2020-08-10_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting AGENDA Monday, August 10, 2020 6:30 pm Meeting Conducted by Electronic Participation Si vous avez besoin des services en francais pour une reunion de Conseil communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations / Presentations 9. Public Hearings - 6:30 p.m. 9.1 Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment - Rural Mixed Residential with PAC Report Recommending Rezoning and Staff Presentation (1st and 2nd Reading) 9.2 Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment - Nadiana Way with PAC Report Recommending Rezoning (1stand 2nd Reading) 9.3 Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment - 20 Bundy Lane with PAC Report Recommending Rezoning (1stand 2nd Reading) 10. Consideration of By-laws 11. Submissions by Council Members Pages 1 - 30 31 - 72 73 - 104 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 16. Supplemental Agenda 17. Committee of the Whole 18. Adjournment K July 22, 2020 The City of Saint John His Worship Mayor Don Darling and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Zoning By -Law Text Amendment Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone On June 22, 2020 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its July 21, 2020 meeting. Mr. Mark Reade, of Growth and Community Development Services, provided an overview of the proposed zone. Responding to a question from the Committee, Mr. Reade and Kenneth Melanson, Manager of Community Planning, noted Staff would review the term "mobile or mini -home" in conjunction with future housekeeping amendments to the Zoning By -Law. No other persons appeared before the Committee and no letters were received regarding the application. One committee member was concerned that there may be some confusion with term `mobile home'— he worried that the public's perception of this term would refer to outdated models of mobile homes from the 1970's. Upon considering the Staff report and presentation, the Committee adopted the Staff Recommendation. That Common Council adopt the attached by -Law amendment entitled "By -Law No. C.P. 111-xx, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." Page 1 of 2 City of Saint John Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone July 22, 2020 Respectfully submitted, Alexandra Weaver Crawford Chair Attachments Page 2 of 2 The City of a inn John Date: To: From: Meeting: SUBJECT Applicant: Application Type: July 17, 2020 Planning Advisory Committee Growth and Community Planning Growth and Community Development Services July 21, 2020 City of Saint John Zoning By-law Amendment Jurisdiction: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By-law. Common Council will consider the Committee recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, August 10, 2020. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A new zone (Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone) is proposed for rural areas of the City, which provides for mobile or mini homes as a permitted use along with uses currently allowed in the Rural Residential (RR) zone. This new zone provides new housing options in the City's rural areas, which was previously restricted, through a rezoning process. Staff believe that the new zone will support additional affordable housing options for Saint John. Adoption of the proposed Zoning By-law amendment is recommended. RECOMMENDATION 1. That Common Council adopt the attached by -Law amendment entitled "By -Law No. C.P. 111-xx, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." Page 1 of 5 3 City of Saint John Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone July 17, 2020 DECISION HISTORY The proposed approach of a new zone is a result of a 2019 temporary use application to place a mobile or mini home on a lot on Nadiana Way (30 Nadiana Way). The 2019 application resulted in a broader review of the mobile or mini -home provisions of the Zoning By-law within the context of rural areas of the City. ANALYSIS Proposal A new zone is proposed for rural areas of the City, which would provide for mobile or mini - homes as a permitted use in addition to uses currently allowed in the Rural Residential (RR) zone. This zone would apply in areas outside of the Primary Development Area (PDA), which are primarily designated Rural Residential. A variety of housing forms are facilitated by the proposed zone, including mobile or mini homes on standalone lots not located within a manufactured housing park. This zone would be available to landowners through a rezoning process. Currently, for lands zoned Rural Residential, mobile or mini -homes are only allowed if one lawfully existed prior to when the Zoning By-law came into effect. This means that anyone with an existing lawful mobile or mini -home can continue this use and replace the dwelling with another mobile or mini -home. Those sites that did not have one prior to when the Zoning By- law came into effect, cannot introduce a mobile or mini -home on their rural property. This creates a housing gap where those that were "first in" may develop a form of residential housing typical and customary in the rural context, while those purchasing undeveloped lots cannot. The proposed new zone would provide an avenue to place a mobile or mini -home on the site through a rezoning process. The proposed new zone is a component of the recent Zoning By-law updates regarding mobile and mini homes to provide for additional affordable housing in select areas outside of the PDA, which responds to the existing rural residential context. The Zoning By -Law currently permits mobile or mini -homes in the following zones: Rural Residential (RR) — Currently mobile or mini homes are permitted on lots that contain an existing mini or mobile home. Rural Settlement Residential (RS) - Currently mobile or mini homes are permitted on lots that contain an existing mini or mobile home. Mini -Home Park Residential (RP) — The Mini -Home Park Residential (RP) zone accommodates serviced residential development in the form of mobile or mini -home parks or communities with streets (Public or private). The zone also accommodates mobile home parks regulated by the Saint John Mobile Home Parks By-law. Page 2 of 5 4 City of Saint John Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone July 17, 2020 Rural (RU) - New mini or mobile homes are permitted on lots having this zoning. Municipal Plan The proposed zone is generally intended for areas currently designated as Rural Residential on Schedule B of the Municipal Plan. These are areas of existing or approved low -density residential development located beyond the Primary Development Area that are unserviced, and not within a Rural Settlement Area. An analysis of the By-law amendment with respect to relevant Municipal Plan policies is provided in Attachment 2. The findings of this review are summarized as follows: • As the zone is based on standards currently applied in the City's rural areas, the scale of development within areas having this zone would be similar to that currently found in Rural Residential and Rural areas. • The Municipal Plan supports the provision of manufactured housing in all areas of the City. • The proposed zone focuses on residential land uses, conforming to the intent of the Rural Residential land use designation. • The housing forms within the proposed zone are well -suited to the on -site servicing approach in the City's rural areas. • The Municipal Plan sets out goals to provide a wide array of housing options for people of various income levels, in all areas of the city. From the assessment provided in Attachment 2, Staff are of the opinion the proposed text amendment to the Zoning By -Law to incorporate the new zone conforms to the policy direction established in the Municipal Plan. Areas designated Rural Residential in the Municipal Plan generally include two types of residential development: • Developed subdivisions, which received approval prior to the adoption of the current Municipal Plan and are mostly built out. The proposed zone is not intended for these areas, as many have developed with covenants, which require specific house designs and styles by the developer and often have standards relating to minimum floor area that is often greater than the Zoning By-law. An exception to this may be rare instances of subdivisions which have not built out and no design context has been established. Once such instance is proposed for the use of this zone. • Areas of existing, concentrated residential development that are not within a developing approved subdivision such as areas along major rural arterial and collector roadways including as Loch Lomond Road, Latimore Lake Road and Golden Grove Road. These are the specific areas that are intended for the application of the proposed zone. Page 3 of 5 5 City of Saint John Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone July 17, 2020 Policy 1-2 of the Municipal Plan provides criteria to be assessed when reviewing a rezoning application, including conflicts with adjacent land uses with respect to the type of use and site design considerations such as height, massing and lot coverage. Staff note the proposed zone standards for the RMX zone are based on those currently in the Rural Residential (RR) zone, which allows the RMX zone to integrate within the surrounding context. Zoning By -Law Amendment The proposed amendment to the Zoning By-law is provided in Attachment 1. The proposed Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) zone is based on the Rural Residential (RR) zone with the following amendments: • The addition of a mobile or mini home as a permitted use. • A required minimum ground floor area of 65 square metres for mobile or mini homes. This floor area is consistent with other zones in the by-law that permit mobile or mini homes. • Requirements that the mobile or mini home shall be placed on a lot so that its length is parallel to the street and that opaque skirting around the perimeter between the building and ground level if it is not located on a permanent foundation. This is consistent with the requirements for mobile or mini homes in the Rural (RU) zone. The requirements of Sections 4 through 9 of the Zoning By-law that address items such as signage, landscaping and access would apply to the new zone in the same manner they would apply to a Rural Residential zone. The definition of a "Residential Zone" within the by-law would also be amended to include the RMX zone, with the RMX zone added to this definition. The proposed zone will provide landowners who rezone to RMX an array of housing options that are typical to the rural context, including mobile or mini -homes. This will in turn provide more opportunities for a mixture of housing forms throughout the rural area. Providing greater housing options for all citizens is a primary goal of the Municipal Plan and will provide greater flexibility to landowners to help address the affordability issues being experienced in the City. Among the major cites in New Brunswick, Saint John is rather unique when compared with other municipalities with respect to rural residential development. Saint John has a larger rural area when compared to Moncton or Fredericton. Within the New Brunswick context, the Saint John perspective is more similar to that of Miramichi, with a rural area that extends along major roadways. Staff note a similar approach to that proposed by Saint John is currently employed by the City of Miramichi within rural areas of the City that have a more residential nature through a zone that permits mini homes in addition to other housing forms. Staff note that the approach proposed focuses on areas outside of the PDA through a limited approach, which traditionally have experienced this type of development. Within the PDA, the Mini -Home Park Residential (RP) zone would provide for this type of development. Page 4 of 5 6 City of Saint John Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone July 17, 2020 Conclusion The proposed zone promotes housing affordability by introducing a new housing form to areas designated as Rural Residential in the Municipal Plan. This is in line with the policy direction established in the Plan. Proposed zone standards are consistent with those currently in place in the City's rural areas. Adoption of the amendment is recommended. ALTERNATIVES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS No alternative was considered. ENGAGEMENT Public Notice of the proposed rezoning was posted on the City of Saint John website on July 17, 2020. APPROVALS AND CONTACT Author Manager Commissioner Mark Reade, P.Eng., MCIP, RPP Kenneth Melanson , BA, RPP, MCIP Jacqueline Hamilton, MCIP, RPP Contact: Mark Reade Telephone: (506) 721-0736 Email: Mark.Reade@saintjohn.ca APPENDIX Attachment 1: Proposed Zoning By -Law Text Amendment Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review Page 5 of 5 7 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. III - A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE No C.P. 111- ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint The City of Saint John, reunie en John in Common Council convened, as conseil communal, edicte cc qui suit: follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: L'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John, edicte le 15 decembre 2014, est ainsi modifie 1. Adding the following to the list of 1. L'article 2.2 est modifie par adjonction Residential zones in Section 2.2: de la zone suivante a la liste de zones residentielles : "Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone" 2. Adding the following as Section 10.11 "10.11 Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone Municipal Plan Context The Rural Mixed Residential Zone accommodates unserviced residential development in a variety of forms including one -unit and two -unit dwellings as well as mobile or mini - homes. This provides the opportunity for a mixture of housing forms and options on a lot. Secondary suites and garden suites are allowed depending on specific circumstances. The Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone is intended for land outside the Primary Development Area that is designated Rural Residential. However, land in other appropriate designations could be zoned RMX. Zone rurale residentielle mixte (RMX) 2. L'article 10.11 qui suit est ajoute 10.11 Zone rurale residentielle mixte (RMX) Mise en contexte La zone rurale residentielle mixte accueille des amenagements residentiels non viabilises dans differentes formes, dont des habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales et des maisons mobiles ou des mini-maisons. Elle favorise un melange de types de logements et d'options en matiere de logement sur un lot. Y sont egalement permis, dans certains cas precis, les logements accessoires et les pavillons- j ardins. La zone rurale residentielle mixte (RMX) est destinee aux terrains suues A 1'exterieur du principal secteur de developpement qui sont designes secteur residentiel rural. Cependant, E:3 10.11(1) Permitted Uses Any land, building or structure may be used for the purposes of, and for no other purpose than, the following: • Agricultural Use, Existing, subject to paragraph 10.10(2); • Bed and Breakfast, subject to section 9.2; • Day Care, Home, subject to paragraph 9.5(a); • Day Care, Neighbourhood, subject to paragraph 9.5(b); • Dwelling, One -Unit; • Dwelling, Two -Unit; • Garden Suite, subject to section 9.8; • Home Occupation, subject to section 9.9; • Mobile or Mini -home; subject to paragraph 10.11(2)(k); • Secondary Suite, subject to section 9.13; • Supportive Housing, subject to section 9.14; • The existing use described in Schedule E; Exceptions, of each lot respectively, identified therein as being located in the RMX zone. 10.11(2) Zone Standards (a) Minimum Lot Area 5,350 square metres (b) Minimum Lot Frontage des terrains situ&s dans d'autres designations qui conviennent pourraient etre zones RMX. 10.11(1) Usages permis Les terrains, batiments et constructions ne peuvent etre affects qu'aux fins suivantes • activit& professionnelle a domicile, sous reserve de Particle 9.9; • foyer-garderie, sous reserve du paragraphe 9.5a); • garderie de quartier, sous reserve du paragraphe 9.5b); • gite touristique, sous reserve de Particle 9.2; • habitation bifamiliale; • habitation unifamiliale; • logement accessoire, sous reserve de Particle 9.13; • logement avec services de soutien, sous reserve de Particle 9.14; • l'usage existant d&crit a 1'Annexe E : Exceptions exerc& sur chaque lot qui est indiqu& dans cette annexe comme &cant situ& dans la zone RMX; • maison mobile ou mini-maison, sous r&serve du paragraphe 10.11(2)k); • pavillon-jardin, sous r&serve de Particle 9.8; • usage agncole existant, sous r&serve du paragraphe 10.10(2). 10.11(2) Normes applicables a la zone a) Superficie de lot minimale 5 350 metres carr&s b) Facade de lot minimale 60 metres (c) Minimum Lot Depth 40 metres (d) Minimum Front Yard 7.5 metres (e) Minimum Rear Yard 7.5 metres (f) Minimum Side Yard, the lesser of 15 percent of the lot frontage or 4.5 metres (g) Minimum Flankage Yard 7.5 metres (h) Minimum Ground Floor Area: 1 storey — 90 square metres Split -Level — 70 square metres 1 1/2, 2, or 3 Storeys — 60 square metres Mobile or Mini -Home — 65 square metres (1) Maximum Building Height 1 Imetres (j) Other Requirements In accordance with the General Provisions, Parts 4-9 where this zone shall be considered a Rural Residential (RR) zone. (k) Building Placement A Mobile or Mini -home permitted in subsection 10.11(1) shall be subject to the following: (1) The building shall 60 metres c) Profondeur de lot minimale 40 metres d) Cour avant minimale 7,5 metres e) Cour arri&re minimale 7,5 metres f) Cour lat&rale minimale, la valeur la moins &levee s'appliquant : 15 % de la facade du lot ou 4,5 metres g) Cour de flanc minimale 7,5 metres h) Aire de plancher minimale du premier &tage 1 &tage — 90 metres carr&s Maison a demi-niveaux — 70 metres carr&s 1,5, 2 ou 3 &tages — 60 metres carr& s maison mobile ou mini-maison — 65 metres carr&s i) Hauteur des batiments maximale 11 metres j) Autres exigences Conform&ment aux dispositions g&n&rales &nonc&es aux parties 4 a 9, et la zone en question dolt &tre consid&r&e en tant que zone r&sidentielle male (RR) k) Situation des batiments Les maisons mobiles et les mini- maisons permises par le paragraphe 10.11(1) sont subordonn&es aux conditions I[o] be placed on a lot so that its length is parallel to the street; and (ii) If not placed on a permanent foundation, the building shall have skirting of an opaque material installed around its perimeter between the building and ground. 3. Section 10 is amended by adding the Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone zone to Table 10-1 4. Section 3 Definitions is amended by deleting the definition of a "residential zone" and replacing it with the following: "residential zone" means any zone denoted in this By-law as: Urban Centre Residential (RC), High -Rise Residential (RH), Mid -Rise Residential (RM), Low -Rise Residential(RL), Two -Unit Residential (R2), One -Unit Residential (R1), Suburban Residential (RSS), Mini -Home Park Residential (RP), Rural Settlement Residential (RS), Rural Residential(RR), or Rural Mixed Residential (RMX). - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. suivantes : (1) elles sont plac&es sur le lot de fa�on a cc que leer dimension la plus longue soit parall&le a la rue; (ii) si elles ne sont pas plac&es sur une fondation permanente, un jupon de vide sanitaire d'un mat&riau opaque est install& autour de leer p&rim&tre, entre le bdtiment et le sol. 3. L'article 10 est modifi& par adjonction, au tableau 10-1, de la zone rurale r&sidentielle mixte (RMX). 4. L'article 3 D&finitions est modifi& par suppression de la definition de « zone r&sidentielle » et son remplacement par cc qui suit: zone r&sidentielle » S'entend de toute zone d&sign&e dans le pr&sent arret& comme zone r&sidentielle du centre- ville (RC), zone r&sidentielle — immeuble d'habitation de grande hauteur (RH), zone r&sidentielle — immeuble d'habitation de hauteur moyenne (RM), zone r&sidentielle — immeuble d'habitation bas (RL), zone r&sidentielle bifamiliale (R2), zone r&sidentielle unifamiliale (RI), zone r&sidentielle suburbaine (RSS), zone r&sidentielle — parc de mini-maisons (RP), zone r&sidentielle de peuplement rural (RS), zone r&sidentielle rurale (RR) ou zone rurale r&sidentielle mixte (RMX). - toutes les modifications sont indiqu&es sur la carte ci-jointe qui fait partie du pr&sent arret&. 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2020 and signed by: Mayor/Maire EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 2020, avec les signatures suivantes Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - Premiere lecture Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture Third Reading - Troisieme lecture 12 Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review — Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone Policv/Policies and Subject Area General residential polices Policy LU-42 Establish appropriate provisions in the Zoning Bylaw to require new development to have appropriate setbacks, massing and height to create and maintain high quality residential environments. Rural Residential Policies Policy LU-104 Create the Rural Residential designation on the Future Land Use map (Schedule B). Council intends that land within the Rural Residential Area designation is generally intended to accommodate existing rural residential development. Development of residential uses on existing lots shall be permitted but the creation of new lots for additional rural residential development will generally be discouraged, except where applications for subdivision were approved by Council prior to the adoption of the Municipal Plan. Council will permit other compatible uses including home occupations, parks, and community facilities without amendment to the Municipal Plan. Policy LU-105 Not permit the expansion of Rural Residential development to lands not currently designated for this form of development. Council therefore shall not consider applications to re -designate lands to the Rural Residential Area designation except where such an application is necessary to recognize an unintentionally omitted existing or approved legal land use. Policy LU-106 Permit the creation of new lots that have a minimum lot area of less than four (4) hectares (40,000 square metres) in the Rural Residential Area subject to compliance with the provisions in the Zoning Bylaw and in keeping with the rural character of the area. Council shall permit the creation of no more than two (2) new lots from a host parcel and will not permit the creation of any more than one (1) new access driveway per lot to a collector or arterial roadway as a result of such subdivisions, except where Staff Comment General residential polices Zone standards are based on those, which currently exist in the Rural Residential (RR) and Rural (RU) zones. As a result, the proposed zone responds to the current context. Rural Residential Policies The proposed zone conforms to the intent of the Rural Residential land use designation of permitting residential land uses on existing lots. 13 Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review — Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone approved by Council prior to the adoption of the Municipal Plan. Policy LU-107 Generally not accept the dedication of new public streets or the creation of new private streets within the Rural Residential Area designation unless Council determines that the new street is necessary to provide safe access to the proposed development or is necessary to improve connectivity between existing developments in the general area. General Housing Policies / Manufactured Housing Policy HS-1 Monitor the land supply for housing across the City, to ensure it is adequate to meet the housing needs of all residents. Policy HS-6 Monitor housing tenure, particularly in the Neighbourhood Intensification Areas, to ensure a balanced supply of rental and homeownership opportunities. Policy HS-24 Permit manufactured housing in all areas of the City, in accordance with Zoning By-law provisions and the National Building Code. Implementation Policy 1-2 In considering amendments to the Zoning Bylaw or the imposition of terms and conditions, in addition to all other criteria set out in the various policies of the Municipal Plan, have regard for the following: a. The proposal is in conformity with the goals, policies and intent of the Municipal Plan and the requirements of all City bylaws; b. The proposal is not premature or inappropriate by reason of: i. Financial inability of the City to absorb costs related to development and ensure efficient delivery of services, as determined through Policy 1-7 and 1-8; General Housing Policies / Manufactured Housing The proposed approach of the new, more permissive zone provides an additional housing option and conforms to the intent of permitting manufactured housing in all areas of the City. Implementation The proposed by-law amendment meets the intent of providing additional housing forms in the City and additional affordable housing. Staff note the introduction of mobile and mini homes through a new zone is a minor increase in density and does not impact the City's financial ability to provide services nor the adequacy of infrastructure. These areas are serviced by individual, on -site means (well and septic). Appropriate controls are available through the Zoning By-law and Building By-law, and these requirements would be assessed at the building permit stage. 14 Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review — Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone ii. The adequacy of central wastewater or water services and storm drainage measures; iii. Adequacy or proximity of school, recreation or other community facilities; iv. Adequacy of road networks leading to or adjacent to the development; and v. Potential for negative impacts to designated heritage buildings or areas. c. Appropriate controls are placed on any proposed development where necessary to reduce any conflict with adjacent land uses by reason of: i. Type of use; ii. Height, bulk or appearance and lot coverage of any proposed building; iii. Traffic generation, vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle or transit access to and from the site; iv. Parking; v. Open storage; vi. Signs; and vii. Any other relevant matter of urban planning. d. The proposed site is suitable in terms of steepness of grade, soil and geological conditions, locations of watercourses, wetlands and susceptibility of flooding as well as any other relevant environmental consideration; e. The proposal satisfies the terms and conditions of Policy 1-5 related to timeframes and phasing of development; and f. The proposal meets all necessary public health and safety considerations. 15 I1 ■I C' • '..,. 00 N 0 E C) >< 0 0 6--1 1' 1 1,, I ti N bn Ln o fu 11 M a O ■ a O ■ PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: RURAL MIXED RESIDENTIAL (RMX) ZONE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its meeting to be held via web conference on Monday, August 10, 2020 at 6:30 p.m., by: 1. Adopting a new zone that that would permit a mobile or mini home in addition to those uses currently permitted in Rural Residential (RR) zone. 2. Amending existing definitions and tables to recognize and list this new zone as a residential zone. REASON FOR CHANGE: PROJET DE MODIFICATION L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE OBJET : ZONE RURALE RESIDENTIELLE MIXTE (RMX) Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'etudier la modification suivante a 1'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John, par conference Web le lundi 10 aofit 2020 A18h30: 1. L'adoption d'une zone nouvelle qui permettrait un « maison mobile » ou mini-maison » en plus des utilisations actuellement autorisees dans la Zone residentielle rurale (RR). 2. Modifier les definitions et les tableaux existants pour reconnaitre et inscrire cette nouvelle zone comme zone residentielle. REASON DE LA MODIFICATION: To adopt a new zone that would allow for the Adopter une nouvelle zone qui permettrait une placement of mobile or mini homes in Rural variete de formes residentielles, y compris les Residential areas. maisons mobiles ou les mini-maisons dans le secteur residentiel rural. For details on how to participate in the Public Hearing, to inspect the amendment, or to register to participate please contact the Office of the Common Clerk at commonclerk@saintjohn.ca. Saint John Council meetings can be viewed online at https://www.youttibe.com/user/saintjohnweb Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall or via email at commonclerk@s aintj ohn. ca. If you require French services for a Common Council meeting, please contact the office of the Common Clerk. Pour savoir comment participer a l'audition publique, inspecter la modification ou de vous inscnre pour participer, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau du greffier commun a 1'adresse commonclerk@saintjohn.ca. Les reunions du Conseil de Saint John peuvent &re consultees en ligne a https://www.youtube.com/user/saintjohnweb. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit au soussigne a 1'h6tel de ville ou par courriel a 1'adresse commonclerk@saintjohn.ca. Si vous avez besoin des services en fran�ais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal. 0z! Jonathan Taylor, Common Clerk Jonathan Taylor, Greffiere communale 658-2862 6582862 OR BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. III - A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE No C.P. 111- ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint The City of Saint John, reunie en John in Common Council convened, as conseil communal, edicte cc qui suit: follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: L'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John, edicte le 15 decembre 2014, est ainsi modifie 1. Adding the following to the list of 1. L'article 2.2 est modifie par adjonction Residential zones in Section 2.2: de la zone suivante a la liste de zones residentielles : "Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone" 2. Adding the following as Section 10.11 "10.11 Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone Municipal Plan Context The Rural Mixed Residential Zone accommodates unserviced residential development in a variety of forms including one -unit and two -unit dwellings as well as mobile or mini - homes. This provides the opportunity for a mixture of housing forms and options on a lot. Secondary suites and garden suites are allowed depending on specific circumstances. The Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone is intended for land outside the Primary Development Area that is designated Rural Residential. However, land in other appropriate designations could be zoned RMX. Zone rurale residentielle mixte (RMX) 2. L'article 10.11 qui suit est ajoute 10.11 Zone rurale residentielle mixte (RMX) Mise en contexte La zone rurale residentielle mixte accueille des amenagements residentiels non viabilises dans differentes formes, dont des habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales et des maisons mobiles ou des mini-maisons. Elle favorise un melange de types de logements et d'options en matiere de logement sur un lot. Y sont egalement permis, dans certains cas precis, les logements accessoires et les pavillons- j ardins. La zone rurale residentielle mixte (RMX) est destinee aux terrains suues a 1'exterieur du principal secteur de developpement qui sont designes secteur residentiel rural. Cependant, 41.1 10.11(1) Permitted Uses Any land, building or structure may be used for the purposes of, and for no other purpose than, the following: • Agricultural Use, Existing, subject to paragraph 10.10(2); • Bed and Breakfast, subject to section 9.2; • Day Care, Home, subject to paragraph 9.5(a); • Day Care, Neighbourhood, subject to paragraph 9.5(b); • Dwelling, One -Unit; • Dwelling, Two -Unit; • Garden Suite, subject to section 9.8; • Home Occupation, subject to section 9.9; • Mobile or Mini -home; subject to paragraph 10.11(2)(k); • Secondary Suite, subject to section 9.13; • Supportive Housing, subject to section 9.14; • The existing use described in Schedule E; Exceptions, of each lot respectively, identified therein as being located in the RMX zone. 10.11(2) Zone Standards (a) Minimum Lot Area 5,350 square metres (b) Minimum Lot Frontage des terrains situ&s dans d'autres designations qui conviennent pourraient etre zones RMX. 10.11(1) Usages permis Les terrains, batiments et constructions ne peuvent etre affects qu'aux fins suivantes • activit& professionnelle a domicile, sous reserve de Particle 9.9; • foyer-garderie, sous reserve du paragraphe 9.5a); • garderie de quartier, sous reserve du paragraphe 9.5b); • gite touristique, sous reserve de Particle 9.2; • habitation bifamiliale; • habitation unifamiliale; • logement accessoire, sous reserve de Particle 9.13; • logement avec services de soutien, sous reserve de Particle 9.14; • l'usage existant d&crit a 1'Annexe E : Exceptions exerc& sur chaque lot qui est indiqu& dans cette annexe comme &cant situ& dans la zone FN X; • maison mobile ou mini-maison, sous r&serve du paragraphe 10.11(2)k); • pavillon-jardin, sous r&serve de Particle 9.8; • usage agricole existant, sous r&serve du paragraphe 10.10(2). 10.11(2) Normes applicables a la zone a) Superficie de lot minimale 5 350 metres carr&s b) Facade de lot minimale WA 60 metres (c) Minimum Lot Depth 40 metres (d) Minimum Front Yard 7.5 metres (e) Minimum Rear Yard 7.5 metres (f) Minimum Side Yard, the lesser of 15 percent of the lot frontage or 4.5 metres (g) Minimum Flankage Yard 7.5 metres (h) Minimum Ground Floor Area: 1 storey — 90 square metres Split -Level — 70 square metres 1 1/2, 2, or 3 Storeys — 60 square metres Mobile or Mini -Home — 65 square metres (1) Maximum Building Height 1 Imetres (j) Other Requirements In accordance with the General Provisions, Parts 4-9 where this zone shall be considered a Rural Residential (RR) zone. (k) Building Placement A Mobile or Mini -home permitted in subsection 10.11(1) shall be subject to the following: (1) The building shall 60 metres c) Profondeur de lot minimale 40 metres d) Cour avant minimale 7,5 metres e) Cour arri&re minimale 7,5 metres f) Cour lat&rale minimale, la valeur la moins &levee s'appliquant : 15 % de la facade du lot ou 4,5 metres g) Cour de flanc minimale 7,5 metres h) Aire de plancher minimale du premier &tage 1 &tage — 90 metres carr&s Maison a demi-niveaux — 70 metres carr&s 1,5, 2 ou 3 &tages — 60 metres carr& s maison mobile ou mini-maison — 65 metres carr&s i) Hauteur des batiments maximale 11 metres j) Autres exigences Conform&ment aux dispositions g&n&rales &nonc&es aux parties 4 a 9, et la zone en question dolt &tre consid&r&e en tant que zone r&sidentielle male (RR) k) Situation des batiments Les maisons mobiles et les mini- maisons permises par le paragraphe 10.11(1) sont subordonn&es aux conditions K-11 be placed on a lot so that its length is parallel to the street; and (ii) If not placed on a permanent foundation, the building shall have skirting of an opaque material installed around its perimeter between the building and ground. 3. Section 10 is amended by adding the Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone zone to Table 10-1 4. Section 3 Definitions is amended by deleting the definition of a "residential zone" and replacing it with the following: "residential zone" means any zone denoted in this By-law as: Urban Centre Residential (RC), High -Rise Residential (RH), Mid -Rise Residential (RM), Low -Rise Residential(RL), Two -Unit Residential (R2), One -Unit Residential (R1), Suburban Residential (RSS), Mini -Home Park Residential (RP), Rural Settlement Residential (RS), Rural Residential(RR), or Rural Mixed Residential (RMX). - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. suivantes : (1) elles sont plac&es sur le lot de fa�on a cc que leer dimension la plus longue soit parall&le a la rue; (ii) si elles ne sont pas plac&es sur une fondation permanente, un jupon de vide sanitaire d'un mat&nau opaque est install& autour de leer p&rim&tre, entre le bdtiment et le sol. 3. L'article 10 est modifi& par adjonction, au tableau 10-1, de la zone rurale r&sidentielle mixte (RMX). 4. L'article 3 D&finitions est modifi& par suppression de la definition de « zone r&sidentielle » et son remplacement par cc qui suit: zone r&sidentielle » S'entend de toute zone d&sign&e dans le pr&sent arret& comme zone r&sidentielle du centre- ville (RC), zone r&sidentielle — immeuble d'habitation de grande hauteur (RH), zone r&sidentielle — immeuble d'habitation de hauteur moyenne (RM), zone r&sidentielle — immeuble d'habitation bas (RL), zone r&sidentielle bifamiliale (R2), zone r&sidentielle unifamiliale (RI), zone r&sidentielle suburbaine (RSS), zone r&sidentielle — parc de mini-maisons (RP), zone r&sidentielle de peuplement rural (RS), zone r&sidentielle rurale (RR) ou zone rurale r&sidentielle mixte (RMX). - toutes les modifications sont indiqu&es sur la carte ci-jointe qui fait partie du pr&sent arret&. Wel IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2020 and signed by: Mayor/Maire EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 2020, avec les signatures suivantes : Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - Premiere lecture Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture Third Reading - Troisieme lecture 091 July 22, 2020 The City of Saint John His Worship Mayor Don Darling and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Rezoning Nadiana Way On June 22, 2020 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its July 21, 2020 meeting. The staff planner, Kenneth Melanson of Growth & Community Development Services provided a presentation outlining the report and recommendation. Mr. Melanson reminded the Committee of the temporary approval that had been issued for a mobile or mini -home at 30 Nadiana Way in 2019, which had necessitated this rezoning. Staff created the new Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) zone in order to provide more housing options in the rural area. Originally intended for 30 Nadiana Way, the landowner of the remaining subdivision lots also requested to be included in the rezoning. Staff supported rezoning the entire subdivision because prior to the 30 Nadiana Way Temporary Use, none of the lots had developed. As a result, there would be no impact to the character of the street. In addition, the lots are buffered from the adjacent rural sites — despite some of these properties also having a mobile or mini -home on them. Michael and Karen Landry, the property owners of 30 Nadiana Way, appeared before the Committee via web conference and supported the Staff recommendation. They advised the Committee they were aware of the risks of the temporary use approval, and appreciated the efforts Staff had made to create the new zone. No other members of the public were registered to speak. Committee noted that one letter of objection and two letters in support were received. In discussing the motion, Committee noted that their support of this application was to support efforts to provide affordable housing throughout the City. Page 1 of 2 31 The City of Saint John Nadiana Way July 22, 2020 After considering the matter, as recommended by Staff, the Committee adopted the staff recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 7.38 hectares, located at Nadiana Way, also identified as PID Numbers 55223135, 55223143, 55223150, 55223168, 55223093, 55223291, 55223119, 55223176, 55223069 and 55223077, from Rural Residential (RR) to Rural Mixed Residential (RMX). Respectfully submitted, Alex Weaver Crawford Chair Attachment Page 2 of 2 32 The City of Saint John Date: July 17, 2020 To: Planning Advisory Committee From: Growth and Community Planning Growth and Community Development Services Meeting: July 21, 2020 SUBJECT Applicant: City of Saint John Landowner: Karen Rose Landry & Michael Stewart Landry, Milad & Nabih Debly and Nadiana Realty Ltd. Location: Nadiana Way PIDs: 55223135, 55223143, 55223150, 55223168, 55223093, 55223291, 55223119, 55223176, 55223069 and 55223077. Plan Designation: Rural Residential Existing Zoning: Rural Residential (RR) Proposed Zoning: Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Application Type: Zoning By-law Amendment Jurisdiction: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By-law. Common Council will consider the Committee recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, August 10, 2020. Page 1 of 5 33 City of Saint John Nadiana Way July 17, 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This application would rezone a series of lots located along the Nadiana Way cul-de-sac, located in east Saint John. The Planning Advisory Committee (Committee) issued a temporary approval for a mobile or mini -home in 2019 (at 30 Nadiana Way) — a rezoning is necessary to enable this use to remain permanently. The new Rural Mixed Residential Zone is proposed for the entire cul-de-sac in order to facilitate a variety of housing options in the rural area and to enable the mobile or mini -home at 30 Nadiana Way to remain permanently. RECOMMENDATION That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 7.38 hectares, located at Nadiana Way, also identified as PID Numbers 55223135, 55223143, 55223150, 55223168, 55223093, 55223291, 55223119, 55223176, 55223069 and 55223077, from Rural Residential (RR) to Rural Mixed Residential (RMX). DECISION HISTORY The Planning Advisory Committee issued a temporary approval for a mobile or mini -home at 30 Nadiana Way at their meeting of August 2019. ANALYSIS Proposal This application would rezone all of the lots located along the Nadiana Way cul-de-sac to the new Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Zone. The purpose of this rezoning is to allow the mobile or mini -home placed at 30 Nadiana Way to remain permanently, as the current zoning does not enable the placement of new mobile or mini -homes. Through analysis of this situation, Staff determined a new zone was the best means to move forward to enable the mobile and mini - home at 30 Nadiana Way to remain. The adjacent landowner of the Nadiana Way cul-de-sac has expressed a desire to be included in the rezoning in order to enable a greater variety of housing options along this cul-de-sac. Site and Neighbourhood The Nadiana Way cul-de-sac is located in East Saint John in a rural residential neighbourhood, accessed from Eldersley Avenue and that consists of mainly single detached dwellings and mobile or mini -homes. There are also a number of sizable undeveloped, wooded lots located in the general area. Only one lot on the cul-de-sac (30 Nadiana Way) is developed with a dwelling (mobile or mini -home) which has occurred via the temporary approval from Committee. Page 2 of 5 34 City of Saint John Nadiana Way July 17, 2020 Municipal Plan and Rezoning Municipal Plan The Municipal Plan designates the subject parcels Rural Residential, which is designed to accommodate existing residential development and prohibit creation of new unserviced residential lots. The approval of the Nadiana Way cul-de-sac occurred in 2004, prior to the adoption of the current Municipal Plan. The designation also allows development of residential uses, along with home occupations and community facilities. By virtue of these policies, a variety of residential uses should be enabled through the Zoning By-law. However, currently mobile or mini -homes are only allowed if one existed prior to the current Zoning By-law coming into effect. The Municipal Plan also provides a supportive policy framework to support a variety of housing opportunities. Policy HS-24 provides foundational policy to support manufactured homes (defined in the plan to include mobile or mini -homes) in accordance with the National Building Code and the Zoning By-law. The plan also lays out the goal of "providing an appropriate range of housing types, unit sizes, forms and affordability to meet the needs and income levels of current and future residents of the City"'. The proposed new zone, will work to enhance housing options on rural lots, which will help aid in addressing housing affordability in the City. Policy analysis for this application is provided in Attachment 2. The rural areas of Saint John have a diverse character of housing types throughout. In some rural areas, specific communities with a very specific style or type of dwelling have developed (typically single detached dwellings) while in the remainder of the rural area there is a mixture of housing types — single detached, mobile or mini -homes, duplex, etc. The proposed new RMX zone is intended to be used in areas outside of communities developed with specific residential dwelling types and often subject to covenants. The exception to this would be instances where communities have been planned and lots prepared, but no development has occurred and the surrounding character exhibits this diversity of housing forms — this is the case with Nadiana Way. Staff believe it is appropriate to apply the zone to the street, given the mixture of housing forms in the surrounding area and that the lots have not developed — this rezoning would enable more housing options. Given the analysis in Attachment 2 and the surrounding housing character and mixture, Staff believe the Municipal Plan is supportive of the proposed rezoning. Zoning By-law In 2019, Committee granted a temporary approval application for 30 Nadiana Way for a mobile or mini -home as the committee determined the existing rural character around this cul-de-sac (which had existing mobile or mini -homes) and Municipal Plan policy supported that application. In reviewing the temporary use application — Staff felt that the surrounding rural character and mixture of housing types supported mobile or mini -homes in the area and that this application provided an opportunity to look at the issue of mobile or mini -homes in rural residential areas. Section 5.1 of the Municipal Plan. Page 3 of 5 35 City of Saint John Nadiana Way July 17, 2020 Following the temporary use approval, Staff began formulating options and determined a new zone was the best approach. The new Rural Mixed Residential Zone will allow a wider range of residential forms (including mobile or mini -homes), while using the same lot size and setback requirements as the existing Rural Residential zone. Where the zone is applied through a rezoning process, Staff will have the opportunity to consider the surrounding character and mixture of housing to avoid potential conflicts of housing types. The new Rural Mixed Residential Zone enables housing options on an individual lot but is not setup to enable new mobile home parks. This zone is focused on individual lot ownership, with one type of main building per lot. No Section 59 conditions are being recommended with this application, as the Rural Mixed Residential Zone will provide appropriate provisions to facilitate the proposed mobile or mini -home through the permitting process. Conclusion The proposed rezoning and new Rural Mixed Rural Residential Zone is supported by policies contained in the Municipal Development Plan and is appropriate for the rural residential context around the Nadiana Way cul-de-sac. The proposed zoning will provide a greater flexibility of housing options for various income levels in the City. For these reasons, Staff support and recommend the proposed rezoning. ALTERNATIVES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS No alternatives were considered. ENGAGEMENT Public In accordance with the Committee's Rules of Procedure, notification of the proposal was sent to landowners within 100 metres of the subject property on July 9, 2020. The rezoning was posted on the City of Saint John website on July 10, 2020. APPROVALS AND CONTACT Author Senior Planner Kenneth Melanson, BA, RPP, MCIP Mark Reade , P.Eng., MCIP, RPP Contact: Ken Melanson Telephone: (506) 721-8694 Email: Ken.Melanson@saintjohn.ca Application: 20-0106 Page 4 of 5 36 City of Saint John Nadiana Way July 17, 2020 APPENDIX Map 1: Site Location Map 2: Future Land Use Map 3: Zoning Map 4: Aerial Photography Attachment 1: Site Photography Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review Attachment 3: List of Properties Page 5 of 5 37 I M-1 -amov, C: E 0 CD tr) 0 C: N 0 CD 0, cu 0 co (Y) ..... ......... mew I'mow, 97709- C: 0 E 0 CN 0 cu A 0 c 2 a)M s c Ct � a) a) a) c a� o cc) L s� � a`) [� Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review - Nadiana Way Municipal Plan Policv: I Comments: In considering amendments to the Zoning Bylaw or the imposition of terms and conditions, in additional to all other criteria set out in the various policies of the Municipal Plan, have regard for the following: a. The proposal is in conformity with the goals, policies and intent of the Municipal Plan and the requirements of all City Bylaws; b. The proposal is not premature or inappropriate by reason of: i. Financial inability of the City to absorb costs related to development and ensure delivery of services, as determined through Policy 1-7 and 1-8; ii. The adequacy of central wastewater or water services and storm drainage measures; iii. Adequacy or proximity of school, recreation or other community facilities; iv. Adequacy of road networks leading to or adjacent to the development; and V. Potential for negative impacts to designated heritage buildings or areas. c. Appropriate controls are placed on any proposed development where necessary to reduce any conflict with adjacent land uses by reason of: i. Type of use; ii. Height, bulk or appearance and lot coverage of any proposed building; iii. Traffic generation, vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle or transit access to and from the site; iv. Parking; V. Open storage; vi. Signs; and vii. Any other relevant matter of urban planning. The proposed rezoning is supported by policies and the intent of the Municipal Plan to support a variety of housing options throughout the city. The proposed zone will provide an array of housing options similar to the existing Rural Residential Zone while adding the use of Mobile or Mini -home. The proposal is not premature, inappropriate for reasons of costs or servicing. The existing subdivision was approved prior to the current Municipal Plan - road network has been installed and can accommodate vehicles. Any development will require on -site servicing (wells and septic). There are school, community and recreational facilities in close driving distance. There are no designated heritage buildings or areas adjacent to the subject site. No Section 59 conditions are proposed for the subject rezoning as the proposed zone provides appropriate controls for setbacks, building height and placement of any development in the zone. The surrounding character of rural development is a mixture of single dwellings and existing mobile or mini -homes. The addition of a new mobile or mini -home is in keeping with this rural character. The site is suitable in terms of steepness of grade, soil and geological conditions. There is no phasing proposed for the future development as the cul-de-sac is built and lots created - therefore policy 1-5 is not applicable. The proposal should be able to meet all public health and building code requirements. These matters are addressed at the Building Permit stage. Page 1 d. The proposed site is suitable in terms of steepness of grade, soil and geological conditions, locations or watercourses, wetlands and susceptibility of flooding as well as any other relevant environmental considerations; e. The proposal satisfies the terms and conditions of Policy 1-5 related to timeframes and phasing of development; and f. The proposal meets all necessary public health and safety considerations. HS-24 The proposed zone would enable mobile or Permit manufactured housing in all areas of mini -homes (in additional to other building the City, in accordance with Zoning Bylaw forms) on any sites utilizing this zone. All provisions and the National Building Code. applications for new housing must obtain a building permit, which confirms meeting the National Building Code requirements. Page 2 Attachment 3 — Nadiana Way Rezoning Sites Address: PI D: Owner: Area (Sq M): 30 Nadiana Way 55223135 Michael & Karen Landry 6,366 Lot 12-4 55223143 Nadiana Realty Ltd. 6,671 Lot 12-5 55223150 Nadiana Realty Ltd. 5,670 Lot 12-6 55223168 Nadiana Realty Ltd. 5,395 Lot 12-7 55223093 Nadiana Realty Ltd. 7,028 Lot 12-8 55223291 Nadiana Realty Ltd. 19,219 Lot 12-9 55223119 Nabih & Milad Debly 5,661 Lot 12-10 55223176 Nadiana Realty Ltd. 6,006 Lot 12-11 1 55223069 1 Nadiana Realty Ltd. 6,472 Lot 12-12 55223077 Nadiana Realty Ltd. 5,341 Total Area sq. m 73,829 :111 July 12, 2020 Rezoning of. Nadiana Way Subdivision Lots, civic address 11, 21, 31, 51, 61, 40, 50 and 60 Nadiana Way Where Nadiana Realty Ltd, is the owner of the above properties, we would like to give consent to the Planning dept of the City of Saint John to proceed with changing the zoning from RR to a new zoning where homes and minih6mes can be allowed to be located in this same subdivision. Few reasons: I - Nadiana Way is located off Eldersley ave where already there is a mix of homes and minihomes. 2-1 believe the natural setting in this rural heavily wooded area makes the subdivision a good fit for the mix. 3-Today minihomes are built to better building codes and when you add own septic and well (for about $30,000) they can easily fit with homes around. Regards Nadiana Realty Ltd. Milad Debly President 651-2260 cu I r i roc �,, Id v Is -0� f-Lt CX Qd I d YI ot Ck-k7 t0ojj rv-t LO CL A-tllu- �IIICITYJ-Q') P6L--fc: cA-s x,L t(,I(':L T b-kj�.o, C3 t� Lk) , KXA—IS C s+ t-u Lo JUL Cbrls--, ISIP14", bo-fl (A- kGtfZ)(X[-(lLll CIXIC( dC.I(A:)F'Z SLZLQA�fl��j --T�-,, 15 cL, I,, tkoued 44,.yet-6t +kJ cLn klt- dc'n5�Ctoll-l-p-�. 3(� P,.17Al2.fl(L WIN From: onestop To: Melanson. Ken Subject: FW: rezoning Nadiana Way Date: July 21, 2020 12:29:47 PM From: Jason Grass, General Manager <jason@oldtownauto.ca> Sent: July 21, 2020 6:57 AM To: onestop <onestop@saintjohn.ca> Subject: rezoning Nadiana Way I have been a resident of Eldersley Ave for over 20 years. I do not want to see a mini or mobile home park as my neighbor. I am opposed to the new zoning application for Nadiana Way Thankyou Jason Grass General Manager Old Town Auto & Tire 506-657-2101 !E:3 C, � t\ « < co C) ® a)CL » � � � < <. 0 \ \ : \ 0 f u � U E E I o" 0 0 0 0 U / a) • O • 1 • o 2 CU CU ." / • 4 cu n fV m d I OR L d 0 r- d 13 a O ■ m a O ■ CIVIC ADDRESS : PID # : e� (See 'i HERITAGE AREA: Y INTENSIFICATION Y / N FLOOD RISK AREA: Y N APPROVED GRADING PLAN: Y / N y !Y 1 ,f r ^ APPLICATION #: DATE RECEIVED: 02 / r RECEIVED BY: 5( �✓ APPLICANT EMAIL PHy �... ,.. MAI Ll G ADD�SS'E.a,AA CODE y+l 7s f„ � ~L 4 e I r CONTRACTOR EMAIL PHONE ' MAILING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE I Y,,Yfrr Ys Ilr / lh; OWNER EMAIL .. PHONE ' � ,J ;�reir s MAI LING AD'D�E�'S POSTAL CODE PRESENT USE: PROPOSED USE: i�X�1CP+r R't"Ft�,i�T;tiFt '•���' i, INTERIOR RENOVATION NEW CONSTRUCTION STREETEXCAVATION HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT EXTERIOR RENOVATION ACCESSORY BLDG PLANNING LETTER )DRIVEWAY CULVERT HERITAGE SIGN l/frr xy y / „ ADDITION POOL PAC DRAINAGE HERITAGEINFILL xk �" DECK DEMOLITION C916OUNCIL APP WATER &SEWERAGE HERITAGE DEMO CHANGE OFUSE SIGN SUBDIVISION OTHER �JOTHER MINIMUM STANDARDS JOTHER MOTHER .a I f e ✓ I( l rlY ,f I consent to the City of Saint John sending to me commercial electronic messages, from time to time, regarding City initiatives and incentives. Genervd Collection Statement 1 his infinana Iron Lr h ing collet re,I I.I order I— the ( m of 1; rnt John to deh, cr nn eYllllng program smite: The collection Is h niled to chat H hich I, m,cc—iri In delver the program serrice. ('odors regurreelto do w /w hm, the ('I11 of,SaIII/ John I,Ill nrrt share ruur personal Infbrnlarron frith c)e Ilnrd par(1' r++thaut yarn erpres:c consent. The legal owhorlNo Io he found rn the ,Lfurire Ipahnes A,/ and the Right to lnformanon arul Prweclion of Pro a, i ,lu hbr fierlher information or clucomw regardm die eollecnon oJpersonal mlo n allnn, please con/act the Iccess 4 Prlrcrc_I officer: ('Iry Hall Bulldmg Nil? Noor - 15 1 larke0quore SaintJohn, NB F1L tFR < mumoi , hyk pI /arrulohn 1 (506) 658-1,S'6, TM CYMy PY SpM k uv I, the unde(signed, hereby apply for the permit(s) or approval(s), indicated above for the work described on plans, sobinissions and forms herewith submitted. This appi cation includes all relevant documentation necessary for the applied fof permit(s) or approval(s). I agree to comply with the plans, specifications and further agree to comply with all relevant City By-laws and conditions Imposed. Applicant Name Applicant Signature Date 63 ������| ~����m�� �� m�w�m�mwm��������������������� BovelopAnt "Shop GROWTH 8~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY OF SAINT JOHN CIVIC ADDRESS APPLICATION # [FEE ��ID�Y Land for Public Purposes Non -Conforming � Satisfactory Servicing Release — =- Service Fee: $200 Service Fee: $zon Service Fee: $300 Section 3QAmendment Zoning By-law Amendment Zoning By-law Amendment with Service Fee: $2.500 ' Service Fee: $2a Municipal Plan Amendment \ (A, / 41 `Service Fee: $3,500 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION Where applicable, indicate the changes to ex'Istrig Section 39 conditions, zonin%�reMurnicipal Plan designation 66ing reg4ested, Attach site plans, building elevations, floor plans, and other documentation to full d $6 ib6 the ap, ication, The submission of a preliminary proposal and a Pre -Application Meeting is encouraged prior to seeking approval. Please contact the One-St6p, Development Shop at (506) 658-2911 for further information, jp Asofthe date ofthis application, ithe undersigned, amthe registered owner cf the land described inthis application or the � ahohzedaQenLthereotanU|haveexomined1heconientmofuhiaapp|icadonandherebynerhfythattheinnneUonaubmittadwith the application is correct insofar as I have knowledge of these facts, and I hereby authorize the applicant to represent this matter and to provide any additional information that will be necessary for this application, RegTste�6d Owner or Authorized Agent Additional Registered Owner The information contained in this application and any documentation, including plans, drawings, reports, and studies, provided in support of this application will become part of the public record, o1oo/2o r Nadiana Way Rezoning Sites Address: -P I D: Owner: 30 Nadiana Wav 55223135 ... MichaeF& —Karen L—andry- Lo�t 12-4 ... - ---- - 55223143 Nadiana Realtv Ltd. Lot 1-2-5 55223150 Nadiana Realty Ltd —.-- Lot 12-6---- 55223168 Nadiana Realtv Ltd. —..- Lot 12-7 55223093 Nadiana Realty Ltd. Lot 55223291 Nadiana Realtv Ltd. Lot 12-9 55223119 Nabih & Milad Debly Lot 12-10 55223176 NadianaRealty _�td, Lot 12-11 -Cot —12-1-2 55223069 Nadiana Realt Ltd. 55223077 Nadia���. AM c �ZA A o x L 4,-1 I CA-11 r J 3(l) Nbc Julie I 1! 2020 ITLIzoning oh, Nadialla lWav Subdivision Lots, civic: address 11, 21, 1; 1 , :5 1, ()I,, 40, 50 and 66 Nadiami \Vherc, Nalima Realty I,t(L iS IIIC MVIICILL ()t'tl)(,' LAI)OVC f)I-Of)CTlJCs,,, w\C INMAI(I hkc tag gjvc coisent to the Plannhy dept of the City W' s"'lifil John lo 11mccad wilh Cloulging the /orling frolr� RR lo a llc\� zoning Merc 11(pres; rnid minHumnes caul be allowe(I to he loc,"Ited in thiS SaIllC SLI[AWSWIL IACL Milad 101111' Ifeddent 651-2260 MYA JUM.' I I , 2020 Ifemming ()k N'Icfiarm Way MIAMI I AA, Civic address 4 1 Nadiana Way "herc I am the mviler ATIC AMC J)I'OPLTI�,�, I WOUICI like to give amsent w the Planidn, �g dept offl-ic City of Saira John to PIUCLOCI vvith ch,:mging W! MAIN, Hom RR to a new /oning �,vhcrc hornes and rninihomes can be allowed to he located in Lhis s�jjjjc suh(livision. R I rds Mijad Dchly, 65 KOM Im C1'] PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: NADIANA WAY Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its meeting to be held via web conference on Monday, August 10, 2020, at 6:30 p.m., by: (a) Rezoning parcels of land having an area of approximately 73,829 square metres, located at Nadiana Way, also identified as of PID Nos. 55223135, 55223143, 55223150, 55223168, 55223093, 55223291, 55223119, 55223176, 55223069 and 55223077, from Rural Residential (RR) to a new zone that would permit various residential uses, as illustrated below: REASON FOR CHANGE: To allow for a variety of residential uses, including mobile and mini homes. PROJET DE MODIFICATION L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE OBJET: VOIE NADIANA Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'etudier la modification suivante a I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John, par conference Web le lundi Aout 10, 2020 maiA18h30: (a) Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 73 829 metres carres, situee au Voie Nadiana, egalement identifiee comme une partie de NIDs 55223135, 55223143, 55223150, 55223168, 55223093, 55223291, 55223119, 55223176, 55223069 et 55223077, de zone residentielle rurale (RR) a une zone nouvelle pour permettre diverses formes d'utilisation residentielles, comme le montre la carte ci-dessous; RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Pour permettre diverses utilisations residentielles y compris les maisons mobiles ou les mink maisons. Me] For details on how to participate in the Public Hearing, to inspect the amendment, or to register to participate please contact the Office of the Common Clerk at comrraor�clleirlk@saiir�tohr;;. Saint John Council meetings can be viewed online at ,//................::.g:t::::rsrp/ir/iir,trsryu. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall or via email at commonclerk@saintjohn.ca. If you require French services for a Common Council meeting, please contact the office of the Common Clerk. Jonathan Taylor, Common Clerk (506) 658-2862 Pour savoir comment participer a I'audition publique, inspecter la modification ou de vous inscrire pour participer, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau du greffier commun a I'adresse commoncllerlk@saiir�t.ohn Les reunions du Conseil de Saint John peuvent etre consultees en ligne a h-tfip .:',//................ rsg,t� :::prsrp/� Ir/ ii,r�tarsb.m. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit au soussigne a I'hotel de ville ou par courriel a I'adresse cornmonclg.irk. 7saiu�tiolhu�.ca. Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal. Jonathan Taylor, Greffier communal (506) 658-2862 71 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111-OXX A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE NO C.P. 111- ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors d'une reunion du conseil John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: decrete ce qui suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur le zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of of Saint John, decrete le quinze (15) December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: decembre 2014, est modifie par: Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning parcels of land having an area of approximately 73,829 square metres, located at Nadiana Way, also identified as being PID Nos. 55223135, 55223143, 55223150, 55223168, 55223093, 55223291, 55223119, 55223176, 55223069 and 55223077, from Rural Residential (RR) to Rural Mixed Residential (RMX). - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by- law the . day of', A.D. 2020 and signed by: Mayor/Maire La modification de I'annexe «A», Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour parcelles de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 73 829 metres carres, situee au Voie Nadiana, et portant le NIDs 55223135, 55223143, 55223150, 55223168, 55223093, 55223291, 55223119, 55223176, 55223069 and 55223077, de zone residentielle rurale (RR) a zone Rurale Residentielle mixte (RMX). - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur le plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 2020, avec les signatures suivantes Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Premiere lecture Second Reading Deuxieme lecture Third Reading Troisieme lecture 72 July 22, 2020 His Worship Mayor Don Darling and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Rezoning 20 Bundy Lane On June 22, 2020 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its July 21, 2020 meeting. The staff planner, Kenneth Melanson of Growth & Community Development Services provided a presentation outlining the report and recommendation. The City of Saint John The applicant, Stephen Thorne, appeared before Committee by phone, and was in agreement with the staff recommendation. He advised the Committee that he had already been in talks with the Province to re -use an existing well and septic system on the site for a dwelling that demolished some time ago. No other members of the public were registered to speak. After considering the matter, as recommended by Staff, the Committee adopted the staff recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,394 square metres, located at 20 Bundy Lane, also identified as PID Number 55062616, from Rural Residential (RR) to Rural Mixed Residential (RMX). Respectfully submitted, Alex Weaver Crawford Chair Attachment Page 1 of 1 73 The City of Saint 'pohn Date: July 17, 2020 To: Planning Advisory Committee From: Growth and Community Planning Growth and Community Development Services Meeting: July 21, 2020 SUBJECT Applicant: Stephen Thorne Landowner: Stephen Thorne Location: 20 Bundy Lane PID: 55062616 Plan Designation: Rural Residential Existing Zoning: Rural Residential (RR) Proposed Zoning: Rural Mixed Residential (RMX) Application Type: Zoning By-law Amendment Jurisdiction: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By-law. Common Council will consider the Committee recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, August 10, 2020. Pagel of 4 74 Stephen Thorne 20 Bundy Lane July 17, 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is seeking to rezone the subject parcel to facilitate the placement of a mobile or mini -home. Under the current zoning (Rural Residential), a mobile or mini -home is only allowed if it was pre-existing prior to the adoption of the current Zoning By-law. As a result, a rezoning is required to facilitate the requested new mobile or mini -home. Staff propose rezoning to the new Rural Mixed Residential Zone, which enables a variety of housing forms including mobile or mini -homes through as -of -right processes. RECOMMENDATION That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,394 square metres, located at 20 Bundy Lane, also identified as PID Number 55062616, from Rural Residential (RR) to Rural Mixed Residential (RMX). DECISION HISTORY There are no recent planning decisions for 20 Bundy Lane. ANALYSIS Proposal The applicant is seeking to place a mobile or mini -home on the subject lot. The site is currently zoned Rural Residential (RR), which only allows mobile or mini -homes on a lot if one legally existed on the lot prior to the adoption of the current Zoning By-law (Section 10.10(1)). As the lot does not have any mobile/mini home on the site, this rule cannot be satisfied and a rezoning is necessary to facilitate the requested mobile or mini -home. Site and Neighbourhood The site is a non -street facing lot, located off Bundy Lane (a private driveway) in a rural residential community in East Saint John. The site is located off Old Black River Road and has a private access agreement via Bundy Lane to the subject parcel. The surrounding rural residential community is a mixture of single detached dwellings and existing mobile or mini - homes on lots of various sizes. There are also a number of undeveloped lots in various states of vegetation growth. Municipal Plan and Rezoning Municipal Plan The Municipal Plan designates the subject parcels Rural Residential, which is designed to accommodate existing residential development and prohibit creation of new unserviced residential lots. The subject site was created long before the existing Municipal Plan and so can be developed for residential uses. The designation also allows development of residential uses, along with home occupations and community facilities. Page 2 of 4 75 Stephen Thorne 20 Bundy Lane July 17, 2020 The Municipal Plan also provides a supportive policy framework to support a variety of housing opportunities in rural communities. Policy HS-24 provides policy to support manufactured homes (defined in the plan to include mobile or mini -homes) in accordance with the National Building Code and the Zoning By-law. The plan also lays out the goal of "providing an appropriate range of housing types, unit sizes, forms and affordability to meet the needs and income levels of current and future residents of the City"'. A more in depth policy analysis for this application is provided in Attachment 2. The rural areas of Saint John have a diverse character of housing types throughout. In some rural areas, specific communities with a very specific style or type of dwelling have developed (typically single detached dwellings) while in the remainder of the rural area there is a mixture of housing types — single detached, mobile or mini -homes, duplex, etc. The proposed new RMX zone is generally intended for areas outside of specific defined communities where there is a broad mixture of housing types — as is the case with this application. Given the analysis provided in Attachment 2, Staff believe the Municipal Plan is supportive of the proposed rezoning. Zoning By-law As noted earlier, under the current site zoning (Rural Residential (RR)) — Mobile or Mini -homes may be developed if one currently legally exists on the site. This is not the case as the current mobile or mini -home on the site does not have any lawful approvals. As a result, the rules of the Rural Residential (RR) zone does not allow for a mobile or mini -homes to be developed on the property. The new Rural Mixed Residential Zone, which is proposed for this site, will allow a wider range of residential forms (including mobile or mini -homes), while using the same lot size and setback requirements as the existing Rural Residential zone. It is designed to provide landowners with greater flexibility of housing choice, while fitting in with the rural residential character of the surrounding area where there is a mixture of housing forms. The zone is also designed to fit into the existing Municipal Plan designation of Rural Residential. No Section 59 conditions are being recommended with this application, as the Rural Mixed Residential Zone will provide appropriate provisions to facilitate the proposed mobile or mini - home through the permitting process. Conclusion The proposed rezoning is supported by the Municipal Plan and provides a broad range of housing options (including mobile or mini -homes) which are typical for the rural residential areas outside of purpose built rural neighbourhoods which contain mainly single detached dwellings. The proposed rezoning would have the same setback, building height and lot occupancy Section 5.1 of the Municipal Plan. Page 3 of 4 76 Stephen Thorne 20 Bundy Lane July 17, 2020 requirements as the existing Rural Residential (RR) zone, which is in place on neighbour properties. ALTERNATIVES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS No alternatives were considered. ENGAGEMENT Public In accordance with the Committee's Rules of Procedure, notification of the proposal was sent to landowners within 100 metres of the subject property on July 9, 2020. The rezoning was posted on the City of Saint John website on July 10, 2020. APPROVALS AND CONTACT Author Senior Planner Kenneth Melanson, BA, RPP, MCIP Mark Reade , P.Eng., MCIP, RPP Contact: Ken Melanson Telephone: (506) 721-8694 Email: Ken. Melanson@saintjohn.ca Application: 20-0096 APPENDIX Map 1: Site Location Map 2: Future Land Use Map 3: Zoning Map 4: Aerial Photography Attachment 1: Site Photography Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review Submission 1: Site Plan Page 4 of 4 77 41- �p 4QIV12� F9 I w F, � 97709- C: E 0- 0 1.0 C: 0 00 N 0 C'� cu 0 10% 0110 epl- 0 �p 13 v M. Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review - 20 Bundy Lane Municipal Plan Policv: I Comments: In considering amendments to the Zoning Bylaw or the imposition of terms and conditions, in additional to all other criteria set out in the various policies of the Municipal Plan, have regard for the following: 0 10 C. The proposal is in conformity with the goals, policies and intent of the Municipal Plan and the requirements of all City Bylaws; The proposal is not premature or inappropriate by reason of: i. Financial inability of the City to absorb costs related to development and ensure delivery of services, as determined through Policy 1-7 and 1-8; ii. The adequacy of central wastewater or water services and storm drainage measures; iii. Adequacy or proximity of school, recreation or other community facilities; iv. Adequacy of road networks leading to or adjacent to the development; and V. Potential for negative impacts to designated heritage buildings or areas. Appropriate controls are placed on any proposed development where necessary to reduce any conflict with adjacent land uses by reason of: i. Type of use; ii. Height, bulk or appearance and lot coverage of any proposed building; iii. Traffic generation, vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle or transit access to and from the site; iv. Parking; V. Open storage; vi. Signs; and vii. Any other relevant matter of urban planning. The proposed rezoning is supported by policies and the intent of the Municipal Plan to support a variety of housing options throughout the city. The proposed zone will provide an array of housing options similar to the existing Rural Residential Zone while adding the use of Mobile or Mini -home. The proposal is not premature, inappropriate for reasons of costs or servicing. The existing road network can accommodate the proposed development and on -site septic and well will be required. There are school, community and recreational facilities in close driving distance. There are no designated heritage buildings or areas adjacent to the subject site. The surrounding character of rural development is a mixture of single dwellings and existing mobile or mini -homes. The addition of a new mobile or mini -home is in keeping with this rural character. No Section 59 conditions are proposed for the subject rezoning as the proposed zone provides appropriate controls for setbacks, building height and placement of any new mobile or mini -homes in the zone. The site is suitable in terms of steepness of grade, soil and geological conditions. There is no phasing proposed for the future development and so policy 1-5 is not applicable. The proposal should be able to meet all public health and building code requirements. Page 1 E:ic3 d. The proposed site is suitable in terms of steepness of grade, soil and geological conditions, locations or watercourses, wetlands and susceptibility of flooding as well as any other relevant environmental considerations; e. The proposal satisfies the terms and conditions of Policy 1-5 related to timeframes and phasing of development; and f. The proposal meets all necessary public health and safety considerations. HS-24 The proposed zone would enable mobile or Permit manufactured housing in all areas of mini -homes (in additional to other building the City, in accordance with Zoning Bylaw forms) on any sites utilizing this zone. All provisions and the National Building Code. applications for new housing must obtain a building permit, which confirms meeting the National Building Code requirements. Page 2 E:i! II 0 1 ,.,. 1,,,,.. 0 • PR I aj co co N Fm ry) i� OR d L m r- d uG a 92 aj cu I c-I c-I a O ■ CN if 4-j V) O ® rn a O ■ CIVIC ADDRESS : PID#: HERITAGE AREA: Y / N INTENSIFICATION AREA: Y / N FLOOD RISK AREA: Y / N APPROVED GRADING PLAN: Y / N APPLICATION #: I DATE RECEIVED: "' RECEIVED BY: APPLI CANT EMAIL PHONE 0, MAI LING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE Q CONTRACTOR EMAIL PHONE 0 u.. Z MAI LING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE I-- Z U J OWNER EMAIL PHONE O. O. MAI LING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE I PRESENT USE: PROPOSED USE: INTERIOR RENOVATION NEW CONSTRUCTION VARIANCE STREET EXCAVATION HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT EXTERIOR RENOVATION ACCESSORY BLDG PLANNING LETTER DRIVEWAYCULVERT HERITAGESIGN JADDITION POOL PAC APPLICATION DRAINAGE HERITAGEINFILL q- DECK DEMOLITION COUNCILAPP WATER & SEWERAGE HERITAGE DEMO CHANGE OF USE IjSIGN OSUBDIVISION OTHER OTHER MINIMUM STANDARDS OTHER OTHER 1 consent to the City of Saint John sending to me commercial electronic messages, from time to time, regarding City initiatives and incentives. General Collection Statement I, the undersigned, hereby apply for the permit(s) or approvall's), indicated above for the work described on plans, submissions and forms herewith This information is being collected in order for the City of Saint John to deliver an existing submitted. This application includes all relevant documentation necessary for program /service; the collection is limited to that which is necessary to deliver the program / the applied for permit(s) or approvall's). I agree to comply with the plans, service. unless required to do so by law, the City of Saint John will not share your personal specifications and further agree to comply with all relevant City By-laws and information with any third party withoutyour express consent. conditions imposed. The legal authority for collecting this information is to be found in the Municipalities Act and the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For fi+rther information or questions regarding the collection ofpersonal information, please contact the Access & Privacy Officer: City Hall Building 8th Floor -15 Market Square. Saint John, NB E2L JE8 t� commonclerk(a�jainti ohn. ca (506) 658-2862 The Oy 0 Fine ph, Applicant Name Applicant Signature Date Councilill D L r �f EE CITY OF SAINT JC)NN CIVIC ADDRESS I APPLICATION # I FEE PAID I Y I N TYPE OF APPLICATION Land for Public Purposes Non -Conforming Use Satisfactory Servicing Release Service Fee: $200 Service Fee: $200 Service Fee: $300 Section 39 Amendment Zoning By-law Amendment Zoning By-law Amendment with Service Fee: $2,500 Service Fee: $2,500 a Municipal Plan Amendment Service Fee: $3,500 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION Where applicable, indicate the changes to existing Section 39 conditions, zoning, or Municipal Plan designation being requested. Attach site plans, building elevations, floor plans, and other documentation to fully describe the application. The submission of a preliminary proposal and a Pre -Application Meeting is encouraged prior to seeking approval. Please contact the One -Stop Development Shop at (506) 658-2911 for further information. ENCUMBRANCES Describe any easements, restrictive covenants, and other encumbrances affecting the land. AUTHORIZATION As of the date of this application, I, the undersigned, am the registered owner of the land described in this application or the authorized agent thereof, and I have examined the contents of this application and hereby certify that the information submitted with the application is correct insofar as I have knowledge of these facts, and I hereby authorize the applicant to represent this matter and to provide any additional information that will be necessary for this application. Registered Owner or Authorized Agent Date Additional Registered Owner Date The information contained in this application and any documentation, including plans, drawings, reports, and studies, provided in support of this application will become part of the public record. PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 20 BUNDY LANE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its meeting to be held via web conference on Monday, August 10, 2020, at 6:30 p.m., by: (a) Rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,394 square metres, located at 20 Bundy Lane, also identified as of PID No. 55062616, from Rural Residential (RR) to a new zone that would permit a mobile/mini- home as illustrated below; REASON FOR CHANGE: To allow for a mobile or mini -home. For details on how to participate in the Public Hearing, to inspect the amendment, or to register to participate please contact the Office of the Common Clerk at commonclleirlksaiint ohr�,ca. Saint John Council meetings can be viewed online at tfi .//............... rs ;t ,,, om/us r/s ir;t rslIr w . PROJET DE MODIFICATION L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE OBJET: 20, ALLEE BUNDY Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'etudier la modification suivante a I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John, par conference Web le lundi Aout 10, 2020 maiA18h30: (a) Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1 394 metres carres, situee au 20, allee Bundy, egalement identifiee comme une partie de NID 55062616, de zone residentielle rurale (RR) a une zone nouvelle pour permettre ('utilisation d'une maison mobile ou d'une mini-maison, comme le montre la carte ci-dessous; RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Pour permettre ('utilisation d'une maison mobile ou d'une mini-maison. Pour savoir comment participer a I'audition publique, inspecter la modification ou de vous inscrire pour participer, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau du greffier commun a I'adresse commonclleirlk saiir�fioh .c . .................................................... ................. .w�........................ Les reunions du Conseil de Saint John peuvent etre consultees en ligne A http ,,..................................w..Y t ,,,tom/us lr/saiir tarsllr . `[oya Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall or via email at commonclerk@saintjohn.ca. If you require French services for a Common Council meeting, please contact the office of the Common Clerk. Jonathan Taylor, Common Clerk (506) 658-2862 Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit au soussigne a I'hotel de ville ou par courriel a I'adresse cgm!monclg.irk. 7saiu�tiolhu�.ca. Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal. Jonathan Taylor, Greffier communal (506) 658-2862 `DIV BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111-OXX A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: ARRETE NO C.P. 111- ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur le zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of of Saint John, decrete le quinze (15) December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: decembre 2014, est modifie par: Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1,394 square metres, located at 20 Bundy Lane, also identified as being PID No. 55062616, from Rural Residential (RR) to Rural Mixed Residential (RMX). - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by- law the . day of', A.D. 2020 and signed by: Mayor/Maire La modification de I'annexe «A», Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1 394 metres carres, situee au 20, allee Bundy, et portant le NID 55062616, de zone residentielle rurale (RR) a zone Rurale Residentielle mixte (RMX). - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur le plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 2020, avec les signatures suivantes Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Premiere lecture Second Reading Deuxieme lecture Third Reading Troisieme lecture 104