Zoning By-Law Amendment Housekeeping (CP 111-142),pqv 3 a3 a�2a..�a�rt PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN I, JONATHAN TAYLOR, of the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: - 1. That I am the City Clerk of the said City of Saint John,15 Market Square, P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, N.B. E21.4L1 and as such have the custody of the minutes and records of the Common Council of the said City of Saint John and of the Common Seal of the said City. That hereto attached and marked "A" is a true copy of a by-law entitled "By - Law Number C.P. 111-242 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John", enacted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John on the 28th day of November, A.D., 2022. That hereto attached and marked "B" is a copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the said Common Council of the City of Saint John held on the 28th day of November, A.D., 2022. 4. That I have carefully compared the said by-law with the original and the same is a true copy thereof. DATED at The City of Saint John on the 28th day of November, A.D. 2022. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said City Clerk of The City of Saint John have hereunto affixed the Common Seal of the said City the day and year as written above. i tCtrtlattldsle:fnmtent AVeftgaoaethoumeeted -gkbndwflNdtnQle�1 �n d8r_KAgWrft1Wda=m0cb NWsa ."A HmNswerAwoft� W -1 1 43: 3 s o e num m �nt�rataar BY-LAW NUMBER C.P.111-142 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE No C.P.111-142 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Le conseil communal de The City of John in Common Council convened, as Saint John, dtant rduni, ddicte cc qui suit follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of L'Arretd de nonage de The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of Saint John, ddictd le I5 decembre 2014, est December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: ainsi mod ifid : 1. Section 2.11 is amended by deleting paragraph 2.11 (c) and replacing it with the following words: (c) The Development Officer shall accept for consideration an application for a development permit when: (i) A completed application, in a form prescribed by the Development Officer, has been received; (ii) A site plan has been received showing the following information: (A) the shape and dimensions of the Iot where the development is located; (B) the location of all existing and proposed buildings on the property and their distance from each other and property lines; (C) the height, number of storeys, location, and use of existing and proposed buildings and structures; (D) the location and dimension of all existing and proposed driveways or other access locations, parking spaces, loading spaces, easements, right of ways, and utilities; (E) site servicing information including water, sanitary and storm services, where applicable; (F) the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed driveway culverts; (G) the direction of stormwater flow and location and grade of surface drainage features and when the lot on 1. L'article 2.11 est modifd par ]'abrogation du paragraphe 2.I lc) et son remplacement par cc qui suit : c) L'agent d' amdnagement accepte une demande de permis d'amenagement en vue de son examen lorsque les conditions suivantes sont rdunies : (i) une demande dument rempiie, dtablie en la forme prescrite par ]'agent d'amdnagement, a dtd revue; (ii) un plan de situation indiquant les renseignements suivants a dtd requ : (A) la forme et les dimensions du lot sur lequel 1'am6nagement est situd; (B) ]'emplacement de tous les batiments existants et proposds sur la propridtd et Ieur distance des autres batiments sur la propridtd et des limites de la propridtd; (C) la hauteur, le nombre d'dtages, ]'emplacement et ]'usage des batiments et constructions existants et proposes; (D) I'emplacement et la dimension de toutes les voles d'acces existantes et proposdes et de tous autres accds, emplacements de stationnement, aires de chargement, servitudes, droits de passage et services publics; (E) les renseignements sur la viabilisation du site, y compris les services d'alimentation en eau et d'dgouts sanitaires et pluviaux, le cas dchdant; (F) ]'emplacement et les dimensions des ponceaux des voles d'acces existants et proposds; (G) la direction de 1'6coulement des eaux d'orage et l'emplacement et la pente des elements de drainage de 2. which the proposed work is to take place has an approved grading plan, a proposed rough grading plan must be included with the site plan; (H) any landscaped area required by this By -Law; (I) the location of any natural features, watercourse(s), flood plain and wetland areas and the location of any existing or proposed building or structure in relation to the natural features, watercourse(s), flood plain or wetland; (J) the location and dimensions of any existing and proposed signage; and (K) any other information the Development Officer deems necessary to determine whether or not the proposed development conforms to the requirements of this By-law or other requirements. (iii)The information submitted appears correct and adequate to determine compliance with the standards of this By -Law and the Municipal Development Plan; and (iv) The full application fee, outlined in Schedule B, has been received by the Development Officer, but where the proposed development requires a building permit, no fee shall be required for the development permit. Section 3.1 is amended by deleting the definition for "minor utility service building or structure" and replacing it with the following: "minor utility service building or structure" means any overhead, surface, or underground building, facility, or structure owned by The City of Saint John or a public utility for the delivery of electricity, natural gas, municipal water, municipal sanitary sewer, municipal storm sewer, or telecommunications, including, but not limited to, the following: surface et, lorsque le terrain sur lequel les travaux proposes doivent avoir lieu dispose d'un plan de nivellement approvvd, un plan de nivellement preliminaire doit accompagner le plan de situation; (H) toute aire paysagde prescrite par le present arretd; (I) 1'emplacement des eldments naturels, cours d'eau, Plaines inondables et terres humides, s'il en est, et 1'emplacement des batiments ou constructions existants ou proposes par rapport a ces eldments naturels, cours d'eau, Plaines inondables et terres humides; (J) 1'emplacement et les dimensions des enseignes existantes et proposees, s'il en est; (K) taus autres renseignements que I'agent d'amdnagement estime ndcessaires pour ddterminer si le projet d'amdnagement est conforme ou non aux exigences du present arret ou autres exigences; (iii) les renseignements prdsentes semblent exacts et suffisants pour permettre de ddterminer la conformitd aux normes prescrites par le present arretd et le plan d'amenagement municipal; (iv) le droit de demande integral, indiqud a I'annexe B, a dtd requ par I'agent d'amenagement; toutefois, dans le cas ob un permis de construction doit etre obtenu a 1'dgard du projet d'amdnagement, aucun droit nest requis pour le permis d'amenagement; 2. L'article 3.1 est modifid par I'abrogation de la definition du term << batiment ou construction secondaire des services publics >> et son remplacement par ce qui suit: « batiment ou construction secondaire des services publics >> Les batiments, installations ou constructions adriens, au sol ou souterrains dont est propridtaire The City of Saint John ou une entreprise de services publics et qui servent a la prestation de services d'electricitd, de gaz naturel ou de telecommunications ou au rdseau municipal d'approvisionnement en eau, a I'dgout sanitaire municipal ou a 1'egout pluvial (a) Communications devices; (b) Distribution or transmission lines, poles including overhead wires and associated hardware or anchoring devices; (c) Small surface mounted enclosures; (d) Underground pipe systems; (e) Underground wires; (f) Water booster stations, pumping stations, or sewage lift stations; or (g) Public Washroom facilities, but does not include an electrical substation, wastewater treatment facility, water tank, or water treatment plant. (batiment ou construction secondaire des services publics) 3. Section 4.2 is amended by deleting 3. subsection 4.2(4) and replacing it with the following words: 4.2(4) BARRIER FREE PARKING (a) Barrier -free parking shall be in accordance with the Barrier -Free Design Building Code Regulation, Regulation, 2021-3 of the Building Code Administration Act, and where there is conflict between this By-Iaw and the Regulation, the Regulation including amendments subsequent thereto shall prevail. municipal; sont notamment visds les eldments suivants : a) les appareils de communication; b) les lignes de distribution ou de transmission, les poteaux, y compris les fils adriens et les pieces ou dispositifs d'ancrage connexes; c) les petites enceintes montdes en surface; d) les canalisations souterraines; e) les fils souterrains; f) les stations de pompage-relais ou de pompage des eaux, ou les stations de relevement des eaux usdes; g) les toilettes publiques. La prdsente definition ne vise pas les sous -stations d'electricitd, les installations de traitement des eaux usdes, les reservoirs d'eau et les urines de traitement de 1'eau. (minor utility service building or structure) L'article 4.2 est modifid par ]'abrogation du paragraphe 4.2(4) et son remplacement par cc qui suit : 4.2(4) EMPLACEMENTS DE STATIONNEMENT SANS OBSTACLES a) Les emplacements de stationnement sans obstacles doivent titre conformes aux exigences du Reglement d'application du Code du batiment portant sur la conception sans obstacles, soit le Reglement 2021-3 pris en vertu de ]a Loi sur ]'administration du Code du batiment. En cas de conflit avec le present arretd, Ie Reglement, ensemble ses modifications subsdquentes,l'emporte daps la mesure du conflit. 4. Section 9.4 is amended by deleting 4. L'article 9.4 est modifid par paragraph 9.4 (c). ]'abrogation de I'alinda 9.4(c). 5. Section 9.4 is amended by deleting 5. L'article 9.4 est modifid par paragraph 9.4 (d) and replacing it with ]'abrogation de I' alinda 9.4d) et son the following words: remplacement par cc qui suit: (d) There shall not be any change to the exterior appearance of the front or flankage fagades of the building that would indicate the building is a converted dwelling; 6. Section 9.7 is amended by deleting subparagraph 9.7 (b) (v) and replacing it with the following words: (v) The Development Officer has indicated approval of the excavating of d) aucun changement ne doit titre apporte h 1'apparence de 1'extdrieur de Ia fagade avant ou de la faqade de flanc du batiment pour indiquer qu'il s'agit d'une habitation transformee; 6. L'article 9.7 est modifid par ]'abrogation du sous-alinea 9.7 b)(v) et son remplacement par cc qui suit : (v) ]'agent d'amenagement a indiqud son approbation des travaux 7. 8. 9. land in the form of a development permit. Section 9.8 is amended by deleting paragraph 9.8(b) and replacing it with the following words: (b) The garden suite shall not exceed a maximum gross floor area of 75 square metres; Section I0 is amended by adding to Table 10 - I the following words under the following headings: Use Zone Permitted Crisis Care RH, RM Facility Section 10.1 is amended by deleting paragraph 10.1(2) (a) and replacing it with the following words: (a) A Day Care Centre, Rooming House, or Supportive Facility permitted in subsection 10.1(1) shall be subject to the following: (i) The lot shall only contain one of these land uses, and shall be at least 60 metres away from another lot in the RC zone that also contains one of these above uses; and (ii) In the case of a Rooming House, or Supportive Facility, the establishment shall be limited to a maximum of 18 residents. 10. Section 10.1 is amended by deleting subparagraph 10.1(3) 0). 11. Subsection 10.2(1) is amended by adding the words " Crisis Care Facility" immediately before the words " Day Care Centre" 12. Section 10.2 is amended by deleting subparagraph 10.2(3) (i). 13. Subsection 10.3(1) is amended by adding the words " Crisis Care Facility" immediately after the words " Bed and Breakfast, subject to section 9.2" 14. Section 10.3 is amended by deleting subparagraph 10.3(3) 0). d'excavation du terrain au moyen d'un permis d'amdnagement. 7. L'article 9.8 est modifi6 par ]'abrogation de l'alinda 9.8b) et son remplacement par ce qui suit : b) le pavillon jardin ne peut avoir une aire de plancher brute supdrieure a 75 metres carrds; 8. L'article 10 est modifi6 par adjonction, au tableau 10-1, de ce qui suit sous les rubriques suivantes : Usage Zone oil permis Centre pour RH, RM personnes en 6tat de crise 9. L'article 10.1 est modifid par I'abrogation du paragraphe 10.1(2)a) et son remplacement par ce qui suit : a) Les garderies, les maisons de chambres et les dtablissements de soutien permis par le paragraphe 10.1(1) sont subordonn6s aux conditions suivantes : (i) un seul de ces usages peut &re exerc6 sur un lot, et it doit We situ6 a une distance minimale de 60 metres d'un autre lot dans la zone RC ou s'exerce 6galement un de ces usages; (ii) s'agissant d'une maison de chambres ou d'un 6tablissement de soutien, it ne doit pas h6berger plus de 18 residants. 10. L'article 10.1 est modifid par ]'abrogation de l'alin6a 10.1(3)j). 11. Le paragraphe 10.2(1) est modifid par ]'insertion de «centre pour personnes en dtat de crise; » immddiatement avant « clinique m6dicale, sous rdserve du paragraphe 10.2(2); ». 12. L'article 10.2 est modifi6 par ]'abrogation de I'alinda 10.2(3)i). 13. Le paragraphe 10.3(1) est modifid par ]'insertion de «centre pour personnes en dtat de crise; » imm6diatement apres «activit6 professionnelle a domicile, sous rdserve de I'article 9.9; ». 14. L'article 10.3 est modifi6 par ]'abrogation de I'alinda 10.3(3)j). 15. Section 10.4 is amended by deleting subparagraph 10.4(3) 0). 16. Section l I is amended by adding to Table 11 - 1 the following words under the following headings: Use Zone Permitted Crisis Care CC, CR, CG Facility 17. Subsection 11.5(1) is amended by adding the words "Crisis Care Facility" immediately before the words "Day Care Centre" 18. Subsection l 1.6(1) is amended by adding the words " Crisis Care Facility" immediately before the words " Sales Centre, Model Home" 19. Subsection 11.7(l) is amended by adding the words " Crisis Care Facility" immediately before the words " Day Care Centre" 15. L'article 10.4 est modifid par I'abrogation de I'alinda 10.4(3)j). 16. L'article 11 est modifid par I'adjonction, au tableau 11-1, de ce qui suit sous les rubriques suivantes : Usage Zone ou permis Centre pour CC,CR,CG personnes en dtat de crise 17. Le paragraphe 11.5(1) est modifid par ]'insertion de << centre pour personnes en dtat de crise; » immddiatement avant « chenil; ». 18. Le paragraphe 11.6(1) est modifid par l'insertion de << centre pour personnel en 6tat de crise; » immddiatement avant << clinique mddicale; ». 19. Le paragraphe l 1.7(l) est modifid par l'insertion de « centre pour personnes en dtat de crise; » immddiatement avant « clinique mddicale; ». 20. Section 14.1 is amended by deleting 20. L'article 14.1 est modifie par paragraph 14.1(4) (i). ]'abrogation de 1'alin6a 14.1(4)(i). 21. "Schedule B: Fees" is amended by 21. L'annexe B : Frais est modifide par adding the following: 1'adjonction de ce qui suit : (m) Development Permit $ 250 - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by- law the 28th day of November, A.D. 2022 and signed by: m) Permis d'amenagement 250 $ - toutes les modifications sont indiqudes sur Ia carte ci jointe qui fait partie du present arretd. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arretd Ie 28 novembre 2022, avec les signatures suivantes : First Reading - November 14, 2022 Premiere lecture - le 14 novembre 2022 Second Reading -- November 14, 2022 Deuxieme lecture — le 14 novembre 2022 Third Reading - November 28, 2022 Troisi�me lecture- le 28 novembre 2022 RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "By -Law Number C.P. 111-142 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John" amending content for several housekeeping items, including modifying the definition of a «minor utility service building or structure» to include public washrooms; eliminating the minimum building height requirement in the Park zone; replacing existing Barrier Free Parking provisions with new provisions; eliminating the minimum gross floor area requirement in the Regional Commercial (CR) Zone; increasing the fees for Development Permits to $250 and including specific requirements for site plans to be submitted with Development Permit applications; amending the provisions for Converted Dwellings; eliminating the minimum floor areas for dwelling units in multiple unit dwellings in certain residential zones; allowing Crisis Care Facilities as a permitted use in additional zones and amending the provisions governing the location of Crisis Care Facilities in the Urban Centre Residential (RC) zone; and amending the maximum gross floor area requirement for garden suites, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto.