Arrêté de zonage - Modifiant l'arrêté - le droitPROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK
Ice* that this Instrument Aftesta quo cet Instrument est
KXMIStered or filed In the enweillstri on d6pos6 on bureau
emery Rep Office,
I, JONATHAN TAYLOR, of the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John
and Province of New Brunswick, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: -
1, That I am the City Clerk of the said City of Saint John, 15 Market Square, P.O.
Box 1971, Saint John, N.B. E2L 41_1 and as such have the custody of the minutes and
records of the Common Council of the said City of Saint John and of the Common
Seal of the said City.
2, That hereto attached and marked "A" is a true copy of a by-law entitled "By -
Law Number C.P. 111-107 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint
John", enacted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John on the 22"d day of
March, A.D., 2021.
3. That hereto attached and marked "B" is a copy of a resolution adopted at a
meeting of the said Common Council of the City of Saint John held on the 22"d day
of March, A.D., 2021.
4. That I have carefully compared the said by-law with the original and the same
is a true copy thereof.
DATED at The City of Saint John on the 121h day of April, A.D. 2021,
Clerk of The City of Saint John have hereunto
affixed the Common Seal of the said City the
day and year as written above.
"M1 u; w,.
BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111-107
Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in
Common Council convened, as follows:
The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John
enacted on the fifteenth day of December, A.D.
2014, and further amended from time to time, is
amended follows:
1. Paragraph 12.4(8)(m) is amended by
deleting "Each application for a permit shall be
accompanied by a fee of one thousand and one
hundred dollars" and replacing it with "Each
application for a permit shall be accompanied by
the fee identified in Schedule "B" hereto."
2. Subparagraph 12.4(9)(a)(iv) is amended
by deleting "The fee set out in paragraph
12.4(8)(m) has been paid" and replacing it with
"The fee identified in Schedule "B" hereto has
been paid."
ARRETE NO C.P. 111-107
Lors d'une reunion du Conseil communal, The
City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit :
L'Arrete de nonage de The City of Saint John,
decrete le quinze (15) decembre 2014, et modifie a
nouveau de temps a autre, est modifie comme suit:
1. L'alinea 12.4(8)m) est modifie par la
suppression des mots « est accompagnee d'un
droit de 1 100 $ » et leur remplacement par les
mots « est accompagnee d'un droit prevu a
1'annexe « B » ci jointe.
2. Le sous-alinea 12.4(9)a)(iv) est modifie
par la suppression des mots (< le droit fixe a
l'alinea 12.4(8)m) a ete paye» et leur
remplacement par les mots « le droit prevu a
1'annexe « B » ci jointe a ete paye. »
3. Subsection 2.11(c) is deleted and 3. Le paragraphe 2.11(c) est supprime et
replaced with the following language: remplace par le texte suivant :
2.11(c) (A) The Development Officer shall
accept for consideration an application for a
development permit when:
(i) A completed application, in a
form prescribed by the
Development Officer, has
been received;
(ii) The information submitted
appears correct and adequate
to determine compliance with
the standards of this By-law
and the Municipal
Development Plan; and
2.11(c) A) L'agent d'amenagement accepte pour
examen une demande pour un permis
d'amenagement lorsque :
i) Une demande remplie, sous la
forme prescrite par 1'agent
d'amenagement, a ete reque;
ii) L'information presentee semble
correcte et appropriee pour
determiner la conformite avec les
normes etablies dans le present
arrete et dans le plan
d'amenagement municipal;
(iii)The full application fee as
required in Schedule "B" has
been received by the
Development Officer, but
where the proposed
development requires a
building permit, no fee shall
be required for the
development permit.
(B) When a development has commenced
prior to the issuance of a development
permit, the fee identified in Schedule "B"
shall be two (2) times the fee listed
(C) When an applicant cancels a
development permit prior to the
Development Officer rendering a
decision to approve or deny the
application, the applicant shall receive a
refund of sixty (60) percent of the fee
identified in Schedule "B". No refund
will be provided for an application
cancelled after the Development Officer
has rendered a decision on the
iii) L'agent d'amdnagement a requ la
totalitd des droits de demande
exigds dans ]'annexe « B », mais
lorsque 1'am6nagement propose
requiert un permis de
construction, aucun droit n'est
exigd pour le permis
B) Lorsqu'un amdnagement a commence
avant la ddlivrance d'un permis
d'amdnagement, le droit a payer sera deux
(2) fois le droit prdvu a ]'annexe « B ».
C) Lorsqu'un demandeur annule un
permis d'amdnagement avant que ]'agent
d'amdnagement ait rendu une decision
d'approuver ou de rejeter la demande, le
demandeur regoit un remboursement
dquivalent a soixante (60) pour cent du
droit prdvu a ]'annexe « B ». Aucun
remboursement ne sera effectud pour une
demande annulde apres que l'agent
d'amdnagement a rendu une decision sur
la demande.
4. Schedule "B" is deleted and replaced 4. L'annexe « B » est supprimee et
with the following language: remplacde par le texte suivant:
Schedule B: Fees
Except as otherwise provided in this By-law, the following fees are required concerning
any matter considered by Council, the Committee or the Development Officer:
Type of application or service
Required application fee
a Conditional Use
b) Encroachment in Good Faith
c Non -conforming Use Council
(d) Non -conforming Use Committee
e Satisfactory Servicing Council
Section 59 Amendments
Similar or Compatible uses
h Temporary Approval
(i) Variances
Tier 1 and Tier 2
$200.00 for up to five (5) variances,
$50.00 for each variance after six (6).
Committee Variances
$400.00 for up to five (5) variances,
$100.00 for each variance after six 6
} Zoning By-law Amendment
(k) Zoning By-law Amendment requiring
a Municipal Plan Amendment
(1) Zoning Confirmation or Compliance
$120.00 per hour
(m)Development Permits
n Pit and Quarry Development Permit
Annexe B : Droits
Sauf disposition contraire du prdsent arr6td, les droits qui suivent doivent etre verses a
l'dgard de 1'examen par le conseil, le comite ou Pagent d'amenagement des demandes ou
services suivants :
Type de demande ou de service
Droit de demande
a Usage conditionnel
350.00 $
(b) Em i6tement de bonne foi
165.00 $
c Usage non conforme conseil
250.00 $
d) Usage non conforme (comite)
350.00 $
e Viabilisation satisfaisante conseil
350.00 $
(f) Modifications aux conditions imposdes
en vertu de Particle 59
2 650.00 $
sages similaires ou compatibles
350.00 $
h Approbation tem oraire
350.00 $
(i) Derogations
De niveau 1 et de niveau 2
200.00 $ jusqu'a cinq (5) derogations,
50.00 $ pour chaque derogation apres cinq
Derogations (comitd)
400.00 $ jusqu'a
our cha ue derogation
5 derogations, 100.00 $
a res cin (5).
Modification a l'Arretd de zona e
2 650.00 $
(k) Modification a l'Arrete de zonage
exigeant une modification du plan
3 700.00 $
(1) Lettre de confirmation ou de conformite
de zona e
120.00 $1'heure
m Permis d'amdna ement
200.00 $
(n) Permis d'amenagement pour les
carrieres et gravi&res
1 500.00 $
John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of
the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 22"d
day of March, A.D. 2021 and signeby:
First Reading - March 8, 2021
Second Reading - March 8, 2021
Third Reading - March 22, 2021
EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait
apposer son sceau communal sur le present
arrete le 22 mars 2021, avec les signatures
Premiere lecture - le 8 mars 2021
Deuxieme lecture - le 8 mars 2021
Troisieme lecture — le 22 mars 2021
RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-107 A Law to Amend the Zoning
By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending paragraph 12.4(8)m; amending subparagraph
12.4(9)(a)(iv); deleting and replacing subsection 2.11(c); deleting and replacing Schedule "B", be
read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto.