Arrêté concernant les excavations dans les rues 2014-05-26City of Saint John rrmi-,., cli'ry OF SAIN"'I"" J[OHN' NEM"BRINSWIMos. An uncertified copy of this by-law is available online I !iIi, 117110 (M I excavations dans les rues & The City of Saint John Une copie non certifi6e de ParrW est disponible en ligne 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description Page Recitals 3 1 Title 3 2 Definitions 4 3 Interpretation 5 4 Excavation Permit Required 7 5 Application for Excavation Permit 7 6 Conditions of a Permit 9 7 Mandatory Nature of Permit 13 3 Conditions Titre 8 Permit Refusal 13 9 Openings on Lands Adjacent to Interpretation 5 Street 14 10 Reinstatement 14 11 Indemnity and Insurance 15 12 Utilities 16 13 Access to Private Property 17 14 Emergencies 18 15 Failure to Obtain Permit 18 16 By-law Not Applicable to City 19 17 Exceptions 19 18 Offences 19 19 Repeal 20 TABLE DES MATIERES Article Designation Page Preambule 3 1 Titre 3 2 Definitions 3 Interpretation 5 4 Obligation d'obtenir un permis d'excavation 7 5 Demande de permis d'excavation 7 6 Conditions affdrentes au permis 9 7 Nature mandatoire des 13 conditions de permis 8 Droit de refuser le permis 13 9 Cavites pratiquees sur des terrains adjacents a une rue 14 10 Restauration 14 11 Indemnisation et assurance 15 12 Entreprises de services publics 16 13 Acces aux proprietes privees 17 14 Urgences 18 15 Defaut d'obtenir un permis 18 16 Immunite de la municipalite 19 17 Exceptions 19 18 Infractions 19 19 Abrogation 20 Schedule A Fees Annexe A Droits exigibles Schedule B Indemnity Annexe B IndemnH 3 RECITALS 1. WHEREAS the public holds a right to use and travel over the public Streets; 2. AND WHEREAS The City of Saint John deems it advisable to pass this by-law because it will establish standards to regulate the manner in which a person may enter on and break up any public Street so as to not unduly interfere with the said public's right ; PREAMBULE Attendu : que le public a le droit d'utiliser les RUES publiques et de se deplacer sur celles-ci; 2. que The City of Saint John juge opportun de prendre le present arrete destine a reglementer is maniere par laquelle une personne ourra s'introduire dans une RUE ublique et la creuser sans porter indument atteinte a ce droit du public; 3. AND WHEREAS section 7 of the 3 Municipalities Act authorizes municipalities to make by-laws respecting Streets; 4. AND WHEREAS Pursuant to paragraph 100(1)(a) of the Municipalities Act, a person who violates any provision of a by-law commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine; que I'article 7 de la Loi sur les municipalites autorise les municipalites a prendre des arretes concernant les RUES; 4. que, par 1'effet de I'alinea 100(1)x) de la Loi sur les municipalites, une personne qui contrevient a une disposition quelconque d'un arrete commet une infraction et est passible d'une amende sur declaration de culpabilite; 5. AND WHEREAS Notice of this By-law and of the Common Council meeting at 5 which this By-law was discussed were provided in accordance with the provisions of the Municipalities Act; NOW THEREFORE, the Common Council of The City of Saint John, under authority vested in it by Section 7 of the Municipalities Act, enacts as follows: ltm qu'avis du present arrete et de la reunion du Conseil communal a laquelle it a ete debattu a ete donne conformement a la Loi sur les municipalites, A ces causes, en vertu des pouvoirs que lui confere ]'article 7 de la Loi sur les municipalites, ie Conseil communal de The City of Saint John edicte This By-law may be cited as the "Street 1 Le present arrete peut etre cite sous I Excavation By-law." titre : Arrete sur les excavations dans les rues. j- 4 2 Whenever a word is used in this By-law with its first letter capitalized, the term is being used as it is defined in this Section. Where any word appears in ordinary case, its regularly applied meaning in the English language is intended. "Access" means an entry, exit or driveway from a Street to a lot. (acces) "Applicant" means any person making written application to the Commissioner for an excavation permit hereunder; (requerant) "Business Day" means any day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday in the Province of New Brunswick (jour ouvrable) "City" means The City of Saint John; (municipalite) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Transportation and Environment Services of the City or his designate; (commissaire) "Excavation" means (a) any act, operation or process by which the Surface and/or underlying material of a Street is cut into, dug, uncovered, removed or displaced, or () an opening produced by an act, operation or process referred to in clause (a), as the case may be. (excavation) "Excavation Investigation Fee" means an additional fee collected by the City to recover the costs associated with the investigation and notification to persons responsible for unauthorized 2 Dans le present arrete, les termes en petites majuscules sont employes au sens defini au present article, les autres mots ayant leur sens ordinaire en franrais. «ACCES » une entree, une sortie, une allee qui lie une rue a un lot (Access) COMMISSAIRE » Commissaire aux services de transport et environnement de la MUNICIPALITE ou son representant. (Commissioner) DROIT DE DETERIORATION DE LA CHAUSSEE » Droit suppiementaire peau par la MUNICIPALITE en recouvrement des frais afferents a is reduction de la duree de vie de la chaussee imputable aux EXCAVATIONS et aux intrusions pratiquees dans la SURFACE de la chaussee. (Pavement Degradation Fee) DROIT D'EXAMEN D'EXCAVATIONS » Droit suppiementaire perqu par la MUNICIPALITE en recouvrement des frais afferents a 1'examen d'EXCAVATIONS non autorisees pratiquees dans une RUE ou un TROTTOIR et a la notification des responsables de ces travaux. (Excavation Investigation Fee) ENTREPRISE DE SERVICES PUBLICS » Personne physique ou morale ou regie qui est proprietaire, exploitante, gestionnaire ou qui a le controle d'une entreprise d'approvisionnement du public en eau, electricite, services de telecommunication, gaz naturel ou autres gaz a usage combustible. (Utility) EXCAVATION » Selon le contexte : a) operation relative au coupage, au creusage, au decapement, 6 1'enlevement ou 5 Excavations in the Street or Sidewalk; (droit d'examen d'excavations) "Pavement Degradation Fee" means an additional fee collected by the City to recover the costs related to a reduction in pavement life due to Excavations and intrusions in the pavement Surface; (droit de deterioration de la chaussee) "Sidewalk" means that portion of a highway or Street between the curb lines of the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines set apart for the use of pedestrians, and includes any part of a highway set apart or marked as being for the exclusive use of pedestrians; (trottoir) "Street" means the entire width between the boundary lines of every highway, road, lane, alley, curb, Sidewalk, park or place when any part thereof is used by the general public for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians, and includes the bridges thereon; (rue) "Surface" means the topmost layer of the Street and includes asphalt, concrete, sod, bricks, cobbles, pavers, chipseal or any other type of treatment; (surface) "Utility" means any person, commission or corporation owning, operating, managing or controlling an undertaking for the supply of water, electric power, telecommunications service, natural gas or other gas intended for use as fuel to the public. (entreprise de services publics) au deplacement de la SURFACE d'une RUE ou des materiaux sous jacents; } cavite produite par ('operation visee a I'alinea a). (Excavation) JOUR OUVRABLE » un jour autre qu'un samedi, un dimanche ou un jour feria dans la province du Nouveau - Brunswick (Business Day) MUNICIPALITIE » The City of Saint John. (City) REQUERANT » Personne qui presente une demande ecrite de permis d'excavation au COMMISSAIRE en vertu du present arrete. (Applicant) « RUE o SURFACE entiere qui s'etend entre les limites laterales des routes, chemins, ruelles, allees, bordures, TROTTOIRS, pares ou places utilisee en tout ou en partie par le grand public pour la circulation des voitures ou des pietons, y compris les pants qui s'y trouvent. (Street) SURFACE » Couche superieure de la RUE, y compris son revetement au moyen notamment d'asphalte, de beton, de gazon, de briques, de galets, de paves ou de macadam. (Surface) TROTTOIR » Partie d'une RUE qui s'etend de la bordure des limites laterales de la chaussee jusqu'aux limites des biens-fonds adjacents et qui est reservee a ('usage des pietons, ainsi que toute partie d'une RUE reservee ou marquee a i'usage exclusif des pietons. (Sidewalk) Interpretation Interpretation 3 Rules for interpretation of the language 3 Les regles d'interpretation suivantes used in this By-law are contained in the s'appliquent au present arrete. lettered paragraphs as follows: A (a) The captions, article and section names and numbers appearing in this By-law are for convenience of reference only and have no effect on its interpretation. (b) This By-law is to be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context. (c) Each reference to legislation in this By-law is printed in Italic font. Where the name of the statute does not include a year, the reference is to the most current applicable Revised Statutes of New Brunswick. Where the name of the statute does include a year, the reference is to the Statute of New Brunswick for that year. ili iu every case, the reference is intended to include all applicable amendments to the legislation, including successor legislation. Where this By-law references other by-laws of the City, the term is intended to include all applicable amendments to those by-laws, including successor by-laws. (d) The requirements of this By-law are in addition to any requirements contained in any other applicable by-laws of the City or applicable provincial or federal statutes or regulations. (e) If any section, subsection, part or parts or provision of this By- law, is for any reason declared by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the ruling shall not affect the validity of the By-law as a whole, nor any other part of it. a) Les titres, intertitres et numeros des dispositions ne servent qu'a faciliter la consultation de I'arrete et ne doivent pas servir a son interpretation. b) Le genre ou ie nombre grammaticaux doivent etre adaptes au contexte. C) Les renvois legislatifs paraissent en italique. IIs visent les Lois revisees du Nouveau - Brunswick courantes et applicables sauf mention d'une annee particuliere, auquel cas ils visent les Lois du Nouveau - Brunswick de tette annee-la. Dans tous les cas, le renvoi a une loi vise egalement les modifications qui s'y appliquent, y compris toute legislation de remplacement. Les renvois a d'autres arrdtes de la MUNICIPALITE visent egalement les modifications qui s'y appliquent, y compris tout arrete de remplacement. d) Les obligations qu'il tree s'ajoutent a celles decoulant d'autres arretes applicables de la MUNICIPALITt ou des lois et reglements applicables des gouvernements federal ou provinciaux. e) Si une disposition quelconque est declaree invalide par un tribunal competent pour quelque motif que ce soit, la decision n'entache en rien la validite de i'arrete dans son ensemble ni de toute autre disposition. 7 Excavation Permit Required 4 No person shall: (a) excavate, break, tunnel, undermine or in any manner disturb any Street or make or cause to be made any Excavation in or under the Surface of any Street for any purpose; or () place, deposit or leave upon any Street any earth or other material obstructing or tending to interfere with the free use of the Street; unless such person has obtained an excavation permit therefor from the Commissioner as herein provided. Application for Excavation Permit Exigence d'obtenir un permis d'excavation 4 Sans avoir obtenu du COMMISSAIRE un permis d'excavation a ces fins conformement au present arrete, it est interdit : (a) d'ouvrir, de miner ou de perturber en aucune fagon une RUE, ou de pratiquer ou de faire pratiquer a toutes fins un tunnel ou une EXCAVATION dans Line RUE ou sous sa SURFACE; (b) de placer, de deposer ou de laisser dans une RUE de la terre ou que autre materiau susceptible d'obstruer la RUE ou de nuire au ilibre usage de la RUE. Demande de permis d'excavation 5(1) No excavation permit shall be issued 5(1) Aucun permis d'excavation nest unless a written application for the delivre sans qu'une demande ecrite de issuance of an excavation permit is permis d'excavation ne soit presentee submitted to the Commissioner. au COMMISSAIRE. 5(2) An application for an excavation permit 5(2) shall state: (a) the name, address and telephone number(s) of the Applicant; (b) size, nature, location and purpose of the Excavation; (c) the proposed date of commencement and the expected date of completion of the Excavation; and (d) such other information as may be prescribed by the Commissioner. La demande de permis d'excavation enonce les renseignements suivants : (a) les nom, adresse et numero(s) de telephone du REQUERANT; (b) les dimensions, la nature, 1'emplacement et I'objet de I' EXCAVATION; (c) les dates prevues pour le debut et la fin de ('EXCAVATION; (d) tout autre renseignement qu'exige le COMMISSAIRE. 0 5(3) An application for an excavation permit 5(3) La demande de permis d'excavation shall be accompanied by plans est accompagnee de plans montrant showing: ce qui suit : a) the extent of the proposed Excavation; b) the dimensions and elevations of both the existing ground prior to the Excavation and of the proposed Excavation; and c) the location of the Excavation. 5(4) When an Applicant intends to do multiple Excavations, the Commissioner may issue either a single permit for the multiple Excavations or one permit per Excavation. (a) I'etendue de I'EXCAVATION prevue; (b) les dimensions et les elevations du site avant I'EXCAVATION et celles de I'EXCAVATION projetBe; (c) 1'emplacement de ('EXCAVATION. 5(4) Lorsque le REQUERANT entend effectuer plusieurs EXCAVATIONS, le COMMISSAIRE peut delivrer soit un seul permis pour 1'ensemble de celles-ci, soft un permis pour chacune. 5(5) The completed application for an 5(5) La demande de permis d'excavation excavation permit under this By-law dument remplie conformement au shall be accompanied by the following: present arrete est accompagnee de ce qui suit : (a) a non-refundable Excavation Permit Application Fee as prescribed under section 1 of Schedule "A" of this By-law; (b) a non-refundable Pavement Degradation Fee as prescribed under section 3 of Schedule "A" of this By-law; (c) a security in an amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or in an amount which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is sufficient to pay the cost of restoring the Street to the condition it was prior to the Excavation, whichever is greater; and (d) a signed indemnity agreement in the form as prescribed i Schedule B. (a) le droit de demande de permis d'excavation non remboursable prescrit a I'article 1 de I'annexe A du present arrete; (b) le DROIT DE DETERIORATION DE LA CHAUSSEE non remboursable prescrit a I'article 3 de I'annexe A du present arrete; (c) une garantie au montant de 500 $ ou d'un montant plus eleve qui, de ('avis du COMMISSAIRE, sera suffisante pour couvrir les couts de la refection de la RUE a son etat d'origine; (d) une promesse d'indemnisation signee telle que prescrite a I'annexe B. 5(6) The City shall waive the Pavement Degradation Fee prescribed at paragraph 5(5)(b) when the Excavation is being made on a section of Street that is listed on the City's current year reconstruction or resurfacing program, provided the Excavation is completed prior to the City undertaking the reconstruction or resurfacing. 5(6) La MUNICIPALITE renonce au DROIT DE DtTtRIORATION DE LA CHAUSSEE prevu a I'alinea 5(5)(b) dans les cas ou I'EXCAVATION est pratiquee sur un troncon de RUE vise par le programme de refection ou de rechargement de I'annee en tours, a condition que ('EXCAVATION soit terminee avant que la U ICIPALITt n'entreprenne la refection ou le rechargement. Conditions of a Permit Conditions afferentes au permis 6 All excavation permits shall be 6 Tout permis d'excavation est assujetti subject to the following conditions: aux conditions suivantes (a) the schedule and hours of the Excavation work shall be as prescribed by the Commissioner; (b) the Applicant shall, at all times and until the Surface has been reinstated, keep the Excavation safe with respect to vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including direction of traffic, barricades, lights, signs and the supply of properly trained and equipped traffic control personnel for the protection of traffic in accordance with the City's General Specifications and the New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety Act; (c) all Excavations shall have appropriate traffic control measures in place, including construction signage, barricades, lighting and lane delineations, in conformity with the standards established in The City of Saint John Work Zone Safety Manual and to the (a) le calendrier et les heures des travaux d'EXCAVATION seront conformes a ceux fixes par le COMMISSAIRE; (b) en tout temps et jusqu'a ce que la SURFACE soit restauree, le REQUERANT assurera la securite de I'EXCAVATION a 1'egard de la circulation des voitures et des pietons, en ce qui concerne notamment la direction de la circulation, les barrages, la signalisation lumineuse ou autre et ['affectation d'un personnel de regulation de la circulation bien forme et equipe conformement au Cahier general des charges de la MUNICIPALITt et a la Loi Sur !'hygiene et la securite au travail du Nouveau -Brunswick; (c) des mesures de regulation de la circulation, incluant les panneaux de signalisation de travaux, les barrages, la signalisation lumineuse, et les delimitations de voies devront etre mises en place pour toutes les EXCAVATIONS, conformement aux normes ift satisfaction of the Commissioner and such traffic control measures shall remain in place until the Street reinstatement has been completed in accordance with this by-law and the permit issued hereunder; (d) written notice shall be given to the Commissioner prior to the installation of temporary steel plates over Excavations; (e) the Applicant shall ensure that the Street and Sidewalks are kept free from nuisance, dirt, dust, debris and any other thing that would impede the free passing of vehicles and pedestrians; (f) all Excavations are to be backfilled with such material as approved by the Commissioner and properly compacted, and in the event that material other than approved material is used, said material shall be removed and replaced with approved material at the Applicant's expense; (g) the Applicant must give a minimum of one (1) Business Day notice to the Commissioner before commencing backfill operations; (h) the Applicant shall ensure that access to fire hydrants and water shut-off valves is not blocked during the course of the work; (i) the Applicant shall not permit an Excavation to remain open longer than is necessary for the etablies dans le Manuel- de securite en zone de travaux de The City of Saint John et a la satisfaction du commissAIRE, et de telles mesures de regulation devront demeurer en place jusqu'a ce que la restauration de la RUE Boit completee conformement au present arrete et au permis delivre en vertu de celui-ci; (d) le COMMISSAIRE sera prevenu avant que soft posee une plaque d'acier temporaire au- dessus d'une EXCAVATION; (e) le REQUERANT veillera a ce que la RUE et les TROTTOIRS soient degages de toute nuisance, salete, poussiere, debris et autres choses pouvant nuire a la libre circulation des voitures et des pietons; ( les EXCAVATIONS seront remblayees de materiaux approuves par le COMMISSAIRE puis seront bien compactees, etant entendu que tous materiaux non approuves seront enleves et remplaces par des materiaux approuves aux frais du REQUE RANT; (g) le REQUERANT donnera au COMMISSAIRE un preavis minimal de un (1) , JOUR OUVRABLE avant d'entamer les travaux de remblai; (h) le REQUERANT veillera a ne pas bloquer I'acces aux bornes- fontaines et aux robinets d'arret d'eau pendant ses travaux; (i) le REQUtRANT ne laissera pas une EXCAVATION a decouvert plus longtemps que necessaire Hi purpose for which it was made; all Excavations shall be sufficiently and continuously barricaded at all times, and shall be properly secured and enclosed by a fence or a barrier sufficient to protect the public from injury in accordance with the provisions of the City's General Specifications and any applicable regulations under the New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety Act; (k) the Commissioner may order additional precautions, work stoppages and restorations of the Street should circumstances warrant such action and upon failure of the Applicant to carry out such orders within two (2) Business Days, the Commissioner may undertake the necessary work and deduct the cost of doing so from the security submitted pursuant to subsection 5(5)(c); (1) the Applicant shall, after receiving either verbal or written notice from the Commissioner, backfill the Excavation within two (2) Business Days of such verbal or written notice and upon failure of the Applicant to do so, the Commissioner may backfill the Excavation and deduct the cost of doing so from the security submitted pursuant to subsection 5(5)(c); (m) in the event of an emergency, the Commissioner may immediately and without notice backfill an Excavation and deduct the costs of doing so from the security submitted pour les fins auxquelles elle a ete pratiquee; les EXCAVATIONS seront bien securisees, suffisamment et constamment dotees en tout temps de barrages et entourees d'une cloture ou d'une barriere suffisante pour proteger le public des blessures, conformement au Cahier general des charges de la MUNICIPALITt et aux reglements applicables pris en vertu de la Loi sur !'hygiene et la securite au travail du Nouveau - Brunswick; (k) le COMMISSAIRE pourra ordonner des mesures additionnelles de precaution, des arrets de travail et des restaurations de la RUE Si fes circonstances le justifient, et Si le REQUERANT omet d'y donner suite dans les deux (2) JOURS ouvRABLEs qui suivent, it pourra entreprendre les travaux necessaires et en deduire les couts de la garantie soumise en vertu de I'alinea 5(5)(c); (1) sur notification orale ou ecrite du COMMISSAIRE, le REQUtRANT devra, dans les deux (2) JOURS OUVRABLES qui suivent remblayer I'EXCAVATION, a defaut de quoi le COMMISSAIRE pourra la remblayer et en deduire les couts de la garantie soumise en vertu de I'alinea 5(5)(c); (m) en cas d'urgence, le COMMISSAIRE pourra, immediatement et sans preavis, remblayer I'EXCAVATION et en deduire les couts de la garantie soumise en vertu de I'alinea 12 pursuant to subsection 5(5)(c); () where the Commissioner is of the opinion that the work for which a permit was issued under this by-law is not being performed in accordance with this by-law, the Commissioner may upon one (1) Business Day oral or written notice to the Applicant perform such work as deemed appropriate by the Commissioner and deduct the cost of doing so from the security submitted pursuant to subsection 5(5)(c); (o) excavation permits are not transferable; (p) the excavation permit shall be on the Excavation site at all times and it shall be available for inspection by the City; (q) all work performed under a permit granted pursuant to this by-law shall be completed in accordance with the City's General Specifications, the plans submitted pursuant to subsection 5(3) and any terms and conditions imposed by the Commissioner; (r) an excavation permit is valid for a period of thirty (30) days or until October 15 of each year, whichever is sooner, unless prescribed otherwise by the Commissioner and any expired permit may be renewed upon the payment of an Excavation Permit Renewal Fee as set out at Section 2 of Schedule "A" of this By-law; and (s) any other conditions as may be imposed by the Commissioner, 5(5)(c); (n) si le COMMISSAIRE est d'avis que 1'execution de travaux vises par un permis delivre sous le regime du present arrete nest pas conforme a I'arrete, it pourra, sur notification orale ou ecrite d'un (1) JOUR OUVRABLE au REQUERANT, executer les travaux qu'il estime indiques et en deduire les couts de la garantie soumise en vertu de I'alinea 5(5)(c); (o) les permis d'excavation sont incessibles; (p) le permis d'excavation sera conserve sur le site de I'EXCAVATION en tout temps et la MUNICIPALITE pourra 1'examiner; (q) les travaux vises par un permis delivre sous le regime du present arrete seront effectues conformement au Cahier general des charges de la MUNICIPALITE, aux plans presentes en application du paragraphe 5(3) et aux conditions imposees par le COMMISSAIRE; (r) sauf decision contraire du COMMISSAIRE, les permis d'excavation sont valides pour 30 jours et au plus tard jusqu'au 15 octobre de chaque annee, et les permis expires peuvent etre renouveles sur paiement du droit de renouvellement de permis d'excavation fixe a I'article 2 de I'annexe A du present arrete; (s) les autres conditions qu'impose le COMMISSAIRE. Mandatory Nature of Permit Conditions 13 Nature Mandatoire des Conditions de permis 7 No person shall perform work, for 7 Nul ne doit effectuer des travaux, pour which a permit was issued under this lesquels un permis a et6 delivre en vertu by-law, that does not comply with the de cet arretd, qui ne respectent pas les conditions prescribed at section 6 and conditions prescrites a I'article 6 et les the conditions stipulated on the permit. conditions prevues dans le permis. Permit Refusal Droit de refuser I'octroi du permis 8 The Commissioner may refuse to issue 8 Le COMMISSAIRE peut refuser de an excavation permit where: delivrer un permis d'excavation dans les cas suivants : (a) in his opinion, it is not luu°i the public interest to do so; (b) the work for which a permit is sought might cause damage to private property; (c) the Applicant proposes to do the work for which a permit is sought in the Winter months (December to February inclusive); (d) the work for which the permit is sought would cause the City to incur expenses; (e) the work for which the permit is sought would violate or cause a violation of a City by-law, or provincial or federal legislation; (f) in his opinion, the work for which a permit is sought is not based on sound engineering principles; or (g) in his opinion, the work for which the permit is sought could (a) it estime qu'il n'est pas dans I'interet public de le faire; () les travaux vises par la demande de permis pourraient causer des dommages a des proprietes privees; (c) le REQUtRANT compte effectuer les travaux vises par la demande de permis pendant les mois d'hiver (de decembre a fevrier inclusivement); (d) les travaux vises par la demande de permis occasion nera lent des frais a la MUNICIPALITE; (e) les travaux vises par la demande de permis enfreindraient un arrete de la MUNICIPALITE ou la loi provincials ou federale, ou entraineraient leur violation; (f} a son avis, les travaux vises par la demande de permis ne sont pas fondes sur des principes d'ingenierie Bien etablis; (g) a son avis, les travaux vises par la demande de permis negatively impact the City's infrastructure located within the Street. Openings on lands Adjacent to Street 9(1) No person shall permit any excavated area, trench or opening made or caused to be made by him on lands adjacent to a Street to remain open longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was made. 9(2) The person referred to in subsection (1) shall: (a) erect and maintain a suitable fence or guiderail not less than 1.2 metres in height around the opening until it has been backfilled; and (b) provide adequate shoring of the sides of the opening to prevent damage from occurring to the adjacent Street. Reinstatement 10(1) An Applicant to whom a permit was issued under this by-law shall backfill the Excavation and reinstate the Surface of the Street in accordance with this by-law and the permit issued hereunder, and in accordance with the City's General Specifications. M pourraient compromettre ('infrastructure de la MUNICIPALITE dans la RUE. Cavitas pratiquees sur des terrains adjacents it une rue 9(1) Nul ne doit permettre qu'une cavite, tranchee ou ouverture qu'il a pratiquee ou fait pratiquer sur des terrains adjacents a une RUE demeure a decouvert talus longtemps que necessaire pour les fins auxquelles elle a ate pratiquee. 9(2) La personne visee au paragraphe (1) doit a) eriger et garder en bon stat une cl6ture ou glissiere de securite d'une hauteur minimale de 1,2 metre autour de la cavite jusqu'a ce qu'elle soit remblayee; b) etayer suffisamment les parois de la cavite pour empecher des dommages a la RUE adjacente. Restauration 10(1) Un REQUERANT a qui un permis a ate delivre en vertu du present arrete doii remblayer ('EXCAVATION et restaurer la SURFACE de la RUE conformement au present arrete et au permis delivre en vertu de celui-ci, et conformement au Cahier general des charges de la MUNICIPALITE. 14(2) All Street Surface reinstatement done 10(2) Toute restauration de SURFACES de RUE pursuant to a permit issued under this effectuee en vertu du permis delivre by-law shall be carried out by sous le regime du present arrete doit contractors: etre effectuee par des entrepreneurs : (a) whose business it is to regularly perform Street Surface reinstatement work; and (a) dont les activites consistent a effectuer regulierement des travaux de restauration de SURFACES de (b) who have been approved by the Commissioner prior to doing the reinstatement. 10(3) An Applicant to whom a permit was issued under this by-law shall bear all liability associated with the Excavation until the Commissioner confirms that reinstatement has been completed pursuant to this by-law and the permit issued hereunder. Indemnity and Insurance 11(1) Every permit is on the express condition that the Applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City, its employees, officers, agents, successors and assigns, from and against any and all losses, costs, claims, demands, expenses, proceedings and actions of every nature and kind for injury or damages, including indirect, consequential and incidental damages, to persons or property which are in any way related to, or connected or associated with the performance by the Applicant, his servants, employees or agents of the work for which an excavation permit was issued under this by-law. 11() Subject to subsection 13(2), no permit shall be issued unless the Applicant furnishes to the Commissioner satisfactory evidence in writing that he has in force and will maintain in force during the performance of the Excavation work and the period of the excavation permit commercial general liability insurance. The City shall be added as an additional insured on the commercial general liability insurance 15 RUE; (b) qui ont regu I'agrement du COMMISSAIRE avant d'effectuer la restauration. 10(3) Un REQUtRANT a qui un permis a ete delivre en vertu du present arrete assume toute la responsabilite associee a I'EXCAVATION jusqu'a ce que le COMMISSAIRE confirme que la restauration a ete completee conformement au present arrete et au permis delivre en vertu de celui-ci. Indemnisation et Assurance 11 (1) Tous les pernnis sont delivres a la condition expresse que le REQUI_RANT accepte de garantir la MUNICJPALITE et ses employes, dirigeants, mandataires, successeurs et ayants droit, de les defendre et de les degager de toute responsabilite a 1'egard des pertes eprouvees, frais supportes, reclamations et mises en demeure regues, depenses engagees et procedures et actions intentees, de quelque nature qu'ils soient, au titre de dommages personnels ou materiels subis, meme indirectement ou accessoirement, qui decoulent ou sont lies de quelque fagon que ce soit a 1'execution, par le REQUERANT, ses employes ou ses mandataires, des travaux vises par un permis d'excavation delivre sous le regime du present arrete. 11(2) Sous reserve du paragraphs 13(2), aucun permis nest delivre a moins que le REQUERANT ne fournisse au COMMISSAIRE une preuve ecrite satisfaisante etablissant qu'il detient une assurance responsabilite civile des entreprises valide qu'il maintiendra en vigueur pendant toute la duree des travaux d'ExCAVATION et pendant toute la duree de validite du permis d'excavation. La MUNICIPALITE figurera i[ policy which shall have inclusive limits of at least two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence and contain a cross liability clause. 12(1) The Commissioner may issue an annual excavation permit to a Utility for the purpose of emergency repairs and routine maintenance to their infrastructure which require Excavations subject to the conditions the Commissioner may prescribe and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, it is a condition of a permit issued to a Utility that the Commissioner be notified of the location and time of any Excavation work at least two (2) Business Days prior to its commencement. 12(2) An application for an annual permit under subsection (1) shall include an Annual Utility Fee as set out under Section 5 of Schedule "A" of this By- law and a security in the form of a certified cheque or irrevocable stand- by letter of credit which shall be in the amount of $25,000.00 to be maintained for the duration of the annual permit. 12(3) A Utility to which was issued a permit under this section shall backfill the Excavation and reinstate the Surface of the Street to the satisfaction of the Commissioner and in accordance with the City's General Specifications. comme assure additionnel sur la police d'assurance responsabilite civile des entreprises, dant la garantie sera d'au moins 2 millions de dollars par evenement et qui comportera une clause de responsabilite reciproque. Entreprises de Services Publics 12(1) Le COMMISSAIRE peut delivrer a une ENTREPRISE DE SERVICES PUBLICS un permis d'excavation annuel I'autorisant A effectuer sur son infrastructure des reparations d'urgence et des travaux d'entretien courant exigeant des EXCAVATIONS et assortir le permis de conditions, etant entendu qu'en tout etat de cause le permis est assujetti a la condition que le COMMISSAIRE sera avise au moins deux (2) .TOURS OUVRABLES a I'avance du lieu et du moment des travaux d'EXCAVATION. 12(2) La demande d'un permis annuel vise au paragraphe (1) est accompagnee du droit annuel pour services publics prescrit a I'article 5 de I'annexe A du present arrete et d'un depot de garantie de 25 000 $, par cheque certifie ou par iettre de credit irrevocable maintenue pendant toute la duree de validite du permis annuel. 12(3) II appartient a I'ENTREPRISE DE SERVICES PUBLICS a qui un permis a ete delivre sous le regime du present article de remblayer I'EXCAVATION et de restaurer la SURFACE de la RUE d'une maniere acceptable pour le COMMISSAIRE et en conformite avec le Cahier general des charges de la MUNICIPALITE. 12(4) All Surface reinstatement work done 12(4) pursuant to a permit issued under this section shall be carried out by contractors who Les travaux de restauration de la SURFACE effectues en vertu d'un permis delivre sous le regime du present article le sont par des entrepreneurs qui repondent aux conditions suivantes (a) are actively engaged in performing Street Surface reinstatement work; and (b) have been approved by the Commissioner prior to doing the reinstatement work. 12(5) A Utility to which a permit was issued under this section shall, within seven (7) calendar days of completing the Surface reinstatement work, notify the Commissioner that the Street has been reinstated. 12(6) Every Utility shall maintain the Surface of the Street it excavated and reinstated pursuant to a permit issued under this section until the Street is reconstructed or resurfaced, whichever is sooner. MA (a) ils s'occupent activement de restauration de SURFACES de RUE; (b) ils ont recu au prealable I'agrement du COMMISSAIRE. 12(5) Dans les sept (7) jours civils suivant la fin des travaux de restauration de la SURFACE, I'ENTREPRISE DE SERVICES PUBLICS a qui un permis a ete delivre sous le regime du present article avise le COMMISSAIRE de la restauration de la RUE. 12(6) II incombe a I'ENTREPRISE DE SERVICES PUBLICS d'entretenir la SURFACE de la RUE dans laquelle elle a pratique une EXCAVATION et qu'elle a restauree en vertu d'un permis delivre sous le regime du present article jusqu'a la refection de la RUE ou, s'il arrive avant, son rechargement. 12(7) Upon expiration of the annual utility 12(7) permit, the appropriate Pavement Degradation Fee shall be calculated and deducted from the security deposit paid pursuant to subsection (2). Access to Private Property A 1'expiration du permis annuel pour services publics, le DROIT DE DETERIORATION DE LA CHAUSSEE applicable est calcule et deduit du depot de garantie verse en application du paragraphe (2). Acces aux proprietes privees 13(1) No person shall cut a curb, place fill, 13(1) install a culvert or otherwise modify a Street to widen or install an Access to private property without having obtained an excavation permit. Nul ne doit couper une bordure, placer un materiau de remblayage, placer un ponceau ou modifier d'autre faron une RUE en vue d'elargir ou d'installer un ACCES a une propriete privee sans avoir obtenu un permis d'excavation. 13(2) Subsection 11 (2) shall not apply to a 13(2) Le paragraphe 11 (2) ne s'applique pas permit issued under subsection (1). au permis vise au paragraphe (1). 13(3) For every permit issued pursuant to 13(3) Le REQUERANT procede a subsection (1), the Applicant shall I'elargissement ou a ('installation de I' widen or install the Access to the ACCES a la propriete privee en private property at its sole cost and in conformite avec cet arrete et le permis accordance with this by-law and the permit issued hereunder. Emergencies 14(1) In the event of an emergency, the Commissioner may grant permission to any person to excavate in any Street or to cut a curb on the condition that the person to whom the permission is granted shall apply for an excavation permit on the first Business Day following the granting of such permission. 14(2) The Commissioner may request information regarding the nature of an emergency for which he granted permission to excavate under subsection (1). Should the Commissioner determine, in his absolute discretion, that the situation for which he granted permission did not constitute an emergency, the person to whom permission was granted shall pay the Excavation Investigation Fee prescribed at section 4 of Schedule „A„ Failure to Obtain Permit LES delivre en vertu de cet celui-ci, et en couvre le cont. Urgences 14(1) En cas d'urgence, le COMMISSAIRE peut autoriser une personne a pratiquer une EXCAVATION dans une RUE ou a couper une bordure, a la condition que cette personne presente une demande de permis d'excavation des le premier .LOUR OUVRABLE suivant I'autorisation. 14(2) Le COMMISSAIRE peut demander des renseignements sur la nature de I'urgence pour laquelle it a accorde son autorisation en vertu du paragraphe (1). Si le COMMISSAIRE constate souverainement que la situation a I'egard de laquelle it a accorde son autorisation ne constituait pas une urgence, la personne qui a obtenu I'autorisation doit payer ie DROIT D'EXAMEN D'EXCAVATIONS prescrit a I'article 4 de I'annexe A. Defaut d'obtenir un permis 15 Upon notification by the Commissioner, 15 Sur notification du COMMISSAIRE, la a person who excavated a Street personne qui a pratique une without an excavation permit shall EXCAVATION dans une RUE sans permis d'excavation est tenue : (a) immediately stop the Excavation undertaken within a Street; and (b) immediately apply for an excavation permit; and (c) pay the Excavation Investigation Fee prescribed under section 4 of Schedule d'A„ (a) de mettre fin immediatement a I' EXCAVATI ON; (b) de presenter sans delai une demande de permis d'excavation; (c) de payer le DROIT D'EXAMEN D'EXCAVATIONS prescrit a Particle 4 de I'annexe A. By -Law Not Applicable to City 16 The provisions of this By-law do not apply to the City or to persons performing work in the Streets under contract with the City. Exceptions 19 Immunite de la Municipalite 16 Le present arrete ne s'applique pas a la MUNICIPALITt ni aux personnes qui effectuent des travaux dans les RUES en vertu d'un contrat conclu avec la MUNICIPALITE. Exceptions 17(1) Nothing in this By-law shall affect or 17(1) restrict in any manner any rights granted to a Utility under or by virtue of any Act enacted by the Legislature of the Province of New Brunswick. 17(2) Section 12 of this By-law does not apply to a Utility that entered into an Access Agreement with the City to define the terms and conditions upon which said Utility may access the Streets. Offences 18(1) A person who violates any of the provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and not more than two thousand one hundred dollars ($2,100.00). 18(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person who violates a provision of this By-law may, upon providing evidence that any violation of this by-law has been made good to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, pay one hundred and seventy five dollars ($175.00) to the City's Cashier's Office at City Hall within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of the offence, and upon such payment, the person committing the offence is not liable to further prosecution for that offence. Le present arrete n'a pas pour effet de modifier ou de restreindre d'aucune fagon les droits conferes a une ENTREPRISE DE SERVICES PUBLICS SOUS le regime d'une loi de la Legislature du Nouveau -Brunswick. 17(2) L'article 12 du present arrete ne s'applique pas a une ENTREPRISE DE SERVICES PUBLICS qui a conclu un accord d'acc&s avec la MUNICIPALITE visant a definir les conditions d'acces auX RUES par I'ENTREPRISE DE SERVICES PUBLICS. Infractions 18(1) Quiconque contrevient a une disposition quelconque du present arrete commet une infraction et est passible d'une amende de 500$ a 2100$. 18(2) Malgre le paragraphs (1), quiconque contrevient a une disposition du present arrete peut, sur presentation de preuves acceptables pour le COMMISSAIRE de la reparation de toute violation du present arrete, payer 175 $ au bureau du caissier de ('Hotel de ville dans les 20 fours civils suivant la date de ]'infraction, sur quoi le contrevenant West passible d'aucune autre poursuite pour cette infraction. 20 Repeal 19 A By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the 301h day of August, 2010 entitled "A By-law Respecting Excavation of Streets in The City of Saint John" and all amendments thereto is repealed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the day of 26`h day of May, A.D. 2014 signed by: Abrogation 19 L'arrdte de The City of Saint John pris le 30 aout 2010 et intitule Arrete concernant les excavations dans les rues de The City of Saint John, ensemble ses modifications, est abroge. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau municipal sur le present arrete le 26 mai 2014, avec les signatures suivantes : First Reading - May 12, 2014 Premiere lecture - le 12 mai 2014 Second Reading - May 12, 2014 Deuxieme lecture - le 12 mai 2014 Third Reading - May 26, 2014 Troisieme lecture - le 26 mai 2014 i, 2. 0 .9 By -Law Respecting Excavation Of Streets lin the City of Saint John Excavation Permit Application Fee I —dM1 MI -Tal Fs=-T� •�� reconstructed or resurfaced: I or less Greater than 1 and up to 2 Greater than 2 and up to 4 Greater than 4 and up to 7 Greater than 7 and up to 10 Greater than 10 and up to 15 Excavation Investigation Fee WTM Fee (per m 2) 5. Annual Utility Fee $1,000.00 Arrfi,[& concernant Iss excavations dans les rues de "I"he My of Sakt John 1. Droit de demande de permis d'excavation (couvre la gestion et Jes inspections d'excavations) t` w# zz- 'F - 9 la refection ou le revAtement de la rue Un an ou mois Plus de 1 an jusqu'A 2 ans; Plus de 2 an jusqu'A 4 ans Plus de 4 an jusqu'A 7 ans Plus de 7 an jusquA 10 ans flus de 10 an jusqu'A 15 ans i, fM= • f,• •Z r51 Ahly Law Respecting Ezkcavadlofl of Streets in the My of Saint John Pumuent to By -Low M.18. A BY48w RGOPD@ftO Excavation of Shwft 1n City of Saint John —P15 ng EXCavaAon of Straeft In The City of Saint John and amendments thereto, the Applicant. hereby Indemn1les, defends and saves harmless the City, its employees, ofVlcem, agents DUODMOM WW assignu. fi-om and agWnst any and all loam, costs, cialms dern proceedings and actions of every nature and kind for Injury or dernOgm indudlng Indirect consequential and incidental darna!=. to n--.morls Qr_:tMr connected, or associated with the Pwfiommmos by the Applicant his servants, employees, or agents of the work for which the excavation permit noted below wait Issued under a By -Lav: Neepecting Excavation of Shwts fn The City of Saint John. DatedatSaIrif John, NB this _ day of . 2q__. Wit"O": Per [Stanatunal [Print Name] Permit Rekmvw. 20L_ - fftnffturel [PrM Name] I am a signing officur for the Applicant Corporation and have authority to bind the Corporation- Arrfi% concernaint le -s excavations dans lies rues do The CrIty of Saint Johin IndemnIN En vertu do ParA16 M48. Arr&% connt Fes Wmvatlonz donsI s& ruse do The City of Writ John employ6s, dingmants, 'll'res, suooemurs et responsablift 4 f6gord des pertm C)mrouvbw frals suMqWp-j2SnFr4ftrt -tc Zvi l zrFLAi rogues, d6Mnsw onpg6vs ot prockures at acfms intent6m. do cuekmn vitui"- go . . . . . . . . . . . . . ou ves mandstalrearl Cift ftVBUX :-naus Is r6gime do ParrO concoment hm excaysSmg den& km rues do The CRY of Saint John. 0 DW & Saint John, N. -B. b, 20 ff-M IT -7, I [Nom an leftres moul6esj Nurn6ro do rOffim-nice du pormlo : 2R— - Per -, ISWrftre) [Nom an Wres moul6es] Ja suis un signotaffs outorls6 do 1p commnle raqw6rante et je d6dems NutcrM de lor le cwnpagrile. P.O. Box 1971 Mint Mn NO Ckwda Ex 41.I I wwwArqft.m I C -P 1971 WtPhl; N,& Garda E2L4V