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2023-04-03_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour
�B City of Saint John Common Council Meeting AGENDA Monday, April 3, 2023 6:00 pm 2nd Floor Common Council Chamber, City Hall An Electronic means of communication will be used at this meeting. The public may attend the meeting in person in the Council Chamber or view the meeting on the City's Website (wwwsaintjohn.ca) or on Rogers TV. Pages 1. Call to Order 1.1 Land Acknowledgement 1.2 National Anthem 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Minutes of March 20, 2023 5 - 12 2.2 Minutes of March 27, 2023 13 - 15 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 Planning Advisory Committee: Subdivision Application - Jennifer Street 16 - 33 (Recommendation in Report) 5.2 Engineering Services: Crosswalk, Sidewalk Priorities and Road Safety 34 - 38 Education (Recommendation in Report) 5.3 Public Space at Market Slip — Supply of Thermal Wood Handrail and Stainless - 39 - 41 Steel Posts & Accessories (Recommendation in Report) 5.4 Green Municipal Fund Grant Agreement Piloting - Saint John's Low -Carbon 42 - 71 Migration Strategy with battery electric buses Project (Recommendation in Report) 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 7.1 National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week - April 9th to April 15th, 2023 72 - 72 8. Delegations / Presentations 8.1 The New Fundy Regional Service Commission 73 - 88 9. Public Hearings - 6:30 p.m. 9.1 Proposed Zoning ByLaw Amendment with Planning Advisory Committee report 89 - 124 and Staff Presentation - 228 Lancaster Avenue (1 st and 2nd Reading) 9.2 Proposed Zoning ByLaw Amendment with Planning Advisory Committee report 125 - 162 and Staff Presentation - 92-94 Bon Accord Drive (1st and 2nd Reading) 10. Consideration of By-laws 11. Submissions by Council Members 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 Chief Administrative Officer Update on Select Catalytic Projects and Advocacy (Verbal) 12.2 Update on new Central Peninsula and North End Schools and Community 163 - 202 Hubs 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 15.1 Crane Mountain Enhancement Inc. - Letter of Thanks with Request for 203 - 203 Information (Recommendation: Respond to Request for Information) 15.2 Loyal Company Ball 2023 - Ticket Purchase Request (Recommendation: 204 - 207 Refer to Clerk to purchase tickets for interested members of Council) 15.3 Request for Proclamation - Tourette Canada (Recommendation: Refer to 208 - 209 Clerk to prepare proclamation) K 16. Supplemental Agenda 17 18. Committee of the Whole 17.1 Appointments to the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners and Security 210 - 210 Clearance Requirement (Deferred from March 20, 2023) 17.2 Summer ice in partnership with Lord Beaverbrook Rink 211 - 211 17.3 Termination of Lease City Market: Saint John Bakery Ltd. 212 - 212 17.4 Name Change City Market: 514807 NB Inc. 213 - 213 Adjournment K City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, April 3, 2023 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une reunion de Conseil communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant to the provisions of subsection 68(1) of the Local Governance Act and Council / Committee will make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session: 4:30 p.m., 2nd Floor Boardroom, City Hall 1.1 Approval of Minutes 68(1) 1.2 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.3 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.4 Legal Matter 68(1)(f) 1.5 Legal Matter 68(1)(f) 1.6 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.7 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.8 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.9 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) Ville de Saint John Seance du Conseil communal Lundi 3 avril 2023 18h 2e etage de la salle du Conseil communal, h6tel de ville Un moyen de communication electronique sera utilise lors de cette reunion. Le public peut assister a la reunion en personne clans la salle du Conseil ou la visionner sur le site Internet de la ville (www.saintiohn.ca) ou sur Rogers TV Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance Si vous souhaitez obtenir des services en frangais pour une seance du Conseil communal, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. Chacun des points suivants, en totalite ou en partie, peut faire I'objet d'une discussion en prive en vertu des dispositions prevues au paragraphe 68(1) de la Loi sur la gouvernance locale. Le conseil/comite prendra une ou des decisions a cet egard au cours de la seance publique : 16 h 30 - C16ture du comite plenier - Salle de conference du 2e etage 1.1 Approbation du proces-verbal 68(1) 1.2 Question financiere 68(1)c) 1.3 Question financiere 68(1)c) 1.4 Question juridique 68(1)f) 1.5 Question juridique 68(1)f) 1.6 Question financiere 68(1)c) 1.7 Question financiere 68(1)c) 1.8 Question financiere 68(1)c) Seance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la seance 1.1 Reconnaissance des terres 1.2 Hymne national 2. Approbation du proces-verbal 2 2.1 Proces-verbal du 20 mars 2023 2.2 Proces-verbal du 27 mars 2023 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Questions soumises a I'approbation du Conseil 5.1 Comite consultatif de planification : Demande de lotissement - rue Jennifer (recommendation clans le rapport) 5.2 Services d'ingenierie : Priorites en matiere de passages pour pietons et de trottoirs et education a la securite routiere (recommendation clans le rapport) 5.3 Espace public a Market Slip - Fourniture d'une main courante Thermal Wood et de poteaux et accessoires en acier inoxydable (recommendation clans le rapport) 5.4 Accord de subvention du Fonds municipal vert - Projet pilote de strategie de transition a de faibles emissions de carbone de Saint John avec des autobus electriques a batterie (recommendation clans le rapport) 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation 7.1 Semaine nationale des operateurs en telecommunications - Du 9 au 15 avril 2023 8. Delegations et presentations 8.1 La nouvelle Commission de services regionaux de Fundy 9. Audiences publiques 9.1 Proposition de modification du reglement de zonage avec rapport du comite consultatif d'urbanisme et presentation du personnel - 228, Lancaster Avenue (1 12 et 2e lectures) 9.2 Proposition de modification du reglement de zonage avec rapport du comite consultatif d'urbanisme et presentation du personnel - 92-94 Bon Accord Drive (1 12 et 2e lectures) 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 11. Interventions des membres du Conseil 3 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Mise a jour de I'administrateur en chef sur certains projets catalyseurs et la defense des interets (verbal) 12.2 Mise a jour sur les nouvelles ecoles et les nouveaux centres communautaires de la peninsule du Centre et du Quartier nord 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a I'approbation du Bureau 15. Correspondance generale 15.1 Crane Mountain Enhancement Inc. - Lettre de remerciement (recommendation : reception pour information) 15.2 Bal de la Loyal Company de 2023 - Demande d'achat de billets (recommendation : demander au greffier d'acheter des billets pour les membres du Conseil interesses) 15.3 Demande de proclamation -Tourette Canada (recommendation demander au greffier de preparer la proclamation) 16.Ordre du jour supplementaire 17. Comite plenier 17.1 Nominations au Conseil des commissaires de police de Saint John et exigence en matiere d'autorisation de securite (reportees du 20 mars 2023) 17.2 Glace d'ete en partenariat avec Lord Beaverbrook Rink 17.3 Resiliation du bail City Market : Saint John Bakery Ltd. 17.4 Changement de nom City Market : 514807 NB Inc. 18. levee de la seance CI COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 20, 2023 / le 20 mars 2023 The City of Saint job n MINUTES — REGULAR MEETING COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MARCH 20, 2023 AT 7:00 PM 2ND FLOOR COMMON COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL An Electronic means of communication will be used at this meeting. The public may attend the meeting in person in the Council Chamber or view the meeting on the City's Website (www.saintjohn.ca) or on Rogers TV. Present: Mayor Donna Noade Reardon Deputy Mayor John MacKenzie Councillor -at -Large Gary Sullivan Councillor -at -Large Brent Harris Councillor Ward 1 Greg Norton Councillor Ward 1 Joanna Killen Councillor Ward 2 Barry Ogden Councillor Ward 3 Gerry Lowe Councillor Ward 3 David Hickey Councillor Ward 4 Greg Stewart Councillor Ward 4 Paula Radwan Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) B. McGovern Commissioner Growth & Community Services J. Hamilton General Counsel M. Tompkins Chief Financial Officer Commissioner K. Fudge Manager Human Resources S. Hossack Fire Chief K. Clifford Commissioner Public Works & Transportation M. Hugenholtz Commissioner Utilities & Infrastructure Services I. Fogan Commissioner Growth & Community Services J Hamilton Director External Relations L. Caissie Director Legislative Services / City Clerk J. Taylor Administrative Assistant K. Tibbits Call to Order 61 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 20, 2023 / le 20 mars 2023 1.1 Land Acknowledgement Councillor Ogden read aloud the Land Acknowledgement and called for a moment of reflection. "The City of Saint John/Menaquesk is situated is the traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet.The Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet along with their Indigenous Neighbours, the Mi'Kmaq/Mi'kmaw and Passamaquoddy/Peskotomuhkati signed Peace and Friendship Treaties with the British Crown in the 1700s that protected their rights to lands and resources." 1.2 National Anthem The Saint John High School Orchestra performed O Canada by video. 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Minutes of March 6. 2023 Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Hickey: RESOLVED that the minutes of March 6, 2023 be approved. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Approval of Agenda Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Harris: RESOLVED that the agenda of March 20, 2023 be approved with the addition of items 17.1 Potential Purchase of Lands by Kelson & Kelson in McAllister Industrial Park; 17.2 Rehabitat Inc. Boar's Head Road Development — 2nd Option Extension; and that an item from Committee of the Whole entitled Appointments to the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners and Security Clearance Requirement be deferred to the next open session of Council. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2023-67: 2023 Lifeguard Services, Common Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the 2023 Lifeguard Services contract with the Canada Games Aquatic Centre as attached in M&C 2023-67 (Attachment A). 5.2 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2023-71: Initiate Stop -Up and Closure for Portion of Fieldstone Drive for Purpose of Conveyance to Simpco Development Ltd., Common Council adopt the following resolution: C.1 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 20, 2023 / le 20 mars 2023 1. The Public Hearing to consider the passing of an amendment to the Street Closing By-law to Close a 231 square metre portion of a public street known as Fieldstone Drive, as shown on a Plan of Survey titled, "Showing portion of Fieldstone Drive, City of Saint John, Saint John County, New Brunswick" (attached), be set for Monday, April 17, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber; 2. Common Council authorize the publishing of a notice of its intention to consider the passing of such By-law, identified above; 3. In the event that Common Council gives Third Reading to the By -Law Amendment as stated above, that the City sell the property to Simpco Development Ltd. for a purchase price of $5,000.00, and that the purchaser be responsible for: a. any plan of survey required to initiate the process for the stop -up and closure for a portion of Fieldstone Drive; and b. any fees or administrative processes to effect the conveyance of the property. 4. The Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the documents necessary to effect the transaction. 5.3 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2023-76: Proposed Public Hearing Date: 55 McDonald Street and Zoning By -Law Text Amendments, Common Council schedule the public hearing for the Zoning Bylaw Section 59 amendment application submitted by Ian MacKinnon (City of Saint John) for 55 McDonald Street (PID: 55188825) and by Community Planning Staff for text amendments for Monday, May 1, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Council Chamber, City Hall 2nd floor, 15 Market Square, Saint John, NB. 5.4 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2023-72: Microsoft Unified Enterprise Support Service Agreement, the City enter into a three (3) year term Unified Enterprise Support Services Agreement with Microsoft Corporation for user support services as outlined in the forms attached to M&C 2023-72; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents from Microsoft. 5.5 RESOLVED that the submitted report M&C 2023-64: Public Information Session: Rockland Road — Burpee Avenue —Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal and Street Reconstruction, be received for information. 5.6 RESOLVED that the submitted report M&C 2023-65: Public Information Session: Peters Street (Waterloo Street to Coburg Street) — Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal and Street Reconstruction, be received for information. 5.7 RESOLVED that the submitted report M&C 2023-69: Public Information Session: Pitt Street and Britain Street — Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal and Street Reconstruction, be received for information. 5.8 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2023-50: Canadian Corps of Commissionaires NB & PEI Division 2023 Service Agreement, Common Council approve that the City enter into an Agreement for Security and Related Services with the Canadian Corp of Commissionaires N.B. & P.E.I. Division, Inc. in the r� COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 20, 2023 / le 20 mars 2023 form attached to M&C No. 2023-50; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute said Agreement and any documents ancillary thereto. Moved by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that the recommendation set out in each consent agenda item respectively be adopted. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Members Comments Members commented on various local events. 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations/Presentations 9. Public Hearings - 6:30pm 10. Consideration of By-laws 10.1 StoD UD and Close a Dortion of Newport Crescent (31d Readin M. Tompkins stated that the purpose of the street closing is to consolidate that portion of street with other adjacent land owned by the United Church of Canada to facilitate the development of a multi -residential apartment project. Moved by Councillor Ogden, seconded by Councillor Harris: RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number L.G. 4-1 A By -Law respecting the Closing of Roads, Streets, or Highways in The City of Saint John" regarding a portion of Newport Crescent by adding thereto Section 7 immediately after Section 6 thereof, be read. MOTION CARRIED. The by-law entitled, "By -Law Number L.G. 4-1 A By -Law respecting the Closing of Roads, Streets, or Highways in The City of Saint John" was read in its entirety. Moved by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor Killen: RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number L.G. 4-1 A By -Law respecting the Closing of Roads, Streets, or Highways in The City of Saint John" regarding a portion of Newport Crescent by adding thereto Section 7 immediately after Section 6 thereof, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. MOTION CARRIED. Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number L.G. 4-1 A By -Law respecting the Closing of Roads, Streets, or Highways in The City of Saint John." 10.2 Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment with Section 59 Conditions — 50 Newport Crescent (31d Reading) E:3 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 20, 2023 / le 20 mars 2023 J. Hamilton stated that this rezoning is for a property located near Newport Crescent to permit an affordable housing development. All applicable requirements under the Community Planning Act have been satisfied. Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Radwan: RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 111-147 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 910 square metres, also identified as a portion of Newport Crescent from unzoned street to Mid -Rise Residential (RM), be read. MOTION CARRIED. The by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-147 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John" was read in its entirety. Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Radwan: RESOLVED that Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following condition on the parcel of land having an area of approximately 3471 square metres, also identified as a portion of Newport Crescent: a. That the use of the stopped up and closed portion of Newport Crescent is limited to the following uses: Any use permitted in the Mid -Rise Residential (RM) Zone; and Access to any use permitted in the Neighbourhood Community Facility (CFN) zone. b. That the developer provide to the City any Local Government Services Easements and/or rights -of -way for all municipal infrastructure within the portion of Newport Crescent that is subject to the stop up and closure process. The suitability of the width of the easements are subject to the review and acceptance of Saint John Water and the City. MOTION CARRIED. Moved by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor Ogden: RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 111-147 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 910 square metres, also identified as a portion of Newport Crescent from unzoned street to Mid -Rise Residential (RM), be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. MOTION CARRIED. Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-147 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John." COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 20, 2023 / le 20 mars 2023 11. Submissions by Council Members 12. Business Matters — Municipal Officers 12.1 Waste Wise Update M. Hugenholtz stated that this update will provide results on the Waste Wise program, changes that have been implemented to address feedback from the community and response to a citizen letter. T. O'Reilly reviewed the submitted presentation "Waste Wise Update." The program has exceeded the environmental target and meets/exceeds, its financial target. Garbage has been reduced by 43% on average with increases in recycling and compost rates. The combination of savings from landfill tipping fees and revenues from sold bag tags is at least matching the annual financial target required to pay back the program's upfront $3M investment within 9 years. The environmental target of Waste Wise was to achieve a 15% reduction, by weight, in the amount of garbage sent to the Crane Mountain Regional Landfill. This target has been significantly and consistently surpassed, reaching on average a 43% reduction. Diversion of refuse to the recycling stream has also increased. Composting has increased between 30% and 90%, by weight, during each of the first four full months of Waste Wise relative to the average of the same month from the previous three years. There has been no evidence to support the concern that this program would cause an increase in illegal dumping. Moved by Councillor Ogden, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that the submitted report M&C 2023-63: Waste Wise Update be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. 12.2 Information Technology Assets, Systems, and Corporate Data Acceptable Use Policy S. Rackley Roach reviewed the submitted report. An acceptable use policy documents practices and constraints that a user must agree to for access to City -owned assets, systems, and data to protect the organization from security threats. The Policy was updated to address the evolving nature of information technology and incorporates best practices to address the cyber threat environment. All employees, Council members, and appointments to ABCs must comply with the policy. Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Ogden: RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2023-77: Information Technology Assets, Systems, and Corporate Data Acceptable Use Policy: iii. Common Council rescind its Internet, Asset, and Electronic Email Acceptable Use Policy issued 2008-07-21; and iN COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 20, 2023 / le 20 mars 2023 iv. Endorse the Information Technology Assets, Systems, and Corporate Data Acceptable Use Policy for the City of Saint John by approving the following policy statement: The City of Saint John ("City") provides an Authorized User with access to the City's Information Technology Assets, Systems, and Corporate Data ("Information Technology Resources") including the Internet for the purpose of delivering City services and advancing the plans, goals, and objectives of the City of Saint John in a responsible, secure, ethical, and legal manner. Prior to accessing Information Technology Resources, all Authorized Users are required to read this policy and acknowledge their agreement to comply with it. Authorized Users must also comply with any training requirements to ensure the safeguarding of Information Technology Resources. MOTION CARRIED. 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separate from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 15.1 The Naval Reserve Centennial Gala Committee — Request for Purchase of Tables (Recommendation: Refer to Clerk to purchase tickets for interested members of Council Moved by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor Harris: RESOLVED that the Naval Reserve Centennial Gala Committee ticket purchase request be referred to the Clerk to purchase tickets for interested members of Council. MOTION CARRIED. 15.2 Just Us: We All Struggle Inc. — Request to Present (Recommendation: Refer to Clerk to schedule presentation) Moved by Councillor Radwan, seconded by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that the Just Us: We All Struggle Inc, request to present be referred to the Clerk to schedule the presentation. MOTION CARRIED. 16. Supplemental Agenda 17. Committee of the Whole 17.1 Potential Purchase of Lands by Kelson & Kelson in McAllister Industrial Park Moved by Councillor Harris, seconded by Councillor Radwan: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on March 20, 2023, Common Council approve the City enter into an Agreement of Purchase and 11 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 20, 2023 / le 20 mars 2023 Sale with Kelson & Kelson Ltd., in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held March 20, 2023, for the purchase of approximately 7 acres of land in the McAllister Industrial Park, and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the said Agreement of Purchase and Sale and any other documents necessary to effect the transaction. MOTION CARRIED. 17.2 Rehabitat Inc. Boar's Head Road Development — 2nd Option Extension Moved by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor Killen: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on March 20, 2023, Common Council approve the City enter into the Amended and Restated Option Agreement with Rehabitat Inc. in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its March 20, 2023 meeting to extend the term of the original Option Agreement to June 30, 2023, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Amended and Restated Option Agreement and any other documents ancillary thereto, or necessary to complete the transaction. MOTION CARRIED. 17.3 Appointments to the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners and Security Clearance Requirements Item deferred to Common Council meeting of April 3, 2023. 18. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the meeting of Common Council held on March 20, 2023, be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. City Clerk 12 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 27, 2023 / le 27 mars 2023 The City of Saint job n MINUTES — REGULAR MEETING COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MARCH 27, 2023 AT 5:15 PM 2ND FLOOR COMMON COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL An Electronic means of communication will be used at this meeting. The public may attend the meeting in person in the Council Chamber or view the meeting on the City's Website (www.saintjohn.ca) or on Rogers TV. Present: Deputy Mayor John MacKenzie Councillor -at -Large Gary Sullivan Councillor -at -Large Brent Harris Councillor Ward 1 Greg Norton Councillor Ward 1 Joanna Killen Councillor Ward 2 Barry Ogden Councillor Ward 3 Gerry Lowe Councillor Ward 3 David Hickey Councillor Ward 4 Greg Stewart Absent: Mayor Donna Noade Reardon Councillor Ward 4 Paula Radwan Also Present Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) B. McGovern General Counsel M. Tompkins Commissioner Finance K. Fudge Commissioner Infrastructure and Utilities I. Fogan City Clerk J. Taylor Call to Order 13 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 27, 2023 / le 27 mars 2023 1.1 Land Acknowledgement Councillor Hickey read aloud the Land Acknowledgement and called for a moment of reflection. "The City of Saint John/Menaquesk is situated is the traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet.The Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet along with their Indigenous Neighbours, the Mi'Kmaq/Mi'kmaw and Passamaquoddy/Peskotomuhkati signed Peace and Friendship Treaties with the British Crown in the 1700s that protected their rights to lands and resources." 1.2 National Anthem The Saint John Symphony Youth Orchestra performed O Canada by video. 2. Approval of Agenda Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Stewart: RESOLVED that the agenda of March 27, 2023 be approved with the addition of item 6.1 Non -Disclosure Agreement with Brunswick Brokers. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2023-82: Community Development Fund Agreement: Forest Hill Park Lighting Renewal and City Market Alarm System Upgrades the City enter into an Agreement with the Regional Development Corporation for funding under the Province of New Brunswick Community Development Fund for the following projects: Forest Hill Park Lighting Renewal and City Market Alarm System Upgrades, Project No. 16088, in the form and upon the terms and conditions as submitted; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said Agreement. MOTION CARRIED. Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Killen: RESOLVED that the recommendation set out in the consent agenda item be adopted. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Members Comments Members commented on various local events. 6. Committee of the Whole 6.1 Non -Disclosure Agreement with Brunswick Brokers 14 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL March 27, 2023 / le 27 mars 2023 Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Hickey: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on March 27, 2023 Common Council approve that the City enter into the Non -Disclosure Agreement with Brunswick Brokers Limited generally in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held March 27, 2023, for the purpose of protecting confidential information and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said Non - Disclosure Agreement and any other documents ancillary thereto. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Hickey: RESOLVED that the meeting of Common Council held on March 27, 2023, be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED. The Deputy Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 5:22 p.m. City Clerk 15 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 22, 2023 Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Subdivision Application Jennifer Street The Committee considered the attached report at its March 21, 2023, meeting. Mr. Andrew Toole, of Don -More Surveys and Engineering, appeared before the Committee and expressed agreement with Staff Recommendation. No other persons appeared before the Committee and no letters were received regarding the application. Following consideration of the presentations and Staff report, the Committee adopted Staff Recommendation as outlined in the report. RECOMMENDATION: -6-1A�i . The City of Saint )ohn That Common Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, in general accordance with the MDC Holdings Ltd. Tentative Subdivision Plan including any required Local Government Service Easements and Municipal Drainage Easements, subject to the following modifications: a. The incorporation of a Future Street between the proposed Jennifer Street/ Wild Fox Drive intersection and the property boundary with the adjacent parcel of land to the west (PID 55091904). 2. That Common Council accept money in -lieu of Land for Public Purposes dedication. 3. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure the Page 1 of 2 16 Don -More Surveys and Engineering Jennifer Street March 22, 2023 provision of the required work and facilities, including any necessary temporary turnarounds for the new public street and detailed engineering, stormwater management, site and individual lot grading plans, and erosion and sedimentation control plans. This will also include the provision of approximately 20 metres of sidewalk along the existing section of Jennifer Street north of Day Drive. Respectfully submitted, Alex Weaver -Crawford Chair Attachments Page 2 of 2 17 The City of Saint john Date: To: From: Meeting: SUBJECT Applicant: Landowner: Location: PID: Plan Designation; Existing Zoning: Application Type: March 16, 2023 Planning Advisory Committee Growth & Community Services March 21, 2023 Don -More Surveys & Engineering on behalf of MDC Holdings Ltd. MDC Holdings Ltd. Jennifer Street (Street File: 1967 Manawagonish Road) 55191381 (portion), 55191373 (portion) Stable Residential Low -Rise Residential (RL), One -Unit Residential (R1) Subdivision Jurisdiction: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to advise Common Council concerning the vesting of a Public Street. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant has applied to vest a portion of land as a Public Street to extend Jennifer Street from its current terminus at the Day Drive intersection northerly to intersect with Wild Fox Drive. Assent to the vesting of the section of new Public Street is recommended. Staff also recommend Common Council assent to money -in -lieu of Lands for Public Purposes and any required Local Government Services Easements for the proposed subdivision of the three building lots. Page 1 of 6 18 Don -More Surveys & Engineering Jennifer Street March 16, 2023 RECOMMENDATION That Common Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, in general accordance with the MDC Holdings Ltd. Tentative Subdivision Plan including any required Local Government Service Easements and Municipal Drainage Easements, subject to the following modifications: a. The incorporation of a Future Street between the proposed Jennifer Street/ Wild Fox Drive intersection and the property boundary with the adjacent parcel of land to the west (PID 55091904). 2. That Common Council accept money in -lieu of Land for Public Purpose dedication. 3. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure the provision of the required work and facilities, including any necessary temporary turnarounds for the new public street and detailed engineering, stormwater management, site and individual lot grading plans, and erosion and sedimentation control plans. This will also include the provision of approximately 20 metres of sidewalk along the existing section of Jennifer Street north of Day Drive. DECISION HISTORY On June 17, 2003, the Planning Advisory Committee favourably considered a rezoning and subdivision application by the original developer (Fundy Project Management Inc./Fundy View Estates Inc.) seeking permission to undertake a subdivision development consisting of one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses. On July 7, 2003, Common Council gave third reading to the requested rezoning and provided all the necessary assents and approvals for the overall subdivision development (see Fundy View Estates Subdivision 2003 Conceptual Plan). On August 12, 2003, the Committee favourably considered a further subdivision application by the original developer with respect to the townhouse development area near Manawagonish Road. The Committee approved proposed private lanes, and Common Council later assented to the subdivision with all the necessary approvals. In light of the various concerns raised by area residents, the Committee resolved to deny the 2007 application. Later Common Council gave first and second reading to the rezoning but requested that City staff and the original developer meet with residents to resolve the concerns raised by the proposal. After further discussion with staff and the residents the original developer amended the development plans in a manner that reduced the number of townhouse units and eliminated the proposal to connect Jennifer Street to Seaspray Drive. This revised layout received the assent of Common Council in 2007 and was largely developed, On November 28, 2022, Common Council approved the rezoning of a parcel of land north of the subject site to Mid -Rise Residential to allow for the construction of a multiple unit dwelling. Page 2 of 6 19 Don -More Surveys & Engineering Jennifer Street March 16, 2023 ANALYSIS Proposal The applicant is proposing to vest an area of land as a Public Street to allow for the development of three lots zoned One -Unit Residential (R1). The area of Public Street to be vested will form the northerly extension of Jennifer Street, extending the roadway from its current terminus at the Day Drive intersection northerly approximately 60 metres to intersect with Wild Fox Drive. Site and Neighbourhood The site is approximately 2800 square meres in area and is located at the western terminus of Wild Fox Drive and the northern terminus of Jennifer Street. The site was originally part of the former Fundy View Estates subdivision development, phases of which were developed to the east, north, and south of the subject site. Two single unit dwellings are located east and west of the subject site at the current terminus of Jennifer Street with a four -unit townhouse located northwest of the site along the north side of Wild Fox Drive. The remaining areas bounding the site are undeveloped lands zoned Low -Rise Residential (RL) and One -Unit Residential (R1) and Wild Fox Drive along the eastern boundary of the subject site. The subject site is currently zoned Low -Rise Residential (RL) and One -Unit Dwelling (R1). The broader area contains a mix of single unit, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings zoned One - Unit Residential (R1) and Low -Rise Residential (RL) along with the site of a proposed muti unit building zoned Mid -Rise Residential (RM). Municipal Plan and Zoning Municipal Plan The site and surrounding area are designated Stable Residential in the Municipal Plan. Stable Residential areas are existing neighbourhoods, having the potential to accommodate additional development at a scale and density consistent with the surrounding context. Proposed development served by the roadway extension on Lots 1 through 3 of the Tentative Plan of Subdivision will be the as -of -right development of single unit dwellings. Increased street connectivity, such as the proposed connection of Jennifer Street with Wild Fox Drive is also supported by the Municipal Plan. These policies envision the development of a grid -based street network that provide increased multi -modal connectivity. Policy TM-7: Develop a connected and continuous open grid street network that supports convenient and efficient travel by all modes of transportation. Discourage the development of street types that disrupt the grid network and where possible, new development should support this street network with multiple connections to Collector Streets and Arterial Streets. Policy TM-8: Endeavour to connect existing dead-end streets with new and existing streets to improve the overall connectivity of the transportation system. Page 3 of 6 20 Don -More Surveys & Engineering Jennifer Street March 16, 2023 Policy TM-38: Examine applications that are proposing the development of new public streets to ensure that the proposed streets are warranted. The extension of Jennifer Street will complete the grid -based roadway network serving the development and provide an additional roadway access to the areas of existing development such as Day Drive and the southern section of Jennifer Street. Policy UD-10 of the Plan requires that new development in Stable Areas be designed to respect and reinforce the physical character and uses of the surrounding neighbourhood. This is applicable to the proposed subdivision, as criteria of this policy require that the proposed development have regard for the local pattern of lots, streets and blocks, and the size and configuration of lots. This policy is met as the proposed lot sizes and fabric are consistent with the existing development in the area. Based on the above assessment, the proposed development conforms to the Municipal Plan. Zoning The lots shown on the tentative plan of subdivision meet the standards of the Zoning By -Law. Subdivision Two main provisions of the Subdivision By -Law apply to the proposed subdivision: construction of streets and infrastructure, and the requirement for money -in -lieu of Land for Public Purposes. Street and Infrastructure Construction Consistent with the requirements of the Municipal Plan and Subdivision By -Law, the developer is required to construct the proposed street and associated infrastructure including concrete curbing, sidewalk, underground public utilities, street lighting, and full municipal services (sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water mains) required for the development. This work will be completed at the developer's cost. The developer is also responsible for costs related to any off - site infrastructure improvements required to service this proposal. Construction of the proposed Public Street, at a minimum, will be to the local street typical cross section as outlined in the City's General Specifications. Infrastructure Development notes the Developer's Consultant is required to submit the following information for City approval as part of the subdivision approval process: A detailed engineering design brief and drawings for the proposed Public Street and infrastructure for the City's review and approval. This includes infrastructure contained within any proposed Local Government Service Easements that may be required for the proposed subdivision. An engineering water and sewer analysis to allow for the City to determine the impact this development will have on the existing municipal water and sewer infrastructure. Page 4 of 6 21 Don -More Surveys & Engineering Jennifer Street March 16, 2023 • A detailed storm water management plan and design report indicating how stormwater will be managed for full build -out of the development. In accordance with the City's Storm Drainage Design Criteria Manual and the Drainage By -Law, the stormwater design on site will need to achieve a net zero impact. Fire and Emergency Services is also supportive of the proposal. Community Planning Staff recommend that a condition of approval be added to the assent of the proposed Public Street requiring the incorporation of a Future Street between the proposed Jennifer Street/Wild Fox Drive intersection and the property boundary with the adjacent parcel of land to the west. This will reserve a future roadway connection to the adjacent parcel of land to the west to be constructed at a later date as development occurs. Community Planning and Infrastructure Development will also require a sidewalk extension along the existing portion of Jennifer Street from Day Drive, extending northerly approximately 20 metres. This sidewalk would be in addition to the sidewalk required along the section of Jennifer Street to be constructed by the developer and will provide increased pedestrian connectivity within the development. This is consistent with subsection 22(3) of the Subdivision By -Law which requires improvements to existing streets adjacent to the proposed subdivision. Following Council's assent to the proposed Subdivision, the City's General Counsel's Office will prepare the necessary Subdivision Development Agreement. This authorization is provided in the proposed recommendation. Lands for Public Purposes Consistent with the direction established by the Subdivision By -Law, Staff recommend that Common Council exercise its discretion and accept money in -lieu of Land for Public Purposes for the proposed subdivision. Conclusion The proposed development conforms to the policy direction in the Municipal Plan and meets the standards provided in the Zoning and Subdivision By -Laws. Assent to the Public Street is recommended. ALTERNATIVES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS No alternatives are proposed. ENGAGEMENT City In accordance with the Committee's Rules of Procedure, notification of the proposal was mailed to landowners within 100 metres of the subject property on March 8, 2023. Page 5 of 6 22 Don -More Surveys & Engineering Jennifer Street March 16, 2023 APPROVALS AND CONTACT Author I Manager Mark Reade, P.Eng., MCIP, RPP I Jennifer Kirchner, MCIP, RPP Contact: Mark Reade Telephone: (506) 721-0736 Email: Mark.Reade@saintjohn.ca Application: 23-0018 APPENDIX Map 1: Site Location Map 2: Aerial Photography Map 3: Future Land Use Map 4: Zoning Attachment 1: Site Photography Attachment 2: Previous Subdivision Layouts Attachment 3: Development concept from 2022 Rezoning Application Submission 1: Tentative Plan of Subdivision Page 6 of 6 23 Wl n0000� r �CD _ J1 O �+. 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Head Chief Administrative Officer Tim O'Reilly Tim O'Reilly for Michael Brent McGovern Hugenholtz RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the proposal from Englobe Corp. for engineering services for the Crosswalk, Sidewalk Priorities and Road Safety Education project in the amount of $125,789.30 plus a contingency of $12,500.00 including HST be accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the appropriate documentation in that regard. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MoveSJ, the City's new Transportation Plan, has the overall goal of improving access to all modes of transportation for stakeholders of all abilities, safely. Doing so requires strategic, practical, and real improvements that our citizens and stakeholders based on key factors including use of best practices, good data, risk management, responsibilities of all stakeholders, etc. City staff recognized an opportunity to advance improvements that align with MoveSJ when an available Federal Active Transportation Fund was announced in 2022. Staff submitted several applications for 100% funding for various planning initiatives. Three of these initiatives were subsequently approved for funding to increase the number of crosswalks and missing sections of sidewalks, in a prioritized way that best serves pedestrians in our community, as well as focus on the "education" component of a future comprehensive City of Saint John Road Safety Strategy. Support for the recommendation of this report would engage external resources necessary to advance these three initiatives at no cost to the City. -2- PREVIOUS RESOLUTION Common Council previously endorsed the agreement with the Federal government to successfully secure the funding. REPORT BACKGROUND The Federal government approved full funding for three planning -type projects as part of their recent Active Transportation Fund. The three projects are: 1. The "Identification, Design Features, and Prioritization of Needed Crosswalks Crossing Arterial and Collector Streets" project will identify locations on arterial and collector streets within Saint John where there should be crosswalks, define the type of crosswalk warranted in each location, and prioritize the projects. Saint John's prior urban sprawl, amalgamation of separated smaller jurisdictions, and construction of Highway 1 through the City resulted in many arterial and collector streets that dissect our community and make it difficult for pedestrians to cross to access different parts of their community and/or access Transit or school buses. The City receives a significant number of requests for crosswalks as a result, but these are typically from a single community source. Instead of prioritizing installations with very limited resources based on individual requests, this project will allow us to identify and prioritize crosswalk installation locations based on where they will best serve pedestrians and bus riders in a holistic approach. It is anticipated adjacent land use data, data on our existing and future planned pedestrian routes, and potentially data available from smart phone tracking to identify where crosswalk locations will serve more of the community. Accessible design features are expected to be incorporated into many crosswalk locations to ensure these accessible by pedestrians of all abilities. 2. The "Sidewalk Infill Strategy Completion" will, as the name suggests, finalize a strategy introduced as part of the Pedestrian Strategy of MoveSJ as well as prioritize missing sections of sidewalks, and potentially trails, that should be constructed using a Priority Framework. This project is proposed because the City has some streets without sidewalks adjacent to them where requests from the community are received to construct them. In order to ensure investment of public funds to construct missing sections of sidewalks are maximized, the Sidewalk Infill Strategy presents an evidence -based, risk management approach to prioritize missing sections of sidewalks. As the Priority Framework considers safety and access, use of the Sidewalk Infill Strategy to prioritize construction of missing sidewalks has the intended outcome of improving pedestrian infrastructure that best promotes walking as an active form of transportation for the community. M1 -3- 3. The "Preliminary Road Safety Public Education Plan" project will advance one component of a Road Safety Strategy introduced with MoveSJ. Education forms one of the 3 E's of Transportation Safety and this project will produce the first public education plan as part of this strategy. Our overall Transportation Plan and the strategy are focused on educating and improving safety for all transportation modes and therefore the results of this project would be applicable for active transportation modes as well. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was advertised to engage an Engineering firm to carry out these three projects. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to make a recommendation for consulting engineering services for this project. I_NFANTINI•1 With a comprehensive terms of reference document developed by staff, a public call for proposals was made for consulting engineering services. The Request for Proposal (RFP) closed on March 8th, 2023, with responses received from the following two (2) consulting engineering companies: • CBCL Limited, Saint John, NB • Englobe Corp., Saint John, NB A Review Committee consisting of staff from Supply Chain Management, Public Works & Transportation, and Engineering Services was formed to evaluate the submissions. Each member completed an independent review of the submissions, and a meeting was held to develop the final ranking of submissions. The Review Committee came to a conclusion on their recommendation, which follows later in the report. The evaluation process uses the expertise of a variety of staff from Supply Chain Management, Public Works & Transportation, and Engineering Services to ensure a thorough review of the various submissions. Care must be taken to ensure that the necessary level of effort and expertise is being directed to the various tasks involved in the work, while still ensuring that costs to be incurred are appropriate and controllable. It is for these reasons that cost, although very important, cannot be the sole nor most critical deciding factor in making the selection of a consulting engineering firm. K11-1 -4- The Committee was tasked with the role of reviewing each submission against the proposal evaluation criteria as defined in the proposal call document. The criteria consisted of the following: 1. Quality and Completeness — Does the proposal address all the needs raised? Is the proposal presented in an organized and professional manner? 2. Consultant's Experience — Has the consultant demonstrated a level of expertise with the requirements of this project? 3. Experience of Employees / Sub -consultants — Has the consultant demonstrated a level of expertise for the employees of the company and sub consultants listed? 4. Methodology— Does the approach to the project outlined in the proposal address, in a realistic sense, attainable goals and is it in keeping with the City's expectations for the project? 5. Value Added — Has the consultant included any additional information, technology, process, or options in their proposal? 6. Cost — Cost will be a factor, however not the only factor to be considered. Is the price quoted in line with the City's estimate for the work and has it allowed for each aspect of the project to be adequately addressed? After careful, independent consideration of presentation, company experience, personnel and technical proposal, the Review Committee compiled the findings of each member. After completion of the "technical" evaluation, the financial proposals were opened and evaluated. The financial proposals were submitted separately and were not part of the technical review. After due consideration, the Review Committee selected the submission from Englobe Corp. as the best proposal based on an overall rating of the evaluation criteria - presentation, company experience, personnel, technical proposal, value added and cost. The submission from Englobe Corp. met all the requirements of the proposal call, in a manner acceptable to the committee and with the lowest cost bid for the project. POLICY — ENGAGEMENT OF ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS The costs incurred by the consultant will be paid in accordance with the terms of the Request for Proposal at the rates submitted and accepted in the consultant's proposal not to exceed the Recommended Hourly Rates as contained in The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies — New Brunswick fee guideline. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT These three projects align with Council Priorities for Green: "We value the environment" and Move: "We value sustainable transportation choices." Kul -5- SERVICEAND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES Full (100%) funding for these three projects is secured from the Federal government through their Active Transportation Fund. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Supply Chain Management facilitated the RFP process to solicit proposals from Engineering Consultants for the Crosswalk, Sidewalk Priorities and Road Safety Education project. The committee was tasked with the role of reviewing each submission against the proposal evaluation criteria as defined in the proposal call document. In accordance with the City's policies and procedures, separate assessments of the technical and financial aspects of the submissions were undertaken by the evaluation committee members. The above process is in accordance with the City's Procurement Policy and Supply Chain Management support the recommendation being put forth. ATTACHMENTS N/A K1:3 COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. 2023-089 Report Date March 29, 2023 Meeting Date April 03, 2023 Service Area Utilities and Infrastructure Services Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Council SUBJECT: Public Space at Market Slip — Supply of Thermal Wood Handrail and Stainless -Steel Posts & Accessories AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner/Dept. Head Chief Administrative Officer Gerald Mattsson Ian Fogan/Michael Baker Brent McGovern RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that: A) It is recommended that the tender award amount of Contract 2022- 081201T: Public Space at Market Slip & Harbour Passage Extension previously awarded to Maxim Construction Inc. on August 22, 2022, be increased from $15,296,375.73 (including HST) to $15,396,714 (including HST) based on the additional scope of work added to the contract as detailed in this report. B) Council accepts the proposal from Dale Fabrication Inc. for supply of Stainless -Steel Handrail Posts and Accessories in the amount of $467,710.75 including HST and Supply Chain Management be authorized to purchase the Handrail Posts and Accessories; and C) The Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any necessary documentation in that regard. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to recommend that Council increase the contract value of the Public Space at Market Slip & Harbour Passage Extension project to address the added scope of work added onto the project (i.e. purchase of Thermal Modified Wood Handrail). The report also recommends that Council approve the purchase of Stainless -Steel Handrail Posts and Accessories. PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS M&C 2021-051 (February 22, 2021) — Utility and General Fund — Revised 2021 Capital Programs approved. -2- February 22, 2021: (M&C 2021-045) Approved Architectural Services: Loyalist Plaza & Fundy Quay Harbour Passage Extension, approved. December 20, 2021: (M&C 2021-366) Approved Contract 2021-083001T: Public Space at Market Slip — Site Demolition, approved. August 22, 2022: M&C 2022-272 - Final Contract Value 2021-083001T: Public Space at Market Slip — Site Demolition, approved. August 22, 2022: M&C 2022-273 — Contract 2022-081201T: Public Space at Market Square & Harbour Passage Extension, approved. REPORT The approved 2023 General Fund Capital Program includes a project for the supply and installation of a Seawall Railing along the Harbour Passage Extension at Market Slip and Fundy Quay. Council has awarded construction of the Public Space at Market Slip & Harbour Passage Extension to the tenderer Maxim Construction Inc. which included the installation of a seawall handrail as supplied by the City. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was advertised in the spring of 2022 to engage a supplier to produce the metal and Ipe wood Harbour Passage railing system. The City received no responses from the market place for the requested RFP. As no responses were received for the RFP, Glenn Group (Market Slip & Harbour Passage Extension Project Manager and Landscape Architect) was subsequently instructed to find alternatives and provide pricing. Quotations were received from various manufacturers and suppliers. The most favorable in terms of esthetics and aligning with the available budget for the work were those from Maxim Construction ($100,341.26 including HST) and Dale Fabrications Inc ($467,710.75 including HST). STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT Market Slip & Harbour Passage Extension is a catalytic project that aligns with Council's priorities including GROW, MOVE, GREEN AND BELONG. SERVICEAND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES The purchase includes supplying materials that will be charged against the 2023 General Fund Capital Program. Assuming acceptance of the proposals, an analysis has been completed which includes the estimated amount of work -3- (including purchasing required materials) that will be performed by the Contractor, supplier and Others. The analysis is as follows: Budget $ 510,000.00 Project Net Cost $ 526,892.78 Variance (Shortfall) ($ 16,892.78) This shortfall will be managed within the General Fund Capital Program overall envelope. Funding for the Fundy Quay project is provided by the Provincial and Federal Governments through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) and the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF). The full project (including the seawall) has received more than $18 Million (67%) of funding with the remainder funds provided by the City of Saint John General Fund Capital program. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Supply Chain Management facilitated the RFP to solicit proposals for the complete railing system in 2022. As no proposals were received through the open competitive bidding process, the City is permitted under the New Brunswick Procurement Act and Regulation 2014-93 to directly enter into mutual agreements with suppliers for the supply of the contemplated products: "60 So long as a Schedule 8 entity is not doing so for the purpose of averting competition among prospective suppliers or for the purpose of discriminating against a prospective supplier, the Schedule 8 entity may use any procurement method authorized by this Regulation if, in response to a competitive bidding process under section 59, (a) no bid submissions are received or none of the bid submissions is acceptable, or..." Entering into mutual agreements with suppliers is a procurement method authorized by the regulation. As such, Supply Chain Management support the recommendations being put forth. ATTACHMENTS N/A !II D '� r r I l jl COMMON COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. 2023-075 Report Date March 16, 2023 Meeting Date April 03, 2023 Service Area Utilities and Infrastructure Services Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT: Green Municipal Fund Grant Agreement Piloting - Saint John's Low - Carbon Migration Strategy with battery electric buses Project AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner/Dept. Head Chief Administrative Officer Samir Yammine, Ian Ian Fagan & Michael J. Brent McGovern Mackinnon Hugenholtz RECOMMENDATION It is recommended That the City enter into the Grant Agreement in the form as attached to M&C No.2023-075 to receive funding from the Green Municipal Fund for a pilot project aimed at the reduction of GHG emissions from its public and transit fleet operations and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said Grant Agreement and any other documents ancillary thereto. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to seek Common Council's approval to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for the City of Saint John Pilot Program - Saint John's Low -Carbon Migration Strategy with battery electric buses Project. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION M&C No 2022-118. It is recommended that Common Council approve the following items: 1) Adopt the City of Saint John Public Transit and Fleet Low Carbon Migration Strategy dated March 28, 2022, as appended to M&C 2022-118 subject to approved budgets, and 2) Direct staff to apply to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) under the Green Municipal Fund (GMF) for the Fleet and Transit Pilot Project. :1 -2- REPORT In September 2022, City staff submitted a funding application to FCM under the Green Municipal Fund (GMF) for the City of Saint John Pilot Program - Saint John's Low -Carbon Migration Strategy with battery electric buses Project. The City received a notification from FCM that the application was successful, and the City of Saint John had been approved for a grant in the amount of $402,500 (approximately 50% of the eligible cost) toward the Pilot Project. The GMF funding will be used toward performing the following scope of work as part of the Pilot Project: • 12 months leased of six 20-foot electric buses. • 12 months lease of one 40-foot electric bus. • Supply and installation of six level 2 and two level 3 electric vehicle charger stations. • Installation and evaluation of a Smart Charging Systems to manage energy demand, prioritize charging needs, and perform complementary energy management functions. • Engineering and Design. • Developing measurement, validation, and monitoring plan to track performance (i.e., KPI). • On -demand software service licensing (12-month) and implementation. • Commissioning, training, and reporting. This pilot will pave the way for 100% battery electric bus adoption in Saint John by testing scalability and operationally verifying an electric -fleet transition and a new transit service delivery model aimed at increasing ridership while minimizing costs. The city will define key performance indicators and develop a new governance mechanism using insights on how staff roles and responsibilities, organization structure, and/or performance would need to adapt to these new technologies to develop long-term operating procedures and policies. The on -demand transit service will be the first of its kind in Canada east of Ontario, and will facilitate enhanced transit service and higher ridership while enabling fleet downsizing. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT This pilot is directly informed by the City of Saint John's Low -Carbon Migration Strategy and its Corporate GHG & Energy Action Plan. It is also clearly aligned with City Council Priorities (2021-2026) Green: "We value the environment" and Move: "We value sustainable transportation choices." !i93 -3- SERVICEAND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES The total cost of the Pilot Project is $1,102,500. The breakdown in funding for the Pilot Project is as follows: Green Municipal Fund (GMF): $402,500 NB Power Grant Contribution: $130,000 Capital and Operating Budgets: $ 570,000 INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS The City of Saint John Utilities and Infrastructure Services, Public Works and Transportation Services and General Counsel have reviewed the attached Agreement and are satisfied with the recommendation as they pertain to their respective areas of services. ATTACHMENTS Green Municipal Fund Grant Agreement — DFC-22-0028 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES GREEN MUNICIPAL FUND GRANT AGREEMENT DFC-22-0028 This Grant Agreement is hereby made and entered into BETWEEN: and FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES, a not -for -profit corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada, acting as trustee of the Green Municipal Fund ("GMF"), and having a place of business at 24 Clarence Street, Ottawa, ON, K1 N 5P3. ("FCM") THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, a New Brunswick corporation and having a place of business at 15 Market Square, Saint John, NB, E21- 41-1. ("Recipient") FCM and the Recipient shall be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties". The Agreement, including all the schedules described below, constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties ("Agreement") and supersedes all prior correspondence, offers, negotiations, agreements, or other communications between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof, whether oral, written or electronic. No changes or modification to the Agreement shall be binding upon a Party unless in writing and signed by both Parties. The Agreement will be effective commencing on the date of last signature below ("Effective Date") and shall end on January 26, 2026 ("Term") unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. The following Schedules are attached and incorporated in the Agreement by reference: Schedule A — General Terms and Conditions Schedule C — Recipient's Specific Terms and Conditions Schedule B — Eligible and Ineligible Costs Table Schedule D — Request for Contribution Template Schedule E — Project Progress Report Template Schedule F — Project Completion Report Template In witness whereof, the Parties have executed the Agreement through their duly authorized officials. FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Per: Catherine Gardner Director, Client & Funding Services, GMF Date: Per: Donna Reardon Mayor Date: Per: Jonathan Taylor City Clerk Date: DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 1 of 27 45 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES SCHEDULE A - GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS Whenever used in the Agremeent and unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings: "Advanced Contribution" means the first disbursement of the Grant Amount, disbursed in advance of the Recipient having incurred sufficient Eligible Costs to request reimbursement from FCM, as set forth in Schedule C to the Agreement; "Business Day" means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holidays in the Province of Ontario; "Confidential Information" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 8.3 of this Schedule A; "Contribution" means each individual disbursement of the Grant Amount, as set forth in Schedule C; "Eligible Costs" means the costs described in Schedule B of the Agreement, for which the Recipient may use the Grant; "Expense Claim" means the expense claim in the form of the Project Workbook; "FCM's Accessibility Guidelines" means the FCM guidelines to be followed by the Recipient, or the consultant hired by the Recipient, when preparing the Project Progress Report(s), Project Completion Report and Final Deliverable, to ensure that such reports are accessible to people with disabilities; "Final Contribution" means the last disbursement of the Grant Amount. In the event that the Recipient receives the Grant Amount in a single contribution, FCM will advance the Grant Amount through the Final Contribution; "Final Deliverable" means the final version of the plan or the final version of the report summarizing the results and activities undertaken in conducting the study or the pilot project, as applicable, as described in Schedule C; "GAAP" means the generally accepted accounting principles for local governments as recommended, from time to time, by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants; "Material Change" means any change to the description of the Project, forecasted Eligible Costs or particulars of the sources of funding, all as set forth in Schedule C; "Project" means the plan, feasibility study or pilot project, as applicable, as described in Schedule C; "Project Workbook" means the form of electronic spreadsheet provided by FCM to the Recipient, as amended by FCM from time to time, to be completed when providing information updates or submitting a Request for Contribution to FCM; and "Request for Contribution" means the request for Contribution, in the form of Schedule D. 2. GRANT 2.1 Grant Purpose - FCM is providing the Grant to the Recipient for the sole purpose of assisting the Recipient in the preparation of the Project ("Grant"). 2.2 Grant Amount - Subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement and in reliance upon the representations, warranties and covenants of the Recipient hereinafter set forth, FCM agrees to contribute towards the Eligible Costs the maximum amount in Canadian Dollars (the "Grant DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 2 of 27 46 F FEDERATION FEDERATION OFCANAOIAN tANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES Amount"), set forth in Schedule C of the Agreement. In the event that, if the aggregate amount of funding received or to be received from all sources of funding, other than the Recipient, as set forth in Schedule C of the Agreement or as updated in the Project Workbook (all as determined and calculated by FCM) is greater than the total costs incurred by the Recipient in respect of the Project, as evidenced by the delivery of documentation establishing Eligible Costs, then FCM may reduce the Grant Amount to such amount as it deems appropriate, in its sole and absolute discretion. 2.3 Grant Expiration Date — In the event that the Recipient fails to meet the conditions of Contribution set forth in the Request for Contribution and fails to obtain the Final Contribution before the end of the Term, then FCM may, at its sole and absolute discretion terminate any further requirement to make the Contribution(s), set forth in Schedule C. 2.4 Grant Disbursement — FCM will disburse the Contribution within 30 days of confirming that the Recipient has met all of FCM's conditions, to FCM's satisfaction. 2.5 Advanced Contribution — FCM will inform the Recipient, before signature of the Agreement, whether it is eligible for an Advanced Contribution, all as determined in FCM's sole and absolute discretion. In the event that the Recipient is eligible for an Advanced Contribution, FCM will disburse the Contribution within 30 days of receiving from the Recipient, a signed Agreement and a completed copy of FCM's Electronic Funds Transfer form, identifying the bank account where FCM should disburse the Advanced Contribution. The representations and warranties confirmed or made in the Agreement with respect to the Recipient will be true on and as of the date that FCM makes the Advanced Contribution, with the same effect as though such representations and warranties have been made on and as of the date that FCM makes the Advanced Contribution. If any confirmation, information or documentation provided to FCM is not true and correct, or if any act or event does or may materially and adversely affect the Project or the ability of the Recipient to perform its obligations under the Agreement or the Project or any of its other obligations that are material to the Recipient has occurred, the Recipient will immediately notify FCM prior to the making of the Advanced Contribution. 3. OBLIGATIONS OF THE RECIPIENT Unless FCM shall otherwise agree in writing, the Recipient covenants and agrees that it: (i) shall use the Grant solely for expenditures that are Eligible Costs; (ii) shall carry out the Project and conduct the activities thereof in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, order, rules, ordinances, permits, licenses, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, in compliance with all labour, environmental, health and safety and human rights legislation applicable to the Project; (iii) shall carry out the Project with due diligence and efficiency and in accordance with sound engineering, scientific, financial and business practices; (iv) shall maintain industry standard insurance coverage which shall include general liability insurance; (v) shall not make any Material Change to the Project or in the nature or scope of its legal status; and (vi) shall not sell, assign, transfer, lease, exchange or otherwise dispose of, or contract to sell, assign, transfer, lease, exchange or otherwise dispose of, any of the real or personal property, whether movable or immovable, acquired, purchased, constructed, rehabilitated or improved, in whole or in part with the Grant, except if previously approved by FCM as described in Schedule C. 4. ELIGIBLE COSTS Expenses that are eligible for partial reimbursement by FCM must be: (i) invoiced directly to the Recipient; (ii) incurred after the date set forth in Schedule C; (iii) an integral and an essential component of the Project and required to help achieve the environmental objective of the Project; and (iv) actually and reasonably incurred in accordance with applicable industry standards. 5. RECORD -KEEPING and AUDIT 5.1 Record -keeping — The Recipient shall: (i) maintain its accounts, management information and cost control system and books of accounts adequately to reflect truly and fairly the financial condition of the Project and to conform to GAAP; and (ii) safekeep all such records for at least seven (7) years after the end of the Term. 5.2 Audit — The Recipient shall: (i) upon FCM's request with reasonable prior notice thereto, permit representatives of FCM, during its normal office hours, to have access to its books of accounts and DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 3 of 27 47 F FEDERATION FEDERATION OFCANAOIAN tANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES records relating to the Project and permit FCM to communicate directly with, including the receipt of information from, its external auditors regarding its accounts and operations relating to the Project; (ii) permit FCM to undertake, at any time, at its expense, any audit of the records and accounts of the Recipient in relation to the Project. The Recipient agrees to ensure that prompt and timely corrective action is taken in response to any audit findings and recommendations conducted in accordance with the Agreement. The Recipient will submit to FCM in a timely manner, a report on follow-up actions taken to address recommendations and results of the audit; and (iii) permit the Government of Canada, the Auditor General of Canada, and their designated representatives, to the extent permitted by law, to inspect the terms and conditions of the Agreement and any records and accounts respecting the Project and to have reasonable and timely access to sites, facilities and any documentation relevant for the purpose of audit. 6. ONGOING INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS The Recipient shall provide to FCM the following information, in form and content satisfactory to FCM: (i) a Project Progress Report in the form of Schedule E within thirty (30) days of FCM making such requests; ii) prompt notice of any proposed change in the nature or scope of its legal status; (iii) prompt notice of any act or event which does or may materially and adversely affect the Project or may materially and adversely affect the ability of the Recipient to perform its obligations under the Agreement or the Project or any of the Recipient's other obligations that are material to the Recipient; (iv) prompt notice of any litigation or administrative proceedings, together with copies of any written legal documents as FCM may request, excluding legal documents subject to solicitor client privilege, before any court or arbitral body or other authority which might materially and adversely affect the Project or the ability of the Recipient to perform its obligations under the Agreement or in respect of the Project or any of the Recipient's other obligations that are material to the Recipient; (v) immediate notice of the occurrence of any breach of any term or condition of the Agreement and specifying the nature of such breach, and the steps, if any, that it is taking to remedy the same; and (vi) such other information as FCM may from time to time reasonably request from the Recipient by notice to the Recipient. 7. COPYRIGHT 7.1 Copyright — Copyright in all reports, documents and deliverables prepared in connection with the Agreement and set out in Schedule C, by or on behalf of the Recipient (the "Recipient Documentation") will be the exclusive property of, and all ownership rights shall vest in either the Recipient or, subject to the Recipient's ability to grant the license set out in this Article 7.2, a person or entity engaged to develop the Recipient Documentation on behalf of the Recipient. In the event that the Recipient receives a copyright license to the Recipient Documentation, such license shall include a complete waiver in favour of the Recipient of all non -assignable rights (including moral rights) that may exist in the Recipient Documentation. 7.2 License — The Recipient hereby grants to FCM an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty -free, license, to use, reproduce, distribute, adapt, change formats, display, publish, make improvements to, sub -license, translate and copy in any manner the Recipient Documentation. This license shall survive the expiration or termination of the Agreement. 7.3 Interview — FCM shall hold all right, title and interest, including all intellectual property rights, in and to all formats of the Interview, including but not limited to written, audio recorded or video recorded formats, and to have sole and exclusive rights to the use thereof. Prior to the Interview, the Recipient shall ensure that any person designated by the Recipient to participate in the Interview will execute and deliver to FCM a written agreement which effects the assignment to FCM of all right, title and interest therein, including all intellectual property rights, and provides that such person has waived all its non -assignable rights (including moral rights) therein and grants to FCM the right to use the individual's image, including but not limited to posting the Interview on a public website. 8. PUBLIC RECOGNITION, COMMUNICATION, CONFIDENTIALITY 8.1 Public Recognition — The Recipient shall incorporate the following language into the Project Completion Report and the Final Deliverable: "© 20XX, The City of Saint John. All Rights Reserved. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 4 of 27 48 F FEDERATION FEDERATION OFCANAOIAN tANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES This project was carried out with assistance from the Green Municipal Fund, a Fund financed by the Government of Canada and administered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Notwithstanding this support, the views expressed are the personal views of the authors, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Government of Canada accept no responsibility for them. " 8.2 Communication — The Recipient shall comply with FCM's bilingual communication requirements until the date that is five (5) years following the Final Contribution and shall: (i) cooperate with FCM, who will lead the preparation and issuance of a news release announcing GMF funding for the Project and/or the coordination of a public announcement attended by FCM and the Government of Canada; (ii) promptly inform FCM of upcoming promotional events related to the Project and allow FCM and the Government of Canada to participate in such promotional events; (iii) cooperate with FCM in providing information on the Project to other interested persons to permit the sharing of knowledge and lessons learned about the Project; and (iv) cooperate with FCM in preparing one or more educational interviews, if required by FCM, showcasing the Project, that may be posted on FCM's public website or through other social media tools and made available through other mediums and in various formats (the "Interview"). 8.3 Confidentiality — All processes, documents, data, plans, material, policies or information pertaining to either Party's operations which is obtained by the other Party ("Receiving Party") or furnished to the Receiving Party in connection with the Agreement and expressly identified as confidential thereby, including, without limitation, the terms of the Agreement, ("Confidential Information") shall be maintained by the Receiving Party in strict confidence and shall not be disclosed to any person or entity for any reason or used by the Receiving Party except as necessary for it to perform its obligations hereunder. The limitations contained in this section shall not apply to (a) Confidential Information which is in the public domain at the time of disclosure; (b) Confidential Information that becomes part of the public domain after disclosure through no fault of the Receiving Party; (c) Confidential Information that the Receiving Party can prove was known by the Receiving Party at the time of disclosure; (d) Confidential Information that the Receiving Party can prove was supplied to the Receiving Party by a third party or was independently developed by the Receiving Party; or (e) Confidential Information required to be disclosed pursuant to judicial process. 8.4 Two versions of confidential reports — The Recipient shall provide two versions of any Project Progress Report, Project Completion Report or Final Deliverable that might contain Confidential Information. The version containing Confidential Information shall be clearly labeled as confidential and will be treated as confidential by FCM. The version that does not contain Confidential Information may be posted on FCM's public website and/or made available through other social media websites or tools and otherwise made available to interested third parties. 9. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES The Recipient represents and warrants that: (i) it is duly established under the laws of the Province or Territory set forth in Schedule C of the Agreement and has the legal power and authority to enter into, and perform its obligations under, the Agreement and the Project; (ii) the Agreement has been duly authorized and executed by it and constitutes a valid and binding obligation of it, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms; (iii) neither the making of the Agreement nor the compliance with its terms and the terms of the Project will conflict with or result in the breach of any of the terms, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default under any indenture, debenture, agreement or other instrument or arrangement to which the Recipient is a party or by which it is bound, or violate any of the terms or provisions of the Recipient's constating documents or any license, approval, consent, judgment, decree or order or any statute, rule or regulation applicable to the Recipient; (iv) it is not subject to any restructuring order under any applicable statutory authority; (v) no litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings are current or pending or have been threatened, and so far as the Recipient is aware no claim has been made, which is likely to have an adverse effect on its preparation of the Project or its compliance with its obligations under the Agreement; and (vi) the Recipient has the right to grant the copyright license set out in Article 7 of this Schedule A. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 5 of 27 49 F FEDERATION FEDERATION OFCANAOIAN tANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES 10. TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT (a) FCM may terminate this Agreement: (i) if the Recipient breaches any term or condition of this Agreement, and fails to remedy such breach upon the expiry of 15 Business Days' written notice from FCM of such breach or, with respect to a breach that cannot be remedied within the 15 Business Day period, such longer period of time as FCM may reasonably provide the Recipient to remedy the breach, provided the Recipient has commenced to remedy the breach within the 15 Business Day period and is actively and diligently taking appropriate measures to remedy the breach; (ii) if, in FCM's sole discretion, the Project cannot be completed as initially presented; (iii) if the Recipient fails to meet the conditions of Contribution set forth in the Request for Contribution and fails to obtain the Final Contribution before the end of the Term; (iv) if control and charge over the administration of all the affairs of the Recipient are vested in any person other than the Recipient; (v) if the Recipient becomes insolvent and/or proceedings have been commenced under any legislation or otherwise for its dissolution, liquidation or winding -up, or bankruptcy, insolvency or creditors' arrangement proceedings have been commenced by or against the Recipient; and (vi) if the Parliament of Canada fails to pass an appropriation that is sufficient and constitutes lawful authority for the Government of Canada making the necessary payment to FCM for the project or program in relation to which the Grant is being provided. (b) Either Party may, on not less than 30 days' prior written notice to the other Party, terminate this Agreement. 11. EFFECT OF TERMINATION (a) If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Article 10, the Recipient may be: (i) reimbursed for all or a portion of the Eligible Costs they have incurred in relation to the Project up to the effective date of termination; and (ii) required to pay back to FCM all or a portion of the Grant Amount that was disbursed by FCM to the Recipient prior to the effective date of termination. (b) The rights contained in Sections 11(a) are subject to FCM's sole discretion and satisfaction, taking into consideration the Recipient's out-of-pocket Eligible Costs incurred and results reported by the Recipient in connection with the Project. In addition, FCM may take such action or proceedings in compliance with applicable laws or regulations as FCM in its sole discretion deems expedient to collect the amounts owing to FCM hereunder, all without any additional notice, presentment, demand, protest or other formality, all of which are hereby expressly waived by the Recipient. 12. SAVING OF RIGHTS No course of dealing and no delay in exercising, or omission to exercise, any right, power or remedy accruing to FCM upon any default under the Agreement shall impair any such right, power or remedy or be construed to be a waiver thereof or any acquiescence therein; nor shall the action of FCM in respect of any such default, or any acquiescence by it therein, affect or impair any right, power or remedy of FCM in respect of any other default. 13. APPROPRIATIONS Notwithstanding FCM's obligation to make any payment under the Agreement, this obligation does not arise if, at the time when a payment under the Agreement becomes due, the Parliament of Canada has not passed an appropriation that is sufficient and constitutes lawful authority for the Government of Canada making the necessary payment to FCM for the project or program in relation to which the Grant is being provided. FCM may reduce, delay or terminate any payment under the Agreement in response to the reduction or delay of appropriations or departmental funding levels in respect of transfer payments, the project or program in relation to which the Grant is being provided, or otherwise, as evidenced by any appropriation act or the federal Crown's main or supplementary estimates expenditures. FCM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising from any such reduction, delay or termination of funding. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 6 of 27 50 F FEDERATION FEDERATION OFCANAOIAN tANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES 14. NO BRIBES The Recipient guarantees that no bribe, gift or other inducement has been paid, given, promised or offered to any person in order to obtain the Agreement. Similarly, no person has been employed to solicit or secure the Agreement upon any agreement for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee. The Recipient also guarantees that it has no financial interest in the business of any third party that would affect its objectivity in carrying out the Project. 15. RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION 15.1 Acknowledgment - The Recipient acknowledges and agrees that (i) the Recipient shall be solely and fully responsible for the Project or any element thereof; (ii) by accepting or approving anything required to be accepted or approved pursuant to this Agreement or the Project, FCM shall not be deemed to have warranted or represented the accuracy, sufficiency, legality, effectiveness or legal effect of the same, or of any term, provision or condition thereof, and such acceptance or approval thereof shall not constitute a warranty or representation to anyone with respect thereto by FCM; and (ii) FCM shall not be responsible in any way whatsoever for the Project or any element thereof. 15.2 Release - the Recipient releases and forever discharges FCM and its directors, officers, agents, servants and employees from any claims, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, costs and expenses arising out of or in consequence of any loss, injury or damage to the Recipient or its property in any way relating to this Agreement and/or the Project. 15.3 Indemnification - The Recipient hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless FCM and its officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and expenses (including legal, expert and consultant fees), causes of action, actions, claims, demands, lawsuits or other proceedings (collectively, a "Claim"), by whomever made, sustained, incurred, brought or prosecuted, in any way arising out of or in connection with the Project or otherwise in connection with the Agreement, but only to the extent that such Claim arises out of or is in connection with the Recipient's breach of this Agreement or is caused by the negligence or wilful misconduct of the Recipient in the performance of its obligations hereunder or otherwise in connection with the Project. 15.4 Intellectual Property Indemnity. Recipient shall defend or settle at its expense any claim or suit against FCM arising out of or in connection with an assertion that the Recipient Documentation infringes any intellectual property right and the Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless FCM from damages, costs, and attorneys' fees, if any, finally awarded in such suit or the amount of the settlement thereof; provided that (i) Recipient is promptly notified in writing of such claim or suit, and (ii) Recipient shall have the sole control of the defense and/or settlement thereof. 15.5 FCM's Limited Liability — In no event shall FCM, including its directors, officers, employees and agents, be liable under the Agreement for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages of any kind, however caused, including, but not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, loss of data, work interruption, increased cost of work, or any claims or demands against the Recipient by any other entity, whether such remedy is sought in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise and whether or not FCM, including its directors', officers', employees' and agents' liabilty for direct damages for any reason and upon any cause of action, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or any other legal theory, exceed the Grant Amount that was disbursed under the Agreement. The Agreement shall not create for nor give to any third party any claim or right of action against FCM. 15.6 Further Assurances - The Recipient shall promptly execute and deliver, upon request by FCM, all such other and further documents, agreements, opinions, certificates and instruments as may be reasonably required by FCM to more fully state the obligations of either party to the Agreement or to make any recording, file any notice or obtain any consent. 16. GENERAL 16.1 Notices and Requests — Any notice, document or other communication required to be given under the Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given if sent by personal delivery/courier, registered mail or email to the other Party at its address indicated in Schedule C. The notice shall be deemed to DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 7 of 27 51 F FEDERATION FEDERATION OFCANAOIAN tANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES have been delivered on the day of personal delivery, on the day received by email (as evidenced by a transmission confirmation), or on the fifth day following mailing. 16.2 Relationship of the Parties - The relationship between the Recipient and FCM is, and shall at all times be and remain, essentially that of a recipient and a grantor, and the Agreement does not and shall not be deemed to create a joint venture, partnership, and fiduciary or agency relationship between the Parties for any purpose. Neither the Recipient, nor any of its personnel are engaged as an employee, servant or agent of FCM. 16.3 Amendment - Any amendment of any provision of the Agreement, including the Schedules, must be in writing and signed by both Parties. 16.4 Choice of Language - It is the express wish of the Parties that the Agreement and any related documents be drawn up and executed in English. Les Parties reconnaissent avoir exige que la presente convention et tous Ies documents connexes soient rediges en anglais. 16.5 Governing Law -The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein. 16.6 Choice of Forum - The Parties hereto agree and intend that the proper and exclusive forum for any litigation of any disputes or controversies arising out of or related to the Agreement shall be a court of competent jurisdiction located in the Province of Ontario, City of Ottawa. 16.7 Effectiveness - The Agreement shall be in force until such time as FCM has disbursed the Final Contribution or until the Agreement has been terminated in accordance with Article 10, whichever shall first occur. 16.8 Successors and Assigns - The Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, except that the Recipient may not assign or otherwise transfer all or any part of its rights or obligations under the Agreement without the prior written consent of FCM. 16.9 Severability - If any provision or clause of the Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, null, illegal or unenforceable, that determination shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions to the extent they can be given effect without the illegal or invalid provision. The Parties further agree to negotiate the severed provision to bring the same within the applicable legal requirements to the extent possible. 16.10 Waiver of Rights - Except as expressly provided in the Agreement, any waiver of, or consent to depart from, the requirements of any provision of the Agreement shall be effective only if it is in writing and signed by the Party giving it, and only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which it has been given. No failure on the part of a Party to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right under the Agreement shall operate as a waiver of such right. No single or partial exercise of any such right shall preclude any other or further exercise of such right or the exercise of any other right. 16.11 Entire Agreement - The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior correspondence, agreements, negotiations, discussions and understandings, if any, written or oral. 16.12 Headings - Headings are included in the Agreement for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be full or accurate descriptions of the contents thereof. 16.13 Gender and Number - All references in the Agreement to the masculine gender include the feminine gender; and all references to the singular include the plural and vice versa. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 8 of 27 52 F FEDERATION FEDERATION OFCANAOIAN tANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES 16.14 Counterparts - The Agreement may be executed and delivered (including by email transmission or by protocol document format ("PDF")) in one or more counterparts and, each of which when executed shall be deemed an original, but both of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement. 16.15 Survival - The provisions pertaining to Article 5, Article 7, Article 8, Article 15 and this Article 16, and any other provisions hereof expressly or impliedly intended to survive termination or expiry, will survive the termination of the Agreement. SCHEDULE B — ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE COSTS TABLE Expenses that are eligible for partial reimbursement or for an Advanced Contribution must be: • incurred after the date the application is received by FCM (costs to write the application incurred up to 90 days prior to receipt of the application by FCM). • invoiced directly to your organization. • an integral and an essential component of the initiative required to achieve the environmental objective. • actually and reasonably incurred in accordance with applicable industry standards. • Labour costs must be documented in a manner that meets audit standards for verification of eligibility of cost and level of effort. FCM reserves the right to audit financial statements or expenses incurred at a future date. Please keep financial accounts and records, including but not limited to contracts, invoices, statements, receipts, timesheets, and vouchers, for at least seven years. Financial records must be sufficiently detailed to enable verification of expenditure eligibility and level of effort. Cost Category I Eligible Costs Ineligible Costs Section A: Costs incurred prior to date application received by FCM (1) Pre -application FCosts to write the GMF application incurred All other costs incurred prior to application up to 90 days prior to application receipt date receipt date Section B: Costs incurred after date application received by FCM (2) Administrative Administrative costs that are directly linked to Office space, supplies and general and have been incurred for the Project, such overhead costs incurred in the ordinary as: course of business. • communication costs (e.g. long-distance calls) • permits or certifications required for the Project • printing or photocopying by outside suppliers • acquisition of documents used exclusively for the project • document translation (3) Advertising Advertising costs essential to communicating Advertising costs for general the project to the public, as well as Project education or publicity that is a result evaluation such as: of ongoing or other business activity • fees for advertising development and not a specific requirement of the • fees for media distribution Project • website development Promotional items • public surveys (4) Capital Rental or purchase of equipment or assets Any major capital costs (Pilot Projects Only) which are essential for conducting the small- Purchase or lease of real property scale activity. This would include specialized system hardware and software, construction costs, materials, renovation and modernization costs, and installations costs (5) Equipment rental Rental of tools and equipment. Rental of tools or equipment related to ongoing or other business activities. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 9 of 27 53 F FEDERATION FEDERATION OFCANAOIAN tANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES (6) In -kind N/A Any goods and services that are received through donation or in -kind. (7) Meetings and Costs related to meetings and public Any hospitality expenses such as: public gatherings gatherings that communicate the project to the 0 food, drink an alcohol public and that collect feedback, such as: 0 door prizes • facility rental 0 entertainment • audiovisual equipment rental 0 decorations, flowers, centrepieces (8) Services Fees for professional or technical consultants Costs for engineering studies, audit and contractors. studies or feasibility studies for which grants or contributions are provided by or committed to be provided by the Government of Canada. (9) Staff Daily rates actually paid by the Eligible 0 In -kind contribution of services remuneration Recipient to its employees (including 0 Overtime pay permanent and contract employees) in Canada • Bonuses/performance pay for time actually worked on the implementation 0 Fringe benefits such as: sick days, of the Project. The daily rate per employee pension plan, maternity leave, shall include the following costs: parental leave, any other fringe • direct salaries: actual and justifiable sums benefits not listed as eligible paid by the Eligible Recipient to employees . Costs related to ongoing or other in accordance with the Eligible Recipient's regular business activities and not pay scales as regular salary excluding specifically required for the Project. overtime pay and bonuses. 0 Staff wages while receiving training • fringe benefit: in accordance with the or attending learning events. Eligible Recipient's policies, as follows: 0 Professional membership fees or a) time -off benefits (prorated to the dues. annual percentage (%) of time actually Staff remuneration for which a grant worked on the implementation of the or contribution are provided by or Project): allowable number of days to committed to be provided by the be paid by the Eligible Recipient for FCM. This includes funding provided the following payable absences: or committed through Climate statutory holidays, annual vacation, Change Staff Grants from FCM's and b) paid benefits: actual sums paid by the Municipalities for Climate Innovation Eligible Recipient for paid benefits Program. (prorated to the annual percentage (%) of time actually worked on the implementation of the Project): the Eligible Recipient's contribution to employment insurance and workers' compensation plans (where applicable), health and medical insurance, group life insurance, or other mandatory government benefits N.B. For private sector entities only, as determined by FCM, the value of the total staff remuneration cannot exceed 10% of the Project's Eligible Costs. (10) Supplies and Supplies and materials that are specifically Costs related to ongoing or other materials needed to undertake the project. business activities, and not a specific requirement of the Project. (11) Transportation, Transportation costs for delivery of materials Any transportation expense related to shipping and and services essential for the Project. ongoing or other business activities. courier charges (12) Travel and Travel and project associated expenses for Travel and associated expenses of accommodation you and consultants to the extent that the a partner in the Project. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 10 of 27 54 F FEDERATION FEDERATION OFCANAOIAN tANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES travel and accommodation rates comply with Travel, accommodation and fees to Treasury Board of Canada guidelines. attend conferences, missions, trade shows, etc. (13) Taxes The portion of taxes for which your The portion of taxes for which your organization is not otherwise eligible for organization is eligible for rebate rebate.(provincial, territorial or federal). SCHEDULE C — RECIPIENT'S SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS PROJECT The Recipient is receiving the Grant Amount to perform the following project: The City of Saint John, New Brunswick, is aiming to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its public and transit fleet operations and become carbon -neutral by 2040. As part of its Low -Carbon Migration Strategy, the city will pilot zero -emissions public transit vehicles, including one 40-foot and six 20-foot leased battery electric buses, to reduce the carbon footprint of its transit fleet and validate a new hybrid on -demand transit system. The city will also install and evaluate Smart Charging Systems designed to monitor charging rates and energy consumption to manage energy demand, prioritize charging needs, and perform complementary energy management functions. This pilot will pave the way for 100% battery electric bus adoption in Saint John by testing scalability and operationally verifying an electric -fleet transition and a new transit service delivery model aimed at increasing ridership while minimizing costs. The city will define key performance indicators and develop a new governance mechanism using insights on how staff roles and responsibilities, organization structure, and/or performance would need to adapt to these new technologies to develop long-term operating procedures and policies. Additionally, the city plans to conduct community open viewing events of the new electric bus infrastructure and conduct public surveys on the performance of on -demand transit to resolve any gaps between performance and community expectations. This pilot is directly informed by the City of Saint John's Low -Carbon Migration Strategy and its Corporate GHG & Energy Action Plan. It is also clearly aligned with City Council Priorities (2021-2026) and the City's sector -specific "Greening our Fleet Policy". Innovative aspect(s): • The city will pilot seven electric buses to pave the way for 100% adoption • The on -demand transit service will be the first of its kind in Canada east of Ontario, and will facilitate enhanced transit service and higher ridership while enabling fleet downsizing Replicability: The pilot's primary outcome will be an understanding of what strategies best leverage the advantages of new technologies so that their adoption can be scaled fleetwide. The data collected will be used to inform other municipalities throughout Atlantic Canada with similar climates, service requirements and business operation environments. 2. PROJECT COSTS The forecasted Eligible Costs that the Recipient included in its GMF funding application: WORK PLAN AND BUDGET Milestones Cost Category Eligible Ineligible Total Cost $ Cost $ Cost $ Milestone 1: Pilot Vehicle Preparation Start date: 09/2022 End date: 01/2023 Pre -Launch Public Awareness (Signage and (3) Advertising $20,000 $0 $20,000 Marketing) Pilot Vehicle Arrival 1 (1 x BYD and 7x Karsan) - (2) Administrative $42,000 $0 $42,000 Initial training, licensing, and bus wrapping City and Transit Staff Management (9) Staff remuneration $5,000 $0 $5,000 DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 11 of 27 55 F FEDERATION FEDERATION OFCANAOIAN tANADIENNE DES MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITES Milestone 1 Subtotal $67,000 Milestone 2: Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Start date: 10/2022 End date: 01/2023 (EVSE or "Charging Station") Consultation Fees - EVSE Design (8) Services $100,000 $0 $100,000 EVSE Supply and Installation: 1) $70,000 for the Supply of Two (2) 50 KW DC Fast Chargers; 2) $15,000 for the Supply of Six (6) 19.2 KW AC Level 2 Chargers; 3) $190,000 for the installation (4) Capital Expenditures $275,000 $0 $275,000 of electrical distribution and equipment including the installation of two stepdown transformers and associated panels. EVSE Transformers (300kVa and 225kVa) (Procure separately by the City to speed up the (4) Capital Expenditures $55,000 $0 $55,000 process) EVSE Commissioning including staff training (Commissioning will be done by the City electrician (4) Capital Expenditures $10,000 $0 $10,000 who will received his certification) Smart Charging - Energy management system for optimizing peak demand and monitor energy (4) Capital Expenditures $25,000 $0 $25,000 consumption EVSE Procurement Support (8) Services $5,000 $0 $5,000 City and Transit Staff Management (9) Staff remuneration $5,000 $0 $5,000 Milestone 2 Subtotal $475,000 Milestone 3: Pilot Outline Start date: 10/2022 End date: 01/2023 Consultation Fees - Transit Pilot Program (8) Services $7,500 $0 $7,500 Development Consultation Fees - Develop measurement, validation, and monitoring plan to track (8) Services $7,500 $0 $7,500 performance i.e. KPI City and Transit Staff Management 9 Staff remuneration $5,000 $0 $5,000 Milestone 3 Subtotal $20,000 Milestone 4: Pilot Execution Start date: 01/2023 End date: 02/2024 12 Month Lease of 6x Karsans 5 Equipment rental $324,000 $0 $324,000 6 to 12 Month Lease of BYD 5 Equipment rental $66,000 $0 $66,000 Electric vehicle telematics service licensing (12- (5) Equipment rental $15,000 $0 $15,000 month) and implementation On -demand software service licensing (12-month) (5) Equipment rental $90,000 $0 $90,000 and implementation City and Transit Staff Management 9 Staff remuneration $5,000 $0 $5,000 Milestone 4 Subtotal $500,000 Milestone 5: Pilot Reporting Start date: 01/2023 End date: 02/2024 Consultants - Pilot monitoring and reporting (8) Services $25,500 $0 $25,500 (quarterly) Interim and Final Presentations to City Leadership (9) Staff remuneration $5,000 $0 $5,000 and Council including next steps Invitation to results finding presentation to FCM (9) Staff remuneration $10,000 $0 $10,000 and neighboring municipalities Milestone 5 Subtotal $40,500 Subtotal -All Phases 1 $1,102,500 1 $0 $1,102,500 Total Eligible Costs 1 $1,102,500 Contingency costs: Have you included room for contingencies in some or all of your task costs? Please explain. Contingency amounts have been included for each individual activity ranging from 10% to 15%. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template - Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 12 of 27 56 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES FCM will only reimburse costs incurred after July 22, 2022, except for costs incurred to write the application, which are eligible for reimbursement if incurred after April 23, 2022. 3. PROJECT SOURCES OF FUNDING The funding for the Project is planned as: Funding Source Description Date Confirmed Amount Percentage of Total Budget Green Municipal Fund Grant January 26, 2023 $402,500 36% City of Saint John Cash July 27, 2022 $570,000 52% NB Power Grant Grant May 30, 2022 $130,000 12% Contribution TOTAL $1,102,500 100% 4. GRANT AMOUNT The Grant Amount, described in Article 2 of Schedule A, shall be equal to the lower of: (i) the sum of four hundred two thousand five hundred dollars ($402,500); or (ii) fifty percent (50%) of Eligible Costs. 5. GRANT DISBURSEMENTS The obligation of FCM to disburse the Grant to the Recipient, is subject to the Recipient fulfilling the applicable conditions of Contribution set forth below, to the satisfaction of FCM, in its sole and absolute discretion. Payment and reporting table: The forecasted Contribution(s) amounts ($), reporting requirements and reporting dates as agreed upon by the Parties prior to Agreement signature. Contribution(s) and Deliverable(s) Expected date of Contribution The Contribution shall be equal to: Advanced Contribution #1 Within 30 days of executed Agreement $281,750 • Executed Grant Agreement • Void Cheque + • Electronic fund transfer EFT form receipt of void cheque and EFT Approximate Approximate The Contribution shall be Contribution(s) and Deliverable(s) Date of Date of equal to the lesser of: Submission Contribution Progress Report #1 At FCM's n/a n/a Request • Schedule E — Project Progress Report • Evidence that Milestones 1 — 3 were completed: Pilot Vehicle Preparation, Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, and Pilot Outline • Updated Project Workbook o Sources of Funding o Payment and reporting table o Expense Claim • Additional conditions: None Final Contribution DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 13 of 27 57 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES • Schedule D — Request for Contribution February 28, March 29, 0 $402,500 less the amount • Schedule F — Project Completion 2024 2024 of previous Contribution; or Report 0 50% of Eligible Costs then • Evidence that Milestones 1 — 5 were incurred by the Recipient completed: Pilot Vehicle Preparation, less the amount of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, previous Contribution Pilot Outline, Pilot Execution, and Pilot Reporting • Updated Project Workbook • Sources of Funding • Payment and reporting table • Expense Claim • Final Pilot Project Report • Additional conditions: None 6. JURISDICTION The jurisdiction applicable to Section 9 of Schedule A of the Agreement is the Province of New Brunswick. 7. CRA BUSINESS NUMBER The Recipient's CRA Business number is R122681158. R Mr)TIrFS To the Recipient: The City of Saint John 15 Market Square Saint John, New Brunswick E21- 4L1 Attention: Ian MacKinnon Director of Fleet and Transit Operations • telephone:506-721-4642 • by electronic mail: ian.mackinnon@saintjohn.ca Alternate Contact: Attention: Samir Yammine Director of Asset Management and Environmental Performance • telephone:506-333-2309 • by electronic mail: samir.yammine@saintjohn.ca To FCM: Federation of Canadian Municipalities 24 Clarence Street Ottawa, Ontario K1 N 5P3 Attention: Ulana Fries Project Officer for GMF • telephone:343-417-0518 • by facsimile: 613-244-1515 • by electronic mail: ufries@fcm.ca DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 14 of 27 58 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES SCHEDULE D — REQUEST FOR CONTRIBUTION TEMPLATE [LETTERHEAD OF THE RECIPIENT] [Address] [Date] Federation of Canadian Municipalities 24 Clarence Street Ottawa, Ontario K1 N 5P3 Attention: Ulana Fries Project Officer for GMF The Recipient is requesting the following Contribution: 0 Final I am an authorized official of the Recipient and understand that all the information below must be submitted and accepted by FCM, in order to receive the Contribution. I hereby certify, in satisfaction of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, that: • The Conditions of Contribution set forth in Schedule C have been met by the Recipient. • The Project conforms to the description set forth in Schedule C of the Agreement. • The Recipient has obtained, or has made other arrangements satisfactory to FCM for obtaining, all approvals, consents, authorizations and licences that are required under the laws of Canada and of the relevant Province or Territory, in order for the Recipient to enter into and comply with the Agreement and to undertake and complete the Project. • No act or event does or may materially and adversely affect the Project or the ability of the Recipient to perform its obligations under the Agreement and the Project or any of its other obligations that are material to the Recipient has occurred. • The representations and warranties confirmed or made in the Agreement with respect to the Recipient will be true on and as of the date that FCM makes the Contribution, with the same effect as though such representations and warranties have been made on and as of the date that FCM makes the Contribution. • All the covenants, conditions and other obligations set forth in the Agreement, including its schedules, and the Project Workbook, to be performed or satisfied by the Recipient before the date that FCM makes the Contribution have been performed or satisfied, to FCM's satisfaction. • All capitalized terms have the meaning attributed to them in the Agreement. • If any confirmation, information or documentation provided to FCM is not true and correct, the Recipient will immediately notify FCM prior to the making of the Contribution. • All expenses claimed: o have been submitted through the Expense Claim template, in the Project Workbook; o have been incurred and paid, or are to be paid, by the Recipient; o were integral and essential components of the Project and required to help achieve the environmental objectives of the Project; o were reasonably incurred in accordance with applicable industry standards; and o are Eligible Costs as per Schedule B, that were incurred after the date set forth in Schedule C. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 15 of 27 59 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES • 1 acknowledge and agree that the Recipient's records and accounts in relation to the Project, might be audited. • 1 am attaching a completed copy of FCM's Electronic Funds Transfer form to identify the bank account where FCM should deposit the Contribution. Name and title of authorized officer of Recipient Signature Date DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 16 of 27 60 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES SCHEDULE E — PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT TEMPLATE VERY IMPORTANT: Timing: You need to email a report, to your GMF project officer (contact info is in Schedule C), on the dates indicated in Schedule C or whenever FCM asks for such a report. Copyright: If you're hiring a consultant to prepare the report, please make sure to get the copyright (see FCM's copyright tips document), or else FCM will not be able to disburse the Grant Amount. Accessibility for people with disabilities: Please do not change the format, font, layout, etc. of this report. This template has been specially designed, following FCM's Accessibility Guidelines, in order to be accessible to people with disabilities. Confidentiality: If your report contains any Confidential Information that you would prefer not be made available to the public (e.g. through a case study or other materials produced by FCM that relate to your Project), please submit two versions of the report: 1. Complete report including Confidential Information: Please clearly label this report with the word "Confidential" or similar wording and FCM will treat it as confidential. 2. Abridged report excluding Confidential Information: This report may be posted on the FCM website and otherwise made available to interested third parties, to help FCM meet its knowledge sharing objectives. Purpose: Your Project Progress Report has two main purposes: Project tracking: This report enables FCM to confirm that your Project is proceeding as planned, or to be informed of any unforeseen delays. 2. Knowledge sharing: FCM shares the lessons and expertise gained through GMF-funded initiatives with other communities across Canada. The findings and lessons learned documented in your Project Progress Report could be valuable for other municipal governments that are seeking to address sustainability issues in their own communities. FCM may wish to supplement this information through an Interview with the Project lead. Content outline: Your Project Progress Report should be approximately one to two pages long and include the information below. Note: You may request a Microsoft Word version of this template from your GMF project officer. Project information GMF number: Name of funding recipient: Project title: Date of Project Progress Report: 1. Project status a) Please summarize the activities completed so far and indicate the activities currently in progress, as per Schedule C. Note: If you have previously submitted a Project Progress Report (for projects with multiple contributions), your summary should build on the information you included in your previous report. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 17 of 27 61 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES b) Have there been any significant changes, or do you anticipate any significant changes, to the scope or costs of the Project as described in the Agreement or in a previously submitted Project Progress Report (if applicable)? c) If your initiative is a feasibility study or pilot project, please indicate how the scope will change and, in general terms, how the changes will affect the environmental benefits you aim to achieve and the budget (e.g. increase or decrease; no precise figures required). d) When do you expect to complete the Project (month/year)? 2. Lessons learned to date a) Have you begun to implement any new technology or new approach (e.g. full -cost accounting)? Are there any benefits or drawbacks in using this new technology or approach that you have identified to date? b) What barriers have you encountered so far and what solutions have you implemented to address them? c) If you were planning this type of Project again, what would you do differently, knowing what you know now? d) Do you have a Project champion who has been instrumental to the Project to date? If so, please include his or her name, title and contact information, and describe his or her role in the Project. e) What advice would you give to someone in another community undertaking a similar project? 3. Photos and materials FCM includes project photos and links to project materials in GMF case studies, website content, and other vehicles. a) Identify and attach any materials resulting from the Project to date that would be useful to share with other communities, such as checklists, toolkits, guidelines, bylaws, videos or information brochures. If the material is available on your website, simply include the link to it. For example, a water metering project might result in a new municipal water use bylaw, or a series of householder information brochures or online video clips on ways to reduce water use. b) Attach any high -quality photographs of the Project if you have taken any to date. Where possible, include photos that feature people in action. The photos must be in jpeg or tiff format and at least 300 dpi (up to 10 MB/10,000 KB but no smaller than 1 MB/1,000 KB in file size). For each photo, please include: i) A caption describing what is featured in the photo. ii) A photo credit that indicates who owns the copyright to the photo and the photographer (e.g. © 2020, City of Ottawa/Madison Brown). iii) A written release signed by the individuals depicted in the photo granting FCM permission to use the images. Please request an FCM photo consent form from your GMF project officer. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 18 of 27 62 FEDERATION OFCANADIAN CANADIENN E DES FCMMUNICIPALITIES MUNICIIPALITES SCHEDULE F — PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT TEMPLATE VERY IMPORTANT: Timing: You need to email a report, to your GMF project officer (contact info is in Schedule C), on the dates indicated in Schedule C or whenever FCM asks for such a report. Copyright: Before you submit a report to FCM, make sure you hold the copyright for the report. If you're hiring a consultant to prepare the report, please make sure to get the copyright (see FCM's copyright tips document), or else FCM will not be able to disburse the Grant Amount. Accessibility for people with disabilities: Please do not change the format, font, layout, etc. of this report. This template has been specially designed, following FCM's Accessibility Guidelines, in order to be accessible to people with disabilities. Confidentiality: If your report contains any Confidential Information that you would prefer not be made available to the public (e.g. through a case study or other materials produced by FCM that relate to your Project), please submit two versions of the report: 1. Complete report including Confidential Information: Please clearly label this report with the word "Confidential" or similar wording and FCM will treat it as confidential. 2. Abridged report excluding Confidential Information: This report may be posted on the FCM website and otherwise made available to interested third parties, to help FCM meet its knowledge sharing objectives. Please contact your project officer to receive an electronic copy of the Completion Report Template Upon completion of the project, a copy of the Final Deliverable must be submitted along with this Completion Report. FCM will post your report on the Green Municipal FundTA1 (GMF) website. This is because one of FCM's mandates is to help municipal governments share their knowledge and expertise regarding municipal environmental projects, plans and studies. How to complete the Completion Report The purpose of the Completion Report is to share the story of your community's experience in undertaking your project with others seeking to address similar issues in their own communities. Please write the report in plain language that can be understood by people who are not specialists on the subject. A Completion Report is typically in the range of 5-10 pages, but may be longer or shorter, depending on the complexity of the project. GMF grant recipients must enclose final copies of the Completion Report and the Final Deliverable with their final Request for Contribution. The reports, including all attachments and appendices, must be submitted in PDF format with searchable text functionality. Reports that are not clearly identifiable as final reports, such as those displaying headers, footers, titles or watermarks containing terms like "draft" or "for internal use only," will not be accepted by GMF. Additionally, reports must be dated. If you have questions about completing this report, please consult GMF staff. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 19 of 27 63 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES GMF number Name of the lead applicant (municipality or other partner) Name, title, full address, phone, fax, e-mail of lead technical contact for this Pilot Project Date of the Report 1. Introduction a) Who was involved in doing the Pilot Project, and what are their affiliations? Please include name, title and contact information. Those involved could include municipal staff, engineering and other consultants, a representative from a nongovernmental organization, and others. 2. The Pilot Project a) Please describe the project objectives and the approach used to meet these objectives. Include details on what technology or solution was tested during the Pilot Project. (Indicate relevant sections/pages of the Final Pilot Project Report) b) Did the pilot project include a methodology or approach for verifying or testing the performance of the technology or solution? Please respond Yes or No. Yes[ ] No[ ] If you answered yes to Question #3, which methodology did you use in this pilot project for testing the performance of the technology or solution? Environmental Technology Verification Program Engineering Consultant Other (please specify) 3. Pilot Project Results a) What are the Pilot Project's recommendations? (You may point to the relevant sections/pages of the Final Pilot Project Report if relevant.) b) Is the Pilot Project technically feasible for full-scale implementation? Please comment on why or why not. c) What were the financial results of the Pilot Project and is the Pilot Project financially feasible for full-scale implementation? Please comment on why or why not. d) Please complete the following table that was part of your pilot project application with the actual results from your pilot project. Please also provide the page numbers where the environmental results of the pilot project can be found in the final report. Project Parameter Units Baseline Anticipated performance performance after before project project completion Energy Consumption GJ/yr 1,933.15 496.54 (Building, Transportation, Other) DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 20 of 27 64 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES Greenhouse Gas Tonnes CO2e/yr 134 18.7 Emissions e) Please describe all of the environmental results including any potential negative results or trade-offs that need to be considered. f) Based on the experience gained in the pilot, please update the anticipated social and economic outcomes (community benefits) of full scale implementation of the pilot project. Column B of the following tables shows the anticipated economic and social benefits you noted in your application. Please complete the table below by describing in Column C the anticipated economic benefits of the pilot project at full scale implementation. Please complete for all that apply in the list below. If there are additional economic benefits, please describe these in the last row of the table. Figure 1 — Economic benefits A B C Economic benefit As described in your GMF Anticipated economic benefits of the application pilot project at full scale based on pilot experience. If the result is different than what was expected in the application form, please indicate why. Increased return on investment Deferred or avoided capital Improvement: Another key benefit expenditures is the cost savings from operating on -demand services. Unlike, fixed route services where buses operate on fixed schedules and routes, on -demand transit will only operate when rides are requested. This has the potential to reduce wasteful operations where empty buses operate on routes with little to no ridership. The benefit of this is that riders have the same or better access to transit while eliminating costly non -revenue seat mileage. Decrease in facility Improvement: Despite BEBs operating or maintenance being more expensive than ICE costs buses, the long-term cost savings on O&M far outweigh the initial capital investment required. The fleet wide transition analysis performed in the City's Low Carbon Migration Strategy (LCMS) forecasted a 5% reduction in lifecycle costs when transitioning from ICE vehicles to battery -electric alternatives. The most significant savings were realized in reduced operating expenditures (OPEX) in the following categories: DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 21 of 27 65 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES A B C • In fleet maintenance, BEBs are estimated to cost 18% lower than current ICE fleet (business as usual). • Energy expenditure for BEB fleet is estimated to cost 60% lower than the cost of fuel on an ICE fleet. • Total OPEX including maintenance, fuel, utilities, staffing and infrastructure, and carbon tax for a BEB fleet is estimated to be 40% lower than for ICE bus fleet. Note that the fuel costs assumed in the LCMP were $1.32 and $1.35 per litre for gasoline and diesel respectively. When increasing the cost of fuel to $2.00 per litre, in line with current fuel prices, the relative cost savings of transitioning the fleet to battery - electric alternative increased to 12%. Extended lifespan for facility Increased municipal revenue streams (e.g. property tax, user fees, etc. Lower taxes Stimulus for local economy Improvement: All diesel and (use of local business, gasoline consumed in the City are capacity for local business imported; thus, a large development) percentage of the dollars expended on energy leaves the City, the Region, and the Province. In contrast, adoption of BEB allows for the use of energy produced by utilities in the region and supporting them by consuming energy good and services produced locally. Investing in BEBs thus, can support the growth of the local renewable energy industry and ensure that expenditures stay within the region to further help the local economy. The City of Saint John is working closely with its owned electrical distribution company Saint John Energy to increase the production of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar farms, etc. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 22 of 27 66 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES A B C Approximately 16% of the total electrical consumption of the community is produced by wind energy with the goal to have 100% of the total electrical distribution system will be produced by renewable energy by 2035. Increased employment Improvement: Propagation of EV options or job retention related industries (automobile, EV charging, EV maintenance, energy generation and distribution), Direct and Indirect Increased transit ridership Attraction of new businesses Reduced uncertainty for Improvement: Electric buses also financial planning provide a significant advantage in terms of certainty required when it comes to planning and budgeting for energy consumption and operational cost. Energy cost remains significantly more stable and are traditionally not impacted by externalities that gasoline and diesel prices may witness due to global events and dependencies. This reduces the uncertainty for transit operators and can free up capital reserves which might otherwise have been required to be maintained to insulate from fuel cost fluctuations. Reliance on Canadian Improvement: Adopting BEBs for Energy transit is in alignment to the City's Fleet and Transit Low Carbon Strategy, which along with fleet decarbonization, also aims to be more reliant on local energy sources such as wind energy to provide energy to the City's fleet and reduce the carbon footprint of the energy used. This will not only minimize carbon emissions but will also provide the City with higher energy security by being more reliant on energy produced locally and minimizing exposure to external fuel price fluctuations and uncertainties over time. Improvement: A larger adoption of Development of renewable BEBs will put pressure on the energy industry utilities and upstream industries to increase production capacities and upgrade infrastructure. This DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 23 of 27 67 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES A B C increase can provide impetus to the transition of the energy industry towards more renewable energy sources. The new demand for energy goods and services, can help the growth of regional energy industry with broader economic impact like creation of jobs, development of skills and thus support the local economy. The adoption of BEB is expected to affect the entire value chain/EV eco system — from OEM to after market support to charging equipment and services providers. With widespread adoption and increased demand, Supporting the market opportunities and demand development of Canadian for good and services can be EV manufacturing and expected to increase. Even niche after market support or non-existent markets like battery recycling or reuse markets could emerge. With enough regional demand, they could help support local businesses and entrepreneurs, develop skills and labour and effectively reduce external dependencies. Other (please specify) g) Please complete the table below by describing in Column C the anticipated project at full scale implementation. Please complete for all that apply in additional social benefits, please describe these in the last row of the table. Figure 2- Social benefits social benefits of the pilot the list below. If there are A B C Social benefits As described in your GMF Anticipated social benefits of the pilot application project at full scale implementation based on pilot experience If the result is different than what was expected in the application form, please indicate why. Improvements to public Improvement: Reduction in over health 100% of tailpipe emissions which pollute the local environment. The City of Saint John is home to the largest petroleum refinery, and pulp and paper mill in Canada which contributes towards a lot of pollution in the region. In an effort to arrest the negative effects of industrial pollution, fleet decarbonization has simply been a logical inclusion in a long list of DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 24 of 27 68 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES A B C initiatives that have been implemented to better the air quality in the City. One of the most significant benefits of adopting BEBs comes from the fact that BEBs do not produce any exhaust fumes or tailpipe emissions. Because of this, there is no direct air pollution and the local air within city environments where BEBs operate remain unaffected. In effect, the use of BEBs directly contribute to removing a wide range of harmful particles from the urban environments. This reduces the exposure of residents to exhaust fumes and particles that can cause asthma, respiratory diseases etc. and thereby ensures better public health. Improvements to public safety Improvements to community quality of life Increased opportunities for community engagement Increased public education or awareness Community revitalization New housing and infrastructure New or enhanced public space or public facilities Improved access to recreation and physical activities Reduced urban sprawl Increased civic pride, ownership and participation Improved quality and Improvement: Better to level of efficiency of service service by providing accessible provision to residents transit, with better response times (30 minutes or less) and more direct routing. Adherence to wait times will be measured. Reduced opportunities for crime Employment of women, Improvement: Women comprise indigenous people, youth, less than 25% of the automotive and marginalized groups industry (2021), however EV have shown improvements to workplace diversit Noise reduction Improvement: With BEBs, bus operations are less noisy, and neighbourhoods and city streets DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 25 of 27 69 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES A B C can become more liveable and friendly for residents. In addition, quieter streets and lanes provide more suitable environments for people to engage in activities like walking, biking, etc. that have roven health benefits Equitable Access to Improvement: One of the key Transportation challenges of today's cities is to provide access to transportation that is convenient, safe, and affordable. With on -demand transit services, riders will no longer have to depend on fixed transit schedules or hail taxi services that can often be quite expensive. Riders can easily request transit rides to their preferred location and commute without having to worry about affordability, personal safety or sacrificing on convenience that cars and taxis provide Community Infrastructure Improvement: The infrastructure Deployment deployed for City operations can also be leveraged to help the City in achieving its broader goals like green infrastructure development and lowering community carbon emissions. One such opportunity would be to make the charging infrastructure accessible for public use throughout the day for charging personal vehicles. This could support community electric vehicle adoption with limited impact to City operations as the bulk of the charging required for the City's buses can be planned for the overnight period when the buses return to the depot. Energy security Improvement: With a widespread BEB adoption, demand for energy is expected to go up, which in turn can motivate utilities to scale up production in the region. As utilities scale up production capacities to meet demands, additional investment can also be expected in the development of other energy products and services. This will help in the growth of the local energy industry eco-system and can help reduce dependencies on foreign oil and other fuel sources. Other leasespecify) DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 26 of 27 70 FCMMUNICIPALITIES FEDERATION CANA IENNOFCANADIAN CANADIENNE DES MUNICIIPALITES 4. Lead Applicant's Next Steps a) What next steps does your municipality plan to take based on the findings and recommendations of the Pilot Project? 5. Lessons Learned In answering the questions in this section, please consider all aspects of the Pilot Project —from the initial planning through each of the essential task until the Final Report of the Pilot Project was prepared. a) What would you recommend to other municipalities interested in doing a similar Pilot Project? What would you do differently if you were to do this again? b) What barriers/challenges (if any) did you encounter in doing this Pilot Project? How did you overcome them? 6. Knowledge Sharing a) Is there a website where more information about the Pilot Project can be found? If so, please provide the URL. b) In addition to the Pilot Project results, has your Pilot Project led to other activities that could be of interest to another municipality (for example, another pilot project, sharing of the results of this pilot project with other municipalities formally or informally, changes to existing policies and/or practices etc.)? If so, please list these outcomes and include copies of the relevant documents (or website links). © 20XX, The City of Saint John. All Rights Reserved. This project was carried out with assistance from the Green Municipal Fund, a Fund financed by the Government of Canada and administered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Notwithstanding this support, the views expressed are the personal views of the authors, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Government of Canada accept no responsibility for them. DFC-22-0028 PSP Grant Agreement Template — Last modified September 19, 2019 Page 27 of 27 71 r� 'The city of saint John PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: emergencies can occur at any time requiring police, fire or emergency medical services; and WHEREAS: when an emergency occurs, the prompt response of police officers, firefighters and paramedics is critical to the protection of life and preservation of property; and WHEREAS: the safety of our police officers, firefighters and paramedics is dependent upon the quality and accuracy of information obtained from citizens contacting the Public Safety Communications Centre; and WHEREAS: the Public Safety Communications Centre is the first link to citizens seeking emergency services; and WHEREAS: every year during the second week of April, the telecommunications personnel in the public safety community are honored nationally; and WHEREAS: April 9 - 15, 2023, is recognized as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week; and WHEREAS: National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week is a time to celebrate and thank the Public Safety Communications Centre Operators for their compassion, understanding and professionalism in their performance of duty serving the public. NOW THEREFORE: I, Mayor Donna Reardon, of Saint John do hereby proclaim the week of April 9 to April 15, 2023, as "National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week", in honour of those whose diligence and professionalism keep our city and citizens safe. In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Mayor of the City of Saint John. 72 r O N v� • � LL E tA Cl) E -5 -0 V O = i �M E LL LA CC O z LL O U on N O on r Q 0 z O \'T c 3 c rLa Ln c c � O L.L Q m 2 owl din, W i rld- (u V'� ) E E O U ca cri v .N vi N a--+ U L- 0 > 0 U N v U a-J to C �v �U W Cl N a .C: L— O Cl Cl O ca Cl ca 4A O v U Ca 0 Q Cl Ca v a-J Ca O .C: E a Cl E Ca tL0 Ca a 0� a—', a E a O L— Q E O O U O u') U 0 O Ca N .C: Ca O L- O a-J U N U Cl .E L- 0 Cl tL0 C ca a E O a ca Ca �U Ca U .E O 0 aJ Ca •O tJ') O u) O Ca •O U a-J Cl buo Ca E 0 �U .C: 0 U INN > > ul u �--� a1 (� a) M u u a LL ull 4-' o a W c ❑ a) E F- o � E o a .� ❑ a) `n V ❑ a -J ) E (� °J ❑ 6 _0 as -0 � i al +� aJ �a � U w o `� o❑ p w❑ D p Ln cL Lu u F-- atf u 0- Ln m N O N 01 U') cri 00 I� N iJ} iJ} ' O O � 00 N N O) ' r-I O N O �p can � 00 01 Q .. u o Lug J V O O r_ V 0 W • 0 U L1J N z c � Q 20 r � c = •; LU U_ N � f6 Q U_ •t1A � LL N i p 0 O O i O ateJ N •N a--+ 4 0 Q t�A 0 � � N L N � N cr ca � O � N f6 N O N N U 0 E i � N _ •N N U •� •t1A O U 6 � on 0O Q o `� U •t1A N N U N •on L1J pU N i N z v CL O L O � N (6 O +-+ m N di N O N Q x E N :_+ °— a) E a 'U Q M a-' O on ++ m N v W �' Q � •V tw i) -0 O LPL — U N i i :3 i ' W f6 CO W w W Z U -o.2 f6 � O � � L LL U a--+ E a--+ _ 'V � Q O �� E N Q O 4 -+ O O N f6 N :3 a-J L W .S W CLi- N z 0 N }, O N_ .� a--+ O N a--+ E }, ��0 u6 u O L O O > o o co . 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N U CD i 4 �� E� U c) CC LL m N 0 N 4- 0 E 0 U buo 0 Ca a-J u') 0 O O Ca v U 0 0 0 O 0 OJ U Ca Cl u') U EF O E 4-J i tL0 O Ca i a-J L- O cn a-J a E v Ca Ca E 4-J u) Ca O 00 cri a L— ca Cl ca N aJ E E U cn cC LL O a-J a ca .E Ca 0 Ca E L- 0 .C: O O v O U 0 Q i� L Lr a) E U Ca a a-J a E a U L- O 4— v O ro O U v 0 U a a-J u) Ca O 4-J Ca tL0 tJ') aJ Ln nn W O O � O N � — •� U O " LL ro m N DC U NO O -0 C: LL -Imj O m C N 0}+ o Q � FL ,I: N 0 f6 4-0 N Q O N U .E O W i O O •O � Ln O C: •O a� � w O -1-- i U fa ro }' O v 0 0 N i N E N E 4-0 E E O U 00 m U N i N O Ln 4-0 4-0 4-0 E E O U LL O LL 0 � o v E — -0 Q (> v > v m z 0 0 0 . .Eb U U Q WE N Q a_+ 0- 0 N O � O •� f6 O U O I U I N •� ate-+ •t110 � L � I N N Q O +-+ w Q � • t1A 0 O U N U a--+ I ++ O N U U U u Staff Recommendation for Council Resolution File/Application: Rezoning of 228 Lancaster Avenue Public Hearing: April 3, 2023 Item Required: Recommendation (Y/N) Municipal Plan No Amendment Zoning By -Law Yes That Common Council give 1St and 2nd reading to an Amendment Amendment to the Zoning by-law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12,780 square metres, located at 228 Lancaster Avenue, also identified as PID Number 00033357 from Regional Commercial (CR) to Corridor Commercial (CC). Other No 3rd Readinq: tentatively scheduled for April 17, 2023 Item: Required: Recommendation (Y/N) Municipal Plan No Amendment Zoning By -Law Yes That Common Council give 3rd reading to an Amendment to Amendment the Zoning by-law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12,780 square metres, located at 228 Lancaster Avenue, also identified as PID Number 00033357 from Regional Commercial (CR) to Corridor Commercial (CC). Recission of No Previous s. 39/s. 59 Conditions Section 59 No Conditions Section 59 No Agreement Section 131 No Agreement Other No E-lue PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 23, 2023 Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning for 228 Lancaster Avenue On February 21, 2023, Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its March 21, 2023 meeting. -6-1A�i . The City of Saint )ohn Jennifer Kirchner, Manager of Community Planning with Growth and Community Services, appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of the proposed amendment. No members of the public spoke during the Public Hearing portion of the meeting. Following consideration of the staff presentation, the Committee unanimously adopted the Staff Recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12,780 square metres, also identified as PID Number 00033357, from Regional Commercial (CR) to Corridor Commercial (CC). 2. That the Planning Advisory Committee authorize, for a temporary period not exceeding one year, effective following the delivery of the decision; a warehouse facility located at 228 Lancaster Avenue, also identified as PID Number 00033357. Page 1 of 2 90 Luke Simpson (048017 NB Ltd.) 228 Lancaster Avenue March 23, 2023 Respectfully submitted, Alex Weaver -Crawford Chair Attachments Page 2 of 2 91 The City of Saint Jahn Date: March 16, 2023 To: Planning Advisory Committee From: Growth & Community Services Meeting: March 21, 2023 SUBJECT Applicant: Luke Simpson (048017 NB Ltd.) Landowner: Luke Simpson (048017 NB Ltd.) Location: 228 Lancaster Avenue PID: 00033357 Plan Designation: Regional Retail Centre Existing Zoning: Regional Commercial (CR) Proposed Zoning: Corridor Commercial (CC) Application Type: Rezoning and Temporary Use Jurisdiction: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By-law. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, April 3, 2023. The Zoning By-law authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to permit, for a temporary period of up to one year, a development otherwise prohibited by the By -Law. The Committee can impose conditions. Page 1 of 6 92 Luke Simpson (048017 NB Ltd.) 228 Lancaster Avenue March 16, 2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is requesting to rezone 228 Lancaster Avenue from Regional Commercial (CR) to Corridor Commercial (CC) to facilitate the use of an existing warehouse style building as a warehouse facility and office uses. The applicant has also applied for a temporary use approval which would enable the warehouse facility use to be established prior to the completion of the rezoning process. The proposed development is located on Lancaster Avenue and will be located within an existing structure that was previously utilized as a warehouse facility. The site will be utilized as the temporary collections facility for the New Brunswick Museum, until the permanent collections centre is opened. Approval of the rezoning and temporary use is recommended by staff. RECOMMENDATION 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12,780 square metres, located at 228 Lancaster Avenue, also identified as PID Number 00033357, from Regional Commercial (CR) to Corridor Commercial (CC). 2. That the Planning Advisory Committee authorize, for a temporary period not exceeding one year, effective following the delivery of the decision; a warehouse facility located at 228 Lancaster Avenue, also identified as PID Number 00033357. DECISION HISTORY There is no decision history for this property. ANALYSIS Proposal The applicant is proposing to reactivate an existing warehouse style building to be used again as a warehouse facility. A rezoning application is required to facilitate the warehouse facility use. The applicant has also applied for a temporary use to allow necessary the renovations to the proposed warehouse portion of the structure, to be undertaken prior to the completion of the rezoning application process. A building permit has been issued for the building to allow the development of the offices, which are a permitted use within the existing and proposed zone. The proposed warehouse facility and office uses would be located on a previously developed parcel, which contains a large former warehouse building, existing accesses, front yard landscaping and a significant parking area. Site and Neighbourhood The subject site is located on the City's west side, along Lancaster Avenue and adjacent to a NB Southern Rail Line. The property contains an existing warehouse building that was constructed in 1938 and was home to the Saint John Parts Distribution Centre for the Ford Motor Company. The property was zoned Light Industrial (1-1) under the previous City of Saint John Zoning By-law. Page 2 of 6 93 Luke Simpson (048017 NB Ltd.) 228 Lancaster Avenue March 16, 2023 The subject site is located on Lancaster Avenue, an arterial road, east of the Simms Corner intersection and the Fairville Boulevard commercial corridor. The site is located within an area of diverse zoning and land uses. The section of Lancaster Avenue between Fairville Boulevard and the Saint John Throughway Overpass, contains a mixture of commercial, residential and park uses. The south portion of Lancaster Avenue is zoned Regional Commercial (CR) and includes a mixture of uses including offices, a bowling alley and the existing former warehouse building. These uses are located across the street from Wolastoq Park. As you travel east on Lancaster Avenue, the south side of the street contains residential development zoned for Mid -Rise Residential (RM) and One -Unit Residential (R1) housing. Across the street from the residential area, is a cluster of General Commercial (CG) properties which include a funeral home, restaurant and offices. The subject site benefits from its location on an arterial road and is well connected to the broader road network with easy connection to Fairville Boulevard. The site is also served by public and active transportation, including access to the City's sidewalk infrastructure and proximity to various transit stops serving Route 1, which provides access to the Uptown and East sides of Saint John. This provides a variety of transportation options for potential employees based out of the site. Municipal Plan and Zoning The subject site is identified as part of the Regional Retail Centre within the City's Municipal Plan. The Regional Retail Centre designation identifies two areas of the City for large -format retail and service concentrations, which are designed to be accessed primarily through automobiles. The Fairville Boulevard Regional Retail Centre is viewed as a secondary and more community -based centre which is less intensive than the McAllister Centre located on the east side of the City. The subject site is located on the most northern boundary of the Regional Retail Centre, within an area that transitions into a diverse section of the City containing a variety of other types of land uses including Stable Residential, Stable Commercial, Park and Natural Area, and Mixed Use Centre. Additionally, the property, along with the other Regional Retail Centre properties located along Lancaster Avenue, are physically separated from the more prominent portions of the Retail Centre including the Lancaster Mall and the Fairville Boulevard commercial corridor. The physical separation includes a NB Southern Railway Line and topographic changes of almost 16m between Lancaster Avenue and the northern property boundary of the mall. This physical separation creates a barrier that disconnects the Lancaster Avenue properties from the majority of the Regional Retail Centre. This separation has meant that these properties function differently than those located along Fairville Boulevard and those properties located within the concentrated area of large format retail buildings. Page 3 of 6 94 Luke Simpson (048017 NB Ltd.) 228 Lancaster Avenue March 16, 2023 The building and site development further identify the property as being different than the broader area, and it's historic use as the Saint John Parts Distribution Centre for the Ford Motor Company reinforces its role as providing services as opposed to retail oriented uses. Until the adoption of the City's current Zoning By-law at the end of 2014, the subject site was zoned Light Industrial (1-1), which supported the long-term use of the site as a warehouse facility. With the adoption of the current Zoning By-law, the property was zoned Regional Commercial (CR), which is typically characterized by the development of plazas and shopping malls. A variety of uses are permitted within the zone, ranging from restaurants and retail stores to vehicle repair garages and service stations. Business Offices are also permitted within this zone, and a Building Permit has been issued for the site to facilitate the establishment of this use within the building. The proposed warehouse facility use is not permitted within the CR zone, but is a permitted use within the Corridor Commercial (CC) zone. The CC zone and the CR zone are the two main zones that make up the Regional Retail Centre future designation area. The northern portion of the Regional Retail Centre area is typically zoned CR and is noted for its development pattern largely comprising of shopping malls, plazas and large format retail buildings. The southern portion of the area is typically zoned CC and largely contains sites that have been transitioning from industrial uses and have a development pattern largely comprising of single building sites. Although the Lancaster Avenue site is located closest to the CR portion of the area, its site development and historic use align with the development pattern found on the CC zoned properties. The proposed rezoning of the property from CR to CC, aligns with the intent of the Municipal Plan, through retaining one of the two primary commercial zones associated with the future designation area, and will enable the property to continue to support the integrity of the Fairville Boulevard Regional Retail Centre. In addition, it should be noted that the proposed rezoning will support the reactivation of the property with its original and longstanding warehouse facility use. Based on discussions with other members of the business community, Staff have been made aware that there are limited warehousing options available within the City, particularly in proximity to major retail areas. The reactivation of this site as a warehouse facility should help support this identified gap within the City's commercial building inventory. Staff are in support of the proposed rezoning of 228 Lancaster Avenue from the CR to CC zone to facilitate the use of the property as a warehouse facility. Due to the existing development of the property, staff are not recommending any Section 59 conditions limiting the use of the site. Temporary Use In addition to the rezoning application, the landowner has applied for a temporary use approval to allow the site to be used as a warehouse facility in advance of the completion of the rezoning application process. A temporary use approval is granted for a one-year time period, during which time the applicant is to undergo a rezoning process for the property. Page 4 of 6 95 Luke Simpson (048017 NB Ltd.) 228 Lancaster Avenue March 16, 2023 The proposed temporary use application, in addition to the rezoning application, was facilitated by the landowner in order to support the use of the site as an interim location for the New Brunswick Museum's collections facility. It is anticipated that the collections facility will occupy the space for upwards of seven years, during which time a permanent collections centre will be developed. The warehouse facility and office space will enable the proper storage and care of the Museums collections until the permanent collections centre has been opened. It has been identified that the interim facility will be open to the public by appointment only, which will limit the daily traffic generated by the development. The property had previously been developed with the existing warehouse structure and existing site development. An attached site plan provides an example of the site layout and upgrades including fencing around the property, one identified loading zone (for occasional deliveries), and ample parking spaces on site for both staff and visitors. In addition, some limited cosmetic improvements for the building exterior have been identified (see attached elevation drawing), in addition to significant interior improvements. Staff are recommending the approval of the temporary use, as the necessary rezoning application is being reviewed simultaneously. Conclusion The proposed rezoning of 228 Lancaster Avenue from the Regional Commercial to Corridor Commercial zone aligns with the intent of the Municipal Plan and supports the continued success of the Fairville Boulevard Retail Commercial Centre. The return of the site to its previous use as a warehouse facility will enable the site to provide much needed warehousing uses within proximity to a main commercial corridor. Staff are not recommending any Section 59 conditions for the proposed rezoning. The proposed Temporary Use for the warehouse facility, is also supported by staff. The temporary use approval will facilitate the necessary site and building improvements to support the warehouse facility use, while also honouring the requirement for a rezoning process to be undertaken to formalize the use on a long term basis. Staff are not recommending the inclusion of any conditions as part of the proposed approval. ALTERNATIVES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS No alternatives were considered. ENGAGEMENT In accordance with the Committee's Rules of Procedure, notification of the proposal was sent to landowners within 100 metres of the subject property on March 7, 2023. The public hearing notice was posted on the City of Saint John website on March 8, 2023. Page 5 of 6 96 Luke Simpson (048017 NB Ltd.) 228 Lancaster Avenue March 16, 2023 APPROVALS AND CONTACT Author I Commissioner Jennifer Kirchner, MCIP, RPP I Jacqueline Hamilton, MCIP, RPP Contact: Jennifer Kirchner Telephone: (506) 639-7933 Email: Jennifer. Kirchner@saintjohn.ca Application: 23-0010 and 23-0011 APPENDIX Map 1: Aerial Photography Map 2: Future Land Use Map 3: Zoning Attachment 1: Site Photography Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review Submission 1: Site Plan Submission 2: Elevation Plan Page 6 of 6 97 u P i Jae' 'hay, a I E E � Y , 17 �. To £ I L f co : U o N �y a y 1 C; CD > r ,, \ N O U) m 3 �) 0 T W E E \f j 2 E - 6[ /) o / \ e / \ 7� q\ p° of § § ƒ ) 0 o \ IL ) ± § � ) Of E _ ) d § § § / \ - ƒ 3 3 Wil 'Mwm � E E 17 o z 0- U) C) 0 0 2 U) U) E E 0 C) of ED U) U) a) ry U) a) 2 O C) CL ul 0 a) U) a) 2 x LL U) au)) U) E C) < U) U) a) U) LO C,i CN C) a) > C) . -Fu 2CL 0 0 LL CN I O Q o co °' o °�° aco a) o o a s c co p s ac > Z c 'a c a) c CL �, s > °' o s� °; s _ s acn coo O °�° 4� p p 4� U N c 3 (a +� - (0 c Q a) U _ } — i M x 4' O +' U v� dA U � a) co 7 +� m � c Q� dA — CL U C- c 0 a) s O o 0 4, '=3 dA 4, u U a) s 7 +� •� •� C Q U s} 4� u v� C v� s u X a) •� H m 0O 0 � 4� s — ECr Ln AC .0 E .> Q O CL7 N_ c N CL o N E a) W e to s a) c s c 4� v N a) s s 6 o -0 so co c U CL a, O +a �° _ X a) > O _3 -0 -0 a) Ln E-°• >a-0 a cO a' v)a E Q +� cUo u s_ a)_ O n3 o> u Nc VO EF N 46O 0 CO I 0 7 'a O-0 4- U c 4, c' i � c O a 7 U �w E acco aV) O c c mo vC� 0 a) c c u � c o >o , c C a) a' — s 4 O O 7 O U c N > s OO Q s > +. a) O CL O 7 a E a) W a io C a) o c `° a) O N E 0) a 4' O a a) CL Oa i x a i -c Q) O O � m -0 O O a) O>NQ -N a) '> a) c � 4. a LnQ)a) Va a) a NaQQs'p a ) s +' u +� E a) Oto a) a) a •Q a sX C ss ° Q s° s -c E Ea no 4, V VI •— c a ; f0 U a) — — a) } O a) a) co i s co a) s a) c o - p 4� C co 0 C co > cQ s u c a) > .> w o�0 — 3 .i O u s u .a a) VI f0 U -0U C O (0 4�`n c -a � a) � c a) O O a 4 c Q a vUi -6 -p a) c a �dA Ca) c Ua ccoO ) a`c ac) U o++ —'c a) E3 O 4- ' s ic 'u U N 0 Aa a) O � ac+v O w o 4 4° C a C a) O ua) U a) i cr- a) � � •U +' f6 a) 'n c co O .0 -p O c CZ +� O a� > c � E 'i +� '� � E -0 a) a c — 'gyp +� c> E c 'a a O -a O M c a a) 3 C> a o i E co ao a) u c Q +, a) 'p co 4� 4. a) U s c a) a) E > E co a CL a) c � -a c c a) c +� a) a a) c -p a O U co U OVA c co N s w 4 J dA >> O +� a) > co 4' a) v� a O E a a c`o 0 u Q) U a) c -a a) a) m p 76 O c +, Q s O a) +� co 4, o f �, °�° Q s� o a) E ao c a a �o E c s a .c a) o CL c a)p ca c ) ' c aQE° ECL a) 'CJ •U J T ? 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E Ua) O O • U � V a)cu C� .L L H LO O O CO — a)U� N�cn 0 0 � � o QO U N L� a) a) �aO A-j (/) -r-- C C� to Q N Cu O C:� Jc: 2-) (1) O C- a) CU � � c 2 12 L. a)O ^ L O N �42 U -c: >, a) Q�� LOCATio ` CIVIC ADDRESS: 228 Lancaster Avenue, Saint John, NB, E21VI 21<8 PI D # : HERITAGE AREA: Y / N INTENSIFICATION AREA: Y / N FLOOD RISK AREA: Y / N APPROVED GRADING PLAN: Y / N D LL >. APPLICATION #: DATE RECEIVED: i RECEIVED BY: iAPPLICANT EMAIL PHONE Luke Simpson (048017 NB Ltd.) simpson@nb.aibn.com (506)635-8711 MAILING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE 55 Stinson Drive, Saint John, NB E2M 7E3 -ONTRACTOR EMAIL PHONE Avondale Construction Limited mgalley@avondaleconstruction.com (506)855-5554 MAILING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE 125 Industrial Drive, Saint John, NB, E2R 1A4 DWNER EMAIL PHONE (Same as applicant) MAILING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE PRESENT USE: Warehouse PROPOSED USE: Warehouse & Office INTERIOR RENOVATION NEW CONSTRUCTION ZVARIANCE STREET EXCAVATION HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT < []EXTERIOR RENOVATION ACCESSORY BLDG [:]PLANNING LETTER DRIVEWAY CULVERT HERITAGESIGN ADDITION POOL OPAC APPLICATION DRAINAGE �HERITAGE INFILL _=L DECK DEMOLITION COUNCILAPP WATER &SEWERAGE HERITAGE DEMO � CHANGE OFUSE SIGN SUBDIVISION OTHER OTHER _ MINIMUM STANDARDS OTHER OTHER The existing building located at 228 Lancaster Avenue is currently zoned for Regional Commercial (CR) use, a and proposed to be re-zoned 0Cfor a 5-year f 0 be renovated for office and meeting spaces, the remainder is to be maintained as a storage facility. Base Building uppades include. consideiations f0i file putection between flum levels, piatection of exits and agess of travel" mechanical electrical and ventilation upgrades. Beyond the initial geriod of moving into the Lj -paths r space, the new tenant intends to use only one of the available loading bays, for occas nal delivery. QI consent to the City of Saint John sending tome commercial electronic messages, from time to time, regarding City initiatives and incentives. General Collection Statement This information is being collected in order for the City of Saint John to deliver an existing program / service; the collection is limited to that which is necessary to deliver the program / service. Unless required to do so by law, the City of Saint John will not share your personal information with any third party without your express consent. The legal authority for collecting this information is to be found in the Municipalities Act and the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For further information or questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact the Access & Privacy Officer: City Hall Building 15 Market Square Saint John, NB E21L I E8 CommonClerkCasaintj ohn.ca (506)658-2862 1Ar CYyd511M 1oMM I, the undersigned, hereby apply for the permit(s( or opproval(s(, indicated above for the work described on plans, submissions and forms herewith submitted. This application includes all relevant documentation necessary for the applied for permit(s) or approvol(s(. I agree to comply with the plans, specifications and further agree to comply with all relevant City By-laws and conditions imposed. Luke Simpson Applicant Applicant Signotur January 16,2023 Date 117 01*V 'i t Dev dent Shop PIA7r NNG na.nr�nr.c u4rxacra.Uc..rURF, s4MJOHN PAC Application GROWTH & COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF SAINT JOHN CIVIC ADDRESS_ 1 228 Lancaster Avenue APPLICATION # FEE PAID Y N TYPE OF APPLICATION ❑ Conditional Use ❑ Non -Conforming Use ❑ Similar or Compatible Use ❑� Temporary Approval Application Fee: $350 Application Fee: $350 Application Fee: $350 Application Fee: $350 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION `Attach site plans, building elevations, floor plans, and other documentation to fully describe the application. The submission of a preliminary proposal and a Pre -Application Meeting with City staff is encouraged prior to seeking approval. Please contact the One Stop Development Shop at (506) 658-2911 or OneStop@saintiohn.ca for further information. The existing building located at 228 Lancaster Avenue is currently zoned for Regional Commercial (CR) use, and proposed to be re -zoned for the use of a Corridor Commercial (CC) zone. The lease - . Approximately 560 sqi lare meters is to be renovated for office and meeting spaces, the remainder to be maintained as a storage facility. Base Building upgrades include: considerations for fire protection between floor levels, protection of exits and egress paths of travel; mechanical, electricaland Ventilation upgrades. Beyond the initial period of rnovilly 111LU Lilt:' space, the new tenC1111, 1111,Uilds ENCUMBRANCES Describe any easements, restrictive covenants, and other encumbrances affecting the land. Attached documents: - SK1 Site Plan, showing locations of mobile trailer, existing and new fencing, and parking concept AUTHORIZAT1ON AND CONSENT As of the date of this application, 1, the undersigned, am the registered owner of the land described in this application or the authorized agent thereof, and I have examined the contents of this application and hereby certify that the information submitted with the application is correct insofar as I have knowledge of these facts, and I hereby authorize the applicant to represent this matter and to provide any additional information that will be necessary for this application. Luke Simpson Registered Owner or Authorized Agent Additional Registered Owner January 16,2023 Date Date The information contained in this application and any documentation, including plans, drawings, reports, and studies, provided in support of this application will become part of the public record. PAC Application Form 2021 06 01 li§Ei 01o,ve, O ®eve ent Shop PLA ^atiW<; 9tii I.D1::G INFRASIRLA-TURC SUM JCMN Council Application GROWTH & COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF SAINT JOHN CIVIC ADDRESS 228 Lancaster Avenue APPLICATION # FEE PAID ' Y N TYPE OF APPLICATION - ❑ Land for Public Purposes ❑ Non -Conforming Use ❑ Satisfactory Servicing Release Application Fee: $250 Application Fee: $350 Application Fee: $350 ❑ Section 59 Amendment Application Fee: $2,650 Zoning By-law Amendment Application Fee: $2,650 ❑Zoning By-law Amendment with Municipal Plan Amendment Application Fee: $3,700 DETAILED DESCRIPTIONOF APPLICATION Where applicable, indicate the changes to existing Section 59 conditions, zoning, or Municipal Plan designation being requested. Attach site plans, building elevations, floor plans, and other documentation to fully describe the application. The submission of a preliminary proposal and a Pre -Application Meeting is encouraged prior to seeking approval. Please contact the One Stop Development Shop at (506) 658-2911 or OneStop aGsaintjohn.ca for further information. The existing building located at 228 Lancaster Avenue is currently zoned for Regional Commercial (CR) use, and proposed to be re -zoned for the use of a Corridor Commercial (CC) zone. The lease has een negotiated for a 5 yeaF term, to be used temporarily for efface spaces and storage. Appineximately 560 square meters is to be renovated for office and meeting spaces, the remainder is to be maintained as a storage facility. Base Building upgrades include: considerations for fire protection between floor levels, protectici i of exits and egress pat' is of ti civzfl, I I it--Uhai !*Ucll, di id vei itilcitioi i tipyrades. Beyond t' ie initial period of moving into the space, the new tenant intends to use only one of the available loading bays, for occasional delivery. ENCUMBRANCES Describe any easements, restrictive covenants, and other encumbrances affecting the land. Attached documents: - SK1 Site Plan, showing locations of mobile trailer, existing and new fencing, and parking concept AUTHORIZATION As of the date of this application, I, the undersigned, am the registered owner of the land described in this application or the authorized agent thereof, and I have examined the contents of this application and hereby certify that the information submitted with the application is correct insofar as I have knowledge of these facts, and I hereby authorize the applicant to represent this matter and to provide any additional information that will be necessary for this application. Luke Simpson Registered Owner or Authorized Agent Additional Registered Owner January 16, 2023 Date Date The information contained in this application and any documentation, including plans, drawings, reports, and studies, provided in support of this application will become part of the public record. Council Application Form 2021 06 01 119 wLd a 'a NA am � �addH zcn U) d o a N Q A L O Z z a W a O m o CO F: J U) N L z z _ O J w w w U)a U ~ O Ucn Q U() Q� Q z H Of v U o d d z U W J U) I v) uJ z U z U z a� zolE(, O O Q O O z w z W Y N � U Of N z _z U U w - Zd <W o a zzoQQa-aururW N pN Q ~OHwC N d' Uzz UOf 0yCaD a aJ �a a� DN a Of a: + CO I f i / �✓ w / Q / � w / Q / z / g og u X LU CL M LU « Q LL � y2 -- ° CC-) mm7cn 4 g 7 » 0 0 � Cl) = _ x g ._ _ ± = 2 n 4 m � e $ f �\ 2=±=k n ° o ± CO m R ® a = -0 2 cu a- -0 ± C) �Zt}, 2 /©: e� ! / } Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment RE: 228 Lancaster Avenue Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on Monday, April 3, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. by: 1. Rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12,780 square metres, located at 228 Lancaster Avenue, also identified as PID: 00033357, from Regional Commercial (CR) to Corridor Commercial (CC) as illustrated below. Image Lancaster Ad sketch REASON FOR CHANGE: To utilize the existing building as office space and warehousing facilities. For details on how to inspect the amendment, or to register to participate in the public hearing, please contact the Office of the Common Clerk at CommonClerk(&saintiohn.ca. Written objections to the amendment may be provided in writing and/or verbally at the Public Hearing to be held by Common Council. If you require French services for a Common Council meeting, please contact the office of the Common Clerk. Jonathan Taylor, Common Clerk (506)658-286 122 Proj et de modification de 1' arrete de zonage Objet : 228, Lancaster Avenue Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier 1'arrW de zonage de The City of Saint John, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseil le lundi, 3 avril 2023 a 18 h 30, en apportant les modifications suivantes : 1. Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 12,780 metres carre, situe an 228, Lancaster Avenue, egalement identifie comme le NID : 00033357, de Zone commerciale regionale (CR) a Zone commerciale de corridor (CC), tel qu'illustre ci-dessous. Image Lancaster Ad sketch ,I RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Utiliser le batiment existant comme espace de bureau et entrepot. Pour plus d'informations concernant la lecture de 1'amendement, on pour s'enregistrer a 1'audience publique, veuillez contacter le Bureau du greffier communal a 1'adresse CommonClerk(&saintiohn.ca. Les objections a 1'amendement peuvent etre ecrites on presentees oralement a 1'audience publique tenue par le conseil commun. Si vous souhaitez obtenir des services en fran�ais, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal. Jonathan Taylor, greffier communal 123 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 1114 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY- LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 12,780 square metres, located at 228 Lancaster Avenue, also identified as PID Number 00033357, from Regional Commercial (CR) to Corridor Commercial (CC). all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the X day of April, A.D. 2023 and signed by: Mayor/Maire ARRETE NO C.P. 111-X ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : L'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le quinze (15) decembre 2014, est modifie par : La modification de I'annexe «A» , Plan de zonage de la ville de Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d' une superficie d' environ 12,780 metres carres, situe au 228 Lancaster Avenue, egalement identifie comme le NID 00033357, de Zone commerciale regionale (CR) a Zone commerciale de corridor (CC). toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur le plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le X avril 2023, avec les signatures suivantes: Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - X Premiere lecture - X Second Reading - X Deuxieme lecture - X Third Reading - X Troisieme lecture - X WZ111 Staff Recommendation for Council Resolution Property: 92-94 Bon Accord Drive Public Hearing: April 3, 2023 Item: Required: Recommendation (Y/N) Municipal Plan No Amendment Zoning By -Law Yes That Common Council give 1st and 2nd reading to an Amendment Amendment to the Zoning by-law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,037.50 square metres, located at 92-94 Bon Accord Drive, also identified as PID 00446310 from Two -Unit Residential (1112) to Low -Rise Residential (RL). Other No 3rd Reading: Tentative Date is April 17, 2023 Item: Required: Recommendation (Y/N) Municipal Plan No Amendment Zoning By -Law Yes That Common Council give 3rd reading to an Amendment to Amendment the Zoning by-law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,037.50 square metres, located at 92- 94 Bon Accord Drive, also identified as PID 00446310 from Two -Unit Residential (1112) to Low -Rise Residential (RL). Recission of No Previous s. 39/s. 59 Conditions Section 59 Yes That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section Conditions 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,037.50 square metres, located at 92-94 Bon Accord Drive, also identified as PID Number 00446310: a. That development of the parcel of land be limited to a maximum of dwelling units. b. The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with a detailed site plan, prepared `ml by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle parking, loading areas, landscaping, exterior lighting, and other such site features. Section 59 No Agreement Section 131 No Agreement Other No `PU PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 23, 2023 Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Rezoning 92-94 Bon Accord Drive On January 23, 2023, Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its March 21, 2023 meeting. Due to the applicant not being in attendance, Planning Advisory Committee member Anne McShane asked city staff, Thomas Lewallen, whether or not the applicant intended to apply for affordable housing. Mr. Lewallen noted that the addition of two units, for a total of four within the building, would not meet the minimum unit count required for affordable housing through existing Provincial and Federal Government Funding Programs. Ms. McShane proceeded to ask Mr. Lewallen whether or not the applicant had intentions of using the additional units as Airbnb'. Mr. Lewallen responded that the applicant did not indicate that this was their intent. Jennifer Kirchner, Manager of Community Planning, noted that short term rentals would be considered accommodations in the Zoning By-law, and the applicant would be required to apply for the necessary permits to change the dwelling units into a form of accommodation. No other persons appeared before the Committee and no letters from the public were received regarding the application. Following consideration of the presentation and Staff report, the Committee unanimously adopted Staff recommendation as presented below. -6-1A�i . The City of Saint )ohn Page 1 of 2 127 Zhao Jian 92-94 Bon Accord Drive March 23, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,037.50 square metres, located at 92-94 Bon Accord Drive, also identified as PID Number 00446310 from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to Low -Rise Residential (RL). 2. That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,037.50 square metres, located at 92-94 Bon Accord Drive, also identified as PID Number 00446310: a. That development of the parcel of land be limited to a maximum of 4 dwelling units. b. The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with a detailed site plan, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle parking, Respectfully submitted, Alex Weaver Crawford Chair Attachments Page 2 of 2 128 The City of Saint Jahn Date: March 16, 2023 To: Planning Advisory Committee From: Growth & Community Services Meeting: March 21, 2023 SUBJECT Applicant: Zhao Jian Landowner: Zhao Jian Location: 92-94 Bon Accord Drive PID: 00446310 Plan Designation: Stable Residential Existing Zoning: Two -Unit Residential (R2) Proposed Zoning: Low -Rise Residential (RL) Application Type: Zoning Bylaw Amendment Jurisdiction: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By-law. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, April 3, 2023. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is requesting to rezone 92-94 Bon Accord Drive to facilitate the creation of two, one -bedroom basement units in addition to the existing two -units within the building. The property is currently zoned Two -Unit Residential (R2). Rezoning from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to Low -Rise Residential (RL) is required to facilitate the construction of two basement apartment units. Page 1 of 4 129 Zhao Jian 92-94 Bon Accord Drive March 16, 2023 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,037.50 square metres, located at 92-94 Bon Accord Drive, also identified as PID Number 00446310 from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to Low -Rise Residential (RL). 2. That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,037.50 square metres, located at 92-94 Bon Accord Drive, also identified as PID Number 00446310: a) That development of the parcel of land be limited to a maximum of 4 dwelling units. b) The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with a detailed site plan, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle parking, loading areas, landscaping, exterior lighting, and other such site features. DECISION HISTORY On April 91", 1991, the previous owner of 92-94 Bon Accord Drive successfully applied for a conditional use in order to convert the existing two-family dwelling into a one -family dwelling with a day care centre for more than six children as a secondary use. The Planning Advisory Committee considered the report and adopted the recommendation. The following conditions were placed on the operation of a daycare centre as a secondary use: 1. The owner or operator of the daycare centre shall reside in the dwelling; 2. The number of children shall be limited to a maximum of 20; 3. The floor area exclusively devoted to the daycare centre shall not exceed 50 percent of the total floor area of the building; 4. The daycare centre shall be licensed by and comply with all requirements of the DayCare Services Branch of the N.B. Department of Health and Community Services; 5. The existing asphalt circular driveway and parking area shall be maintained. The property has subsequently changed hands and no longer functions as a daycare centre. ANALYSIS Proposal The applicant is requesting to rezone 92-94 Bon Accord Drive to facilitate the creation of two, one -bedroom basement units in addition to the existing two -units within the building. Currently zoned Two -Unit Residential (R2), it is necessary to rezone the property to Low -Rise Residential (RL) in order to facilitate the conversion of the building from a 2-unit to 4-unit residential building. The applicant will provide the requisite number of off-street parking stalls for the existing and newly created apartments as mandated in the Zoning By-law. Page 2 of 4 130 Zhao Jian 92-94 Bon Accord Drive March 16, 2023 Site and Neighbourhood The subject site is located on the City's east side, off of Loch Lomond Road. The property currently functions as a two -unit dwelling. The broader neighbourhood contains various residential, commercial and community use zonings, with Two -Unit Residential (R2), General Commercial (CG) and Neighbourhood Community Facility (CFN) being the dominant zonings. That being said, instances of more diverse residential zoning including Low -Rise Residential (RL) and Mid -Rise Residential (RM) are becoming increasingly common. The property is located within the Stable Residential area of the Municipal Plan. The surrounding area is composed of Stable Residential, Urban Reserve and Stable Commercial as designated in the Municipal Plan. Within a two -kilometre radius of the site, there are diverse commercial and service -based uses that will be beneficial for future residents. This includes multiple shopping complexes and commercial nodes featuring grocery stores, pharmacies, hardware stores, and restaurants. Residents will also have access to schools and other service -based uses within the broader neighbourhood. The subject site is served by the City's public transit system. The property is in proximity to bus stops for transit routes 32 and 33. Route 32 travels from Saint John International Airport to McAllister Place. Route 33 runs on a loop that starts Uptown, traverses through Saint John East, Champlain Heights, and Lakewood before returning to Uptown. Zoning and the Municipal Plan The subject site is currently zoned as Two -Unit Residential (R2) and accommodates serviced residential development in the form of semi-detached dwellings, two -unit dwellings, and one -unit dwellings. Given that there is an increasing occurrence of `middle -density' housing in the neighbourhood, in the forms of Mid -Rise Residential (RM) and Low -Rise Residential (RL), a converted duplex into a fourplex fits neatly within the scope of incremental densification of the neighbourhood. Stable Residential Areas are intended to accommodate development at a scale and density consistent with the surrounding environment. Within the Stable Residential designation, housing of almost every form and density may be found and both the existing neighbourhood context and compatibility with the Municipal Plan goals will determine suitability of new proposals. Areas designated Stable Residential are expected to evolve over time from a land use and built -form perspective, but it is important that new and redeveloped land uses reinforce the predominant community character and make a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. Given the proposed scale and location of the proposal, combined with the analysis presented in the attached Municipal Plan policy analysis, the proposal conforms to the Municipal Plan. Infrastructure and Protective Services The City's Infrastructure Development, Building and Fire and Emergency Management Service Areas also reviewed the proposal. It was noted during the review that the applicant will be required to apply for a Building Permit in order to undertake the necessary building alterations to establish the additional basement Page 3 of 4 131 Zhao Jian 92-94 Bon Accord Drive March 16, 2023 dwelling units. The Building Permit ensures that the building alterations undertaken to develop the proposed dwelling units meet all requirements of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 Edition including egress standards for any bedrooms being created. In addition to the requirements associated with the Building Permit process, other changes will be required in order to deal with the increase in unit count. This will include the installation of a water meter and changes to the building's civic addressing. It should be noted that the 4-unit building will continue to be eligible for the City's Waste Wise Program including curbside garbage, recycling and compost collection services. Conclusion The proposed addition of two, one -bedroom basement apartments is supported by the Municipal Plan and is an excellent example of incremental densification. The rezoning and placement of Section 59 conditions is recommended related to the site development. ALTERNATIVES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS None ENGAGEMENT In accordance with the Committee's Rules of Procedure, notification of the proposal was sent to landowners within 100 metres of the subject property on March 8, 2023. The public hearing notice was be posted on the City of Saint John website on March 9, 2023. APPROVALS AND CONTACT Author I Manager I Commissioner Thomas Lewallen I Jennifer Kirchner, MCIP, RPP I Jacqueline Hamilton, MCIP, RPP Contact: Thomas Lewallen Telephone: (506) 977-0274 Email: thomas.lewallen@saintjohn.ca Application: 22-0248 APPENDIX Map 1: Aerial Photography Map 2: Future Land Use Map 3: Zoning Attachment 1: Site Photography Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Review Submission 1: Site Plan, Elevation Drawings and Preliminary Floor Plans Page 4 of 4 132 E 1y E 15 E ul m U) U� U) D LO < 0 .< (N1) 9 "T 0 Lz —0 0 0 t m W LU fr � t W a: 0 0 �-) w w 2 o U)o U) V, Y� o E E Y S 2 Eul w > O p U U C7 U U j U U) U 7 U sU) aD LO N� �Q uO 0 o Q — o o �o O L¢L c� O N O � � m O O mU W LLI fr W O O .=W w W U U U) U) N to M Q (D yam'. 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J O 0 N 0 U BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 1114 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY- LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of December, A.D 2014, is amended by: Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,037.50 square metres, located at 92-94 Bon Accord Drive also identified as PI 00446310 from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to Low -Rise Residential (RL). ARRETE NO C.P. 111-X ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit L'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le quinze (15) decembre 2014, est modifie par : La modification de I'annexe «A» , Plan de zonage de la ville de Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d' une superficie d' environ 1,037.50 metres carres, situe au 92-94 promenade Bon Accord, egalement identifie comme N I D 00446310, de Zone residentielle bi-familiale (R2) a Zone immeubles d'habitation bas (RL). all as shown on the plan attached hereto - toutes les modifications sont and forming part of this by-law. indiquees sur le plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the fait apposer son sceau communal sur le said City to be affixed to this by-law the XX day present arrete le XX avril 2023, avec les of April, A.D. 2023 and signed by: signatures suivantes: Mayor/Maire City Clerk/Greffier de la Ville First Reading — XXXX, 2023 Premiere lecture — XXXX 2023 Second Reading — XXXX, 2023 Deuxieme lecture — XXXX 2023 Third Reading — XXXX, 2023 Troisieme lecture — XXXX 2023 ii&V ----- SERVICES CITY OF S-AflN'T JOHN LOCATION CIVIC ADDRESS . 92-94 Bon Accord, Saint John PID #: 00446310 W HERITAGE AREA: Y / N INTENSIFICATION AREA: Y / N FLOOD RISK AREA: Y / N APPROVED GRADING PLAN: Y / N ILL APPLICATION #: 22-0248 DATE RECEIVED: Nov 3, 2022 Q RECEIVED BY: Aimee APPLICANT EMAIL PHONE Zhao Jian MorganLu2022@gmaii.com 4384011345 p MAI Li NG ADDRESS POSTALCODE Q 3935 Rue Qvide, Brossard Quebec � CONTRACTOR EMAIL PHONE o To Be Decided z F— MAI LING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE z U OWNER EMAIL PHONE a Zhao Jian Q MAI LI NG ADDRESS POSTAL CODE 3935 Rue Ovide, Brossard Quebec J4Y 2N8 PRESENT USE: PROPOSED USE: BUILDING PLANNING INFRASTRUCTURE HERITAGE QO INTERIOR RENOVATION ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑VARIANCE STREET EXCAVATION HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT Q �EXTERIOR RENOVATION DACCESSORYBLDG F]PLANNINGLETTER ®DRIVEWAY CULVERT FIFIERITAGESIGN F— FIADDITiON POOL ❑PAC APPLICATION DRAINAGE �HERITAGE 1NFILl Q ❑DECK ®DEMOLITION COUNCIL APP ❑ WATER & SEWERAGE E] HERITAGE DEMO UFICHANGE OF USE SIGN ❑SUBDIVISION OTHER ®OTHER U DMINIMUM STANDARDS ®OTHER OTHER The building is side -by -side duplex so far. The application is to create two 1-bedroom units in the o basement, one for each side of the building. o I.: a 0 U w 0 0I consent to the City of Saint John sending to me commercial electronic messages, from time to time, regarding City initiatives and incentives. Geneml Collection Statement This information is being collected in order for the City of Saint John to deliver an existing prograin / service; the collection is limited to that which is necessary to deliver the program / service. Unless required to do so by law, the City of Saint John will not share your personal inform 3tion with any third party withoutyour express consent. The legal authority for collecting this information is to be found in the Municipalities Act and the Ri@;ht to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For further information or questions regarding thecollection of personal information, please contact the Access & Privacy Officer: City Hall Building 15 Ma-ket Square Saint s' John- I4B E2L 1E,8 Comm onCierk@saintjohn-ca (506) 658-2862 L the undersigned, hereby apply for the permit(s) or approval(s), indicated above for the work described on plans, submissions and forms herewith submitted. This application includes all relevant documentation necessary for the applied for permit(s) or opprovalfs). I agree to comply with the plans, specifications and further agree to comply with all relevant City By-laws and conditions imposed. Zhao Jian (736163 N.B. INC.) Applicant Name--`n—�-- Applicant Signature 2022-10-27 154 0 �� ho Develop,�e�t,S, Council Application GROWTH & COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF SAINT JOHN CIVIC ADDRESS I APPLICATION # I I FEE PAID ( Y I N TYPE OF APPLICATION ❑Land for Public Purposes Release Application Fee: $350 ❑Section 59 Amendment Application Fee: $2,650 ❑Non -Conforming Use Application Fee: $250 WZoning By-law Amendment Application Fee: $2,650 ❑Satisfactory Servicing Application Fee: $350 ❑Zoning By-law Amendment with Municipal Plan Amendment Application Fee: $3,700 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION Where applicable, indicate the changes to existing Section 59 conditions, zoning, or Municipal Plan designation being requested. Attach site plans, building elevations, floor plans, and other documentation to fully describe the application. The submission of a preliminary proposal and a Pre -Application Meeting is encouraged prior to seeking approval. Please contact the One Stop Development Shop at (506) 658-2911 or OneStop@saintjohn.ca for further information. Rezone this building from R2 to RL in order to create two one -bedroom units in the basement. The building is side by side duplex. The goal here is to create one 1-bedroom unit for each side and the whole ul ing Is sharing the common A l l y room. I he site p an anJ e ree oor p ans one for eaGh floor) have been attached. VVe won't teueh existing layouts for 1 st and 2nd floors. We only well do work on the basement floor. (ENCUMBRANCES Describe any easements, restrictive covenants, and other encumbrances affecting the land. 70 AUTHORIZATION As of the date of this application, I, the undersigned, am the registered owner of the land described in this application or the authorized agent thereof, and I have examined the contents of this application and hereby certify that the information submitted with the application is correct insofar as I have knowledge of these facts, and I hereby authorize the applicant to represent this matter and to provide any additional information that will be necessary for this application. Jian Zhao Registered Owner or Authorized Agent October 27, 2022 Date Additional Registered Owner Date The information contained in this application and any documentation, including plans, drawings, reports, and studies, provided in support of this application will become part of the public record. 155 i PV � � C _0 � U- T- 0 8 m < . W 0 cu � � � � / ,cz a. xx...--- \ WIN 0.-1 6.EZ 0,3 LLb .&'lSA--- - - XS- - iP1i LLJ x Ld to c CL 2 0 D .2 U- 4-J CO co { 2 / 7; in 3 0,� | . Bit,)t-i Halhvay � � q� j � \ �? rc7t C) E4 I z I " CIN >4 P, co > EF 0 u L) I E- 0 E-4 z 0 N 0 = z H 0 H I'D 0 z C) 0 0 C,3 0 1 E74 I 0 rn 0; E4 1. L) 0 2 0 U3 w W > CU r4 r4 0 0 C4 C4 a4 01 C4 P14 I C v �2 �j 200 CL C C, C= C, 7 > 8 -,-6 UD C;l 1= , 'a, C:) m: 1 U3 w w C) CID IL Al C11- C) 0 4 0 D o co C-4 U) 0 OL cavca r_ a m CL Ni COT: 160 Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment RE: 92-94 Bon Accord Drive Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on Monday, April 3, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., by: 1. Rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,037 square metres, located at 92-94 Bon Accord Drive, also identified as PID: 00446310, from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to Low -Rise Residential (RL) as illustrated below. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit the creation of additional dwelling units. For details on how to inspect the amendment, or to register to participate in the public hearing, please contact the Office of the Common Clerk at CommonClerk(a-)-saintiohn.ca. Written objections to the amendment may be provided in writing and/or verbally at the Public Hearing to be held by Common Council. If you require French services for a Common Council meeting, please contact the office of the Common Clerk. Jonathan Taylor, Common Clerk (506) 658-286 Projet de modification de I'arrete de zonage Objet : 92-94, promenade Bon Accord Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier 1'arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseil le lundi, 3 avril 2023 a 18 h 30, en apportant Ies modifications suivantes : 1. Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1037 metres carre, situe au 92-94, promenade Bon Accord, egalement identifie comme le NID : 00446310, de Zone bifamiliale (R2) a Zone residentielle — Immeubles d'habitation bas (RL), tel qu'illustre ci- dessous. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre la creation de logements supplementaires. Pour plus d'informations concernant la lecture de I'amendement, ou pour s'enregistrer a I'audience publique, veuillez contacter le Bureau du greffier communal a I'adresse CommonClerk(u-)saintiohn.ca. Les objections a I'amendement peuvent titre ecrites ou presentees oralement a I'audience publique tenue par le conseil commun. Si vous souhaitez obtenir des services en frangais, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal. Jonathan Taylor, greffier communal (506) 658-2862 fl"M COMMON COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. 2023-93 Report Date March 28, 2023 Meeting Date April 03, 2023 Service Area Growth and Community Services Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT. Update on new Central Peninsula and North End schools and Community Hubs AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner/Dept. Head Chief Administrative Officer Amy Poffenroth / David Dobbelsteyn Jacqueline Hamilton J. Brent McGovern RECOMMENDATION Your CAO recommends that: 1. That Common Council endorse the Growth Model for the Community Hubs for both the Central Peninsula and North end schools; and 2. That the Mayor send a letter to the Premier requesting the Province finance and build these Community Hubs due to the unique needs that children and families experience in Saint John, and 3. That the City continue to collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the Community Hubs are funded and constructed to meet the needs of our growing community. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Province has announced two new schools that are currently in the design phase — one in the Central Peninsula and one in the North end. Both new schools will each replace two existing schools that are at the end of their useful life. Schools in both neighbourhoods have adopted an integrated, community hub model which brings additional early learning, after school, parenting support and poverty reduction programming into areas of the City that have higher than average poverty rates and are critical to the success and support to these growing neighbourhoods. `W -2- An important consideration is that the existing schools have the community hub programming already in place; however, the Province of New Brunswick does not typically fund additional space for the type of programming and services that comprise the community hub model from the approved school capital budget. The City and/or community has to source this additional funding, either from other provincial department budgets or private sector funds. Given the City has been experiencing unprecedented population growth in recent years, it is crucial that the schools and community spaces are sized for our growing community. For this reason, it is important that the community hub model be sized appropriately for expanded services at each of the new schools, as both facilities could be in operation for the next 50-75 years. Working with the community and partners that offer wrap -around services at the schools currently, the City has provided the space requirements for the proposed Community Hub to account for the community's needs now and into the future, given projected growth of these neighbourhoods. This report outlines cost consideration for the Hubs. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION N/A REPORT Background In December of 2022, the Provincial Government announced funding within the capital budget for two new schools in Saint John for the Central Peninsula and North End neighbourhoods. The new school in the Central Peninsula is planned to replace two existing schools: St. John the Baptist/King Edward and Prince Charles schools. The new school will serve children from kindergarten to grade eight. The new school in the North End is planned to replace two existing schools: Hazen White -St. Francis and Centennial schools. The new school will serve children from kindergarten to grade five. In recent years, schools in both communities have adopted an integrated, community hub model which brings additional early learning, after school, parenting support and poverty reduction programming into the schools. This unique approach is critical for these neighbourhoods, where poverty rates well exceed provincial averages, with the low-income measure, after tax in the north and south ends is 48.8 percent and 49.9 percent, respectively, compared to the provincial average of 15.9%. fl[:�! -3- The Community Hub model drives social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic growth in the community. It serves families who have lived in these neighbourhoods for generations and helps to attract new families to the area. The community hub model typically includes: • An Early Learning Centre for children younger than five located in the same facility they will eventually start kindergarten; • After school programming, including daycare and community centre functions; • Family services in their own neighbourhoods, such as employment training, parenting skills, specialized health care and counselling; and • Learning opportunities and skills development for parents and families. Where the community hub model for the Central Peninsula includes community centre space, assumptions for the North end school do not include a community centre, as the area is well -served by programming at other facilities. An analysis of the Community Hub model was completed by Ernst & Young in 2018 which estimated that investments in this model in the Central Peninsula would generate social services savings in the magnitude of $16 Million to $32 Million. It is expected that similar results would be realized in the North End. Project Update Since funding was announced, provincially led Planning Committees were formed for both schools to develop the specifications of needs for the school and the hub portions of the projects. The committee includes members from the District Education Council, Education department (EECD), facility management, PSSC, including principals, community coordinators, and City and Envision representatives. While the site for the Central Peninsula school has been selected and announced, the site for the North end school is still under consideration and has not been announced by the Province. That being said, both schools are following the same project timeline with design work in 2023, construction in 2024 — 2026, and completion in time for the Fall 2026 school season. The Planning Committees' main role isto determine space needs (by April 2023) for District Education Council (DEC) approval mid -April and to sign off on schematic building layouts in summer 2023. At that point, the project will be handed over to EECD and DTI to design and construct the facilities. Funding needs The existing schools have the community hub programming already in place; however, the Province of New Brunswick does not typically fund additional space for the type of programming and services that comprise the community hub model. Without funding committed by the Province or others, these programs and services could be lost. Provincial staff (EECD and DTI) has made it clear that `W -4- funding for the community hub portions of the schools is not included in their approved budgets. The funding must come from other sources (and may include other provincial departments) and must besought after by the community or City; funding the community hub is not within their department's mandate. Given the City has been experiencing unprecedented population growth in recent years, it is crucial that the schools and community spaces are sized for our growing community. While it is critical to ensure that the community does not lose the programming that exists in the schools today, it is also important that we plan for the needs of the future. For this reason, it is important that the community hub model be sized appropriately for expanded services at each of the new schools, as both facilities could be in operation for the next 50-75 years. Estimated Cost The following chart provides a high-level cost estimate for the community hubs, along with service impacts for the scenarios. The estimated total cost is the combined estimated construction cost of both hubs. No Hubs - Status Quo Model IT - Growth Model Constructed Build Basic Hubs Recommended - Once in a generation opportunity • Loss of 110+ Early existing early • Maintain Existing • Increase ELC spaces Learning learning centre (110) ELC spaces (226) between both (ELC) spaces between both new Spaces between both schools schools neighbourhoods. • Loss of South • Maintain South • Grow the South End End Community End Community Community Centre Centre Centre • Added programming • Loss of • Maintain space in both Programming programming space neighbourhoods Programming space in both in both • Expansion of after neighbourhoods neighbourhoods school program (60) in • Loss of after • Maintain after South End, and new school program for school program for modest after school 30 kids 30 kids program (30) in North End • No Capital Cost Estimated • Significant Social $9M in total for $14M in total for both Total Cost Cost (Loss) for the both schools schools Neighbourhoods -5- Given the growth the City has been experiencing and the projected growth particularly in the north and south ends, it is critical that the community and City advocate for the growth model for these two community hubs. Building these facilities for growth will drive new residential development and attract new businesses in these neighbourhoods, as well as providing the critical infrastructure needed to create better outcomes for children and families living in our communities for years to come. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT This report aligns with Council's "Grow" and "Belong" priorities. SERVICEAND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES Construction of new schools in the Central Peninsula and North End will drive new residential development and attract new businesses in these neighbourhoods, as well as providing the critical infrastructure needed to create better outcomes for children and families living in our communities for years to come. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS The Report has received input from Growth and Community Services, The Office of the CAO, and External Relations. Envision Saint John provided direct feedback on the report. The City has also been in meetings on the content of this report in the last month with representatives of the Province of New Brunswick, Anglophone School District South, and various community organizations. ATTACHMENTS Council Presentation — Community Hubs Letters of Support —Community Hubs `ff- A Z Ln � � « k =3 \ � � .� � E E 0 � _ 4-J 3 � _ _L o k 0 : U m N O C O, E m E z U Q 2 0 c Q L 1W�1 y� i 3 W �C ^ 00 �4-J w m GJ �' a- j 4-0 0 O �O O (V _0O O O }' 4- O w 0 -0 = 4- CA -0 -0 Y � O }' i O O (i) z U - bn 0 C:E� a— a � 0 0 U N well C) 0 -j L J C —j L / LJJ cc LJJ LJJ Q LJJ E i +.+ J O O U N U ate-+ E O U O U Q _ (6 O U O + U U N Q O U O +, U i N U N a--+ O E N l� N NO J L LL .O a_ ate-+ U a.., O 0 Q O E LO L U Q > 0 O f6 0 a- Q O N (n v cn O on N 0 H O u N U N 0 0 c% O rl N r6 4 ui l6 00 c l rl o. ■ r. rL - i E s w 1 Ln Ln E 4) 0 C� Li rC � U X cn � DC �i I co ,V N Q G � I ry r7o -- �r all �W � O Q E E 0 0 u u O a-J c Li c O Q C6 � O /I f W Ln N co c Q) E W R" 0 cn +-+ Q 41 E O O U U L +-j (f) O d LL ._ H O Q ; (/ ) bD 00 0 > O ate+ J N � U Q m L U m O w ci E 0 ca Q ci m 0 L U U E m 41 U L L O Z3 O }' U 41 N L 0 E � m bD N N O O +Uj d m Y 41 O N Q) N Z3 O 41 Q 0 Z3 a C n0 W 4-j c O U 4-j n� W E hr1 �J w cn O 0 O Z3 O _0 C \ C37 U cn ++ U ; f6 !E U ate) ate+ C p O N O O U aJ i C6 a-' E a- + E _6 O E 0 O 0 U 0 Q v N v u .E ° o 0) to +, E U O i E 0 i O V J 4A u .� N tip t1A bD v �� O v U X u v :E - 'o v N +� a) 4 } C) Cb C3 co Z nA c CD CD ♦, a O n L LLI ©C CI] QJ CfJ � 0] U� a 06 d p CD 4� LJ = 0 Q L D LLIrO .c UD (R/ v vJ O 0 CD LU C.) r n� �0-5''� W �00 c� CD CD Cr �^^ � CD w U U w 0) _ CDD-0 O U] L � I-- Cl. 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Wheatley John Adams David Alston Mary Butler Craig Estabrooks Tom Gribbons Petra Hauf Gregor Hope J.K. (Jim) Irving Gary Lawson Ryan Mitchell Derek Oland Patrick Oland Gerry Pond Jim Quinn Cathy Simpson Bob Vincent Rodney Weston BCAPI Coordinator Monica Chaperlin chaperlin.monica(a)idirvinp.com 300 Union Street, P.O. Box 5777, Saint John, NB E2L 4M3 Office: 506.633.5588 Cell: 506.343.7593 www.bcapi.ca Help Every Child Succeed: Break the Cycle of Poverty March 29, 2023 Mayor Reardon and Members of Common Council, City of Saint John, 15 Market Square, Saint John NB E2L 4L1 Your Worship and Members of Common Council, RE: New Schools -Community Hubs for Saint John North and South The 4 elementary schools that will soon be closed to make way for 2 new education centres are unique in New Brunswick. This is because most of the children they serve live in poverty and require added help to overcome significant barriers to their education success. For the past 20 years, the 4 schools have been successfully leading the way in helping their students thrive, achieve their education, and break out of the cycle of poverty. Key to this success has been the many partnerships developed between the schools and other community resources. The schools are active, trusted hubs that bring together many partners from the broader community to provide a wide range of health and educational experiences and enrichments that support these children and their families, from pre- school through to their graduation from grade 8. This kind of multi -faceted support, co -located in the school, is levelling the playing field between these children and their more fortunate peers, creating an equitable opportunity for success. It is critical that the new facilities be designed to allow this successful work to both continue and grow alongside the surrounding neighbourhood. This means both new school facilities must have integrated community hubs. The added space will efficiently blend education and community services to most effectively serve the families, in -school and after -school, 12 months of the year. Let's all work together to ensure these new schools are centres of education excellence and equitable opportunity. Our children are depending on us to do what's right. Their future is entirely in our hands. The upfront investment will produce extraordinary results that will not only benefit the children in lasting ways but also strengthen our city's and province's economic future. On behalf of BCAPI, Cathy Lahey Co-chair Rob Belliveau Co-chair `RX For the attention of: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Place 2000, P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB. E313 5H1 Attention: Honourable Bill Hogan March 30, 2023 Re: Letter of Support - Early Learning Hubs in Saint John Educational System Crescent Valley Resource Center supports the establishment of two Early Learning Hubs in the new Central Peninsula Learning Commons and planned North End School, situated in the City of Saint John, as a critical and core amenity for the Greater Saint John Community. Crescent Valley is home to many children and families who suffer from extreme poverty. These families would benefit from the wrap -around support offered by an Early Learning Hub so they can take advantage of opportunities to build a better future. The area is also populated by an increasing number of newcomers to Canada. These families also need the support from programming such as that offered by an Early Learning Hub as they become accustomed to Canada and learn the language, culture and services that are available for a successful life in their new country. Appropriate spaces for the staffing and programming for an Early Learning Hub should be incorporated from the beginning of planning for the new North End school where these children will be enrolled. We at CVRC believe that this is an vital opportunity to build strength and resilience among the children and families in our community. Early Childhood Hubs help to foster imperative social and cognitive development, while forming the basis for lifelong learning, healthy behaviours, and the resilience of children and the families that surround them. Equally, early learning centers have been shown to historically reduce systemic barriers through the practice of creating fair and equitable opportunities, regardless of income, ability, or language. These hubs become ever -more critical in areas faced with high poverty rates due to their ability to provide early intervention and direct support. In a recent report issued by The Human Development Council, the City of Saint John had the highest child poverty rate at 23.8 per cent, standing well above the provincial average of 16.6 per cent. More notably, the number of children living in poverty throughout Ward 2 North and Ward (Central Peninsula) equated to 68.3 per cent. By focusing on the needs of early learners, these centers are able to better position our youth for ongoing success and overall well-being, ensuring that the children of Saint John keep pace with the rest of the province and country. Sincerely, C. Roberta Clark C. Roberta Clark President of the Board of Directors for Crescent Valley Resource Center 506-652-8277 crclark773@bellaliant.net Crescent Valley Resource Center 130 MacLaren Boulevard, Saint John, NB E2K 3G3 506-693-8513 `LOy, I For the attention of: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Place 2000 P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E313 5H1 Canada Att: Honourable Bill Hogan March 30, 2023 YMCA of Greater Saint John Re: Letter of Support - Importance of Early Learning Hubs in Saint John Educational System 191 Churchill Blvd Saint John, N.B E2K 3E2 YMCA Newcomer Connections would like to issue a letter of support for the establishment of two Early Learning Hubs in the new Central Peninsula Learning Commons and planned North End School, situated in the City of Saint John, as a critical and core amenity for the Greater Saint John Community. Early Childhood Hubs help to foster vital social and cognitive development, while forming the basis for lifelong learning, healthy behaviours, and the resilience of children and the families that surround them. Equally, early learning centres have been shown to historically reduce systemic barriers through the practice of creating fair and equitable opportunities, regardless of income, ability, or language. These hubs become ever -more critical in areas faced with high poverty rates due to their ability to provide early intervention and direct social support. In a recent study issued by The Human Development Council, the City of Saint John had the highest child poverty rate at 23.8 per cent, standing well - above the provincial average. More notably, the number of children living in poverty throughout Ward 2 (North) and Ward 3 (Central Peninsula) equated to 68.3 per cent. By focusing on the needs of early learners, these centres are able to better position our youth for ongoing success, ensuring that the children of Saint John keep pace with the rest of the province, and country. As immigration levels continue to increase in New Brunswick and Saint John, we recognize the value Early Learning Hubs also bring to newcomer children and families. The North and South -Central Peninsula areas of the city are home to large influxes of immigrants from all around the world. Many of the clients we currently work with and those who continue to arrive will be attending these new schools. The wholistic, wrap -around services in that Early Learning Hubs provide in easy to access, convenient locations are important to families navigating new systems. In efforts to retain newcomers to the region, inclusive community spaces are an essential component of welcoming communities. In our commitment to community partnership, we are creating the kind of connections that will transform our community into a lasting, successful home for immigrants from around the world and all walks of life. YMCA Newcomer Connections recognizes the vital contribution of immigrants to Canadian society. Sincerely, Kathryn Melvin General Manager, Newcomer and Community Connections, YMCA of Greater Saint John 506-646-2382 k.melvin@saintjohny.ca 193 IPA[S PARTHIRS ASSISTING PO Box 5777. 300 Union Street • Saint John, New Brunswick • E2L 4M3 * Phone: (506) 632-6071 101 SUMS Mayor Reardon and Members of Common Council, City of Saint John, 15 Market Square, Saint John NB E2L4L1 Your Worship and Members of Common Council, RE: New Schools for Saint John North and South Education has an impact on everything we see, do, and believe in our world. From the basics of literacy and numeracy to entrepreneurship and the economy, today's schools must be more than a home for academics, and nowhere is that more important than in the schools serving the children of the priority neighbourhoods in Saint John. PALS (Partners Assisting Local Schools) is a 20+ year community program developed to address the needs and implications for these children living in poverty. Community Schools and PALS are two separate, yet closely connected initiatives with a common goal — levelling the playing fields for our less fortunate students and providing the opportunities and conditions for their success. Community School Coordinators are essential to the successful functioning of a community school and the nurturing of the partnerships that support this school. The focus of our partnerships: • Supporting Literacy/Numeracy initiatives • Providing mentorship in many ways • Volunteers who help with everything from mentoring, reading buddies, coaching, helping with breakfast or lunch, enrichment, field trips, to in class supports • Providing for Basic needs • Funding for identified needs • Career guidance, exploration, and experiential learning As their title suggests, Community School Coordinators coordinate these services. To continue this essential programming at the new community schools, a designated physical space is paramount. These amenities are not an add -on to the education of the children, but a necessity to ensure the continued growth of community partnerships, volunteer engagement and the support of the programming which the school feels is necessary for the growth of the children. On behalf of PALS, Portnering to Provide a Bright Future for our Children fiRrEI J N CT Ncwo comers Centre T T Le Centre des nouveaux j� J arlivants de Saint-Jean For the attention of: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Place 2000, P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E313 5H1 Canada Att: Honourable Bill Hogan March 30, 2023 Re: Letter of Support - Importance of Early Learning Hubs in Saint John Educational System The Saint John Newcomers Centre is providing this letter of support for the establishment of two Early Learning Hubs in the new Central Peninsula Learning Commons and planned North End School, situated in the City of Saint John, as a critical and core amenity for the Greater Saint John Community. Early Childhood Hubs help to foster vital social and cognitive development, while forming the basis for lifelong learning, healthy behaviours, and the resilience of children and the families that surround them. Equally, early learning centres have been shown to historically reduce systemic barriers through the practice of creating fair and equitable opportunities, regardless of income, ability, or language. These hubs become ever -more critical in areas faced with high poverty rates due to their ability to provide early intervention and direct social support. In a recent study issued by The Human Development Council, the City of Saint John had the highest child poverty rate at 23.8 per cent, standing well -above the provincial average. More notably, the number of children living in poverty throughout Ward 2 (North) and Ward 3(Central Peninsula) equated to 68.3 per cent. By focusing on the needs of early learners, these centres are able to better position our youth for ongoing success, ensuring that the children of Saint John keep pace with the rest of the province, and country. Many newcomers reside in the communities where the new schools are being planned. They will immensely benefit by having the Early Childhood Hubs as an amenity in the new schools. It will significantly help improve their education outcomes and provide them with access to the much -needed services. This will reduce barriers and create a more welcoming community leading to better retention of newcomers in our province. t ►Y Mohamed Bagha Managing Director Office location Mailing address 75 Prince William St., P.O Box 20100 Suite 100, Saint John, 39 King St., Saint John, NB E2L 2B2 NB E21, 5B2 (� +1(506)642-4242 (� wvw�w.sjnewcomers ca 165 Union Street, 3rd Floor • Saint John NB • E2L 5C7 P O Box 22003 • Lansdowne Ave RPO • Saint John NB • E2K 4T7 Est.1981 Tel (506) 634-3088 - E-mail info@prudeinc.org - www.prudeinc.org For the attention of: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Place 2000 P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E313 5HI Canada Att: Honourable Bill Hogan March 29, 2023 Re: Letter of Support - Importance of Early Learning Hubs in Saint John Educational System PRUDE Inc. would like to issue a formal Letter of Support for the establishment of two Early Learning Hubs in the new Central Peninsula Learning Commons and planned North End School, situated in the City of Saint John, as a critical and core amenity for the Greater Saint John Community. Early Childhood Hubs help to foster vital social and cognitive development, while forming the basis for lifelong learning, healthy behaviours, and the resilience of children and the families that surround them. Equally, early learning centres have been shown to historically reduce systemic barriers through the practice of creating fair and equitable opportunities, regardless of income, ability, or language. These hubs become ever -more critical in areas faced with high poverty rates due to their ability to provide early intervention and direct social support. In a recent study issued by The Human Development Council, the City of Saint John had the highest child poverty rate at 23.8 per cent, standing well -above the provincial average. More notably, the number of children living in poverty throughout Ward 2 (North) and Ward 3(Central Peninsula) equated to 68.3 per cent. By focusing on the needs of early learners, these centres are able to better position our youth for ongoing success, ensuring that the children of Saint John keep pace with the rest of the province, and country. iL61.1 165 Union Street, 3rd Floor • Saint John NB • E2L 5C7 P O Box 22003 • Lansdowne Ave RPO • Saint John NB • E2K 4T7 igWWgW Est.1981 Tel (506) 634-3088 - E-mail info@prudeinc.org - www.prudeinc.org PRUDE Inc. is a charity organization, and has advocated for diversity, inclusion, equality and respect for all racial, ethnic, religious and cultural communities in New Brunswick since 1981. PRUDE Inc. currently offers bridging diversity trainings, series of newcomer integration services, and diversity awareness presentations in the public education system. These services are implemented under a few main sources of support from federal, provincial, and private funds to address and strengthen the social and economic situations facing the Saint John region in New Brunswick. At PRUDE Inc. we believe that Education should be a priority and it is at its utmost importance today to build and grow a diverse and inclusive community. Should you have any questions in regards please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, Li Song PRUDE Inc. Managing Director l.son brudeinc.ora - 506-634-3089 165 Union st - 3rd Floor, Saint John NB E2L 5C7 `&6tl Iti Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Place 2000 P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E313 5H1 Att: Honourable Bill Hogan March 30, 2023 YMCA of Greater Saint John 191 Churchill Blvd. Saint John, NB E2K3E2 Tel: 506-693-9622 Fax: 506-634-0783 Re: Letter of Support - Importance of Early Learning Hubs in Saint John Educational System The YMCA of Greater Saint John is happy to issue a letter of support for the establishment of two new Early Learning Hubs in the new Central Peninsula Learning Commons and planned North End School, situated in the City of Saint John, one that provides space for current community partnerships including the YMCA Early Childhood Hub. As a firm believer in Early Childhood Education, the Y's Early Childhood Hubs offers Child Care and After School programs as well as free community programs for families. Our Hubs are currently located in both St. John the Baptist King Edward School as well as Hazen White. St. Francis School and provides a safe space for children, youth and families to learn, play and grow together. With a dedicated space for an Early Childhood Hub in the new schools, we can continue to provide children a safe and fun place to learn while engaging them socially, emotionally and academically. Using our nationally accredited play -based program and the New Brunswick Early Childhood Education Curriculum, our highly trained educators provide children an opportunity to play and learn all while meeting the developmental targets needed to succeed in school and life. Our educators work collaboratively with the parents and school staff including teachers, guidance councillors and principals to ensure our early learners have the best start possible entering Kindergarten. Our programming is designed to allow everyone the opportunity to reach their full potential. The YMCA of Greater Saint John is committed to ensuring people of all ages are healthier and thrive, regardless of their background or financial situation. Having a dedicated space in the new school will allow us to move forward in closing the education gap in our City which will in turn help break the poverty cycle in Saint John. In our commitment to building community partnerships, we are eager to grow our impactful early childhood programs in a community space that offers a quality, accessible and seamless experience for parents and young children in need. Thank you for your work on this important file. Together we are working towards building healthy communities. Sincerely,, ? Shilo Boucher, CPA, CA, ICD.D President and CEO guildin9l%P_Od y C-0MrA.tlAihes EN ISION Saint John Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Place 2000 P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E313 5H1 Canada March 30, 2023 Att: Honourable Bill Hogan Re: Letter of Support for New Schools --Community Hubs for Saint John North and South Envision Saint John: The Regional Growth Agency would like to issue a formal Letter of Support for the establishment of two Early Learning Hubs in the new Central Peninsula Learning Commons and planned North End School, situated in the City of Saint John, as a critical and core amenity for the Greater Saint John Community. Early Childhood Hubs help to foster vital social and cognitive development, while forming the basis for lifelong learning, healthy behaviours, and the resilience of children and the families that surround them. Equally, early learning centres have been shown to historically reduce systemic barriers through the practice of creating fair and equitable opportunities, regardless of income, ability, or language. These hubs become ever -more critical in areas faced with high poverty rates due to their abilityto provide early intervention and direct social support. In a recent study issued by The Human Development Council, the City of Saint John had the highest child poverty rate at 23.8 per cent, standing well -above the provincial average. More notably, the number of children living in poverty throughout Ward 2 (North) and Ward 3(Central Peninsula) equated to 68.3 per cent. By focusing on the needs of early learners, these centres are able to better position our youth for ongoing success, ensuring that the children of Saint John keep pace with the rest of the province, and country. Envision Saint John recognizes that the connection between the schools, early learning centres, and parental support programming is important to maintain within the school facilities. Losing this integrated model would be a step back for the community, the City, the Province, and most importantly the families in these neighbourhoods. Jfllfan MacKinnon Heather Libbey Acting Co -CEO Acting Co -CEO hello@envisionsaintjohn.com envisionsaintjohn.com 199 cGreater Saint John For the attention of: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Place 2000 P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E313 5H1 Canada Att: Honourable Bill Hogan March 30, 2023 Re: Letter of Support - Importance of Community Centre in Saint John Educational System 1 Paul Harris St. Saint John, NB (506) 634-2011 BGC Greater Saint John would like to issue a formal Letter of Support for the establishment of a Community Centre in the new Central Peninsula Learning Commons and planned North End School, situated in the City of Saint John, as a critical and core amenity for the Greater Saint John Community. The South End Community Centre has been run out of the current school, Saint John the Baptist King Edward, for over 20 years. Schools connected and partnered with their communities have tremendous benefits. Community agencies partnering between systems offer protective factors that can contribute to student resilience as well as help efficiently and effectively address issues when they arise. Schools that are well connected to the local community can create a safe and supportive environment inside and outside of the classroom. Society has placed mounting responsibilities on schools as they strive to educate a student population that is becoming increasingly diverse and often described as increasingly at risk. Many schools and school systems are struggling to carry out their basic educational mission because they are overwhelmed by the social and emotional needs of children who are growing up in poverty and unsafe environments. Opportunities to partner with community stakeholders like BGC Greater Saint John can help the school meet student needs the school may not be able to address alone. When students, parents, teachers, and community organization feel connected, there is a greater sense of belonging, pride and motivation for the children and youth. Keeping the Community Centre in the school is a familiar place for children and youth, where most of them have built up a level of trust for the school staff and the environment. It gives them an understanding that the South End Community Centre is a place that is within the barrier of trust and safety, where they can play and build social connections with their peers. Registered Charitable Number 119216885 WIN BGC Greater Saint John's partnership with Saint John the Baptist King Edward school staff is the strongest amongst all of our school partnerships because we can work closely with teachers and administrative staff to determine the needs of the children and the issues that they are facing in school and at home. This is especially true during our free educational programs. The close relationship BGC staff has with the school helps figure out where children need the extra help or identify children who could benefit from our program that are not currently registered. We can share learning goals and provide opportunities to collaborate. An example of this collaboration is BGC's Summer Slide program. BGC has been running this program for over 5 years, with remarkable results every year. The program hires 2 teachers who spend 3 mornings a week on math and literacy skills. The rest of the days are spent participating in regular day camp activities. In the summer of 2022, 80% of the children in grades 3-5 maintained their reading level over the summer, 10% went up one level in their reading, and 10% improved by 2 reading levels. Another example is our backpack program. We partner with the school to provide backpacks full of food home on the weekend for families in need. The close relationship with the school ensures we are supporting the families most in need. BGC Greater Saint John currently offers all the community programs at the Centre for free. There is no cost to children, youth or families, and this barrier free access will continue as long as there is a space to do so. A Shanks BGC Greater Saint John Executive Director (506) 651-3626 1 Paul Harris Street Saint John, NB E21- 3V9 NO ONE TOGETHER WE ARE ONE Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Place 2000 P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 March 31, 2023 The ONE Change Inc. 85 Durham St Saint John NB E2K 1V6 506.658.2980 www.onechange.ca Re: Letter of Support - Early Learning Hub in the proposed new schools for Saint John (North and South) Dear Minister Hogan, ONE Change is the neighbourhood association that is made up of residents and stakeholders in the Old North End of Saint John. One of our commitments to our neighbourhood is reducing barriers to education. We were pleased to hear the announcement of a new K-5 school for our neighbourhood in the North End of Saint John. As we are in the initial stages of development. ONE Change would like to endorse the plan to have an Early Learning Hub located in the new proposed schools (South and North Saint John). Early Learning can be a start to reducing barriers to education. We are a member of the community that in 2016 had a childhood poverty rate of 70%, also a high percentage of single parent families. Thank you for your consideration, ectfully, T mara Kelly Executive Director 180% 2-RAKE QU I THIN N1 aNCEM r4T IBC. PO Box 3263, Grand Bay -Westfield, NB, E5K 4V5 www.cmei.ca RECEIVED City of Saint John, Common Council MAR 3 0 2023 January 9, 2023 --------------- Your Worship Mayor Donna Reardon, Deputy Mayor John Mackenzie, Members of Common Council, The Directors of Crane Mountain Enhancement Inc (CMEI) would to thank you all for the opportunity of presenting to your meeting on November 1, 2022, and also for your warm response to our presentation. At CMEI's meeting January 3, 2023, the issue of waste diversion was discussed. We raised the question as to the availability of any statistics regarding the programme; we are especially interested in the volumes of waste and recycled materials both before and after the implementation of curbside recycling. Is this information available and if so can it be provided to us? We also raised concerns regarding recycling capabilities for residents of apartment buildings — are there plans for improving access to recycling for these tenants? Waste diversion is one of our legacy concerns and we support the city's curbside recycling initiative. Respectfully submitted, Tom Simpson, Chair, Board of Directors C.C. Board of Directors, Phil Ouellette, Fundy Regional Services Commission Marc Macleod, Fundy Regional Services Commission 180191 Dear Madam Mayor and Councillors of the City of Saint John, My name is Second -Lieutenant Jacob Doyle, acting Adjutant of 3rd Field Artillery Regiment (The Loyal Company). It is my pleasure to write to all of you today inviting you to the Loyal Company Ball 2023. Details of the event are as follows: Date: 06 May 2023 Time: 1800 for 1900 Location: Delta Hotel, 39 King Street, Saint John, N.B., E2L 4W3 Ticket Price: $110 each (Includes a 3 course meal and wine on the table) Dress: Mess dress/black tie/formal attire Please join us in celebrating the 230th Anniversary of the Loyal Company in what is sure to be a night to remember. The Loyal Company Band will be playing throughout the night from 1800 until 2100 and there will be a silent auction to support the Loyal Company Association. I have enclosed the Commanding Officer's invitation and the event registration form with additional instructions for those interested in attending. I hope to see you all there to celebrate the Regiment's storied history together! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me by phone or email. Sincerely, 2Lt Jacob Doyle Acting Adjutant, 3rd Field Regiment, The Loyal Company, RCA Canadian Armed Forces Jacob.Doyle&forces.gc.ca Tel: 506-607-3140 Adjutant, 3e Regiment d'artillerie de campagne, The Loyal Company, ARC Forces arm6es canadienne, Jacob.Doylekforces.gc.ca Tel: 506-607-3140 Well W-i' THE BAL DE LA LOYAL COMPANY BALL 2023 DELTA ROYAL BALLROOM MAY 6TH92023 The Commanding Officer 3rd Field Artillery Regiment (The Loyal Company) Requests the Pleasure of your Company at the Loyal Company Ball 2023 Delta Royal Ballroom Saint John New Brunswick Saturday May 06th, 2023 1800 for 1900 Black Tie Live Brass Band Plated Dinner Tickets $110 Please RSVP by 31 March 2023 by calling the Regimental Adjutant at (506) 607-3140 or by emailing the event coordinator Major Timothy Degaust at Timothydegaust03ggmail.com. Tickets can be purchased by cash, cheque addressed to the Loyal Company Association, or e-transfer to loyalcompanytreasurerggmail.com . THE BAL DE LA LOYAL COMPANY BALL 2023 DELTA ROYAL BALLROOM MAY 6TH1 2023 Rank/Grade; MOM.; Mrs/Mme; Ms/Mad Last Name / Nom de famille: _ First Name / Prenom: _ Address / Adresse: _ City/ Ville: Province: _ Postal Code / Code postal: Bus. Phone / Tel bureau: Home Phone / Tel residence: Email / Couriel: For a pair of tickets ($220.00), please provide us with your guest's preferences: Pour deux billets (220,00$) veuillez indiquer les preferences de votre invite(e): Rank/Grade; MOM.; Mrs/Mme; Ms/Mad: _ Last Name / Nom de famille: _ First Name / Prenom: _ Post-nominals / Initiales honorifiques: To guarantee your table guests it is recommended that purchase a complete table of 8 ($880.00), otherwise we will do our best to accommodate your request. Please indicate all guests to be seated at the table, their meal options, and any allergy concerns on the reverse side of this form. Payment Information E-Transfer to Iovalcompanvtreasurera-gmail.com Cash or cheque payable to "Loyal Company Association", and mail or deliver to Afin de garantir la place de vos convives, vous devez acheter une table complete de 8 places (880.00$), autrement nous ferons notre possible afin d'acceder a vos desirs. S'il vous plait indique les noms de vos convives et vos choix de repas aussi que n'importe quel concernes allergiques au verso. Modes de paiement Envoyer votre paiement a I'addresse electronique Iovalcompanvtreasurera-gmail.com Cash ou libeller vos cheques a ('intention du « Loyal Company Association)), et poster 3rd Field Regiment (The Loyal Company) R.C.A Barrack Green Armoury 60 Broadview Avenue Saint John, New Brunswick E21- 1Z6 Office Use Only Date received: Receipt: Table Number: 206 Please choose from the meal selection below and place the associated number in the boxes provided. S'il vous plait choisir un repas par indique votre choix par place le numeros correspondant a votre choix dans la boit fourni: Appetizer: (1)Corn Chowder // (2)Fresh Local Greens // (3)Spinach Salad with Peppercorn Dressing Main Course: (1)Roast Beef // (2)Blueberry Braised Salmon // (3)Eggplant Parmesean Side: (1)Garlic Mashed Potatoes H (2)Rice Pilaf Dessert: (1)Creme Brule // (2)Cheesecake with fresh fruit Please email your completed form to Major Timothy Degaust at Timothydegaust03a-gmail.com and CC Second - Lieutenant Jacob Doyle at Jacob.doylea-forces.gc.ca S'il vous plait envoyer votre reponse par courriel electronique a Major Timothy Degaust a Timothydegaust03(o-)gmail.com et CC Sous -Lieutenant Jacob Doyle a Jacob.doylea-forces.gc.ca Guest Full Name/Nom d'invitee Appetizer Main Side Dessert Allergies/Dietary Constraints Ex: Happy Guest 1 2 2 1 Flax Seed WIYA Please find attached here an information letter that should assist to write the proclamation. Appreciate the support of Tourette Syndrome awareness. Dave Ryan Manager Fund Development, Marketing & Communications Tourette Canada www.tou rette,ca tourette canadaxw W91-13 TOURETTE SYNDROME AWARENESS MONTH HAY 15 tourette canada- 245-5955 Airport Rd. Mississauga, ON, L4V 11119 www,tourette.ca March 21, 2023 City of Saint John Re Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month Proclamation Wording Tourette Syndrome is a neurological condition that causes those affected to make involuntary sounds and movements called tics. These can be simple or complex in nature. With most diagnosed in their youth, it is estimated roughly 1/, of the Canadians are living with Tourette Syndrome, and up to 70% of children and youth with Tourette Syndrome experience bullying at some point during their years in school. Tourette Canada a nationally registered, volunteer -based charity that was established in 1976. The organization's mission is to create awareness, support and understanding through education, advocacy and community outreach. Continued support is critically needed to deliver programs to assist people living with Tourette Syndrome and their families. Currently, Tourette Canada provides programming through virtual support groups and In -Service presentations to a variety of workplaces, including to educators and law enforcement. Our programs are structured to promote broad -based national awareness and understanding of Tourette Syndrome; educate the community and support meaningful engagement between children, adults and families living with Tourette and the community at large. Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month is an international awareness movement held annually, from May 15-June 15. Thank you for your support! Yours Truly, David Ryan Manager of Fund Development, Communications & Marketing—Tourette Canada 905 673 2255 www.tourette.ca i►8i16.1 M&C No. 2023-41 Report Date March 29, 2023 Meeting Date April 03, 2023 Service Area Corporate Services SUBJECT. Appointments to the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners and Security Clearance Requirements EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL The Police Act in NB authorizes a local government to establish a Board of Police Commissioners, but provides limited guidance on the selection process for appointments to that board. Saint John is the only municipality in NB who has created such a board and is reviewing its selection process for appointments to that board. COUNCIL RESOLUTION At its meeting of March 20, 2023, the Committee of the Whole adopted the following resolution: "RESOLVED that the Security Clearance requirements for Council appointees to the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners and for Members of Council who sit on the said Board be Reliability Status (Level 1), Enhanced as defined by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat; and further, That staff be directed to prepare a letter, for the Mayor's signature, to the Minister of Public Safety requesting that the Province of New Brunswick adopt Reliability Status (Level 1), Enhanced as the security clearance requirement for its appointees to the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners; and seeking confirmation that the decision of Council on security screening for its appointees to the SJ Board of police Commissioners will not contravene the pending police legislation reform." K,to] M&C No. 2023-84 Report Date March 28, 2023 Meeting Date April 03, 2023 Service Area Growth and Community Development Services SUBJECT: Summer ice in partnership with Lord Beaverbrook Rink EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL The City of Saint John is looking to offer a summer ice surface for residents, which is expected to support programming and access to 400+ users. To deliver an ice surface, the City will partner with Board of Trustees of the Lord Beaverbrook Rink in Saint John, Inc. ("LBR") as in previous years, to offer this service to the community. In collaboration with the LBR, the City has updated the license agreement for a summer ice surface for the 2023-2024-2025 seasons. COUNCIL RESOLUTION That the City enter into a License Agreement with Board of Trustees of the Lord Beaverbrook Rink at Saint John Inc. for the purpose of setting up and operating the facility and offer ice time during the summer months in the form as presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting held April 3, 2023, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said License Agreement and any document ancillary thereto. f M&C No. 2023-86 Report Date March 28, 2023 Meeting Date April 03, 2023 Service Area Growth and Community Development Services SUBJECT. Termination of Lease City Market: Saint John Bakery Ltd. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL Saint John Bakery Ltd. has notified the City that it is insolvent and the corporation's operations have ceased. The corporation will not be resuming business and has formally requested that their lease at the Saint John City Market be terminated. COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1. Resolved that the City terminate the lease with Saint John Bakery Ltd. effective April 4, 2023. 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute all such documents ancillary to such purpose. fV. J0 f M&C No. 2023-87 Report Date March 28, 2023 Meeting Date April 03, 2023 Service Area Growth and Community Development Services SUBJECT. Name Change City Market: 514807 NB Inc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL 514808 NB Inc. seeks approval to change their trade name. COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1. Resolved that the City consent to the trade name change requested by 514807 NB Inc as presented to the Committee of the Whole on April 3rd 2023. VAJV14J