Traffic By-Law Amendment 2020-06-29A BY-LAW TO AMEND A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE TRAFFIC O•N STREETS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, BY-LAW NUMBER MV -10.1, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO ARRtTt MODIFIANT L'ARRftt RELATIFA LA CIRCULATION DANS L RUES DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, . I I ARRETE NUMERO MV -10.1, ET MODIFICATIONS AFFtRENTES Be it enacted by the Common Council of Lors d'une reunion du conseil municipal, The City of Saint John as follows: The City of Saint John a d6crk6 ce qui suit : A By-law of The City of Saint John entitled "A By-law respecting the Traffic On Streets in The City of Saint John, By-law Number V-10.1" and amendments thereto, enacted on the 7"' day of October, A.D. 2019, is hereby amended as follows: Par les pr6sentes, Parr&6 de The City of Saint John intitul6 << Arr&6 relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John, Arr&6 num6ro MV -10.1 )) et modifications aff6rentes, d6cr&6 le 7e jour d'octobre 2019, est modifi6 comme suit: 1. Subsection 2(2) is amended by adding the 1. Le paragraphe 2(2) est modifi6 par following definition: Padjonction de la d6finition suivante : "City Manager" means the City Manager of the City and includes his designate and successor (directeur gen&al);" << directeur g6n6ral >> d6signe le directeur g6n6ral de la municipalit6 et inclut son repr&sentant et successeur (City Manager) )> 2. The following subsection is added 2. Le paragraphe suivant est ajout6 immediately after subsection 16(7): imm6diatement apr&s le paragraphe 16(7) : "16(8) Pedestrian traffic only, including associated commercial and entertainment activity, is permitted upon a street or a portion thereof and on the dates and during the times stipulated by the City Manager, and the Chief of Police is accordingly authorized to re-route motor vehicle traffic, upon condition that the City Manager has first confirmed in writing and filed with the Chief of Police, his assessment that: (a) such restriction will be conducive to the economic, social or cultural well-being of the community; (b) adequate provision has been made to assure access and egress for: i) authorized emergency vehicles; << 16(8) Seule la circulation pi6tonni&e, y compris les activit6s commerciales et les activit6s de divertissement qui y cont associ6es, est permise sur une rue ou sur un tron�on de rue, aux dates et heures stipul6es par le directeur g6n6ral, et le chef de police est ainsi autoris6 A d6tourner la circulation automobile, sous reserve que le directeur g6n6ral ait d'abord confinn6 par 6crit et d6pos6 aupr&s du chef de police, son Evaluation : a) qu'une telle restriction sera favorable au bien-6tre 6conomique, social et culturel de la communaut6; b) que des dispositions ad6quates ont k6 prises pour garantir Pacc6s et la sortie i) des v6hicules d'urgence autoris6s; 11) commercial operations fronting on the ii) aux exploitations commerciales street or portion thereof in question; and iii) tenants residing in buildings frontil on the street or portion thereof question, (c) arrangements have been made for: i) notification of the community generally and the residents or businesses located on the street or portion thereof in question; ii) personnel to erect, operate and remo barriers or barricades; and i I iii) the collection, separation and remov,s of recyclables and solid waste." I IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 29th day of June, A.D., 2020 signed dormant sur la rue ou le tronqon & rue en question; des locataires qui r6sident dans d; bdtiments dormant sur la rue ou trongon de rue en question; i) pour dormer avis A la communaut6 et aux residents et coerces situ6s sur la rue ou le tronron de rue en question; pour permettre aux employ6s d'6riger, de manipuler et de retirer les barri&res ou les barrages; et pour permettre A la collecte, le tri et Penl6vement des mati&res recyclables et des ordures. >> EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fal) apposer son sceau municipal sur le pr6sent arr6t,4 le 29 juin 2020, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor / in ire -Common Clerk / greffier communal First Reading - June 22, 2020 Premi6re lecture Second Reading - June 22, 2020 Deuxi6me lecture Third Reading - June 29, 2020 Troisi6me lecture