2022-10-03_Minutes--Procès-verbalCOMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
OCTOBER 3, 2022 AT 6:00 PM
An Electronic means of communication will be used at this meeting. The public may
attend the meeting in person in the Council Chamber or view the meeting on the City's
Website (www.saintjohn.ca) or on Rogers TV.
Present: Acting Mayor/Deputy Mayor John MacKenzie
Councillor -at -Large Gary Sullivan
Councillor -at -Large Brent Harris
Councillor Ward 1 Joanna Killen
Councillor Ward 1 Greg Norton
Councillor Ward 2 Barry Ogden
Councillor Ward 3 David Hickey
Councillor Ward 3 Gerry Lowe
Councillor Ward 4 Greg Stewart
Councillor Ward 4 Paula Radwan
Absent: Mayor Donna Noade Reardon
Also Present: Acting City Manager/ Commissioner Growth & Community Services J.
General Counsel M. Tompkins
Director Human Resources K. Shannon
Fire Chief K. Clifford
Commissioner Utilities & Infrastructure Services B. McGovern
Director Growth & Community Services P. Ouellette
Commissioner Finance K. Fudge
Commissioner Public Works and Transportation Services M. Hugenholtz
City Clerk J. Taylor
Administrative Officer R. Evans
Deputy Clerk P. Anglin
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
1. Call to Order
1.1 Land Acknowledgement
Councillor Killen read aloud the Land Acknowledgement and called for a moment of
"The City of Saint John/Menaquesk is situated is the traditional territory of the
Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet.The Wolastogiyik/Maliseet along with their Indigenous Neighbours,
the Mi'Kmaq/Mi'kmaw and Passamaquoddy/Peskotomuhkati signed Peace and Friendship
Treaties with the British Crown in the 1700s that protected their rights to lands and
1.2 National Anthem
The Saint John Symphony Youth Orchestra performed O Canada by video.
2. Approval of Minutes
2.1 Minutes of September 6, 2022
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Norton:
RESOLVED that the minutes of September 6, 2022, be approved.
A MEN NO rGET121.1 "I
3. Approval of Agenda
Moved by Councillor Radwan, seconded by Councillor Stewart:
RESOLVED that the agenda for October 3, 2022, be approved with an attachment to item
5.5 re letter Municipally Designated Highways.
►I• •\ rGENT1.1
4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Radwan declared a conflict -of -interest with item 9.3 Public Hearing for 1556
Manawagonish Road stating that she has opposing views on cremation.
5. Consent Agenda
5.1 That as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee in the submitted report
Proposed LPP Release — 0 Cambridge Drive Common Council approve the sale of a City
owned parcel, previously vested to the City as Land for Public Purposes (LPP), located at
0 Cambridge Drive, also identified as PID Number 55166813.
5.2 That as recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee in the submitted report
Subdivision Application — 573 Woodward Avenue,
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
1. Common Council assent to the submitted subdivision plan, in general
accordance with the submitted NJP Development Inc. Subdivision tentative plan,
including any required Local Government Service Easements and Municipal
Drainage Easements, subject to the following modifications:
i. elimination of the area beyond where the slopes within the Public Street
right-of-way meet existing grade from the proposed Public Street
2. Common Council accept money in -lieu of Land for Public Purpose dedication.
3. Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more
City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure the provision of the required
work and facilities, including any necessary temporary turnarounds for the new
public street and detailed engineering, stormwater management, site and
individual lot grading plans, and erosion and sedimentation control plans.
5.3 That as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2022-277. Merchant Account
Agreement: Moneris Solutions Corporation the City of Saint John enter into a Merchant
Account Agreement with Moneris Solutions Corporation — as attached to M&C No. 2022-
277 for credit card payment processing at parking meters and further that the Mayor and
City Clerk be authorized to execute said agreement.
5.4 That as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2022-301: Eastern and
Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Lancaster Lagoon — Lighting Retrofit,
Common Council approve that the proposal submitted by Black and McDonald Ltd., for
the Eastern and Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Lancaster Lagoon —
Lighting Retrofit in the amount of $130,461.00 plus HST be accepted and that the Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents.
5.5 That as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2022-310: Additional Funding
for Municipally Designated Highways Common Council approve an increase to Contract
No. 2022-10 Asphalt Resurfacing 2022 in the amount of $1,381,000.
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Stewart:
RESOLVED that the recommendation set out in each consent agenda item respectively
be adopted.
5. Members Comments
Council Members commented on various community events.
7. Proclamation
8. Delegations/Presentations
9. Public Hearings - 6:30pm
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
9.1 Proposed Section 59 Amendment with Planning Advisory Committee
recommendation and Staff Presentation — 1461 Loch Lomond Road
Director Growth and Community Development P. Ouellette advised that the necessary
advertising was completed with regard to the proposed Section 59 Amendment which
would amend the Section 59 conditions imposed on the January 4, 2005, rezoning of a
parcel of land, located at 1461 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as PID 55169114, to
permit a revised proposal and to amend the conditions that limit the scope of the
Staff Planner Thomas Lewallen advised the s. 59 amendment seeks to increase the
development from an 8-unit building to a 12-unit building.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee with the
committee recommending the amendment.
The Acting Mayor opened the Public Hearing.
The Acting Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed
amendment with no one presenting.
The Acting Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed
amendment with Paul Folkins, owner of the proposed development presenting.
The Acting Mayor closed the Public Hearing.
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Stewart:
RESOLVED that Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the
Community Planning Act, rescind the conditions imposed on January 24, 2005, rezoning,
for the parcel of land having an area of approximately 3,142 square metres, located at
1461 Loch Lomond Road, also identified as PID Number 55169114.
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Stewart:
RESOLVED that Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the
Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcel of land having an
area of approximately 3,142 square meters, located at 1461 Loch Lomond Road also
identified as PID Number 55169114:
a. That the development of the site be limited to the applicant's proposal for a twelve -unit
residential building.
b. The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building
elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the
Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures,
garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle and bicycle parking,
loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
features including front yard landscaping in conformance with the Zoning By -Law and side
yard landscaping as illustrated on the site plan submitted with the application.
i. That the development establish an entrance on the building fagade fronting onto
Loch Lomond Road and that a walkway be established to connect this entrance to
the public sidewalk located along Loch Lomond Road;
ii. That the building fagade design be subject to the approval of the Development
Officer regarding the inclusion of design elements which reflect the residential
nature of the surrounding neighbourhood and built form.
c. If any municipal infrastructure improvements are required to service this proposal, it will
be the owner/developer's full responsibility and cost to complete. Prior to determining this,
detailed engineering plans and a design brief must be submitted by the owner/developer's
engineering consultant to the City for review and approval by the City.
d. That the parcel of land be developed and maintained in accordance with an engineering
storm water drainage plan and design report, prepared by a professional engineer on
behalf of the proponent and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer, and that
such approved plan and report be attached to any development and/or building permit for
the proposed development.
9.2 Proposed Section 59 Amendment with Plannina Advisory Committee
recommendation and Staff Presentation — 69 Russell Street
Director P. Ouellette advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to
the proposed Section 59 Amendment amending the Section 59 conditions imposed on the
July 3, 2007, rezoning of the property located at 69 Russell Street, also identified as PID
55180723, to permit a revised proposal by allowing an addition to the existing building.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee with the
committee recommending the amendment.
Yeva Mattson, Planner, presented the staff recommendation to rescind existing section 59
conditions and impose new conditions to permit an addition to expand the existing
The Acting Mayor opened the Public Hearing.
The Acting Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed
amendment with no one presenting.
The Acting Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed
amendment with John Hosford, the owner presenting.
The Acting Mayor closed the Public Hearing.
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
Moved by Councillor Stewart, seconded by Councillor Lowe:
RESOLVED that Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the
Community Planning Act, hereby discharge the resolution adopted on July 3, 2007,
imposed on the rezoning of the property located at 69 Russell Street, also identified as PID
55180723 and which was made pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community
Planning Act in effect at the time (RSNB 1973 as amended).
Moved by Councillor Stewart, seconded by Councillor Lowe:
RESOLVED that Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the
Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcel of land having an
area of approximately 1653 square metres, located at 69 Russell Street, also identified as
PID Number 55180723:
A. The number of licensed clubs or lounges on the site is restricted to a maximum of
B. The provision of entertainment in conjunction with club or lounge is subject to the
following restrictions:
i. Entertainment is restricted to the interior of the building;
ii. The sound from any recorded music or live entertainment must not be
detectable outside the building
Having declared a conflict -of -interest Councillor Radwan withdrew from the meeting.
9.3 Proposed Municipal Plan and Zoning ByLaw Amendment with Planning Advisory
Committee recommendation and Staff Presentation — 1556 Manawagonish Road
(1 st and 2nd Reading)
Director P. Ouellette advised that the necessary advertising was completed with regard to
the proposed Municipal Plan and Zoning ByLaw Amendment for a parcel of land located
at 1556 Manawagonish Road to permit the expansion in Cedar Hill cemetery.
Consideration was given to a report from the Planning Advisory Committee recommending
approval in alignment with the staff recommendation.
Manager Community Planning J. Kirchner presented the staff recommendation for
The Acting Mayor called the Public Hearing to order.
The Acting Mayor called for members of the public to speak against the proposed
amendment with no one presenting.
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
The Acting Mayor called for members of the public to speak in favour of the proposed
amendment with Donna Graham Executive Director Cedar Hill Cemetery presenting.
The Acting Mayor closed the public hearing.
Moved by Councillor Norton, seconded by Councillor Lowe:
RESOLVED that Council adopt the submitted PAC recommendation as follows:
1. That Common Council redesignate, on Schedule A of the
Municipal Development Plan, land having an area of 7.4
hectares, located at 1556 Manawagonish Road, also identified
as PIDs 00401539, 55095061, 55095079, and a portion of PIDs
00402735 and 55141063 from Stable Area to Park and Natural
2. That Common Council redesignate, on Schedule B of the
Municipal Development Plan, land having an area of 7.3
hectares, located at 1556 Manawagonish Road, also identified
as PIDs 00401539, and 55095061, and 55095079, from
Stable Residential, to Park and Natural Area;
3. That Common Council rezone parcels of land having an area of
approximately 7.25 hectares, located at 1556 Manawagonish
Road, also identified as PID 55095061, 00401539, and 55095079
from Two- Unit Residential (R2) to Park (P); and
4. That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59
of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions
on the parcel of land having an area of approximately 7.25
hectares, located at 1556 Manawagonish Road, also identified
as PID 55095061, 00401539, and 55095079:
a. That the applicant provide the necessary Local Government
Services Easements and rights -of -way related to the
existing 300 mm diameter watermain in the eastern portion
of the site between the Churchill Heights water tower and
Manawagonish Road. The easement shall be 6 metres from
the centreline of the pipe.
b. That no burials shall take place within 20 metres of the
centreline of the watermain. Existing access and service
roads are allowed to remain and be maintained as required.
5. That Common Council assent to the necessary Local
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
Government Services Easements related to the 300 mm
diameter watermain.
Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Norton:
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -Law"
amending Schedule A — City Structure, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 7.4 hectares, located at 1556 Manawagonish Road, also identified as PIDs
00401539, 55095061, 55095079, and a portion of PIDs 00402735 and 55141063, from
Stable Area to Park and Natural Area, classification; and amending Schedule B — Future
Land Use, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 7.3 hectares,
located at 1556 Manawagonish Road, also identified as PIDs 00401539, and 55095061,
and 55095079, from Stable Residential, to Park and Natural Area, be read a first time.
Read a first time by title, the by-law entitled "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -Law."
Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Norton:
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -Law"
amending Schedule A — City Structure, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of
approximately 7.4 hectares, located at 1556 Manawagonish Road, also identified as PIDs
00401539, 55095061, 55095079, and a portion of PIDs 00402735 and 55141063, from
Stable Area to Park and Natural Area, classification; and amending Schedule B — Future
Land Use, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 7.3 hectares,
located at 1556 Manawagonish Road, also identified as PIDs 00401539, and 55095061,
and 55095079, from Stable Residential, to Park and Natural Area, be read a second time.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled "A Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By -
Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Norton:
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of
Saint John" amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by
rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 7.25 hectares, located at 1556
Manawagonish Road, also identified as PID 55095061, 00401539, and 55095079, from
Two -Unit Residential (R2) to Park (P), be read a first time.
Read a first time by title, the by-law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The
City of Saint John."
Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Sullivan:
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of
Saint John" amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by
rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 7.25 hectares, located at 1556
Manawagonish Road, also identified as PID 55095061, 00401539, and 55095079, from
Two -Unit Residential (R2) to Park (P), be read a second time.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of
The City of Saint John."
(Councillor Radwan re-entered the meeting.)
10. Consideration of By-laws
10.1 Updated Solid Waste By -Law (1st and 2nd Reading)
Referring to the submitted report M&C 2022-305: Updated Solid Waste By -Law,
Commissioner Hugenholtz advised of the changes to the enable the new solid waste
collection model and schedules to begin later in October.
Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Radwan:
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number L.G.-6 A By -Law for the Storage,
Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste in The City of Saint John" repealing and replacing
the bylaw enacted on the 11th day of December 2017, entitled "Bylaw Number M-2, A By-
law for the Storage, Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste in The City of Saint John" and
all amendments thereto, be read a first time.
Read a first time by title, the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number L.G.-6 A By -Law for the
Storage, Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste in The City of Saint John."
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Harris:
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number L.G.-6 A By -Law for the Storage,
Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste in The City of Saint John" repealing and replacing
the bylaw enacted on the 11th day of December 2017, entitled "Bylaw Number M-2, A By-
law for the Storage, Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste in The City of Saint John" and
all amendments thereto, be read a second time.
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number L.G.-6 A By -Law for the
Storage, Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste in The City of Saint John."
11. Submissions by Council Members
12. Business Matters — Municipal Officers
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
12.1 Acting City Manager Update on Select Catalytic Projects and Advocacy (Verbal)
Acting City Manager J. Hamilton updated Council on key Growth and Advocacy initiatives.
Timely highlights include:
• Delivery milestone Affordable Housing Action Plan endorsed by the Growth
• Comprehensive Recreation Facility Funding Plan endorsed by the Finance
• Fundy Quay Seawall construction is nearing 90-95% completion.
Moved by Councillor Ogden, seconded by Councillor Harris:
RESOLVED that the Acting City Manager verbal update on select Catalytic Projects and
Advocacy be received for information.
11• •\ rGENT1.1
12.2 2023 Recreation Initiatives
Manager Community Development and Recreation, Jen Reed outlined five new recreation
programs to be introduced in 2023 to meet the needs of a diverse community.
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Stewart:
RESOLVED that as recommended in the submitted report M&C 2022-306. 2023
Recreation Initiatives, the following recommendation be adopted:
1. Common Council approve the five new recreation initiatives for 2023 as presented in
Appendices A to F.
2. Common Council refer corresponding funding requirements of these five new programs
to the 2023 budget process.
12.3 City of Saint John Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report
Energy Manager, S. Yammine presented the actions the City has taken on the City of Saint
John Climate Change Action Plan.
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Hickey:
RESOLVED that the submitted report M&C 2022-300: City of Saint John Climate Change
Action Plan Progress Report be received for information.
11• •\ BENTS
13. Committee Reports
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
13.1 Public Safety Committee: Reduced Speed Limits on Neighbourhood Streets with
Traffic Bylaw Amendment (1 st and 2d Reading)
Councillor Hickey Chair Public Safety Committee updated Council on the Committee
recommendation to amend the Traffic on City Streets by-law to lower speed limits to 40
km on 14 neighbourhood streets.
Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Killen:
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number MV-10.1 A By -Law to Amend a By -
Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John and amendments thereto"
repealing and replacing Schedule "L-2" — 40 km/h Speed Limits, be read a first time.
Read a first time by title, the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number MV-10.1 A By -Law to Amend
a By -Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John and amendments
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Lowe:
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number MV-10.1 A By -Law to Amend a By -
Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John and amendments thereto"
repealing and replacing Schedule "L-2" — 40 km/h Speed Limits, be read a second time.
11• •► rGENT1.1
Read a second time by title, the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number MV-10.1 A By -Law to
Amend a By -Law respecting the Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John and
amendments thereto."
13.2 Public Safety Committee: Traffic Calming Policy Updates and Expedited Traffic
Calming Pilot Project
Referring to the submitted report M&C 2022- 303: Traffic Calming Policy Updates and
Expedited Traffic Calming Pilot Project Councillor Hickey, Chair Public Safety Committee
advised the community requests to slow down vehicle traffic speeds have spiked in recent
years. The community is clearly asking its leadership to do more to respond to this growing
Director Tim O'Reilly updated Common Council on the traffic calming on neighbourhood
streets pilot project.
Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Ogden:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Public Safety Committee in the submitted report
M&C 2022-303: Traffic Calming Policy Updates and Expedited Traffic Calming Pilot
Project, Common Council endorse:
1. The following two updates to the City's Traffic Calming Policy as further described in
M&C 2022-303:
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
a. Consideration of older persons and persons with disabilities within the table used
to prioritize Traffic Calming Projects, and
b. Addition of Speed Cushions to the list of traffic calming measures considered
first within the "Develop Traffic Calming Measures" section of the Policy.
2. An "Expedited Traffic Calming Pilot Project" for 2023 with associated required
deviations from the City's Traffic Calming Policy as further described in M&C 2022-303.
11• •\ rGENT1.1
13.3 Public Safetv Committee: Mental Health and Reversina Falls Bridae
Chair Public Safety Committee Councillor Hickey introduced the recommendation from
the Public Safety Committee and the City of Saint John Board of Police Commissioners.
Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Radwan:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Public Safety Committee in the submitted report
Mental Health and Reversing Falls Bridge, Common Council ask the City Manager to
investigate the feasibility of installing surveillance cameras at and around Reversing Falls
Bridge as a means to deter and assist in those instances of mental health actions and
response; and further that Common Council ask the City Manager to consult with the
Province of NB on the possibility of enhancing barrier placements as a deterrence to those
who are looking for access to the Reversing Falls Bridge to initiate elevated falls.
13.4 Growth Committee: Affordable Housing Action Plan
Chair of the Growth Committee Councillor Killen advised the Affordable Housing Action
Plan was presented at Growth Committee and their recommendation is for Council to
adopt the Plan.
Planner A. Reid introduced the Affordable Housing Action Plan to address the gaps
identified in providing affordable housing.
Moved by Councillor Killen, seconded by Councillor Harris:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Growth Committee in the submitted report M&C
2022-304: Affordable Housing Action Plan, Common Council adopt the submitted
Affordable Housing Action Plan.
13.5 Finance Committee: 2022 Bilateral Program Projects — Reserve Funding and Pre -
approval of 2023 Utility Program Funding
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Stewart:
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Finance Committee in the submitted report M&C
2022-308: 2022 Bilateral Program Projects — Reserve Funding and Pre -approval of 2023
Utility Program Funding, Common Council:
Approve the allocation of capital reserve funding ($485,000) for the seven 2022
Bilateral funded projects as noted in Appendix A attached to the Council Report
dated September 28, 2022, and titled 2022 General Fund — Bilateral Program
Projects — Supplemental Funding, and;
• Approve the allocation of $170,000 of unallocated 2022 General Fund Capital
Budget to the seven 2022 Bilateral funded projects as noted in Appendix A, and;
• Approve the pre -approval of the proposed 2023 Utility Fund Capital projects
(Supplemental Funding) noted in Appendix B attached to the Council Report dated
September 28, 2022 and titled Pre -approval of Utility Fund — 2022 Bilateral
Program Projects (Supplemental Funding).
13.6 Finance Committee: FAS-027 Mavor and Council Professional Development Pol
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Harris:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Finance Committee in the submitted report M&C
2022-312. Mayor and Council Professional Development Policy Common Council endorse
FAS-027 Mayor & Council Professional Development Policy.
13.7 Finance Committee: FAS-023 Grant Policy
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Radwan:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Finance Committee in the submitted report M&C
2022-311: FAS-023 — Grant Policy, Common Council approve FAS-023 - Grant Policy.
13.8 Finance Committee: Proposed Funding Plan for New Recreation Facility
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Stewart:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Finance Committee in the submitted report M&C
2022-313: Proposed Funding Plan for New Recreation Facility, Common Council:
1. Direct staff to include in the draft 2023 General Operating Budget, conditional upon
satisfying service level requirements, up to $3 million dollars into a Recreation Facility
Capital Reserve.
2. Allocate any annual general operating surpluses over the Council term to a Recreation
Facility Capital Reserve to fund the catalytic project Comprehensive Recreation Facility.
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
3. Direct staff to prioritize the pursuit of federal and provincial funding to support funding
of a Comprehensive Recreation Facility.
4. Direct the City Manager to discuss the project with the Regional Service Commission to
determine if there is regional interest.
13.9 Finance Committee: 2023 and 2024 Draft General and Utility Fund Capital Budget
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Hickey:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Finance Committee in the submitted report M&C
2022-307. 2023 and 2024 Draft General and Utility Fund Capital Budget Common Council
receive and file the 2023 and 2024 Draft General Fund and Utility Fund Capital Budget.
14. Consideration of Issues Separate from Consent Agenda
15. General Correspondence
16. Supplemental Agenda
17. Committee of the Whole
18. Adjournment
Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Sullivan:
RESOLVED that the meeting of Common Council held on October 3, 2022, be adjourned.
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
The Acting Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Mayor / Maire
Donna Noade Reardon
City Clerk / Greffier municipal
Jonathan Taylor
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
3 OCTOBRE 2022,18 h
Un moyen de communication electronique a ete utilise lors de cette reunion. Le public
peut assister a la reunion en personne, dans la salle du Conseil, ou par le biais du site
Web de la Ville (www.saintjohn.ca) ou de Rogers TV.
Presents :
John MacKenzie, maire supplbant
Gary Sullivan, conseiller general
Brent Harris, conseiller general
Joanne Killen, conseillbre du quartier no 1
Greg Norton, conseiller du quartier no 1
Barry Ogden, conseiller du quartier n° 2
David Hickey, conseiller du quartier n° 3
Gerry Lower, conseiller du quartier n° 3
Greg Stewart, conseiller du quartier no 4
Paula Radwan, conseillbre du quartier n04
Absente : Donna Noade Reardon, mairesse
Egalement presents :
J. Hamilton, directrice municipals par interim/Commissaire, Croissance et
services communautaires
M. Tompkins, avocate gbnbrale
K. Shannon, directrice des ressources humaines
K. Clifford, chef du Service des incendies
B. McGovern, commissaire, Services publics et infrastructure
P. Ouellette, commissaire, Croissance et services communautaires
K. Fudge, chef des Services financiers
M. Hugenholtz, commissaire, Transports et travaux publics
J. Taylor, greffier municipal
R. Evans, agent administratif
P. Anglin, greffibre adjointe
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
1. Ouverture de la seance
1.1 Reconnaissance des territoires
La conseillbre lit la declaration de reconnaissance des territoires et demande un moment
de reflexion.
La Ville de Saint John/Menasquesk est situee sur le territoire traditionnel des
Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet. Les Wolastogiyik/Maliseet, ainsi que leurs voisins autochtones, les
Mi'Kmaq/Mi'kmaw et les Passamaquoddy/Peskotomuhkati, ont signe des traites de paix et
d'amitie avec la Couronne britannique dans les annees 1700 afin de proteger leurs droits
sur les terres et les ressources.
1.2 Hymne national
Le Saint John Symphony Youth Orchestra interprete I'hymne national par vidbo.
2. Approbation du proces-verbal
2.1 Procbs-verbal de la reunion du 6 seotembre 2022
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Norton :
IL EST RESOLU que le procbs-verbal de la reunion du 6 septembre 2022 soit approuve.
3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour
Sur la proposition de la conseillbre Radwan, appuyee par le conseiller Stewart:
IL EST RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la reunion du 3 octobre 2022 soit adopte avec une
piece jointe au point 5.5 en ce qui concerne la lettre sur les autoroutes designees par la
4. Divulgation des conflits d'interets
La conseillbre Radwan declare un conflit d'interets en ce qui concerne le point 9.3
puisqu'elle a une opinion contradictoire en ce qui concerne la cremation.
5. Resolutions en bloc
5.1 Conformement a la recommandation du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme contenue
dans le rapport intitule Proposed LPP Release — 0 Cambridge Drive, it est resolu que le
Conseil municipal approuve la vente d'une parcelle de terrain appartenant a la Ville et
precedemment devolue a titre de terrain d'utilite publique, situee au 0 Cambridge Drive
(PID 55166813).
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
5.2 Conformement a la recommandation du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme contenue
dans le rapport intitule Subdivision Application — 573 Woodward Avenue, it est resolu :
1. Que le Conseil municipal approuve le plan de lotissement soumis, en conformite
generale avec le plan provisoire de lotissement soumis par NJP Development Inc.,
y compris les servitudes du gouvernement local et les servitudes municipales de
drainage, sous reserve des modifications suivantes :
i. elimination de la zone situee au-dela de I'endroit ou les pentes de
1'emprise de la voie publique rejoignent le niveau existant de la voie
publique proposee
2. Que le Conseil municipal un montant d'argent pour le terrain d'utilite publique.
3. Que le Conseil municipal autorise la preparation et la signature d'une ou de
plusieurs ententes de lotissement entre la Ville et le promoteur afin d'assurer la
realisation des travaux et des installations requis, y compris les demi-tours
temporaires necessaires pour la nouvelle voie publique et les plans detailles
d'ingenierie, de gestion des eaux pluviales, de nivellement du site et des lots
individuels, ainsi que les plans de controle de I'erosion et de la sedimentation.
5.3 Conformement a la recommandation contenue dans le rapport M&C 2022-277:
Merchant Account Agreement: Moneris Solutions, it est resolu que la Ville de Saint John
conclue une entente avec Moneris Solutions Corporation (jointe au rapport
M&C 2022 277) en vue de la creation d'un compte marchand pour le traitement des
paiements par carte de credit aux parcombtres, et que la mairesse et le greffier municipal
soient autorises a signer ladite entente.
5.4 Conformement a la recommandation contenue dans le rapport M&C 2022-301 :
Eastern and Millidgeville Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Lancaster Lagoon — Lighting
Retrofit, it est resolu que le Conseil municipal approuve la proposition soumise par Black
and McDonald Ltd., au montant de 130 461,00 $ plus la TVH, et que la mairesse et le
greffier municipal soient autorises a signer les documents contractuels necessaires.
5.5 Conformement a la recommandation contenue dans le rapport M&C 2022-310 :
Additional Funding for Municipally Designated Highways, it est resolu que le Conseil
municipal approuve une augmentation de 1 381 000 $ dans le cas du contrat 2022-10
(Resurfagage de I'asphalte).
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Stewart
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil adopte chacune des resolutions en bloc.
5. Commentaires des membres du Conseil
Les membres commentent differents evenements communautaires.
7. Proclamation
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
8. Delegations/Presentations
9. Seance publique — 18 h 30
9.1 Proposition de modification de I'article 59 a la suite de la recommandation du
Comite consultatif d'urbanisme et presentation du personnel —1461 Loch Lomond
P. Ouellette, directeur de la croissance et du developpement communautaire, indique que
la publicite necessaire a ete faite en ce qui concerne la modification proposee dans le cas
de I'article 59, qui vise a modifier les conditions de I'article 59 imposees lors du
changement de zonage effectue le 4 janvier 2005 dans le cas d'une parcelle de terrain
situee au 1461 Loch Lomond Road (PID 55169114), de fagon a permettre une proposition
revisee et a modifier les conditions qui Iimitent la portee de I'amenagement.
Thomas Lewallen, planificateur de la Ville, indique que la modification de I'article 59 vise
a faire en sorte qu'un immeuble de 8 logements devienne un immeuble de 12 logements.
Le Comitb consultatif d'urbanisme a depose un rapport et recommande la modification
Le maire suppleant ouvre la seance publique.
II demande s'il y a des personnes qui sont contre la modification proposee. II n'y en a pas.
II demande ensuite s'il y a des personnes qui sont en faveur de la modification proposee.
Paul Folkins, proprietaire du lotissement propose, fait une presentation.
Le maire suppleant met un terme a la seance publique.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Stewart:
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil municipal, conformement aux dispositions de ]'article 59
de la Loi sur Furbanisme, annule les conditions imposees le 24 janvier 2005, lors du
changement de zonage, en ce qui concerne la parcelle de terrain d'une superficie
approximative de 3 142 metres carres situee au 1461 Loch Lomond Road (PID 55169114).
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Stewart:
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil municipal, conformement aux dispositions de I'article 59
de la Loi sur Furbanisme, impose les conditions suivantes en ce qui concerne la parcelle
de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 3 142 metres carres situee au 1461 Loch
Lomond Road (PID 55169114) :
a. Que I'amenagement du site se limite a la proposition du demandeur, c'est-a-dire un
immeuble residentiel de 12 logements.
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
b. Que I'amenagement et ('utilisation de la parcelle de terrain soient conformes aux plans
detailles de I'elevation du batiment et du site, prepares par le promoteur et soumis a
I'approbation de ]'agent d'amenagement, illustrant la conception et 1'emplacement des
b5timents et des structures, des enc]os a ordures, de 1'entreposage exterieur, des acces
aux voies d'acces, du stationnement des vehicules et des bicyclettes, des zones de
chargement, de I'amenagement paysager, des espaces d'agrement, des enseignes, de
I'eclairage exterieur et des autres caracteristiques du site, y compris I'amenagement
paysager de la cour avant conformement a I'Arrete de zonage et I'amenagement paysager
de la cour laterale tel qu'illustre sur le plan du site soumis avec la demande.
i. Que I'amenagement etablisse une entree sur la fagade du batiment donnant sur
le chemin Loch Lomond et qu'une passerelle soit etablie pour relier cette entree
au trottoir public situe le long de Loch Lomond Road.
ii. Que la conception de la fagade du batiment soit soumise a I'approbation de
I'agent d'amenagement en ce qui concerne ('inclusion d'elements de conception
qui refletent la nature residentielle du quartier et de la forme bate environnants.
c. Si des ameliorations de ]'infrastructure municipale sont necessaires pour desservir cette
proposition, le proprietaire ou le promoteur devra en assumer 1'entiere responsabilite et
les couts. Mais auparavant, des plans d'ingenierie detailles et un dossier de conception
doivent etre soumis a la Ville par le consultant en ingenier]e du proprietaire ou du
promoteur, pour examen et approbation.
d. Que la parcelle de terrain soit amenagee et entretenue conformement a un plan de
drainage des eaux pluviales et a un rapport de conception, prepares par un ingenieur
professionnel au nom du promoteur et soumis a ('approbation de ('ingenieur en chef de la
ville, et que ce plan et ce rapport approuves soient joints a tout permis d'amenagement
ou de construction pour I'amenagement propose.
9.2 Proposition de modification de I'article 59 a la suite de la recommandation du
Comite consultatif d'urbanisme et presentation du personnel — 69 Russell Street
P. Ouellette indique que la publicite necessaire a ete faite en ce qui concerne la
modification proposee dans le cas de I'article 59, qui vise a modifier les conditions de
I'article 59 imposees lors du changement de zonage effectue le 3 juillet 2007dans le cas
de la propriete situee au 69 Russell Road (PID 55180723), de fagon a permettre une
proposition revisee et a autoriser un ajout au batiment existant.
Le Comite consultatif d'urbanisme a depose un rapport et recommande la modification
Yeva Mattson, planificatrice, presente la recommandation formulee par le personnel en
vue d'annuler les conditions existantes de I'article 59 et de les remplacer par de nouvelles
conditions afin de permettre un ajout pour agrandir 1'entreprise existante.
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
Le maire suppleant ouvre la seance publique.
II demande s'il y a des personnes qui sont contre la modification proposee. II n'y en a pas.
II demande ensuite s'il y a des personnes qui sont en faveur de la modification proposee.
John Hodford, auteur de la demande de modification, fait une presentation.
Le maire suppleant met un terme a la seance publique.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Stewart, appuye par le conseiller Lowe :
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil municipal, conformement aux dispositions de I'article 59
de la Loi sur Furbanisme, annule par la presente la resolution adoptee le 3 juillet 2007 en
ce qui concerne le changement de zonage de la propriete situee au 69 Russell Road (PID
55180723) et qui avait ete faite conformement aux dispositions de ]'article 59 de la Loi sur
Furbanisme en vigueur a I'epoque (LN-B 1973, telle que modifi6e).
Sur la proposition du conseiller Stewart, appuye par le conseiller Lowe :
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil municipal, conformement aux dispositions de I'article 59
de la Loi sur Furbanisme, impose les conditions suivantes en ce qui concerne la parcelle
de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 1 653 metres carres, situee au 69 Russell
Road (PID 55180723) :
A. Que le nombre de clubs ou de salons autorises sur le site soit limite a un maximum.
B. Que la prestation de divertissements dans le cadre d'un club ou d'un salon est
soumise aux restrictions suivantes :
i. que le divertissement se limite a Pint6rieur du batiment;
ii. que le son de toute musique enregistree ou de tout spectacle en direct ne soit
pas d6tectable a 1'exterieur du batiment.
La conseillere Radwan ayant declare un conflit d'interets, elle quitte la reunion.
9.3 Proposition de modification du plan municipal et de I'Arrete de zonage avec la
recommandation du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme et la presentation du
personnel — 1556 Manawagonish Road (premiere et deuxieme lecture)
P. Ouellette indique que la publicite necessaire a ete faite en ce qui concerne le plan
municipal et la modification de I'Arrete de zonage propos6s pour une parcelle de terrain
situee au 1556 Manawagonish Road, afin de permettre I'agrandissement du cimetibre
Cedar Hill.
Le Comite consultatif d'urbanisme a depose un rapport et recommande ]'approbation de
la recommandation du personnel.
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
J. Kirchner, directeur de la planification communautaire, presente la recommandation du
personnel pour approbation.
Le maire suppleant ouvre la seance publique.
II demande s'il y a des personnes qui sont contre la modification proposee. II n'y en a pas.
II demande ensuite s'il y a des personnes en faveur de la modification proposee. Donna
Graham, directrice generale du cimetibre Cedar Hill, fait une presentation.
Le maire suppleant met un terme a la seance publique.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Norton, appuye par le conseiller Lowe :
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil municipal adopte la recommandation du CCU, c'est-a dire:
1. Que le Conseil municipal change la designation, a I'annexe A du
plan d'amenagement municipal, d'un terrain d'une superficie de
7,4 hectares situe au 1556 Manawagonish Road (PID 00401539,
55095061, 55095079, et une partie des lots PID 00402735 et
55141063), de la categorie Residentiel stable a la categorie
Parc et zone naturelle.
2. Que le Conseil municipal change la designation, a I'annexe B
du plan d'amenagement municipal, d'un terrain d'une
superficie de 7,3 hectares situe au 1556 Manawagonish Road
(PID 00401539, 55095061 et 55095079), de la categorie
Residentiel stable a la categorie Parc et zone naturelle.
3. Que le Conseil municipal modifie le zonage des parcelles de
terrain d'une superficie approximative de 7,25 hectares situees
au 1556 Manawagonish Road (PID 55095061, 00401539 et
55095079), de la categorie Residentiel a deux logements (R2)
a la categorie Parc (P).
4. Que le Conseil municipal, conformement aux dispositions de
]'article 59 de la Loi sur Furbanisme, impose les conditions
suivantes a la parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative
de 7,25 hectares situee au 1556 Manawagonish Road
(PID 55095061, 00401539 et 55095079) et:
a. Que le demandeur fournisse les servitudes et les droits de
passage necessaires aux services gouvernementaux locaux
relativement a la conduite d'eau principale existante de
300 mm de diambtre dans la partie est du site, entre le
chateau d'eau de Churchill Heights et le chemin
Manawagonish. La servitude doit titre de 6 mbtres a partir
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
de la ligne centrale du tuyau.
b. Qu'aucun enterrement Wait lieu a moins de 20 metres de
la ligne centrale de la conduite d'eau principale. Les routes
d'acces et de service existantes sont autorisees a rester et
qu'elles soient entretenues comme it se doit.
5. Que le Conseil municipal autorise les servitudes de services
gouvernementaux locaux necessaires pour la conduite
principale d'eau de 300 mm de diametre.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Hickey, appuye par le conseiller Norton :
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil municipal proc6de a la premiere lecture de I'arrete visant
a modifier I'Arrete de zonage en modifiant I'annexe A — Structure de la ville, en modifiant
le zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 7,4 hectares situee
au 1556 Manawagonish Road (PID 00401539, 55095061, 55095079 et une partie des lots
PID 00402735 et 55141063), de la categorie Residentiel stable a la categorie Parc et zone
naturelle, et en modifiant ('Annexe B — Utilisation future du so], en modifiant le zonage
d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 7,3 hectares situee au 1556
Manawagonish Road (PID 00401539, 55095061 et 55095079), de la categorie Residentiel
stable a la categorie Parc et zone naturelle.
Premiere lecture de I'arret modifiant I'Arrete de zonage.
Sur la proposition de la conseillere Killen, appuyee par le conseiller Norton :
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil municipal proc6de a la deuxieme lecture de I'arrete
Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete modifiant I'arrete de zonage.
Sur la proposition de la conseillere Killen, appuyee par le conseiller Norton :
IL EST RESOLU QUE le Conseil municipal proc6de a la premiere lecture de I'arrete
modifiant I'Arrete de zonage en modifiant I'annexe A de la carte de zonage de la Ville de
zonage, en modifiant le zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative
de 7,25 hectares situee au 1556 Manawagonish Road (PID 55095061, 00401539 et
55095079), de la categorie Residentiel a deux logements (R2) a parc (P).
Premiere lecture de I'arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Lowe, appuye par le conseiller Sullivan :
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
IL EST RESOLU QUE le Conseil municipal procede a la deuxieme lecture de I'arrete
Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete modifiant I'Arrete de zonage.
(La conseillere Radwan reintegre la reunion)
10. Examen d'arretes municipaux
10.1 Arrete sur les dechets solides mis a iour (premiere et deuxieme lecture
Le commissaire Hugenholtz se reporte au rapport M&C 2022-305 : Updated Solid Waste
By -Law pour faire etat des changements apportes de fagon a permettre le nouveau
modele et les nouveaux horaires de collecte des dechets solides qui entreront en vigueur
plus tard en octobre.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Hickey, appuye par la conseillere Radwan :
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil municipal procede a la premiere lecture de I'arrete L.G.-
6, intitule « Arrete reglementant 1'entreposage, la collecte et I'elimination des dechets
solides sur le territoire de la Ville de Saint John », qui abroge et remplace I'arrete
promulgue le 1le jour de decembre 2017, intitule «Arrete numero M-2, Arrete
reglementant 1'entreposage, la collecte et I'elimination des dechets solides sur le territoire
de la Ville de Saint John », ainsi que toutes les modifications subsequentes.
Premiere lecture de I'arrete L.G.-6.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Harris :
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil municipal procede a la deuxieme lecture de I'arrbte L.G.-6.
Deuxieme lecture de I'arrete L.G.-6.
11. Soumissions des membres du Conseil
12. Questions de gestion interne — Agents municipaux
12.1 Mise a four (orate) de la directrice municipale par interim relativement a certains
projets catalytiques et a la defense des int6r6ts
J. Hamilton informe le Conseil des principales initiatives en matiere de croissance et de
defense des interets, notamment :
• Le Plan d'action pour le logement abordable approuve par le comite de la
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
• Le Plan global de financement des installations recreatives approuve par le Comite
des finances
• La construction de la digue du quai de Fundy est presque termin6e a 90-95 %.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Ogden, appuye par le conseiller Harris :
IL EST RESOLU que la mise a jour orale de la directrice municipale par interim soit reque
pour information.
12.2 Initiatives en matiere de loisirs pour 2023
Jen Reed, directrice du d6veloppement communautaire et des loisirs, presente cinq
nouveaux programmes de loisirs qui seront lances en 2023 pour repondre aux besoins
d'une communaut6 diversifiee.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Stewart:
IL EST RESOLU, conformement a la recommandation contenue dans le rapport
M&C 2022-306 : 2023 Recreation Initiatives:
1. Que le Conseil municipal approuve les cinq nouveaux programmes de loisirs proposes
pour 2023, tels que presentes dans les annexes A a F.
2. Que le Conseil municipal renvoie les besoins de financement de ces cinq nouveaux
programmes au processus budgetaire de 2023.
12.3 Rapport d'etape sur le plan d'action sur les changements climatiques de la Ville de
Rnint .Inhn
Le directeur de 1'6nergie, S. Yammine, presente les mesures prises par la Ville dans le
cadre du plan d'action sur les changements climatiques de la Ville de Saint John.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuy6 par le conseiller Hickey :
IL EST RESOLU que le rapport M&C 2022-300 : City of Saint John Climate Change Action
Plan Progress Report soit requ a titre d'information.
13. Rapports des comites
13.1 Comite de la securit6 publique : R6duction des limites de vitesse dans les quartiers
et modification de I'Arr6t6 relatif a la circulation (premiere et deuxieme lecture)
Le conseiller Hickey, pr6sident du Comite de la securite publique, informe le Conseil de
la recommandation formulee par son comit6 en vue de modifier I'ArrW relatif a la
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
circulation dans les rues de la ville afin d'abaisser la limite de vitesse a 40 km dans le cas
de 14 rues de quartier.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Hickey, appuy6 par la conseillere Killen :
IL EST RESOLU QUE le Conseil municipal proc6de a la premibre lecture de I'arrW
modifiant I'Arretb MV-10.1 relatif a la circulation dans les rues de la Ville de Saint John et
ses modifications subs6quentes, de fagon a abroger et a remplacer I'annexe L-2,
Vitesses maximales autoris6es de 40 km/h ».
Premibre lecture de I'arrW modifiant I'ArrW num6ro MV-10.1.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuy6 par le conseiller Lowe :
IL EST RESOLU QUE le Conseil municipal proc6de a la deuxibme lecture de I'arrW
modifiant I'ArrW num6ro MV-10.1.
Deuxibme lecture de I'arrW modifiant I'ArrW MV-10.1.
13.2 Comitb de la sbcuritb publique: Mise a four de la politique d'apaisement de la
circulation et projet pilote d'apaisement accblbrb de la circulation
Le conseiller Hickey, president du Comit6 de la s6curit6 publique, se reporte au rapport
M&C 2022-303 : Traffic Calming Policy Updates and Expedited Traffic Calming Pilot
Project et indique que les demandes de la communaut6 visant a r6duire les limites de
vitesse ont augment6 au cours des dernibres ann6es. La communaut6 demande
clairement a ses dirigeants d'en faire plus pour apaiser cette pr6occupation croissante.
Le directeur Tim O'Reilly informe le Conseil municipal du projet pilote d'apaisement de la
circulation dans les rues de quartier.
Sur la proposition de la conseillbre Killen, appuybe par le conseiller Ogden :
IL EST RESOLU que, conform6ment a la recommandation du Comit6 de la s6curit6
publique contenue dans le rapport M&C 2022-303 : Traffic Calming Policy Updates and
Expedited Traffic Calming Pilot Project, le Conseil municipal approuve :
1. Les deux mises a jour suivantes de la politique d'apaisement de la circulation de la ville
d6crites plus en d6tail dans le rapport M&C 2022-303 :
a. La prise en compte des personnes ag6es et des personnes handicap6es dans
le tableau utilis6 pour 6tablir I'ordre de prioritb des projets d'apaisement de la
b. L'ajout de coussins ralentisseurs a la liste des mesures d'apaisement de la
circulation, envisag6s initialement dans la section de la politique portant sur
I'61aboration de mesures d'apaisement de la circulation.
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
2. Un « projet pilote d'apaisement accelere de la circulation » pour 2023, avec les
derogations requises a la politique d'apaisement de la circulation de la Ville, comme le
decrit le rapport M&C 2022-303.
13.3 Comite de la securite publique: La sante mentale et le pont Reversing Falls
Le conseiller Hickey, president du Comite de la securite publique, presente la
recommandation du Comite de la securite publique et du Conseil des commissaires de
police de la ville de Saint John.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Hickey, appuye par la conseillbre Radwan :
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation du Comite de la securite
publique contenue dans le rapport intitule Mental Health and Reversing Falls Bridge, le
Conseil municipal demande au directeur municipal d'etudier la possibilite d'installer des
cameras de surveillance a I'interieur et autour du pont Reversing Falls comme moyen de
dissuasion et d'aide dans les cas d'interventions en matibre de sante mentale, et que le
Conseil municipal demande directeur municipal de consulter la province du
Nouveau -Brunswick quant a la possibilite d'ameliorer ]'installation de barrieres pour
dissuader les personnes qui cherchent a acceder au pont Reversing Falls pour faire des
chutes surelevees.
13.4 Comite de la croissance: Plan d'action pour le loaement abordable
La conseillbre Killen, presidente du Comite de la croissance, annonce que le Plan d'action
pour le logement abordable a ete presente au Comite de la croissance et que celui-ci
recommande au Conseil d'adopter ce plan.
A. Reid, planificateur, presente le plan d'action pour le logement abordable, qui vise a
combler les lacunes decelees en matibre de logements abordables.
Sur la proposition de la conseillbre Killen, appuyee par le conseiller Harris :
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation du Comite de la croissance
contenue dans le rapport M&C 2022-304 : Affordable Housing Action Plan, le Conseil
municipal adopte le Plan d'action pour le logement abordable.
13.5 Comite des finances: projets du programme bilateral pour 2022 — Financement de
la reserve et pre -approbation du financement du programme des services publics
pour 2023
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Stewart:
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation du Comite des finances
contenue dans le rapport M&C 2022-308 : 2022 Bilateral Program Projects — Reserve
Funding and Pre -approval of2023 Utility Program Funding 2023, le Conseil municipal:
Approuve ]'affectation du financement de la reserve d'immobilisations (485 000 $)
pour les sept projets finances par le biais du Programme bilateral2022, tel
qu'indique a I'annexe A jointe au rapport du Conseil date du 28 septembre 2022
et intitule 2022 General Fund — Bilateral Program Projects — Supplemental Funding.
• Approuve I'affectation d'un montant de 170 000 $ du budget d'immobilisations non
affecte du Fonds general de 2022 aux sept projets finances par le biais du Fonds
bilateral de 2022, tel qu'indique a I'annexe A.
• Approuve la preapprobation des projets d'immobilisations du Fonds des services
publics proposes pour 2023 (financement supplementaire) indiques a I'annexe B
jointe au rapport du Conseil date du 28 septembre 2022 et intitule Pre -approval of
Utility Fund — 2022 Bilateral Program Projects (Supplemental Funding).
13.6 Comite des finances : FAS-027 Politique de perfection nement professionnel de la
mairesse et du Conseil
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Harris :
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation du Comite des finances
contenue dans le rapport M&C 2022-312 : Mayor and Council Professional Development
Policy, le Conseil municipal approuve la politique de perfection nement professionnel.
13.7 Comite des finances: FAS-023 Politique de subvention
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par la conseillere Radwan :
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation du Comite des finances
contenue dans le rapport M&C 2022-311 : FAS-023 — Grant Policy, le Conseil municipal
approuve la politique de subvention.
13.8 Comite des finances: Plan de financement propose pour la nouvelle installation
Sur la proposition le conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Stewart:
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation du Comite des finances
contenue dans le rapport M&C 2022-313 : Proposed Funding Plan for New Recreation
Facility, le Conseil municipal :
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
1. Demande au personnel d'inclure dans le projet de budget de fonctionnement
general 2023, sous reserve de satisfaire aux exigences en matiere de niveau de service,
jusqu'a 3 millions de dollars dans une reserve de capital pour les installations recreatives.
2. Affecte tout excedent annuel de fonctionnement general, pendant la duree du mandat
du Conseil, a une reserve d'immobilisations pour le centre de loisirs afin de financer le
projet catalyseur de ]'installation recreative complete.
3. Demande au personnel de prioriser la recherche de fonds federaux et provinciaux pour
soutenir le financement d'une installation recreative complete.
4. Demande au directeur municipal de discuter du projet avec la Commission des services
regionaux afin de determiner s'il existe un interet regional.
13.9 Comite des finances: ebauche de budget d'investissement pour 2023 et 2024
Dour le Fonds aeneral et le Fonds des services publics
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Hickey :
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation du Comite des finances
contenue dans le rapport M&C 2022-307 : 2023 and 2024 Draft General and Utility Fund
Capital Budget, le Conseil municipal regoive et depose le projet de budget
d'investissement du Fonds general et du Fonds des services publics pour 2023 et 2024.
14. Examen de questions non vis&es par les resolutions en bloc
15. Correspondance gdn&rate
16. Ordre du jour suppl&mentaire
17. Comit& pidnier
18. Lev&e de la s&ance
Sur la proposition du conseiller Lowe, appuye par le conseiller Sullivan :
IL EST RESOLU de mettre un terme a la reunion du Conseil municipal tenue le 3 octobre
October 3, 2022 / le 3 octobre 2022
La seance est levee a 20 h 28.
Mayor / Maire
Donna Noade Reardon
City Clerk / Greffier municipal
Jonathan Taylor