2016-09-12_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour September 12, 2016 Council Priority Setting: Opportunities Challenges and Commitments Built Living in Saint John Natural & Environment Works Growing Saint John of Saint John How the City Council Priority Setting Context Session 2 Alignment with Stakeholder Engagement development industries process and requirements that reduce red tape up - start of heritage buildings and places destination for tourists to recruit visitors development in urban neighbourhoods local economy that stimulates innovation and job creation , retain and successfully integrate immigrants business new businesses and development responsible and quality urban and economic Council Priority Setting Context Session Attract Attract Attractive Attract Preservation Diversified of housing choices Waterfront Support Variety Growing Saint John being of the - 3 growing Saint Growing Saint John community and Areas that focus on the economic well John responsibly. Council Priority Setting Context Session urban and suburban communities. Growing Saint John Smart Growth: economic development that seeks to reduce urban sprawl and encourage more compact, A planned approach towards community and 4 Growing Saint John complete, attractive and financially sustainable Population: 35,000 1840 Population: 49,500 1875 Population: 50,000 1905 Population: 70,000 1945 Population: 87,000 1965 Population: 80,500 1980 70,000 Population: 2011 2 2011 70,063 316 km People 2 1 5 9 36 km 1 73,100 We Have More Land & Fewer 221 Saint John 387 Fredericton 454 22 Moncton Residents per kmResidents per km 1169 Portland More Infrastructure to Maintain Budget Budget Internal Internal IndicatorsIndicators GeographyGeography IndicatorsIndicators Employment Employment Council Priority Setting Context Session IndicatorsIndicators Population Population Growing Saint John IndicatorsIndicators / Revenue / Revenue 17 Growing Saint John: Key indicators DevelopmentDevelopment Growth Challenges & Opportunities Current Focus : n h o J t Council Priority Setting Context Session n i a S g n Implementation Compliance i and Community Planning Growing Saint John w law o - r 19 PlanSJEconomic CoordinationRevenue Generation Permitting & InspectionsInfrastructure DevelopmentHeritage ConservationBy G Growth One Stop Development Shop One Stop Development Shop One Stop for all Development approvalsOne Stop for all Development approvals Council Priority Setting Context Session Growing Saint John 21 One Stop Development Shop Innovative new Development Bylaws Coordinated Front Line Team Online Services Council Priority Setting Context Session Development Shop Red Tape Reduction & Expedited PermitsLarge Project Support Growing Saint John 22 One Stop Expedited and seamless approvals 6.22 Weeks 4-6 of implementation Shop: Results 28% Improvement Average Days to Issue Permits 8.6 Weeks 1-3 One Stop Development of implementation 000 222 ositive results Pfor new tiered permit targets 101010 888 666666 555 555 Council Priority Setting Context Session 333 Growing Saint John Tier 2Tier 2Tier 2 Tier 3Tier 3Tier 3 24 One Stop Development Shop: Results Tier 1ATier 1ATier 1A Tier 1BTier 1BTier 1B - Current Focus : community : and support n economic h o J in the pursuit of t Council Priority Setting Context Session n i funded - economic assets a S coordination g opportunities n in key i Growing Saint John w o r Provide to the 4 City development agencies Work with a variety of based partners growth Invest 25 G evaluate - PlanSJ : n initiatives investors h o J t of One Stop Development Shop Council Priority Setting Context Session n i calls for a 5 year review to evaluate targets /re a S g Support the success of the 6 month pilot and facilitate council PlanSJ n : Continuous service improvement to facilitate smart growth, cut i Growing Saint John w Why red tape and support Why: engagement in growth Why: timeframe given current demands o r 26 G Implementation Growth Committee SupportComprehensive review of served to - ΍ growth Investment : n h o J t Council Priority Setting Context Session n i a S g n : Saint John has relatively weak data to define whether municipal : Distribution of $2 Million Dollar Investment / Major Driver of : Only population growth in past 3 years has occurred due to i Growing Saint John w Why efforts are changing key indicators / Saint John is welldefine what is most important as it relates to Why Tax Base Growth for the City/ Return of Why immigration / influx of newcomers / need to define municipal role o r 27 G Annual Report on Economic PerformanceCoordination of Economic DevelopmentImmigration Strategy for sustainable for residents and to to ensure Saint John is a create the conditions enrich quality of life Council Priority Setting Context Session municipal focus areas ? Growing Saint John What are the magnet for growth? Are there new or emerging areas?How does the City growthHow best to related services?How can the City attract growth and investment? 28 Growing Saint John: Questions to Consider culture family in public spaces , entertainment, and social facilities and opportunities wifi parks, green spaces, sports fields festivals, arts and safety services that meet the needs of the community public spaces and facilities to free place to raise a reduction Council Priority Setting Context Session Recreation Local Local Public Great Access Great clean, safe vibrant urban core A Poverty social Living in Saint John on the needs of our 29 Living in Saint John community an Areas that focus of our residents. the quality of life ? neighbourhoods Neighbourhoods Council Priority Setting Context Session How we enrich quality of life in Living in Saint John 30 Living in Saint John: e c i o h c Recreation Good quality Arts/Culture/ f o y t i n u m m Safe, o liveable, inclusive c investment Learning, & of Choice opportunities a Community s a n h o J t getting around n i Choices for a S What is the Value Proposition for Saint John? Safe Healthy Inclusive d © º ­  Arts Culture Recreation d ½ ¥ ° ” Train Invest Connect d ¯ ¶ ³ › Culture ) LivingSJ / : Current Focus PlaySJ ( Council Priority Setting Context Session Living in Saint John Urban Development Incentives ProgramCity investment in Heritage, Arts & Community development / support for priority neighbourhoods 35 Neighbourhoods : s I g n i n Law. n - a l P d o o h r u o b h g i e N Not just Another Plan or regulatory By : s I g n i n n a l P d o o h r u o b h g i e N It moves us from high level planning to action. . : share s I g the future of to n i n n Y a T l I P over N d o U P o I h M r H u S M o neighbourhood b R O h E C g i N e N W An opportunity to bring together the O their : s I g n i n n a l P d o o h r u o b h g i e N A Roadmap to Change of the N E T O I A T R A E M L E R C O F C S A : N s I A g R n T i n n a . l P and d T o o N h E r u M o b P h O g i L e E N V E Where the City works to D neighbourhoods AT Parking, Circulation & ? & Heritage Arts, Culture n a l Land Use & Development P d Open Space o & Recreation o h Vision r Community u o Transforming b Design Building Neighbourhoods h g i e Implementation N Strategies Placemaking Capital Investment Plan Neighbourhood Plan Neighbourhood Plan Neighbourhood Plan Neighbourhood Plan Neighbourhood g n i n n a l P d o o h r u o b h g i e N ? y t i n u m m o C e h t t i f e n e B t i s e o D w 1. Community Ownership o H ? y t i n u m ? m s t o e C e r t e S h n t a i r t t i s f e e d e n P e r o B f t s i ? e i Neighbourhoods e t s i n n e a u L t o r 2. Vibrant, Desirable n o D a p n p n w O a r o e r G e H h t e r A ? y t i n u ? m s e c m a o p S C c i e l b h u t P t e i v f o r e p n m e I o B t t s i ? e i Neighbourhoods h t s i c n e a u e t o r 2. Vibrant, Desirable B o D n p a p C w O n o i e r T e H h t e r A ? y t i n u ? m t n m e o m t C s e v e n i h - t e R t i f f o e d e n e e N B n i t s i e Neighbourhoods s p a e c s o t 2. Vibrant, Desirable e D e r t w S o e r e H h t e r A & ? y t i n u m m o C e h t t i Issues f e n e B y t g i e t s a r e t S o g D n i Addressing Challenges k r w a o P n H 3. w o t p U ? y t i n u m m o C e ) h t w a t L i - Issues f y B e e n g e a t i B r e t i H ( s n e g i s o e D D l l i w f n o I n H 3. Addressing Challenges & r e d o M ? y t i n u m m o C e h t t i Issues f e n n e o i t B c t u i J d S e s g R n e i y v t o i r L e D r v oo f P w e o s a H 3. Addressing Challenges & C t s e T ? y t i n u m m o C e h t e r i t p i s f n e I t n a e h t B s n t i g i s s e e D o & D s n a 4. A Catalyst for Quality w l P o t Development & Investment p H e c n o C ? y t i n u m m ) l o a i C c n e a h n i t F t i & f t f e o n S ( e s e B v i t t i n e s c e n I o d e D t e g 4. A Catalyst for Quality w r a o T Development & Investment r H e h t r u F ? for for residents and to to ensure Saint John is a neighbourhoods : Questions to Consider create the conditions enrich quality of life to flourish? Council Priority Setting Context Session municipal focus areas related services to support Living in Saint John What are the community of choice? Are there new or emerging areas of focus?How does the City neighbourhoodsHow best to life How can the City attract growth and investment? 57 Neighbourhoods Enforcement Rescue reply to request for inspection Inspection (JPR Review) hr Response timeSkills Professional Development ProgramBuilding occupancy Inspection schedule as set by province24 On scene response 30 minutes or lessIdentify area of origin 95 % of timeIdentify point of origin 90 % of time Identify source of ignition 85 % of time Technical Fire Prevention & Code Fire Investigation Service ) ) Council Priority Setting Context Session Materials Emergency Response First Responder Living in Saint John Fire Services Public Safety Services that meet the needs of the community Response TimeContain fire to area of origin Skills Inspection (JPR reviewResponse timeSkills Inspection (JPR ReviewResponse time Incident Action Plan established within 45 minutesSkills Inspection (JPR Review) 58 Living in Saint John: Public Safety Fire Rescue & SuppressionMedical Hazardous on plans and replacement (rail safety) generation Initiatives ontinuous quipment Response competence matches risk profileCollaboration to reduce specialized services costsEmergency Response Task Force NEB Working Group Partnerships emergency data management Revenue Cimprovement Eprogram Fire Services Public Safety Opportunities Diversity of emergency response skills supports economic developmentResponse revenueTraining RevenuePartnerships with NBCC / Private sector / IndustryRegional response model John: Council Priority Setting Context Session decisions Challenges Living in Saint John Bronze level of service (response times) Diversified hazard / risk profileArbitration Previous service reductions have compromised response model 59 Living in Saint Emergency plans for the diverse hazard / risk profilePlan / Prepare / Response mentality ICS Emergency Management MethodologyPrivate Sector interest in technical expertise Competent Stakeholders , resources and systems Personnel DevelopmentMunicipal Emergency Measures Plan Update / ICS frameworkNEB / TransCanada processEmergency Response Plans / Preparation / Response training with hazard / risk locations ChallengesOpportunitiesInitiatives : Council Priority Setting Context Session Resource / Competence organizational framework Living in Saint John Municipal Emergency Measures PlanCommunity Risk Assessment Emergency Response Plans (Plan / Preparation / Response)SJEMO Community / Stakeholder Engagement Personnel 60 Living in Saint John: Public Safety Saint John Emergency Measures Organization live on where someone chooses to empowering citizens to lead influence of sport, recreation and culture on child - mutual benefit, risk sharing Discover Saint John PlanSJ Council Priority Setting Context Session recreational facilities population & tax base ndustry experts Impact of Increased tax assessments near high quality recreational assetsAlignment with Priority neighbourhoods development (leaders of tomorrow) Tourists sites, sporting eventsPartnering with Other governments (Regional assets)ICorporate partners (naming rights) Living in Saint John Growing Reducing povertyAttracting visitorsPartnering opportunities 61 Recreation as an Investment Plan Complete Master Substantially Queen SquareLittle River Reservoir Session Plan Passage Place W Partially Complete Master HarbourShamrockRockwoodRainbowMarket Plan Ready Master Council Priority Setting Context Dominion Plan Needed Master Forest HillsMemorialSeaside Living in Saint John laygrounds, sports fields, tennis courts, LPP Master Planning at various states of completion P 62 Play SJ Philosophy Reduce Quantity of Dispersed Community Assets Increase Quality at Regional and District Hubs Plan Next 4 Years Recreation Regional Council Priority Setting Context Session centres Community Provincial assets Living in Saint John Enhancing management agreementsAlignment with Replacing Existing Arenas (40 + years old) 63 Other Significant Decisions crosswalks, sidewalks, pathways) bike lanes, infrastructure Council Priority Setting Context Session routes for goods and services to parking near retail and work and accessible public transit transportation ( and restore natural landscapes in municipal programs and services service availability maintenance Transportation Access Active Taxi Reliable Preserve Road mitigation and watershed management Recycling Investment Flood on the on the 64 that supports environment. infrastructure and our impact service delivery Areas that focus zones resulting in Council Priority Setting Context Session infrastructure designated out City and large amount of infrastructure per - investment in - - out industrial and resource land Lack of autonomy over provinciallyroadways (PDH/RDH)Age of current and underprevious years Challenging topography and past growth patterns have led to a spreadcapita than most comparable municipalitiesSpread truck traffic through many residential neighbourhoods 65 Transportation Challenges and industrial sectors while Council Priority Setting Context Session natural resource Safe and connected pedestrian, cycling and Transit routesSustaining keeping trucks on residential streets to a minimumPreventing traffic congestion while the City grows with PlanSJ 66 Move SJ: Transportation Master Plan Council Priority Setting Context Session 2016) focusing on 25 year transportation - Phase 1 (2015goals, trucks, speeding and significant citizen engagementPhase 2 to focus on developing a transportation model and strategies for transportation modesPhase 3 to focus on identifying/prioritizing infrastructure projects and travel demand strategies 67 Transportation Master Plan Scale RatingPCI Poor Fair Poor Good Failed Serious Very Satisfactory 78 2016 78 2015 77.5 PCI Target Council Priority Setting Context Session 75 2014 PCI 76 2013 72 2012 857055402510 100 68 Roadway Maintenance Average PCI Council Priority Setting Context Session km of roadway - - Asphalt pavements require adequate investment to meet the needs of the public and to avoid the need for more costly reconstruction Over 100 laneReduction of asphalt curb and sidewalk inventoryRural road upgrade program stalled since originally contemplated in 2007/08 69 Roadway Maintenance neighbourhoods 2009 led to significant Council Priority Setting Context Session management in some newer subdivisions Management system, and lack of proper planning and design stormwater Detailed analysis were undertaken to identify necessary upgrades to minimize future flooding Heavy rainstorms between 2005 flooding and property damage in various Observed flooding was due to constraints in existing stormwaterfor 70 Stormwater Design Criteria Manual to million invested into system Council Priority Setting Context Session $21 Stormwater 2018 - Management of modeling of existing City infrastructure to drive Since then: upwards of upgrades. There are still roughly $4.5 million remaining between 2016 Development guide new development Stormwatersmarter investment decisions. Removes some of the barriers to new development as well. 71 Stormwater Greenwood WWTF Council Priority Setting Context Session Heights WWTF $3.0M to replace both (highest priorities) Seeking $2.25M from other levels of Government 72 Wastewater Treatment Challenges Morna Clean Water Wastewater Fund Priority Projects on - identify 650km) system (~ proactively ) Enforcement repair 65km/year program law & - Use By Council Priority Setting Context Session will require greater control and monitoring of year cycle is reasonable at 10 (CWWF funding application) 7 nearing end of asset life ($3.5M - - Collection System Requirement for Sewer - material (CWWF funding application) Saint John Water Regulators (DFO and DOELG) discharge 68 stations now Need to understand the condition of the sewer collection an ongoing basis Need to Commence a sewer video inspection issues and allow the selection of the appropriate Need to develop a strategy to address the separation of Combined Sewers $800k + $400k in 2017 Utility budget for design/construction of infrastructure to remove floatable 73 Wastewater System Challenges Wastewater Pumping Wastewater QualityWastewater $210M Investment /Commitment 74 SCDWP likely in the range of significant cost Council Priority Setting Context Session rate & 3,130 - in distribution system (567 km) to create a program in water system by district install of flow meters for Challenge / Opportunity a full cost benefit analysis watermains 2017 mid audit water usage All 3,130 meters to be reading the level of water accountability $20M and requires Goal - 75 mprove 400k in 2017 Utility budget Saint John Water IPresently 13,991 customers on flatmetered customersMetering 13,991 customers would come at a $10M Project automatically by Install flow meters on to monitor and $ Water Meter TechnologyUniversal MeteringDistrict Metering Water Metering PS has Council Priority Setting Context Session $2.6M for - Musquash followed by Pumping Station & of a reliable Cove Supply Saint John Water Importance increasedNearing the end of its life substation over 2 years investment in pumping station IPP supplyColeson 76 West Industrial Water Services Challenges MusquashElectrical Substation as part of the SCDWP Council Priority Setting Context Session raw water (piped) supply Attractive to existing and potentially to new industry 77 New East Industrial Water Service Opportunity Creation of 100 Land $152M % 58.87 41.13 $558M Water and Wastewater % % Depreciated 66.00% 44.00 $444M - Historical Cost Transportation % 63.87 36.13% $12M Equipment Machinery & Council Priority Setting Context Session % 45.35% $49M Vehicles 54.65 53.05 Accumulated Amortization 46.95% Buildings $230M % Land $39M 65.51% 34.49 Improvments 78 Consolidated Asset Inventory Overall Accumulated Depreciation to Asset Ratio is 39% Council Priority Setting Context Session of Roads deterioration of pipes, Line Breaks, PotholesHigh Costs, Overtime, etc.Reconstruction Increase equipment and roads impact capital costsEmergency Contractor fees, staff overtime, unplanned repairs, inefficiency , etc.. Impact on Level of Service (LOS)Increase Risk of FailureIncrease in Capital CostsIncrease in Maintenance Repairs and Operating Costs 79 What are the Consequences? Develop and Implement a Comprehensive Asset Management Plan Council Priority Setting Context Session plans. business. efficiency and reduce costs (i.e. - the costs of providing services of failure ). Understand (i.e. LOSMake better decisions on when to replace, renew or decommission assets with long term sustainable investment Demonstrate investment accountability to residents and Improve costidentify the lowest lifecycle cost maintenance and renewal decisions).Part of the AMP is having a long term sustainable financial plan around current and potential new assets. Reduce risk 80 Asset Management (AM) Benefits of AM Council Priority Setting Context Session and open data Funding sources other than property taxes Managed debt level Lower tax rate Public input into City decisions Demonstrating value for money Timely access to City services and information Spending efficiency and cost saving measures eGovernment How the City of Saint John Works 81 How the City of Saint John Works the business of serving citizens. Areas that focus on capacity Service wants Funding Council Priority Setting Context Session Performance Reporting How the City of Saint John Works Control costsUse available resources strategically, wisely and effectivelyAchieve growth in assessment base (Development incentives)Find other sources of revenues (Revenue Generation Program)Find ways to provide service more efficiently (Continuous Improvement Program)Demonstrate Value (Key Performance Indicators) How to be Sustainable 82 Challenges of allocating scare resources among competing priorities To be sustainable, a municipality has to: 1 Cent Council Priority Setting Context Session How the City of Saint John Works 83 Tax Rate Reduction Scenario Council Priority Setting Context Session How the City of Saint John Works 84 Operating expenditures are outpacing revenue growthNo current financial mitigation for severe weather fluctuationReliance on unconditional grants: Grants have been inconsistentInfrastructure deficit exists Need to manage existing debt load Public service level expectations Tax Rate Reduction Challenges Council Priority Setting Context Session How the City of Saint John Works Control over expenditure and revenues to meet changing fiscal circumstances?economy;with predictable and unpredictable expenditure requirements; 85 Sustainable Tax Rate Reduction Tax Rate Reduction should be founded on the principal of sustainability to ensure predictability and stability over the long term to cover operating expenses to meet financial obligations; Three major factors include: 1. 2.3. 2016); - Council Priority Setting Context Session $20.9 in years 2013 - City Hall Lease, Provincial Assessment Charge, etc.; approximately $19.9M). Grant is volatile (has ranged from - Lack of control over arbitrated wage settlements;Temporary Pension Payments until at least 2023 and no later than 2028 based on 17% of Payroll (approximately $9.1M for General Operating Fund); i.ii. How the City of Saint John Works 77% of City Expenses are made up of Salaries & Benefits, Fiscal Charges, Pension & LTD, and ABC funding (limited flexibility);13% of Revenue is the Provincial Community Funding & Equalization Grant (2016 low to high of $18.6 Fixed Expenses a) b)c) 86 Ability to Control Revenues & Expenditures Sustainable Tax Rate Reduction 1. Council Priority Setting Context Session How the City of Saint John Works 87 Wage trends by employee groups Expenditures 2021 - Revenues Council Priority Setting Context Session How the City of Saint John Works 88 Revenue growth is not keeping pace with expenditure growthWages & benefits are increasing by an average of $2.3 Mil/yearFiscal Charges increase by $700K/year and will become stable if capital expenditure is under control (not more than $12 Mil/year) 5 Year Financial forecast 2017 Key findings: E G 2016 A 0.58% D R L E E VI 2015 1.45% AY 2014 0.33% 2013 2.55% % in Revenue 2012 4.14% 2011 Equalization Combined 3.22% 2010 Interest Rates 5.36% 2009 over Year Increase 6.98% 2008 Year 6.54% Property taxes & 4.53% 2007 8.00%7.00%6.00%5.00%4.00%3.00%2.00%1.00%0.00%6.000%5.000%4.000%3.000%2.000%1.000%0.000% Council Priority Setting Context Session historically low, 0.48%); - How the City of Saint John Works Property Taxes & Equalization revenues combined was approximately $800K more in 2016 than 2015;Slow 3 years of assessment base growth (2016: 1.53%; 2015: 0.56%; 2014: Interest Rates risk of future increases a) b)c) 89 Sensitivity to Changes in the Economy Sustainable Tax Rate Reduction 2. contributes to the infrastructure deficit given other Council Priority Setting Context Session asset reinvestment needs are outpacing financial H&L pension, Disability Pension, etc. At the end of the City budget and services are vulnerable to severe winter How the City of Saint John Works City Infrastructure Deficit capacity and long term debt service payments are putting increasing pressure on the operating budget; Severe Weather Events weather events (no funding available for a winter maintenance reserve for tax stabilization); City has transferred costs for Asphalt out of the Operating Budget to the Capital Budget to balance the budget needed capital investments need to be forgone to ensure affordability; Discount Rate Sensitivity year, we are required to have actuarial valuations done on these programs. If discount rate goes down by 0.25%, total liabilities can go up by $500K. This is a direct charge to the budget that we have no control over; a)b)c)d) 90 Ability to Meet Predictable & Unpredictable Budget Pressures Sustainable Tax Rate Reduction 3. ActualBudget 2013 2014 2015 Council Priority Setting Context Session 2016 $2,693,000 $- How the City of Saint John Works 91 Severe Weather Volatility $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 Borrowed due to transfer additional $8.1M Asphalt & RoadMaintenance from Operating to Capital over 3 Years 2013 2014 Council Priority Setting Context Session 2015 Asphalt & Road Maintenance 2016 $- How the City of Saint John Works 92 Road Maintenance Transferred to Capital $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 Saint JohnFrederictonMoncton 2016 13.50%10.58%5.28% - 2016 2015 Service Ratio 2014 Council Priority Setting Context Session Debt 2013 14.90% 2012 5.20% 10.43% How the City of Saint John Works 93 8.00%6.00%4.00%2.00%0.00% Debt Service Ratio Comparison 2012 16.00%14.00%12.00%10.00% *2016 is Budget 2016 Budget 16,031,173 15 years) - 2015 Budget 2014 Budget 2016 - 2013 Budget 2012 Budget 2012, slowed down and stabilized - 2011 Budget charges budget 2010 Budget Fiscal Council Priority Setting Context Session General Fund 2007 2009 Budget 2008 Budget 2016 due to low interest rates and longer debt duration (10 - 2007 11,625,571 How the City of Saint John Works Budget 2013 - 94 Fiscal charges Fiscal charges: Escalated fast during 2008from 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 Debt perCapita Debt per Capita $- $800 $600 $400 $200 ƚƷğƌ 5ĻĬƷ ķźǝźķĻķ ĬǤ tƚƦǒƌğƷźƚƓ $1,800 $1,600 $1,400 $1,200 $1,000 LTD Council Priority Setting Context Session LTD How the City of Saint John Works $- $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 95 Long Term Debt Comparison $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 Long term financial planning plans Corporate a financial roadmap Capital Budgets - Annual Operating & Asset Management Council Priority Setting Context Session term service objectives - How the City of Saint John Works term decisions - term financial planning is the process of aligning financial - 96 Provide Council and Staff with a financial lens in making effective longIntegrate financial plan with the priorities to ensure financial sustainabilityEnhance public trust and management Long term financial planning Long term financial plan will: Longcapacity with long toward sustainability and sustainable tax changes Sustainable debt position Sustainable Infrastructure Financial Policies services affordable Sustainable & 25 - Council Priority Setting Context Session How the City of Saint John Works 97 Long Term Financial Plan will a financial road map over 10yearsAsset management plan will bring evidence based decision making on how City spends it Capital to ensure money is being spent in most effectively and efficiently. Debt Management plan and a Debt Management Policy will ensure that the City maintains a sound debt position that supports the long term financial objectives of the community Strategic Long Term Financial Planning Accessing external funding opportunities Capital funding ABC Revenue Council Priority Setting Context Session Financial Inflow Revenue Fees/permits/licensesSponsorshipLease/rentSalesBusiness venturesService agreementsFinesEasements Departmental How the City of Saint John Works growth Growth 98 increased tax base Revenue Generation Program Actions that generate Standard Practice develop solutions measure, analyze and Employee involvement to Customers Assign CI Facilitator Measure Metrics community tool box Process organization and the Share results with the Training enhance service to realize efficiencies and Use Lean Six Sigma projects Employees Steering committee and CI team reviews, prioritizes, and initiates Document CI Program Overview and Project Results 99 Continuous Improvement Program Sustain Project IdeasProject SelectionProject ExecutionCelebrate Open . Government ata D Open Open Data is then made available Open Dialogue , meets the requirements included in Such assessment . Council Priority Setting Context Session Open Information governing doctrine which holds that citizens have the right to access How the City of Saint John Works , and is listed in the Open Data Catalogue. 100 olicy Open Data Open Data underlying theme of Open Government is transparency, including p data that has undergone an Open Data Open Data is the to the public for copying, publishing, distribution, transmission and adaptation under the terms of the Open Government License Open Data is an emerging global foundation for Open Government Open Government is a the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight. The ) (October 23, 2015) (April 28, 2016 datasets for Cleaning and Lining geospatial Watermains ata consultations 80+ (March 2, 2015) D pen O with over Council Priority Setting Context Session host the 2016 Canadian Open Data Summit approved by Council - pen Data research, including municipal best practices O How the City of Saint John Works Special Note: category at the Data Visualization Exhibition during the Summit. The submission, 101 Conducted extensive Completed both internal and external Developed an Open Data policy, licensing agreement and governance structure for the City of Saint John Launched a pilot Open Data portal Created linkages and partnerships with local and provincial data initiatives Helped organize and co Open Data Milestones/Achievements Council Priority Setting Context Session workflow and maintenance are onerous - How the City of Saint John Works Open Data & Analytics service area has been created, but has no dedicated resourcesanalyticsCompeting data projects, initiatives and resourcesLow usageGovernance is not fully implementedOpen Data culture is not fully embracedMany datasets are still not available in the catalogue 102 Considerations/Challenges . . ata D and ABCs ata portal D within the organization ata portal and data sets and measure D ata D ArcGIS Online to replace the pilot portal Open (GNB recently tendered for an Open Council Priority Setting Context Session + nb a culture of the option of leveraging How the City of Saint John Works 103 Opportunities/Next Steps Continue to foster Continue efforts to populate the pilot Open Data portal with additional relevant data sets. Begin promoting/marketing the Open success.Continued collaboration with local and provincial data stakeholders, including ESJ, GNB and and managed services).Explore Finalize the business case for a permanent City of Saint John Open program, including a supporting IT / GIS / Data Analytics function. Provide recommendations to Common Council ( 2016). September 12, 2016 Council Priority Setting: Opportunities Challenges and Commitments