2020-12-21_Minutes--Procès-verbalCOMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
DECEMBER 21, 2020 AT 6:00 PM
Present: Mayor Don Darling
Deputy Mayor Shirley McAlary
Councillor -at -Large Gary Sullivan
Councillor Ward 1 Blake Armstrong
Councillor Ward 1 Greg Norton
Councillor Ward 2 Sean Casey
Councillor Ward 2 John MacKenzie
Councillor Ward 3 Donna Reardon
Councillor Ward 3 David Hickey
Councillor Ward 4 David Merrithew
Councillor Ward 4 Ray Strowbridge
Also Present: City Manager J. Collin
General Counsel M. Tompkins
Deputy Fire Chief R. Nichol
Chief of Staff & Chief Financial Officer K. Fudge
Director I. Fogan
Commissioner, Public Works & Transportation Services M. Hugenholtz
Commissioner, Utilities & Infrastructure Services B. McGovern
Commissioner, Growth & Community Services J. Hamilton
Director Legislative Services / City Clerk J. Taylor
Deputy City Clerk P. Anglin
Administrative Officer R. Evans
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Approval of Agenda
Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Sullivan:
RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be approved with the addition of the following
17.1 Saint John Energy — Way Ahead
17.2 Interim Funding — Regional Economic Development Agency of Greater Saint John
17.3 Progress Report on Wind -Down of Develop Saint John and Discover Saint John
4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest
5. Consent Agenda
5.1 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report entitled City
Market Lease with The Blue Pelican Bath and Body Common Council adopt the following:
1. That the City enter into a Lease for Stall 1 in the City Market with The Blue Pelican
Bath and Body, under the terms and conditions as set out in the Lease submitted;
2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute any necessary
Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Sullivan:
RESOLVED that the recommendation set out in the consent agenda item be adopted.
6. Members Comments
7. Proclamations
8. Delegations/Presentations
9. Public Hearings 6:30 PM
10. Consideration of Bylaws
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
11. Submissions by Council Members
12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers
12.1 City Manager Update (Verbal)
The City Manager summarized the year's challenges and the resolve of the Council and
staff facing the many issues ranging from COVID-19 to cyberattack in a Christmas themed
Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor MacKenzie:
RESOLVED that the City Manager verbal update be received for information.
12.2 Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Buildings at 14-16 Exmouth
Street (PID 00012864)
Referring to the submitted report entitled Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and
Dangerous Buildings at 14-16 Exmouth Street (PID 00012864) City Planner B. Purinton
illustrated the dilapidated and dangerous condition of the garage and rear section of the
property. The portion of the building which will not be demolished is occupied by tenants.
Staff was able to contact the owner to discuss remedy options.
The City Manager read the following cautionary demolition statement:
The information which has been provided in the Council Kit includes the report of the
Building Inspector stating that building rear section and garage located at 14-16 Exmouth
Street (PID 00012864) is a hazard to the safety of the public by virtue of its being, amongst
other things, dilapidated or structurally unsound. Is there present an owner, including
anyone holding an encumbrance upon this property, who wishes to present evidence to
the contrary, i.e. that the building is structurally sound and not dilapidated?
No one came forward to present evidence.
Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report entitled
Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Building at 14-16 Exmouth Street (PID
00012864) Common Council approve the following:
RESOLVED that the garage and rear addition located at 14-16 Exmouth Street, PID#
00012864, are to be demolished as they have become a hazard to the safety of the public
by reason of dilapidation; and
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the garage and rear addition located at 14-16 Exmouth
Street, PID# 00012864, are to be demolished as they have become a hazard to the safety
of the public by reason of unsoundness of structural strength; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one or more by-law enforcement officers appointed and
designated under the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and
Structures By-law are hereby authorized to arrange for the demolition, in accordance with
the applicable City purchasing policies.
12.3 Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Buildings at 206 Norris Road
(PID 00328765)
Referring to the submitted report entitled Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and
Dangerous Buildings at 206 Norris Road (PID 00328765) City Planner B. Purinton
illustrated the dilapidated and dangerous external condition of the abandoned buildings.
The City Manager read the following cautionary demolition statement:
The Information which has been provided in the Council Kit includes the report of the
Building Inspector stating that building located at 206 Norris Road (PID 00328765) is a
hazard to the safety of the public by virtue of its being, amongst other things, dilapidated
or structurally unsound. Is there present an owner, including anyone holding an
encumbrance upon this property, who wishes to present evidence to the contrary, i.e.
that the building is structurally sound and not dilapidated?
No one came forward to present evidence.
Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Casey:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report entitled
Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Buildings at 206 Norris Road (PID
00328765) Common Council approve the following:
RESOLVED that the buildings located at 206 Norris Road, PID# 00328765, are to be
demolished as they have become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of
dilapidation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one or more by-law enforcement officers appointed and
designated under the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and
Structures By-law are hereby authorized to arrange for the demolition, in accordance with
the applicable City purchasing policies.
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
13. Committee Reports
14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda
15. General Correspondence
15.1 Saint John Police Force 2021 Operating Budget (Recommendation: Receive for
Responding to question, the City Manager commented that the current process is to
receive the report for information. The City Manager stated it is problematic to respond
to questions on the budget however, questions may be taken, and answers looked into.
Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor MacKenzie:
RESOLVED that the letter from the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners regarding
the Saint John Police Force (SJPF) 2021 Operating Budget be received for information.
MOTION CARRIED with Councillor Norton voting nay.
Moved by Councillor Hickey, seconded by Councillor Armstrong:
RESOLVED that Common Council request a letter of invitation be sent for representation
by the Saint John Board of Police Commission to appear before Council to respond to
questions on the submitted 2021 Operating Budget.
MOTION CARRIED with Deputy Mayor McAlary voting nay.
16. Supplemental Agenda
17. Committee of the Whole
17.1 Saint John Energy — Way Ahead
Moved by Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Councillor MacKenzie:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole having met on
December 21, 2020 Common Council adopt the following:
1. That the City enter into the Memorandum of Agreement between The City of Saint
John and The Power Commission of the City of Saint John in relation to the Burchill
Wind Project in the form as described to Committee of the Whole at its December
21, 2020 meeting; and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the
said Memorandum of Agreement; and further
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
2. That (a) in each year, the City of Saint John's portion of benefit of the BurchiII Wind
Project over its planned 25-year period be applied for purposes of the Community
Energy Plan, reducing the City's expenses for that purpose, and (b) in the next
following year, and in accordance with The City of Saint John Ten Year Financial
Plan, the amount of such benefit be placed into a tax rate reduction reserve, such
that the funds in that reserve account be applied solely for purposes of tax rate
►ITA 61116I0[0e : Ilk U 71
17.2 Proizress Report on Wind -Down of Develop Saint John and Discover Saint John
The City Manager commented that the existing agencies are winding down to enable the
new Economic Development agency.
Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon:
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole having met on
December 215t, 2020 Common Council approve the following:
A. As it relates to Discover Saint John:
1. Extend the appointment of Dave Drinnan to the Discover Saint John Board of Directors
until June 30th, 2021; and
2. Extend the appointment of Stephany Publicover to the Discover Saint John Board of
Directors until June 30th, 2021; and
B. As it relates to Develop Saint John:
1. RESOLVED that the City, being the sole owner of the capital of DEVELOP SAINT JOHN
INC./DEVELOPPER SAINT JOHN INC. (the "Corporation"), a New Brunswick corporation,
DOES HEREBY RESOLVE THAT By -Law No. X of the Corporation, as enacted by the directors
on December 17, 2020, is hereby ratified and confirmed as a bylaw of the Corporation;
and further,
2. That the City enter into the Transfer Agreement with Develop Saint John
Inc./Developper Saint John Inc. in the form as attached to this M&C and that the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to execute said Agreement.
►ITA 61116I0[0e : Ilk U 71
17.3 Interim Funding — Regional Economic Development Agency of Greater Saint John
The City Manager commented on the forthcoming new Members Agreement and Funding
Agreement for the Agency.
Moved by Councillor Merrithew, seconded by Councillor Hickey:
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole having met on
December 215t, 2020 Common Council approve the Operating Advance Agreement
between the City and the New Regional Economic Development Agency for Greater Saint
John in the form attached as Schedule "A" and, further, that the Mayor and City Clerk be
authorized to execute the said agreement.
18. Adjournment
Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Hickey:
RESOLVED that the meeting of Common Council held on December 21, 2020 be
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
-- — �L --�
Mayor/ maire
r cc
Common Clerk/greffier communal
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
TENUE LE 21 DECEMBRE 2020, A 18 H,
Presents: Don Darling, maire
Shirley McAlary, mairesse suppleante
Gary Sullivan, conseiller general
Blake Armstrong, conseiller du quartier n° 1
Greg Norton, conseiller du quartier n° 1
Sean Casey, conseiller du quartier n° 2
John MacKenzie, conseiller du quartier n° 2
Donna Reardon, conseillere du quartier n° 3
David Hickey, conseiller du quartier n° 3
David Merrithew, conseiller du quartier n° 4
Ray Strowbridge, conseiller du quartier n° 4
presents : J. Collin, directeur municipal
M. Tompkins, avocat general
R. Nichol, chef adjoint du Service des incendies
K. Fudge, chef de cabinet et directeur des Finances
I. Fogan, directeur
M. Hugenholtz, commissaire, Travaux publics et transport
B. McGovern, commissaire, Services publics et infrastructures
J. Hamilton, commissaire, Croissance et developpement communautaire
J. Taylor, directeur des services legislatifs et greffier municipal
P. Anglin, greffier adjoint
R. Evans, agent administratif
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
1. Ouverture de la seance
2. Approbation du proces-verbal
3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour
Sur la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan :
IL EST RESOLU que I'ordre du jour de la reunion d'aujourd'hui soit adopte en y ajoutant
les points suivants :
17.1 Saint John Energy — La voie a suivre
17.2 Financement provisoire— Agence de developpement economique regional du Grand
Saint John
17.3 Rapport d'etape sur la reduction progressive des activites de DevelopperSaint John
et de Decouvrir Saint John
4. Divulgation des conflits d'interets
S. Resolutions en bloc
5.1 Conformement a la recommandation du directeur municipal contenue clans le rapport
intitule City Market Lease with The Blue Pelican Bath and Body, it est resolu :
1. que la Ville conclue un bail pour le stand 1 du marche municipal avec le Blue
Pelican Bath and Body, selon les modalites du bail soumis;
2. que le maire et le greffier municipal soient autorises a signer tous les documents
Sur la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan :
IL EST RESOLU que la recommandation figurant au point des resolutions en bloc de I'ordre
du jour soit approuvee.
6. Commentaires des membres
7. Proclamations
8. Delegations/Presentations
9. Seance publique, 18 h 30
December 21, 2020 / le 21 d6cembre 2020
10. Examen d'arretes municipaux
11. Soumissions des membres du Conseil
12. Questions de gestion interne — Agents municipaux
12.1 Mise a iour du directeur municipal (de vive voix
Le directeur municipal r6sume les d6fis de l'ann6e et la d6termination du Conseil et du
personnel face aux nombreux probl6mes allant de la COVID-19 a la cyberattaque, sous
forme de comptine sur le th6me de No61.
Sur la proposition de la mairesse suppl6ante, appuy6e par le conseiller MacKenzie :
IL EST RESOLU que la mice a jour verbale du directeur municipal soit revue pour
12.2 Demolition de batiments vacants, d6labr6s et dangereux au 14-16, rue Exmouth
(PID 00012864)
L'urbaniste B. Purinton se reporte au rapport intitul6 Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated
and Dangerous Buildings at 14-16 Exmouth Street (PID 00012864) pour illustrer 1'6tat de
d6labrement et la dangerosit6 du garage et de la partie arri6re de la propri6t6. La partie
du batiment qui ne sera pas d6molie est occup6e par des Iocataires. Le personnel a r6ussi
a entrer en communication avec le propri6taire pour discuter des solutions possibles.
Le directeur municipal lit la mise en garde suivante concernant la demolition :
Les donn6es contenues clans la trousse fournie au Conseil comprennent le rapport de
l'inspecteur en batiment indiquant que la partie arri6re du batiment et le garage situ6s
au 14-16, rue Exmouth (PID 00012864) constituent un risque pour la s6curit6 du public en
raison, notamment, de leur 6tat de d6labrement ou de la pr6carit6 de la structure.
Y a-t-il ici ce soir un propri6taire, y compris toute personne d6tenant une charge sur cette
propri6t6, qui souhaite pr6senter une preuve a 1'effet contraire, c'est-a-dire que le
batiment est structurellement sain et non d6labr6?
Personne ne r6pond.
Sur la proposition de la mairesse suppl6ante, appuy6e par la conseillere Reardon :
IL EST RESOLU que, conform6ment a la recommandation du directeur municipal contenue
clans le rapport intitul6 Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Building at
14-16 Exmouth Street (PID 00012864), le Conseil municipal approuve les r6solutions
suivantes :
December 21, 2020 / le 21 d6cembre 2020
IL EST RESOLU que le garage et I'annexe arriere situes au 14-16, rue Exmouth
(PID 00012864) soient demolis car ils sont devenus un danger pour la securite du public
en raison de Ieur delabrement;
IL EST EGALEMENT RESOLU que le garage et I'annexe arriere situes au 14-16, rue Exmouth
(PID 00012864) soient demolis car ils sont devenus un danger pour la securite du public
en raison d'un manque de solidite de la structure;
IL EST EN OUTRE RESOLU qu'un ou plusieurs agents responsables de ('application des
reglements nommes et designes en vertu de 1'arrete municipal de Saint John sur les lieux
ou structures inesthetique ou dangereux soient par la presente autorises a prendre Ies
dispositions necessaires en vue de la demolition, conformement aux politiques d'achat
de la Ville applicables.
12.3 Demolition de batiments vacants, delabres et dangereux, au 206 Norris Road
(PID 00328765)
L'urbaniste B. Purinton se reporte au rapport intitule Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated
and Dangerous Buildings at 206 Norris Road (PID 00328765) pour illustrer 1'etat de
delabrement et la dangerosite de ce batiment abandonne.
Le directeur municipal lit la mise en garde suivante concernant la demolition :
Les donnees contenues clans la trousse fournie au Conseil comprennent le rapport de
l'inspecteur en batiment indiquant que le batiment situe au 206 Norris Road
(PID 00328765) constitue un risque pour la securite du public en raison, notamment, de
son etat de delabrement ou de la precarite de la structure. Y a-t-il ici ce soir un
proprietaire, y compris toute personne detenant une charge sur cette propriete, qui
souhaite presenter une preuve a 1'effet contraire, c'est-a-dire que le batiment est
structurellement sain et non delabre?
Personne ne repond.
Sur la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par le conseiller Casey :
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation du directeur municipal contenue
clans le rapport intitule Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Buildings at 206
Norris Road (PID 00328765), le Conseil municipal approuve Ies resolutions suivantes :
IL EST RESOLU que Ies batiments situes au 206 Norris Road (PID 00328765) soient demolis
car ils sont devenus un danger pour la securite du public en raison de Ieur delabrement;
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
IL EST EGALEMENT RESOLU qu'un ou plusieurs agents responsables de ('application des
reglements soient nommes et designes en vertu de 1'arrete municipal de Saint John sur
Ies Iieux inesthetiques et Ies batiments et structures dangereux soient par la presente
autorises a prendre Ies dispositions necessaires en vue de la demolition, conformement
aux politiques d'achat de la Ville applicables.
13. Rapports des comites
14. Examen de questions non visees par les resolutions en bloc
15. Correspondance generale
15.1 Saint John Police Force - Budget de fonctionnement pour 2021
(Recommandation : Deaot Dour information)
En reponse a une question a cet effet, le directeur municipal indique que la marche a
suivre consiste a recevoir le rapport pour information. II fait remarquer qu'il est difficile
de repondre aux questions sur le budget, mais celles-ci peuvent etre notees en vue dune
reponse ulterieure.
Sur la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par le conseiller MacKenzie :
IL EST RESOLU de recevoir pour information la lettre du bureau des commissaires de
police de Saint John concernant le budget de fonctionnement du Saint John Police Force
(SJPF) pour 2021.
MOTION ADOPTEE, mais le conseiller Norton a vote contre.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Hickey, appuye par le conseiller Armstrong :
IL EST RESOLU que le Conseil municipal demande qu'une lettre d'invitation soit envoyee
au bureau des commissaires de police de Saint John afin qu'un representant se presente
devant le Conseil pour repondre aux questions sur le budget de fonctionnement soumis
pour 2021.
MOTION ADOPTEE, mais la mairesse suppleante a vote contre.
16. Ordre du jour supplementaire
17. Comite plenier
17.1 Saint John Energy - La voie a suivre
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
Sur la proposition du conseiller Armstrong, appuye par le conseiller MacKenzie :
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation du comite plenier, formulee lors
de la reunion du 21 decembre 2020, le Conseil municipal adopte les resolutions
suivantes :
1. Que la Ville conclue un protocole d'entente avec la Power Commission of the City
of Saint John relativement au projet eolien Burchill, en la forme decrite fors de la
reunion du 21 decembre 2020 du comite plenier, et que le maire et le greffier
municipal soient autorises a signer ledit protocole d'entente;
2. Que (a) chaque annee, la contribution de la Ville de Saint John au projet eolien
Burchill sur une periode de 25 ans se rapporte au plan energetique
communautaire, reduisant ainsi les depenses de la Ville a cette fin, et que (b)
l'annee suivante, et conformement au plan financier decennal de la Ville de Saint
John, le montant de cette contribution soit place clans une reserve en vue de la
reduction du taux d'imposition, de sorte que les fonds de ce compte de reserve
soient appliques uniquement aux fins de la reduction du taux d'imposition.
17.2 Financement provisoire - Agence de developpement economique regional du
Grand Saint John
Le directeur municipal commente le nouvel accord entre les membres et I'accord de
financement de I'Agence.
Sur la proposition du conseiller Merrithew, appuye par le conseiller Hickey :
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation formulee par le comite plenier
lors de sa reunion du 21 decembre 2020, le Conseil municipal approuve 1'entente
prealable d'exploitation conclue entre la Ville et la nouvelle agence de developpement
economique regional du Grand Saint John en la forme jointe a I'annexe A, et que le maire
et le greffier soient autorises a signer Iadite entente.
17.3 Rapport d'etape sur la reduction progressive des activites de Nvelopper Saint
John et de Ncouvrir Saint John
Le directeur municipal annonce que les agences existantes sont en train de se retirer pour
ceder la place a la nouvelle agence de developpement economique.
Sur la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par la conseillere Reardon :
IL EST RESOLU que, conformement a la recommandation formulee par le comite plenier
lors de sa reunion du 21 decembre 2020, le Conseil municipal approuve ce qui suit :
December 21, 2020 / le 21 decembre 2020
A. En ce qui concerne Ncouvrir Saint John :
1. Prolonger la nomination de Dave Drinnan au conseil d'administration de Ncouvrir
Saint Johnjusqu'au 30juin 2021
2. Prolonger la nomination de Stephany Publicover au conseil d'administration de
Ncouvrir Saint John jusqu'au 30juin 2021
B. En ce qui concerne DevelopperSaint John :
1. IL EST RESOLU que, la Ville etant I'unique proprietaire du capital de DEVELOPPER SAINT
JOHN INC. (la Societe), une societe du Nouveau -Brunswick, le reglement X de la Societe,
tel qu'adopte par les administrateurs le 17 decembre 2020, soit par la presente ratifie et
confirme en tant que reglement de la Societe;
2. Que la ville conclue une entente de transfert avec Nvelopper Saint John Inc. en la
forme jointe aux presentes et que le maire et le greffier soient autorises a signer ladite
18. Levee de la seance
Sur la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuye par le conseiller Hickey :
IL EST RESOLU d'ajourner la reunion du Conseil municipal tenue le 21 decembre 2020.
La seance est levee a 19 h 25.
Mayor / maire
Common Clerk/greffier communal