2021-05-05_Minutes--Procès-verbalCOMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 5, 2021 / le 5 mai 2021 �► nm��e��»e : ►� aa��linre� COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN MAY 5, 2021 AT 4:30 PM MEETING CONDUCTED BY ELECTRONIC PARTICIPATION Present: Mayor Don Darling Deputy Mayor Shirley McAlary Councillor -at -Large Gary Sullivan Councillor Ward 1 Blake Armstrong Councillor Ward 2 John MacKenzie Councillor Ward 3 Donna Reardon Councillor Ward 3 David Hickey Councillor Ward 4 David Merrithew Councillor Ward 4 Ray Strowbridge Absent: Councillor Ward 1 Greg Norton Also Present: City Manager J. Collin Chief of Staff & Chief Financial Officer Commissioner K. Fudge General Counsel M. Tompkins Fire Chief & Chief Emergency Management Services K. Clifford Commissioner Human Resources S. Hossack Commissioner Public Works and Transportation Services M. Hugenholtz Commissioner Utilities & Infrastructure Services B. McGovern Commissioner Growth & Community Services J. Hamilton Director Legislative Services / City Clerk J. Taylor Deputy City Clerk P. Anglin Administrative Clerk R. Evans COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 5, 2021 / le 5 mai 2021 1. Call to Order To conform to the Government COVID-19 State of Emergency and Mandatory Order masking requirements during Code Alert Level Yellow, Council Members and staff participated by video conference. The City Clerk conducted roll call noting Councillor Norton absent. To ensure public access and transparency the meeting is being live -streamed, video recorded and posted to the City's website after the meeting has concluded. 1.0 Approval Agenda Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor MacKenzie, RESOLVED that the agenda for the May 5 t h , 2021 meeting be approved. MOTION CARRIED. 1.1 Disclosures of Conflict of Interest There were no disclosures of conflict of interest. 1.1 By -Law respecting Powers of the Out2oin2 Council of The Citv of Saint John General Counsel M. Tompkins advised Council on the restrictions in The Local Governance Act (the "LGA") on the powers of an outgoing council during the period commencing on the day of a general election and ending on the day of the first meeting of an incoming council, the "bridging period". However, the LGA also contemplates instances where an outgoing council may exercise those restricted powers: a) in case of emergency if it is in the public interest, and b) if it is authorized by by-law passed prior to the date of the election. The third reading of the bylaw will enable the City's continued operations during the election bridging period. All the items listed in the proposed bylaw are contemplated in the approved budget and are listed because they are procurements that could exceed the estimate that is in the budget and the other items that are not contemplated in the budget are those that relate to the restoration effort for the cyberattack. Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "By -Law Number L.G.-16 A By -Law respecting Powers of the Outgoing Council of the City of Saint John," be read. MOTION CARRIED. 2 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 5, 2021 / le 5 mai 2021 The by-law entitled, "By -Law Number L.G.-16 A By -Law respecting Powers of the Outgoing Council of the City of Saint John," was read in its entirety. Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that the by-law entitled "By -Law Number L.G.-16 A By -Law respecting Powers of the Outgoing Council of the City of Saint John," be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. ►ITA 61116I0WITI: Ilk U 71 Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number L.G.-16 A By -Law respecting Powers of the Outgoing Council of the City of Saint John." 1.2 Section 131 Agreement — 300 Sydney Street Commissioner Hamilton advised that Council is to consider section 131 conditions which are intended to secure public benefit related to the Landmark development at 300 Sydney Street. These conditions did form part of the recommendations Council considered at the Public Hearing from both PAC and staff and received 1st and 2nd reading but they were missed from the May 3rd Council packet when Council approved 3rd reading and section 59 conditions. The report includes a resolution from the Clerk to address this oversight and would authorize a Section 131 Agreement to be prepared between the City and developer intended to secure public benefits associated with the development and would align with the conditions recommended by both PAC and staff. Moved by Councillor MacKenzie, seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary: RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2021- 145: Section 131 Agreement — 300 Sydney Street, Common Council authorize a Section 131 agreement between the City and the Developer for the following public benefits associated with the development at 300 Sydney Street: i. A contribution of $130,000 to the City towards improvements at Rainbow Park including: 1. An updated Master Plan for Rainbow Park; 2. Repairs of the existing basketball court; 3. Enhanced landscaping; and 4. Funding for the temporary operations of the outdoor ice surface. ii. A contribution of $10,000 to the City towards a bus shelter to be located along Broad Street in the vicinity of the development; iii. A contribution of $20,000 to the City towards the beautification of the Tin Can Beach area. MOTION CARRIED. 3 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 5, 2021 / le 5 mai 2021 2. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Reardon, seconded by Councillor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that the meeting of Common Council held on May 5, 2021 be adjourned. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 4:46 p.m. Mayor / maire Common Clerk/greffier communal 4 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 5, 2021 / le 5 mai 2021 PROCES-VERBAL - REUNION ORDINAIRE CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DE LA VILLE DE SAINT JOHN 5 MAI 2021 A 16 H 30 REUNION CONDUITE PAR PARTICIPATION ELECTRONIQUE Presents: Maire Don Darling Mairesse adjointe Shirley McAlary Conseiller general Gary Sullivan Conseiller du quartier 1 Blake Armstrong Conseiller du quartier 2 John MacKenzie Conseillere du quartier 3 Donna Reardon Conseiller du quartier 3 David Hickey Conseiller du quartier 4 David Merrithew Conseiller du quartier 4 Ray Strowbridge Absent: Conseiller du quartier 1 Greg Norton Egalement presents : Directeur municipal J. Collin Chef de cabinet et directeur financier Commissaire K. Fudge Avocat general M. Tompkins Chef des pompiers et chef des services de gestion des urgences K. Clifford Commissaire, ressources humaines S. Hossack Commissaire, Travaux publics et Services de transport M. Hugenholtz Commissaire, Services publics et d'infrastructure B. McGovern Commissaire, Croissance et aux services communautaires J. Hamilton Directeur des services legislatifs / greffier municipal J. Taylor Greffier adjoint P. Anglin Agent administratif R. Evans 5 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 5, 2021 / le 5 mai 2021 1. Rappel a l'ordre Afin de se conformer aux exigences relatives au port du masque en vertu de l'ordonnance mandatoire et de 1'etat d'urgence decretes par le gouvernement en raison de la COVID- 19 pendant le code d'alerte de niveau jaune, Ies membres du Conseil et le personnel participent par videoconference. Le greffier municipal procede a I'appel nominal et constate I'absence du conseiller Norton. Pour garantir I'acces du public et la transparence, la reunion sera diffusee en direct, enregistree sur video et publiee sur le site Web de la ville apres la fin de la reunion. 1.0 ADarobation de l'ordre du iour Proposee par la mairesse adjointe McAlary, appuyee par le conseiller MacKenzie, IL EST RESOLU que l'ordre du jour de la reunion du 5 mai 2021 soit approuve. MOTION ADOPTEE. 1.1 DivulRation des conflits d'interets II n'y a aucune divulgation de conflit d'interets. 1.1 Arrete concernant Ies Douvoirs du conseil sortant de la Ville de Saint John L'avocat general M. Tompkins informe le Conseil des restrictions prevues clans Loi sur la gouvernance locale (la « LGL v) sur Ies pouvoirs d'un conseil sortant pendant la periode commengant le jour d'une election generale et se terminant le jour de la premiere reunion d'un conseil entrant, la « periode de transition ». Toutefois, la LGL prevoit egalement des cas ou un conseil sortant peut exercer ces pouvoirs restreints : a) en cas d'urgence si cela est clans l'interet public, et b) si cela est autorise par un reglement adopte avant la date de 1'e1ection. La troisieme lecture du reglement permettra a la Ville de poursuivre ses activites pendant la periode de transition electorale. Tous Ies elements enumeres clans 1'arrete propose sont envisages clans le budget approuve et sont enumeres parce qu'ils sont des achats qui pourraient depasser 1'estimation qui est clans le budget, et Ies autres elements qui ne sont pas envisages clans le budget sont ceux qui sont lies a 1'effort de restauration a la suite de la cyberattaque. Propose par la mairesse adjointe McAlary, appuye par le conseiller Sullivan : IL EST RESOLU QUE 1'arrete intitule « Arrete numero L.G.-16, arrete concernant Ies pouvoirs du conseil sortant de la Ville de Saint John » soit lu. MOTION ADOPTEE. 6 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 5, 2021 / le 5 mai 2021 L'arrete intitule « Arrete numero L.G.-16, arrete concernant les pouvoirs du conseil sortant de la Ville de Saint John », est lu en entier. Propose par le conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller MacKenzie : IL EST RESOLU que 1'arrete intitule « Arrete numero L.G.-16 Arrete concernant les pouvoirs du conseil sortant de la Ville de Saint John » soit Iu en troisieme lecture, adopte et que le sceau officiel y soit appose. MOTION ADOPTEE. Lire une troisieme foil par titre, 1'arrete intitule « Arrete numero L.G.-16, arrete concernant les pouvoirs du conseil sortant de la Ville de Saint John 1.2 Entente en vertu de I'article 131- 300. rue Le commissaire Hamilton indique que le Conseil doit examiner les conditions de I'article 131, qui visent a garantir l'avantage public lie a I'amenagement du Landmark au 300, rue Sydney. Ces conditions font partie des recommandations que le Conseil a examinees fors de I'audience publique du CCP et du personnel et ont fait l'objet d'une premiere et d'une deuxieme lecture, mail elles ont ete omises du dossier du Conseil du 3 mai lorsque le Conseil a approuve la troisieme lecture et les conditions de I'article 59. Le rapport comprend une resolution du greffier visant a corriger cette omission et a autoriser la preparation d'une entente en vertu de I'article 131 entre la Ville et le promoteur afin de garantir les avantages publics associes a I'amenagement et de s'aligner sur les conditions recommandees par le CCP et le personnel. Proposee par le conseiller MacKenzie, appuyee par la mairesse adjointe McAlary : IL EST RESOLU que, comme le recommande le directeur municipal clans le rapport soumis M&C 2021-145 : Entente en vertu de I'article 131 - 300, rue Sydney, Le Conseil municipal autorise une entente en vertu de I'article 131 entre la Ville et le promoteur pour les avantages publics suivants associes a I'amenagement du 300, rue Sydney : i. Une contribution de 130 000 $ a la Ville pour des ameliorations au parc Rainbow y compris : 1. Un plan directeur actualise pour le parc Rainbow; 2. La reparation du terrain de basket existant; 3. Un amenagement paysager ameliore; 4. Le financement de 1'exploitation temporaire de la surface de glace exterieure. ii. Une contribution de 10 000 $ a la Ville pour la construction d'un abribus qui sera situe le long de la rue Broad a proximite de I'amenagement; iii. Une contribution de 20 000 $ a la Ville pour 1'embellissement de la zone de la plage 7 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL May 5, 2021 / le 5 mai 2021 boite de conserve. MOTION ADOPTEE. 2. Ajournement Propose par le conseiller Reardon, appuye par le conseiller MacKenzie IL EST RESOLU que la reunion du Conseil municipal tenue le 5 mai 2021 soit ajournee. MOTION ADOPTEE. Le maire a declare la reunion ajournee a 16 h 46. Mayor / maire cx Common Clerk/greffier communal