 consists of the addition of eight 8 additional units. The project was initially envisioned as providing assisted living suites; however, with the completion of the rezoning to a residential use, the developer has sought to provide residential units for seniors. Except for the support structure, demolition of the interior will take place, including all mechanical and electrical systems, windows, and doors. $770,000 worth of construction challenges have been submitted in the form of a new sprinkler system, elevator, removal of asbestos or lead paint, and other renovations that will bring the building within the requirements of the Building By-law. The application meets the intention of the Tier 1 Vacant Building Redevelopment Grant. The application exceeds minimum criteria in terms of the number of new units created and estimated construction costs, as well as all other criteria, except for having been vacant for at least one year; the building has been vacant for eight months. The Urban Development Incentive Program intended this criterion to prioritize redevelopment of longstanding vacant buildings in the Central Peninsula. in 2016, six vacant building projects have received commitment through redevelopment grants valuing over $400,000, resulting in 45 units. Reinvestment in underutilized building stock achieves both sustainability and housing goals by addressing a housing gap and avoiding demolition and construction materials moving to landfill. Conversion of commercial/office space also involves a particular construction skillset, which is beneficial to grow throughout the city given the potential of other opportunities. Should the applicant complete the project in accordance with all grant agreement terms outlined in Attachment 1, the grant will amount to $50,000 in construction challenges and a 5-year grant of $122,500, or $172,500 in total. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT Common Council has established five priorities for their 2021-2026 term. Urban Development Incentives align with the following Council Priorities, in addition to the goals of the Central Peninsula Secondary Plan. Grow: Population Growth - Grow our population term. Economic Growth - Achieve 3% annual property tax base growth and ongoing work to increase the target. - 3 - Belong: Livable Neighbourhoods - Facilitate a mix of affordable housing in all of our neighbourhoods. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES The former office space was owned by the Roman Catholic Bishop-Saint John. The transfer in ownership and change of use should generate new tax revenue, where previously the property was exempt. In 2024, prior to improvements being made to the property, the property was assessed at $1.54m. The goal of the Urban Development Incentive Program is to achieve a minimum 2 to 1 return on investment (ROI) over 10 years. With a total grant amount of $172,500, the grant is within range of exceeding this ROI target. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS The report has been reviewed by Finance Services. Input was also obtained from General Counsel on the report and grant agreement. The Urban Development Incentives policy, while continuing to remain in effect, is currently under review as Growth and Community Services staff explore various and expanded means of incentivizing additional needed housing units throughout the City. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 1 Bayard Drive Grant Agreement Tier 1 Schedule A Application Form and Drawings Schedule B 2021 Urban Development Incentive Policy GRANT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this ____ day of _______________, 2024. BY AND BETWEEN: 746050 N.B. LTD of the Town of Quispamsis and Province of New Brunswick a body corporate duly registered under the laws of the Province of New Brunswick (hereinafter called the ) OF THE FIRST PART And THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, a body corporate by Royal Charter, confirmed and amended by Acts of the Legislature of the Province of New Brunswick (hereinafter called the ) OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the City supports the revitalization of the Central Peninsula Neighbourhood and acknowledges a need for additional financial support for residential development in this area; and st WHEREAS at its meeting held the 21 of March, 2016 the City adopted an Urban Development Incentive Policy () to establish financial incentives to encourage Central Peninsula to invest in the creation of new residential units through either new construction or the redevelopment of existing buildings; and WHEREAS the Developer has applied for the following grant(s): Tier 1 Vacant Building Redevelopment, Construction Challenges Grant, and Building Permit Grant for a development on a property bearing PID 00015610 (the ); and WHEREAS the Developer meets the intent of the Program and all policy criteria of the Program, with the exception of 4.1.3(d); WHEREAS the Policy requires that an applicant who meets the eligibility requirement of a given Program under the Policy enter into a Grant Agreement in order to receive the Grants contemplated in a given Program; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that the parties hereto covenant and agree each with the other as follows: 1. The development for which the grants contemplated in this Agreement shall be paid is outlined in the prescribed application form, site plan and drawings attached hereto ). 2 2. The Urban Development Incentives Program is established by the Policy which is Agreement. 3. Construction of the Project shall begin within two (2) months of the date of the th execution of the Agreement or on or before May 15 of the year this Agreement is executed, whichever is the later date. 4. The Project must be completed and in receipt of a final occupancy permit according to the following schedule: tƩƚƆĻĭƷ ǤƦĻ wĻƨǒźƩĻķ /ƚƒƦƌĻƷźƚƓ 5ğƷĻ tƩƚƆĻĭƷƭ ǞźƷŷ ĻƭƷźƒğƷĻķ /ƚƓƭƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓ /ƚƭƷƭ ĬĻƌƚǞ /ƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ ĬǤ bƚǝĻƒĬĻƩ ЊƚƓĻ ǤĻğƩ ŅƚƌƌƚǞźƓŭ ƷŷĻ υЋͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉ͵ ƭǒĬƒźƭƭźƚƓ ƚŅ ğƓ ğƦƦƌźĭğƷźƚƓͳ ŷƚǞĻǝĻƩͲ źŅ ƷŷĻ ğƦƦƌźĭğƷźƚƓ Ǟğƭ ƭƷ ƭǒĬƒźƷƷĻķ ğŅƷĻƩ WǒƌǤ Њ ƚŅ ğ ŭźǝĻƓ ǤĻğƩͲ ƷŷĻ ƦƩƚƆĻĭƷ Ǟźƌƌ ĬĻ ƦƩƚǝźķĻķ ğƓ ğķķźƷźƚƓğƌ ǤĻğƩ Ʒƚ ĬĻ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ͵ tƩƚƆĻĭƷƭ ǞźƷŷ ĻƭƷźƒğƷĻķ /ƚƓƭƷƩǒĭƷźƚƓ /ƚƭƷƭ ŭƩĻğƷĻƩ /ƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ ĬǤ bƚǝĻƒĬĻƩ ЊƷǞƚ ǤĻğƩƭ ŅƚƌƌƚǞźƓŭ ƷŷĻ ƷŷğƓ υЋͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉ͵ ƭǒĬƒźƭƭźƚƓ ƚŅ ğƓ ğƦƦƌźĭğƷźƚƓͳ ŷƚǞĻǝĻƩͲ źŅ ƷŷĻ ğƦƦƌźĭğƷźƚƓ Ǟğƭ ƭƷ ƭǒĬƒźƷƷĻķ ğŅƷĻƩ WǒƌǤ Њ ƚŅ ğ ŭźǝĻƓ ǤĻğƩͲ ƷŷĻ ƦƩƚƆĻĭƷ Ǟźƌƌ ĬĻ ƦƩƚǝźķĻķ ğƓ ğķķźƷźƚƓğƌ ǤĻğƩ Ʒƚ ĬĻ ĭƚƒƦƌĻƷĻķ͵ 5. 5-Year Tier 1 Grant st a. If the Project is completed in accordance with Section 4 by November 1 2024, the City shall, pursuant to the terms and conditions identified herein, pay to the Developer for its Vacant Building Redevelopment a total 5- Year Grant amount of $122,500 in five installments in accordance with the following schedule: Date Annual Grant Amount 1. July 2025 $35,000 2. July 2026 $35,000 3. July 2027 $26,250 4. July 2028 $17,500 5. July 2029 $8,750 st b. If the Project is completed in accordance with Section 4 by November 1 2025, the City shall, pursuant to the terms and conditions identified herein, pay to the Developer for its Vacant Building Redevelopment a total 5- Year Grant amount of $122,500 in five installments in accordance with the following schedule: Date Annual Grant Amount 1. July 2026 $35,000 2. July 2027 $35,000 3. July 2028 $26,250 4. July 2029 $17,500 5. July 2030 $8,750 3 st c. If the Project is completed in accordance with Section 4 by November 1 2026, the City shall, pursuant to the terms and conditions identified herein, pay to the Developer for its Vacant Building Redevelopment a total 5- Year Grant amount of $122,500 in five installments in accordance with the following schedule: Date Annual Grant Amount 1. July 2027 $35,000 2. July 2028 $35,000 3. July 2029 $26,250 4. July 2030 $17,500 5. July 2031 $8,750 6. 5-Year Tier 1 Grant to the Developer is conditional upon: a. the City, at its sole discretion and upon completion of a final inspection, confirming that the relevant eligibility criteria have been satisfactorily met; b. the Project being completed in compliance with all City By-laws and terms and conditions of the Building Permit; c. the Developer being in receipt of an occupancy permit or a certificate of Building By-Law; and d. availability of sufficient resources in the Development Incentives Reserve Fund, as provided in replenished per the mechanism set out in the Policy. 7. The City and the Developer acknowledge and agree that the City may choose at its sole and absolute discretion to amend or cancel the Policy at any time and that funding provided to the Development Incentives Reserve Fund by the City may change in future years or be cancelled altogether. Accordingly, the City and the Developer also acknowledge and agree that funding for projects outside of the first year could be reduced or not applicable at all depending on the resources that Common Council decides to allocate to the Development Incentives Reserve Fund in any particular year. Should this occur, the Developer acknowledges that it shall have no legal recourse against the City. Residential Construction Challenges Grant 8. The City shall, pursuant to the terms and conditions identified herein, pay to the Developer a Residential Construction Challenges Grant in the amount of $50,000 following the receipt by the Developer of an occupancy permit or certificate of Building By-Law. 9. conditional upon: 4 a. the City, at its sole discretion and upon completion of a final inspection, satisfactorily met; b. the Project being completed in compliance with all City By-laws and terms and conditions of the Building Permit; c. Evidence being provided to the City confirming the construction challenges costs in the form of receipts for materials and work completed; and, d. the Developer being in receipt of an occupancy permit or a certificate of Building By-Law. 10. The City and the Developer acknowledge and agree that the City may choose at its sole and absolute discretion to amend or cancel the Policy at any time and that funding provided to the Development Incentives Reserve Fund by the City may change in future years or be cancelled altogether. Accordingly, the City and the Developer also acknowledge and agree that funding for projects outside of the first year could be reduced or not applicable at all depending on the resources that Common Council decides to allocate to the Development Incentives Reserve Fund in any particular year. Should this occur, the Developer acknowledges that it shall have no legal recourse against the City. Termination 11. The City may terminate this Agreement without notice upon the occurrence of one of the following events: a. the Construction of the Project does not begin on the date set out at section 3; b. changes are made to the design of the building during construction that do not comply with the eligibility criteria of the relevant incentive program for the grants contemplated in this Agreement; and, c. Common Council, by resolution, rescinds the Policy. 12. This Agreement may not be assigned without the written consent of the City. 13. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of New Brunswick. 14. No amendment of this Agreement is effective unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of each of the City and the Developer. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement is effective unless made in writing, and any such waiver has effect only in respect of the particular provision or circumstance stated in the waiver. No representation by either of the parties with respect to the performance of any obligation under this Agreement is capable of giving rise to an estoppel unless the representation is made in writing. 15. Each party shall be responsible for paying its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement. 5 16. This Agreement shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused these presents to be duly executed by the properly authorized officers and their respective corporate seals affixed hereto the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of: ) ) ) Per: __________________________ ) Name: ) Title: ) ) THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ) ) ) __________________________ ) Mayor ) ) ) __________________________ ) City Clerk ) ) Common Council Resolution: ) ) __________________________ SCHEDULE A (Application Form) SCHEDULE B (Urban Development Incentives Policy) SCHEDULE C (Affidavit of Corporate Execution) From:Jill Higgins To:Reid, Andy (Planning) Cc:michaelwowchuk Subject:Re: HOSPITAL HILL - ASSISTED LIVING ISSUED FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date:August 30, 2023 11:26:27 PM Attachments:image001.png EXTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION CHALLENGES.pdf \[ External Email Alert\] **Please note that this message is from an external sender. If it appears to be sent from a Saint John employee, please forward the email to spamsample@saintjohn.ca or contact IT Service Desk at 649-6047.** Andy, Please see attached spreadsheet showing estimated cost of construction challenges for the project. I think Mike answered the other items on the list. One more thing to add, the construction challenges are all in Phase 1 of the project, so phase 1 has a construction budget of 3.3 million and phase 2 is an additional 2 million to complete. Please let me know if you require any additional information. Thanks, — Jill Higgins Principal Architect JH ARCHITECTURE INC. 29 Grove Avenue, Rothesay New Brunswick, E2E 5K7 +1 506 847 0424 From: michaelwowchuk <michael.wowchuk@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2023 7:19 PM To: Jill Higgins <jill@jharchitecture.ca>; Endre Raduly <endre.raduly@fundyeng.com>; Ryan Gosson <ryan.gosson@fundyeng.com> Subject: Fwd: HOSPITAL HILL - ASSISTED LIVING ISSUED FOR BUILDING PERMIT OC Wi BMS CPP OC FP SDDDHDSASCFSTSR HOAM 200 mm380 mm 50 mm 300 mm 3480 mm 760 mm190 mm300 mm1200 mm2400 mm " /2 1 1 - ' 9 1 "1-' 9 L KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332-KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- MOIANIHC SKNISYLETATS SR KOUERTIVOOM RHTABME8-7332- 8'-0" KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- 8'-0" KANIHC SOUERTIVYORTAVALROINIP8-5302- KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- 9'-0" 18'-0"24'-0"18'-0" KANIHC SOUERTIVYORTAVALROINIP8-5302- 2 " / 9-'9 1 1 " 6 - 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Load:Total Conn. Load:Total Conn. Load: INGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATIONINGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATIONINGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATION Type 14Label ID and Directory (Typed)Type 14Label ID and Directory (Typed)Type 14Label ID and Directory (Typed) 0 W0 W0 W0 W0 W0 W 2703 W1771 W1896 W Wires:Wires:Wires: Enclosure:Enclosure:Enclosure: A.I.C. Rating:Total Phase C:A.I.C. Rating:Total Phase C:A.I.C. Rating:Total Phase C: Panel To be C/W:Panel To be C/W:Panel To be C/W: (ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL(ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL(ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL Total Load:Total Load:Total Load: "TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT"TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT"TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT Surface120/208 Wye3200 AMLORecessed120/208 Wye3100 AMLORecessed120/208 Wye3100 AMLO Phases:Phases:Phases: Voltage:Voltage:Voltage: Location:Supply From:Total Phase A:Location:Supply From:Total Phase A:Location:Supply From:Total Phase A: Mounting:Mounting:Mounting: Main Type:Main Type:Main Type: Panel ID:PANEL 1HPanel ID:PANEL 2HPanel ID:PANEL 5H Mains Rating:Mains Rating:Mains Rating: 13579 1113151719212325272931 CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABCPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCT 1H-1Lighting - STAIR NO.115A1493 W500 W115APower - HWT-1 MECH. ROOM1H-21H-3Lighting - ELEVATOR PIT131 W500 W115APower - HWT-2 MECH. ROOM1H-41H-5Lighting - CORRIDOR, ELEV. MACHINE RM.15A1355 W500 W115APower - HWT-3 MECH. ROOM1H-61H-7Lighting -1262 W500 W115APower - HWT-4 MECH ROOM1H-81H-9Lighting160 W500 W220AHeating - BB-1.0kW CORRIDOR FIRST FLOOR1H-10 CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABCPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCTCCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABCPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCT 5H-15H-35H-55H-75H-9 1H-11Lighting - STORAGE ND MECH. ROOM15A1541 W500 W------1H-121H-13Lighting - ELEC.,SPRINKLER & GARBBAGE ROOM15A1448 W500 W220AHeating - BB-1.0kW ELECTRICAL ROOM1H-141H-15Lighting1180 W500 W------1H-161H-171H-191H-211H-231H-251H-271H-291H-311H-331H-351H-371H-391H-415H-115H-135H-155H-175H-195H-215H-235H-255H-275H-295H-31 NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES B-28B-30B-32 1x2x1x2x 1.0kW-BB 27-B 12,14-B 1.0kW-BB 21-B 12,14-B 23-B 12445 W11360 W23805 W114.4 A ICABLE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE P T Amps: Panel Totals Total Phase B: Total Conn. Load: 1-B 13-B 7-B2,4-B 3-B 6,8-B 10-B INGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATION T 12445 W11360 W Type 13Label ID and Directory (Typed) Wires: KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332-RKNISYLETATS SKANIHC SOUERTIVOOM RHTABME8-7332- Enclosure: A.I.C. Rating: Total Load: (ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL Panel To be C/W: "TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT 1.0kW-BB1.0kW-BB Recessed120/208 Single1100 AMLO 12,14-A12,14-A 1.0kW-BB 1.0kW-BB 20,22-A Volts: 16,18-A Phases: Location:Supply From:Total Phase A: Mounting: Main Type: Panel ID:PANEL B Mains Rating: B-1Lighting - ENTRY, BEDROOM, W.R. KITCHEN & LIVING...15A11145 W3000 W240AReceptacle - RANGEB-2B-3Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W3000 W------B-4B-5Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W2250 W230AReceptacle - DRYERB-6B-7Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W2250 W------B-8B-9Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W800 W115AReceptacle - WASHER LAUNDRYB-10 CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCT B-11Receptacle - FRIDGE15A1700 W1000 W220AHeating - (2) BB-1.0kW LIVING ROOMB-12B-13Receptacle - MICROWAVE15A11200 W1000 W------B-14B-15Power - DISHWASHER15A1800 W500 W220AHeating - BB-1.0kW BEDROOMB-16B-17Receptacle - WASHROOM GFCI15A1180 W500 W------B-18B-19Receptacle - BEDROOM15A1720 W250 W2PowerB-20B-21Receptacle - ENTRY & LIVING ROOM15A1540 W250 W------B-22B-23Receptacle - LIVING ROOM15A1540 W1000 W2HeatingB-24B-25Receptacle - COMMUNICATION CABINET15A1180 W1000 W------B-26B-27Receptacle - ERV-115A1200 WB-29B-31 NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES (A) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE ARC FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (AFCI)(B) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (GFCI) P P P A-32A-34A-36A-38A-40A-42 6,8-A 10-A 0.5kW-BB0.5kW-BB 28,30-A KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332-KOUERTIVOOM RHTABME8-7332-MOIANIHC SKNISYLETATS SR HIJK 12752 W12579 W25332 W121.8 A ICABLE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE Amps: 1x2x3x Panel Totals Total Phase B: Total Conn. Load: INGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATION 12752 W12579 W Type 13Label ID and Directory (Typed) Wires: Enclosure: A.I.C. Rating: Total Load: (ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL Panel To be C/W: "TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT Recessed120/208 Single1100 AMLO Volts: LL KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332-KOUERTIVOOM RHTABME8-7332-MOIANIHC SKNISYLETATS SR Phases: Location:Supply From:Total Phase A: Mounting: 3-A3-A Main Type: Panel ID:PANEL A Mains Rating: HIJK A-1Lighting - (3) BEDROOMS, 7 (2) WASHROOMS15A1650 W3000 W240AReceptacle - RANGEA-2A-3Lighting - ENTRANCE, KITCHEN, UTILITY, & LIVING...15A11270 W3000 W------A-4A-5Lighting - EXTERIOR LIGHTS15A152 W2250 W230AReceptacle - DRYERA-6A-7Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W2250 W------A-8A-9Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W700 W115AReceptacle - WASHER LAUNDRYA-10 CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCT A-11Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W1000 W220AHeating - (2) BB-1.0kW LIVING ROOMA-12A-13Receptacle - FRDIGE15A1700 W1000 W------A-14A-15Receptacle - MICROWAVE15A11200 W1000 W220AHeating - (2) BB-1.0kW - BEDROOMS 2& 3A-16A-17Power - DISHWASHER15A1180 W1000 W------A-18A-19Receptacle - WASHROOM GFCI15A1200 W500 W220AHeating - BB-1.0kW BEDROOM # 1A-20A-21Receptacle - WASHROOM GFCI15A1200 W500 W------A-22A-23Receptacle - BEDROOM#115A1540 W250 W220AHeating - BB-0.5kW WASHROOM (B)A-24A-25Receptacle - (2) BEDROMMS 2 & 315A11080 W250 W------A-26A-27Receptacle - LIVING ROOM15A1540 W250 W220AHeating - BB-0.5kW WASHROOM (B)A-28A-29Receptacle - LIVING ROOM15A1540 W250 W------A-30A-31Receptacle - COMMUNICATION CABINET15A1180 WA-33Receptacle - ERV-115A1200 WA-35A-37A-39A-41 NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES (A) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE ARC FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (AFCI)(B) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (GFCI) C-24C-26C-28C-30C-32D-12D-14D-22D-24D-26D-28D-30D-32 10767 W10030 W20797 W100 A10387 W8910 W19297 W92.8 A ICABLE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODEICABLE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE Amps:Amps: Panel TotalsPanel Totals Total Phase B:Total Phase B: Total Conn. Load:Total Conn. Load: INGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATIONINGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATION 10767 W10030 W10387 W8910 W Type 13Label ID and Directory (Typed)Type 13Label ID and Directory (Typed) Wires:Wires: Enclosure:Enclosure: A.I.C. Rating:A.I.C. Rating: Total Load:Total Load: (ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL(ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL Panel To be C/W:Panel To be C/W: 11-C "TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT"TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT 1-C 2,4-C 6,8-C 10-C Recessed120/208 Single1100 AMLORecessed120/208 Single1100 AMLO Volts:Volts: Phases:Phases: P T Location:Supply From:Total Phase A:Location:Supply From:Total Phase A: Mounting:Mounting: Main Type:Main Type: Panel ID:PANEL CPanel ID:PANEL D Mains Rating:Mains Rating: T C-1Lighting - ENTRY, KIT. LIVING RM., BEDRM. W.R..15A11197 W3000 W240AReceptacle - RANGEC-2C-3Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W3000 W------C-4C-5Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W2250 W230AReceptacle - DRYERC-6C-7Receptacle - ISLE20A1180 W2250 W------C-8C-9Receptacle - FRIDGE15A1700 W800 W115AReceptacle - WASHER LAUNDRYC-10D-1Lighting - ENTRY, BEDROOM, W.R. KIT. & LIVING ROOM15A11197 W3000 W240AReceptacle - RANGED-2D-3Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W3000 W------D-4D-5Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W2250 W230AReceptacle - DRYERD-6D-7Receptac le - ISLE GFCI20A1180 W2250 W------D-8D-9Receptacle - FRIDGE15A1700 W800 W115AReceptacle - WASHER LAUNDRYD-10 CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCT C-11Receptacle - MICROWAVE15A11200 W750 W220AHeating - BB-0.75kW & BB-1.0kW LIVING ROOMC-12C-13Receptacle - WASHRROM GFCI15A1200 W750 W------C-14C-15Power - DISHWASHER15A1800 W500 W220AHeating - BB-1.0kW BEDROOMC-16C-17Receptacle - BEDROOM15A1540 W500 W------C-18C-19Receptacle - ENTRY LIVING ROOM15A1360 W250 W220APower - CFH-0.5kW WASHROOMC-20C-21Receptacle - COMMUNICATION CABINET15A1180 W250 W------C-22C-23Receptacle - LIVING ROOM15A1540 WC-25Receptacle - ERV-115A1200 WC-27C-29C-31 CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCT D-11Receptacle - MICROWAVE15A11200 WD-13Power - DISHWASHER15A1800 WD-15Receptacle - BEDROOM15A1540 W500 W220AHeating - (2) BB-0.5kW BEDROOMD-16D-17Receptacle - WASHROOM GFCI15A1200 W500 W------D-18D-19Receptacle - ENTRY/LIVING ROOM15A1360 W500 W120AHeating - CFH-0.5kW WASHROOM (B)D-20D-21Receptacle - LIVING ROOM15A1540 WD-23Receptacle - COMM. CABINET15A1180 WD-25Receptacle - ERV-115A1200 WD-27D-29D-31 NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES (A) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE ARC FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (AFCI)(B) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (GFCI)NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES (A) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE ARC FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (AFCI)(B) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (GFCI) T KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332-KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- T T P T 6,8-D 10-D W/D 5-D 11-D D/W 1-D 2,4-D KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- E-22E-24E-26E-28E-30E-32F-24F-26F-28F-30F-32 10682 W11060 W21742 W104.5 A10797 W10200 W20997 W100.9 A ICABLE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODEICABLE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE Amps:Amps: Panel TotalsPanel Totals Total Phase A:Total Phase B:Total Phase B: Total Conn. Load:Total Conn. Load: INGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATIONINGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATION 10682 W11060 W10797 W10200 W PANELType 13Label ID and Directory (Typed)Type 13Label ID and Directory (Typed) MOIANIHC SKNISYLETATS SR KOUERTIVOOM RHTABME8-7332- Wires:Wires: Enclosure:Enclosure: A.I.C. Rating:A.I.C. Rating: Supply From: Total Load:Total Load: (ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL(ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL Panel To be C/W:Panel To be C/W: P T TV "TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT"TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT 6,8-E ENTRYRecessed120/208 Single1125 AMLORecessed120/208 Single1100 AMLO 10-E Volts:Volts: Phases:Phases: Location:Location:Supply From:Total Phase A: 2,4-E Mounting:Mounting: Main Type:Main Type: Panel ID:PANEL EPanel ID:PANEL F 1-E Mains Rating:Mains Rating: 11-E E-1Lighting - ENTRY, KIT, W.R., BEDRM. & LIVING ROOM15A1722 W3000 W240AReceptacle - RANGEE-2E-3Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W3000 W------E-4E-5Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W2250 W230AReceptacle - DRYERE-6E-7Receptacle - ISLE GFCI1180 W2250 W------E-8E-9Receptacle - FRIDGE15A1700 W700 W115AReceptacle - WAHSER LAUNDRYE-10F-1Lighting - ENTRY, KIT., W.R., BEDRM. & LIVING ROOM15A1698 W3000 W240AReceptacle - RANGEF-2F-3Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W3000 W------F-4F-5Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W2250 W230AReceptacle - DRYERF-6F-7Recepta cle - ISLE GFCI15A1180 W2250 W------F-8F-9Receptacle - FRIDGE15A1700 W800 W115AReceptacle - WASHER LAUNDRYF-10 CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCT E-11Receptacle - MICROWAVE15A11200 W1250 W220AHeating - (3) BB-0.5kW LIVING ROOME-12E-13Power - DISHWASHER15A1800 W1250 W------E-14E-15Receptacle - BEDROOM15A1720 W500 W220AHeating - (2) BB-0.5kW BEDROOME-16E-17Receptacle - WASHROOM GFCI15A1180 W500 W------E-18E-19Receptacle - ENTRY/LIVING ROOM15A1360 W500 W120AHeating - CFH-0.5kW WASHROOME-20E-21Receptacle - COMM.CABINET15A1180 WE-23Receptacle - LIVING ROOM15A1900 WE-25Receptacle - ERV-115A1200 WE-27E-29E-31 CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABPole sTripCircuit DescriptionCCT F-11Receptacle - MICROWAVE15A11200 W1000 W2HeatingF-12F-13Power - DISHWASHER15A1800 W1000 W------F-14F-15Receptacle - BEDROOM15A1540 W500 W220AHeating - BB-1.0kW BEDROOMF-16F-17Receptacle - WASHROOM GFCI15A1200 W500 W------F-18F-19Receptacle - ENTRY/LIVING ROOM15A1360 W250 W220AHeting - CFH-0.5kW WASHROOMF-20F-21Receptacle - COMM. CABINET15A1200 W250 W------F-22F-23Receptacle - LIVING ROOM15A1720 WF-25Receptacle - ERV-115A1200 WF-27F-29F-31 NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES (A) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE ARC FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (AFCI)(B) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (GFCI)NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES (A) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE ARC FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (AFCI)(B) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (GFCI) RKNISYLETATS S KANIHC SOUERTIVOOM RHTABME8-7332- 11-F 2,4-F TV 6,8-F 10-F P T T KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332-KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- P T P PANEL I 2,4-I 1-I 11-I 5-I 6,8-I 10-I KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332-KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- P T P T 6,8-J 10-J 2,4-J 1-J 11-J KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- T J-24J-26J-28J-30J-32 G-24G-26G-28G-30G-32 P T 10-G 6,8-G 2,4-G 1-G 13-G EF 10808 W9680 W20488 W98.5 A10587 W10050 W20637 W99.2 A ICABLE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODEICABLE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE Amps:Amps: Panel TotalsPanel Totals Total Phase B:Total Phase B: Total Conn. Load:Total Conn. Load: INGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATIONINGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATION 10808 W9680 W10587 W10050 W Type 13Label ID and Directory (Typed)Type 13Label ID and Directory (Typed) KANIHC SOUERTIVKNISOOM RHTABYLETATS SRME8-7332- Wires:Wires: Enclosure:Enclosure: A.I.C. Rating:A.I.C. Rating: Total Load:Total Load: (ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL(ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL Panel To be C/W:Panel To be C/W: "TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT"TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT EF Recessed120/208 Single1100 AMLORecessed120/208 Single1100 AMLO Volts:Volts: Phases:Phases: Location:Supply From:Total Phase A:Location:Supply From:Total Phase A: Mounting:Mounting: Main Type:Main Type: Panel ID:PANEL GPanel ID:PANEL J Mains Rating:Mains Rating: J-1Lighting - ENTRY. W.R., KIT. BEDROOM & LIVING ROOM15A11197 W3000 W240AReceptacle - RANGEJ-2J-3Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W3000 W------J-4J-5Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI15A1200 W2250 W230AReceptacle -DRYERJ-6J-7Receptacle - ISLE COUNTER GFCI20A1180 W2250 W------J-8J-9Receptacle - FRIDGE15A1700 W800 W115AReceptacle - WASHER LAUNDRYJ-10 G-1Lighting - ENTRY, W.R., KIT., BEDRM. & LIVING ROOM15A11189 W3000 W240AReceptacle - RANGEG-2G-3Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W3000 W------G-4G-5Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W2250 W230AReceptacle - DRYERG-6G-7Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W2250 W------G-8G-9Receptacle - ISLE GFCI15A1180 W800 W115AReceptacle - WASHER LAUNDRYG-10 J-11Receptacle - MICROWAVE15A11200 W750 W220AHeating - (2) BB-0.75kW LIVING ROOMJ-12J-13Receptacle - WASHROOM GFCI15A1200 W750 W------J-14J-15Power - DISHWASHER15A1800 W500 W220AHeating - BB-1.0kW BEDROOMJ-16J-17Receptacle - BEDROOM15A1540 W500 W------J-18J-19Receptacle LIVING ROOM15A1720 W250 W220APower - CFH-0.5kW (B)J-20J-21Receptacle - COMMUNICATIONS CABINET15A1200 W250 W------J-22J-23Receptacle - ERV15A1200 WJ-25J-27J-29J-31 CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCTCCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCT G-11Receptacle - FRIDGE15A1700 W500 W220AHeating - BB-1.0kW LIVING ROOMG-12G-13Receptacle - MICROWAVE15A11200 W500 W------G-14G-15Power - DISHWASHER15A1800 W500 W220AHeating - (2) BB-0.5kW BEDROOMG-16G-17Receptacle - WASHROOM GFCI15A1200 W500 W------G-18G-19Receptacle - BEDROOM15A1540 W250 W220AHeating - CFH-0.5kW WASHROOMG-20G-21Receptacle - COMM. CABNET15A1180 W250 W------G-22G-23Receptacle - LIVING ROOM15A1540 WG-25Receptacle - LIVING ROOM15A1360 WG-27Receptacle - ERV-115A1200 WG-29G-31 NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES (A) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE ARC FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (AFCI)(B) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (GFCI)NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES (A) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE ARC FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (AFCI)(B) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (GFCI) HS-24HS-26HS-28HS-30HS-32 10845 W10540 W21385 W102.8 A ICABLE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE Amps: Panel Totals Total Phase B: Total Conn. Load: INGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATION 10845 W10540 W Type 13Label ID and Directory (Typed) Wires: Enclosure: A.I.C. Rating: Total Load: (ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL Panel To be C/W: "TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT Recessed120/208 Single1100 AMLO Volts: Phases: Location:Supply From:Total Phase A: Mounting: Main Type: Panel ID:PANEL HS Mains Rating: KANIHC SOUERTIVYORTAVALROINIP8-5302- KANIHC SOUERTIVYORTAVALROINIP8-5302- CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCT HS-1Lighting - ENTRY, W.R.,KIT., BEDROOM, & LIVING ROOM15A11145 W3000 W240AReceptacle - RANGEHS-2HS-3Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W3000 W------HS-4HS-5Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W2250 W230AReceptacle - DRYERHS-6HS-7Receptacle - FRIDGE15A1700 W2250 W------HS-8HS-9Receptacle - WALL OVEN15A11200 W700 W115AReceptacle - WASHER LAUNDRYHS-10 HS-11Power - DISHWASHER15A1800 W1000 W220AHeating - (2) BB-1.0kW LIVING ROOMHS-12HS-13Receptacle - WASHROOM GFCI15A1200 W1000 W------HS-14HS-15Receptacle - BEDROOM15A1720 W500 W220AHeating - (2) BB-0.5kW BEDROOMHS-16HS-17Receptacle - COMMUNICATIONS CABINET15A1200 W500 W------HS-18HS-19Receptacle - LIVING ROOM15A1720 W250 W220APower - CFH-0.5kW WASHROOM (B)HS-20HS-21Receptacle - ERV15A1200 W250 W------HS-22HS-23Receptacle1400 WHS-25HS-27HS-29HS-31 NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES (A) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE ARC FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (AFCI)(B) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (GFCI) T T H-24H-26H-28H-30H-32 F F 6,8-HS 10-HS 5-HS 11-HS 11320 W11150 W22470 W108 A 1-HS ICABLE CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE LL Amps: Panel Totals Total Phase B: Total Conn. Load: KANIHC SOUERTIVYORTAVALROINIP8-5302- KANIHC SOUERTIVYORTAVALROINIP8-5302- T INGS PRIOR TO ORDERING AND INSTALLATION 11320 W11150 W F Type 13Label ID and Directory (Typed) F Wires: Enclosure: 6,8-H A.I.C. Rating: Total Load: (ARC FAULT & GFCI) REQUIRED BY AND INDICATED WITHIN THE LATEST APPL 10-H Panel To be C/W: 3-H "TBD", CONFIRM & COORDINATE EXACT RAT 11-H 1-H1-H LL Recessed120/208 Single1100 AMLO Volts: Phases: Location:Supply From:Total Phase A: Mounting: Main Type: Panel ID:PANEL H Mains Rating: H-1Lighting - ENTRY, W.R, KIT., BEDROOM & LIVING ROOM15A11170 W3000 W240AReceptacle - RANGEH-2H-3Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1200 W3000 W------H-4H-5Receptacle - OVERCOUNTER GFCI20A1400 W2250 W230AReceptacle - DRYERH-6H-7Receptacle - FRIDGE15A1700 W2250 W------H-8H-9Receptacle - WALL OVEN15A11200 W700 W115AReceptacle - WASHER LAUNDRYH-10 CCTCircuit DescriptionTripPolesABPolesTripCircuit DescriptionCCT H-11Power - DISHWASHER15A1800 W1250 W220AHeating - (3) BB-0.5kW LIVING ROOMH-12H-13Receptacle - WASHROOM GFCI15A1200 W1250 W------H-14H-15Receptacle - BEDROOM15A1720 W500 W220AHeating - (2) BB-0.5kW BEDROOMH-16H-17Receptacle - COMMUNICATIONS CABINET15A1200 W500 W------H-18H-19Receptacle - ENTRY/LIVING ROOM15A11080 W250 W220AHeating - CFH-0.5kW WASHROOM (B)H-20H-21Receptacle - ERV-115A1200 W250 W------H-22H-23Receptacle1400 WH-25H-27H-29H-31 NOTES:WHERE CIRCUIT BREAKER RATINGS ARE LABELLED THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES (A) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE ARC FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (AFCI)(B) INDICATES BREAKER TO BE GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER (GFCI)