Municipal Plan ByLaw Amendment, University Ave, 55BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 106-13 A LAW TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL PLAN BY-LAW Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Municipal Plan By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the 30th day of January, A.D. 2012 is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule A — City Structure, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 1.5 hectares, located at 55 University Avenue, also identified as being PID No. 55221717, from Suburban Neighbourhood to Local Centre classification; 2 Amending Schedule B — Future Land Use, by redesignating the same parcel of land from Low. to Medium Density Residential to Local Centre classification - all as shown on the plans attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 13th day of June, A.D. 2016 and signed by: ARRETE N° C.P. 106-13 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE RELATIF AU PLAN MUNICIPAL Lors dune reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a edictd ce qui suit : L'arret6 concernant le plan municipal de The City of Saint John d6cr&6 le 30 janvier 2012 est modifi6 par: 1 la modification de 1'annexe A — Structure de la municipalit6, afin de faire passer la d6signation d'une parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 1,5 hectares, situ6e au 55, avenue University, et portant le NID 55221717, de quartier suburbain a centre local; 2 la modification de l'annexe B — Utilisation fixture des sols, afin de faire passer la designation de la parcelle de terrain pr6cit6e de secteur residentiel a densite faible ou moyenne a centre local; - toutes les modifications sont indiqu6es sur les plans ci joints et font partie du pr6sent arr6t6. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le pr6sent arret6 le 13 juin 2016, avec les signatures suivantes : First Reading - May 30, 2016 Premiere lecture - le 30 mai 2016 Second Reading - May 30, 2016 Deuxieme lecture - le 30 mai 2016 Third Reading - June 13, 2016 Troisieme lecture - le 13 juin 2016 APPROUVI FA qpoNadw do Vardek 64 Ndwkme ad LaW Goamment of Gowmweem kwan GROWTH & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SERVICE DE LA CROISSANCE ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PLAN WAMENAGEMENT MUNICIPAL Amending Schedule A Modifiant annexe A Suburban Neighbourhood Quartier suburbain IN Applicant: Piazacorp Property Holdings Inc. Location: 55 University Avenue I ()! I (): 55221717 MR 11 -. I- Local Centre Centre local Drawn ! r' r: Maxime Lapierre Date Drawn/Carte Cr66e: June 3 juin, 2016 GROWTH & COMMUNITY •' SERVICE DE LA ,NCE ET DU .. DEVELOPMENTMUNiCiPAL PLAN I 1 D'AMENAGEMENT MUNICIPAL Modifiant annexe • • li t: Plazacorp Property Holdings Inc. Location: 55 University Avenue l Drawn 1 r' " r: Maxime Lapierre Date Drawn/Carter" " : June 3 juin, 2016