2022-05-18_Minutes--Procès-verbal (Session 1)Present: COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 18th, 2022 / le 18 mai 2022 MINUTES — SPECIAL MEETING CATALYTIC PROJECTS COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MAY 18, 2022, AT 5:30 PM 2ND FLOOR COMMON COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL Mayor Donna Noade Reardon Deputy Mayor John MacKenzie Councillor -at -Large Gary Sullivan Councillor -at -Large Brent Harris Councillor Ward 1 Joanna Killen Councillor Ward 2 Barry Ogden Councillor Ward 3 David Hickey Councillor Ward 3 Gerry Lowe Councillor Ward 4 Greg Stewart Councillor Ward 4 Paula Radwan Regrets: Councillor Ward 1 Greg Norton Also Present: City Manager J. Collin General Counsel M. Tompkins Commissioner Human Resources S. Hossack Fire Chief & Chief K. Clifford Director Transportation and Fleet I. Fogan Commissioner Growth & Community Services J. Hamilton Chief of Staff & Chief Financial Officer K. Fudge Commissioner Public Works and Transportation Services M. Hugenholtz Manager Legislative Services / Deputy Clerk P. Anglin Administrative Officer R. Evans COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 18th, 2022 / le 18 mai 2022 Invited Guests: Participated in person and virtually. Premier Blaine Higgs Minister Local Government and Local Governance Reform D. Allain Minister Opportunities NB & MLA Saint John Harbour A. Dunn Minister for Francophonie & MLA Saint John East G. Savoie Minister Post -Secondary Education, Training and Labour & MLA Portland - Simonds T. Holder Minister of Health & MLA Saint John Lancaster D. Shephard Minister of Justice and Attorney General & MLA Rothesay T. Flemming Minister Regional Development Corp. & MLA Hampton G. Crossman MLA Fundy -The -Isles Saint John West A. Anderson -Mason QC MP Saint John-Rothesay W. Long Minister for Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency & MP Moncton - Riverview -Dieppe G. Petitpas Taylor Minister Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Community & MP Beausbjour D. LeBlanc CEO The Chamber Saint John Region D. Duplisea Executive Director Uptown Saint John N. Tissington CEO Envision Saint John: The Regional Growth Agency P. Hicks Vice -President UNBSJ Dr. P. Hauf President & CEO NBCC M. Butler CEO Opportunities New Brunswick S. Perron President Regional Development Corporation C. Libby VP Government Relations JDI, Limited C. MacDonald Government Relations Manager Irving Oil L. O'Brien VP Public Relations Cooke Aquaculture Inc. J. Richardson President & CEO Port Saint John C. Bell Estabrooks Executive Director Saint John Area Horizon Health B. Stack Regional Director Anglophone South School District Z. Watson President & CEO YMCA Greater SJ S. Boucher Executive Director United Way Saint John, Kings & Charlotte A. Heelis President & CEO SJ Regional Hospital Foundation J. Gallagher Executive Director Fundy Regional Services Commission M. MacLeod Mayor Town of Grand Bay -Westfield B. Merrifield Mayor Town of Rothesay Dr. N. Grant Mayor Town of Quispamsis L. O'Hara Mayor Town of Hampton R. Doucet CAO Town of Grand Bay -Westfield J. Enns-Wind Town Manager Town of Rothesay J. Jarvie Acting CAO Town of Quispamsis A. Kennedy CAO Town of Hampton R. Malone Mayor Village of St. Martins B.A. Chatterton Transition Facilitator Government of NB K. Anthony 2 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 18th, 2022 / le 18 mai 2022 1. Call to Order 1.1 Land Acknowledgement Councillor Sullivan read aloud the Land Acknowledgement and called for a moment of reflection. "The City of Saint John/Menaquesk is situated is the traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet.The Wolastoqiyik/Maliseet along with their Indigenous Neighbours, the Mi'Kmaq/Mi'kmaw and Passamaquoddy/Peskotomuhkati signed Peace and Friendship Treaties with the British Crown in the 1700s that protected their rights to lands and resources." 1.2 National Anthem The Saint John Highschool Choir under the direction of Choir Director Trish Gallagher performed O Canada by video. 2. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 3. Catalytic Projects Moved by Deputy Mayor MacKenzie, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that Common Council endorse the following eight high -impact initiatives as the City of Saint John's top priorities for catalytic growth to address critical infrastructure and partnerships needed to propel the City forward: 1. Four key infrastructure projects: • Innovative Central Peninsula Learning Commons, • Redevelopment of Fundy Quay, • a new Comprehensive Recreation Facility, and • Investing in Industrial Parks. 2. Four advocacy efforts: • Comprehensive Tax Reform, • Matching Dollars for Bilateral Funding, • Affordable Housing, and • Post -Secondary Education. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Lowe, seconded by Councillor Harris: RESOLVED that the Special Meeting - Catalytic Projects of Common Council held on May 18th, 2022, be adjourned. A MEN 3 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 18th, 2022 / le 18 mai 2022 The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Mayor / Maire Donna Noade Reardon City Clerk / Greffier municipal Jonathan Taylor Presents : COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 18th, 2022 / le 18 mai 2022 PROCTS-VERBAL — ASSEMBLEE SPECIALE PROJETS CATALYSEURS CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE LA VILLE DE SAINT JOHN 18 MAI 2022, A 17 H 30 2E ETAGE, SALLE DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL, HOTEL DE VILLE Donna Noade Reardon, mairesse John MacKenzie, adjoint a la mairesse Gary Sullivan, conseiller general Brent Harris, conseiller general Joanna Killen, conseillere du quartier 1 Barry Ogden, conseiller du quartier 2 David Hickey, conseiller du quartier 3 Gerry Lowe, conseiller du quartier 3 Greg Stewart, conseiller du quartier 4 Paula Radwan, conseillere du quartier 4 Absents : Greg Norton, conseiller du quartier 1 Egalement presents : J. Collin, directeur municipal M. Tompkins, avocat general S. Hossack, commissaire aux ressources humaines K. Clifford, chef des pompiers I. Fogan, directeur, Transport et flotte J. Hamilton, commissaire a la croissance et aux services communautaires K. Fudge, chef de cabinet et directeur financier M. Hugenholtz, commissaire des travaux publics et des services de transport P. Anglin, gestionnaire des services legislatifs / greffier municipal adjoint R. Evans, agent administratif COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 18th, 2022 / le 18 mai 2022 Invites : Participation en personne et virtuelle. Blaine Higgs, premier ministre D. Allain, ministre des Gouvernements locaux et de la Reforme de la gouvernance locale A. Dunn, ministre d'Opportunites NB et deputee de Saint John Harbour G. Savoie, ministre responsable de la Francophonie et depute de Saint John Est T. Holder, ministre de 11ducation postsecondaire, de la Formation et du Travail et depute de Portland - Simonds D. Shephard, ministre de la Sante et deputee de Saint John Lancaster T. Flemming, ministre responsable de la Justice et procureur general et depute de Rothesay G. Crossman, ministre responsable de la Societe de developpement regional et depute de Hampton A. Anderson -Mason, c.r., deputee de Fundy -Les -Isles Saint John-Ouest W. Long, depute de Saint John-Rothesay G. Petitpas Taylor, ministre de I'Agence de promotion economique du Canada atlantique et deputee de Moncton - Riverview -Dieppe D. LeBlanc, ministre des Affaires intergouvernementales, de ]'Infrastructure et des Collectivites et depute de Beausejour D. Duplisea, PDG de la Chambre de commerce de la region de Saint John N. Tissington, directeur general, Uptown Saint John P. Hicks, PDG, Envision Saint John : The Regional Growth Agency Dr P. Hauf, vice-president, UNBSJ M. Butler, president et PDG, NBCC S. Perron, PDG, Opportunites Nouveau -Brunswick C. Libby, president, Societe de developpement regional C. MacDonald, v.-p., relations gouvernementales, JDI Limited L. O'Brien, directeur des relations gouvernementales, Irving Oil J. Richardson, v.-p., relations publiques, Cooke Aquaculture Inc. C. Bell Estabrooks, PDG, Port Saint John B. Stack, directeur general, region de Saint John, Reseau de sante Horizon Z. Watson, directeur regional, Anglophone South School District S. Boucher, PDG, YMCA du grand SJ A. Heelis, directrice generale, Centraide Saint John, Kings et Charlotte J. Gallagher, PDG, Fondation de I'hopital regional de SJ M. MacLeod, directeur regional, Commission des services regionaux de Fundy B. Merrifield, mairesse de Grand Bay -Westfield Dre N. Grant, mairesse, Rothesay L. O'Hara, mairesse de Quispamsis R. Doucet, maire de Hampton J. Enns-Wind, DPA de Grand Bay -Westfield J. Jarvie, directeur municipal, Rothesay A. Kennedy, directeur general interimaire, Quispamsis 6 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 18th, 2022 / le 18 mai 2022 R. Malone, DPA de Hampton B.A. Chatterton, maire du village de St. Martins K. Anthony, facilitateur de transition, gouvernement du N.-B. 1. Ouverture de la seance 1.1 Reconnaissance du territoire Le conseiller Sullivan a lu la reconnaissance de territoire et a demandb un moment de rbflexion. La ville de Saint John/Menaquesk est sitube sur le territoire traditionnel des Wolastoqiyik/Malbcites. Les Wolastoqiyik/Malbcites, ainsi que leurs voisins autochtones, les Mi'Kmaq/Mi'kmaw et les Pescomody/Peskotomuhkati, ont signb des traitbs de paix et d'amitib avec la Couronne britannique dans les annbes 1700, qui protbgeaient leurs droits sur les terres et les ressources. » 1.2 Hvmne national Le Saint John Highschool Choir, sous la direction de Trish Gallagher, a interprbtb I'b Canada en vidbo. 2. Divulgation de conflit d'interbts 3. Projets catalyseurs Proposb par I'adjoint a la mairesse MacKenzie, appuyb par le conseiller Sullivan : IL EST RESOLU que le conseil communal approuve les huit initiatives a fort impact suivantes comme btant les principales prioritbs de la ville de Saint John en matibre de croissance, afin d'aborder les infrastructures et les partenariats essentiels nbcessaires pour faire avancer la ville : 1. Quatre projets d'infrastructure clbs • Innovative Central Peninsula Learning Commons, • Rbambnagement de Fundy Quay, • Nouveau centre de loisirs polyvalent, et • Investissement dans les pares industriels. 2. Quatre efforts de plaidoyer • Rbforme fiscale globale, • Fonds de contrepartie pour le financement bilatbral, • Logement abordable, et • Enseignement postsecondaire. MOTION ADOPTEE A L'UNANIMITE. 4. Levee de la seance Proposb par le conseiller Lowe, appuyb par le conseiller Harris : 7 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 18th, 2022 / le 18 mai 2022 IL EST RESOLU que la reunion speciale - Projets catalyseurs du conseil communal, tenue le 18 mai 2022, soit ajournee. MOTION ADOPTEE. La mairesse a declare la levee de la seance a 18 h 15. Mayor / Maire Donna Noade Reardon City Clerk / Greffier municipal Jonathan Taylor