2019-08-19_Minutes--Procès-verbalCOMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 MINUTES — REGULAR MEETING COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI NT JOHN AUGUST 19, 2019 AT 6:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER Present: Mayor Don Darling Deputy Mayor Shirley McAlary Councillor -at -Large Gary Sullivan Councillor Ward 1 Blake Armstrong Councillor Ward 1 Greg Norton Councillor Ward 2 Sean Casey Councillor Ward 2 John MacKenzie Councillor Ward 3 Donna Reardon Councillor Ward 3 David Hickey Councillor Ward 4 David Merrithew Councillor Ward 4 Ray Strowbridge Also Present: City Manager J. Collin Deputy City Manager N. Jacobsen Solicitor O. Lineros Fire Chief K. Clifford Police Chief B. Connell Deputy Commissioner Growth and Community Development P. Ouellette Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer K. Fudge Commissioner of Transportation and Environment M. Hugenholtz Deputy Commissioner of Saint John Water K. Mason Common Clerk J. Taylor Administrative Assistant K. Tibbits COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Minutes of July 29, 2019 Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor MacKenzie: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council held on July 29, 2019, be approved. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Approval of Agenda Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting be approved with the addition of Item 17.1 West Branch Library. LTA IQ1100►[4L1:k]k]11191 Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Merrithew: RESOLVED that Item 12.7 Sustaining Saint John: A Three -Part Plan (Tabled from July 11, 2019) be moved forward on the agenda. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest Mayor Darling declared a conflict of interest with Item 15.1 D. James Letter re: Council Code of Conduct. S. Consent Agenda 5.1 That the Hon. Jeff Carr Letter re Federal Gas Tax Fund (GTF) — 2019 Allocation be received for information. 5.2 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 205: Financial and Compliance Audit Report for the Funding Agreement with the Province, Common Council approve the Independent Practitioner's Reasonable Assurance Report on Compliance and supplementary reports provided to the City of Saint John by the auditors in relation to Provincial Funding Agreement dated March 15, 2018. 2 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 5.3 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 177: Tender No. 2019-084101T. Dredging Lancaster Lagoon, Tender No. 2019-084101T for the establishment of a two year supply agreement for the dredging of the Lancaster Lagoon be awarded to the low tenderer, Entec Waste Management Inc. 5.4 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 197: Contract 2019-20 Crack Sealing 2019, the contract be awarded to the low Tenderer, Road Savers Maritime Limited, at the tendered price of $122,475.00 (including HST) as calculated based upon estimated quantities; and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. 5.5 That the submitted report M&C 2019-198: Public Information Session: Cedarpoint Anchorage Neighbourhood — Plan for Traffic Calming and Asphalt Resurfacing, be received for information. 5.6 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 199: Supply Agreement for Road Salt, Common Council award the supply contract for road salt to Nutrien for a two year period; and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the required documents. 5.7 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 201: Contract 2019-18: MRG Sanitary Sewer System — X Station Culvert Renewal, the contract be awarded to the low Tenderer, Galbraith Construction Ltd., at the tendered price of $307,510.00 (including HST) as calculated based upon estimated quantities; and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. 5.8 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 202: Road Salt Delivery, Common Council award the tender for road salt delivery to Kingsco Transport Ltd. for a two year period; and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign the required documents. 5.9 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 196: Initiate Closure of Portion of Mitchell Street, Common Council adopt the following: 1. That the Public Hearing to consider the passing of a By-law to Close a 1,689.2 square metre portion of a public street known as Mitchell Street, as shown on a Plan of Survey (as submitted), be set for Monday, September 9, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber; 2. That Common Council authorize the publishing of a notice of its intention to consider passing of such By-law identified above; and 3. In the event that Common Council gives First and Second Reading to Amending a By- law as stated above, that Council withhold Third Reading pending a further report from City staff regarding the details of the possible sale of the area described in the aforesaid notice. 3 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 5.10 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 212: Request for Proposal No. 2019-463002P — Packaged Pump Station, the proposal submitted by Fairville Construction Ltd. for the purchase of the new Packaged Pump Station at a cost of $466,000.00 plus HST be accepted; and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. 5.11 That the submitted report M&C 2019-207: Follow Up to Saint John Citizen's Letter re: GrowSJ, be received for information. 5.12 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 208: Green Energy Municipal Plan and Zoning By -Law Amendments — Referral to Planning Advisory Committee: 1. Common Council refer the proposed Municipal Plan By -Law Amendments set out in Schedule "A" to M&C No. 2019-208 dated 14th day of August 2019 to the Planning Advisory Committee for consideration at its meeting scheduled for September 17, 2019; a n d 2. Common Council direct staff to give the required notice of Council's intention to consider the aforesaid Municipal Plan By -Law Amendments at a public hearing to be held at the Council Meeting scheduled for the 7th day of October, 2019. 5.13 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 203: 2020 and 2021 General Fund Capital Budget, Common Council approve the 2020 and 2021 General Fund Capital Budget in the amount of $50,621,551 (gross) with contributions from other sources of $29,131,401, yielding a net Capital budget in the amount of $21,490,150, to be funded by debt issue (net) as set in Exhibit 1. 5.14 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019- 204: 2020 and 2021 Water and Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Budget, Common Council approve the 2020 and 2021 Water and Sewerage Fund Capital Budget in the amount of $26,215,000 (gross) with contributions from other sources of $15,931,550, yielding a net Capital budget in the amount of $10,283,450, to be funded by pay as you go (net) as set in Exhibit 1. Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that the recommendation set out in each consent agenda item respectively be adopted. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12.7 Sustaining Saint John: A Three -Part Plan (Tabled from July 11, 2019) 4 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Sullivan: RESOLVED that Item 12.7 Sustaining Saint John: A Three -Part Plan, be lifted from the table. IL [0000114L1:k]k]11191 Moved by Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Strowbridge: RESOLVED that: 1) Common Council endorse the report while continuing to voice its reservations over: • Failure to solve the financial gap for the years of 2021 and 2022 • Lengthy timelines and uncertainty for the significant reforms • Lack of detailed implementation plans for the significant reforms 2) Common Council formally re -consider in March 2020, in Open Session, their endorsement of this Plan based on the progress made. This date would be concurrent with the Provincial commitment to re -assess in Part Three of the Plan, and also be concurrent with the City's commitment to have all implementation plans for financial restructuring approved. 3) City Staff, working through Finance Committee, continue with their efforts/plans to address the entirety of the deficit for 2021 and 2022; respecting the motion passed by Common Council on this issue. 4) Common Council request to the Province that detailed implementation plans be produced for each of the 20 Action Items. 5) That the working committee established to produce this Plan remain extant and assist in the coordination and implementation of the entire Plan. 6) City staff provide a report to Council every two months as a minimum (and more often if deemed necessary) on the progress on the 20 Action Items, and on Parts Two and Three of the Plan, through the creation of a Sustaining Saint John Report Card. Furthermore, that this report card be provided to Saint John Common Council, Members of the Legislative Assembly from the Greater Saint John Region, the Premier's Office, and all four political parties currently represented in the Provincial Legislature in order to ensure broad situational awareness. 7) Common Council create an ad-hoc three-member Committee of Council to be named at a later date, to continue the communication with appropriate Provincial elected officials regarding potential future amendments to the Plan. 5 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 Mr. Collin noted that an amended version of the Plan was received just prior to the meeting, along with a supporting letter from the Premier. The key proposed changes to the Plan are as follows: • More definitive wording and commitment to changing binding arbitration for police and fire fighters. • More definitive wording and commitment to enabling Saint John Energy's growth agenda. • The final report for the Regional Management Task Force was not advanced, but there is now a requirement for an interim report and also recognition of a requirement for outside expertise and advice to the task force. • The Province has stated that they intend to advance the reassessment of outcomes (Part Three of the Plan), from the May period to the March period of 2020. The plan still does not address the financial gap of 2021 and 2022. There is tremendous potential in the longer term initiatives. There is some, although limited, short-term financial relief. With an endorsed report there is a commitment from the Province to make certain changes to legislation and processes. It includes financial relief of approximately $1M and potentially more depending on the success of initiatives. Councillor MacKenzie expressed concern with the recommendation, adding that by endorsing the report, he is endorsing $12M in cuts to the City of Saint John, which is likely to occur regardless. Councillor MacKenzie indicated that there was not adequate time given to review the amended Plan due to the late timing of receipt of the material. Deputy Mayor McAlary expressed concern that the amended Plan is not concrete nor does it address the financial challenges of 2021 and 2022. The Deputy noted that she cannot support the creation of an Ad-hoc committee, noting that the MLAs should work with all of Council, not just a select few. Councillor Armstrong stated that there is nothing concrete in the Plan. A signed agreement is not necessary in order to continue conversation with the Province. MOTION CARRIED with Deputy Mayor McAlary and Councillors Armstrong and MacKenzie voting nay. (Councillors Sullivan and Norton withdrew from the meeting) 6. Members Comments Council members commented on various community events. 7. Proclamations 6 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 7.1 Exhibition Days 2019 The Mayor declared August 27th to 31s' 2019 as Exhibition Days in the City of Saint John. 8. Delegations/Presentations 9. Public Hearings 6:30 PM 10. Consideration of By-laws (Councillor Casey withdrew from the meeting) 10.1 Zoning ByLaw Amendment — 81 Bayside Drive (3rd Reading) Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon: RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-80 A Law to Amend the Zoning ByLaw of The City of Saint John", amending Schedule A, the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re -zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 930 square metres, located at 81 Bayside Drive, also identified as PID No. 00317636 from Neighbourhood Community Facility (CFN) to General Commercial (CG), be read. MOTION CARRIED. The by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-80 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John", was read in its entirety. Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon: RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-80 A Law to Amend the Zoning ByLaw of The City of Saint John", amending Schedule A, the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re -zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 930 square metres, located at 81 Bayside Drive, also identified as PID No. 00317636 from Neighbourhood Community Facility (CFN) to General Commercial (CG), be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. IL 10000►[4L1:k]k]11191 Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-80 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." 10.2 Zoning ByLaw Amendment with Section 59 Conditions — 149 Broad Street (3rd Readingl Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon: 7 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-79, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re -zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1483 square metres, located at 149 Broad Street, also identified as PID No. 00000604, from Neighbourhood Community Facility (CFN) to Urban Centre Residential (RC), be read. MOTION CARRIED. The by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-79 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John", was read in its entirety. Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon: RESOLVED that, pursuant to Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, the development and use of the parcel of land with an area of approximately 1,483 square metres, located at 149 Broad Street also identified as PID Number 00000604, be subject to the following condition: That any development of the site be in accordance with a detailed site plan to be prepare by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, indicating: the location of all buildings and structures, vehicular parking areas & driveways, bicycle parking, loading areas, signage, exterior lighting, outdoor storage areas, landscape and amenity areas, and other site features. The site plan is to be attached to the application for the building permit for the proposed development. MOTION CARRIED. Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon: RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-79, A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re -zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1483 square metres, located at 149 Broad Street, also identified as PID No. 00000604, from Neighbourhood Community Facility (CFN) to Urban Centre Residential (RC), be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. LTA [0000114L1:k]k]11191 Read a third time by title, the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-79 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." (Councillor Casey re-entered the meeting) 10.3 Public Presentation — Municipal Plan Amendment re 348 Acamac Backland Road COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 Deputy Commissioner P. Ouellette gave a public presentation for a proposed amendment to the Municipal Development Plan which would redesignate on Schedule A of the Municipal Development Plan, parcels of land with an area of approximately 6.0 hectares located at 348 Acamac Backland Road, also identified as portions of PID No. 00289595 from Park and Natural Area to Rural Resource Area; and redesignate, on Schedule B of the Plan, the same parcels of land, from Park and Natural Area to Rural Resource to permit the development of a pit and quarry for aggregate and clay extraction on a portion of the property. 11. Submissions by Council Members 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 Continuous Improvement Initiatives Update (Verbal) Ms. Rackley -Roach stated that as part of on-going efforts to continuously improve service to customers and support growth in Saint John, new technology has recently been made available to the public. The applications allow for easier access to information and promotes some of the City's cultural assets by combining mapping and mobile device technology. Y. Leger, GIS Manager reviewed a presentation entitled "Performance, Open Data and Apps". Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon: RESOLVED that the presentation entitled "Performance, Open Data and Apps", be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. 12.2 Sustainability Update (Verbal) Mr. Collin stated that Council will be provided with broad aspects of the Sustainability Plan to address the entirety of the deficit for 2021 and 2022 prior to the end of September. Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon: RESOLVED that the City Manager's verbal Sustainability Update be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. (Councillor Strowbridge withdrew from the meeting) 9 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 12.3 Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Building at 361-363 Lancaster Street (PID 00367904) The Mayor read the cautionary statement as follows: "The information which has been provided in the Council Kit includes the report of the Building Inspector stating that the building located at 361-363 Lancaster Street (PID 00367904) is a hazard to the safety of the public by virtue of its being, amongst other things, dilapidated or structurally unsound. Is there present an owner, including anyone holding any encumbrance upon this property, who wishes to present evidence to the contrary, i.e. that the building is structurally sound and not dilapidated?" No one came forward to present evidence. Moved by Councillor MacKenzie, seconded by Deputy Mayor McAlary: RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M&C 2019-211: Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Building at 361-363 Lancaster Street (PID 00367904), Common Council approve the following: RESOLVED that the building located at 361-363 Lancaster Street, PID# 00367904, is to be demolished as it has become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the building is to be demolished as it has become a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of unsoundness of structural strength; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that one or more by-law enforcement officers appointed and designated under the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By-law are hereby authorized to arrange for the demolition, in accordance with the applicable City purchasing policies. LTA [0000114L1:k]k]11191 (Councillor Strowbridge re-entered the meeting) 12.4 Saint John Economic Development Alignment Exercise Deputy Commissioner P. Ouellette reviewed the submitted presentation "Saint John Economic Development Alignment Exercise." An Advisory Council was developed in March 2019 to support the review of economic development with the objective of providing a recommendation to Council in the third quarter of 2019. Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon: 10 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 RESOLVED that the presentation entitled, "Saint John Economic Development Alignment Exercise", be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. 12.5 Arena Booking Annual Comparison Commissioner Hugenholtz noted that significant changes were made earlier in the year with respect to the operation of City arenas including the implementation of recreational cards and non-resident user fees. Concerns were expressed from the hockey community that rentals would drop considerably as a result, leading to lower participation from the community and potentially lower revenue to the City. To date, based on the ice time applications received, similar levels of rentals have been received. Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Merrithew: RESOLVED that the submitted report entitled M&C 2019-210: Arena Booking Annual Comparison, be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. 12.6 Accelerating Implementation of Renewable Energy projects in Saint John Commissioner Fudge noted that Council earlier approved the "Climate Change Action Plan" which identified a number of measures and strategies to achieve the community green house gas emissions target by 2025. One of these measures is the development and implementation of renewable energy sources in the community. The City has partnered with Quest and is one of five municipalities involved in a two-year project with a purpose of identifying renewable energy opportunities. The project is being funded by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Mr. Eddie Oldfield, Quest, reviewed the submitted presentation entitled, "Mapping Possibilities for Renewable Energy Development in the City of Saint John." Moved by Deputy Mayor McAlary, seconded by Councillor Reardon: RESOLVED that the submitted report entitled M&C 2019-209: Accelerating Implementation of Renewable Energy Projects in Saint John, be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 (Mayor Darling withdrew from the meeting; Deputy Mayor McAlary assumed the Chair) 15.1 D. James Letter re Council Code of Conduct — Mavor Darli Moved by Councillor Reardon, seconded by Councillor Armstrong: RESOLVED that the D. James Letter regarding Council Code of Conduct (Mayor Darling) be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. 15.2 D. James Letter re Council Code of Conduct — Councillor Merrithew Moved by Councillor Reardon, seconded by Councillor Hickey: RESOLVED that the D. James Letter regarding Council Code of Conduct (Councillor Merrithew) be received for information. MOTION CARRIED. 16. Supplemental Agenda 17. Committee of the Whole 17.1 West Side Library Moved by Councillor Armstrong, seconded by Councillor Merrithew: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on August 19, 2019, Common Council recommend to The Commissioners of the Free Public Library of the City of Saint John to execute the Lease Extension and Amending Relocation Agreement with SBLP Lancaster Mall Inc. as submitted with a change in term to 10 yea rs. MOTION CARRIED. 18. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Reardon, seconded by Councillor Armstrong: RESOLVED that the meeting of Common Council held on August 19, 2019, be adjourned. LTA IQI[Q0KGY1:k]k]1if91 12 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Mayor/ maire Common Clerk/greffier communal 13 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 PROCES-VERBAL — REUNION ORDINAIRE CONSEIL COMMUNAL DE LA VILLE DE SAINTJOHN 19 AOUT 2019 A 18 h DANS LA SALLE DU CONSEIL Presents : Don Darling, maire Shirley McAlary, mairesse suppleante Gary Sullivan, conseiller general Blake Armstraong et Greg Norton, conseillers du quartier no 1 Sean Casey et John MacKenzie, conseillers du quartier no 2 Donna Reardon et David Hickey, conseillers du quartier no 3 David Merrithew et Ray Strowbridge, conseillers du quartier n°4 Egalement presents : J. Collin, directeur municipal N. Jacobsen, directeur municipal adjoint O. Lineros, avocat K. Clifford, chef des pompiers B. Connell, chef de police P. Ouellette, commissaire adjoint, Croissance et developpement communautaire K. Fudge, commissaire aux finances et tresorier M. Hugenholtz, commissaire aux transports et a 1'environnement Walter K. Mason, commissaire adjoint de Saint John J. Taylor, greffier K. Tibbits, adjointe administrative 14 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 1. Ouverture de la seance 2. Approbation du proces-verbal 2.1 Proces-verbal de la reunion du 29 juillet 2019 A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par le conseiller MacKenzie : IL EST RESOLU QUE le proces-verbal de la reunion du conseil communal tenue le 29 juillet 2019 soit approuve. MOTION ADOPTEE. 3. Approbation de I'ordre du jour A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan : IL EST RESOLU QUE 1'ordre du jour de la presente reunion soit approuve avec l'ajout du point 17.1, Bibliotheque publique de Saint John, succursale ouest. MOTION ADOPTEE. A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par le conseiller Merrithew: IL EST RESOLU QUE le point 12.7, Soutenir Saint John : Un plan en trois parties (depose le 11 juillet 2019) soit avance. MOTION ADOPTEE. 4. Divulgation de conflits d'interets Le maire declare un conflit d'interets en ce qui concerne le point 15.1, Lettre de D. James au sujet du Code de conduite du Conseil, adressee au maire. S. Resolutions en bloc 5.1 Que la lettre de I'honorable Jeff Carr concernant I'affectation du Fonds de la taxe sur 1'essence (FTE) federal pour 2019 soit deposee a titre d'information. 5.2 Que, tel que recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 205: Financial and Compliance Audit Report for the Funding Agreement with the Province, le conseil communal approuve le rapport d'assurance raisonnable sur la conformite du praticien independant et les rapports supplementaires fournis a la ville de Saint John par les verificateurs relativement a I'accord de financement provincial date du 15 mars 2018. 15 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 5.3 Que, tel que recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 177 : Tender No. 2019-084101T: Dredging Lancaster Lagoon, le contrat de deux ans resultant de I'appel d'offres n'2019 -084101T en vue du dragage du bassin hydrographique Lancaster soit adjuge au plus bas soumissionnaire, c'est-a-dire Entec Waste Management Inc. 5.4 Que, tel que recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 197: Contract 2019-20 Crack Sealing 2019, le contrat soit adjuge au plus bas soumissionnaire, c'est-a-dire Road Savers Maritime Limited, au prix offert de 122 475 $ (TVH incluse), calcule en fonction des quantites estimees, et que le maire et le greffier soient autorises a signer les documents contractuels necessaires. 5.5 Que le rapport M&C2019-198: Public Information Session : Cedarpoint Anchorage Neighbourhood – Plan for Traffic Calming and Asphalt Surfacing soit depose a titre d'information. 5.7 Que, tel que recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 199: Supply Agreement for Road Salt, le conseil communal octroie le contrat d'approvisionnement en sel de voirie a Nutrien pour une periode de deux ans, et que le maire et le greffier soient autorises a signer les documents requis. 5.7 Que, tel que recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 201 : Contract 2019-18 : MRG Sanitary Sewer System — X Station Culvert Renewal, le contrat soit adjuge au plus bas soumissionnaire, c'est-a-dire Galbraith Construction Ltd., au prix offert de 307 510 $ (TVH incluse), calcule en fonction des quantites estimees, et que le maire et le greffier soient autorises a signer les documents contractuels necessaires. 5.8 Que, tel que recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 202 : Road Salt Delivery, le conseil communal octroie un contrat pour la livraison de sel de voirie a Kingsco Transport Ltd. pour une periode de deux ans, et que le maire et le greffier soient autorises a signer les documents requis. 5.9 Que, tel que recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 196: Initiate Closure of Portion of Mitchell Street, le conseil communal adopte les resolutions suivantes : 4. Que I'audience publique portant sur I'adoption d'un reglement sur la fermeture d'une portion de 1 689,2 metres carres d'une artere publique connue sous le nom de rue Mitchell, tel qu'indique dans un plan d'arpentage (tel que presente), soit fixee au lundi 9 septembre 2019, a 18 h 30, dans la salle du conseil; 5. Que le conseil communal autorise la publication d'un avis indiquant son intention d'envisager I'adoption du reglement susmentionne; 16 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 6. Que, dans Mventualite ou le conseil communal procederait en premiere et en deuxieme lecture a la modification d'un reglement tel qu'indique ci-dessus, le conseil reporte la troisieme lecture en attendant un autre rapport du personnel de la Ville concernant les details de la vente possible de la portion decrite dans l'avis susmentionne. 5.10 Que, tel clue recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 212 : Request for Proposal No. 2019-463002P — Packaged Pump Station, la proposition soumise par Fairville Construction Ltd. en vue de I'achat de la nouvelle station de pompage au co6t de 466 000 $ (plus TVH) soit acceptee, et clue Ie maire et Ie greffier soient autorises a signer les documents contractuels necessaires. 5.11 Que le rapport M&C 2019-207: Follow Up to Saint Joh n Citizen's Letter re: GrowSJ, soit depose a titre d'information. 5.12 Que, tel clue recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 208: Green Energy Municipal Plan and Zoning By -Law Amendments — Referral to Planning Advisory Committee: 3. le conseil communal soumette le projet de modification du reglement municipal figurant a I'annexe A du rapport M&C2019-208 date du 14 ao6t 2019, au Comite consultatif d'urbanisme en vue d'un examen au cours de sa reunion du 17 septembre 2019; 4. le conseil communal ordonne au personnel de Bonner l'avis prevu concernant l'intention du conseil d'examiner les modifications au reglement municipal susmentionne lors d'une audience publique qui aura lieu dans le cadre de la reunion du conseil prevue pour le 7 octobre 2019. 5.15 Que, tel clue recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 203 : 2020 and 2021 General Fund Capital Budget, le conseil communal approuve le budget d'investissement du Fonds general pour 2020 et 2021, soit un montant de 50 621 551 $ (brut) et des contributions de 29 131401$ d'autres provenances, pour un budget d'investissement net de 21490150$, qui sera finance par Mmission de titres de creance (montant net), comme l'indique le tableau 1. 5.16 Que, tel clue recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C2019- 204: 2020 and 2021 Water and Sewage Utility Fund Capital Budget, le conseil communal approuve le budget d'investissement du Fonds de gestion de 1'eau et des egouts pour 2020 et 2021, soit un montant de 26 215 000 $ (brut) et des contributions de 15 931 550 $ d'autres provenances, pour un budget d'investissement net de 10 283 450 $ a financer au fur et a mesure (montant net), comme l'indique la piece 1. A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan : 17 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 IL EST RESOLU que les recommandations enoncees dans chacune des resolutions en bloc soient adoptees. MOTION ADOPTEE A L'UNANIMITE. 12.7 SoutenirSaintJohn : un plan en trois parties (depose le 11 juillet 2019) A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par le conseiller Sullivan : IL EST RESOLU QUE le point 12.7 soit retire de l'ordre du jour. MOTION ADOPTEE. A la suite de la proposition du conseiller Sullivan, appuyee par le conseiller Strowbridge IL EST RESOLU QUE : 8) Le conseil communal approuve le rapport tout en continuant d'exprimer ses reserves en ce qui concerne : • I'absence de mesure pour combler 1'ecart financier pour 2021 et 2022 • la Ienteur du processus et l'incertitude quant aux reformes majeures • I'absence de plans de mise en oeuvre detailles relativement aux reformes majeures 9) Le conseil communal reexamine officiellement son approbation de ce plan en mars 2020, en seance publique, en fonction des progres realises. Cette date coinciderait avec 1'engagement du gouvernement provincial en ce qui concerne la reevaluation de la situation dans la troisieme partie du plan, et avec 1'engagement de la Ville pour ce qui est de faire approuver tous les plans de mise en oeuvre de la restructuration financiere. 10) Le personnel de la Ville, par 1'entremise du Comite des finances, poursuive ses efforts et ses plans pour combler entierement 1'ecart financier pour 2021 et 2022, en respectant la motion adoptee par le conseil communal relativement a cette question. 11) Le conseil communal demande a la province de produire des plans de mise en oeuvre detailles pour chacun des 20 points a regler. 12) Le comite de travail mis sur pied en vue de la production de ce plan demeure en place et participe a la coordination et a la mise en oeuvre de 1'ensemble du plan. 13) Le personnel de la Ville presente un rapport au Conseil au moins une fois tous les deux mois (et plus souvent s'il le juge necessaire) sur 1'etat d'avancement des 20 points a regler et sur la deuxieme et la troisieme partie du Plan, grace a la 18 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 creation d'une fiche de rendement pour soutenir Saint John, que cette fiche de rendement soit remise au conseil communal de Saint John, aux deputes de I'Assemblee legislative de la region du Grand Saint John, au Cabinet du premier ministre et aux quatre partis politiques actuellement representes a I'Assemblee legislative provinciale pour faire en sorte qu'un grand nombre d'intervenants soient au courant de la situation. 14) Le conseil communal mette sur pied un comite special forme de trois membres du conseil devant etre choisis a une date ulterieure, afin de poursuivre les echanges avec les elus provinciaux pertinents au sujet d'eventuelles modifications au Plan. M. Collin signale qu'on a re�u une version modifiee du Plan juste avant la reunion, et qu'elle etait accompagnee d'une lettre d'appui du premier ministre. Les principales modifications proposees au Plan sont les suivantes : • Un libelle et un engagement plus clairs pour ce qui est de modifier I'arbitrage executoire dans le cas des policiers et des pompiers. • Un libelle et un engagement plus clairs pour ce qui est de permettre a Saint John Energy de realiser son programme de croissance. • Le rapport final du groupe de travail sur la gestion regionale nest pas pret, mais it est maintenant necessaire de presenter un rapport provisoire et de reconnaitre la necessite de faire appel a une expertise et a des conseils externes pour le groupe de travail. • La province a l'intention de promouvoir la reevaluation des resultats (troisieme partie du plan) pour la periode allant de mai 2019 a mars 2020. Le Plan ne prevoit toujours pas de mesures pour combler 1'ecart financier pour 2021 et 2022. Les initiatives a plus long terme offrent un potentiel enorme. 11 y aura un certain allegement financier a court terme, mais it sera Iimite. Maintenant que Ie rapport est approuve, la province s'engage a apporter certains changements a la legislation et aux processus. Un allegement financier d'un million de dollars environ est prevu, selon Ie taux de reussite des initiatives. Le conseiller MacKenzie exprime son inquietude quant a la recommandation et ajoute que I'approbation du rapport signifie I'approbation de coupures de l'ordre de 12 millions de dollars en ce qui concerne la ville de Saint John, ce qui risque de se produire de toute fa�on. II estime qu'on n'a pas assez de temps pour examiner la version modifiee du Plan etant donne la reception tardive des documents. La mairesse suppleante estime que la version modifiee du Plan ne renferme pas de mesures concretes et ne tient pas compte des defis financiers de 2021 et 2022. Elle fait remarquer qu'elle ne peut pas appuyer la creation d'un comite special puisque les 19 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 deputes devraient travailler avec tous les membres du Conseil, et non pas seulement avec quelques-uns d'entre eux. Le conseiller Armstrong declare qu'il n'y a rien de concret dans le Plan. II nest pas necessaire d'avoir une entente signee pour poursuivre les discussions avec la province. MOTION ADOPTEE malgre le rejet de la mairesse suppleante et des conseillers Armstrong et MacKenzie. (Les conseillers Sullivan et Norton quittent la reunion) 6. Commentaires des membres Les membres du Conseil commentent differents evenements communautaires. 7. Proclamations 7.1 Journees d'exposition 2019 Le maire proclame les journees du 27 au 31 ao6t 2019 comme etant des Journees d'exposition dans la ville de Saint John. 8. Delegations/Presentations 9. Audiences publiques, 18 h 30 10. Examen des reglements administratifs (Le conseiller Casey quitte la reunion) 10.1 Modification au reglement de zonage — 81, promenade Bayside (troisieme lecture A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par la conseillere Reardon : IL EST RESOLU QUE le Conseil lise le reglement intitule By -Law Number C.P. 111-80 A Law to Amend the Zoning ByLaw of The City of Saint John, qui a pour effet de modifier I'annexe A, la carte de zonage de la Ville de Saint John, en procedant au changement de zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 930 metres carres, situee au 81, promenade Bayside, (PID 00317636), de fa�on a ce que la parcelle en question passe d'une utilisation communautaire (CFN) a une utilisation commerciale (CG). MOTION ADOPTEE. 20 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 Le reglement intitule By -Law Number C.P. 111-80 A Law to Amend the Zoning ByLaw of The City of Saint John est lu dans son integralite. A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par la conseillere Reardon : IL EST RESOLU QUE le reglement intitule By -Law Number C.P. 111-80 A Law to Amend the Zoning ByLaw of The City of Saint John, qui a pour effet de modifier I'annexe A, la carte de zonage de la Ville de Saint John, en procedant au changement de zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 930 metres carres, situee au 81, promenade Bayside, (PID 00317636), de fa�on a ce que la parcelle en question passe d'une utilisation communautaire (CFN) a une utilisation commerciale (CG) fasse I'objet d'une troisieme lecture, soit adopte, et que Ie sceau commun soit appose. MOTION ADOPTEE. Troisieme lecture du reglement intitule By -Law Number C.P. 111-80 A Law to Amend the Zoning ByLaw of The City of Saint John. 10.2 Zoning By -Law Amendment with Section 59 Conditions — 149 Broad Street (troisieme lecture) A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par la conseillere Reardon : IL EST RESOLU QUE le Conseil lise le reglement intitule By -Law Number C.P. 111-79 A Law to Amend the Zoning ByLaw of The City of Saint John, qui a pour effet de modifier I'annexe A, la carte de zonage de la Ville de Saint John, en procedant au changement de zonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 1483 metres carres, situee au 149, rue Broad (PID 00000604), de fa�on a ce que le zonage de la parcelle en question passe d'une utilisation communautaire (CFN) a une utilisation commerciale (CG). MOTION ADOPTEE. Le reglement intitule By -Law Number C.P. 111-79 A Law to Amend the Zoning ByLaw of The City of Saint John est lu dans son integralite. A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par la conseillere Reardon : IL EST RESOLU QUE, conformement a I'article 59 de la Loi sur Purbanisme, I'amenagement et ('utilisation de la parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 1 483 metres carres situee au 149, rue Broad, (PID 00000604, soient assujettis a la condition suivante : 21 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 Que tout amenagement de 1'emplacement Boit conforme a un plan detaille prepare par Ie promoteur et soumis a I'approbation de I'agent d'amenagement, indiquant : 1'emplacement de tour les batiments et structures, les aires de stationnement pour vehicules et les allees, Ie stationnement pour bicyclettes, les aires de chargement, la signalisation, 1'eclairage exterieur, les aires d'entreposage exterieures, I'aire paysagere et les aires d'agrement, ainsi que les autres elements du site. Le plan d'amenagement doit etre joint a la demande de permis de construction pour I'amenagement propose. MOTION ADOPTEE. A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par la conseillere Reardon : IL EST RESOLU QUE le reglement intitule By -Law Number C.P. 111-79 A Law to Amend the Zoning ByLaw of The City of Saint John, qui a pour effet de modifier I'annexe A, la carte de zonage de la Ville de Saint John, en procedant au rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 1483 metres carres, situee au 149, rue Broad (PID 00000604), de fa�on a ce que la parcelle en question passe d'une utilisation communautaire (CFN) a une utilisation commerciale (CG) fasse l'objet d'une troisieme lecture, soit adopte, et que le sceau commun soit appose. MOTION ADOPTEE. Troisieme lecture du reglement intitule By -Law Number C.P. 111-79 A Law to Amend the Zoning ByLaw of The City of Saint John. (Le conseiller Casey est de retour) 10.3 Presentation publique — Modification du plan municipal concernant le 348, chemin Acamac Backland Presentation publique du commissaire adjoint P. Ouellette a propos d'un projet de modification du plan de developpement municipal qui vise a modifier la designation, a I'annexe A du plan de developpement municipal, de parcelles de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 6 hectares situees au 348, chemin Acamac Backland, egalement designees comme parties du (PID 0028959595), qui passeront de parc et milieu naturel a ressource rurale, et de modifier la designation, a I'annexe B du Plan, des memes parcelles de terrain, qui passeront de parc et milieu naturel a ressource rurale, afin de permettre I'amenagement d'une fosse et d'une carriere pour 1'extraction de granulats et d'argile sur une partie du terrain. 11. Observations des membres du Conseil 12. Affaires commerciales — Agents municipaux 22 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 12.1 Mise a lour concernant les initiatives d'amelioration continue (presentation orale Mme Rackley -Roach fait savoir que de nouvelles technologies ont recemment ete rendues accessibles a la population dans le cadre des efforts constants deployes pour ameliorer continuellement le service a la clientele et soutenir la croissance a Saint John. Ces applications facilitent l'acces a l'information et font la promotion de certains atouts culturels de la Ville en combinant la cartographie et la technologie mobile. Y. Leger, gestionnaire SIG, passe en revue une presentation intitulee Performance, Open Data and Apps. A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par la conseillere Reardon : IL EST RESOLU que la presentation intitulee Performance, Open Data and Apps soit deposee a titre d'information. MOTION ADOPTEE. 12.2 Mise a lour sur le developpement durable (presentation orale) M. Collin indique que le Conseil sera mis au courant des grandes lignes du plan de durabilite elabore afin de combler 1'ecart financier pour 2021 et 2022 d'ici la fin de septembre. A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par la conseillere Reardon : IL EST RESOLU que la mise a jour orale du directeur municipal sur le developpement durable soit deposee a titre d'information. MOTION ADOPTEE. (Le conseiller Strowbridge quitte la reunion) 12.3 M&C 2019-211: Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Building at 361-353 Lancaster Street (PID 00367904) Le maire fait la mise en garde suivante : « L'information fournie dans la trousse du Conseil inclut le rapport de l'inspecteur en batiments indiquant que le batiment situe au 361-363, rue Lancaster (NID 00367904) constitue un danger pour la securite du public, notamment en raison de son etat de delabrement ou de sa structure instable. Y a-t-il un proprietaire, y compris toute 23 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 ao6t 2019 personne detenant une charge sur cette propriete, qui souhaite presenter des preuves du contraire, c'est-a-dire que le batiment est structurellement solide et non delabre ? Personne ne repond. A la suite de la proposition du conseiller MacKenzie, appuyee par la mairesse suppleante : IL EST RESOLU, tel que recommande par le directeur municipal dans le rapport M&C 2019-211 : Demolition of Vacant, Dilapidated and Dangerous Building at 361-363 Lancaster Street (PID 00367904), que le conseil communal approuve ce qui suit : IL EST RESOLU QUE le batiment situe au 361-363, rue Lancaster, (PID 00367904), soit demoli, car it est devenu dangereux pour la securite du public en raison de son delabrement. IL EST EGALEMENT RESOLU QUE le batiment soit demoli, car it est devenu un danger pour la securite du public en raison de sa structure instable. IL EST EN OUTRE RESOLU QU'un ou plusieurs agents charges de 1'execution des arretes du gouvernement local nommes et designes en vertu de I'Arrete relatif aux Iieux inesthetiques et aux batiments et constructions de la Ville de Saint John soient par la presente autorises a organiser la demolition, conformement aux politiques d'achat applicables de la Ville. MOTION ADOPTEE. (Le conseiller Strowbridge est de retour) 12.4 Saint John Economic Development Alignment Exercise Le commissaire adjoint P. Ouellette passe en revue la presentation intitulee Saint John Economic Development Alignment Exercise. Un comite consultatif a ete mis sur pied en mars 2019 pour appuyer 1'examen du developpement economique dans le but de presenter une recommandation au Conseil au cours du troisieme trimestre de 2019. A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par la conseillere Reardon : IL EST RESOLU que la presentation intitulee Saint John Economic Development Alignment Exercise soit deposee a titre d'information. MOTION ADOPTEE. 12.5 M&C 2019-210: Arena Booking Annual Comparison 24 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 Le commissaire Hugenholtz fait remarquer clue des modifications importantes ont ete apportees plus tot cette annee en ce qui concerne 1'exploitation des arenas de la Ville, notamment la creation de cartes recreatives et l'imposition de frais d'utilisation dans Ie cas des non-residents. Le milieu du hockey craint une diminution considerable du taux de location, ce qui entrainerait une baisse de la participation de la collectivite et peut- etre meme une baisse de revenus pour la Ville. Or, d'apres les demandes de reservation de temps de glace revues jusclu'a maintenant, it semble clue Ie taux de location Wait a peu pres pas change. A la suite de la proposition de la Merrithew: IL EST RESOLU clue le M&C2019-210 titre d'information. MOTION ADOPTEE. mairesse suppleante, appuyee par le conseiller Arena Booking Annual Comparison soit depose a 12.6 M&C 2019-209: Accelerating Implementation of Renewable Energy Projects in Saint John Le commissaire Fudge fait remarquer clue le conseil a deja approuve le Plan d'action sur les changements climaticlues, qui faisait etat d'un certain nombre de mesures et de strategies necessaires pour atteindre l'objectif fixe en ce qui concerne les emissions de gaz a effet de serre d'ici 2025. Lune de ces mesures est le developpement et la mise en oeuvre de sources d'energie renouvelables dans la communaute. La Ville s'est associee a Quest et fait partie des cinq municipalites prenant part a un projet de deux ans ayant pour but de cerner les possibilites d'energie renouvelable. Ce projet est finance par la Federation canadienne des municipalites. M. Eddie Oldfield, de Quest, passe en revue la presentation intitulee Mapping Possibilities for Renewable Energy Development in the City of Saint John. A la suite de la proposition de la mairesse suppleante, appuyee par la conseillere Reardon : IL EST RESOLU clue le rapport M&C2019-209: Accelerating Implementation of Renewable Energy Projects in Saint John soit depose a titre d'information. MOTION ADOPTEE. 13. Rapports des comites 14. Examen de questions non visees par les resolutions en bloc 15. Correspondance generale 25 COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aoGt 2019 (Le maire Darling quitte la reunion; la mairesse suppleante assume la presidence). 15.1 Lettre de D. James concernant le code de conduite du conseil adressee au maire Darling A la suite de la proposition de la conseillere Reardon, appuyee par le conseiller Armstrong : IL EST RESOLU que la lettre de D. James concernant le code de conduite du conseil, adressee au maire Darling, soit deposee a titre d'information. MOTION ADOPTEE. 15.2 Lettre de D. James concernant le code de conduite du conseil, adressee au conseiller Merrithew A la suite de la proposition de la conseillere Reardon, appuyee par le conseiller Hickey : IL EST RESOLU que la lettre de D. James concernant le code de conduite du conseil, adressee au conseiller Merrithew, soit deposee a titre d'information. MOTION ADOPTEE. 16. Ordre du jour suppidmentaire 17. Comite plenier 17.1 Bibliotheaue oubliaue de Saint John, succursale ouest A la suite de la proposition du conseiller Armstrong, appuyee par le conseiller Merrithew: IL EST RESOLU, tel que recommande par le comite plenier lors de sa reunion du 19 ao6t 2019, que le conseil communal recommande aux commissaires de la Bibliotheque publique de Saint John de signer 1'entente de prolongation du bail et de modification de la relocalisation avec SBLP Lancaster Mall Inc., tel quel, en portant la duree a 10 ans. MOTION ADOPTEE. 18. Ajournement A la suite de la proposition de la conseillere Reardon, appuyee par le conseiller Armstrong : IL EST RESOLU QUE la reunion du conseil communal tenue le 19 ao6t 2019 soit ajournee. MOTION ADOPTEE. 26 La seance est levee a 20 h 55. COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL August 19, 2019 / le 19 aout 2019 Mayor/ maire Common Clerk/greffier communal 27